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Post on 19-Jul-2020






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. 'j VO,Lt . 1'}' ~ !J.O. ~~ :

-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· who · havo the hono-r.--<>] tile' ml!rnate,· uain- v~~ges hue b~n · be"8towed upon ·N ewfO.und• -a· :l ruer-~he~rt~cl' pn i~t, a more d.isin~ere.~t-

.... ~- ... Dii'fNBR ON TllE FESTIVAL 1lF ST. P'AT.RIC.li.

(From a~ Netofotindlancltr.)

f CONCLUDED ·. J After some ti.m~' .the Presid~nt again .r03e,

.a JH.I said-1 ~ive you the health of our e:ccellenl Go­

v ernor, P .\tron of this Society. This ia not

1 he place for introducing any remark a on the

charactur of His E~cellency 's a4ministralion of the Government of this Island. Suffice it ' to say it has been eminently successful, dnd

one of tjle great secrets of his success is bis a on i_a ble disposi tioo. His ExcellenH possess~ ~s thnt sweetness of tempe-r which · does oot

sub-due, but lends the mind to authority, be­rn use all men wish t1.1 act more from lo-ve than

t~nne of Dr. l''l9.nung nr\d his Cl know thnt land .by _ D~.,- fleming, I canqdt wonder"- tbot ·' ed l~vct· u!hia country, or a mor.e loy..ll ~n their nrdent _~,~achmc_til to their 0'1Jl fait·~ is h-is 'nnine ' \V·n~ received by lri~llr~e~ and ttiJI . to hi,. Sov-ereagn ne\·er existed.; he bns b~e? d istiOi!Ui~cd by ~ en ligh~ened tolerat.on of the ascendants · and· friend~:~ of ) I'Jsh me n \\l ith 'all · abused, but his name hrts been abtruded on religiou!l opinions of others, Lhcy iufJy act up the WIU'rnlb .of lrit~b h~a1· ts. I sincerely -r~gret the notice of the Engli!!h public:, no~ for th\l to the mutmuf St. A~gust..in-'' In essentials h~ absence (rom our . fe!ltivily, thi s evening lpuq,nse ofpourtra.viog his ·rea.! c)l ~rocter, ~~t uui_~y.-in uon~e.;sentials lluerty--in all tnings which. as caased solely by t!lc delicocy of his to 11upport Ll!o dominion of facti.on..in lrelat:ld · ~~ charity. "-He then gnve- health. Th.is exl.lilarating scene, and .~he l<iod There is:an anecdote re<lated of theRe;. Syd- f

Hi~ L ordship, the Bight R~. !Jr. Fltmi.n~ and Ba!tertog testimony of )OUr grat-itude ney Stnith that he was in company wath two a11el the R omall Catholic c_le,·g-y of the lslcmd. would I a.m sure be most grateful to his feel• persons , one of whom was constantly praisi~r;

Rev. John Forrestal having be~n cnthu ~ ias - ings. On the part of the Clergy I fOrdiall)" the North Pole. Curse the North Pole sa1d

~icn!ly recei\•cd replied -I rise with unntfec- . th ~nk you . for your wum appreciation of their the other-the praiser of the North Pole turnw

ted diffidenc!J to thauk you for the honor you ~bours in the great r.nuso or religion , and l ed round in llorror to the Rev , Syd~ey Smith: have r.onferred on me and tile Catholic Clrrgy (rust.they will always continuE! to merit such doo't be astonishe-d sir, said the Rev. Sydney,

of th e Island in the enth-usinstl'l with whic~ the aprroval; nod although silence and retirement for I hear1l him speaking equally disrespect ... health of our rP. vorcd Pre I ate has been drunk. ma.y be more coosonaf,ll io their inc 1 inn1 iorts, fully of tbe e quinoctia I line. Now many of Ye t why Hhoulcl I hesitnte to respond ·to s.ucb pcvertlleleas, you may always expect their tho!>e who abuse O'Connell do s·o because u.

a toast; for it certainly cannot re<~ uire an .... u~o-operution when you ·are engaged in the pro- fictitious, not ~ ren·l chnracter of him is con­power of eloquence to prove to you who know 1notion of the pence and happiness of the peo"' stantly obtruded on thnir a-ttention, and they him so well, that the Right Rev. Dr. Fleming pie, and tho prosperity of the country. would abuse anything else if the same nets

fea r. Hu then gave-Hi.3 Exallency the G o-otrno1· of N ctofotmdland

Pah·on uf our Society. Uon. Mr. MorriR being loudly called on,

eaid htJ gave his testimony to the e loquent

l' lllogium pa3;;ed by the President oo Sir John Harvey's GovtJrnmeoL From the dny of his landing no the s hores of the C olon y , he hns

z e:1lously endeavoured to prop1oto the best in­te re sts ofthe Country, ana he ( ~Ir . 1\1. ·) would

c onfidently appea l to its rapid improvement for the last fiv e years as the best proof of his

ern'ncnt s ucc ess. Therr has been (snid !\~. !\1 ) mnre of th e iutern a l r esn urc:E;s of . .N-ew­found la od devel oped during the short period of his Gove rnment than there were for 'centuries

is in every 1·espect en tit led to the highest com 4 The President :hen rose and ~aid-Tho were rc~orted to for tbe purpose of misguid .. •

pliment you cou-ld pos3ibly c onfer. If we "iow oujcct of the Church or England, snyll a great ing thei\-j ·Jdgement. O'Connell emancipated

him in every relntioR in which he stnnd.s to Protestant Stateeman, is included iu th a t of the Cntbolics-he rolieverl the Dissenters­

this colony I his cl aims are great and hi s merits Religion -not that of Religion _in the Church he assis:ed in strikiag off the snackle or th e prominent. As an ecclesiastic, who so zea- ofEng~anEI . 1 will slnnd up at 1:111 tirnos for negro. VIe therefore toast him as the fri end

lous ? wl,o more indefatigable in tho discharge tbe rights of conscience' as it is such-not for of Ci\'il and Religious Libe rty all over th a

bf the sacred duties of hi s exalted s~ation. As its particular modes ag:linst its ·gen e ral princi. worlrl. He then gave-a member of society who surpasses him in pies. One may be right, unother mistaken; Daniel O'Conn f ll Esq . , .:U. ·P., the.fi·icnd of benevolence of dis pos iti on of urbanity of man- t if I have more strength than my hrotber, Ciril and Religious Liberty. i1e rs, or In the posscas-sion of' all those virtues shall he employed _to support, not oppress Mr. Little having been called upon to res-that adorn the human mind. His lifo has been kness .- Ifl have more light, it shnll pond to this tonst, said-At your solicitation distinguished amongst hi:~ fello\v men, (or all ,. .aJOt to dnzzle hi!n. These 1 ri~e to respond to the health uf that illus~ri. his labors have had bur one · end, one ohject, '·· brat'e'd Edmond ou!! ~haracte r, whose brilliancy of genius ~rid and that end-.-t

. th1lt prec«>ded. It no longer remains a dis· wh~m be is p'ln ccd be:ter mfln and moJ·e VIr .•

p11 ted r roblc rn tha i )l'ewfoundland iS capab le ! ttJOllS ci t izens. To th e accomplishment or

., f alfo rd in~ ernpl o:>m cnt and . s ustcn1~n co to !'>. ! thi s grea:, this benevolent, th iR ch a ritable la rg e und J n c rci~ S J ng_ ;JOp ul a t iOn. ;\I uch of th e object, lnn·e nH tile cneq~ies (Jf hi s Jilfl bee n c~ ep -r 0o : ed prt•j udace tnat exzstc~ uga 1nst tho dev oted, nnd it now affi 1rds ;ne sinct:re pleasu e ~oil, clim:Jt e , a nd peo~l!O nf Ne wfouu dla ncl ha s 10 state that in which 1 feel assured you will ,

boen dis!'ipnted \,y the wi se and benevoleut nd- nll <'on cu r thnt hi s efforts have bee n -c rown ed mint ·tat ion o f Si r J ohn fl a rvey . l\1r, :'.!o rris with unpnrnlell cd success . T he re j3 no chn ..

mad e some obse rYntJ ons on theo pi1110n expres· racte rist ic of this revered Prelate 's mind more sed uy Mr. Kough on th e supjoct of t he state cnn9picuous; rhen his indomitable zeal. Cad

ofirela nd , he sai d he ditfered ulto gc ~h e r na to mi nd th e difficulties he hns hud to encounter

to the effect ot th e g re at meas ure3 proposed ~ince his nrrivnl at thi s missi on. But T shall hy Sir Robert Pee l, as th ey mny affect lrflland. not now tre s p'l&S on your time, to ullude to It was his opinion that ins te nd of be ing injuri- the n 11 mba rs of churches he has erected over

o us as apprehended bY h !s fri en d ~lr · h 0 0 11: h.. 1 he en( ire I sland or to the increase he hn 5 r , • ' I

the measure now 1n progress for the 'l'f:.tlC RI mnrl!' in the numb e r of his clergymen. I shall of the corn and provision In w wouta be , of ··only solicit your nt ten 1 ion to his en reer since g-rea{er beue6t to Ireland thnn toEngland ; Th e he commenced that mnr>nificeut atrur.ture-the

Landlords ol Ireland who may be called the Cath.edrnl. What h;rdsh.il>S aRd privations ~,treat Capitalists would have t_o compete with had he not to endure while en·g~·ged in procur·

tho Lando'wners of tbe world 10 the supply of ing the stone? How often has he beeo ob.lig~d the murkets o( the ?n"ld. Instead of expend- to cross the Atlantic.: to provide materials for

thei~ ~ealth in forei 0 o ~o~n~rie!l tb.ey would be this spl eudid . ~~ifrc'~ _ ~fljch will be a lasting necesstt_nted. t.o expend at 10 tmprovmg and cul· memorial of Apoe~olic z.eal as well 89 00 honor tivating the soil of Ireland, aodgiving employ .. and ornament to the eountry At every 8 tep

ment1o the_ p.eollle: It would also have·tho t-f- he wu• met by obatacles that to others would

ree~ ,of re~ay~~ftti,e manufactures of Irolao~ seem insurmoontable and compel .. them to whLCR were IIW.«)_rt .-J ar: .as the_ necssa.ry con- abandon the uri'dertakiog in despair; -but all sequeoc~s of the .protechv~ system. M~. M. his confidence wns placed io God and his re­coochided by sayans_ that Jt would· be haghJy solution waS' .n.wer shaken. The exertions of

grlitif~ing 'to Sir Jo~~ ~ar~~ to undCTsta~d Dr. Fleming are those of o. ,man . ~( expand ad that hts health was rbceaved wath s& much em... • ' t 'II'" , · .,T, b · • -. • t ,..: b 1· · . . '· , b " ·. 10 e •~:eoce. e.y &fe ao 10r • e exc ~~tve thusaas~ by ~~ ~ ~,e~pe~t.a. _le, 80 large ll co ~ene6t of his own congre!lation, but: t like lbe

