⦆エォ rna ecxアエニサフモ` - chiba...

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〔千葉医学部 65-751982)

〔総説〕 非腫蕩原性 RNAウイルス持続感染とその意義


(昭和56年11月 2日受付)

要 旨



の持続感染の一方には ウイノレスがん〈動物〉があgt 非がんウイルスの場合でも一般に難痛

が多いここで対象として特に非がん RNAウイノレス持続感染をみるとその成立と維持の


そこで我々も HVJ(鈎台ウイルス)と風疹ウイルスの持続感染実験を行ったが持続感染


が持続感染成立と維持にある役割を果していた毘時にこれら持続感染腫蕩結胞では 五VJ



かかる HVJ持続感染イちによJ 本来 semi-permissiveに退ぎない牛痘ウイルス感染が完全

に permissiveに変換せしめられた


染ウイルスの除去〈治藷)方法追求などが がん及び難ウイルス病治療への一つのアプローチ


互eywords HVJ鼠疹ウイノレス牛痘ウイノレス持続感染変奏造腫蕩d注異物化

これに比し著明なウイルス性細越変性 (CP訟を欠Iまえがき


一般にウイルス感染細胞のたどる運命はウイノレスと る13)Piは 今日多くの問題ウイルス病の主役をなし

結胞の組み合わをで大きく異なるその議相を締抱のウ つつさらにウイルス発がんにおけるウイルスの在P方

イノレス感受性とウイルスの性格の冨より挑めてみると に相通ずるものをもっているこの Piもウイルス分離

Table 1のごとくなるこの中でウイルス病との対応 症状主どとの関連で Table2のパターンにさらに別

で考えれば lytic infection (Li細胞崩壊感染) と け得る

persistent infection (Pi持続感染〉が爵題になる この様な Piの問題点とそれらに欝連した 23の我

急性顕性感染症としての局所的〈インフルエンザのごと 々の実験結果をさらに謙説してみたい


控レベノレで考えれば Liの好例であるしかしこれらII 持続惑染成立維持昌子について

には今日ワクチンが爵発されその接種による予跨が成 生体レベルの持続潜伏感染に対応し得る細胞レベル

功しつつよほどの変異ウイルスの出現なき限担その の実例は今a Table 3のごとく数多く知られてい

発生諸行は持制されているといえよう るま-hこれをみると現在はほとんどのウイルスがお


Motoichi HA T ANO Signi五cancesInvolved in Some Events of Persistently Infected Cel1s with

Non-oncogenic RNA Viruses

Department of VirologyCancer Research InstituteKanazawa UniversityKanazawa920

Received for publicationNovember 21981

66 波 田野基一

Table 1 Fate of virus-infected cells in relation to pattern of virus infection

Production Pattern of virusCells Virus of progeny Fate of infected cells



Cytocidal or virulent virus -tt十

CPE Cytolysis Death Lytic infection

Mode主ate virus 件 Cell growth without CPE Persistent (chronic) infection

Partially 1Many v吋山i註凶ru + Weak CPECoexIstence of Persistent infection susceptible both cells and viruses growth (Carrier state)

瓦tIany viruses CPE Occasional death )

Survial without CPE トIncomplete infection Insusceptible

Tumor virus Survival with transformationJ

Every virus No changes No Infection

CPE Cytopathogenic e宜ect

Table 2 Pattern of virus persistent infection

Typ1neIof virus ectlOn onset late

Symptom Antibody Examples

Latent infection (+) ~ (一〉 Recurrent type (十〉 Herpesviridae

Chronic infection (ー〉 (十) 〈一〉 (十) Many DNA viruesHepatitis B virus

〈十〉 (十) Late type (十) Animal Leukemia virusViruses rela-ted to autoimmune diseases (LCM牢virus etc)

(+) (十) PcTrIroogariecssive and type

(+) Hepatitis B virus (chronic case)

Slow infection (+) (+) Plertohgarlessive and 〈十)or type with (-)

immune anomalie

SSPE ScrapieKuru etc

本 Lymphocyticchoriomeningitis virusSubacute sclerosing panencephalitis

(Paramyx可龍といえるただ実験的に容易なもの o


もの(諮yxo-EBVを除く Herpes-viridae)本来腫蕩

原性があり紐患がん化に伴う Piの当強なもの(まet-


なケースとしての B型肝炎 (HBV) と Epstein-Bair

ウイルス (EBV)があるこの中撞蕩罪性ウイノレスに

よる当然の Piは別のカテゴリーなので省いてここで

は非腫凄原性ウイルスの Piにつき論じたい

DNA型ウイルスの Piまたは港伏感染は一般にウ

イルスゲノム DNAが宿主紐龍染色体へ何らかの形で

組みこまれて成立維持されているムの (HBV EBV

やサイトメガロウイルスなどの Herpes-viridae)し

かしながら RNA型ウイルスの場合は DNA型のご

ときゲノム内在機作の明快な実証は現在主い RNA型

ウイルス Piの invItro研究の中心をなす Paramy-

xo(HVJNDV麻疹おたふくかぜなど) Rhabdo-

(VSV狂犬病など)及び Toga-(風疹など)viridae

で得られた考えを整理すると Table 4になる

この中 1)の温度感受性 (temperature sensItIve


つーの重要性 (PrebledY oungller19754)) と 2)の

欠損性干渉性粒子 (DefectiveInterfering Particle=

DIP) の干渉龍一ウイルス RNAまたはそのおRNA

合成能への干渉ーを重読する説 (Hollandamp V il1areal

19745)) が有力であるただ再者ともウイルスゲノム


述 DNA型ウイルス PI と同じという 3)の説2) は


4) 5)の生体レベルでの因子も実証性に乏しい

111 RNA型ウイルス持続惑染細癌の特性

今日得られているものをあげると Table5になる

この中 1)-3)詰 Pi締抱の罰定にも頻用される

67 ウイルス持続惑染とその意義

Table 3 Virus persIstent Infection in vitro

RNA Virus DNA Virus


1966) 1 aenoet a説HV] (Sendai V

1964) 1 HA 2 (Ishida eta

1972) 1 PIV 3 CCole et a

1958) 1 NDV (Henle et a

五1easlesV (Rustigian 1962)

1962) 1 Mumps V (Walker et a

2) Myxoviridae

1972) 1 Influenza V (Gavrilov et a

3) Rhabdoviridae

1974) 1 l1and et aVSV (Ho

1964) 1 Rabies V (Fernandes et a

4) Togaviridae

1974) 1 ]BV (Gavrilov et a

1969) 1 et aTEEV(Shimizu羽

Sindbis V (Pelleg 1969)

Rubella V (Rawels et al1972)

5) Arenaviridae

1972) 1 et aLCMV (StaneckampPARANA

6) Retroviridae

Oncovirinae Avian amp Mammalian V


Adeno V (Rowe et al1953)

2) Herpesiviridae

HSV1(Douglas et al1970)

HSV2(Rawels et a 1969) 1

EBV (Schneider et al1975)

CMV (Rapp et al1975)

VZV (Hope-Simpson 1965)

3) Papova viridae

Papilloma-Polyoma-SV 40

Human Papova V

1971) 1 ]CV (Padget et a

工〉197BKV (Gardner et al

4) Poxviridae

Rabbit myoxoma amp五bromaV

5) HBV

CAlexander et al1976)

