het totaalpakket op vlak van meet- & regeltechniek ... x-gateway™ — network to network ......

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Het totaalpakket op vlak van meet- & regeltechniek, datalogging, communicatie alsook industriële automatisering

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PICS is de afkorting van "Process Instrumentation and Control Systems". Vanuit onze kantoren in Vlaanderen en Wallonië bieden wij volledige oplossingen aan op het vlak van procesinstrumentatie, industriële communicatie, software, maar ook de volledige realisatie van een automatiseringsproject. Deze activiteiten worden aangevuld met zowel engineeringopdrachten als servicediensten op het gebied van meet- en regeltechniek, automatisering en procesinformatiesystemen. Het bijzondere aan PICS: Veel productie- en procesindustrieën zoeken voor het tot stand brengen en uitvoeren van procesautomatisering en informatieprojecten assistentie van een ervaren en betrouwbare partner. Voor de verantwoordelijke ingenieur of technicus is het belangrijk dat deze partner hem niet alleen kwalitatief hoogstaande producten, maar ook een eenvoudig advies en een uitstekende service tot een volledige oplossing kan leveren. Welnu, deze vier aspecten: kwalitatief hoogstaande producten, advies, service en totaaloplossingen zijn al meer als 25 jaar onze business. Missie:

PICS biedt haar vooral industriële klanten naast producten voor meet- en regeltechniek, een projectafdeling aan om automatiseringsprojecten tot een goed einde te brengen.

Daar deze markt hoogtechnologisch is, is het noodzakelijk om dynamische mensen aan te trekken, die bereid zijn om:

continu te leren zich continu in te zetten voor de klant alert te zijn voor nieuwe ontwikkelingen in de markt.

PICS streeft ernaar om via een aangename werksfeer, een perfect werkende administratiemolen en teamspirit, de klanten en leveranciers een uitstekende en vriendelijke service aan te bieden.

PICS is een privébedrijf dat, door herinvestering van de winst in de firma en haar medewerkers, groeit zonder zijn onafhankelijkheid te verliezen.

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Inhoud Inhoud ............................................................................................................................................................. 3

Eurotherm producten ......................................................................................................................................... 5

PID Regelaars, Indicatoren en Alarm units ..................................................................................................... 5

Recorders & Data Management ..................................................................................................................... 5

Solid State Relays (SSRs), Power Switches and Power Controllers ................................................................. 5

Machine Control, PLC and PAC (DCS) ............................................................................................................. 5

I/O Signal Conditioning, Probes, Thermo sensor ............................................................................................ 6

AC/DC Drives van “Eurotherm / Parker / SSD / Sprint”...................................................................................... 6

AC Drives, DC Drives and Starters ................................................................................................................... 6

SCADA System “Adroit” ...................................................................................................................................... 7

Supervision and Data acquisition ................................................................................................................... 7

Human Machine Interface (HMI) ....................................................................................................................... 7

Human Machine interface HMI ...................................................................................................................... 7

Industriële communicatie, toegang op afstand, Switch en Gateways ............................................................... 8

Multi-network connectivity within fieldbus and industrial Ethernet ............................................................. 8

Energy metering solutions.................................................................................................................................. 9

ND Metering Solutions.................................................................................................................................... 9

Projecten, Engineering, Diensten, Service en Support ..................................................................................... 10

Voorstudie .................................................................................................................................................... 10

Tekenwerk .................................................................................................................................................... 10

Paneelbouw & industriële elektriciteit ......................................................................................................... 10

PLC & DCS configuratie ................................................................................................................................. 11

Informatietechnologie, Supervisie & Data-acquisitie ................................................................................... 11

Communicatie & Informatietechnologie ...................................................................................................... 12

Opstart & Optimalisatie ................................................................................................................................ 12

Service & Dienst naverkoop .......................................................................................................................... 12

PID Regelaars, Indicatoren & Alarm units ........................................................................................................ 13

Single-loop regelaars .................................................................................................................................... 13

Multi loop regelaars ...................................................................................................................................... 14

Indicatoren & Alarm units............................................................................................................................. 15

Melt Pressure controller ............................................................................................................................... 16

Single-loop regelaar type “piccolo” .............................................................................................................. 17

Eurotherm iTools Configuration and Monitoring Software .......................................................................... 17

Distributed Control systems (DCS) & Programmable Automation Controller (PAC) .................................... 18

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Machine control, PLC .................................................................................................................................... 19

Recorders & Data management ....................................................................................................................... 20

Solid States, Power Switch & Power controller................................................................................................ 23

DC drives ........................................................................................................................................................... 26

AC Drives .......................................................................................................................................................... 28

Drive configuration and diagnostic software ............................................................................................... 29

SCADA Software ............................................................................................................................................... 30

Human Machine Interface (HMI) ..................................................................................................................... 31

iE series ......................................................................................................................................................... 31

XE series ........................................................................................................................................................ 33

Special models with remote display (smart phone, Tablet or TV) ............................................................... 34

Industriële communicatie................................................................................................................................. 36

Anybus X-gateway™ — Network to Network ............................................................................................... 37

Anybus X-gateway CANopen ........................................................................................................................ 38

Anybus X-gateway Modbus TCP ................................................................................................................... 38

Advanced Remote Access Products ................................................................................................................. 39

How it works ................................................................................................................................................. 40

Energy metering solutions................................................................................................................................ 41

I/O Signal Conditioning, Probes, Thermosensors and Actuators ..................................................................... 42

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Eurotherm producten

PID Regelaars, Indicatoren en Alarm units

Improve process efficiency, product quality and minimize waste with our high accuracy controllers. These feature-rich instruments offer versatility in application and have clear, user friendly operator interfaces. Quick start features, help text and PC graphical wiring ensure your engineering costs are minimized even with the most sophisticated of configurations.

Recorders & Data Management

Ensure your precious process data is kept safe with our range of state-of-the-art recorders and data management software. Along with some of the best, proven recording and archiving strategies, Eurotherm recorders offer a wealth of functions including batch, audit trail, electronic signatures and remote viewing/operation – ensuring operational efficiency is optimized and enabling you to convert data into the information required to add value to a process.

Solid State Relays (SSRs), Power Switches and Power Controllers

Improve process performance and save on energy costs with our formidable range of power products. Covering all types of load and voltage, these reliable products offer features such as high performance alarm strategies and advanced diagnostic load fault detection and are supported by our vast experience in all types of power control applications.

Machine Control, PLC and PAC (DCS)

Eurotherm brings a wealth of expertise in process automation across many industries and offers high performance solutions designed to provide ongoing operational efficiency. Our solutions are fully scalable from the smallest HMI to a large, enterprise wide automation network and minimize initial engineering costs with consistent, flexible tool sets.

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I/O Signal Conditioning, Probes, Thermo sensor

Our wide range of signal conditioning, sensing and actuation equipment is designed for you to get the best from your process with accurate, reliable performance. Competitively priced, these products offer quality solutions for a range of applications from furnace to atmosphere control systems. The complete range includes accessories and quality control products to ensure you get everything you need for a complete solution.

AC/DC Drives van “Eurotherm / Parker / SSD / Sprint”

AC Drives, DC Drives and Starters

With a wide range of simple yet clever drives and soft starters, Eurotherm can support all manner of applications and industries. From simple applications to complex systems, the units offer accurate, dynamic performance with easy installation and operation.

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SCADA System “Adroit”

Supervision and Data acquisition

The Adroit 8.4 Smart SCADA once again places Adroit at the forefront of the SCADA/HMI market. It reinforces the claim that Adroit is one of the most open, advanced and scalable SCADA platforms on the market. Adroit version 8.4 has been optimised for Microsoft Windows 8, which makes it more flexible, simpler, smarter and faster offering no limitations, even for the most advanced users. The design environment is delivered through a familiar and intuitive ribbon toolbar resulting in faster engineering which leads to higher productivity and ultimately reduced cost. The Internet enabled Designer and Operator applications support hosted solutions to support the modern trend towards cloud computing

Human Machine Interface (HMI)

Human Machine interface HMI

Leading Innovation Weintek was not limited to the conventional HMI architecture: LCD + Touch Panel + Mother Board + Software, and introduced the CloudHMI cMT Series. Since the introduction of iPad, tablet PC has become more than a consumer product, and has gradually been deployed in diverse fields. Soon, the industry field will see influx of tablets. The CloudHMI cMT Series can perfectly integrate HMI and tablet PC, and fully utilize the advantage of tablet PC to bring an unprecedented HMI experience.