~~PY/~~f.'Y repr~a~nt.m~ every ~l~ss, and .e a.ir we 1f>reathe and the light 1hat enlivens' u•, ry ;p~l\tac:al 1 1l0d re~~g~o~ 'par.ty 10 tlae qoJony- they jshe'd -th~ir t Jus'lre bn '!ill · around. Of tlii11

'f~e .Pree~deni ~~en· • ,r'ose and ·. _aai~~l liav~ fact what ar ro'riger1 ettide~co can r 1\~duc,e tl).i!.n to: -~~~.P~4s, ·~ i ~~;~~t\}~~.' ~di.~~ult!, o,i~h~¢h,. op~ ~ ~~~~·,ff~'r~J~, ; bY, . ~he .. ~i4;ri~k-ing , i~i .~bich; , p~~""~~~~ 71Jlo1~e~~~ ;~( ·llffin•~1d·-R ( W~ ,~ · X t~ pq•\~ eJlga&\'4-;-th·e ' ·erection ,of a t.school in ,.l_., .-ith rmYJ n.igbt ,~v• ~.J:el•tive _tebiJatf, enl.. which bdndteClt Of:th~child,..n·: oN b-e p:Oor.w-ill patiiGel ~ ~1 ~ inability '~ ~o' .juatic~ ·: 'tbhtiie ' 'Ve• ~~ · . t<l ', blelliin)Js ''df e~b~a-

·!.K ' "'.o::l'8~,, · • t'~b-1 · ~t:.' •lo'' . · . · · ')~!111;, ~ 114• : , •i1ur,~··• yf•~~~ . '-' u~C!J } . coun ry. cre,e