Table 4 Factors involved in the establishment and maintenance of RNA

virus persistent infection

Temperature-sensitive(ts) mutant Preble amp Youngner1975

(low virulent or cytopathogenic mutant)

(small plaque mutant)

2) Defective interfering particle (DIP) Holland amp Villareal1974

(interfering activity transcription depressionIF (ー))

(subgenomic RNA) (less mRNA) (1ow infectivityhelper virus)

3) Integration of viral complementary DNA into carrier cells DNA

viral RNA cDNA

by I1) cellular RDDP

I2) endogeneous virus RDDP

1975 1 Simpsom et apositive Zhdanov 1975ITransfection

1976 1 negative Holland et a1

RDDP (+) mutant isolation Furman et 1973 1a 1976 1 Sato et a

4) Disorder of la8t virus assembly in membrane

(virus envelope glycoprotein )

5) Low response of immune system in vivo

特性で或る意味の定義にもなり得る例えば 1)の さらに 2)の特異抗体またはインターフエロンを作

ウイノレス抗震の検出はウイルス特異的筆先抗体染色で 用させても細胞内ウイノレス抗原は少なくなるが完全に消

遥常の増殖形態を示す全または一部組組内に可龍であ 夫(治蜜〉せず 3)再ーウイルスの再感染に抵抗性を

る (Figl) 示しつつもとの非 Pi親細越とほぼ間じ形態と増殖能

68 波田野基一

Table 5 Characteristics of virus persiste-

nt1y infected cells

virus carrier cel1s regulated infection

symbiotic infeciIon

1) Detection of viral antigen amp infectious


(every or some cell antigen alone or


2) E宜ectof speci五cantibodies or interferon

(non-yielder-stateantigen(十) cure(一))

3) E直ectof superinfection

(immunity against homologous virus

growth of heterologous virus)

4) Block in viral late maturation

(regulative inhibition of virus assembly)

5) Xenogenization of cell antigenicity by vi-

rus-coded componen t8

(interferon production augmented ind-

uction of cellul訂 immunity reduced


6) Possible mutation of carrying virus

(ts DIP low CPE molecular weights

of viral components MP etc in

HVJ protease activation mutant in耳VJ)

をもっているというのが多くのウイルス Pi細胞の共通

特f生であるさらによく調べると Table 54)5)




私どももこれらおの特異的問題を HVJ(Hemag-

glutinating Virus of Japan =イ由台ウイルス〉と Ru

bella virus (風疹ウイルス)Pi北各種紐抱で追求して

来たその中異種ウイルスの増殖促進効果 (permis-

sive cell化) Pi化腫蕩緯抱の造腫湯詮の低下または

消失Pi ウイルスの誇変異-ts構成蛋白分子量また

はその活性化機構ーなど前述 Table5の3)5)6)


IV HVJ持続惑染の異種ウイルス=牛痩ウイルス

(cowpox virus =CPV)増殖促進効果

CPV感染 2--6時間の初期に締絶膜表面に見出され

る CPV特異的 S抗涼 (cellsurface antigen6)) を麗



抱で CPVS抗原産生を試みたところがこの産生は





適濃度 trypsin添加による増強が見出された叱その外

に HVJの同時重複感染9)及び Pi9-11)がさらによ予

強い促進効果を起させた (Table6)この増強促進効

果には HV]ゲノム発現の必要なことが HVJtsPi

締胞培養温震を350Crarr390C に上昇させた CPV感染実

験で証明されている10) (390Cは tsに非許容温度)

さらにこの増強機作解拐を試み CPV段着は変ら

ないのに HVJ Piまた辻同時感染 THEL結胞では

紹胞内初期 CPV増証過程の著しい促進1011)が見出され

た特に初期増殖の第一歩脱殻退程に欝らく THEL

紹胞内蛋自分解酵素(lysomal酵素も含む)活性は HVJ

Fig 1 Fluorescent antibody staining of aceton-五xed(A) HVJ (200X)-and

(B) rubella virus (400X)-carrier cells

69 ウイノレス持続感染とその意義

Table 6 Relationship between establishment of persistent infection with

HVJ wild type or ts mutant and CPV S-antigen formation by

CPV5 p fucell

弘 S-antigenpositive cells (ratio)本

HVJCells Passage numbers of THEL cells after HVJ infection infected+ Control (uninfected) 2 7 10 20 40


THEL IHV]Ts 470(12) 591(15) 821(21) 899(23) 859(22)

HV]T路料 624(16) 700(18) 741(19) 781(20)

HVJo林 273(07) 592(15) 742(19)


牢 Observationat 8 hs after CPV infection by fluorescent antibody staining

+ At 350 C with moi=lOciucell

非Meanof 5 experiments 料 HVJwild type (HVJo) and HVJTs grown in developing chick embryo (HV]TSE)

-感染または Piにより窮らかに増強されていた100 そ

こで 14C-thymidineラベル CPVをマーカーに 8H-

thymidineラベル CPVの THEL及び Pi細胞=

THEL-HVJ細胞内競殻過程を sucrosegradient ce-

ntrifugationで比較した (Fig2) Fig 2にみる遇90

Pi細抱内では感染後 2時間で CPVはより軽い粒子を

示す位置にカウントのどークがみられ 3時間後ではさ

らによ P軽量北した

しかし親 THEL細組内ではマーカー14C_ラベ

ノレ CPVと同じ密慶粒子の位置に 8H-CPVのピークが


CPVの外側膜と内債H膜i捺去12)による軽量化が HVJPi


酵素活性の上昇初期増殖(説殻〉過程促進が HVJPi

化〈同時感染でも〉によ担惹起せられその結果 CPV










上述の CPVS抗京産生の問題もかかる E的であった

がそれには不適と判断されたしかし Table 7に示

すごとくハムスター腫蕩綿抱 (invitro自然がん北緯

組=THELと invivoメチルコラントレイン誘発がん

緯控=G立 2)は五VJPi化により 明らかにその


た辻 syngeneic両系で) さらに HVJl需様の RNA

型被膜ウイルス愚疹ウイルス (Matv株阪大徴研由


たおωしかも HVJ主sPi細胞の培養温度を HVJts

非許容温麦 390C に変換した後の接蓮実験で本現象に

も PiヒヨVJts ゲノム発現の必要主ことが証明され


ず マウス麓蕩細抱への HVJtsまたは風疹 Matv株



X隷照射ノムスターに接撞すると HVJ Pi紐抱造腫


で正常 THELまたは T註EL-HVJts細胞接謹ノム

スター牌紐抱の締抱障害活性 (CMT)が両紐抱を標的


Table8に示すごとく HVJts Pi紐胞接種ノムスタ



のマクロブアーク遊走阻止試験 (MMIT)でも HVJts


も HVJts非許容湿度 (390C)培養により HVJ抗原



これらを総合すると造腫凄4注低下消失は Pi住

HVJtsゲノム発現により紐臆撲に組みこまれた HVJ

70 波 田 野 基

τ主主 THEL純曹d 講成分 (Fig1及び SDS電気泳動法で確認可能2122))ts

が腫蕩紹胞膜抗原性を変換ー異物化7) した結果と考え

られるかかる異物化が生体に細越性免疫 (CMT

h在MITなど〉 を強く誘発L-腫蕩形成抑制一低下消失




2 iこ至ったのであらうなお HVJ Pi組組は仇 vitro

で正常ノムスター牌締胞と cocultureすると インタ


インターフエロンによる NK(natural killer)細胞活ー oio)U





VI HVJ持続惑染に伴う変異 HVJの出現 骨



3 hr 3 hr --


negative strand RNAウイノレスの一つである HVJ

yen3ノ P蛋白温度感受註 (ts)並びに器病原性各変異


Fig 2 Sucrose density gradient analysis of

in tracell ular CPV in THEL or T註EL-

HVJts cells infected with 3H-thymidi輔

ne-labelled CPV in the presence of 20

μgml cytosine arabinoside

3H-thymidine-labelled CPV was adsor-

bed onto THEL or THEL-HVJ cells (3-

6X107) for40minutes at 340C at an

input muliplicity of 50 pfucell in the

presence of 20 pgml cytosine arabino-

side The cultures were incubated in

the presence of the drug further for 80 (total 2 h) or 140 min (total 3 hr)

