global citizen aiesec

Post on 04-Apr-2016






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Informationen über AIESEC und unseren Projekte :)


Bereits seit 1952 fördert AIESEC in Deutschland kulturellen Austausch und

internationale Zusammenarbeit. Als mittlerweile gröβtes internationales

Studierendennetzwerk ist AIESEC in über 110 Ländern weltweit präsent. Etwa

2500 Mitglieder engagieren sich an deutschen Hochschulen neben dem Studium

ehrenamtlich, um anderen Studierenden eine Auslandserfahrung zu ermöglichen.

Es ermöglicht jungen Studierenden für einigen Wochen (6 bis 12) in

einem ehrenamtlichen Projekt im Ausland zu arbeiten, um so ihre

interkulturellen Kompetenzen auszubauen und eine neue Kultur

kennenzulernen. Durch die umfassende Betreuung von AIESEC werden

die Suche des Projekts und die Vorbereitung auf die einmalige Erfahrung


Das Programm ist aufgeteilt in die drei Themenfelder Change,

Entrepreneur und Language. Diese beschreiben die Projekte, in denen

du dich engagieren kannst. Auf den folgenden Seiten findenst du einigen

Projekten in verschiedenen Ländern und mehr Informationen.

The Andes Way Marketing

The Andes Way Marketing aims to

develop the management skills of

students to enable them to grow as

entrepreneurs. It is a national

exchange project to strengthen

organizational work in NGOs in the

country and to develop soft skills in

young volunteers.

Job Description

Social network management in Facebook, Twitter in order

to make the NGO well known to position it and give a

better use of communications.

Collaborate with the dissemination of events, by creating

flyers, making diffusion in social networks, etc.

Advertising and communication about the NGO. The intern

will design a marketing strategy, and manage the social

media and webpage.

Global Citizen Universities –

Start Up

Start Up Project aims to bring interns from

different countries to teach and develop the

Business Canvas methodology for university

students. The purpose is clear: through a global

learning environment, students understand

methods of generating business, identify market

opportunities, inspired with real success stories

and, quite importantly, put into practice quickly

everything learned.

Teach Business Model Generation methodology

to university students

Provide mentoring to the students, during the

development of their startups, supporting them

with any necessary knowledge

Organize one event called 'Business Competiton’ in

which the students will build their own startups

(putting in practice Canvas methodology).

Deliver workshops regarding global market

evolution, market research and case studies

Biopolitics International


This is dedicated to save the environment,

providing plenty of solutions about the

major environmental problems. The owner

of the organization has been proposed

several times for Woman of Peace and

Advocate of the Environment – Nobel

Peace Prize Nomination.

Job Description

Assisting with online research in environmental issues

Writing and editing texts to be used in the compilation of

media releases, reports and educational materials

Contribution to the compilation of a report concerning the

current status of international environmental policy in

several areas (climate change, environmental tourism,

green employment, legislation and policy, etc.).

Assisting with software issue and some translations

Colour the Summer Project

Holding presentations and lectures about

their culture, traditions for 5-17 years old

children in order to develop cross-cultural

understanding and create international

atmosphere in a summer camp.

Participation in foreign language classes, in different trips,

develop English speaking cooperation skills of Hungarian


Contribution to develop new methods to give the children

a great adventure.

Involvement activities for students, organising free time


Help to the children during the craft work session, or

looking after them.

Local Brand Management

The basis of this project is strong

cooperation with University of Economics.

It will be taking care of creation,

rebranding and refreshing promotion

materials of University of Economics and

promoting students organization.

Building a strong brand and create a promo campaign

offline and online.

Creating templates and final versions of logos, posters,

flayers and will write texts for promo materials. The intern

will create the positioning strategy and implement promo


Creating a blog and/or site of the entity and promote it on

social media and implement Social Media campaigns.