1trc•uncyf~cf; : i(~~~'9(gy~~ or · l t.r. ;r. ' · .,-,, ' '

~~~~~~~.;;;, :-,; - . . ,.. _ _.. loftiness orsoul ; "whb!:e' p'ntriotism . nhd .mo\- -, e~· c res'ponded r

• greatness overpower me when I pr~ to to by every-enli ghtenc<i Chris I ian . --He then scn n the outlinP of his unrivalled care r. His ..

aave­,., His L ordship the Right R e!J. Dr . F ield and

the P1· oteslant Clergy. .. C. Newmlln, J:.:sq., e.'tpresscd his nclwow-

led gemonts for this toMt,

The President then s3id thut eve1·y day we arc experiencing the ht: nefit s growing .out o( se Jf,

go\·ernment. It depends upon ourselv es who­

tho r we shall increase those hem• fits and tht:re -

by enhance our ~;ocial enjoyments. All Go vern ..

ment, ind eed every hurnnn benefit an<! e nj oy­ment-every virtue, nnd evory prudent net is found ed on compromise nnd barter. vVe bu.

lance inconveniences-we give ond take-we r em it ~;orne rights that we mny enj oy other:~, . . and we chose rather to be happy citize ~s than subtle disp.utnnts.--TI'le President then gave­

Th e Legisialu1·e of the Island .

The Hon. Mr . Ber.nett responded in an \lP-

propriate speech. Tht Hon. H e1· ~Majesty's Ex.·wt it'l! . C~uncil.

Hon. R. Job responded to thia toast, and

in concluding proposed tho health of

The President. Han. Mr . Kent rose and said-

1 thank ydu 1 gentlemen for the hononr you hn:ve done me on thi~r occasion. The manner

in which my be a it h has been dtunk; r,roro~ed s• it' bns been iri 11uch marked au'd ei:jJogistic 1ernrs ' by ··the Hon~· Mr. ·JotJ, a~:d "received in

80' com·plim'entary a · manoer by" you, must of

neces~:~ity afFO'td to my mind th~ ' Mghest. degree of plijasui-e': · lo the ake ·of~hivalry' the1bonciur o( knignlh~od ' WitS 'app eciate;d. in 't~e Mgr'ee of the· rlinl< Of1

'tile ·' <i•oob'l";\,tnd of ;te 'pl~co· in which ·itJ ~aS reeei'~ed; so ·-in ti-~alt h~l ·i1t~ m'o':.

~ ' - ' . dern acco1ade'; ' ·given h$ irJtas , ' ~~e~·; 'and, 80

recUlived ; • trft"ord~ m~ •tfiel bigtl~tt' . gildiifi~atibn •. • T.beitP~sr~~bt'the'111l«ave~ ,l ,.-.[ J ~~:~· J' •~

The Chuf Jtutice and .S..tiltont Ju.dte~· bJ -~t~oori'. ~, ,) , ·''1''if, H•'H;su'l .·~ k·

. , r. HenJtlEm~.N<Sr. J faqll,.reapoude:dl in r' n.te1o -...... . . I t J • ·' , , . •,. q"'-o.ill:apdre:!Mo!')'fe '')I •: .;1 •• •• .• , :·, ·• :-·-• . , "''' •

Tlte Pre•idu · ·~·'"'·(i~ , I 1· ,.

H e qven-in~:p1red la.bours aro visible (ar and

wide over hi~ own dc11r I sland ''whose great~

ness and whose glory shall be for ever nsso~ ciated with hill name." Like a lfiagir. spell, have the y operated on its hig-he:rt ''destinies, or

ns the first gor~Aous rays o! the vivifying sun after a long and dreary night, iufustng joy and

hope in.to the peasant's breast, and disclosing

tho hid-den paths of fame to the noble descen• dants of a noble rtlce. Wherever lrishmeR

mnl>e their home-and where are they not?

their fruits are observable; around the family circl"e , in the S'lnate, nt the bur, in the pulpir,

nnd on th!l battle field . Indeed I now per-ceive a gratifying typo oftheir &ocial-iofltience

in your glowing countenances, your auimated

feature!, which poutroy your generous de vo-

tion to him, and in the enthusia~m '"hich the enunciation of Mr. O'Connell's nama i1 eli-

cited from you. Has he ·not taughl us-has he not taught mankind, the value of knowledge, tho irresistible power of morality ond 11elf do·. · pt-ndnoce? Has be not conVI~ced the world that fidelity to lrelaud is compatible with lqy-nlty to his beloved Queen. and the i)ntire· so· premacy ofthe constitur ibn? Has he. not cou·

jured us to · ,)QYe one another., and our faHow subjects of every denomination · and Qountry? nny, to stretch out the right' band-. ·of fellow.

ship ~ven tp th_e sw~rtby_ African, as nien-n ,d christians? What more fitting . place , to ~re~ count such .P'\n-~jpl'e~t? what• mo~ ,fitlJng•·.oc• casjon to rejoice in their ditruaion ' lhttn ;at-' \lie hospatnbl~ l board· of, thi• · Charifa~l~ I Society? From the grne of~~raei_but~ ov~ · .,Zealohs ' pat.~

b.ioti•m, ·has ~ he dr~wn'~ a ~ ~aluf~rt · ' of Jasfing pr11denc8-~L·wl1il·e · i'b4! of the former/'~ a n n m .•. ·• •

th n~gH . viil1cl ' \brc)ugft Erin'• · ihiil\~~lq t;tr.~. fl !l(in~ ·u~\;tb~ · .lW~iepnn! ov it · o.i.le · i · ius~ . ? ~: tol:iil' lllr-t'e':ttl I . . ,. ticipat~d in: tfJat ~orrow we .

atle•eou. -~{bij~~~~~~~~J~~~~

' '


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. I tL' . L't' l t-b a· be detained at .Ho. l•'t'.a:X .until a.M.' Srd -~ttd' .ftifh,'. '¥ tiJl~ of revolution !1\h~ anarchy on the con .. . ' H. Thomlld, Jr.~ ; ur.av,e 4 lOn : 0 e OUSts, ' ll ...... !" U'

1 ioaupporl;iogi~rayer, and of. ftacly-'mQnt_b, .~he d~f• , QD ' which· tbe •:u.aii tineut of tu rmPil · o nd d.IJCOntent at home, have enthusiastic ·tl oq . . · . • . - -fri!!D-:lhe U ililed?Sta eA·. a~r~~'!- ,fJer'e,· an <I pray-1 rolle~1over his venerab1c b~a·d; but DO change WEill C&~C~f d ,tO Cn.ll .fu h <_);;",_,-:.


,..._. • the·~!'!' 9_f £! -{ij b~ VOJ.ed to _me.et lOg - ~be .• ·ao~tjor Oft1f&J,e~j ' tu7rc tO -tbe pru-

:uf t rneJ, of Ml\lerll01 dt», .oh -.p,rinctpjes; · J~ . J~ma, ·:..4foote, E3q., 1~e Jla~cl~ ~;~, J,!m.• -spectf1._~~-il( t. -i~ .r.~'tao·~~ . . . -. poa.od alteratipn: by a at--A ddr.el!. .. to the -lmp~rin l .induced hip-~ ,:o- f6rbear"'t.:v_ . indibuting 'the ~le~1. .''tlt~,ae~ ~~ irlt ~~~.cle$ •. ~!e ._,clol huf.hu ' 0~~ ~:· . }Jr. BE·~~T1'· 'Y· ~heP,. ·.to -~1;10~ ' )f ,t,blR G~v-ern.rp.ent, o_n ·t}l_e . Sltbje'ri~ ; .;:,rl apbe Legis-

•:. I~ ~11 1 •: r' . . . - G: H tt E . daq \ho OOOUrl' ,o · ~~d be;ri ''nnpc>rt~-d· for' tb(r purpose of !attire Will r~aaaty <'om ply :w;tb· be prayer of :tial di~uity :,of pt-ac~ Qd ~ r-al.lying'.hi:t f~low:,- '~ · ogae .I ~q., /·- this Petition- wto'·bave tlse stron'~eat ass·urances

1 · toast thut .sit unl ion? - · ,mtlp nruund he sac-red standartl of l1berty, to · · · · for believing, from the disposition w1iich it h·a. d · d 1 d The memory of the_ dr.ruued Found..~• a.ml, r. ijANRk-I:L\~ ~eplicd io the affirmative, a·Jw;aya evinced in llr<?-moting the interest» oftba in11truct them in their great utlefl, an en ~mber8 or the BeTlevolenl hit/, Sodd!J.· ., ~ -

· fde · h 1 e ' 'J fter _s r,1J~ing cqnversation jn wtl-i~n se~a .. Trade and tbe -wdfa~e oft!J.e' Colony. :lhern from the wilderne"!lll 9 spa_!r, t e ou • The Liberty o(the Prea! . . n · '· d · · raJ hon. ~embers took part, the .que~ ion waa 1 • •

line,S;i of desolatioQ , poverty no rum, wto Th. Charilable Societitt of St. Jo!&n'l/. T~E monotony which ntri so iol)~ envndei1 ibe highw:tys· of .remuneratjn'g .indu:~tr~, tl.e The Benevolent lrilih Society Co11cept-ien Ba·y. pul Mt'd carried. thle 'commu-nity • as 't re.~,Pects all P.Om~uni-·

h. f h 1 n fi ld of prbspe ' · 'Phe next petit ion w,h ic h ·was ~oved to he cations from other aaa·ts of the world, ·was yes-.suna 111~ ·0 npe . t to uowery tl ~ J. L. PrenderiT•tst, Esq., re!ln,onded tQ thts r · ·1 h or 11 reod, wa~ thaJ from )1r. Heory \Vinlon, for terday somewh~tt broken in up()n b-)• n sigJH~I

rity · The Rom n n pn triot wept 111

ext e, e toast. from I be ·Block-hous·e that the ·m,.il was io the L- h 1 · h expenAes incurred in 'contesting his seat with ., t~a! ~~~~~ borne .~u.c,.-. to .~ e eterna c11y,

1 e 0 rth t . . offing. There wns r.on.,equeotly a large con-

' 1 f urtoo 'IJffllC!I$. thehon . . memberforBul·ia.but -Mr . l\'Iuunwho .,. ,... tpcn mi · tres~ of the w<,>rld, on the shoul< ers o course of people ~t Signal-hill, whe11 it turnad

. . Rome, as the f>~lhl·r of his country; yet he - .. - --. - - ;::_J had presented the petit 10!l• n.ot being pr~seut, ou~ tQa.t a lhrce .. masted &Leamer w.u lettinK off · 1tt-n-tslatfbt tflrQ~-tfO'Utga. u b · .o ~ h b wept not for that country but fur himlielf. .u } it was BU.!!g.ested t at it c poue over or l e. her steall} on the outer edge oftha jce, n out.

01" ASST!IlWBLY pre 1 eot. ~ ahrec miles totbe south cast ofCnpe Spear, ·No degrndatio.n, howcverhumiliuting, ne cha_ins HO'Q'S:D . -v- . . \Vhtt! steamer it is, cnn onjy b.e conJ'ectured, 1 'Phe committee t ht.n rose eod -rel)orted .

lwwever if!nomiuiuu~. no · dungeon IOWC'Yer FRIDAY, Mar.ch ~7 , ~ut fromappearancf's she must probably intends louthsorne, no bnnishmenl howAver distant, i t d b f II . !' Hon. Mr. R:>BINS0:'-1 gave notice of co'mmit· coming into th1s P ort, which, if the prest-nt

· 1 1

!vir. 13 .\R:'-IES pre&en e t 0 0 OWIO~ pe I- lee of the ~ouse on Wt>v-s'nnd Mcu.ns for Tut-s- westerly wio,d continufl, slt«i m~Jy be enab)i><f .. . could wring from Mr. O'C.onoell such n

