hwk leela

Post on 23-Feb-2017






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Hitler’s rise to power


During the 1930 Germany was broke. The country was depressed after losing the first world war and many people where out of work . The Weimar government were losing popularity and people’s trust .

National socialist workers party

Due to these conditions Adolf Hitler formed the national socialist workers party or Nazi for short . Hitler was a strong speaker and he told people things were going to get better if they voted for him. They were elected in 1932

Hitler Adolf Hitler was born in Austria ,1869. He was a painter and a veteran of the first world war , before he was involved with politics . People voted for him because they thought he would be a strong leader , but once he was in power he became a dictator ( he didn’t let people vote and killed his enemies).

In power

For the first six years Hitler was a considered to be a good leader. For example he helped with the economics , but then Hitler wanted land so he invaded Poland . Little did he know that was one of his biggest mistakes.


Britain's prime minster Neville Chamberlin went to see Hitler to get him to sign a peace treaty . Hitler signed it but he never kept his promise not to annex other countries . France was scared because they could be next to be invaded by Germany , so Britain agreed to only declare war if Germany invaded Poland . Germany invaded Poland so Britain and France where forced to Declare war .

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