Hospital Care

Hospital care is a project that is geared

towards the exposure of Medical and

Pharmaceutical students to some practical

side of their profession

Laboratory, Dispensary, Records, Maternity, Reproductive

and child health unit, Health insurance unit, General OPD-

out patient department

Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Medicine,

Surgery, Ear Nose and Throat, Orthopaedics, Oncology,

Hypertension Clinic, Diabetes Clinic, Pathology, Accident

and Emergency

Go to the hospital every working day of the week and with

the assistance of the doctor in charge, attend to patients of

the hospital as well as aid the doctor at any given time for


Student Action for Refugees

This Project has the primary mission to provide support

to refugees of all nationalities in Cairo. One of the ways

we do this is by organizing classes for Cairo's refugee

population in accordance with the principle that access

to education is a basic right guaranteed by international

human rights law. Their goal is to bring help in whatever

way we can to the refugees in Cairo, and to affect more

and more lives as we grow.

Teaching English to Refugees using

creative & different approaches of


Organized activities for Refugees to help

him deliver the syllabus the best way


Help to developing communication skills &

language skills of Refugees.

Plan lessons to deliver the course to


Village Life Improvement Foundation

This is an initiative for the development of people living

in Rural Areas .They promote healthy lifestyle by

spreading awareness about Proper Sanitation, Hygiene

and Waste Disposal System.

English Language Training for rural people

Socio-Eco & Health Surveys, Conducting

surveys related to health issues, social

conditions and economics disparity of the


Waste Water Management through

underground system with low cost water

treatments to reduce the scarcity of water

for daily use and self sustainability

Basic Computer Training, teaching them how to use

computer which includes access to the internet,

typing skills and other basic things

Migrant Children We Care

This Project in association with NGOs and foundations

takes the responsibilities of creating opportunities for the

children of migrant workers, who come from families of

poverty living on the edge of society, with a chance to

see the world around them. We are there to make a

difference, however small they are. Are you ready to join

us in Nanjing and become a part of these migrant

children lives?

Culture theme days, showing them other

parts of the world and open up their minds,

giving them courage to dream bigger and


Language teaching

Give productive English courses to students through

fun activities and creative ways of teaching.

Theme days, such as thanksgiving, helping them

express their feelings and learn to develop healthy

relationships with their peers and families.

Care for Disabled and Autism School

This Project aims to help Underprivileged Disable

Children especially about their education. The Goal is to

prepare disable children to attend the inclusive school,

and also motivate and give them hope to see the

brighter future.

Brainstorms about how the teaching

system works each week. Discussion

about the curriculum as well with the

school to find out the best way to deliver

the subject to the students.

Teaching English

Home culture through presentation and

daily teaching

Join several activities, sport activities, art

and cultural events. Create articles about

disability and poverty condition in


Die Geschichte von Hanna

Jahre? 26

Wo? Sri Lanka

Projekt? “Girl Talk”

„Meine Zeit in Sri Lanka war ausgesprochen bereichernd

für mein persönliches Leben; ich habe Freundschaften

geschlossen zu Menschen aus allen Ecken dieser Erde“

„Girl Talk hat sich zum Ziel genommen die weibliche

Bevölkerung Sri Lankas darin zu bestärken nach der

Schule in die Arbeitswelt hineinzutreten und somit die fühe Familienplanung noch ein wenig warten zu


Unser Service Für 350 Euro bieten wir dir eine folgende einzigartige Betreuung für deinen Aufenthalt

im Ausland:

o Kulturelles Vorbereitungsseminar;

o Zugriff auf unsere interne Projektdatenbank;

o Persönliche Hilfestellung im Bewerbungsprozess;

o Betreuung vor Ort während deines Aufenthalts im Ausland.

50 euro erhältst du zurück, nachdem du deine Erlebnisse im Ausland in Form eines

Erfahrungsberichts mit uns geteilt hast.


AIESEC in Gießen/Marburg

Licher Straße 62 35394 Gießen

Fon: +49 (0)641 99 22 680

Fax: +49 (0)641 49 39 13


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