1110 ~nl~ ; lions:- Frnnt tho visiting clergyman at Heart'.:~ ' to do in th<l course of to.day. Sho is sated <'holy botraya

1 of human wenkness,_ !i~ to Ia r, Ease nnd Fox H o.rbour, for a road hetw~en day next. d 1\I d by some to be n war-steamer, havinrr tl'o nns

h · h f d Th.e houHe then adjollrne until • on ay "" r fro_m the _ subli~e el~ ._ts o palrwtlsm an I these seltlements;-from t~e Mnglstrutts of on hoard ;-the ~rohalJility is that she is the p.hdos'lpluc forttt u de wluch th~ Rom an pro· • Tri ;-~it y, lor 11 ferry-boat fQr the ij or-Jh \y est ncx t. s teamer Uui.cun~, destined · to perform ll}e mn i 1-feased into 51ordiJ tears of abJP.Ct c.nmpu nc .• "- ~1-0~J.J.:\. Y, !\larch 30. sen icc lJI'twceo thi.:~ Port and Halifax, and it

· • · I · rm. · it't ju st possible t~tat she may have special pes· IIOQ. No, f(Jr his faith ilt _iu God, his 10po l FlliHERV 111 u . The crowd nss~mhlcd rourd the Court· pntcloes for thP. governc.r of this colony, al--in !r~th, his power in 11 irtue "we wot,~ld uot :\I.r. PnE~DtllGA51' rose to move the second house anxious for admi ssion uras unusuaJly though this

15 not very likely.-'Lrdgcr of

for worlds lose h i .:~ name. How would it have rea~iog of the F1.:~hery Bill . Tho object he greut, and on the opening of tho House tho Yesletday .

ILved in Greek or Roman history? Not tho I :laid '''a s to ~ i ve the hardy fisbnrmen a claim I f!un. 1\lr. Kent sugge~ted as tho public felt u -----·-- -· --- ·- ·----R f h I 111 '" fo l lo1~ ing losses at the ioc R.re alrPfldy Spartan hero of ThermOfl}'l ~, n1Jr the oman , for their wag t-son the produce o t eir abo~r . grent interest in the question tltot was to comr

under!>tnod to have taken plare :-l·rut•e, Curtius lplVd iu self devotion ~one uefore I He thought the tirne for th e meaAure wa~ most before the House ( tha l\Iilitin lliii J that the Hounsell &. Co; 7-cphy,·, Pont on & Munn, !lim." Res pond ye thousaud chords tha t co11- ! scasonaLle, for th.ey had ju t been called upon I door ~eepP.r s ·;;hould b() irs :;trwcted to atfurd f lorbo ur Grace; G nud /n(n

1t, Puntnn & l\Junn,

necttho warm heart:! ot Irishmen in the holy l o prtlpura tot· the de fp.nce of the count1·y, nod facility lo the largc~t pussi)jlc number to pro· Harl.t ou1·Gra ce; 1Vi/li(lm, Gordon, Cnrbnnenr; bonJ of lnolhcrhood. An swer ye ern a ncip ntoJ ~ it wa g there lore occesso ry that to secure their cure admission. Samud, Forw:t rd, C nrbonenr l Camb.ritnr,

~IcC a rth y, C:1rbon ear; St. ~'ltm, Moran, Car• .t:daves-yc fre emen or th e carib of wh atevt'r all egia nc e !heir ri gb ts should first bP. estab- l-Ion. Mr. O'BRJI;~ presented the f<>llowing bonc ur .-Crews Sa i'E'!tl .- /bid. ;1ati on, creed or cast. lh·pattcd spirits of the li<>ltcd .-'!'hc pr0position was not a novel one, ron(l petitions-for a grnnt for Hutchings's . ______ .. _. __ _

~11ighty dead, who ore ~aid to regard ll'i lh cou- for tiH! pri r11:iple of n prefcraLle claim for sP.r- lane i for \Vigmore's Gully road; for Fre'ih From the llarbou r G'rare lln·ald April I st.

1'c rn the interes!s of the ll1·ing, and who arc van1s' wugcs was e~tullli~hed tJy the imperial \Vater road; fur Gcoq~e':l Pond rood; and r:;-~PECrOH. OF SCHOOLS.

the mure irnporti'll juJ:,;es of human nc1_i on, parliacnent bcforo we had a loca l legi s lature. for a road ncar Pearl '::t Town.-Aisn, a pcti - \\'c lta\'e the sat isfaction this \veck of being en., because freed from the trammels of flesh, res' The bill d1d not interfere \Yith any man 's rio-hts, tion for a l!raot to build a public wharf in G. ill'd

1 1 '- ,. . I f th

I '!> ~ abed to ay ucou re our rcauers an exlract rom c 1101111.-!\luv we 1o 0 ~ then, I a sk, IJe pardonctl 1. and he 1\' oul d rnnve that il be read a 2nd time. Col'c. J ·

1 · h

; report of B E ttTRA~t oN 1:s, csqutre, rc aln·e to. t c the t'rai !ty of lo1·ing him with filiul affection, li on. ~Jr . i'llullHIS had much pleasure in se· Hon. C F. Bt:s:o:rr , as Ch11irmanofCom. cha rac ter :-ttHI working of some - of the p~blic ol' aJmi rin,g ltim a!'< the Eagl " does the lustrous conding th e rnuti on. There was no subject mittetl of Audit, presented the report \Yith tho sohools in tpis Distr ic t. ·w e cannot doubt but urb of Jay, of looking up to hirp for t.~ample or grealcr irnportnnco, and he tlid say the in .. Trca:lurer'~ n r.co unt~ (ot· 18-!5 . th at ~Jr. Jones's remarks will be perused with that we ma y learn, ns th e yo,ung birds. do from !crests of the merchant, planler, ttnd fisher- l\Ir, PAnsoss prAsentcd a petition from :\Irs. very con~idc rablc intere~t. \Ve are indebted to

their lii res, how lp p1..1rsuc with s~cess a 1 rnan, would al! be c o ns4lt~d hy the settlement Lgmzed (u wi~ow ) for compensation for land J . (.Prendergast, esq. for a transcript of' this part beaven~ward fl ig ht, of chefili)1i11g ·bis name .ls : of the question. The great principle of .t¥ taktsn from her in the time of Sir Thomn11 of th e Rl'port, in which, we presume, evccy indi­a house hold word, and tranl!rnitting ;t to pas- ! bill was to make the protl!lce o( the labQur liq- Cochrane, for whiou no remuner;tion had l:,eer. vidual in this division of the district especially il4 ter ity, rhat it mby live undying as tho lj.rnar~nl~ blo fur the wages of the fis!Jermen. and he made. more or less concerned. Copies ~Totltcr docu·

on th1· Jip3 of lisping bo.bes~ and in t~e thoughts (:\Jr. 1\;. ) did ~ay thnt this principle was the .. , 1\Ir. P 4HIO:'\s pre~enlfld anothor petition of a ments omanatin:; from Boards of Education hero of mature mauh ood; tbur tt may sttrn).llato tht> law ut pres!lnt, o.nd he feared that even though sirnilur nuture from .Mrs . Huie, a respectable and elsewhere, bavo n so been oblig ingly furnishe1l yu ung to tlt c aciJJC \'ernent of noLle and vir- tho hon. ge ntl emnu wa! sucl!essful, the ques· ; lady of 1his town. .. us, wh ich we intend to make suc h usc of as upo,

t uou:> deeds, and co ns<Jie the ag ed, that such tion woula not bo placed in nuy beue~r polli- The petiti o n~ were rend and ordered to lie a careful examinat ion of their content we may

\ n s:r+r hns shone fur the t<urc guidance of the tion . on the table . deem most conducirc to the puvlic good:-

human race t o frc t ~C'Ill and hap pi rlCS. Tho Dill 1\'as then telld a '2nd time. Tho CoLOSIAL Tnusli RER presented returns ll.~nno t· rt Grt.H' f. Grt HDIAR ~cl(ooJ..-Tho Th e President then rose nnd said-The pnet l\lr. PRE:-ID~I! (:AS T said on moving that the from lhe Surveyor Genernl,-and a petition. Grarnmnr School of llnrhour Grace comprises a

1 nys , the qual ity of fire i' pu re , it cannotd .an ge bill be committed to-mor~o.w, that though the from th e Agricultural Soc iety fo r d continua- rcspcct.··d>lc residence for the ~l as te r, and a very it.s nalure , it \J urns us bri 0a htly in th e gipsey 1 judges decided rer.ently tn favour of the _ser- tio n oftheir annual gr,\nt. lit: spnko of the g-ood nne\ well furnished ~ch ool room. .Rut .th•!

IJ I b bl h d · · · latter has unfortunatclv been made onl_v su ffi crcnt cam!> as in the j>a la tJI'\ hall, So it is with coll,. ll vant s pri or clai m_, it cou on Y · e es_ta 19 . e t1berahty of tho lrg•slature, and of the bPntf11s d 1

t -50

\. . th t fior ,\-~nt of k · to nccommo ate a lOU uO\ s, so a u

jugal felicity-but wh en we mecr this high so- by the dogradatJon of tho planter, 111 ma mg which bad result ed from the OJH•rations of the room the son ofn respectabl; resident was rece ntl_v cial charucteri,;t1c sn t he a llod cs of the lofty in him insoh-ent. Ill s obJect was to remove all society. refused -ndmitt.anee, and there cannot uc any in-station, its exam ple shl.'dli the happiost influen - tht:l doubts by a·c -e nncting what bef<~tE'I existed . :IIII.!TI \ DILL-rETITIO:-I s. crease in the number of scholars nntil the buiiJin~ ce~ on octtll)' . The exalted lady whose health He rnov,::J thut the bill be c:ornrnitted to -mor- :'\fr P .\R so :-~ s presented a petiti on against the all be enlarged. The course of instruction i~

. 'l filitia Bill, which was seconded by l\lr. 13ar~ eminently suited to the requirome~t s of a ~om-·i have now the high honour of praeosiJ'{g ia a rpiY. mnnitf where commercial pursutts constitute model of every feminine v ~ rtue-her unobtru• rij'r. PARSONS seconded the motion. The oea. · the main occupation of the people. The _Bive elegance A!l the consort of the Go1'ornor, bill was throughout 11 remedial measure, and :\'!1·. Gr.E:-< also presenled a similiar petition; chief attention is here devoted to instruction in