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Industriële communicatie, toegang op afstand, Switch en Gateways

Multi-network connectivity within fieldbus and industrial Ethernet

With Anybus, you can connect any industrial device to any industrial network. Wired or wirelessly. With Anybus Network to Network Gateways, over 200 different network combinations to choose from, connecting almost any 2 industrial networks or PLC systems. Easy setup, no programming required.

Connects between open standard Fieldbus and Industrial Ethernet networks

Master and Slave combinations available

Ideal for factory retro-fits and upgrades

Remote Management of industrial equipment

With our Remote solutions, you can monitor and control field equipment and machinery online.

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Energy metering solutions

ND Metering Solutions

ND Metering Solutions has been providing energy efficiency solutions since 1974. The product range includes sub meters providing a comprehensive range of measurement parameters, current clamps, transducers and complete energy management solutions including smart web enabled meters and complete monitoring and targeting systems.

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Projecten, Engineering, Diensten, Service en Support Steeds vaker zoeken onze klanten voor het tot stand brengen en uitvoeren van hun procesautomatisering en informatieprojecten niet enkel instrumentatie maar ook assistentie van een ervaren en betrouwbare partner. Voor de verantwoordelijke projectleider is het belangrijk dat deze partner hem niet alleen kwalitatief hoogstaande producten, maar ook een eenvoudig advies en een uitstekende service tot een totaaloplossing kan leveren. Welnu, deze vier aspecten: kwalitatief hoogstaande producten, advies, service en totaaloplossingen zijn onze business. Onze kracht is een combinatie van applicatiekennis, proces- en regeltechnologie, systeemkennis, ervaring met real-time toepassingen, ervaring in de productieomgeving, systematische projectaanpak en een sterke kwaliteitscultuur.


Gebaseerd op de klantspecificaties en de projectbeschrijving worden hier al de nodige componenten voor de uitvoering van het project geëvalueerd en geselecteerd: van de meest eenvoudige kabel of schakelaar tot componenten zoals sensoren, omvormers, PLC's, besturingssoftware, enz.


Na de voorstudie, de planning en de 'pre-engineering' worden alle noodzakelijke constructietekeningen en elektrische schema's gerealiseerd. Dit kan met verschillende tekenpakketten gebeuren. Wij gebruiken hoofdzakelijk “Eplan” Onder deze afdeling valt ook het graveren van naam- en nummerplaatjes en het ontwerpen van synoptische panelen.

Paneelbouw & industriële elektriciteit

Voortgaand op de schema's en de constructietekeningen zijn elektriciens en monteurs actief met de montage en bedrading van de verschillende projecten. Hiervoor beschikt PICS over een modern, ruim en goed geëquipeerd atelier. Afhankelijk van de opdracht wordt een gedeelte hiervan ook bij de klant zelf uitgevoerd.

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PLC & DCS configuratie

Siemens, Allen Bradley, Schneider, GE Fanuc, Mitsubishi & Wago zijn maar enkele van de PLC's die door onze ingenieurs geprogrammeerd worden. In eerste instantie zijn het de klantspecificaties die de keuze van de PLC bepalen.

Informatietechnologie, Supervisie & Data-acquisitie

Bedieningspanelen, visualisatiesystemen en 'Man- machine interfaces' gaan hand in hand met geprogrammeerde logica. Hiervoor kan PICS van het meest eenvoudige bedieningspaneel tot gesofistikeerde SCADA- of eigen ontwikkelde software inzetten. PICS heeft op dit vlak uitgebreide ervaring met o.a.: Factory-IT Standaard systemen voldoen vaak niet aan de proces eisen. PICS levert de gepaste oplossing waarbij gebruik wordt gemaakt van standaard software pakketten zoals:



Visual Basic,

Visual Studio,

.Net en ten slotte databases zoals


SQL, ...

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Communicatie & Informatietechnologie

Eén van de belangrijkste specialisaties binnen onze activiteiten als systeemintegrator is het leggen van de verbinding tussen verschillende besturingssystemen. Datacommunicatie is hier het sleutelwoord. Profibus, Interbus, Ethernet, CAN, CAL, DeviceNet, LON, OPC, SDS zijn voor PICS bekend terrein. Het bedienen en programmeren van installaties op afstand neemt hier een belangrijke plek in!

Opstart & Optimalisatie

Zowel nieuwe systemen alsook omgebouwde of gemoderniseerde installaties worden na uitgebreide acceptatie testen FAT & SAT door PICS in bedrijf genomen. Het zijn niet enkel de opstart activiteiten maar ook de optimalisatie van de installaties en de opleiding van het productiepersoneel die voor de succesvolle afronding van de door PICS uitgevoerde projecten verantwoordelijk zijn.

Service & Dienst naverkoop

Reparaties, kalibraties en opleidingen zowel binnenhuis als ook bij de klant vervolledigen onze diensten.

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PID Regelaars, Indicatoren & Alarm units

Single-loop regelaars

2100 serie 3200 serie 2200 serie 2400 serie 3500 serie

Features 2132 3216 3208 32h8

3204 2216E, 2208E, 2204E 2416, 2408, 2404 3208, 3504

Afmetingen 1/32 DIN 1/16DIN, 1/8DIN,

¼DIN 1/16DIN, 1/8DIN,

¼DIN 1/16DIN, 1/8DIN,


IP rating IP65, IP65, NEMA12 IP65 IP65 IP65, NEMA12

Display type 1*4 digit LED

Main: 4 digit Lower: 5 karakter

starburst 9 karakter starburst

2*4 digit LED 2*4 digit LED 5 digit+ LED

4 line alfanumeriek

Supply voltage 24V dc/ac, 85-264 Vac

24V dc/ac, 85-264 Vac

85-264 Vac 24V dc/ac, 85-264 Vac

24V dc/ac, 85-264 Vac

Safety Approvals

x EN14597 TR x x x

Input type TC, RTD, mV, mA, V TC, RTD, mV, mA, V,

CT TC, RTD, mV, mA, V TC, RTD, mV, mA, V TC, RTD, mV, mA, V

PV accuracy <0.25% <0.25% <0.25% <0.20% <0.10%

Control types On/off, PID On/off, PID, VP On/off, PID, VP On/off, PID, VP On/off, PID, VP

Special Features

x Recepten, Tekst

message x Dual input control

User wiring, Master comms

SP Programmer

x 4 ramp & 4 dwell x 20*16 segments 50 programs, 500

segments max.

