
Post on 14-Apr-2017






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ຜນການສກສາເບອງຕນອນຕະລາຍຂອງ ການໃຊຢາຂາຫຽາ

Glyphosateສະເໜ ໂດຍດຣ. ດາຣງ ພມດວງສທປກສາດານສງແວດລອມປະຈາ ແຂວງ ຝງສາລ ແລະ ອດມໃຊ

ໂຄງການສາງຄວາມເຂມແຂງຮອບດານໃນການຄມຄອງສງແວດລອມSEM II/SIDA

ຈດປະສງ ແລະເຕກນກສາງເອກກະສານຈດປະສງ:• ເພອເຮດໃຫສງຄມລາວ ໃນພາກລດ ແລະເອກກະຊນ ໂດຍສະເພາະປະຊາຊນຜທາການຜະລດ ເຂາໃຈ ແລະເຫນໄດໃພອນຕະລາຍ ແລະຜນກະທບຂອງການໃຊສານເຄມ ຂາຫຽາ ໃນໄລຍະສນ ແລະຍາວ• ພອມດຽວກນນກໃຫຮບຮໄດສະພາບການຕສ ໃນສາກນ ກຽວກບຜນກະທບຂອງການໃຊສານເຄມອນຕະລາຍໃນເມອກອນ.ເຕກນກສາງເອກກະສານ:• ເອກກະສານ ໄດແປເປນ ພາສາລາວ ແລະຮກສາສານວນເດມ ພາສາອງກດ ແລະສດເຄມໃວ.

ບອນອງ: ສະຖານບນຄນຄວResearch Institutes• International Labor Organization (ILO), Switzerland• International Union Food Commercial Worker (IUFCW), Switzerland.• Environment Protection Agency, USA.• United State Drug Agriculture (USDA), USA.

ການສກສາຜນຮາຍຂອງຢາຂາຫຽາ ບາງຊະນດ ທຈດທະບຽນ ແລະບຈດທະບຽນທ ກມປກຝງ, ກະຊວງກະສກາ ໃນປະຈບນຊສາມນ %ສານອອກລດ

ຊການຄາ ປະເພດນາໃຊ ຜນາເຂາ ປະເທດ ວນອອກທະບຽນ ເລກທ ວນໝດການດ

Common Name a.l content(%) Trade name Type of application Importer Country Date of issue RegistrationNo Data of Expiry

Glyphosate 41% W/W Lyphoxim 41 SL,Roud upMosantoRodeoPond master

ຂາຫຽາHerbicide Saigon Plant Protection Ltd

ຫວຽດນາມ 7/12/2007 00026P/ກປຝ 25/5/2009

ParaquatDichloride276 g/l Pesle 276SL ຂາຫຽາ

HerbicideSaigon Pesticide Co

ຫວຽດນາມ 5/7/2006 00054P/ກປຝ 4/7/2008

Atrazine ຂາຫຽາHerbicide

GLYPHOSATESTATUS: ISO 1750 (published)IUPAC: N-(phosphonomethyl)glycineCAS: N-(phosphonomethyl)glycineREG. NO.: 1071-83-6FORMULA: C3H8NO5PACTIVITY: herbicides (organophosphorus herbicides)


When this substance is used as an ester or a salt, its identity should be stated, for example glyphosate-diammonium [69254-40-6], glyphosate-dimethylammonium [34494-04-7], glyphosate-isopropylammonium [38641-94-0], glyphosate-monoammonium [40465-66-5], glyphosate-potassium [70901-20-1], glyphosate-sesquisodium[70393-85-0], glyphosate-trimesium [81591-81-3].


PRONUNCIATION: glī-fō-sāt Guide to British pronunciation




GlyphosatePhysical Properties: Appearance: Glyphosate is a colorless crystal at room temperature Chemical Name: N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine CAS Number: 1071-83-6 Molecular Weight: 169.08 Water Solubility: 12,000 mg/L @ 25 C Solubility in Other Solvents: i.s. in common organics (e.g., acetone, ethanol, and xylene) Melting Point: 200 C Vapor Pressure: negligible

GLYPHOSATEInert Ingredients in Glyphosate Formulationsສວນປະກອບຫກຂອງ ສດສານ ໄກໂຟເຊດ• Inerts known to be included in glyphosate products include ammonium

sulfate, benziothiazolone, 3-iodo-2-propynl butylcarbamate (IPBC), isobutane, methyl pyrrolidinone, pelargonic acid, sodium sulfite, sorbic acid, and isopropylamine. All of these chemicals are associated with skin irritation, gastric and respiratory problems.