d 1r · · r d he gn ve the hon. member "real credit for ha v • both of which led to a very lengthy d i!lcussion. Book Keepin", Geometry, Navigation, Geography her deep-tone au~ct1ons a11 a w11e, no n mo- .., ° F h 1 h · 1'ng '-rought it forward . ......,..Tho motion was car· -The oet1·,1·011 a w"re orclereu to lie on the Ia.· 1-.:nglish Grammar, and compositio~: • rene. _ant ther , her unostenlatiou,; c arities, must wrn u r " >- Spanish, of course, with ari_thmettc a wr1tm¥.

f<.Jr her<the lasting esteem of every person who ricd ' ble · The classical is not the prornment departm,e~t, Silt

bas the privilege and happiness of mingling in SUPPLY. The House then o.djo~rned till Iucsday. only of the boys having commenced _Latin. I /. Tl1e House resohod· itself into " Comll)it• h 1 1 sure ,-

11 snJr1'n·,-, that a hwh dcrtrec lhe society in ,which sho moves .-He then .. ave muc 1 pen "' • o :-.

Ice of the whole on supply,-Mr. Carter in ~1Jt JM_or_n __ illJ)_~- Ottrft-.·. of credit is due to Mr. Roddick, the gentleman gave- the chair. - - who conducts this 'valuable and promising estab-

Lady HanJt.'.f . Nnrl'ouadlnntl-and bor Jnrcr-~•'•• lishment, for the satisfactory proficiency which h_is Hon Mr l\Io~tRIS moved that the potation b h f 1 Tho President then gave the following · · ~r.JOHN'S, Nl!l\VFOUNDL.AtvD. pupils ha1·e made in the different r~ne es_o t1e1r

l.DAsts :- of the Rov. 1.\Ir. FJtZKerald aod othMs ofTri- WEDNESDH ~ORNlNG. APRIL 8, 1 46. duty, and the admir_able method m wluch the oily, praying for n grant lo construct a Iandy - businesg of the scho~l is mannrted . The several

The Land t6e line ln. 1 bl M d I t h r- h · t' ing place, be read. ' IN the Genera At>sem yon on ay as , t e gentlemen who were present at t e cxammn ~on

A. S~ea, E-sq., acknowledged thi11 compli- sum of ~lO,obo was voted for t'be making dnd (Jan. 21) unit_ed with m. e in <;ordial .• a. p!Jrobation Mr. BARNES supporled tbe prayer of the pe~ · h C 1 d f •L-meot. rep~iriog of Roads and Bridges tnt 6 o _ony · bqth of the performance of t~e b.oys, an o I.UU

Trade and Fuhtrier. tit ion, and spoke of tbe neoest.iU' of .such -lanElw Of this IIUm' ~!,000 ore to be approprusted successful exertions of their instruc-tor. G. T. Brooking, Esq., replied most 8 ppro- ing places, and of its importance as a medium to tbe ~ nin ·Lin-eR, an'd £s-, ooo to 'l>e djvided C.& RBONEAR G RAM)f.AR - ~cnoo4.-:(Jan. 27

, of inter·commuoicatio·n. H would move thai among the several :pistricts in the same ·p~o- ~tl M · H 1 t1

pritlleiy · portion» as the ar,inf Or_ last year. The Wlh 1846,) In company ' . l. r .. . , ~qraJnn, · lC ~0 be grnuted, $~5 for I be landing placf', eo 1 tu ehairman of tt1e Board •of Com'mJSStone-rs for the The BnJ. Theobald ~latht.W. atJd the oauu . .~ r h h f b qom an~ pbilantr~phy oLtbia mea. re, at the Grammar School -of Carb()neal;'. 1 -vi~tecHhis astab-

.qf Tempet·ance all 011er the world. ~l)d $1 !).B aa\4 lOr t e piJrC ase 0 a terry oat. rresent JUncture is,...appare~t. for lO tho ev~nt . . r .' cti d 0 pn. ~Jr. Moa~rsseconded th~ proposition, f .• : fi

11 Se \F- a-: 8 ..,; jt will aa-orA hsl}ment fpr the._. purpose o . mspe, . on, an . WLU\ J.l,ev. John Forreatal rep~ied to thia toast in .. , o n.n unsucceas u 8 18~ , J.;l • · '+' · "f · · h

1 ed ·th the sattsractory nnd able man-

d fi .11 and ffoo. Mr. Q'B~l.f!N aupport.eq i~.·~.., The to the people meaJts of ~ptoy~ent JO the best muc ,P east h 1~t . " '!.i"'''t~:f' ~ · M' o '•"'o'n' o'vnn an eloquen.t an orca • e manner-. " ., tt • h ,()1j , . d 1

, aer {n wh c 1t Js:t-conuuc ·t:a u r. u • The lfpn~ P~k AltwriJ, and the .ll.~'+L ll)OtiOP, Wall then put and car~ied. ' poasibl~ ,w~y for l ~ · pu 0 goo .-e ce~oa;y· T:he buUdin . comprehends · -a '· residence . for the-

~ural Soc~,.ty ., qf N~fou~/4~. H Qo, &1r- ~~Rts mov.~~ tt)at tb~ petition n~ry a::bwJII .be ?it:.!.~t~dta~te:~~·~~~~~~~t. · ~.te,r, of.w~ch the paft .wbi~h forms the-dwelling. ' · r " '~~'J d r; ru 1 · .:a b ~rloua 0.~~'1" ,,_. · ··~~ e • · ' '· 1'\r-~-· h ' not sb oommodio\lslv a ~nged u C{lu}d

The hod. r. ~ ord~ rea ponded. 0 Patrie-. ~ 00 ' .errrma,:J I p H-91rOf)~, e family i,n ao ·~dep~o~e9t .~o4 ~~po.~r,b.l~:t , rq~n- b~~slieci, but t~·o 1 s'choofroo~ is 8Jl1 ly uffi~ien,t, ·_ ,T~~" fdttc,a.lj~J/Ilftjfutio~ of th~ llla7lfl. re•~, •. nei-, the grealeat · an'd ~o~f e~aur~og .. b~peijt• fo r t;ijce . tlie ~ 'iifurlbei-~'- or .

0' ils. ·hl p~sent .

. ',rlie ~om,· of ~l ~ Qel?rf~-, . Mr. Pusoru supported the , prayer of· t~• .will b'e conferred upon the rYc6\tbtJI.r., Ho ttJ !u~.:.liarb<?ilfj! 'dt'this. i _ •. ,..ij' ~ St~~b, Es.q., ;a q. v.~r, , feljci19u_a apeeq~ pe~i_o:~;~, ucl moved ,rqat tbe.~•atnD of·•.f!M.'be. · 'A ~P-i.TFlO?f. w · 8.11 , ;~gli~hu or._uunar· ~~!iR~nrJ~dg~~ tbi•. compli,DJ.eotto lJj• ~o4qtry. voted.-Hon. }.fr, Moaa11 aecon~ed : •b• ~o" ~.Bcm.ls to Uie ' ,C;;, tion, wb~h ~ w. a~ .pllt aq_9 J:art. ied.ht 1:..n ~ • ~: ·_. laat·•froJn.;·the !Q.i~~ ~ :a.' ~0-,. >, ~St--.' '.A ,~: • . '_.; ' ' . . . . ' I ·'·'' ,.,

, if~,.. 'IJYfJl· . 1-. .. .., , .. ~op M'r. _ ~~~f. hl!!lO',.~."'~the:~~~., of r,t~~e, t_~l.n_a~•antJa• ~~ ·~i,lr,9y, ~·G·· ir. ~it1 ~fl~ ·,~tyJ,t · ~f c:la,••iP f4r 'nA'.Po~van,,~·M,-e.r- ~') the . ~biji~(.r "''11~") ~~i·~ .. ,~~~~1~&~~~Y~r lti~8~' ·' ia~llticlh.

fit~~,~~~!,~ .. ~~~~ ',,' ' ; :. ;,· j Gr~'ni9 *bo.ol ~ rO:aq .'ys· •. +i~~· '_II,~· o.o[' ' 'iii ~\M ··---", ftftr, /Mu~~•t.f.t Te;r~ ;v:~,. , i · ·r· .1 · , .-l\fr~ .~JU~_,· r~}Jn~ rJ :lFJMJI4~~1

· • t ~ , .. • • , ",. ~'1 ~~ t,· • .. .. •. ~ ' •. ~ ~ 1 (.' 1 ,t .. ~., rl· rd I 'i'~;,JI,t.lQI_Q· •. ~ liJ~ ~"rV~t., '! J +. , • .-.:1,;; 1. ~Li. w I ~;. • :: -G 1.... ... w~

• • • •

I .


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., .. ' ' . ,. ., 1 'r; I

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. ..

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'' . . ~ .. • " • • #.. .... .. ' . .. . ' '

-· • .Nlter ,of tb.~~ -which. in _Eng}9!ld .is .to c&: ' ·. ~

~o~me . .-cinl. ~cli~s-.- Mr:'l>'l>onovuue:q' >enen41:· ~ • , ~ r '"'·r

.ed ~~t hindranc.Et,· .in.:thli:pl'o6ecution il1is la-- ~ 1 . ' ' •• •.ttl 1 " WIL.LMEA <It SMR EV TJ·MES.'' . . B. ¥!.WNt~ ',v.•rh,; .. : J •

t·· . '·

· 'bou~ Oil\ not ~iug · · jsde &'Wa_t1' •· in tim'e of the · . di(J! ul o.r itnp9ssibility. of ob~g ~tin tbla· c y the -tooks, ~maps,:and!otber• apparatus f9r. his . uol.. '1!he ·,pupi~ nequitted thernselvea in a manncu- bigllly .creditable both to themselves and to their muter, ·especial~y in arithmetic in which :\[ r. 0 ' Do nova~ is a very superior. instructor;;.,-

J.Ynit4ttrtftinxl~"'~f!.blislt~ ~etlfl'l!hli/.."/Qr · &ine.er~ :th~ ~IR . to~Ri~~~~"' ~d,l ''IIJ~ rdl:i)ttliif.··t:sY~tfi,lh'lJ'- ·

. '

. Their performance in Englisl~· Grammar, Geogra· phy, and French, was also most .sntisfuctory; lind great attentiou Lad bee,n p~ b,otb to tltcir reading und w·riting. ·

st-. ·PATRIO('s·Fn-n: Scfli)()L, l1ARB0Uit Gll :\CE.

-(Jan_. 22.) ;I'ttis School, formerly known as St. Patrick' s 'free School, lies under a \'cry ~reat dis­ad ... antllge of h::u·.in,g a mean anil most incoon~ni­cnt School room. The teacher, 1\fr. Fenncli., js a pelson fnlly competent to conduct it., and the chi!tlren are here much better s.upplied with books than in the m.ost of their ~ hoolll.­The number preset:~t ilt the inspect inn was 7 5, 1hj'ir progress in ntithmctic and writiug was satisfactory, and their rcndip~ moderately good.

...... •• \ ot

(WED~ESOA Y.) At ELEVEN o'clock, At the Auction-.Jliurt \(if . ·. ·

-~~mm~ mTmnm~ 4 Chests · Sl

~ --" ~ ··-- 'A' I 5 lbrrels lli~ Ei<' , -.J

3 Boxes T OBA ~co 2 Casks HAY SEED ..

40 Dozen G·lass BOTTLES_:for ,viodQw,:.~ 6 Cwt. LO ,\F ~UGAR :~ BED:=.:TEAD~

lie "itt g~n.e·rah!l t ~· th~ J<H)d . clii:leabe_',E.itg'lana' ~. · ·· · :~ • '4tnllillftr1•~d .:.:RIIin~•o' lie h'u:.f..~l!ef¥e-d'1 hi ·n1

t J""' , tt·:I\~~;.,., ... , ·lie~ Je,_:ve··tb '1nl~wl 1 Am TIIR UNfli'ED 8T-111S<1!. D ';.er~ADA.- '·

1\llt'e..tlidt-h'oldirig AtTCTiox. S'A.!.&~ ! EVERY Tnn&£ £S.~~· 1'1AL 'F~I(l'·U~f:S.d Dlti'NJ'lP.UJru i·r ,.._ .... _ the 'let :\ PRI:L ~~that tie-ha" ·made FRO;\I ALL cONT~~P..Q.~~N .~~Uil:ruB .Ij.~A;TJqN.s :-

bl~ , a'ltea-8 icin-s in his · Shnp, Ware.. · FmsT_.-lt ~qn~!lin~ :~ fy1.l, j:prrect., : ~ltd com-and Sto~~: fot' Jh~ l>at~ef receft~n ol t>rehen"••e S'happ1n,g Ll'sl,;. Per,son~ .lll~~r.ested

all k. of .. G~dl'! .; - .AND Tll i\T HE 'EN~~Es ·1

in the Marine of Amcricll may l~rn in an to: ·

