i/13. évfolyam · az ikon mellett olyan gondolatébresztő, kérdéseket, felvetéseket,...

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Idegen nyelv angol

I/13. évfolyam

tanulói jegyzet

Komplex szaKmai KommuniKációs és informatiKai csomag • idegen nyelv angolTÁmoP-2.2.3-07/1-2f-2008-0011

ang13_tj.indd 1 2010.03.11. 12:05:32

a kiadvány a tÁMOP-2.2.3-07/1-2F-2008-0011 azonosító számú projekt keretében jelenik meg.

Szerző: Fáy Réka

lektor: Bagóné tóth Katalin

Borító és tipográfia: Új Magyarország Fejlesztési Terv Arculati kézikönyv alapján

A mű egésze vagy annak részletei – az üzletszerű felhasználás eseteit ide nem értve – oktatási és tudományos célra korlátozás nélkül, szabadon felhasználhatók.

A tananyagfejlesztés módszertani irányítása: Observans Kft. Budapest, 2009.igazgató: Bertalan tamás

Tördelés: Király és Társai Kkt. • Cégvezető: Király Ildikó

ang13_tj.indd 2 2010.03.11. 12:05:32

PETRIK TISZK tÁMOP-2.2.3-07/1-2F-2008-0011 3


BeVezetÉS ...........................................................................................................................................................5

UNIT 1. EUROPEAN SAFETY REGULATIONS .................................................................................................7

Topic 1. Equipments and how to use them .........................................................................................................7Excercise 1. Lab equipment I. .......................................................................................................................7Excercise 2. Lab equipment II. ......................................................................................................................7Excercise 3. Lab equipment III. .....................................................................................................................8Excercise 4. Safety regulations ......................................................................................................................8

Topic 2. Major signs, labels and figures ........................................................................................................... 10Excercise 1. Dangerous workplaces ............................................................................................................10Excercise 2. Proper protective equipment ...................................................................................................10Excercise 3. Safety signs ............................................................................................................................. 11

Topic 3. Labour safety ...................................................................................................................................... 13Excercise 1. What is labour safety? .............................................................................................................13Excercise 2. School accidents ......................................................................................................................13Excercise 3. Labour safety and jobs ............................................................................................................13

Topic 4. Labour safety in the european union I. ............................................................................................... 16Excercise 1. Different bodies of the EU ......................................................................................................16Excercise 2. What is OSHA for? .................................................................................................................17Excercise 3. Familiarizing with a labour safety website of the EU .............................................................18

Topic 5. Labour safety in the european union II............................................................................................... 21Excercise 1. EU-OSHA – Possible tasks .....................................................................................................21Excercise 2. EU-OSHA – Actual tasks ........................................................................................................21Excercise 3. A campaign plan ......................................................................................................................22

UNIT 2. HEALTHY LIVING AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION .......................................................24

Topic 1. Reuse ...................................................................................................................................................24Excercise 1. Recycleables ............................................................................................................................24Excercise 2. The ‘3R’ concept .....................................................................................................................24Excercise 3. Recycling ................................................................................................................................25Excercise 4. A website about recycling .......................................................................................................25

Topic 2. Saving Energy .....................................................................................................................................26Excercise 1. Ways to save energy ................................................................................................................26Excercise 2. A green website for saving energy – Your presentation ..........................................................26

Topic 3. Green energy .......................................................................................................................................28Excercise 1. Renewable energy I. ................................................................................................................28Excercise 2. Renewable energy II. ..............................................................................................................28Excercise 3. Ways to promote renewable energy ........................................................................................29

Topic 4. The effect of media on environmental protection............................................................................... 31Excercise 1. Why is media essential in environmental protection? .............................................................31

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UNIT 3. A PROjECT ............................................................................................................................................ 33

Topic 1. Project lesson I – Planning .................................................................................................................. 33Excercise 1. Brainstorming ..........................................................................................................................33Excercise 2. Mind map ................................................................................................................................34

Topic 2. Project lesson II. – Planning ............................................................................................................... 35Excercise 1. A summary of our project ........................................................................................................35Excercise 2. Task sheet ................................................................................................................................35Excercise 3. Scheduling ...............................................................................................................................36

Topic 3. Project lesson III. – A project progress meeting ................................................................................. 38Excercise 1. Where is our project right now? ..............................................................................................38Excercise 2. Reporting .................................................................................................................................38Excercise 3. The next step ...........................................................................................................................38

Topic 4. Project lesson IV. – Evaluation ........................................................................................................... 39Excercise 1. Plus–delta ................................................................................................................................39Excercise 2. Evaluation ...............................................................................................................................40

UNIT 4. jOB HUNTING ...................................................................................................................................... 41

Topic 1. The world of work ............................................................................................................................... 41Excercise 1. Working abroad – Would you like to? .....................................................................................41Excercise 2. Working in the EU...................................................................................................................41Excercise 3. Working in Hungary – Give advice .........................................................................................42

Topic 2. Looking for a job ................................................................................................................................ 43Excercise 1. How would you plan to look for a job? ..................................................................................43Excercise 2. job hunting ..............................................................................................................................43

Topic 3. Writing a CV ....................................................................................................................................... 45Excercise 1. Have you ever written a CV? ..................................................................................................45Excercise 2. General guidelines ...................................................................................................................45Excercise 3. A sample CV ...........................................................................................................................46

Topic 4. Applying for a job ...............................................................................................................................49Excercise 1. A cover letter – Who knows what that is? ...............................................................................49Excercise 2. The purpose of the cover letter ................................................................................................49Excercise 3. A real cover letter ....................................................................................................................50

Topic 5. A job interview ................................................................................................................................... 52Excercise 1. Questions at a job interview ....................................................................................................52Excercise 2. A job interview – Tips .............................................................................................................52Excercise 3. A real job interview .................................................................................................................53

VOCABULARY ............................................................................................................................................... 55

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PETRIK TISZK tÁMOP-2.2.3-07/1-2F-2008-0011 5


A következő feladatok célja, hogy segítségükkel:1. elsajátítsd az Unióban használatos alapvető munkavédelmi kifejezéseket, megismerkedj az ezzel fog-

lalkozó szervekkel, illetve néhány, leendő szakmádban használatos munkaeszközzel és azok helyes használatával;

2. megismerd a tágabb értelemben vett egészséges életmód alapjait, ezen belül is a környezetvédelmi megfontolásokat, illetve a megújuló energiaforrásokat;

3. vegyél részt egy projektterv kidolgozásában, majd a projekt értékelésében;4. ismerkedj meg az álláskeresés folyamatával, tanulj meg angol nyelvű önéletrajzot írni, illetve egy

állásinterjúra felkészülni.