after unabsorbed CPV was well remo

ved by the washing the infected cells

The infected cells were scraped off collected by low speed centrifugation

and suspended in SSC (015 M sodium

chloride0015挺 sodium citratepI王

68) After addition of 14C-thymidine-

labelled CPVthe samples were soni-

cated in a Bransonsb soni五erUSA

in the cold The subsequent procedu

res were the same as privously desc-ribed (12) 3H-thymidine-labelled CPV

(-) 14C-thymidine-labelled CPV


は粒子内に RNApolymeraseを含み感染結胞内

のウイルス特異的 RNA合成の端緒をなしている こ

の まNApolymerase蛋自 (P蛋自〉は精製濃縮 35S_

メチオニンラベル HVJの SDSポリアクリルアマイド

ゲル電気泳動 CSDS-PAGE)で他のウイルス講成蛋岳

(HNFoNPM など)と共に検出可能である (Fig


そこで前述 THEL-HVJ Pi及び G2 (ヒト骨巨細


した HVJPiを SDS-PAGEで課ベたその結果

G2-HVJ Pi 由来6クローンはすべて(代表HVJ

piG cl14) THEL-HVJ Pi由来6クローン中工ク

ローン (HVJpiTcl27)各々 は Fig 3 ~こ示すごとく

P蛋白が野生株 (HVJo)の79Kより軽い分子量の 77K

となっていた21) しかし3 他の構成蛋白分子量は親

HVJoと同じで変北なかったさらに これら全クロ

ーン HVJPiーはすべて ts変異株に既に変異し湿

度交換実験でその ts部位泣増殖初期にあることが判明

した21) HVJpiG cl14の HVJ特異的 RNA合成を0

みると Fig 41こ示すごとく非許容湿度390Cでは

mRNA (18S) も viralRNA (50S)合成もほとんど

見られなかったくRNA-変異)許容温度 (320C)でもこ

のお変異株 (HVJpiG cl-14)の RNA合成能は野

生株 (HVJo) のそれらの約出以下と減少し P蛋白軽

量化との関連を示唆していたまたこの HVPpiG

cl14は HVJoに比べると低~弱病原性で容易に

細胞を Pi化し得た2122)0 この変異株は HVJの

CPE出現増殖を強く干渉抑制し HV]よりの ts変

異株出現にも一役買って ts Pi北をよ担容易ならしめ


(2) protease activation変異

71 ウイノレス持続感染とその意義

Table 7 Tumorigenicity of HVJTs-or Rubella virus (Matv) -carrier tumor cells

Tumor incidence at Dosis Latent periods

Exp Cells (cellshams t e主) 2 w 4 w 8w (days)










914fn -1---yengt1lt(21t15)

14 (0)

46 (15t09)

11 (0)


GM2-Matv 106 1

1414h) ~-z--zO(135t78)

214 (20)

66 (158土47)

211 (10)

1414(A0 ~-Z~- nyen(435t102)

614 (86土43)

2-11 (58)

III 10-18




4 (0)

13 (50)


持Exp1 Allogeneic system of non-inbred golden hamster Exp 2 Syngeneic system of inbred go

lden hamsterGN strain

Mean diameter of tumor (mm) tSD

+ Tl王EL-HVJTscells cultured at non-permissive temperature of HVJTs390Cfor 5 days

Table 8 Cytotoxicity test by spleen cells from hamsters bearing

THEL or THEL-HVJTs tumors

Attackers (spleen cells) from

Exp Target cells N叫 hhellipi T H - m 1 TEL即日出NTotal lysis () ITotal lysis() Net(拡) Plt ITotal lysis() Net() Plt

1 THEL 291t16 329士32 38 NS 395+26 104 0005

THEL-HVJTs 249t14 242土24 -07 NS 342+65 93 0005

2本THEL 177t29 169土27 -08 NS 315+44 138 0005

167t28 145t13 -22 NS 276十31 109 0005THEL-HVJTs

437+30 工14 00053 THEL 32338 359t20 36 005

183土47 174土28 -09 NS 290十27 107 0005THEL-HVJTs

4 THEL 464士12 400土30 -64 NS 552+10 82 0005

464十60 141 0005THEL-HVJTs 32323 198t24 -125 NS

5 HEKII 369土41 213+30 -156 NS 383+23 14 NS

HEKII-HVJTs 326土24 204+24 -122 張 S 374+12 48 0010

ネ Attackers(spleen cel1s) were used after preculture for overnight at 3rc Attacker cells (spleen cel1s) were obtained at 14 days after inoculation of 1 x104 THEL or THEL HVJTs cells Attacker Target cell ratio was 5 1 NS Not signi五cantat Plt005

HVJはー殻iこ trypsin t~ ど protease 作用で構成糖 sayなどに捜われている

蛋白れが cleavageをうけ Flとおとなって種々 そこで trypsinのみが cleavage enzymeである

の生物活性(惑染性溶血綿麹融合など)を示す却 託VJcl-1より異る protease elastaseで cleavage

このc1eavageに必要な proteaseをもっ組庖は所謂 可能な変異株 (HVJe)の分離を HVJcl1の Pi紹胞

増殖許容 (permissive)締結になり得て感染舘の as 上で試みた問時に mutagenニトロソクアニジン

72 波富野基一

Fig 3 SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of HVJo (A) HVJpiG cl-14 (B)HVJpiT

cl-27 (C) and HPJpiT cl15(D) Infected LLMK 2 cells were incubated at 320C

for 48 hours and labelled with 35S-methionine (10 uciml) for 3 hoursAt 24 hours

after labellingvirus released in the meditm was harvested and puri五ed The

virus samples were subjected to electrophoresis and processed for autoradio-

graphy as previously described (21 22) Migration is from top to bottom

(a) 18S 50S 18S 50S 18S 50S 18S 50S

75 na 4EF3


jljk L=ampI s z

ー5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15

日記 tionnumber

Fig 4 SDS-sucrose density gradient analysis of virus specific RNA from CEF cel1s in-

fected with HVJo (wild type) or HVJpiG Cl14 CEF cell mpnolayers were infec-

ted with virus5 pf ucell and incubated at 320C At-24 hours after infcttionone group of cultures was shifted to 390C lsquo After 35 h-incubation each group

was treated with 20μgml of Actinomycin D for 30 minutes and labelled for 2

hours with 20 uci05 ml of 3Hurididein the presence of the drug RNA extra-

ctioncentrifugation and radioactivity determination were carried out as previou-

sly described (21 22) The sedimentation positions of 50s and 18s 1ミNAswere

determined by 3Huridine-labelledCEF RNAs extracted in the same way as des-

cribed above

(a) cells infected withヨVJo al1d label1ed at 320 C (b) cells infected with

HVJpiG cl14and labelled at 320C (c) cells infected with HVJpiG cl14 and la-

belled at 390C Cd) mock-infected cells and labelled at 320C

73 ウイノレス持続感染とその意義

Table 9 Mutation frequency of elastase-activated mutants in culture media

of lytically or persistently HVJ cl-1-infected cells

1n the presence of MNNG (μgfrnl)(a) Lytically infectected with HVJ cl-1 25 50 100