Analogue I/O In:1 Out:0 In: 2 Out: 3 In: 1 Out: 1 In: 2 Out: 3 In: 5 Out: 6

Digital I/O In: 1 Out: 2 In: 3 Out: 4 In: 3 Out: 4 In: 11 Out: 11 In: 40 Out: 41

Digital comms x Modbus Modbus, Devicenet Modbus,

Devicenet, Profibus

Modbus, Devicenet,

Profibus, Ethernet

Math Equation

x x x x 24 Calculations

Combinational logic

x x x x 24 Operations

Timers, Counters, Total

x x x x 4 / 2 / 2

Real time clock

x x x x Day & time

Alarm types Hi, Lo, Dev, Sensor

break Hi, Lo, Dev, Sensor

break Hi, Lo, Dev, Sensor

break Hi, Lo, Dev, Sensor

break Hi, Lo, Dev, Sensor


PC configuration

List based Wizzard List based List based Graphical wiring

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Multi loop regelaars

Nanodac™ controller 3500 series 2604 2704 Mini8™ controller

Features nanodac 3508, 3504 2604 2704 Mini8, Mini16 Afmetingen 1/4 DIN 1/8DIN, ¼DIN ¼DIN ¼DIN DIN rail

IP rating IP65, NEMA12, IP65, NEMA12 IP65, IP65 IP 20

Display type 3.5” TFT 320*240 px Main PV 5 digits plus 4

lines alfanumeric 2*5 Digits LED & 2

line text Dot Matrix Remote

Supply voltage 24V dc/ac, 85-264 Vac

24V dc/ac, 85-264 Vac

24V, 85-264 Vac 24V dc/ac, 85-264 Vac

24V dc/ac,

Input type TC, RTD, mV, mA, V TC, RTD, mV, mA, V, TC, RTD, mV, mA, V TC, RTD, mV, mA, V TC, RTD, mV, mA, V,


PV accuracy <0.10% <0.10% <0.10% <0.10% <0.10%

Control types On/off, PID, VP On/off, PID, VP On/off, PID, VP On/off, PID, VP On/off, PID

Control loops 2 2 3 3 16

Control algorithms

Single, Cascade, User wired

Single, Cascade, User wired

Single, Cascade, User wired

Single, Cascade, User wired

Single, Cascade, User wired

Special Features

%RH, Washdown Faceplate, User Wires,

Carbon Potential

%RH, Melt pressure Faceplate, User Wires,

Carbon Potential, Master Comms

%RH, Melt pressure Faceplate, User Wires, Carbon

Potential, Master Comms

%RH, Melt pressure Faceplate, User Wires, Carbon

Potential, Master Comms

%RH, Melt pressure Load diagnostic, User

Wires, Carbon Potential,

SP programmer 100 programs

25 Segments local, USB, FP

50 programs 500 Segments max.

50 programs 500 Segments max.

60 programs 600 Segments max.

8 programs 16 Segments max.

Analogue I/O In:8 Out:3 In: 5 Out: 6 In: 8 Out: 8 In: 2 Out: 3 In: 32 Out: 8

Digital I/O In: 4 Out: 5 In: 40 Out: 41 In: 44 Out: 43 In: 11 Out: 11 In: 34 Out: 32

Digital comms

Modbus Ethernet Master Slave,

Ethernet IP Client Server

Modbus, Devicenet, Profibus, Ethernet

Modbus, Devicenet, Profibus

Modbus, Devicenet, Profibus

Modbus, Devicenet, Profibus, Ethernet, Ethernet IP Server

Math Equation 17 calculations 24 calculations 24 calculations 32 calculations 17 calculations

Combination logic

24 Operations 24 Operations 24 Operations 24 Operations 24 Operations

Timers / Counters / Totals

4 /15 /15 4 / 2 / 2 4 / 0 / 4 4 / 0 / 4 4 / 2 / 2

Alarm types Hi, Lo, Dev, Sensor

break Hi, Lo, Dev, Sensor

break Hi, Lo, Dev, Sensor

break Hi, Lo, Dev, Sensor

break Hi, Lo, Dev, Sensor


PC config. Graphical wiring Graphical wiring Graphical wiring Graphical wiring Graphical wiring

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Indicatoren & Alarm units

2100 series 3200 Series 2400 Series

Features 2132i 3216i 32h8i 3204i 2408i Afmetingen 1/32 DIN 1/16 DIN 1/8 DIN ¼ DIN ¼ DIN

IP rating IP65, NEMA12, IP65, NEMA12 IP65 IP65 IP 65

Display type 4 Digit LED 4 digit LCD plus 5

character alphanumeric

5 digit LCD plus 5 character


4 digit LCD plus 5 character

alphanumeric Large 5 digit LED

Supply voltage

24Vdc/ac, 85-264 Vac

24Vdc/ac, 85-264 Vac

24Vdc/ac, 85-264 Vac

24Vdc/ac, 85-264 Vac

24Vdc/ac, 85-264 Vac

Input type TC, RTD, mV,

mA, V TC, RTD, mV, mA,

V, TC, RTD, mV, mA,

V, strain Gauge TC, RTD, mV, mA,

V TC, RTD, mV, mA,


Safety approvals

x EN14597/TW,

FM EN14597/TW, FM

EN14597/TW, FM


User Calibration

2 point 5 point 5 point, shunt, load cell Auto

tare 5 point

15 point, shunt, load cell Auto


PV Input selection

x x x x Hi, Lo, select,

switch, derived

Numb of alarms

3 4 4 4 8

Alarm types Hi, Lo, Dev,

Sensor break

Hi, Lo, Dev, Sensor break, rate of change

Hi, Lo, Dev, Sensor break, rate of change

Hi, Lo, Dev, Sensor break, rate of change

Hi, Lo, Dev, Sensor break, rate of change

Numb. Relay output

2 3 2 2 8

Digital I/O In: 1 Out: 2 In: 2 Out: 0 In: 2 Out: 0 In: 2 Out: 0 In: 9 Out: 9

Digital comms x Modbus RTU Modbus RTU Modbus RTU Modbus,

Devicenet, Profibus

Reransmission x Non isolated Isolated Isolated Isolated

Custom message

x 128 characters 128 characters 128 characters x

Melt pressure x x x

Transducer PSU

x x 10V dc x 5/ 10 Vdc

Transmitter PSU

x x 24V dc 24 Vdc 24 Vdc

PC config. Graphical wiring Graphical wiring Graphical wiring Graphical wiring Graphical wiring

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Melt Pressure controller


Features Meltpressure P304C Meltpressure P304I Afmetingen 1/4 DIN 1/4 DIN

IP rating IP55 IP55

Display type 2*5 Digit LED 2*5 Digit LED

Supply voltage 24Vdc/ac, 85-264 Vac 24Vdc/ac, 85-264 Vac

Input type 2* strain gauge, linear 0-10Vdc, 0-20mA dc 2* strain gauge, linear 0-10Vdc, 0-20mA dc

TC, RTD, mV, mA, V,

Accuracy <0.1% <0.1%

Control types Melt pressure, differential melt pressure Melt pressure, differential melt pressure

Control loops 1 x

Control algorithm PID none

Special feature 50ms update 50ms update

Shunt calibration

Transducer power supply

Analog I/O 2 control & retr. 2 retransmission

Digital I/O In: 4 Out: 3 Out: 3

Digital comms Modbus RTU Modbus RTU

Alarm types Hi, Lo, Dev, pressure Hi, Lo, Dev, pressure

PC config. itools itools

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Single-loop regelaar type “piccolo”


Features P116 P108 P104 Afmetingen 1/16 DIN 1/8 DIN ¼ DIN

IP rating IP65 IP65 IP65

Display type 2*4 Digit LED 3*4 Digit LED 3*4 digits LED

Supply voltage 24Vdc/ac, 85-264 Vac 24Vdc/ac, 85-264 Vac 24Vdc/ac, 85-264 Vac

Input type TC, RTD, mV, mA, CT TC, RTD, mV, mA, CT TC, RTD, mV, mA, CT

Accuracy <0.25% <0.25% <0.25%

Control types On/off, PID On/off, PID On/off, PID

Special Features Energy Monitoring, Recovery

Point Energy Monitoring, Recovery

Point Energy Monitoring, Recovery


Timer functions Ramp/Soak, Delay, Soft Starter Ramp/Soak, Delay, Soft Starter Ramp/Soak, Delay, Soft Starter

Analog I/O In: 2 Out: 1 In: 2 Out: 1 In: 2 Out: 1

Digital I/O In: 2 Out: 3 In: 2 Out: 4 In: 2 Out: 4

Digital comms Modbus RTU – RS485 Modbus RTU – RS485 Modbus RTU – RS485

Alarm types Hi, Lo, Dev, Sensor break,

Event, Heater fail Hi, Lo, Dev, Sensor break,

Event, Heater fail Hi, Lo, Dev, Sensor break, Event,

Heater fail

Crtification CE, cUL, RohS CE, cUL, RohS CE, cUL, RohS

PC config. itools itools iTools

Eurotherm iTools Configuration and Monitoring Software

Configuration Software


Features: A complete engineering studio for Configuration; Data logging; Communications; Monitoring software