Reméljük, hogy a tananyag használatával ezekről a témákról írni, beszélni is tudsz majd angolul, illetve megismered a projektmenedzsment és az álláskeresés alapjait is.

CélA tananyag célja, hogy a következő témákat alaposan megismerd:1. Biztonsági előírások az Európai Uniós szabványoknak megfelelően2. Egészség- és környezettudatos életfelfogás3. egy projekt készítése4. Az álláskeresés folyamata

Követelmény1. rész: Biztonsági előírások az Európai Uniós szabványoknak megfelelően

Ismerj néhány, a leendő szakmáddal kapcsolatos biztonsági előírást, szakkifejezést. –Ismerd az alapvető jelzéseket, szimbólumokat, tudd definiálni, hogy melyik mikor használatos. –Ismerd az alapvető munkavédelmi fogalmakat, tudj beszélni egy grafikonról, és ezzel kapcsolatban –saját gondolataidról. Ismerd uniós munkavédelmi normákat, munkavédelemmel foglalkozó szerveket és azok munká- –ját. Legyél képes egy uniós szerv munkájáról beszélni, annak weboldalán tájékozódni, kampánytervet –kidolgozni a munkavédelem fokozására.

2. rész: Egészség- és környezettudatos életfelfogásLegyél képes a „3R” koncepcióról beszélni, illetve az újrahasznosítás folyamatait és összefüggéseit –megérteni.Legyél képes megújuló energiaforrások megnevezésére és definiálására, valamint energiatakaré- –kossági lehetőségek felsorolására. Tudj tájékozódni egy kapcsolódó angol nyelvű honlapon.Tudd kifejteni a véleményedet a média környezetvédelmi felelősségéről. –

3. rész: Egy projekt készítéseKépes legyél egy környezettudatossághoz vagy munkavédelmi témához köthető projektet társaid- –dal közösen megtervezni, a kapcsolódó feladatokat egymás között felosztani, felelősöket és határ-időket kijelölni, a kapcsolódó feladatokat megkezdeni.Tudd a projekten belül saját részfeladatodat ellátni, majd azt a többi részfeladattal összhangban a –projektbe építeni.Tudd a saját és csoportod munkáját értékelni. –

4. rész: Az álláskeresés folyamataKépes legyél a munkalehetőségek, munkakörülmények és adottságok összehasonlítására, prefe- –renciáik kifejezésére.

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Tudj az Interneten munkát keresni, értsd meg a hirdetéseket, a vonatkozó kifejezéseket és szöve- –geket.Tudj uniós szabványú önéletrajzot és kísérőlevelet megírni. –Képesek legyél felkészülni egy állásinterjúra, megérteni azzal kapcsolatos leírásokat, tanácsokat. –

JelmagyarázatA tanulói jegyzetben a tananyag fontos elemeit, a példákat és a tanulási tippeket különböző ikonok jelö-lik.

Ikon Jelentés

a fejezet célmeghatározása. Figyelmesen olvasd el, így megismered a fejezet fókuszpont-jait.

Az ikon fontos, jól megjegyzendő, megtanulandó ismereteket jelez.

az ikon mellett olyan gondolatébresztő, kérdéseket, felvetéseket, problémákat találsz, amelyek megválaszolásával elmélyülhetsz a témában.

Az ismeretek elsajátítását megkönnyítik a példák. Az ikon mellett érdekességeket, példá-kat, gyakorlati életből vett esetleírásokat találsz.

az ikon a házi feladatot, otthoni munkát jelöli.

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PETRIK TISZK tÁMOP-2.2.3-07/1-2F-2008-0011 7

UnIT 1. eUroPean safeTy regUlaTIons

TopIC 1. EqUIpmEnTs how To UsE ThEm

In this unit, we will learn about lab equipment and safety.

ExErCIsE 1. LAB EqUIpmEnT I.Do you know the names of lab equipment? make a list.




ExErCIsE 2. LAB EqUIpmEnT II.read the description of some lab equipment. Fill in the gaps using words from the following list.

a) a (1) .................................................................... is used to measure temperature.

b) (2) ....................................................................... are used to measure and transfer small volumes. There are many different types of pipets. Examples of pipet types include disposable, reusable, autoclavable, and manual.

c) A (3) ....................................................................... is a piece of glassware used to accurately measure volumes. The ring near the top of the cylinder is intended to help prevent breakage if the cylinder tips over.

d) (4) ....................................................................... are round-bottom cylinders, usually made of borosilicate glass so that they can withstand temperature changes and resist reaction with chemicals. In some cases, test tubes are made from plastic. Test tubes come in several sizes. The most common size is smaller than the test tube shown in this photo (18x150mm is a standard lab test tube size). Sometimes test tubes are called culture tubes. A culture tube is a test tube without a lip.

e) (5) ....................................................................... is a round-bottom borosilicate glass container with thick walls, capable of withstanding temperature changes.

f) (6) ....................................................................... is a motorized piece of laboratory equipment which spins liquid samples to separate their components. Centrifuges come in two main sizes, a tabletop version which is often called a microcentrifuge and a larger floor model.

g) (7) ....................................................................... is a common piece of laboratory equipment that produces a single open gas flame, which is used for heating, sterilization, and combustion.

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ExErCIsE 3. LAB EqUIpmEnT III.now you have photos of the equipment described in the previous exercise. match them with their names.

........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ...........................................

........................................... ........................................... ...........................................Source: http://chemistry.about.com/, www.wikipedia.com

ExCErCIsE 4. sAFETy rEgULATIonsread the safety regulations. Fill in the missing spaces with the following words and parts of sentences.

bad example, shorts or short skirts, acid on themselves, themselves on fire, long hair back, safety goggles and a lab coat

Dress appropriately (for chemistry lab, not fashion or the weather)! No sandals, no clothes you love more

than life, no contact lenses, and long pants are preferable to (1) ........................................................................

tie (2) .........................................................................Wear (3) ....................................................................................