TO ~&llli_T THE N:ET ·P"OC.f;EIJS ·OF 5UOH ~ODS ~tant to the infi>nnaHon 'iV..h ic h'f;'y Sl>ek, witil l.N THREE DAY:s .LFTER 'llH& Rr.c£JPT OF the cerr ~uty of relyif.lg.ou ·itt · rutli. ft '. t~11~ TliE.M. . · - · s upe'Nieiies !?hipping List •:sqd'OtheT expensJ\'6

The Premise$ b&i1,t:; iu o.Me of the most Cen.lral puhlicat~&n'l from ~urnt>e soin~. of·w.hi r.-h ure and .8llra'cti ~e Siltwlio11s tillite Tnwn, he hopes six times . the price of ~llrner ~ .'\fll~t~ ;• Eu:... (or a ' oonlinuando ofthe unboundPd patro·J?age ) •·opean Ti,Tito.f . · wlth.-"•hich l\.e hns t.een hereto(.,re f•1voured b..y SEc u:xnt.v .-:h contains a Price ('~rrent ot a discerning en'r! generous public. ann n~Rur~s nil the J!Tf'ht Rnliilh nnd Rur'opean -Mar:ket•, th<Jn'• that neithe,r punctunlir;i no'r s'tri~ o.tt t;il· rl••voted prwcipa-Uyr-o ' thft nricles of tt·ade nnd tioR will b~ ·wn:lling on hi:J pnrt. ' cl)•nm,rce more _i.mmediudy npper.lluning to

March 28. · -' the l.initcd States find l3ritiflh America, an.J ------------.,...--"'-··_-_·-:_:____ ill w b i .-II th e )I I;! rch n n t • I he T Ttl de r. n nd I htl

BHP!li!J>!]J_~~ Jlo @~'~J~ili). runn· of businesa mu st !'eel an immediato inter- ,

IL\IWOt; Jt GJUc.E NrLD. &uoor. SocJE<rY ...... .-\ l'rincipal School of LJe N ewfoundlnnd Society has b<!cn here in operation during a period of :2l ,·cars. It is at presell.t under rhe mnnagcmc nt of ~he l~cv. Mr. KingweJ.i one of .the mos t c· xpc rienc­

l TABI.F: 1 HOCI<l ~r. CTLHit fi S uits OIL CLOTHES.

, ' I

Apr~ I ~-

NOT\iY Pl BLrC, CO.'tVE\:1\~lmP, &r. .! . e!l t. On the sc1lre or' cOTrecfnf>ss, •he Tabu la r R"E~~CTF'lrLLY ta !t.e~ )rue to Ul'l'fuaint Ft~urcs, nnJ the remsrks accQmpnnyiog t ho_t-- .'-'

h'ts frren·ds and the pubhe gem•rnlly, thot he l'<lri u~ !\1urkcts, show jog their actual con di coritinue.i tu trSinsact busineas iti tile above , tiou, m<1y he relied on, aod are, in fact. i~ dP.partment~. nt ~1~s Office in Water Street. H TIIORin· Wt T II l\IO~T OF TH£ rJR~T HousEs 1:-;

· G E TilE I' ltJ;>; c 1 r .\ L CIT J'E & 01-· Til f: UN JTED STATI:.!! l' d sP rvunts of thi s val uabl e insti tution. 1-J e i ~ assisted in his duties by his daughter. The school late ly containcrl ~03 Scholnr.s , but the various t~s - . tahli~hmcnts for education recently c ~llc d in to ON n:ist~nce han~ wit hdr:tiYn n c-onsiderable portion


SATURDAY NEXT, <>fthe children.-:\t the time ofmv visit the e x- ( The lith inst.) At ll n'Ciock. at the

tremc sc ,·crity of the weather made the attendance St. Jolau'S Gas-Ligllt JVol"kS, unus ually small. I 130 Barre ls

CAnno~ E .\R no. S c HOOL Son.ETY.-The :\ewfoundl; nd Society have h er n ~ C'houl und er "r. ::-; tilc v, a young man Jull,v t:ompc:tent to con­,in ct !'u h an c~ tab\i ;.hmcnt. T he total num be r of ll: s ~rh olars is 7"2. of wh om ·1'l wc. re prcsc·nt at the ' ~" .\' of in,;pec tion ( Jan. :?R \ mo~t of th ose :·~nd m'll , and had been otherwi se well taught. 1 he wri ting w :u; ver:· creditable.

CAnllo:-iF.AH \\' Est. EY:\~ .-A large nnd excel­lently conduct~· cl 'ch ool is also est.ublisl ed in Utis place under ~he \\'csleyan :-;ociety . 1' ll c room is ,·cry capacious and well lig h ted , caJlablc ofl10lding I im a<>i nc full 150 childrcu. ] :he sehoo!master i:s

·"" ' nidently an ~xpPr ic nc~:d and able toneh<!r. At the ti m e' ot' my visit ( Jnn. :z:-n, tha re were be­twee n ljO and ·/o children pre ·cnt, ulmost ~11 of whom '' e re wr itin~ in eopy books, and genf rnllv w ;:h consid ,· r;tb!~ sk il l. 1 consi lile rad tlte rendi ng to b~ particularly good. Not taking into account the \fl t!. ::-l chool ::-locie ty.'s r·s tahli shmcnts I con­· ld t' r tlt is on e of the best sahooLs that I have seen

®bituar,!!. D1En ,-- On Thur.t<du y 111oruing last, nfte r 11 !!hnrt

dl ue-<:; , ~lr. Tu o)!A S C-1:-i'I' Wl.:I..L, n respcc tuLi t! dtullitnut of tlii..; tow n.

Apr il S.

- - - .. -----~t. Geot·.;-e's Clutritable .Society.

A Q U.1RTERL Y -~·fEE1'I!VG of the abrwcSoc iety \viii be held at the FAC­

TORY This El·eniug-, a t i o'clock. ;\priJ

I".Olli::IG~ .-\ XD COLO:VI . .U, A.GENCi"

Conunission Office. NO. l ~ , CO~UILL, Lfi~UOJ,

(Oppo<Jite the Royal 'Exchange.)


T o Me,·cha?tf~, Com mercia l }V'ercs Rooms, Prt(Jiir· Librm·ies , .ll~ric•lltural SIJciclie ,_., .

OJfic'-rs of the U,1 if td Srn:i ces , P1-in­iers , Publi11htrs ~f .'; etr.spa·

p crs , and R esidents in the Colonie., gtmtl ally. ~~

~~ ~' @:!i!!t!!~ll.t~~ l

--, On Fr ida_v ,..renin;! ln~t, nit e r n s hort til- • I;.r returning thar,ks to his numerotl~ .Friend!!, 11~sR , Mr. F.~uN u EL \\'A li nE, Li~ht-llouse keep- oncl d1e Colon~al public in general, f'or the ··r nt t;npr !:irwar . The dt•cc ~ sed Wll~ 11 mart <Jf lar~e share of patronage and !ll'llport which t•xn•ll ent char<~c-ter. nnrl wns much 11n<l d f.>servc fly he hns received during the past Seven Y tars, r ·s pP.c te.t ~~~ ht:! e.r.n~ loyers. . . . . . tak~s lea\•e tn infu1'1fl them that in con~equP.nCtJ

--,On::Suudu\ C\Cill j'!lusr,muchundstncere- fh d ' fl l'b · f Jl t f I · h · .• 1- 1 ~-1 o t e rapt 111 ul: I"J us1nes::~ rom a par s o Jy regreltet 111t c :<lsr ea r o tcr UJ{C, t• .. \R~, , • f

1 ..

..Jde::~t rlnnj!ht e r of ~lr Thoma:~ l\Jclirnth.-Her tl ~ w ~ rld, _ and the . great por\Jo~ . o liS t1m_t f't~nernl wi ll tnke place. th is-du v, nt hnlf pnst four wh1ch IS sltll occupied by tbe ed1t10g ond pubh_ u'cl uck. frolll th o r<•5idcnce of her ruthe r, on th e cation of tne ft!l rren'l, W henlh f' fri e ndS UIIJ OCI} uai rJ Lances of th O ffl '(}'I~ /ij'~ll£lli m& ns1. £ tn'i7'\:V , ~ f~tm tl y n r e 111 v 11 c d r n n u en c1 . \!11 ~ .:.!d \;/ \U U::l.U. a.J <.::::l .--,On yesterday morn in !! after a jong 1"4-fltl in (li"Jnsequ~nce of the retirement from ill lumlth

pniuful illnt>st<, Et.rzABETH, younj!est d~gltter of of:\Ir. CLOWF;S. he has taken into partl'ler .. tbelnre Joseph Nixou. E~'l··.of Ed inburgh.--:: ship Mr. HeNRY WtLLIA~t WARD, a gAntltt­Ht:r funeral w dl tnke pi Cl' 011 ntunlay qe_y Ill 2 ·. m&n who has had the experience or fil1een o'clock, frvm the re:.tuencc of ber uncle , .Dr. years in mercantile pursuits in London and ( . . ,

n\BSO!f. who, from hiR genArnf kn(}w)ed~e of busine~s · - and exten11ive conne~ions, cannot fail to further

Sbf1J.PfUJ} Jfllttlli1Jt1ltf. the interests ofhla clients and add to the gtm~

POR~F ST. JOll~'S.


Feb. !26.-fs&u~.>llo. Helen, Mmlitermne:m, J. To­uin ··St Co.

~larch 4 ...... Charles, Pl>rtugal, W, 114. H, Thomas &. Co. ~ '

~-Hero, BOlton t.J,.obn O•Doune11,

1'~ 9./lo:_ F.. THI$".18L4ND~··.

eral advantages . of, he Ag~ncy; The busi­ness will be henc~ort~ -carr1ed on under the firm of

~I!IU!It~RUI! • W&!!tVI~ and he respectfully solicihl for the firm thnt C(lntinued share ofp~ttrona!!e and support which it will be their earnest endeavour to merit by promptitude. until'ing energy, contin~d zeal, and mode1·ate charge:~.

ndjutning 'tlte pr.emia~es of . Ct.At'1', ~sq. AI; H C.\NA.OA.

W~N~ f£1) immeJintcly, on ·.-\PPRE~-. TlCE 10 t116 PrttNTrNo U usJ~Hss.-Applyat the iJf orning Courier Otll cc .

~ouct.pHon 13a~ l~acntt, ------ - ·- ----·-

lllRllO V lt-~IUCE UD PIJRI' l~ .\L-1'01' ~.

'l he EXI•itESS I•acl.:et. THE Sub criber res pec tfull y nnn o uR ces to

th~ public that his s plendul new Pao;kct

rn ~ w ~ rn ~ S)d filled ur with n spacious cabin, and every 1' 8

qui si tc accommodation for Passengers, is uow plyiog betwo.cn Harbour Gruc.:c and Portugal Ct.ve, leavill:! th11 former pla~c every l\Iondfly \Vednesduy 11nd f<'•·i ·hy . at !I (wluck, 'and thtJ latter nt 12 o' lot:k ou the interrocdmto days .


'f.RIIli.H.r .-As A ne,uraper, it pre11ents to

the r\merrcan ~eader, 111 a cuncentrated stnt~. anJ whMe lhe interest or the importance of the subject dl'!mnncls it, in the most detailed ontl ample form , eve r1 tnpic, of political, comm e r­cial, dome ·tic, and mi~cellnnec•\HI ioteres t which hai occured in Buropc or elst!wloerc. 6ir,ce ~!Je dc llnrture or the preViOUS packet­especial r <· ~nrd being poid to whatever i ~ mo~t· ly ("onnccted w;lh, or re lates to, the polit-ir. nl, ~:~ocinl And commercial weU-being of tho lhitisk America and the United Stat a;,

\V l.l .. L. ;Il t: n .& S.:-1tT 11 's E c Ror EA ~ T1 !IJE ~, 1n .;;hnrt ., tnke s n GI .. \JI; C f: at Pvery r.ircumst.wr<; in which th e inhabitants o('tilC grent \\'esletn \·\'odd <:an possibly feel oo interest. It put~:~ lha American rend er· in posses~i o n. lhe n.n .. ment it comes to hnnd, oiwhatever has trans ­pired, during the inter·vnl in Eurc•pe-penw. .tal. pnliti •· ul. ancl commercial. ·

Cnuin Pnssen~e1 s, 7s 6d s~erage do 5d r.~ouble Letters· I tl Su'1;( lo do Gd