Toestellen: Designed to aid configuration of all 2000 and 3000 series and Mini8® controllers as well as Thyristor units

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Distributed Control systems (DCS) & Programmable Automation Controller (PAC)

PAC System Hardware

Features: Eycon 10 Eycon 20 T2750 T2550

Display type: 5,5" QVGA 12,1" XGA Remote Remote

IP rating: IP65 IP65 IP20 IP20

Input type: Remote Remote mV, V, mA, TC, RTD,

Potentiometer mV, V, mA, TC, RTD,


Analog I/O: Remote Remote In: 64, out: 32 In: 64, out: 32

Digital I/O Remote Remote In: 256 out: 256 In: 128 out: 128

SP programmer: 8 progr. À 40

segments 8 progr. À 40

segments 8 progr. À 32 segments

8 progr. À 32 segments

Batch: √ √ √ √

Recipe: √ √ √ √

Auditor features: √ √ x x

Control: √ √ √ √

Datalogging: √ √ √ √ Ethernet ELIN 10/100Mbps 10/100Mbps 10/100Mbps 10/100Mbps

Modbus serial & TCP Master / Slave Master / Slave Master / Slave Master / Slave

Profibus: Master Master x Slave

Network adressing: DHCP, BootP, Link

Local, Fixed DHCP, BootP, Link

Local, Fixed DHCP, BootP, Link Local,

Fixed DHCP, BootP, Link

Local, Fixed

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Machine control, PLC

Precision PLC

Features: E+PLC100 E+PLC400

Autotuning PID: √ √

Setpoint Programmer: √ √

Secure recording: √ √

Archiving strategy: √ √

Batch management: √ √ Programming platform: CODESYS (Open) CODESYS (Open)

Programming Language: IEC61131-3 compliant

CFC, FBD, IL, LD, SFC, ST IEC61131-3 compliant


Product IO Format: Fixed Up to 16 expansion Modules

Available I/O AI(4), AO(3), DI(2), DO(2), RLY(3) AI(8), AO(2), DI(6), DO(16), DO(16), RLY(8),


I/O expansion methode Modbus Modbus

Communication Protocol FTP, Modbus TCP (Master/Slave) FTP, Modbus TCP (Master/Slave), Modbus


Suitable for AMS2750E Process √ √


Web view: √ √ Mounting: Pannel DIN rail

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Recorders & Data management

Paperless Graphic

Nanodac recorder

Paperless Graphic recorder

Features nanodac 6100A 6180A 6100XIO 6180XIO 6180Aerodac 6100E

Inputs 4-8 18 48 × × 48 6

Graphic display 3.5" TFT 5.5" 12.1" 5.5" 12.1" 12.1" 5.5"

Protection IP65 / Nema

12 IP66 IP66 IP66 IP66 IP66 IP66

Relay Outputs × ×


Contact Inputs × ×

Communication Modbus TCPIP / RTU Master / Slave, Ethernet IP Server Modbus






PC Configuration

Ethernet FTP


Batch Custom Screens Remote View

Recording Speed 8Hz 8Hz 8Hz 8Hz 8Hz 8Hz 1 Hz

Trend Speed 8Hz 8Hz 8Hz 8Hz 8Hz 8Hz 2 Hz

Network adressing DHCP, Fixed DHCP, Fixed, Boot P

USB 1 3 3 1 1 3 1

Reports × 10 10 10 10 10

Groups 1 12 12 12 12 12 1

History review on screen

AMS 2750E

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Paperless Graphic

Portable TUS Recorders VersaDAC

Features 6100A 6180A versadac

Inputs 15 30 64 and 256 Dig.

Graphic display 5.5" TFT 12.1"

Protection IP66 IP66 IP21

Relay Outputs


Contact Inputs ×

Communication Modbus TCPIP / RTU Master / Slave, Ethernet IP Server





PC Configuration

Ethernet FTP



Custom Screens ×

Remote View

Recording Speed 8Hz 8Hz 8Hz

Trend Speed 8Hz 8Hz 8Hz

Network adressing DHCP, Fixed, Boot P

USB 3 3 1

Reports 10 10 10

Groups 12 12 30

History review on screen ×

AMS 2750E ×


Visualisation Datareporting & Analize Applications

Bridge Review Review

Quick Chart Dream Report

TUS Security Manager

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Paper recorder

Strip Chart Circular

Features 4102 C 4102 M 4103 C 4103 M 392

Inputs 4 6 4 6 4

Graphic display 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm 10" circular

Protection IP 54 IP 54 IP 54 IP 54 Nema 3

Relay Outputs

Annotation ×

Contact Inputs × ×

Communication × × Modbus RTU slave ×

Mathematics × ×

Counters × × ×

Timers × ×

Totalizers × ×

Controllers × × × ×

PC Configuration ×

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Solid States, Power Switch & Power controller

Power Switch

Single Phase Multi Phase

7100L 7100S 7200S 7300S

Heater type: Resistive

Short wave Infrared (SWIR) ×

V max. 500V 500V 500V 500V

I max. 100A 250A 200A 160A

Controlled Phases 1 1 2 3

Input Linear × × ×

Input Logic pulse

Firing: Burst Fire:


Diagnostics ×

Alarms: ×

Digital communication × Modbus Modbus Modbus

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Power Control

Single Phase Multi Phase

Efit Epack Epower

Heater type: Resistive √ √ √

Short wave Infrared (SWIR) √ √ √

Variable resistance √ √ √

Inductive & Transformer √ √ √

True Power Control × √ √

Inductive & Transformer 500V 500V 690V

I max. 50A 125A 50-4000A

Controlled Phases 1 1 1/2/3/4

Input Linear √ √ √

Input Logic pulse √ √ √

Firing: Burst Fire: √ √ √

Firing: Phase Angle √ √ √

PLF & PLU × √ √

Current Limit √ √ √

Diagnostics × √ √

Alarms: × √ √

Digital communication × Modbus TCP Modbus TCP/ Profibus / Profinet / CC

Link / Device Net

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Eurotherm Zelio low cost SSR

Power Control Zelio

Slim Interface SSR Single fase SSR Single fase SSR Dual


Montage: DIN rail DIN rail DIN rail

Heater type: Resistive √ √ √


AC ~ 110 .. 230Vac

18 .. 36Vac 200 .. 265Vac



DC ⎓ 5 .. 230Vdc

3 .. 32Vdc 4 .. 32Vdc

4 .. 32Vdc



24 .. 250Vac 2 A

24 .. 280Vac 48 .. 600Vac

6, 12, 20, 30, 45, 55 A

24 .. 280Vac 48 .. 600Vac

6 A

1 .. 24Vdc 1 .. 48Vdc 0.1, 3.5 A

1 .. 60Vdc 1 .. 100Vdc

6, 12 A -

Power Control Zelio

3-fase SSR Monofase SSR 3-fase SSR


Montage: DIN rail Paneel Paneel

Heater type: Resistive √ √ √

Ingangssignaal: ~ 90 .. 140Vac 90 .. 280Vac

90 .. 280Vac 18 .. 36Vac

90 .. 140Vac

⎓ 4 .. 32Vdc 3 .. 32Vdc 4 .. 32Vdc



48 .. 600Vac 25 A

24 .. 300Vac 48 .. 660Vac

10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 125 A

48 .. 530Vac 25, 50 A

⎓ -

1 .. 150Vdc 12, 25, 40 A


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DC drives

DC Drives


506/507/508 512C / 514C 590P/591P

regeneratief 4-quadrant/ regeneratief 2-Q

Voeding: 110 - 240V ± 15% - 1PH

110 - 115V ± 10% - 1PH 220 - 240V ± 10% - 1PH 380 - 415V ± 10% - 1PH

50/60 Hz

220 - 690V ± 10% - 3PH 50/60 Hz

Ankerstroom: 3 / 6 / 12 A 4/8/16/32 A 15 - 2700A

Ankerspanning: 90/180Vdc 90/180/320 Vdc 220 -690Vdc

Veldspanning: 100/210 Vdc 100/210/360 Vdc variabel

Functietemperatuur: 0 - 45°C 0 - 45°C 0 - 45°C

Sturing: Snelheid of koppel Snelheid of koppel Snelheid of koppel

Stuursignaal: snelheid en correctie snelheid en correctie snelheid en correctie


Potentiometer: Min. en Max van snelheid, stroombegrenzing,

stabiliteit (feedback)