Even if you aren’t clumsy, someone else in the lab probably is. If you take even a few chemistry

courses you will probably see people set (4) ............................................................................................, spill

(5) ........................................................................, others, or notes, splash themselves in the eye, etc. Don’t be the (6) bad example to others, remembered for all time for something stupid!

Source: http://chemistry.about.com/

Write at least 3 more safety regulations.

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PETRIK TISZK tÁMOP-2.2.3-07/1-2F-2008-0011 9


acid savautoclavable sterilizálhatóBunsen burner bunsen-égőcentrifuge centrifugaclumsy ügyetlencombustion égéscylinder hengerdisposable eldobhatóequipment felszerelésFlorence flask forrasztó tégelygraduated cylinder mérőhengerlab coat laborköpenylip perem, szegélymanual kézimeasure mérpipet pipettareusable újrahasználhatósafety goggles védőszemüvegset on fire felgyújtspill kilocsolspin forgatthick vastagtip felborultransfer átvisz, áthelyezvolume mennyiségwithstand, resist ellenáll

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TopIC 2. mAJor sIgns, LABELs AnD FIgUrEs

In this unit, we will learn about safety signs, hazard assesment and proper protective equipment.

ExErCIsE 1. DAngEroUs worKpLACEsDo you think your future profession could be hazardous in any ways? say why.

Useful phrases:i think/belive…in my opinion…As far as I am consideredIt/There might/could be…It/There will probably be…

ExErCIsE 2. propEr proTECTIVE EqUIpmEnTread the following short text and answer the questions.

1. What is a hazard assesment?



2. Why is it needed?



3. How is PPE selected?



OSHA regulations require that a hazard assessment should be conducted of all work areas so that proper protective equipment can be selected. The choice of PPE depends on the type of hazards such as heat, impact, chemicals, compression, electrical, light/radiation, punctures and dust. Keep your workers informed of appropriate PPE requirements.

OSHA=Occupational Safety and Health AdministrationPPE=Personal Protective Equipment

Source: www.mysafetysign.com

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PETRIK TISZK tÁMOP-2.2.3-07/1-2F-2008-0011 11

ExErCIsE 3. sAFETy sIgnsmatch the labels with the workplace. Then try to explain what they mean. give examples of further workplaces where these signs might be used.

the building of a new metro line, petrol station, Penta Chemical Works Ltd., a medical center, US army










.......................................................................................................................................Source: http://www.mysafetysign.com/

Think of the following workplaces and answer the questions:a) What can be hazardous for its workers?b) What kind of safety signs do they need?

Fill in this table:

workplace An intensive farm using pesticedes

A hospital dealing with infectious diseases

A truck carrying kerozine


safety sign needed

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assessment értékelés, felbecsülésexplosive robbanóanyagflammable gyúlékonyhazard veszély, kockázathazardous veszélyesimpact hatás, behatásnuclear power plant atomerőműprotective védő, védelmező

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PETRIK TISZK tÁMOP-2.2.3-07/1-2F-2008-0011 13

TopIC 3. LABoUr sAFETy

In this unit, we will learn about labour safety – the most hazardous jobs and data about fatalities.

ExErCIsE 1. LABoUr sAFETy - whAT Is IT?

What is labour safety? Try to explain with your own words.

ExErCIsE 2. sChooL ACCIDEnTs1. What accidents can happen in your school? Think of general accidents and accidents in special classes

(e.g. lab, field work, etc).



2. Have you ever heard of a real accident?



ExErCIsE 3. LABoUr sAFETy AnD JoBs1. what are the most dangerous jobs? make a list.


.....................................................................................................................................................................2. read the following text. Then answer the questions.

a) What gender is more at risk in workplaces? Why do you think that is?


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b) Study the chart form The Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor showing information about workplace fatalities in the United States. Describe what you see on it. Use the following words: increase, decrease, gradual, stagnate, reach.






c) What are the 5 more dangerous jobs? Were you correct?


workplace fatalities-dangerous jobsIn most countries males comprise the vast majority of workplace fatalities. In the EU as a whole, 94% of death were of males. In the UK the disparity was even greater with male comprising 97.4% of workplace deaths.

number of fatal work injuries, 1992-2006

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PETRIK TISZK tÁMOP-2.2.3-07/1-2F-2008-0011 15

The Bureau also compiles information about the most dangerous jobs. The most recent information comes from the year 2006, during which 5,840 people died on the job.

Job Fatalities Fatalities per 100,000 employeesFishermen 53 147.2Pilots 104 90.4Timber cutter 66 84.6Structural metal workers 36 61.0

Waste collectors 37 40.7Farmers and ranchers 292 37.2Power-line workers 38 34.9Miners 156 34.5Roofers 81 33.5Truck drivers 957 27.5All occupations 5,840 4.0

Source: www.wikipedia.com

Find information about fatalities in Hungary. Write what you have found.


comprise tartalmaz, magában foglalcompile szerkeszt, összeállítdisparity egyenlőtlenségfatality halálesetminer bányászpower-line távvezetékroofer tetőfedőtimber faanyagvast hatalmas, nagy

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TopIC 4. LABoUr sAFETy In ThE EUropEAn UnIon I.

In this unit, we will learn about labour safety in the European Union.

ExErCIsE 1. DIFFErEnT BoDIEs oF ThE EU Take a look at this list of different EU bodies. Try to guess what they deal with. which one deals with labour safety?

1. European Environment Agency – EEA



2. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work – EU-OSHA



3. EU Publishing House



4. The European Economic and Social Committee – EESC






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PETRIK TISZK tÁMOP-2.2.3-07/1-2F-2008-0011 17

5. EURATOM Supply Agency






ExErCIsE 2. whAT Is oshA For? read the text. Then answer the questions in groups.

1. What different factors can be connected to working life?



2. What causes accidents, injuries and ill-health?



3. How do good working conditions effect health and the quality of work?



4. By when does the EU plan to decrease the number of accidents at work?



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5. How does the EU try to help better working conditions?






6. What is OSHA for?



protecting work in the EU

Working life can at the same time act as a risk and a positive factor for the health of employees and their families.

Poor working conditions, high-strain jobs and a stressful organisational culture can lead to accidents, injuries and ill-health and contribute to lifestyle patterns which are detrimental to health. Good working conditions on the other hand provide an adequate framework to support health, and to develop a sense of purpose and well-being.

the eu aims to:cut the number of accidents at work by a quarter between 2007 and 2012; –promote changes in the behaviour of workers and encourage their employers to adopt health- –focused approaches;finalise the methods for identifying and evaluating new potential risks; –establish and disseminate good practice. –

A dedicated agency, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), aims to support the work in favour of information, guidance and promotion of healthy working environments.