GM 2 71 X 10-6 14xlO-5 28x 10-5 36x 10-5

Vero lt67X10-7 67X 10-6 36x10-5 21X10-5

LLClyen在K2 lt67X60-7 33x 10-6 42xlO-6 19X10-5

Passage nurnber (b) Persistently infected

with HVJ cl-工事 12 31 50 100

GM 2-HVJ cl-l 25XlO-4 50x 10-5 10X 10-4 10XlO-4

VeroHVJcl-1 ltlOx 10-5 10x 10-5 25x 10-5 NTt 5LLCMK 2-HVJ cl-1 lt10XlO- 50x 10-5 10x 10-4 NT

キ Cellmonolayers were infected with 豆VJcl-1 at an input multiplicity of 5 pfufcell and incuba-

ted in serum-free media at 340C in the absence or presence of MNNG After 72 hculture media

were harvested and assayed for rnutation frequency at 320C

普Cellmonolayer were incubated in serum-free media at 340C After 24hculture media were harve-

sted and assayed for mutation frequency at 320C

tNot tested

Fig 5 Cleavage of Fo glycoprotein of HVJ cl-1 (a)and HVJpi-e cl5003(b) by trypsin

and elastase 3H-glucosarnine皿 labelledvirions grown in LLCMK 2 cel1s were Incu-

bated with no protease (1)4μgfml (2)or 8 ugfrnl (3) trypsin and 20μgml (4)

or 40 pgfml (5) elastase All these samples were analyzed by 10 polyacrylamide

gel electrophoresis and autofluorography as previously described (2122)

(MNNG) 25-100μgfml存在下却で lytic infection とく elastaseのみでForarrFl (F2は検出できぬ SDSlsquo