Potentiometer: Min. en Max van snelheid, stroombegrenzing,

stabiliteit (feedback)

Potentiometer: Min. en Max van snelheid,

stroombegrenzing, stabiliteit (feedback)

Terugkoppeling: Tachometer input Tachometer input Tachometer input

Analoge ingangen: 5 (12 bit)

Analoge uitgangen: 3 x V, mA (re transmissie) 3 x V, mA

Digitale ingangen: 5 x 24Vdc 5 x 24Vdc 9

Digitale uitgangen: 1 x 24Vdc 1 x 24Vdc 3

Relais uitgangen: 1 x 5A/ @230V 1 x 5A/ @230V 1 x 5A/ @230V

Opties: behuizing: IP20 behuizing: IP66

behuizing: IP20 behuizing: IP20

Geïntegreerde EMC filter Geïntegreerde EMC filter EMC Intern/extern


acceleratie/ deceleratie 1 - 15s

Open / close loop control wikkeltoepassing: danser

feedback Commande sectionelle

Math functions Geïntegreerde PLC functies

instelbare acceleratie/ deceleratie 1 - 15s

Operator Interface

Montage: DIN rail paneel paneel


Profibus-DP / Device net / CANOpen / EI Bisynch /

EthernetIP / LONworks / Modbus RTU / ControlNet /

Ethernt TCP

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DC Drives ER


ER340/680/1200 ER3200/3600XRi ER-PL/ER-PLX 1 & 4 Kwadrant 1 & 4 Kwadrant 1 & 4 Kwadrant

Vermogen: 0,55 - 1,8 kW 2,2 - 11 kW 15 - 1000 kW

Voeding: 110 - 240V

30 - 60V 110 - 240V 240-415V

110 - 480V 100-690V

Fases: 1PH 1PH 3PH

Ankerspanning: 180Vdc 320 Vdc 460Vdc

Ankerstroom: 3,4 - 12,2A 4-48A 36 - 2250A


Profibus-DP Device Net

ModbusRTU CANOpen

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AC Drives

AC Drives


AC10 AC30 AC890

Voeding: 220 - 240V ± 15% - 1PH 220 - 240V ± 15% - 3PH 380 - 460V ± 10% - 3PH

380 - 480Vav ± 10% - 3PH 208 - 500Vac ± 10% - 3PH

320 - 705Vdc ± 10%

Ingangsfrekwentie: 50-60 Hz 45-65 Hz Voor Vector & Servomotoren

Vermogensbereik: 0,2 - 22 kW 1,1 - 75 kW 0,5 - 350 kW

Pulsfrekwentie: 4 / 8 / 12kHz Multimode met interne Firewire

Functietemperatuur: 0 - 40°C 0 - 45°C 0 - 45°C

Stuursignaal: 2 x0-10V, 0-5V, 0-20mA,

4-20mA 6 x 0-10V, 0-5V, 0-20mA,

4-20mA 6 x 0-10V, 0-5V, 0-20mA,


Analoge uitgangen: 1 x 0-10V, 4-20mA 4 x 0-10V, 4-20mA 4 x 0-10V, 4-20mA

Digitale ingangen: 5 x 24Vdc 5 x 24Vdc 5 x 24Vdc

Digitale uitgangen: 1 x 24Vdc 4 x 24Vdc 4 x 24Vdc

Relais uitgangen: 1 x 5A/ @230V 4 x 5A/ @230V 4 x 5A/ @230V

Optie 1: behuizing: IP20 behuizing: IP66

behuizing: IP20 Power modules tot 2MW

Optie 2: Geïntegreerde EMC filter EMC filter & Inductanties EMC filter & Inductanties

Optie 3: Incrementele encoder module


Profibus-DP Device net CANOpen

Profinet I/O Ethernet IP

Modbus RTU BACnet

ControlNet EtherCAT

Ethernt TCP

Profibus-DP Device net CANOpen

Profinet I/O Ethernet IP

Modbus RTU BACnet

ControlNet EtherCAT

Ethernt TCP

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Drive configuration and diagnostic software

Configuration and Diagnostic Software

DSE Lite Drive Basic

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SCADA Software

SCADA Software Adroit

Adroit 8

Scanned Point Sizes: 30,75,150, 300, 750, 1500, 2500, 5000, +5000 Bundles

Local Design Client: √

Remote Design Client(s): Single or Bundle

Local View Client: √

Remote View Client(s): √

Redundancy (Hot Standby): √

Supported OS: Windows 7 & 8 Pro, Server 2005 & 2008

Security: Windows Local Users, Windows Active Directory

Open Interface: OPC Server, OPC Client, Web Services

Graphics Library: 3rd Party .XAML graphics, Windows Controls, Vectors, CAD Drawings, Over 300 Shapes and


Logging: Proprietary .LGD / OLEDB (SQL, Oracle etc.) / Multiple Log Resolution Sets /


Scripting: C# / VB.Net

Alarming: Routes / Priorities / Hierarchies / Alarm Lists / Delays / Logical Conditions / Suppression (Maintenance Mode) / SMS Alarm/Event Notification / Email Alarm/Event Notification

Web: Web based design client / Web based view client

Scada Reports: Pie Chart / Bar Chart / Line Chart / Column Chart / XY Plot Chart / Data Grid Views

One-Click wizard updates: √

Easier template design: √

Simplified bulk configuration: √

Real-time design: √

Navigation templates: √

Process performance agents (OEE I KPI):

API: √

Windows Events: √

Smart User Interface: √

Classic User interface: √

Alarm Managment: √

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Human Machine Interface (HMI)

iE series

iE series

Feature: MT8050iE MT8070iE MT8071iE MT8073iE MT8100iE

Display 4.3" TFT 7” TFT 7" TFT 7" TFT 10.1" TFT

Resolution 480 x 272 800 x 480 800 x 480 800 x 480 800 x 480

Brightness (cd/m²)

400 350 400 400 300

Backlight Type


Backlight Life Time

>30,000 hrs. >30,000 hrs. >30,000 hrs. >30,000 hrs. >30,000 hrs.

Colors 16.7M 16M 16.7M 16.7M 262K

Touch Panel 4-wire Resistive

Type 4-wires Resistive

type 4-wires Resistive

type 4-wire Resistive

Type 4-wires Resistive


Flash 128 MB 128 MB 128 MB 128 MB 128 MB

RAM 128 MB 128 MB 128 MB 128 MB 128 MB

Processor 32 bits RISC Cortex-

A8 600MHz 32 bits RISC Cortex-

A8 600MHz 32 bits RISC Cortex-

A8 600MHz 32 bits RISC Cortex-

A8 600MHz 32 bits RISC Cortex-

A8 600MHz

SD Card Slot N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

USB Host USB 2.0 x 1 USB 2.0 x 1 USB 2.0 x 1 USB 2.0 x 1 USB 2.0 x 1

USB Client N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Ethernet 10/100 Base-T x 1 10/100 Base-T x 1 10/100 Base-T x 1 10/100/1000 Base-

T x 2 10/100 Base-T x 1

COM Port COM1: RS-232/RS-

485 2W/4W COM1: RS-232/RS-

485 2W/4W COM1: RS-232 COM1: RS-232

COM1: RS-232/RS-485 2W/4W

RS-485 Dual Isolation

COM3: RS-485 2W COM3: RS-485 2W COM2: RS-485

2W/4W, COM3: RS-485 2W

COM2: RS-485 2W/4W, COM3: RS-

485 2W/RS-232 COM3: RS-485 2W

CAN Bus N/A Yes N/A N/A Yes

Audio Ouput N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Video Input N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


Input Power 24±20%VDC 24±20%VDC 24±20%VDC 24±20%VDC 24±20%VDC

Power Consumption

300mA@24VDC 350mA@24VDC 450mA@24VDC 600mA@24VDC 600mA@24VDC

Voltage Resistance

500VAC (1 min.) 500VAC (1 min.) 500VAC (1 min.) 500VAC (1 min.) 500VAC (1 min.)