Source: http://ec.europa.eu/health-eu/my_environment/at_work/index_en.htm

ExErCIsE 3. FAmILIArIzIng wITh A LABoUr sAFETy wEBsITE oF ThE EUgo to this website: http://ec.europa.eu/health-eu/my_environment/Click on ’at work’, then find ’Links to the EU activities’ and choose one of the 4 topics listed below. Choose a topic you find interesting/useful. summarize what it is about. why do you find it interesting/useful? write it next to the topic, then tell the class. Use http://szotar.sztaki.hu/index.hu.jhtml, an online dictionary and write down new words.

1. Biological risks


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PETRIK TISZK tÁMOP-2.2.3-07/1-2F-2008-0011 19

2. Chemical risks


3. Occupational safety


4. Safety of young workers


5. Injuries: workplace


Choose 2 more topics from the above list and write about them.

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approach megközelítéscut sth by valamennyivel lecsökkent detrimental to káros valamiredisseminate elterjeszt, elhintestablish megalapozin favour of sth valami érdekében strain megerőltetés, megterhelő/igénybevétel well-being jólét

my wordlist

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PETRIK TISZK tÁMOP-2.2.3-07/1-2F-2008-0011 21

TopIC 5. LABoUr sAFETy In ThE EUropEAn UnIon II.

In this unit, we will learn about the work of a European labour safety body, EU-OSHA and work out the plan of a campaign.

ExErCIsE 1. EU-oshA – possIBLE TAsKs

a) Do you remember the full name of EU-OSHA? If not, check it in the previous topic.


b) Here is a list of what EU-OSHA does. Is it correct? Put an X next to what they DO and what they DON’T do.

Task They do it They don’t do it analyse workplace riskscarry out agricultural research to analyze yieldwork for risk preventionkeep in touch with governments to fight povertydeal with the well-being of children within the EU

ExErCIsE 2. EU-oshA – ACTUAL TAsKsread the following text about work at EU-oshA and answer the questions.

1. What simple thing do we need in some cases to deal with safety and health issues in an effective way?


2. What role is EU-OSHA trying to play in that?


3. Do you think there is any kind of connection between the safety and the sector of activity of a given enterprise? If so, what? Give an example.


4. Make a list of the tasks of EU-OSHA. Don’t copy from the text, use your own words.





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5. What is the ’Healthy Workplaces Campaign’? What do you think?


6. What is the target of ’Community Strategy for Health and Safety at Work’?


Sometimes, information is all that is required for an employer or worker to address safety and health issues effectively. We at EU-OSHA aim to be the central provider of that information and ensure that it is relevant to every user, regardless of size of enterprise or sector of activity. Set up in 1996 by the European Union and located in Bilbao, Spain, EU-OSHA is the main EU reference point for safety and health at work.

our central role is to contribute to the improvement of working life in the European Union. We work with governments, employers and workers to promote a risk prevention culture. –We analyse new scientific research and statistics on workplace risks. –We anticipate new and emerging risks through our European Risk Observatory. –We identify and share information, good practice and advice with a wide range of audiences, such –as social partners - employers’ federations and trade unions.

Our main awareness-raising activity is the Healthy Workplaces campaign, which focuses on a different theme every two years.

EU-OSHA is a key player in the Community Strategy for Health and Safety at Work, 2007-2012, which aims to cut work-related accidents by a quarter across the EU and to reduce occupational illnesses.

Source: http://osha.europa.eu/en

ExErCIsE 3. A CAmpAIgn pLAnwork out the campaign for healthy and cheap canteens in workplaces. make notes about the following.Issue: Healthy and Cheap Canteen Campaign.Benefits: more satisfied, happier and healthier workers- better performance and loyalty.How to give issue more publicity: make TV, radio, internet appearance, interviews, and newspaper articles about it.Ideas to make employers and employees more aware of the importance of the issue: create and distribute leaflets, organise lectures, healthy food tasting in canteens, Christmas healthy food fair, etc.




Work out your campaign plan in details.

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address megszólít, megcéloz, irányítanticipate előre bocsát, előre látawareness-raising tudatosságra nevelőeffectively hatékonyanensure biztosítgood practice jó gyakorlatpromote promócionál/elősegítprovider ellátóregardless of sth tekintet nélkül valamirerelevant releváns, lényeges, valamihez tartozórequire igényelresearch kutatás

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UnIT 2. HealTHy lIvIng and envIronmenTal ProTecTIon

TopIC 1. rEUsE

In this unit, we will learn about the importance of selective waste collection.

ExErCIsE 1. rECyCLABLEsmake a list of recyclable waste types. Do you know where they are collected? write it in this table.

waste types points of collection

ExErCIsE 2. ThE ’3r’ ConCEpTDo you remember what the ‘3r’ concept means? what do the three rs stand for?




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ExErCIsE 3. rECyCLIng why do we recycle? what is it good for? Try to make a list of why recycling helps to protect the environment.






ExErCIsE 4. A wEBsITE ABoUT rECyCLInggo to the following website: http://www.epa.gov/recyclecity. From there, go to recycle City and make notes about the following:

1. What is Recycle City for?


2. Click on the map. What does it show?


Staying on the same website, try the Dumptown Game.Do you find it useful? Write 5-10 sentences about it.


lessen csökkentwaste yard hulladékgyűjtő udvar

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TopIC 2. sAVIng EnErgy

In this unit, we will learn about different possibilities for saving energy and also about about its renewable forms.

ExErCIsE 1. wAys To sAVE EnErgyhave you ever heard about how to save energy? make a short list.







ExErCIsE 2. A grEEn wEBsITE For sAVIng EnErgy – yoUr prEsEnTATIonsearch the Internet for websites about saving energy. Choose one and make a small presentation about its 3-4 most useful tips about how to save energy. Use pictures as well as short texts to make your presentation colourful and easily understandable. make the text big enough using at least character size 24.

Find more information about renewable energy. Write a page about what you have found.

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my vocabulary

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TopIC 3. grEEn EnErgy

In this unit, we will learn about renewable energy more in details.