• ສງເກດຊບນດາສານເຄມທເປນສວນປະສມຂອງ ຢາຂາຫຽາ ໄກໂຟເຊດ ຂາງເທງນ ລວມແຕມຜນກະທບຕຜວໜງ, ລະບບຫຽອຍອາຫານ ແລະເຮດໃຫລະບບຫາຍໃຈມບນຫາ.

GLYPHOSATE• Trade and Other :

Names ຊການຄາ ແລະອນໆ:– ຊການຄາຂອງສານ ໄກໂຟເຊດ ລວມມ: Gallup, Landmaster, Pondmaster, Ranger, Roundup, Rodeo, and Touchdown, Mosanto…etc – It may be used in formulations with other herbicides. ນອກນນອາດໃຊໃນຮບການ ແບບສານເຄມຂາຫຽາອນໆ..

ລາຄາຖກຢາງໜາເ ອເຊອ

ສານໄກໂຟເຊດGLYPHOSATE• Environmental Effects ຜນກະທບຕສງແວດລອມ• EPA acknowledges that the material does have the potential to contaminate surface waters. If glyphosate reaches surface water, it is not broken down readily by water or sunlight14. The half-life of glyphosate in pond water ranges from 70 to 84 days15.• ອງການປກປອງສງແວດລອມ (EPA) ຍອມຮບວາໄກໂຟເຊດ ມໂອກາດສງທຈະປນເປອນຕນາໜາດນ ຖາຫາກວາສານດງກາວນລງສນາໜາດນ, ໄກໂຟເຊດ ບສາມາດສະລາຍຕວ ດວຍນາແລະແສງອາທດ. ໄກໂຟເຊດ ສາມາດຄງຢໃນນາໄດ ເຄງຊວດ ປະມານ 70 ຫາ 84 ວນ.• Glyphosate is moderately persistent in soil, with an average half-life of 47 days, although there are studies reporting field half lives of up to 174 days16. • ສານໄກໂຟເຊດ ສາມາດຄງຢໃນດນໃດ ໂດຍສະເລຽ ເຄງຊວດ ຫ 47 ວນ, ແຕອງຕາມການສກສາໄດລາຍງານວາ ເຄງຊວດຂອງການຄງຕວຂອງສານດງກາວ ແມນ 174 ວນ.• Residues of glyphosate have been known to persist for months in anaerobic soils deficient in microorganisms. • ຮກນວາ ສານໄກໂຟເຊດ ສາມາດຄງຢ ຫ ຕກຄາງ ໃນດນປອກໂຫນທມຈລນຊໜອຍ ໄດນານເຖງຫາຍເດອນ.