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Vibration Endurance

10 to 25Hz (X, Y, Z direction 2G 30


10 to 25Hz(X, Y, Z direction 2G 30


10 to 25Hz (X, Y, Z direction 2G 30


10 to 25Hz (X, Y, Z direction 2G 30


10 to 25Hz(X, Y, Z direction 2G 30


PCB Coating Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Enclosure Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic

Dimensions WxHxD

128 x 102 x 32 mm 200.3 x 146.3 x 34

mm 200.3 x 146.3 x 34

mm 200.3 x 146.3 x 34

mm 271 x 213 x 40 mm

Panel Cutout 119 x 93 mm 192 x 138 mm 192 x 138 mm 192 x 138 mm 260 x 202 mm

Weight Approx. 0.25 kg Approx. 0.6 kg Approx. 0.6 kg Approx. 0.6 kg Approx. 1.3 kg

Mount Panel mount Panel mount Panel mount Panel mount Panel mount

Protection Structure

UL Type 4X (indoor use only) / NEMA4 / IP65 Compliant

Front Panel

UL Type 4X (indoor use only) / NEMA4 / IP65 Compliant

Front Panel

NEMA4 / IP65 Compliant Front


NEMA4 / IP65 Compliant Front


UL Type 4X (indoor use only) / NEMA4 / IP65 Compliant

Front Panel

Storage Temperature

-20° ~ 60°C (-4° ~ 140°F)

-20° ~ 60°C (-4° ~ 140°F)

-20° ~ 60°C (-4° ~ 140°F)

-20° ~ 60°C (-4° ~ 140°F)

-20° ~ 60°C (-4° ~ 140°F)

Operating Temperature

0° ~ 50°C (32° ~ 122°F)

0° ~ 50°C (32° ~ 122°F)

0° ~ 50°C (32° ~ 122°F)

0° ~ 50°C (32° ~ 122°F)

0° ~ 50°C (32° ~ 122°F)

Relative Humidity

10% ~ 90% (non-condensing)

10% ~ 90% (non-condensing)

10% ~ 90% (non-condensing)

10% ~ 90% (non-condensing)

10% ~ 90% (non-condensing)

Software EasyBuilder Pro EasyBuilder Pro EasyBuilder Pro EasyBuilder Pro,

Built-in EasyAccess2.0

EasyBuilder Pro

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XE series

XE series

Feature: MT8090XE MT8092XE MT8121XE MT8150XE

Display 9.7” TFT 9.7” TFT 12.1" TFT 15" TFT

Resolution 1024 x 768 1024 x 768 1024 x 768 1024 x 768

Brightness (cd/m²) 350 350 500 400

Backlight Type LED

Backlight Life Time >30,000 hrs. >30,000 hrs. >50,000 hrs. >50,000 hrs.

Colors 262K 262K 16.2M 16.2M

Touch Panel 4-wire Resistive Type 4-wire Resistive Type 4-wire Resistive Type 4-wire Resistive Type

Flash 512MB 512MB 256 MB 256 MB

RAM 256MB 256MB 256 MB 256 MB

Processor 32 bits RISC Cortex-A8

1GHz 32 bits RISC Cortex-A8

1GHz 32 bits RISC Cortex-A8

1GHz 32 bits RISC Cortex-A8



USB Host USB 2.0 x 1 USB 2.0 x 1 USB 2.0 x 1 USB 2.0 x 1

USB Client N/A N/A USB 2.0 x 1 USB 2.0 x 1

Ethernet 10/100 Base-T x 1 10/100/1000 Base-

Tx2 10/100 Base-T x 1 10/100 Base-T x 1

COM Port COM1: RS-232 COM1: RS-232 COM1: RS-232/RS-

485 2W/4W COM1: RS-232/RS-485


RS-485 Dual Isolation COM2: RS-485

2W/4W, COM3: RS-485 2W

COM2: RS-485 2W/4W, COM3: RS-

485 2W/RS-232 COM3: RS-485 2W COM3: RS-485 2W

CAN Bus N/A Yes Yes Yes

Audio Ouput N/A N/A N/A N/A

Video Input N/A N/A N/A N/A

Input Power 24±20%VDC 24±20%VDC 24±20%VDC 24±20%VDC

Power Consumption 500mA@24VDC 650mA@24VDC 800mA@24VDC 1000mA@24VDC

Voltage Resistance 500VAC (1 min.) 500VAC (1 min.) 500VAC (1 min.) 500VAC (1 min.)

Vibration Endurance 10 to 25 Hz(X,Y,Z direction 2G 30


10 to 25Hz (X, Y, Z direction 2G 30


10 to 25Hz (X, Y, Z direction 2G 30


10 to 25Hz (X, Y, Z direction 2G 30


PCB Coating Yes Yes Yes Yes

Enclosure Plastic Plastic Aluminum Aluminum

Dimensions WxHxD 260.6 x 203.1 x 36.5

mm 260.6 x 203.1 x 36.5

mm 317 x 244 x 46 mm 366 x 293 x 57 mm

Panel Cutout 250 x 192 mm 250 x 192 mm 305 x 231 mm 352 x 279 mm

Weight Approx. 0.85 kg Approx. 0.85 kg Approx. 2.1 kg Approx. 2.75 kg

Mount Panel mount, VESA mount 75 x 75 mm

Panel mount, VESA mount 75 x 75 mm

Panel mount, VESA mount 75 x 75 mm

Panel mount, VESA mount 75 x 75 mm

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Protection Structure NEMA4 / IP65

Compliant Front Panel NEMA4 / IP65

Compliant Front Panel

UL Type 4X (indoor use only) / NEMA4 / IP66 Compliant Front


UL Type 4X (indoor use only) / NEMA4 / IP65 Compliant Front


Storage Temperature -20° ~ 60°C -20° ~ 60°C -20° ~ 60°C -20° ~ 60°C

Operating Temperature 0° ~ 50°C (32° ~ 122°F) 0° ~ 50°C (32° ~

122°F) 0° ~ 50°C (32° ~

122°F) 0° ~ 50°C (32° ~


Relative Humidity 10% ~ 90% (non-

condensing) 10% ~ 90% (non-

condensing) 10% ~ 90% (non-

condensing) 10% ~ 90% (non-


Software EasyBuilder Pro EasyBuilder Pro, Built-

in EasyAccess2.0 EasyBuilder Pro EasyBuilder Pro

Special models with remote display (smart phone, Tablet or TV)

Backpannel mount full HMI

With APP to display on Tablet & Smart

phone Display Display Display

Human Machine Interface (HMI) - special types

Feature: MT8070iER2 cMT-SVR-100/ cMT-SVR-102

cMT-iV5 cMT-iPC15 cMT3151

Display 7" TFT N/A 9.7" TFT 15” TFT 15” TFT

Resolution 801 x 480 N/A 1024 x 768 1024 x 768 1024 x 768

Brightness (cd/m²)

351 N/A 350 400 400

Contrast Ratio 501:01:00 N/A 500:01:00 700:01:00 700:01:00

Backlight Type LED N/A LED LED LED

Backlight Life Time

>30,000 hrs. N/A >30,000 hrs. >50,000 hrs. >50,000 hrs.