ExErCIsE 1. rEnEwABLE EnErgy I.Do you know forms of renewable energy? Can you make a list?









ExErCIsE 2. rEnEwABLE EnErgy II.Listen to a presentation about renewable energy. Answer the questions.

1. What forms of renewable energy are mentioned in the presentation?


2. What is the rate of annual growth of wind power?


3. What kind of energy does ’The Geysers’ use?


4. Why can tidal power be more reliable than solar energy for example?


5. What does Brazil produce bio ethanol from?


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6. To what extent is ethanol used in Brazil?


7. What can wave power be used for?


8. Is wave power widely used?


9. What is biomass made of?



10. What is it used for?


ExErCIsE 3. wAys To promoTE rEnEwABLE EnErgyhow would you promote renewable energy? The purpose of the promotion is to inform people about alternative energy. make a list of your ideas and say why you think they will be useful.






Write down an action plan to promote renewable energy. It should have 3 different forms of promotion.

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biomass biomasszacapture megfogás, megkötésclipping nyesedékconvert átlakítcurrently jelenlegderive ereddesalination sóeltávolításextract kivongeneration generálás, előállításgeothermal energy geotermikus energiahydropower vízenergiaplant matter ültetett anyag (a biomassza esetében nyersanyag)predictable megjósolhatórated becsültresidue maradványsolar energy napenergiasugar cane cukornádtidal power árapály energiatide árapálytree-stump fatönkwave power hullámenergiawindpower szélenergia

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TopIC 4. ThE EFFECT oF mEDIA on EnVIronmEnTAL proteCtion

In this unit, we will express opinions about the effects and responsibility of the media in the protection of the environment.

ExErCIsE 1. why Is mEDIA EssEnTIAL In EnVIronmEnTAL proTECTIon?read the following text and answer the question below.Then you will talk about this topic in smaller groups so follow the instructions of your teacher.

More than 20 years ago, a whale had been stranded in shallow waters off Bohai Bay. Local villagers flocked to the beach in order to snatch a piece of flesh from the dying creature and – when rescuers arrived – only a carcass was left. I was shocked by the story and felt a stabbing pain in my heart. How had such an incredible tragedy happened in China, where people – since ancient times – believed in harmony between man and nature, and cherished every life? Back then, I thought, that if I were to be a journalist, I would do everything I could to arouse awareness of ecology and environmental protection.

More than two decades after that tragic incident, I became president of the Xinhua News Agency. In March this year, I saw on TV another whale had been washed ashore, this time at Hangzhou Bay where I used to work. The whale struggled to get back into deep water but all its efforts were in vain. When local fishermen saw the whale, they immediately reported it to the authorities and then quickly began rescue work. It eventually took 18 people more than two hours to get the whale back out to deep waters. The rescuers, including police and fishermen, raced against time to save the whale, putting their own lives at risk on two boats in danger of capsizing at any time.

Source: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009-10/10/content_12204732.htm

What caused this difference in people’s way of thinking? Write down what you think.






As a group, make a poster with pictures about the role of media in environmental protection. Include what you talked about during this class.

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arouse felélesztcarcass csontvázcherish becsben tart, dédelgetcreature lényflock özönlikput sth at risk kockáztatni valamitrescuer megmentősnatch megkaparintstabbing szúróstrand megfeneklik, partra sodródikstruggle küszködikvillager falusiwash ashore partra vetődik

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UnIT 3. a ProjecT

TopIC 1. proJECT LEsson I. - pLAnnIng

In this unit, we will start a green project. The first step is planning.

Useful phrases:Let’s + infinitive (Example: Let’s make a green info point in the school.)Why don’t we … (Example: Why don’t we clean up the park?)What about … (Example: What about reducing litter in the school?)I suggest … (Example: I suggest that we should watch a green film in the school.)

ExErCIsE 1. BrAInsTormIng a) what would be a good project for our group in my opinion? List your own ideas.

1. ............................................................................

2. ............................................................................

3. ............................................................................

4. ............................................................................

5. ............................................................................

b) List the ideas of the group members.

1. ............................................................................

2. ............................................................................

3. ............................................................................

4. ............................................................................

5. ............................................................................

6. ............................................................................

7. ............................................................................

8. ............................................................................

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my favourite idea:


The choice of the group:


ExErCIsE 2. mInD mApDraw a mind map of the project.

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TopIC 2. proJECT LEsson II. - pLAnnIng

In this unit, we will carefully plan our green project!

ExErCIsE 1. A sUmmAry oF oUr proJECTsummarize your project in a few sentences and tell the class.






ExErCIsE 2. TAsK shEET

Useful phrases:Could I … (Example: Could I get the task of the internet researcher?)I’d prefer … (Example: I’d prefer collecting information about global warming.)I would rather … (Example: I would rather paint the posters.)

Fill in the chart. Task number

Task leader(responsible for the task)

Task Co–workers Deadline notes

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Fill in the chart. Task number

Task leader(responsible for the task)

Task Co–workers Deadline notes

ExErCIsE 3. sChEDULIngDraw a timeline of your project on the flipchart. First, write the beginning and ending of your project on it. Then write each task with starting and ending dates. Don’t forget the two following project lessons, either: the next will be an internal meeting and the last an evaluation of the project.

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Each task leader should prepare to report to the project manager about the progress of their tasks. Fill in this table as your task advances. At the next lesson, you will have to use it when you give your report.

what you have done so far?


problems, difficulties and possible solutions (past, present and future)

how satisfied you are with the present state of your task?

Expected finishing date

Are you on or behind schedule?

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TopIC 3. proJECT LEsson III. – A proJECT progrEss mEETIng

In this unit, we will have a project meeting and see what we have done so far.

ExErCIsE 1. whErE Is oUr proJECT rIghT now?sit down and close your eyes. put your hands on the desk. raise you hands as much as you feel your project is ready. Then, without moving your hands, open your eyes and look around. The owners of the most and least raised hands should explain how they feel about the project and why they raised their hands as much as they did.

ExErCIsE 2. rEporTIngUnder the governance of the project managers, each task leader should report on the past and present state of the task they are responsible for. Use the table of the previous homework.

ExErCIsE 3. ThE nExT sTEpEach group should stand up. Imagine the timeline of your project. The project manager should move 3 steps ahead to the target, or in other words to the succesful finishing of the project. Each member of the group, one by one, should say what their next step in the project will be. when they tell the others the next step, they should make a step towards the project manager. Each member should reach the project manager.