ສານໄກໂຟເຊດ GLYPHOSATE• Environmental Effects ຜນກະທບຕສງແວດລອມ• Much of the belief about glyphosate’s environmental safety is based on the expectation that residues will be “immobile in soil,” and therefore the chemical will not contaminate groundwater.• ເຊອກນວາ ສານໄກໂຟເຊດ (glyphosate) ປອດໃພຕສງແວດລອມ ແລະບເປນສານປນເປອນຕນາໃຕດນສານໄກໂຟເຊດ , ຍອນຄາວາ “ປອດໃພ ” ແລະ“ເປນມດກບສງແວດລອມ ” • Round-Up is another matter Advertised by Monsanto Corporation as safe and environmentally friendly, it has become the most widely used herbicide today. • Round-Up ຫ ສານໄກໂຟເຊດ ກເຊນດຽວກນ, ທໂຄສະນາດວຍ ບລສດ Monsanto Corporation ວາເປນຜະລດຕະພນທປອດໃພ ແລະເປນມດກບສງແວດລອມນນ ໄດກາຍເປນຕນເຫດທມການນາໃຊສານເຄມນຢາງກວາງຂວາງນທກມນ.• Monsanto was sued by New York state for claiming Round- Up is "safe" and "environmentally friendly." The suit ended in a settlement with Monsanto paying a quarter million dollars and agreeing to cease and desist from using the terms " safe" and "environmentally friendly" in advertising.• ໃນປ 2008 ລດ ນວຢອກ(New York state) ຟອງ ບລສດ Monsanto Corporation ທໂຄສະນາວາ ຜະລດຕະພນ Round- Up “ປອດໃພ ” ແລະ“ເປນມດກບສງແວດລອມ ” ການຟອງຮອງດງກາວໄດສນສດລງໂດຍການຕດສນ ໃຫ ບລສດ Monsanto Corporation ຈາຍຄາເສຽຫາຍ ຕກເປນເງນ 25 ລານດອນລາ ຫະລະລດ ແລະຢດໃຊ ຄາໂຄສະນາວາ “ປອດໃພ ” “ເປນມດກບສງແວດລອມ ”

ສານໄກໂຟເຊດ GLYPHOSATENon-target Animals • Glyphosate use directly impacts a variety of nontarget animals including insects, earthworms, and fish, and indirectly impacts birds and small mammals17. • ການໃຊສານ ໄກໂຟເຊດ ມຜນກະທບໂດຍກງ ຕສດທບແມນເປາໝາຍ ລວມທງແມງໄມ, ຂກະເດອນ, ປາ ແລະມຜນກະທບທໃນທາງອອມຕ ສດປກ ແລະສດລຽງລກດວຍນມຂະໜາດນອຍ.• A study conducted by the International Organization for Biological Control found that exposure to RoundupTM killed over 50 percent of three species of beneficial insects –a parasitoid wasp, a lacewing and a ladybug18. • ຈາກການສກສາຂອງ International Organization for Biological Control ພບວາ ສານໄກໂຟເຊດ ຂາ ຫ ທາລາຍສດທເປນປະໂຫຽດເຖງ 50% - ໂຕຫາ, ແມງອເຕາ ແລະແມງໄມກນສດອນ.• Repeated applications of glyphosate significantly affected the growth and survival of earthworms19 . Studies have also shown that glyphosate, and in particular the inert ingredients in the formulation of RoundupTM are acutely toxic to fish20.• ການນາໃຊ ສານໄກໂຟເຊດ ຊາກນຫາຍຄງ ມຜນກະທບເຖງ ການເຕບໂຕຂອງຂກະເດອນແລະການຢລອດ. ການສກສາຍງສະແດງໃຫເຫນວາ ສານ ໄກໂຟເຊດ ແລະສວນປະກອບຂອງຜະລດຕະພນເລານ ມຜນກະທບຕສດນາ (ປາ)

GLYPHOSATE ສານໄກໂຟເຊດຜນກະທບຕມະນດAssistant Professor of Biology Rick Relyea at the University ofPittsburgh, 2005• Glyphosate herbicides can have a range of impacts on human health, including genetic damage, skin tumours, thyroid damage, anaemia, headaches, nose bleeds, dizziness, tiredness, nausea, eye and skin irritation, asthma and breathing difficulties. • ສານໄກໂຟເຊດ ສາມາດສາງຜນກະທບຕສກຂພາບ ມະນດໄດໃນຫາຍຮບການ, ເຊນ ພນທກາຖກທາລາຍ, ມະເລງຜວໜງ, ຕອມ thyroid ຖກທາລາຍ, ໂລຫດຈາງ, ປວດຫວ, ເລອດດງອອກ, ວນວຽນ, ເມອຍລາຍ, ປວດຮາກ, ແສບຕາ ແລະຜວໜງ, ຂຫດ ແລະຫາຍໃຈລາບາກ.• Several studies have indicated a link between glyphosate herbicides and non- Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a type of cancer.• ຫາຍໆ ການສກສາ ຊໃຫເຫນວາ ຜນພວງຈາກສານໄກໂຟເຊດ ກໃຫເກດ ມະ ເລງ ເມດ ເລອດ ຂາວ