(Li) を起させ elastase変異抹 (HVJe)の出現を計 PAGEの条件〉への cleavageをうけるが (Fig 5

った (Table 9)得られた HVJe ~土 Fig5に示すご (b)4) 5)) trypsinでは Foの cleavageはない

74 波 田野基一

(Fig 5(b) 2)3))その結果 HV]eは elastase事

存在下でのみ LLCMK2細胞で plaqueをつくヲ try-

psinは無効である (HV]cl1は逆)かくて調べた変

異出現頻度を比較すると Table 9に示すごとく Pi

推代培養では Li時 (MNNG μgml) より HV]邑

発生が高く(約10倍) MNNG存在下での Liに近い


種でも異な担 GM2は勉の 2種より高い傾舟を示した

以上 HV] Pi細飽からは ts-P蛋岳 elastase


Piにおける HV]変異の起り易さを示していたこれ


る例-HV]eと HV]tsの掃でーも知られているた

だ我々の場合 M 蛋白変異株28)や VSVpiでいわれ

る Dlp5)は検出できなかった


上述 Pi関連現象 (IV-VI)各々につき一般的に

考察したい HV]pi締結における異種ウイルス CPV



である同様の例として HV]が NDV増殖を促進

し29)SV 40とアデノウイノレス間で hybrid形成による

増殖30九 ラウス肉腫(まS)締抱で defectiveRSウイ

ルス (RSV)が helpervirus ニワトワ白血病ウイル

ス (ALV) に rescueされて表現型混合ウイルスとし


がんウイルスゲノムの rescue-検出とは若干異なるが

non-又は semi-permissiveな締結を龍ウイルス感染で

permissiveに変換し得る可詑性一一つの helperウイ


イルス Pi細胞は SV40でがん花され易いし80また

潜在性内在ウイルスとの hybrid形成がある嵐疹ウイル

ス Piの例32)も知ちれているのでウイルスがん化に Pi



次に Piによる腫療締結抗原牲の異物化と造題蕩性



弱病原性でかっ Pi化の容易なものが望ましいそれと



これら必要条件の中我々の HV]ts または RV-説atv

株は弱病原性で Pi容易はよいが抗腫蕩免疫誘導が揚

性というものの小林ら7)の Friendウイルス PIのもの

よ ~HJ~かったω最近生体内で HV]pi がldquo cureけ

される2324)ことが判明したのでかかるldquo cureがな



さらに Pi ~こ伴う諾変異の発生で ヒトウイノレス病


sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)を起している麻疹

ウイルス (MV)であろうこの SSPE-MVは野生株

とは甚だ性格を異にして SSPEに Piイとしている館

我々のケースも含めて Piまたは Laiはそのウイルス

に本来 semi-permissiveな紹胞で一般に成立している

SSPEも脳細控という MV~こは不適格な紐抱での P i

であるかかるウイルス Pi結胞は生体の NK細胞


の Pi中に Piウイルスの変異が生じたのであろうそ

して Piによる変異発生額度が mutagen作用下と同






Among the various fates of virus-infected cells

the ones of virus persistently infected cells seem

to be importantbecause this type of infection

is usually found to be correlated closely to

many serious human viral diseases Frequent

occurrences of seve主alvirus mutations during the

persistent infection are now presented to be

candidate responsible for the establishment and

maintenance of this unique infection with non-

oncogenic RNA viruses

Using the pe主sistently Infected tllmor cells

with五V] (Sendai virus) or Rllbella viruswe

have demonstrated an important role of tempe-

rature-sensitive mutant having lowered pathog-

enicity in this persistent infection 1n addition

the above two virllses carrying tumor cells ぬか

wed dec主easedtransplantability after their inoc-

lllation to homologous animals Moreoverthe

HV] persistent infection could make hamster

cells convert to a completely peτmissive state

for Cowpox virus growth from a semi-permissive

one before HVJ carrier establishment

The perspective involved in these evidences

75 ウイルス持続感染とその意義

four virus carrier cells were discussed with

a relation to some problems for researches of

human cancer and serious human viral diseases


1) Mims C A Factors in the mechanism

of persistence of viral infections Prog

Med Vi主01 18 1-14 1974

2) RimaB K and MartinS J Persiste-

nt infection of tissue cultured cells by

l1mmuno1RNA viruses Med Microbio

162 89-118 1976

3) Gibbs C J JrMemo G J and Diwan

A R 1mmunology of persistent and re-

current viral infections 1n 1mmunological

aspects of infectious diseases Dick G

edpp 453-496 MτP Press Lim Lanca-


4) Preble O T and Younger J S Tem-

perature-sensitive mutant viruses and the

etiology of chronic and inapparent infecti-

ons J Inf Dis 131 467-473 1975

5) HollandJ J and Villarreal L P Pe-

rsistent noncytocidal vesicular stomatitits

virus infectioIls mediated by defective T

particl that suppress virion transcriptase

Proc Nat Acad Sci 71 2956-2960工 974

A 1 1toY6) Ueda M and Tagaya spe-

Cl五csurface antigen induced by poxvirus

Virology 38 180-182 1969

7) Kobayashi H add SendoF 1mmunoge-

necity of viable xenogenized tumor cells

In Immunological xenogenization of tumor

cells GANN monograph on Cancer Resea-

rch No 23 Kobayashi託 ed pp 27-40

Jap ScI Soc PressTokyo and Univ Park


8) Tanaka J and Hatano M The e宜 ect

of trypsin on the fo主 mationof virus-speci-

五csurface antigen in cowpox virus-infected

1973413-41621 1cells J Gen Viro

9) Tanaka J OguraHFukudaS and Ha-

tano M Effect of double infection of

cowpox virus-infected cells with paramyxo

virus (Sendai virus) on formation of cow-

pox virus speci五ccel1 surface antigen 五在 1-

crobiol 1出血 unol 22 765-773 1978

10) Tanaka J Morita O and Hatano話

Factors involved in the expression of cow-

pox virus-speci五cantigen on Sendai virus

carriers cells J Gen Virol 3387-971976

11) Tanaka J Ogura耳 and Hatano M

Cellular protease increased in paramyxovi-

rus CSendai virus) carrier cells possibly

responsible for enhanced formation of cow-

pox virus-specific cell surface antigen Ar-

ch Virol 53 87-99 1977

12) Joklik W K The poxviruses Ann Rev

五在 icrobiol 22 359-390 1968

13) Svet Moldavsky G J and Haumburg V

P Quantative relationship in viral onco

lysis and the possibility of arti五cial hete-

rugenizatipn of tumors Nature 202 303-

304 1964

14) Burns W H and Allison A C Surfa-

ce antigens of virus-infected cells In Vi-

rus infection and the cell surface Cell su-

rface reviews Vol 2 PosteG and Nicol-

son G L edspp 213-247 North-Holla-

nd Pub Comp1王aegue1977

15) Czajkowski N P Rosenblatt M Gu-

shing R R Vasquerz J and Wolf P

L Production of active immunity to ma

lignant neoplastic tissue Cchemical coupli-

ng to an active antigenic protein carrier)

Cancer 19 739-749 1966

16) Watkins J F and Chen L Immuniza-

tion of mice against Ehrlich ascitis tumor

using a hamsterEhrlich ascites tumυr hyb旬

rid cell line Nature 223 1018-1022 1969

17) Yamada T and Hatano M Lowered

transplantability of cultured tumor cells by

persistent infection with paramyxovirus

(HVJ) Gan 63 647-655 1972

18) HatanoM Ogura H 5ato H and Ta-

naka J Decreased transplantability of

cultured tumor cells persistently infected

with non-oncogenic viruses In Immuno

logical xenogenization of tumor cells GA欄

NN monograph on Cancer Research No 23

76 波田野基

Kobayashiedpp 91-95 Jap Sci Soc

PressTokyo and Univ Park PaessBalti-

訟 ore1979

19)波田野基一小倉 寿センダイウイノレス持続



学ウイルス研究所z 京都 1979

20) OguraH吋 SatoHTanakaJHatano

MFukudaS and 1yen在orita0 Relatio-

nship between tumor formation and cel1帯

mediated immunity in hamsters with tran-

splanted豆VJ(Sendai virus) -carrying tumor

cells Gan 71325-3321980

21) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM Te-

mperature-sensitive HVJ (Sendai virus) wi-

th altered polypeptide derived from persi-

stently infected cells J Gen Virol55 469-4731981

22) SatoHOguraH and ヨatanoM An

intracellular interaction between tempera-

ture-sensitive mutant and original wild ty-

pe HVJ (Sendai virus) is responsible for

the establishment and maintenance of HVJ

persis士entinfection J Gen Virol55459

-468 1981

23) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM Cu-

ring of virus persistent infection in HVJ

CSendai virus) carrier hamster tumor cells

by transplantation Gann 72498-5031981

24) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM In

vitro curing of persistent infection in HVJ

(Sendai virus) carrier tumor cells by spleen

cel1s Gan 72504-5111981

25) PrebleO T and YoungerJ S Selec-

ton of temperature-sensitive mutants duri-

ng persistent infections role in maintena-

nce of persistent Newcastles Disease Vitus

infections of L cells J Virol12481larr 491


26) HommaM and OhuchiM Trypsin action

on the growth of Sendai virus in tissue cul-

ture cel1s III Structural di韮erenceof Se-

ndai viruses grown in eggs and tissue cul-

tured cells J Virol121457-14651973

27) ScheidA and ChoppinP百人 Proteasε

activation mutont of Sendai virus Activa-

tion of biological porperties by specific pro-

tease Virology 69265-2771976

28) Y oshidaT NagaiYMoenoKIinu吋


NagayoshiS and HoshinoM Studies

Oll the role of M protein in virus assemb-

ly using a ts mutant of HVJ (Sendai vi-

rus) Virology 92139-1541979

29) MaenoK YoshiiSNagataIand Ma-吋

tsumotoT Growth of Newcastle Dise-

ase Virus in a HVJ carrier culture of He-

La cells Virology 29255-2631966

30) LewisA M Jr Defective and nonde-

fective Ad 2SV40 hybrids Prog謎 edVi-


31) Benyesh-MelnickM and ButelJ On-

cogenic viruses In The molecular biology

of cancerBusceH edpp 403-485Aca国

demic PressNew York1974

32) SatoMYamadaTYamamotoK and

YamamotoN Evidence for hybrid for-

mation between rubella vi主us and latent

virus of BHK-21jWI-2 cel1s Virology 69


33) HamiltonRBarbosaLand DuboisM

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis meas-

les virus study of biological markers J


66 波 田野基一

Table 1 Fate of virus-infected cells in relation to pattern of virus infection

Production Pattern of virusCells Virus of progeny Fate of infected cells



Cytocidal or virulent virus -tt十

CPE Cytolysis Death Lytic infection

Mode主ate virus 件 Cell growth without CPE Persistent (chronic) infection

Partially 1Many v吋山i註凶ru + Weak CPECoexIstence of Persistent infection susceptible both cells and viruses growth (Carrier state)

瓦tIany viruses CPE Occasional death )

Survial without CPE トIncomplete infection Insusceptible

Tumor virus Survival with transformationJ

Every virus No changes No Infection

CPE Cytopathogenic e宜ect

Table 2 Pattern of virus persistent infection

Typ1neIof virus ectlOn onset late

Symptom Antibody Examples

Latent infection (+) ~ (一〉 Recurrent type (十〉 Herpesviridae

Chronic infection (ー〉 (十) 〈一〉 (十) Many DNA viruesHepatitis B virus

〈十〉 (十) Late type (十) Animal Leukemia virusViruses rela-ted to autoimmune diseases (LCM牢virus etc)

(+) (十) PcTrIroogariecssive and type

(+) Hepatitis B virus (chronic case)