r+:B.-A careful and nttP.mivc man is en~a .. ged ' lo take charge C'lf the Mu·il, &c.

Letters and P.trce ls lobe sent hy ti:,- coto \'OYJ\nce to be left nt thu E.xpress Packet Ofli~e f-l ru·uour ~··ace, nnd at Mr Percltnrd's, Agent St. John's, will lJe duly l.orwarrl (1. .. A. fJRY 'DALE.

T111: Scascnti'TlON TO TillS PAPI'.n IS !Gs . r Ell AN ?11 1; M : A:>; D :llA Y U E 0 R DE R £ IJ 0 }'

l\'lr . TH O~ . l\lcMUH.DO, . Book5cller, St . John ·a.

AL SO , 1!\' !.ETTER, OV


WjLj.lll~ ~~mm~ l )f c \' cry descr iption may be ha(;tthe .of.

fice of lhis paper.

' 'I,HOMAS 1\lcMURDO & Co . .,

Agents fot· these Cnequalled iUcdicinca. j




' . .., = !!12

V E G E T A. B_L E L I FE P I L L S ~

-= ~ : ~ -·­rn c:n F- The high and envied celebrity which th~e pre-Cminent Medicinet have acquired r.r their iS:

invariable efficacy in all the diseases whicb they profess to cure, haa render~ llui usual w"

Z practice of pnffiog rult only unaecesaary, bot unworthy of them. They are lcoo•n lty ~ ; thelr fruita 1 their good works testify for tbem, ud they thrive not by the faitll of the 1-d . .. eredu!out. · = - IN ALL CASES UF '- ' ~ . .I.Uma. FEVER&. AG1JI!I. 111!-4 "a.U mol Cl~• .Rl,_osn-. For thh eeocuw• of Ute W.ten J£!::4 .q«Jiom • U. BlaUer &Ad co.atry lhet• med~laeo will be 0 ltitlnqti foaDd a we, tpeedy, aad eert.ala O BILIOUS FEVERS aad -reaed!;' Ocher me.Jlcblc• lea••

Ll V E R C 0 M P LA Jl( T,S. the ;_l}'ttam IGbjecl to a rellUII Ill - h tha 110Glh ouul west. wile,. the .U...-a cure bJ th- medl -· . - theM d'-te~ ......,,..11, they will c!Ho u pennanear. Try thea k ~ beiOondla~~.. Plu .,... ' ioatWeol, Uc1 be cwrU. ...._ l'ennen, IUid otben, wbo ODCO FI1Wnut qf , •• C<m•phzio ... - -tbtMMttllc!M• YillU.V GENElf.LL l>EBILITY. .,... aftenra'rds be wlt!.011t lh-. . Qoul. !•• ··liUiuw Cltom aJU B.,._ loot• o;~;..u,, ~ • taeft, Qi:eed

· ltilu •. · stid•chr, qt '""'!tiM. ~ Coati••""'· 1-rd Fe..w. ,

CoUt .,.., "-···· , It:.~~ .R1,_.,_ ~ f'-) CJ.lol,~ -:---o I ,

b 1~~J:~~:~~~~~~~~ I f

0 dbeue. 1 . 1 • 1 .' ·r·' JIIIIC ~ lltaiiWI1"'fe I 1 ! 0 l lo


~ ~.... ...... . [; --· DTSPB.rs!:t-'\5:,.,_ UftU ',, DI~Ei.J~- 1 .. ' """' .W. f.llfi <1 ......,..,~ , NnerAlltto.,.dlulfn-S:C ~~:' 'llli!i.C' _ ., .W ' all the ·~~ ~ Me~cny

- cUat.JY.. • ' " ";~~~ _, ~ .. 1 the= "rb~ -~ingle Barrel' '11. 6d,-.fivo •nd

~:.> ... • • ' • ~ . . . .... --.2 ' .. ' • ' . • j • ; t • Up •111• ' I •• ' •· ' '·'

Aprjl-1. ,, 1 ... ,•1 , ' !' '

SuotC>li.tHt &. %. A~D, as ge~eral Agonts and Commission M~rcliants, beg leavf to RcquaiQt the Coit)nial ,Public ~hat tb~y are ready tore,. CE'ive orders for t~uppli~~t pf"ny i~~ and ,q4~ll1" · titv, and ii[Oods of every. d~scrip~ion, .ofiirst r.ate quaJity : at tbe very Jo"rest prices .. of th~ ~ay, ·and to, tranaact , ~uaineas upon th,e ~o.s~ h.bel''lll te· me providt~d th,ey are previo4siJ ·(ur• : n~he~ ~ai,h f';lnds .. or d~nf~.s ~t,~j~h~r ,JOOJ or. s~or~Aat~''· 9r .A,.J;'efes:~ce t~ .fQI'Jl~ Lo.n9o . .r. L!v~rpQol ~oyse fot PI\J.m~pl~ '· · 1 ·... r:· ~S.iiJ!JRq~~ J&,; \Vard l 'fJll . cq~4l\ll~ .t~ re~e-ive Co.~~~~~ ,t! o,(KM~r9~,~ jze.iJI~~J)e .,.,}d0 on, • ComQus•aon and upon the receipt ofthe Btll:P

, Leading wi,ll ,.!'c.eeJ•~ : fi , ~ ~, M\1' . · .omh• fQr

~~!S::&.:cf"-.... ' ~. • ' c• I f!_!,.,.lio&of • ' . .., r . l rlll ., .• (•1 ' ' l '·'.'j •.•• ,., ~ I . • • .. ... ~

. ·: ·.itr~ti~~ ·a i """'1 ~

· tw? ~N~,J.,[t,~! .. ,~o nt: Co~~~~~menfs ...... ....., trusted to tbear, care wall atb . ' I • ••a"'(){l~• . ' ...... ""' ' .

, a, •• s ~) ·

' .,


.. '


I ' i

, . •

. .

. '



.. -....



' ; t • ~ ,• ~ . .

• '

. . . -. ' . .. • 4 I" " . . ' . . . . .. . ' ' . . . . ' . ~ ... . . .. ..

. . I • •

':.\ ' - ..... ~·--- ·

. J " ' 't I I .· •' , 1 ·~ ' ., .. :J· ... t hot l .

'\f~. Y. a~··\b.e -~Pti~-~'nlhr~,rt~ II() dliJb~ ~b&!Jl ·. tbe '~\l~t"'ll• k~~~ -~~ ~akyl. ·

.''Tia ·~·~ t!l~Oe) t~ejt;;jtlf(llilius may 6ow I J4'e-r,ilitiog,om ~)plow· • .,.. 1 1

, • 1 1 \ J , J ~ 1 1 ! ,1 I I I - . 'Why- bnvf). cldu'rl~ such lofty fligbt, lJnskiilg m . ib~ ~o!tlen1 lt_tlu: .,l'i~ to '..setrl<l tlowir1'J,rfiri ittl ahowert, ·On thia ·Jowerl world: d.fo 'fs.

• I • '• ~· I ,; ' ~ ' •

_ W by tlo ~.s ~od &Jml.t ~be ttrt>nt? · iT is that th ey mnv prop the state;

~:So that .·toi~ its sweets may yi~:~h.t, Anct t ~e sow~r reap th~ field. ·

• - ( I I 0 ,, \ ~

· :ki~bes, why J oll_t He confer r •rbllt the ric& lfl~.Y .Qliuia~er..,

'\n t-he ho1,11· Q.t !~~jr, ~1i,tre£S To thcq)oor q.ptJ. fatbiorJes9.

Docs He Jig~t n Newton's mind/ - 1 • •

'Tis 10 ttbine.oo atl mnnktnd-Docs 'H,e give tq Yirtu.e birlb, 'Tis to suit tbe ·poor or"eart~ .

' . ~cler, _wbosoe'er thou art, W bnt thy Ufld bas ~ivun, impart, H ide il no& within the ground, Send the C'U p of ulel4~iog rouad.

Hast thou JIOwer l-tha . weak dcfencl, J .ig ht1-gi:ve ligh 1! thy knowledge lend i ,Ricb1-remcmt.er hin1 who gave, /Free ?-be brother to the sin ve.

CaiPcl a blessing to ioh~rit, Bless-and richer blesllin-gs merit ; (:i i Ye-and more shull yet be givon, Love aou serve-and look for hen.,.·r.n.

Vlt.ol .\ch-natn11:e otTnkln;: o '!\fe,npnp~~ ,

I knew two friends as much alike,

' 1:

As e'e r you saw two s tumps-AIIll nu phrenologi<'l could tinct

A d itfcrcnce in ll}o Lumps.

One took a. Pnpttr and his life \Y as happier than a king's-

I! is children aJJ COuld I'C<Hl UOU Wrile1

AuJ talk uf men :tnd thiugs .

The other tuok no pnpers, and, \\'l1i le strolling throu gh tho wood,

A trl!e fell dow n u11on his crown, Ant.l l;illct.l hirn as it lihou,d. ·

-i'rn.l hA beea rentli llg of the news At home, li ke brother .Jim,

I'll her n cent this nr~itlent,

Had uot IJefallen hi 111 !

Jaf~ttllatttonu. -==- - -----·-- =· ... _ __ -=== WIBT'S TUE ono. SO YUV'RE 11.\PPY.

·, l- .

. . . . ' ' ~ ' . . ; .· . . . • . ~: . . .. · . ... ~ . •, ._ . .· .·

. . . . ' - . ' ' .. • ' t• . ' ~. • . • .,. ' . •• . .. ...

·--... ..

l·l>JMtPlJY . to..- ' nve-., IY.itar~· ·ud!ti~JJ•tl -· · cJt;;!h.rl t : 1 ,~====/:~~~~~~;;;~~~=== l~mca:dic:.ab,adv~e. ~~~~·af ·MC~~~~;-'-~~~1~~ r ~;l)Jg of· vourfnaJJa lfi'·'O~en\ j1i ~~d. ·thoii~t·~ · triJ . ct ~ ; tffih"Qt~:at:e uClEls--11 tliem . ~ aucb··s~iaio·g' :;..w, • .rt&fit ttrt~_. :, 4n~.fa~~ ··~:m. A re · ~;~=--t·~~:...::£3.: · .. ~·~'-i , . -- r- ... ,.. 11 a-

.......... . ~rf~ !lr!:m. i~Pd. • -~ ~i?,ttt r · ah~hasbnl~,'~iv·en!r\~~JD2ip;b-tbeing.h~J.trd· ue·c·.~~~~a . ." • ., ,; J:'l ,'l • ~-· 'n ... • I .t, . ~ qtnte 11 .... to ~tt.euq_~~O ·u~.r o~·~\1 u ~.l .. ~· • ' .. "Y:i~- . ~1f · ~ - Aal'\4. - ~pb, ... . .0/WON' · · for.merfy ; adl\eh. slu_ n~er ~~ilk~ !". 6o. agam

~ce:~~ ,.sutv~y~1- is .t\P · tO;-b~ · st• . :&• -·uq, Sanuu~. L: had raJ most {or,g'btten ~o ; 'a tate -~~li "t\ e~e11 •Waa e . r~l .-.Pad -·nowhere, • · By: .-be r H . b~en. -up warda of S~.Yen - V:~ars be'". give_~ • .Up,hy the Fa-cu.lty :a~ U.ourab~: '1 Wh~n mpst men's hve~, such i itsJ usual / lh~ P~.btlQJf and ~uriog tha"-'tlme has sh~ .UPed to· get .up io 11qe niornmg<it ·Was:. almost caJ.. -_ position .in;.:latitnde and .:foil . . ~nj d..- !ti~ ~1_16den.ce ' and euppo~,.-ef t~e . impo.nibte·to diuover a; fe~- er• j•n' her · face · .you .ever ,~et th~re , let liS know. · ' · leading colooaal u~terests bot.b. ~l .holJl~ap,.i tn bein~ -~o such a' fea~CUr:-st~ 'Fhiscur.e is cu•

. Pame, Likewise, .j.g set dOVf~~ h~pp~ness lb-e colonies. . _tir.ely !Jy the use ·of·}'bU't' m ,dici-l;).eS. ~ . by those· who have :no -p~~uliiir. feather . in· Estabiisbed for the purpoRo of exc~ting and .......... f nm, · Si'r, Y ours,1&.c &.c " .-, · ·

. ·theJr cap,.: and \Vhe' are plagu~d· by un~~tis- kee1,ing , alive. an .ioL~reet · in ·the co.lonies and THOMAS TA~q~ . . flied desire to fiaunt in sunbeams like~ pea.:.. colonisaitno;· an~ conceotratin~ -public opini'On A eu-..e or . IncU.~estio .. n; ... cock. But here, also, Mortlecai sitteth a.t~t~~ on the least ·respooaible department of ~SY z,

king's gate, to rc put rancoufs '_.,tl),~. )~ssel vU'r'.ii'merit, the ColontaJ.~i hp--itend{ly To p,·dfost~m· Jlc:i_llotoa!J r. . .

· 1

b a\mpd .at tlie dia.cltarae of these ffincti~ns, _with Sui~l consid~r . it my . dufy to-infol'~ you of OUr pea-9e-t an,d f~IJ)_e, _n'}q o.v~_r. , ~ a- nut fMr or compr'omisc hut frao from ea~her that your pills-, n few boxys 'of Wbach . ,[ dowN1 llil,Snbsta. r~· al, :as at b t Jt ts, ne\jer- ~ 1

