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  • ISBN 0 9529578 0 9

    RRP £3.00

    Official Guide

    GUARDS BROCHURE to print 27/5/99 3:56 pm Page 2

    ⽩白⽩白⾦金金⾦金金⾦金金汉宫禁卫军换岗仪式官⽅方⽅方指 南

  • GUARDS BROCHURE to print 27/5/99 3:57 pm Page 4

    ⽩白⽩白⾦金金⾦金金⾦金金汉宫禁卫军换岗仪式 官⽅方⽅方指南

    不不不不不不不不不不不不不不不不 便便便便便便便便便便便便便便便便或伤

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    ⽩白⾦金金汉宫禁卫军换岗仪式(第⼀一版)在版编⽬目数据由⼤大英图书馆收录并供查询/ IPMS出版

    ©1999/ISBN 0 9529578 0 9/所有权利利保留留,未经出版商IPMS(地址:伦敦富勒勒姆区富勒勒姆路路766a,邮编:SW6 S5)书⾯面许可,不不得复制存⼊入或引⼊入任何检索系统,不不得以任何形式或⼿手段



  • 序⾔言


  • 皇家禁卫军


  • 禁卫军换岗仪式是指在⽩白⾦金金汉宫守卫君主的(⽼老老)卫兵由新卫兵换岗这⼀一仪式。当君主住在宫殿时,禁卫军团由3名军官和40名卫兵组成,其他情况则由3名军官和31名卫兵组成。如果宫殿⾥里里的皇家旗帜为升起状态,那么君主就在宫⾥里里。君主的禁卫军分为两⽀支⼩小分队,⼀一⽀支负责守卫⽩白⾦金金汉宫,另⼀一⽀支则负责守卫克拉伦斯王府(威尔⼠士亲王的官邸)。

    上午11时,⽼老老禁卫军的⼩小分队在圣詹姆斯殿游⾏行行,并由禁卫军教头检阅,准备⾏行行进⾄至⽩白⾦金金汉宫进⾏行行换岗仪式。 上午11时,⽼老老禁卫军的⼤大分队也会进⾏行行检阅。 上午11时15分,圣詹姆斯宫的⽼老老禁卫军⼩小分队进⼊入⽩白⾦金金汉宫。 上午11时30分,新禁卫军在来⾃自惠灵顿军营(这也是禁卫军的⼤大本营)的军乐团和军⿎鼓队的带领下,从右边⼤大⻔门进⼊入⽩白⾦金金汉宫,新⽼老老两⽀支禁卫军将相向站⽴立。 ⽩白⾦金金汉宫的军官挥剑向检阅队⻓长⾏行行礼,然后进⼊入卫兵室进⾏行行⽩白⾦金金汉宫钥匙的换岗仪式。之后军乐团将演奏⼀一系列列曲⽬目,让新⽼老老卫兵进⾏行行换岗。 下午12时5分,⽼老老卫兵在军乐团带领下从中间⻔门离开⽩白⾦金金汉宫,然后回到惠灵顿军营(卫兵博物馆所在地)并解散。 新禁卫军,此后称为王室禁卫军,由两⽀支分队组成。其中⼀一⽀支⾏行行进⾄至圣詹姆斯宫然后解散。 解散:军队⽤用语,指集合的⼈人分散开。

  • *

    Changing the Guard is a ceremony where the soldiers who have been mounting the Queen’s Guard at Buckingham Palace (the ‘Old Guard’) are relieved by the ‘New Guard’.When the Sovereign is in residence the Guard will consist of 3 officers and 40 men. Otherwise if will consist of 3 officers and 31 men. If the flag above the Palace is flying, the Queen is ‘at home’. The Queen’s Guard is divided into two detachments. One detachment is responsible for Buckingham Palace and the other is responsible for St. James’s Palace (the official residence of HRH Prince of Wales).

    11.00am A detachment of the ‘Old Guard’ parades

    at St. James’s Palace and is inspected by

    the Captain of the Guard, ready to march

    to Buckingham Palace for the ceremony.

    11.00am The main detachment of the ‘Old Guard’ parades in front of Buckingham Palace

    and is also inspected.

    11.15am The St. James’s Palace detachment of the

    ‘Old Guard’ marches to Buckingham


    Changing the Guard

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    11.30am The ‘New Guard’ arrives at Buckingham Palace

    through the right hand gates led by a Regimental

    Band and Corps of Drums, having come from

    Wellington Barracks, their base.The ‘New

    Guard’ will halt facing the ‘Old Guard’.

    The Officers at Buckingham Palace salute the Captain on

    Parade with their swords, before proceeding to the Guard

    Room where the keys to Buckingham Palace will be

    symbolically handed over.The Band will then play a

    selection of music, allowing the ‘Old Guard’ sentries to be

    replaced by the ‘New Guard’ sentries.

    12.05pm The ‘Old Guard’ leaves Buckingham Palace

    led by the Band, departing through the

    centre gates and returning to Wellington

    Barracks (the home of the Guards Museum)

    where they will ‘Fall Out’ in front of their

    impressive barracks.

    The ‘New Guard’, henceforth known as The

    Queen’s Guard, split

    into two. One

    marches to St.

    James’s Palace where

    they Fall Out*.

    *Falling Out is a military

    term for being

    dismissed from duty.

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