Slow infection (+) (+) Plertohgarlessive and 〈十)or type with (-)

immune anomalie

SSPE ScrapieKuru etc

本 Lymphocyticchoriomeningitis virusSubacute sclerosing panencephalitis

(Paramyx可龍といえるただ実験的に容易なもの o


もの(諮yxo-EBVを除く Herpes-viridae)本来腫蕩

原性があり紐患がん化に伴う Piの当強なもの(まet-


なケースとしての B型肝炎 (HBV) と Epstein-Bair

ウイルス (EBV)があるこの中撞蕩罪性ウイノレスに

よる当然の Piは別のカテゴリーなので省いてここで

は非腫凄原性ウイルスの Piにつき論じたい

DNA型ウイルスの Piまたは港伏感染は一般にウ

イルスゲノム DNAが宿主紐龍染色体へ何らかの形で

組みこまれて成立維持されているムの (HBV EBV

やサイトメガロウイルスなどの Herpes-viridae)し

かしながら RNA型ウイルスの場合は DNA型のご

ときゲノム内在機作の明快な実証は現在主い RNA型

ウイルス Piの invItro研究の中心をなす Paramy-

xo(HVJNDV麻疹おたふくかぜなど) Rhabdo-

(VSV狂犬病など)及び Toga-(風疹など)viridae

で得られた考えを整理すると Table 4になる

この中 1)の温度感受性 (temperature sensItIve


つーの重要性 (PrebledY oungller19754)) と 2)の

欠損性干渉性粒子 (DefectiveInterfering Particle=

DIP) の干渉龍一ウイルス RNAまたはそのおRNA

合成能への干渉ーを重読する説 (Hollandamp V il1areal

19745)) が有力であるただ再者ともウイルスゲノム


述 DNA型ウイルス PI と同じという 3)の説2) は


4) 5)の生体レベルでの因子も実証性に乏しい

111 RNA型ウイルス持続惑染細癌の特性

今日得られているものをあげると Table5になる

この中 1)-3)詰 Pi締抱の罰定にも頻用される

67 ウイルス持続惑染とその意義

Table 3 Virus persIstent Infection in vitro

RNA Virus DNA Virus


1966) 1 aenoet a説HV] (Sendai V

1964) 1 HA 2 (Ishida eta

1972) 1 PIV 3 CCole et a

1958) 1 NDV (Henle et a

五1easlesV (Rustigian 1962)

1962) 1 Mumps V (Walker et a

2) Myxoviridae

1972) 1 Influenza V (Gavrilov et a

3) Rhabdoviridae

1974) 1 l1and et aVSV (Ho

1964) 1 Rabies V (Fernandes et a

4) Togaviridae

1974) 1 ]BV (Gavrilov et a

1969) 1 et aTEEV(Shimizu羽

Sindbis V (Pelleg 1969)

Rubella V (Rawels et al1972)

5) Arenaviridae

1972) 1 et aLCMV (StaneckampPARANA

6) Retroviridae

Oncovirinae Avian amp Mammalian V


Adeno V (Rowe et al1953)

2) Herpesiviridae

HSV1(Douglas et al1970)

HSV2(Rawels et a 1969) 1

EBV (Schneider et al1975)

CMV (Rapp et al1975)

VZV (Hope-Simpson 1965)

3) Papova viridae

Papilloma-Polyoma-SV 40

Human Papova V

1971) 1 ]CV (Padget et a

工〉197BKV (Gardner et al

4) Poxviridae

Rabbit myoxoma amp五bromaV

5) HBV

CAlexander et al1976)

Table 4 Factors involved in the establishment and maintenance of RNA

virus persistent infection

Temperature-sensitive(ts) mutant Preble amp Youngner1975

(low virulent or cytopathogenic mutant)

(small plaque mutant)

2) Defective interfering particle (DIP) Holland amp Villareal1974

(interfering activity transcription depressionIF (ー))

(subgenomic RNA) (less mRNA) (1ow infectivityhelper virus)

3) Integration of viral complementary DNA into carrier cells DNA

viral RNA cDNA

by I1) cellular RDDP

I2) endogeneous virus RDDP

1975 1 Simpsom et apositive Zhdanov 1975ITransfection

1976 1 negative Holland et a1

RDDP (+) mutant isolation Furman et 1973 1a 1976 1 Sato et a

4) Disorder of la8t virus assembly in membrane

(virus envelope glycoprotein )

5) Low response of immune system in vivo

特性で或る意味の定義にもなり得る例えば 1)の さらに 2)の特異抗体またはインターフエロンを作

ウイノレス抗震の検出はウイルス特異的筆先抗体染色で 用させても細胞内ウイノレス抗原は少なくなるが完全に消

遥常の増殖形態を示す全または一部組組内に可龍であ 夫(治蜜〉せず 3)再ーウイルスの再感染に抵抗性を

る (Figl) 示しつつもとの非 Pi親細越とほぼ間じ形態と増殖能

68 波田野基一

Table 5 Characteristics of virus persiste-

nt1y infected cells

virus carrier cel1s regulated infection

symbiotic infeciIon

1) Detection of viral antigen amp infectious


(every or some cell antigen alone or


2) E宜ectof speci五cantibodies or interferon

(non-yielder-stateantigen(十) cure(一))

3) E直ectof superinfection

(immunity against homologous virus

growth of heterologous virus)

4) Block in viral late maturation

(regulative inhibition of virus assembly)

5) Xenogenization of cell antigenicity by vi-

rus-coded componen t8

(interferon production augmented ind-

uction of cellul訂 immunity reduced


6) Possible mutation of carrying virus

(ts DIP low CPE molecular weights

of viral components MP etc in

HVJ protease activation mutant in耳VJ)

をもっているというのが多くのウイルス Pi細胞の共通

特f生であるさらによく調べると Table 54)5)




私どももこれらおの特異的問題を HVJ(Hemag-

glutinating Virus of Japan =イ由台ウイルス〉と Ru

bella virus (風疹ウイルス)Pi北各種紐抱で追求して

来たその中異種ウイルスの増殖促進効果 (permis-

sive cell化) Pi化腫蕩緯抱の造腫湯詮の低下または

消失Pi ウイルスの誇変異-ts構成蛋白分子量また

はその活性化機構ーなど前述 Table5の3)5)6)


IV HVJ持続惑染の異種ウイルス=牛痩ウイルス

(cowpox virus =CPV)増殖促進効果

CPV感染 2--6時間の初期に締絶膜表面に見出され

る CPV特異的 S抗涼 (cellsurface antigen6)) を麗



抱で CPVS抗原産生を試みたところがこの産生は





適濃度 trypsin添加による増強が見出された叱その外

に HVJの同時重複感染9)及び Pi9-11)がさらによ予

強い促進効果を起させた (Table6)この増強促進効

果には HV]ゲノム発現の必要なことが HVJtsPi

締胞培養温震を350Crarr390C に上昇させた CPV感染実

験で証明されている10) (390Cは tsに非許容温度)

さらにこの増強機作解拐を試み CPV段着は変ら

ないのに HVJ Piまた辻同時感染 THEL結胞では

紹胞内初期 CPV増証過程の著しい促進1011)が見出され

た特に初期増殖の第一歩脱殻退程に欝らく THEL

紹胞内蛋自分解酵素(lysomal酵素も含む)活性は HVJ

Fig 1 Fluorescent antibody staining of aceton-五xed(A) HVJ (200X)-and

(B) rubella virus (400X)-carrier cells

69 ウイノレス持続感染とその意義

Table 6 Relationship between establishment of persistent infection with

HVJ wild type or ts mutant and CPV S-antigen formation by

CPV5 p fucell

弘 S-antigenpositive cells (ratio)本

HVJCells Passage numbers of THEL cells after HVJ infection infected+ Control (uninfected) 2 7 10 20 40


THEL IHV]Ts 470(12) 591(15) 821(21) 899(23) 859(22)

HV]T路料 624(16) 700(18) 741(19) 781(20)

HVJo林 273(07) 592(15) 742(19)