ສານໄກໂຟເຊດ GLYPHOSATE• Impact Human ຜນກະທບຕມະນດ 2008.• A study done by David H. Monroe, an Industrial and Environmental Toxicologist, on glycophosate products produced by Monsanto revealed contamination with 1,4 diaxane at 350 parts per million. 1,4-doxane is carcinogenic (cancer causing), and known to damage the liver, kidneys, brain and lungs. A 1980 report by the EPA noted the following symptoms from glycophosate exposure: bronchial constriction, pleuritic chest pain, nasal congestion, blurred vision, corneal erosion, conjunctivitis, contact dermatitis, headaches, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, irritability, excessive sweating, vertigo, malaise, swelling of extremities and nervous system disorders• ການສກສາຂອງ David H. Monroe, an Industrial and Environmental Toxicologist ກຽກບສານ ໄກໂຟເຊດ ຊງເປນຜະລດຕະພນຂອງ Monsanto 1,4 diaxane at 350 ppm parts per million ທເປນເປອນ ໃນອາຫານ, ນ ສາມາດກເກດມະເລງໄດ, ນອກນນຍງເຮດໃຫຕບ, ໄຂຫງ, ສະໜອງ ແລະປອດເສຽຫາຍ. ໃນປ 1980 ອງການປກປອງສງແວດລອມ EPA ໃດລາຍງານຜນການວໃຈວາ ຜຖກສານ glycophosate bronchial constriction, pleuritic chest pain, nasal

congestion, blurred vision, corneal erosion, conjunctivitis, contact dermatitis, headaches, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, irritability, excessive sweating, vertigo, malaise, swelling of extremities and nervous system disorders

ສານໄກໂຟເຊດ GLYPHOSATE• Impact Human ຜນກະທບຕມະນດ By Dr. Rick Magly• According to the EPA, there have been reports of central nervous system damage after exposure to Round-Up including: visual, hearing, taste, and smell disturbances; balance disorders; muscle twitches; seizures, paralysis, peripheral neuropathy; loss of motor skills and digestive problems. The active ingredients in Round-Up include Isopropylamine salt of glycophosate. Innert ingredients include Polyoxyethylene alkylamine. • ອງໃສການລາຍງານຂອງ ອງການປກປອງສງແວດລອມ EPA, ໄດລາຍງານວາ ຜປວຍທຖກສານ ໄກໂຟເຊດ ຫ Round-Up ລະບບສນກາງປະສາດຖກທາລາຍ ມບນຫາດງນ: ບນຫາທາງສາຍຕາ, ລະບບຟງສຽງ, ລະບບຊມລດ ແລະດມກນ. ມບນຫາຕການສມດນ ເຊນ ເກດການສບສນ, ກາມເນອກະຕກ, ເປນລມ, ອາມະພາດ, ລະບບປະສາດພາຍນອກພການ, ສນເສຽຄວາມທຽງໃນການຂບຂລດຈກ, ແລະລະບບລະລາຍມບນຫາ. ຍອນປະຕກລຍາ ການອອກລດ ຂອງສານປະກອບ ໄກໂຟເຊດ ຫ Round-Up ມສວນປະກອບຂອງ Isopropylamine salt of glycophosate ແລະສານເຄມຕນຕປະກອບດວຍ Polyoxyethylene alkylamine.

ສານໄກໂຟເຊດ GLYPHOSATEAlternatives to Glyphosate ທາງເລອກຂອງການຢດໃຊ ສານ ໄກໂຟເຊດ: Integrated Weed Management (IWM)ການຈດການ ວດສະພດແບບປະສມປະສານ A good IWM program combines monitoring, proper landscape design, mulching, mechanical and cultural methods, and includes the use of heat, herbicidal soaps, and corn gluten meal.ການຈດການວດສະພດແບບປະສມປະສານທດ ການຕດຕາມ ການອອກແບບ ທດສະນຍະພາບຢາງເໝາະສມ, ການໃຊຫຽາ ຊາກວດສະພດ ແລະວທການໃນການປກ, ລວມທງການໃຊຄວາມຮອນຂາຫຽາ , ໃຊສະບຂາຫຽາ ແລະກາວສາລ. Biological control of weeds, using beneficial insects or pathogens is also an excellent approach. ການຄວບຄມວດສະພດແບບຊວະພາກ, ການນາໃຊແມງໄມທເປນປະໂຫຽດ ຫ ເຊອຣາ ຫເຫດ ນນແມນທາງເລອກທແທດເມາະທສດ.