Write a page about the project when you have finished it.

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TopIC 4. proJECT LEsson IV. - EVALUATIon

In this unit, we will evaluate our green project!


Useful phrases:

I found the … very interesting.Our most important result was …We can be very proud of …Our strengths lay in …We … effectively the …We were successful in …

Next time we should/might/could …... need(s) to be improvedNext time we should develop …It would have been better if we …

Fill in the chart!

+ good points of the project: Δ It could have been better:





















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Useful phrases:

I think you … (Example: I think you worked hard during the preparation.)Your strengths … (Example: Your strengths were: patience, organising skills, asking questions, solving problems creatively.)Your weak points … (Example: Your weak points were: not keeping deadlines, messy handwriting, being bossy in group work.)I appreciate your ... (Example: I appreciate your optimism.)I learnt from you how ... (Example: I learnt from you how to organise and priories tasks.)I found your … (Example: I found your presenting style rather boring.)If I were you ... (Example: If I were you I would ask the opinion of the group before changing plans.)

Fill in the chart. write down your opinion about the performance of the person named at the top.

Evaluation sheet of ................................................................My name My opinion about his/her performance during our project

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UnIT 4. job HUnTIng

TopIC 1. ThE worLD oF worK

In this unit, we will talk and read about working abroad.

ExErCIsE 1. worKIng ABroAD – woULD yoU LIKE To?have you ever thought of working abroad? why/why not? make a list of advantages and disadvantages of working in a foreign country.

Advantages Disadvantages







ExErCIsE 2. worKIng In ThE EUgo to the following website: www.eugraduate.com. make a list of things/pieces of advice you find useful on this site. write down new words in the vocabulary section.

Useful things

1. ..................................................................................................................................................................

2. ..................................................................................................................................................................

3. ..................................................................................................................................................................

4. ..................................................................................................................................................................

5. ..................................................................................................................................................................

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ExErCIsE 3. worKIng In hUngAry – gIVE ADVICEwhat pieces of advice would you give to a young person coming to live and work in hungary? make a list.

1. ..................................................................................................................................................................

2. ..................................................................................................................................................................

3. ..................................................................................................................................................................

4. ..................................................................................................................................................................

5. ..................................................................................................................................................................

Search the Internet for disadvantages of working abroad. Write down what you have found.

my vocabulary

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TopIC 2. LooKIng For A JoB

In this unit, we will talk about how to look for a job.

ExErCIsE 1. how woULD yoU pLAn To LooK For A JoB?1. Have you ever tried to look for a job? Tell the others how and if you got the job, what it was.




2. If you have not yet looked for a job, think of how you will.




ExErCIsE 2. JoB hUnTIngsearch the Internet for your ideal job in the EU. Then describe your job to the others with your own words and tell the others why you would like it and why it would be suitable for it.Check new words and make a list of them in the vocabulary section.Use the following websites to help you with unknown words:http://www.quintcareers.com/jobseeker_glossary.htmlhttp://www.aboutcareereducation.com/pages/career-glossary.phpwww.sztaki.hu







Learn new vocabulary!

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my vocabulary

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TopIC 3. wrITIng A CV

In this unit, we will learn how to write a CV.

ExErCIsE 1. hAVE yoU EVEr wrITTEn A CV?have you ever written a CV? Do you remember some of the guidelines when you wrote it?

1. ..................................................................................................................................................................

2. ..................................................................................................................................................................

3. ..................................................................................................................................................................

ExErCIsE 2. gEnErAL gUIDELInEsread the text below giving you advice on how to write a CV. Then make a list of the different pieces of advice.

Presentation and sequence of items with your CV are very important, as it is in advertising. When you are selling anything you need to get to the key points quickly. The quicker the reader can read and absorb the key points the more likely they are to buy. A well presented and well-structured CV also indicates that you are professional, business-like and well organised. The structure should sell your strengths first and provide personal and career history details last - most people do it the other way round which has less impact. Structuring a CV like this you can immediately stand out from the others and make a much better impression.

Always try to use as few words as possible. In CV writing, like advertising, „less is more”. This means you need to think carefully about the words you use - make sure each one is working for you - if any aren’t, remove them or replace them. Never use two words when one will do.

When describing your experience and achievements, select examples that are relevant to the the job vacancy, and relevant to the manner in which the employer requires the job be performed.

Not all experience statements (or any of them, in the case of young people at the start of their careers) need to be work-based. Look for non-work experience in other parts of your life that provides evidence of what the employer is seeking.

Construct your experience phrases so that they will demonstrate experience and capabilities that are relevant to employer’s job requirements. Create a list of 5-7 key activities which closely match the employer’s needs for the job, and for which you can demonstrate competence. Create phrases which add context and scale to whichever of these basic activities you choose to feature.

For example, if we take the activity ’planning’, here’s a phrase which attaches some context and scale, in this case for a telesales manager:

„Planning and budgeting annual sales department activities for 10 telesales people.” Or for Managing, training and developing: „Management, training and development of a consumer telesales team - 15 staff, 3,000 customers,

Ł3m revenues.”Employers will be looking for experience-type evidence in some of these areas, depending on what

the job requires. Think about what the employer needs in the job. The job advert often provides good indicators if it is well worded.

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Structure your experience statements in the sequence that you think reflects the priority in which the employer requires or sees them

Source: www.businessballs.com/jobhunting-method.htm

pieces of advice











ExErCIsE 3. A sAmpLE CVTake a look at a sample British CV and write in the following missing information:

Presentation Skills, fluent French & German, able to work well on own initiative, winning over many clients, Adobe PhotoShop, www.andanother.com, training the team in the use of QuarkXPress, National Diploma in Graphic Design & Multimedia (First Class Honours)

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martin wardleaddress: 1 Any Road, Anytown AN1 1CV

telephone: 01632 960 326mobile: 07700 900 285

e-mail: martinwardle@example.com

Professional profileAn enthusiastic and professional Web Designer, who enjoys being part of, as well as leading, a successful and productive team. Quick to grasp new ideas and concepts, and to develop innovative

and creative solutions to problems. (1) ............................................................................................................. and can demonstrate the high levels of motivation required to meet the tightest of deadlines. Even under significant pressure, possesses a strong ability to perform effectively.