牢 Observationat 8 hs after CPV infection by fluorescent antibody staining

+ At 350 C with moi=lOciucell

非Meanof 5 experiments 料 HVJwild type (HVJo) and HVJTs grown in developing chick embryo (HV]TSE)

-感染または Piにより窮らかに増強されていた100 そ

こで 14C-thymidineラベル CPVをマーカーに 8H-

thymidineラベル CPVの THEL及び Pi細胞=

THEL-HVJ細胞内競殻過程を sucrosegradient ce-

ntrifugationで比較した (Fig2) Fig 2にみる遇90

Pi細抱内では感染後 2時間で CPVはより軽い粒子を

示す位置にカウントのどークがみられ 3時間後ではさ

らによ P軽量北した

しかし親 THEL細組内ではマーカー14C_ラベ

ノレ CPVと同じ密慶粒子の位置に 8H-CPVのピークが


CPVの外側膜と内債H膜i捺去12)による軽量化が HVJPi


酵素活性の上昇初期増殖(説殻〉過程促進が HVJPi

化〈同時感染でも〉によ担惹起せられその結果 CPV










上述の CPVS抗京産生の問題もかかる E的であった

がそれには不適と判断されたしかし Table 7に示

すごとくハムスター腫蕩綿抱 (invitro自然がん北緯

組=THELと invivoメチルコラントレイン誘発がん

緯控=G立 2)は五VJPi化により 明らかにその


た辻 syngeneic両系で) さらに HVJl需様の RNA

型被膜ウイルス愚疹ウイルス (Matv株阪大徴研由


たおωしかも HVJ主sPi細胞の培養温度を HVJts

非許容温麦 390C に変換した後の接蓮実験で本現象に

も PiヒヨVJts ゲノム発現の必要主ことが証明され


ず マウス麓蕩細抱への HVJtsまたは風疹 Matv株



X隷照射ノムスターに接撞すると HVJ Pi紐抱造腫


で正常 THELまたは T註EL-HVJts細胞接謹ノム

スター牌紐抱の締抱障害活性 (CMT)が両紐抱を標的


Table8に示すごとく HVJts Pi紐胞接種ノムスタ



のマクロブアーク遊走阻止試験 (MMIT)でも HVJts


も HVJts非許容湿度 (390C)培養により HVJ抗原



これらを総合すると造腫凄4注低下消失は Pi住

HVJtsゲノム発現により紐臆撲に組みこまれた HVJ

70 波 田 野 基

τ主主 THEL純曹d 講成分 (Fig1及び SDS電気泳動法で確認可能2122))ts

が腫蕩紹胞膜抗原性を変換ー異物化7) した結果と考え

られるかかる異物化が生体に細越性免疫 (CMT

h在MITなど〉 を強く誘発L-腫蕩形成抑制一低下消失




2 iこ至ったのであらうなお HVJ Pi組組は仇 vitro

で正常ノムスター牌締胞と cocultureすると インタ


インターフエロンによる NK(natural killer)細胞活ー oio)U





VI HVJ持続惑染に伴う変異 HVJの出現 骨



3 hr 3 hr --


negative strand RNAウイノレスの一つである HVJ

yen3ノ P蛋白温度感受註 (ts)並びに器病原性各変異


Fig 2 Sucrose density gradient analysis of

in tracell ular CPV in THEL or T註EL-

HVJts cells infected with 3H-thymidi輔

ne-labelled CPV in the presence of 20

μgml cytosine arabinoside

3H-thymidine-labelled CPV was adsor-

bed onto THEL or THEL-HVJ cells (3-

6X107) for40minutes at 340C at an

input muliplicity of 50 pfucell in the

presence of 20 pgml cytosine arabino-

side The cultures were incubated in

the presence of the drug further for 80 (total 2 h) or 140 min (total 3 hr)

after unabsorbed CPV was well remo

ved by the washing the infected cells

The infected cells were scraped off collected by low speed centrifugation

and suspended in SSC (015 M sodium

chloride0015挺 sodium citratepI王

68) After addition of 14C-thymidine-

labelled CPVthe samples were soni-

cated in a Bransonsb soni五erUSA

in the cold The subsequent procedu

res were the same as privously desc-ribed (12) 3H-thymidine-labelled CPV

(-) 14C-thymidine-labelled CPV


は粒子内に RNApolymeraseを含み感染結胞内

のウイルス特異的 RNA合成の端緒をなしている こ

の まNApolymerase蛋自 (P蛋自〉は精製濃縮 35S_

メチオニンラベル HVJの SDSポリアクリルアマイド

ゲル電気泳動 CSDS-PAGE)で他のウイルス講成蛋岳

(HNFoNPM など)と共に検出可能である (Fig


そこで前述 THEL-HVJ Pi及び G2 (ヒト骨巨細


した HVJPiを SDS-PAGEで課ベたその結果

G2-HVJ Pi 由来6クローンはすべて(代表HVJ

piG cl14) THEL-HVJ Pi由来6クローン中工ク

ローン (HVJpiTcl27)各々 は Fig 3 ~こ示すごとく

P蛋白が野生株 (HVJo)の79Kより軽い分子量の 77K

となっていた21) しかし3 他の構成蛋白分子量は親

HVJoと同じで変北なかったさらに これら全クロ

ーン HVJPiーはすべて ts変異株に既に変異し湿

度交換実験でその ts部位泣増殖初期にあることが判明

した21) HVJpiG cl14の HVJ特異的 RNA合成を0

みると Fig 41こ示すごとく非許容湿度390Cでは

mRNA (18S) も viralRNA (50S)合成もほとんど

見られなかったくRNA-変異)許容温度 (320C)でもこ

のお変異株 (HVJpiG cl-14)の RNA合成能は野

生株 (HVJo) のそれらの約出以下と減少し P蛋白軽

量化との関連を示唆していたまたこの HVPpiG

cl14は HVJoに比べると低~弱病原性で容易に

細胞を Pi化し得た2122)0 この変異株は HVJの

CPE出現増殖を強く干渉抑制し HV]よりの ts変

異株出現にも一役買って ts Pi北をよ担容易ならしめ


(2) protease activation変異

71 ウイノレス持続感染とその意義

Table 7 Tumorigenicity of HVJTs-or Rubella virus (Matv) -carrier tumor cells

Tumor incidence at Dosis Latent periods

Exp Cells (cellshams t e主) 2 w 4 w 8w (days)










914fn -1---yengt1lt(21t15)

14 (0)

46 (15t09)

11 (0)


GM2-Matv 106 1

1414h) ~-z--zO(135t78)

214 (20)

66 (158土47)

211 (10)

1414(A0 ~-Z~- nyen(435t102)

614 (86土43)

2-11 (58)

III 10-18




4 (0)

13 (50)


持Exp1 Allogeneic system of non-inbred golden hamster Exp 2 Syngeneic system of inbred go

lden hamsterGN strain

Mean diameter of tumor (mm) tSD

+ Tl王EL-HVJTscells cultured at non-permissive temperature of HVJTs390Cfor 5 days

Table 8 Cytotoxicity test by spleen cells from hamsters bearing

THEL or THEL-HVJTs tumors

Attackers (spleen cells) from

Exp Target cells N叫 hhellipi T H - m 1 TEL即日出NTotal lysis () ITotal lysis() Net(拡) Plt ITotal lysis() Net() Plt

