heaven on earth

Post on 16-Feb-2016






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Heaven on Earth . 100 Places to See in Your Lifetime 49782037 李辰薇. Outline. Why choose the book? About the book Content Examples Challenges. Why choose the book?. About the book. News/Media - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Heaven on Earth

100 Places to See in Your Lifetime

49782037 李辰薇


• Why choose the book?• About the book• Content• Examples• Challenges

Why choose the book?

About the book

• News/Media• LIFE.com - the most comprehensive and iconic

collection of professional photography on the Web.


• 1oo must-see destinations• Divided into two parts : America

The World

Example 1 - The Grand Canyon

• Granted, there are crowds. But when at last one approaches the edge of this massive composition- born two billion years ago of tectonic mayhem, water, erosion and deposition- it is impossible not to be thunderstruck by the awesome sights laid out in such an epic scale. In a word, incomparable.

• 科羅拉多大峽谷 -- 這些聚集的峽谷是上天所賜予的。 20億年前,經由水、土壤、沉積的構造破壞,造就了現今這鬼斧神工的作品,成為了史詩般的絕佳景點 - 無可比擬。

Example 2- Belize• -- a tiny nation bordering Mexico, Guatemala

and the Caribbean, this was once the center of the Mayan civilization. Despite its size there is a tremendous variety of flora and fauna, and some of the friendliest people one could ever meet. There are rainforest and savanna, atolls and estuaries, but the cardinal calling card for Belize is its extravagant barrier reef, the longest in the Western Hemisphere.

• 貝里斯 -- 接壤的墨西哥,瓜地馬拉和加勒比海地區的小國家,曾經是瑪雅文明的中心。這裡有各種巨大的動植物,還有全世界最友善的人民。有熱带雨林和熱带草原,環礁和河口。貝里斯擁有西半球中最長的大堡礁,是她特有的資產。

Example 3- Venice

• Bravely and crazily constructed on 118 islands within a crescent- shaped lagoon, Venice is called La Serenissima - The Most Serene One. Once a trading center where East met West, the city has an extremely varied architecture, with unforgettable palaces, churches, St.Mark’s Square, the Bridge of Sighs and delirium of canals. Other than walking, the canals are the only way to get around, either by taxi or bus, or the romantic gondola.

• 威尼斯 --威尼斯建立在 118個新月潟湖上,被稱為最寧靜的香格里拉。曾經是世界貿易的中心,也是東西方的交會處。全市有多樣化的建築,令人難忘的宮殿、教堂、聖馬可廣場,嘆息橋和運河。除了走路,計程車、公車、或是浪漫的平底船,都要靠運河來輸送。

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