Key technical skills

(2) ........................................................................... Macromedia Dreamweaver QuarkXPressAdobe Illustrator Macromedia Flash Strata Studio Pro (3D)Adobe Premiere Macromedia Director FTP ProgramsAdobe After Effects

Career summary2006–date webmaster, graphics UK, London1. Working within a major print design company, tasked with developing their Web Department

2. (3) .................................................................................................., Beyond Press Pro, PhotoShop, Dreamweaver, and adobe Premier

3. (4) .................................................................................................., from larger companies, due to the extremely high standards of creative design work

4. Training clients in subsequent website maintenance, particularly the use of Dreamweaver and its inbuilt FTP facility

Selected portfoliowww.website.com, www.anotherwebsite.com, www.onewithtext.com, (5) www.andanother.com

Education and qualifications

2003–2006 (6) ........................................................................................................................................, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland Key Modules: Web Design, Visual Communication, Multimedia, Print Design, Typography & Photography Won the Multimedia Student of the Year Award and Best Use of a Award.

Professional development1. Team Leadership (Management Training Centre, 2009)

2. (7) .................................................................................................., (Management Training Centre, 2008)

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Personal detailsDriving Licence Full/Cleanhealth Excellent; non-smoker

Languages (8) ..................................................................................................,

Interests and activitiesCurrently include Photography, Theatre & Amateur Dramatics, Football and Golf

Using the ’Europass’ form and following the online instructions create your own CV.Think of your dream job and apply for that. Go to this website for instructions: http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/


enthusiastic lelkesagency iroda, ügynökségclient ügyfélcompetence hozzáértés, kompetenciademonstrate mutatdepartment osztály, részlegeffectively hatékonyangrasp megragadhigh-profile kiemelt fontosságúinnovative találékonymeet a deadline határidőt betartmotivation motivációown initiative saját kezdeményezéspossess birtokolproductive termelékeny, produktívrequire igényel, szükségeltetikrevenues árbevételsubsequent következő, azutánitrain képez, oktatvacancy megüresedés

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TopIC 4. AppLyIng For A JoB

In this unit, we will learn about the cover letter.

ExErCIsE 1. A CoVEr LETTEr – who Knows whAT ThAT Is?Do you know what a letter of motivation is? If you don’t, try to guess.



ExErCIsE 2. ThE pUrposE oF ThE CoVEr LETTErread the following text and answer the questions.

1. What kind of document is the cover letter?


2. What is its layout like?


3. What is its goal?



The Cover Letter (CL) is the document that accompanies your CV when you are applying for a job. The CL is short (200-250 words), with a quite rigid structure and has the layout of a letter. Its goal is to introduce the CV, to bring to attention aspects of your activity that can help your application and are not listed or not presented in the proper light in the CV. In short, its goal is to answer the recruiter’s question: „Why should I hire this person?”.

Source: http://www.eastchance.com/howto/mot_let.asp

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ExErCIsE 3. A rEAL CoVEr LETTErread the following cover letter. Fill in the gaps and answer the question.

helped them, leadership, quantitative, analytical and communication skills, combined with my enthusiasm to learn, I worked within the Real Estate Finance Group, and assisted, I look forward to discussing the position

Do you think this cover letter fulfilled its role? (Think of the description of the previous exercise.)

Firstname lastnamename universityStreetCity, State Zipcell: 555-555-5555


namejob titleCompanyStreetCity, State Zip

Dear Mr. Name:

My proven track record of successfully performing complex analyses on various corporations makes me an ideal candidate for the Analyst opportunity that you listed through the Name University Career Services Office.

You specify that you are looking for someone with (1) .........................................................................................

.......................................................... Last summer, I was given the opportunity to intern at First Real Estate

Corporation. (2) .................................................................................................................... staff with problems

arising from the misinterpretation of leases to miscalculation of rent schedules. As a result, I played an

active role within the group and (3) ........................................................................ to solve these issues. This process involved using the quantitative and analytical skills that I acquired through actively participating in coursework for my Business-Economics major.

My ability to work well as part of team also related to my success within this group. These attributes,

(4) .............................................................................................................., were essential to my contributions and success during this internship.

I believe that I can apply the same skills within my internship last summer to a position within your

company. (5) ............................................................................................................. with you in more detail. I will call next week to see if you agree that my qualifications seem to be a match for the position. If so, I hope to schedule an interview at a mutually convenient time. Thank you for your consideration.



Firstname lastname Source: http://jobsearch.about.com/od/coverlettersamples/a/collgradsample.htm

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Write your own cover letter for the CV you have written.


acquire szert teszapply alkalmazarise keletkezik, felemelkedikattribute tulajdonságconsideration figyelembevételcontribution hozzájárulásconvenient megfelelő, alkalmasintern szamai gyakorlaton vesz résztmiscalculation hibás számolás, elszámolásmisinterpretation félreértés (értelmezés)mutually kölcsönösenproven bizonyítottrecord feljegyzés, priuszrigid merev, szigorúschedule napirendre tűz, beiktatspecify meghatároztrack nyom

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TopIC 5. A JoB InTErVIEw

In this unit, we will learn what a job interview is like.

ExErCIsE 1. qUEsTIons AT A JoB InTErVIEwwhat questions will you be asked at a job interview? write down some.

1. ..................................................................................................................................................................

2. ..................................................................................................................................................................

3. ..................................................................................................................................................................

4. ..................................................................................................................................................................

5. ..................................................................................................................................................................

ExErCIsE 2. A JoB InTErVIEw – TIpsThe text of a teenage job interview has been mixed up. put the answers to the questions in order.

1. Why are you interested in working for our company?

a) I understand the importance of being on time and working within specific blocks of time. One of the most useful skills I gained from my school experience, was learning how to plan, execute, and complete quality work within the time period given. I feel my strong time management skills have prepared for the position you are looking fill.

2. How has school prepared you for working at our company?

b) I think like, in most jobs, to succeed in this position I’ll have to be hardworking, responsible, trustworthy, and a good team member.

3. Why should we hire you?

c) At school, I work with my peers and teachers every day so I know how to work in teams and with a manager.

4. What do you think it takes to be successful in this position?

d) I appreciate the investment your company is preparing to make in me, and I look forward to learning what your company can teach me, and how I can make an impact. My achievements in school and my after-school activities show that I am responsible, trustworthy, and a quick learner. I know that I can put these skills to good use working for you at your company.