ການຄວບຄມວດສະພດແບບຊວະພາບBiological Weed Control Crop

ຄນສມບດຂອງພດ: 1. ເປນພດທໃຫຽໄວ ປກງາຍ ອາດເປນພດຕາງປະເທດ ຫ ພດປະຈາຖນ2. ທນຕພະຍາດ ແລະເຊອຣາ ອນໆ3. ເວລາເຕບໂຕ ບສາງບນຫາໃຫແກ ຜນລະປກ4. ສງເຄາະ ອນຊວດຖ ແລະແຮທາດໃຫແກດນ (ປບປງດນ)5. ເປນພດຄມດນປອງກນການເຊາະເຈອນຂອງໜາດນ6. ສະດວກແກການຮກສາ

ບອນອາງອງຂມນGlyphosate Chemical Watch Fact Sheet Reference

1. Environmental Protection Agency. 1999. Pesticides Industry Sales and Usage:1996 and 1997 Market Estimates. EPA-733-R-99-001. p. 21, Table 8. <>2. lbid. p. 22, Table 9.3. Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides. 1998. “Herbicide Factsheet:Glyphosate (Roundup).” Journal of Pesticide Reform 18(3):4.4. Environmental Protection Agency. 1993. Glyphosate Reregistration EligibilityDecision. p. viii. <>5. Ibid.6. Pesticide Action Network. 1997. Glyphosate fact sheet. For more informationabout glyphosate visit <>7. NCAP. 1998. p. 5.8. EPA. 1993.9. California Pesticide Illness Surveillance Program Report – 1998. Table 4.<>10. NCAP. 1998. p. 5, Table 1.11. EPA. 1993.12. Ibid.13. NCAP. 1998. Citing EPA OPPTS, 1991, Second Peer Review of Glyphosate.Memo from W. Dykstra and G.Z. Ghali, HED to R. Taylor, Registration Divisionand L. Rossi, Special Review and Reregistration Division.

ບອນອາງອງຂມນ (ຕ)Glyphosate Chemical Watch Fact Sheet Reference (Continue)

14. EPA. 1993.15. Extension Toxicology Network. 1996. Pesticide Information Profiles:

Glyphosate. <>16. Ibid.17. NCAP. 1998. pp. 11-13.18. Ibid. p. 11. Citing Hassan, S.A. et al. 1988. Results of the fourth joint pesticide

testing programme carried out by the IOBC/WPRS-Working Group “Pesticidesand Beneficial Organisms.” J. Appl. Ent. 105: 321-329.

19. Ibid. Citing Springett, J.A. and R.A.J. Gray. 1992. “Effect of repeated lowdoses of biocides on the earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa in laboratory culture.” Soil Biol. Biochem. 24(12): 1739-1744.

20. Ibid. p. 12. Citing Folmar, L.C., H.O. Sanders, and A.M. Julin. 1979. “Toxicityof the herbicide glyphosate and several of its formulations to fish andaquatic invertebrates.” Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 8: 269-278.

ບອນອາງອງຂມນ (ຕ)Glyphosate Chemical Watch Fact Sheet Reference (Continue)

E X T O X N E T Extension Toxicology Network Pesticide Information ProfilesA Pesticide Information Project of Cooperative Extension Offices of Cornell University, Oregon State University, the University of Idaho, and the University of California at Davis and the Institute for Environmental Toxicology, Michigan State University. Major support and funding was providedby the USDA/Extension Service/National Agricultural Pesticide Impact Assessment Program.EXTOXNET primary files maintained and archived at Oregon State University, Revised June 1996


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