• h fa~ctious or p~tl-.isan spirit. pur(fhll§ad at Mr. Moorc~s.- Druggis~, ~f N~w· tla~IE(ss is ~.s. h\ln '!as it is g } llltr-:- · U!lger, 'THe CoLO:--JIAL (JAZ£TT& will be conducted tow~ hllve culled me o( constnnr.mdlgeAtaon the inore it' is S\ plieq. with fi ...,......wi)o can in the same spirit as for.merly, in ~o far as and ~onstipation ot the b~els, whic;b npplica· be happy in the p,angs of hnng.ar~ • ita political functions and the pro~ot1on of~o.. tjoo to lit-erary pursuiLA ha~ long entailed opon ·

Aud tqere comes.l1e.auty, too,-who, of the Ionisation are concerned. An~ m future If!.- me. I should strongly recommend Author~ . , gcnlle sex, if she ·is not already graced .With creased attention 'will bu · paid to the depart.. and studiously di.sposerl persons ge.nernll_v, ,<1f its possession, would not be happy were she._ ment of commercial inforJnation. use your V"lluaule Pills. You have my pflr· among the admired and beautifu~1-- But 'fhe modifications which have of late years missi-on to publish this note, if you · wi~h to do h ~re, agajn, str~llsely, e~(;,ugh, ar~ ~l"oqb!P.s- been introduced into the commercial system so. J am, Air, Your most o_bedient servant,

· envies :>..nd riV:a:!~ies-::'-apd then, tha~ ~ark of this country- the revolutionS' ctfcct~J in G. R. WHYTREI'l BAxTER

quick-cqming shadow of qecay !-"No. mat- the social relations of some ot.the colontes- Jlulfw,· of the Book of the Bast ile, ~c. [e r, if you' re . happy.". Rut is beauty, of are be..,innina to be felt in the develope_ment _of P'll .

11 "' ., c 1 1 1 N.R.-Those extraordinary 1 s '"? cure itsel~, .and 1·n 1·,a 0\VD ligh.t., ha-ppy !-Are_ new mercantile arrangements. 'o on111 rn 1_ • f B h ~. .., 1· ···1 1 f any case of Asthma or Shortness o rest , beau v and belles, and· pla:ys--g},..ncing in the roncls promise to become an C 1g1u 0 Cas!:!~ 1fl l d' d' . h ... a. · f 1 however ong stun aug or tstressmg t e cn!>6 dauce Or flashinsz fi·om the bOXeS-happy vetsm~ots and inif'Ortnnt ongtoeS 0 CO 00198" h p . b b) )'

· 1 . h tiQn; banks appear likely to supersede, to a may be, even if t e at1ent e una o to te Wit lOUt alloy 1 Tell us as you Sit t ere, rc- considerable extent, the old system of procur~ down in bod, through fear oi btmg cqoked turned, weary with the car~s of being beau- ing advanl'(\8 of .;apital through the instru- with cough and phlq~m. tifnl, and chagrined, it may bE', th,at fl!ltrc_ry d th - ·- · ~ ---- . ---- -- ---

1 . h l mentality ofp,.iYate agents; a~ so sooo aq e ""'~lli" <tf.'\ni' 10, W-.:J ~ ·®· n~c:rn~1 '"Nf'-i'~o begins to pa II, and that ad n a tton' a~ ost Its 6 vaOP.scent disturbance occas1on~ by attru u- ........,~-~ ......- w......., '""' c::; 1..!. ·.u.· .!..!!.:l~'\.1 '--!..

relish. What think ya now ?-::-Is 11

. not- sition from slavery to f•·eedu~ in some of our Fitly Ulcers Cua•ed ill six Weeks. much ot jt-mere vanitr nnd vexatiOn of colonies has been remedil)d by a11 adcquat~ ~ S"irit 1 1 f 1 b h t. f f lence Tobago, West Indies , •

r supp y o a our, t e res torn wn? con H FcbnHU't!J 4th 1845. ·· ·- -- ·-·--~--~-~----- and consequent influx. of cnpital, the olcl coun_-

l NG"Nrous ExPEDIENT.-A workman who, 1 11 ,.. p r. n ll ,. try's nrnugement of proprit<tor and t:ssec w1 .1. o ro1essor .uo oway.

by means of a rope, had asc1mdcd to the top donbtlet~s, in the mnna~ement of estates, super- Sm,-1 beg tn inform yon thnt the inhnbi-of an immensely tall chimney, in Pr~ston, sede the mode of cuhivaliou by o-.:erseers and · t:~nt s of this Island, especially those who can Ertg!and, found himself iu an awkward pre- attorneys. . noL afford to employ medical g:entlemcn, ar" dicament, by losing his rope. A{ter turmng A new era is opening for · thc colomes. Tho vory anxious (if having vour ast0nighing MedJ­tl-.e matter over in his mind a fow m.inutes, Press may, al such A moment, render i~cnl~u- cines within theirreneh from the immense bene'" he unra •; clled his stockin!?s, lowered the !able services . as tho channel for cooveyang an- fits some of them have dP.rived from their use, length of \'lrorstf'd to the gro~und, and n piece formation respectin~ the general principles as they have been founci here, in several cases t)ffine cnrd br.i w:t attached , he was soonena- ofbankiug, railroad investments, &.c &c., or to cure Sores andUicers of the most mali~ .• bled to hoist the rope up agai n ! as the adv{)cate of the adoption of simple nnnt and desperate kind. One ~cntleman

speedy and snle fo~·ms for tbe tran sfer of pro~ in this Island, whCJ hnrl, I balive, about fifiy perty real a.ud moveable, the eltcct nn_d trn~s- running ulcers nhont his le~rs, arms, and body fer of securities on land, and the reg1strutaon who had tried a II otlfer medici nl:ls b~fore the of both. nt•rivnl of yours, but oil of wh1cb did him no

-... --- . -----.. ___...._

ExPEDITIOus TI:AV &:LLIN G.-A lady break• fasted in Edinburgh on l\'l.ooda y morning at seven o clock, and reached -her residence, lonr miles from Sligo, at halfpast eightJ on Tutlsday Jnorning, by the Rnmbler stea~er, af that pert; thus accomplisb.ing a jonrnt1y of GG mil es by land, .and 240 miles by sea, in tbe sp:.tcc of 2,31k honrs. --- ----- .-.-..---... -----

Why. is a.,plumb.-cake like the T:hnr:qei ? necanse it is tu ll of currants (currents.) \

Between Kcllil{Tm-Ds, Bricrus, Pm·t .. de-Grrr lle Bay Roberts , l-.f.£~rbour Grace and Car­

boncar, in cmnm.unicotion overland ?cit It •S't. J oli.n ·s.

In the commerciul List, too, of the! GAZETTE good; but yours cured him in about six we~~s. an extensive alteration is contcmplntcd. Each and ho i~ now, · by their means .y~, q-u ue number with contain for tho f ut u re-I. A br ica re:itored to hMit h and vigour. ~ review of the operations of the Money Ma_rkot & during tho week, with .a correct table~~ tho Elh'aordlnary Cu1·c of Lcan·osy, ·c lntest authentic prices in tho Ho~e _l· und s Jllne 3d, 1844 .

Colonial and Share :\I a r li ot , the Cont1nentul !\f 1• • LEA" r s R E E no :-.- , of r.E>orgetown, De me .. Rates of Exchange, pnd PricAs of Bull:orr .- rara writ es undor th e nbCI''e dat'E':.._that Hol-2 A Co lonial Shipping Li;.r . - ::3 Tal> u 1:11' lown'v 's Pi lis nud Oi ntmcnt ha ve\c'u rod Gad leg~ Statements of Imports , DeliTeries, and Sto~k- thdt ;10 doctor could ma.uog e , ulce1·s ~1:1~ sores . of Colonial Produce in London u nt.l tbe prtn· that wcro of the most dreadful clescr1pt10n, U!i

cipal Outports.-4. The weeks's movements ; likewise leprosy, blotches, scales aod other of the principal Colonial .l\Iarkets.-5 The

1. ski n deceases of tho most frightful nature,

Commercial Gazette. and that th e eurf's nfl'ectcd there by these 'I'nE CoLONIAL GAZF.TTE continues to be wonderful medicines nro so numerous nnd ·ex ...

publi~:~hed, as h ratof~>re, A~ 3:ZD. Strand· trnordinary ns to -ns~onish the whole populO.ti'on. The editorial de parment wdl an f~ture, be conducted at No. 36,0ld 1 Bronrl Street, City where files of all tne leading Colonial jou rnnls, nud all Pnrlimentary documents relating to th,e Colonies, may be examined at a moderate charge per hour. [

The, Editor ~nd Publi'!her of the Colonial Gazetfe ~reopen to undertake . ~he ug~ncy of Colonial jo.urn1,1.ls, and offer thear servtces to ~og~'e co.Qlpdtenl correspondentS' for thP.m on reson~bl~. term:i.


·The-- Btwl of'lallldborotct;lt Cllred. - •

TI.is TVonde1jul Med·icine can be ' ecommmdul tvitlt t!zc· grzatesl confidence for any of 'the

follo1oir~a- Diseases:-"" .. Agtlc, ,Asthmn, Bilious co_mplnint~, Blotch~s

on tho S'in, Bowel complaant, Cohea, . G..~~ta• pntion of. · bowels, Debility, Cons~ mpt10n~ Dropsy·, Dysent~y, Eryesi pel a a, Fe\ll~ra t>~ nil lc inds .. Fits Gout, Hfln1ach&, ' Ind1gestwn, lufta~ation' Jaundice,Liver complaints,· Lufu, ba:o-o ·Ptlti!l ~Rheumhtis"m, ·safe 'Fnro t ••scro. ful';, ~r_. ~·i~g:s ,EvH, ' _ SecQQIJaeyp~ . ,.t?ms~ Tic-Doulou·r~ux, Tumourt '\Vorms of all kmds, W en.kness, 'from wb~t~{.~t: - causEt,&.c. &.c. Bad Legs, Old Wounds ~1d Ulcers, and Ulcernted Cancers, Swellings, .Bu.rns, · S.caldef, Chill blains, Chl\pped ~Hands a~d: bip11, 1also• Bun• ions and Son Corns, will be immediatelyLcl.tred by ~h~ :-Qintme~t .' 'Yhig_h. is, a eerla·in 1remedy for the bite of Moscbetfoes. ·

N . B. -'Directions for t •the .guidance o • Pa ' tentJh-ire ed"to -eacia ·Pot-a.::~~xr··. -"'::-"" ... . . .

There is a very .. .collBiderabi&::aavins; in tak. ing the larger siz~,s. . , , . · . · -. :

r l ~ \. ~ ~' •

OO"'To prevent J~.f?.O.~~TIO~. \~ .. ~e &:ale of t,be t.tecliein;~ri t.N.ew .. fouotilo.nd, cbf Jruhlic _are cautioned ~ot ,t~ .~pply . ~o !,lny otbe -Es,abh!lh­ment than, hat ~·ot:'* tli . ·litnk :arU o Agents, rt1cCOUB~~ :»8pfJ.'B~S S f~ , rs St. ~obn'•· :~ · , ~· , · • . ' · ~ ·

7 ' -\

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