5. How would you describe your ability to work as a team member?

e) I recently had a school project in which some of my group members did not fulfill their responsibilities. To resolve the issue, the other group members and I split the remaining work and accomplishing the task at hand.

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6. Tell me about a major problem you recently handled.

f) I am interested in working for your company because I am a customer of your store. As a customer, I’ve gotten to know your company well and appreciate your products and the environment that you’ve created here in your store. It’s important for me to work some place that I admire, and I know that I would be proud to work here.

7. Have you ever had difficulty with a supervisor or teacher?

g) I know that minimum wage is a common base for many hourly positions, but I feel that I am capable of contributing more than most to your company and would like to be fairly compensated.

8. What are your salary expectations?

h) I did have an experience where I thought my new supervisor was unhappy with me. So I made a point to arrive early one day so I could talk to her in private. It turned out, she was not unhappy with me at all and she apologized if she came across that way.

Source: http://jobsearch.about.com/od/teenjobinterviews/qt/teenintquest3.htm

ExErCIsE 3. A rEAL JoB InTErVIEwIn pairs, role-play a job interview. one of you will be the interviewer, the other is the applicant. The applicant should give the interviewer his/her CV (that was for homework) who will read it carefully. The applicant will be applying for his/her ‘dream job’: they should the general guidelines about going to job interviews before you begin. Interviewers can use the questions of the previous exercise or use different ones.when you finished, change roles.

general guidelinesjob interviews are always stressful - even for job seekers who have gone on countless interviews. The best way to reduce the stress is to be prepared. Take the time to review the „standard” interview questions you will most likely be asked. Also review sample answers to these typical interview questions. Then take the time to research the company. That way you’ll be ready with knowledgeable answers for the job interview questions that specifically relate to the company you are interviewing with. The most important rule for teen interviewing is to dress appropriately. Unfortunately, the clothes you might wear everyday to the mall, or out with friends, usually aren’t suitable for an interview.

Write down the job interview.

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appreciate értékel, nagyra becsülachievement teljesítménycomplete befejezcontribute hozzájárul, hozzáad valamihezexecute kivitelez, véghezviszgain szerez, megszerez, szert teszimpact hatásinvestment befektetéspeer elöljáróproud büszkeskill képességspecific megadott, meghatározott, egy bizonyossupervisor témavezető, felügyelőtime management időmenedzsmenttrustworthy megbízható

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acid savachievement teljesítményacquire szert teszaddress megszólít, megcéloz, irányítagency iroda, ügynökséganticipate előre bocsát, előre látapply alkalmazappreciate értékel, nagyra becsülapproach megközelítésarise keletkezik, felemelkedikarouse felélesztassessment értékelés, felbecsülésattribute tulajdonságautoclavable sterilizálhatóawareness-raising tudatosságra nevelőbiomass biomasszaBunsen burner bunsen-égőcapture megfogás, megkötéscarcass csontvázcentrifuge centrifugacherish becsben tart, dédelgetclient ügyfélclipping nyesedékclumsy ügyetlencombustion égéscompetence hozzáértés, kompetenciacompile szerkeszt, összeállítcomplete befejezcomprise tartalmaz, magában foglalconsideration figyelembevételcontribute hozzájárul, hozzáad valamihezcontribution hozzájárulásconvenient megfelelő, alkalmasconvert átlakítcreature lénycurrently jelenlegcut sth by valamennyivel lecsökkent cylinder hengerdemonstrate mutat

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department osztály, részlegderive ereddesalination sóeltávolításdetrimental to káros valamiredisparity egyenlőtlenségdisposable eldobhatódisseminate elterjeszt, elhinteffectively hatékonyaneffectively hatékonyanensure biztosítenthusiastic lelkesequipment felszerelésestablish megalapozexecute kivitelez, véghezviszexplosive robbanóanyagextract kivonfatality halálesetflammable gyúlékonyflock özönlikFlorence flask forrasztó tégelygain szerez, megszerez, szert teszgeneration generálás, előállításgeothermal energy geotermikus energiagood practice jó gyakorlatgraduated cylinder mérőhengergrasp megragadhazard veszély, kockázathazardous veszélyeshigh-profile kiemelt fontosságúhydropower vízenergiaimpact hatás, behatásimpact hatásin favour of sth valami érdekében innovative találékonyintern szamai gyakorlaton vesz résztinvestment befektetéslab coat laborköpenylessen csökkentlip perem, szegélymanual kézimeasure mérmeet a deadline határidőt betart

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PETRIK TISZK tÁMOP-2.2.3-07/1-2F-2008-0011 57

miner bányászmiscalculation hibás számolás, elszámolásmisinterpretation félreértés (értelmezés)motivation motivációmutually kölcsönösennuclear power plant atomerőműown initiative saját kezdeményezéspeer elöljárópipet pipettaplant matter ültetett anyag (a biomassza esetében nyersanyag)possess birtokolpower-line távvezetékpredictable megjósolhatóproductive termelékeny, produktívpromote promócionál/elősegítprotective védő, védelmezőproud büszkeproven bizonyítottprovider ellátóput sth at risk kockáztatni valamitrated becsültrecord feljegyzés, priuszregardless of sth tekintet nélkül valamirerelevant releváns, lényeges, valamihez tartozórequire igényelrequire igényel, szükségeltetikrescuer megmentőresearch kutatásresidue maradványreusable újrahasználhatórevenues árbevételrigid merev, szigorúroofer tetőfedősafety goggles védőszemüvegschedule napirendre tűz, beiktatset on fire felgyújtskill képességsnatch megkaparintsolar energy napenergiaspecific megadott, meghatározott, egy bizonyosspecify meghatározspill kilocsol

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spin forgatstabbing szúróstrain megerőltetés, megterhelő/igénybevétel strand megfeneklik, partra sodródikstruggle küszködiksubsequent következő, azutánisugar cane cukornádsupervisor témavezető, felügyelőthick vastagtidal power árapály energiatide árapálytimber faanyagtime management időmenedzsmenttip felborultrack nyomtrain képez, oktattransfer átvisz, áthelyeztree stump fatönktrustworthy megbízhatóvacancy megüresedésvast hatalmas, nagyvillager falusivolume mennyiségwash ashore partra vetődikwaste yard hulladékgyűjtő udvarwave power hullámenergiawell-being jólétwindpower szélenergiawithstand, resist ellenáll

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