Colors 16M N/A 262K 16.2M 16.2M

Touch Panel 4-wire Resistive

Type N/A

Tempered Glass, Capacitive Type

4-wire Resistive Type

4-wire Resistive Type

Flash 128 MB 256 MB 512 MB 32 GB 4 GB

RAM 128 MB 256 MB 1 GB 4 GB 1 GB

Processor 33 bits RISC Cortex-

A8 600MHz 32 bits RISC Cortex-

A8 600MHz 32 bits RISC Cortex-

A9 1GHz Intel Atom E3827

32 bits RISC Cortex-A9 1GHz


USB Host USB 2.0 x 2 USB 2.0 x 1 N/A USB 2.0 x 2 / USB

3.0 x 1 USB 2.0 x 1

USB Client N/A N/A N/A N/A USB 2.0 x 1 (Micro


Ethernet 10/100 Base-T x 2 10/100/1000 Base-

T x 2 10/100/1000 Base-

T x 1 10/100/1000 Base-

T x 2 10/100/1000 Base-

T x 1

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COM Port COM1: RS-232/RS-

485 2W/4W COM1: RS-232 N/A N/A 10/100 Base-T x 1

RS-485 Dual Isolation

COM3: RS-485 2W COM2: RS-485

2W/4W, COM3: RS-485 2W


COM1: RS-232/RS-485 2W/4W,

COM3: RS-232/RS-485 2W

CAN Bus Yes N/A N/A N/A Yes

Audio Ouput N/A N/A Built-in Mono


Built-in Mono Speaker Audio Line Out – 3.5 mm jack

x 1


Video Input N/A N/A N/A N/A NTSC/PAL RCA x 2

RTC N/A N/A Built-in Built-in Built-in

Input Power 24±20%VDC 24±20%VDC 24±20%VDC 24±20%VDC 24±20%VDC

Power Isolation

Built-in Built-in Built-in Built-in Built-in

Power Consumption

350mA@24VDC 230mA@24VDC 900mA@24VDC 2A@24VDC 900mA@24VDC

Voltage Resistance

500VAC (1 min.) 500VAC (1 min.) 500VAC (1 min.) 500VAC (1 min.) 500VAC (1 min.)

Isolation Resistance

Exceed 50MΩ at 500VDC

Exceed 50MΩ at 500VDC

Exceed 50MΩ at 500VDC

Exceed 50MΩ @ 500VDC

Exceed 50MΩ @ 500VDC

Vibration Endurance

11 to 25Hz (X, Y, Z direction 2G 30


10 to 25Hz (X, Y, Z direction 2G 30


10 to 25Hz (X, Y, Z direction 2G 30


10 to 25Hz (X, Y, Z direction 2G 30


10 to 25Hz (X, Y, Z direction 2G 30


PCB Coating Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Enclosure Plastic Plastic Plastic Aluminum Aluminum

Dimensions WxHxD

189.6 x 137.1 x 34.3 mm

130 x 115 x 27 mm 257.2 x 199.7 x

32.7 mm 366 x 293 x 54.2

mm 366 x 293 x 48.2


Panel Cutout 174.6 x 113.6 mm N/A 250x192 mm 352 x 279 mm 352 x 279 mm

Weight Approx. 520 g Approx. 0.18 kg Approx. 0.76 kg Approx. 2.76 kg Approx. 2.45 kg

Mount Rear mount 35mm DIN rail

mounting Panel mount, VESA mount 75 x 75 mm

Panel mount, VESA mount 75 x 75 mm

Panel mount, VESA mount 75 x 75 mm

Protection Structure

NEMA4 / IP66 IP20 NEMA4 / IP65

Compliant Front Panel

UL Type 4X (indoor use only) / NEMA4 / IP65 Compliant

Front Panel

UL Type 4X (indoor use only) / NEMA4 / IP65 Compliant

Front Panel

Storage Temperature

-20° ~ 60°C (-4° ~ 140°F)

-20° ~ 70°C (-4° ~ 158°F)

-20° ~ 60°C (-4° ~ 140°F)

-20° ~ 70°C (-4° ~ 158°F)

-20° ~ 70°C (-4° ~ 158°F)

Operating Temperature

0° ~ 50°C (32° ~ 122°F)

-20° ~ 55°C (-4° ~ 131°F)

0° ~ 50°C (32° ~ 122°F)

0° ~ 50°C (32° ~ 122°F)

0° ~ 50°C (32° ~ 122°F)

Relative Humidity

10% ~ 90% (non-condensing)

10% ~ 90% (non-condensing)

10% ~ 90% (non-condensing)

10% ~ 90% (non-condensing)

10% ~ 90% (non-condensing)

Software EasyBuilder Pro EasyBuilder Pro cMT Viewer *WES 7 / Windows 8.1 (EasyLauncher

+ cMT Viewer)

EasyBuilder Pro, Built-in


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Industriële communicatie Anybus® Communicator™ - Device to Network

Anybus Communicator Modbus RTU

Protocol converters for devices with Modbus-RTU Modbus-RTU master functionality on serial side Easy 6 step visual configuration wizard

Communicator RS-232/422/485

Protocol converters with flexible serial frame building Supports ASCII or vendor specific protocols For Request/Response or Produce/Consume protocols

AB7000-C Anybus Communicator PROFIBUS DP-V0

AB7001-C Anybus Communicator DeviceNet

AB7002-B Anybus Communicator Modbus Plus

AB7003-B Anybus Communicator CANopen

AB7006-B Anybus Communicator ControlNet

AB7007-C Anybus Communicator EtherNet/IP

AB7008-B Anybus Communicator CC-Link

AB7009-B Anybus Communicator LonWorks to Modubus-RTU slave

AB7010-B Anybus Communicator Modbus-RTU

AB7011-B Anybus Communicator FIPIO

AB7012-B Anybus Communicator Interbus

AB7013-C Anybus Communicator PROFINET IO

AB7028-C Anybus Communicator Ethernet Modbus-TCP

AB7043-C Anybus Communicator PROFINET to USS master

AB7044-C Anybus Communicator Ethernet Modbus-TCP to USS master

AB7061-C Anybus Communicator EtherCAT

AB7072-B Anybus Communicator EtherNet/IP 2-Port

AB7077-B Anybus Communicator CC-Link IE Field Network

Anybus Communicator CAN

Protocol converters with flexible CAN frame building For devices with CAN 2.0A and B based protocols Anybus Configuration Manager CAN included

AB7311-B Anybus Communicator CAN EtherCAT

AB7312-B Anybus Communicator CAN PROFIBUS DP-V1 Slave

AB7313-B Anybus Communicator CAN DeviceNet Slave

AB7314-B Anybus Communicator CAN ControlNet Slave

AB7315-B Anybus Communicator CAN CANopen

AB7316-B Anybus Communicator CAN Modbus-RTU

AB7317-B Anybus Communicator CAN PROFINET IO

AB7318-B Anybus Communicator CAN EtherNet/IP 2-Port Slave

AB7319-B Anybus Communicator CAN Ethernet Modbus-TCP 2-Port Slave

AB7320-B Anybus Communicator CAN PROFINET IRT

AB7321-B Anybus Communicator CAN CC-Link Slave

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Anybus X-gateway™ — Network to Network The Anybus X-gateway series consists of over 200 different products aimed at connecting almost any possible combination of industrial networks. The product family offers Master/Scanner functionality for Profibus, DeviceNet, EtherNet/IP and AS-Interface and includes Slave/Adapter functionality to16 other networks. Connect any combination of Fieldbus and Industrial Ethernet from networks such as: CANopen, CC-Link, ControlNet, J1939, Lonworks, Interbus, Modbus RTU, as well as industrial Ethernet versions supporting Profinet, Profinet-IRT, IRT Fiber Optic, EtherNet/IP, ModbusTCP, EtherCAT and CC-Link IE Field. For some Ethernet networks the X-gateway supports dual port Ethernet interfaces which allows for daisy-chaining and removes the need for an external switch. The X-gateways are designed for use in industrial automation plants where many different networks are used. The X-gateways help system integrators to easily interconnect any two networks, enabling consistent information flow throughout the entire plant.

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Anybus X-gateway CANopen The Anybus X-gateway CANopen family allows any CANopen enabled device with slave functionality to communicate with almost any other fieldbus or Industrial Ethernet network. The X-gateway CANopen series provides CANopen Master (Manager) or Slave functionality on the CANopen network and Slave/Adapter functionality to all popular fieldbusses such as Profibus, DeviceNet, Modbus, ControlNet and for industrial Ethernet with Profinet, EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT and Modbus TCP.

AB7300-B Anybus X-gateway CANopen Master-EtherCAT Slave

AB7301-B Anybus X-gateway CANopen Master-PROFIBUS DP-V1 Slave

AB7302-B Anybus X-gateway CANopen Master-DeviceNet Slave

AB7303-B Anybus X-gateway CANopen Master-ControlNet Slave

AB7304-B Anybus X-gateway CANopen Master-CANopen Slave

AB7305-B Anybus X-gateway CANopen Master-Modbus-RTU Slave

AB7306-B Anybus X-gateway CANopen Master-EtherNet/IP 2-Port Slave

AB7307-B Anybus X-gateway CANopen Master-PROFINET IO Slave

AB7308-B Anybus X-gateway CANopen Master-Ethernet Modbus-TCP 2-Port Slave

AB7309-B Anybus X-gateway CANopen Master-PROFINET IRT Slave

Anybus X-gateway Modbus TCP Integrate your Modbus-TCP network to Fieldbus/Industrial Ethernet With the powerful Modbus-TCP X-gateways, you can integrate a Modbus-TCP network to another controlling network — quickly and easily without the need for any programming. Fast and powerful network translators The X-gateway acts as translator between a Modbus-TCP network and another industrial network. The primary focus is the fast transfer of cyclic I/O data between Modbus-TCP and the other chosen network (approx 5ms). With the Modbus-TCP Master/Client functionality, the X-gateway can eliminate the need for a Modbus-TCP PLC Client/Master on the Modbus-TCP side and thus help reduce infrastructure costs.

AB9000-B Anybus X-gateway Ethernet Modbus-TCP Master-EtherCAT Slave

AB9001-B Anybus X-gateway Ethernet Modbus-TCP Master-PROFIBUS DP-V1 Slave

AB9002-B Anybus X-gateway Ethernet Modbus-TCP Master-DeviceNet Slave

AB9003-B Anybus X-gateway Ethernet Modbus-TCP Master-ControlNet Slave

AB9004-B Anybus X-gateway Ethernet Modbus-TCP Master-CANopen Slave

AB9005-B Anybus X-gateway Ethernet Modbus-TCP Master-Modbus-RTU Slave

AB9006-B Anybus X-gateway Ethernet Modbus-TCP Master-EtherNet/IP 2-Port Slave

AB9007-B Anybus X-gateway Ethernet Modbus-TCP Master-PROFINET IO 2-Port Slave

AB9008-B Anybus X-gateway Ethernet Modbus-TCP Master-Ethernet Modbus-TCP 2-Port Slave

AB9009-B Anybus X-gateway Ethernet Modbus-TCP Master-CC-Link Slave

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Advanced Remote Access Products

Sitemanager Hardware

Feature: 1029/3229 1039/3239 1429/3429 1439/3439

Internet access uplink

4G/LTE via USB Integrated via USB

3G/GPRS-Edge via USB Integrated Integrated via USB

Ethernet 10/100Mbit

√ √ √ √

WiFi via USB via USB via USB Integrated

Wifi access point support √

I/O ports 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2

Device access options

via Ethernet √ √ √ √

via USB 2,0 √ √ √ √

Via serial port √ √ √ √

via WiFi √

Din Mountable √ √ √ √

Device access agent 2/25 2/25 2/25 2/25

Layer 2 & 3 Tunnel support √ √ √ √ Optional easy tunnel VPN support

√ √ √ √

Use at datalogging gateway √ √ √ √

Use as SMS gateway √ √

CPU 536 Mhz 536 Mhz 536 Mhz 536 Mhz

Forward SCADA routing speed

70Mbps 70Mbps 70Mbps 70Mbps

Operating temperature -25-60°C -25-45°C -25-45°C -25-60°C

Power supply 12-24 Vdc 12-24 Vdc 12-24 Vdc 12-24 Vdc

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How it works

1. Technician or end user installs a SiteManager unit at the machine location and connects it to the

machine network or directly to an Ethernet, Serial or USB device. 2. The SiteManager gets access to the central GateManager M2M server via the local network or via

3G. 3. Create and administer LinkManager user accounts for your engineers via the GateManager Web

portal. 4. The engineer installs the LinkManager client with a few clicks - no configuration is needed. 5. The engineer starts LinkManager and connects to a device remotely. 6. The engineer starts his programming software and connects as if he is connected locally.

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Energy metering solutions Northern Design meters provide flexible, highly functional and cost effective solutions for supporting energy management.

Feature: Pannel Meters Modular Meters Rail meters Retro fit meters

Volts, L-N & L-L √ √ √ √

Amps √ √ √ √

Power Factor √ √ √ √

Import power: kWh & kvarh &

kVAh kWh & kvarh kWh & kvarh kWh & kvarh

Export power: kWh & kvarh &

kVAh kWh & kvarh kWh & kvarh kWh & kvarh

Peak Volts, L-N √ √ √ √

Peak Amps √ √ √ √

Neutral Amps √ √ √ √

kW, kVA & kvar √ √ √ √

kW, kVA & kvar Demand

√ √ √ √

Peak Demand kWh & kvarh &

kVAh kWh & kvarh & kVAh

kWh & kvarh & kVAh

kWh & kvarh & kVAh

Average Volt & Peak √ √ √ √

Amp Demand & Peak √ √ √ √

Frequency √ √ √ √

Hours run (on load) √ √ √ √

THD, Individual harmonics

2-80th 2-15th 2-15th 2-25th

Harmonics & THD

Volt & Amp THD to the 63th (at


Volt & Amp THD to the 30th (at 50Hz)

Volt & Amp THD to the 15th (at


Volt & Amp THD to the 25th (at 50Hz)

Direct Range: 0-480Vac / 45-

65Hz 90-480V L-L / 50-277V

L-N 0-480Vac / 45-

65Hz 70 – 550Vac (Phase –


Volt expander: √ √ √ √

Input current: 1A, 5A, 0,333V 1A, 5A, 0,333V 1A, 5A, 0,333V 1A, 5A, 0,333V

CT: Auto rotation

Amps & Volt Class Class 0.1 IEC

60688 Class 0.1 IEC 60688 0,1 0,1

PF Class 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2

Puls output: 1DO Settable

between 1 & 1000 12ch DO module 2 DO configurable

Settable between 1 & 1000 counts of energy


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counts of energy register

Power Import/Export:




M-Bus BacNet

Modbus Ethernet


Modbus Ethernet


Modbus Ethernet RS485 MODBUS RTU

Operating temp: -10°C to +55°C (14°F to 131°F)

-10°C to +55°C (14°F to 131°F)

-10°C to +55°C (14°F to 131°F)

0°C to +60°C


Safety Conforms to EN 61010-1 Ed3

2010, CAT III UL, cUL, CB, CE

Conforms to EN 61010-1:2001

Installation Category III, Pollution Degree 2 Accreditation UL, cUL,

C-Tick, CB

Safety Conforms to EN 61010-1 Ed3

2010, CAT III UL, cUL, CB, CE

EN 61010-1:2001 Installation Category III,

Pollution Degree 2

Mounting: Paneel DIN rail DIN rail

Feature: Split Core CT Rope Core CT

Range: 15-800A 1000-3000A

Output: 0,333V 0,333V

Class: 1 1

I/O Signal Conditioning, Probes, Thermosensors and Actuators Our wide range of signal conditioning, sensing and actuation equipment is designed for you to get the best from your process with accurate, reliable performance. Competitively priced, these products offer quality solutions for a range of applications from furnace to atmosphere control systems. The complete range includes accessories and quality control products

to ensure you get everything you need for a complete solution

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PICS NV Eurotherm.Pics Middelmolenlaan 110 Rue du Grand Champs 4 B-2100 Deurne B-5380 Noville-les-Bois Tel.: +32 3 326.59.59 Tel.: +32 85 27.40.80 Fax.: +32 3 326.67.70 Fax.: +32 85 27.40.81 sales@pics.be sales@eurotherm.pics.be www.pics.be www.eurotherm.pics.be

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