1 THEL 291t16 329士32 38 NS 395+26 104 0005

THEL-HVJTs 249t14 242土24 -07 NS 342+65 93 0005

2本THEL 177t29 169土27 -08 NS 315+44 138 0005

167t28 145t13 -22 NS 276十31 109 0005THEL-HVJTs

437+30 工14 00053 THEL 32338 359t20 36 005

183土47 174土28 -09 NS 290十27 107 0005THEL-HVJTs

4 THEL 464士12 400土30 -64 NS 552+10 82 0005

464十60 141 0005THEL-HVJTs 32323 198t24 -125 NS

5 HEKII 369土41 213+30 -156 NS 383+23 14 NS

HEKII-HVJTs 326土24 204+24 -122 張 S 374+12 48 0010

ネ Attackers(spleen cel1s) were used after preculture for overnight at 3rc Attacker cells (spleen cel1s) were obtained at 14 days after inoculation of 1 x104 THEL or THEL HVJTs cells Attacker Target cell ratio was 5 1 NS Not signi五cantat Plt005

HVJはー殻iこ trypsin t~ ど protease 作用で構成糖 sayなどに捜われている

蛋白れが cleavageをうけ Flとおとなって種々 そこで trypsinのみが cleavage enzymeである

の生物活性(惑染性溶血綿麹融合など)を示す却 託VJcl-1より異る protease elastaseで cleavage

このc1eavageに必要な proteaseをもっ組庖は所謂 可能な変異株 (HVJe)の分離を HVJcl1の Pi紹胞

増殖許容 (permissive)締結になり得て感染舘の as 上で試みた問時に mutagenニトロソクアニジン

72 波富野基一

Fig 3 SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of HVJo (A) HVJpiG cl-14 (B)HVJpiT

cl-27 (C) and HPJpiT cl15(D) Infected LLMK 2 cells were incubated at 320C

for 48 hours and labelled with 35S-methionine (10 uciml) for 3 hoursAt 24 hours

after labellingvirus released in the meditm was harvested and puri五ed The

virus samples were subjected to electrophoresis and processed for autoradio-

graphy as previously described (21 22) Migration is from top to bottom

(a) 18S 50S 18S 50S 18S 50S 18S 50S

75 na 4EF3


jljk L=ampI s z

ー5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15

日記 tionnumber

Fig 4 SDS-sucrose density gradient analysis of virus specific RNA from CEF cel1s in-

fected with HVJo (wild type) or HVJpiG Cl14 CEF cell mpnolayers were infec-

ted with virus5 pf ucell and incubated at 320C At-24 hours after infcttionone group of cultures was shifted to 390C lsquo After 35 h-incubation each group

was treated with 20μgml of Actinomycin D for 30 minutes and labelled for 2

hours with 20 uci05 ml of 3Hurididein the presence of the drug RNA extra-

ctioncentrifugation and radioactivity determination were carried out as previou-

sly described (21 22) The sedimentation positions of 50s and 18s 1ミNAswere

determined by 3Huridine-labelledCEF RNAs extracted in the same way as des-

cribed above

(a) cells infected withヨVJo al1d label1ed at 320 C (b) cells infected with

HVJpiG cl14and labelled at 320C (c) cells infected with HVJpiG cl14 and la-

belled at 390C Cd) mock-infected cells and labelled at 320C

73 ウイノレス持続感染とその意義

Table 9 Mutation frequency of elastase-activated mutants in culture media

of lytically or persistently HVJ cl-1-infected cells

1n the presence of MNNG (μgfrnl)(a) Lytically infectected with HVJ cl-1 25 50 100

GM 2 71 X 10-6 14xlO-5 28x 10-5 36x 10-5

Vero lt67X10-7 67X 10-6 36x10-5 21X10-5

LLClyen在K2 lt67X60-7 33x 10-6 42xlO-6 19X10-5

Passage nurnber (b) Persistently infected

with HVJ cl-工事 12 31 50 100

GM 2-HVJ cl-l 25XlO-4 50x 10-5 10X 10-4 10XlO-4

VeroHVJcl-1 ltlOx 10-5 10x 10-5 25x 10-5 NTt 5LLCMK 2-HVJ cl-1 lt10XlO- 50x 10-5 10x 10-4 NT

キ Cellmonolayers were infected with 豆VJcl-1 at an input multiplicity of 5 pfufcell and incuba-

ted in serum-free media at 340C in the absence or presence of MNNG After 72 hculture media

were harvested and assayed for rnutation frequency at 320C

普Cellmonolayer were incubated in serum-free media at 340C After 24hculture media were harve-

sted and assayed for mutation frequency at 320C

tNot tested

Fig 5 Cleavage of Fo glycoprotein of HVJ cl-1 (a)and HVJpi-e cl5003(b) by trypsin

and elastase 3H-glucosarnine皿 labelledvirions grown in LLCMK 2 cel1s were Incu-

bated with no protease (1)4μgfml (2)or 8 ugfrnl (3) trypsin and 20μgml (4)

or 40 pgfml (5) elastase All these samples were analyzed by 10 polyacrylamide

gel electrophoresis and autofluorography as previously described (2122)

(MNNG) 25-100μgfml存在下却で lytic infection とく elastaseのみでForarrFl (F2は検出できぬ SDSlsquo

(Li) を起させ elastase変異抹 (HVJe)の出現を計 PAGEの条件〉への cleavageをうけるが (Fig 5

った (Table 9)得られた HVJe ~土 Fig5に示すご (b)4) 5)) trypsinでは Foの cleavageはない

74 波 田野基一

(Fig 5(b) 2)3))その結果 HV]eは elastase事

存在下でのみ LLCMK2細胞で plaqueをつくヲ try-

psinは無効である (HV]cl1は逆)かくて調べた変

異出現頻度を比較すると Table 9に示すごとく Pi

推代培養では Li時 (MNNG μgml) より HV]邑

発生が高く(約10倍) MNNG存在下での Liに近い


種でも異な担 GM2は勉の 2種より高い傾舟を示した

以上 HV] Pi細飽からは ts-P蛋岳 elastase


Piにおける HV]変異の起り易さを示していたこれ


る例-HV]eと HV]tsの掃でーも知られているた

だ我々の場合 M 蛋白変異株28)や VSVpiでいわれ

る Dlp5)は検出できなかった


上述 Pi関連現象 (IV-VI)各々につき一般的に

考察したい HV]pi締結における異種ウイルス CPV



である同様の例として HV]が NDV増殖を促進

し29)SV 40とアデノウイノレス間で hybrid形成による

増殖30九 ラウス肉腫(まS)締抱で defectiveRSウイ

ルス (RSV)が helpervirus ニワトワ白血病ウイル

ス (ALV) に rescueされて表現型混合ウイルスとし


がんウイルスゲノムの rescue-検出とは若干異なるが

non-又は semi-permissiveな締結を龍ウイルス感染で

permissiveに変換し得る可詑性一一つの helperウイ


イルス Pi細胞は SV40でがん花され易いし80また

潜在性内在ウイルスとの hybrid形成がある嵐疹ウイル

ス Piの例32)も知ちれているのでウイルスがん化に Pi



次に Piによる腫療締結抗原牲の異物化と造題蕩性



弱病原性でかっ Pi化の容易なものが望ましいそれと



これら必要条件の中我々の HV]ts または RV-説atv

株は弱病原性で Pi容易はよいが抗腫蕩免疫誘導が揚

性というものの小林ら7)の Friendウイルス PIのもの

よ ~HJ~かったω最近生体内で HV]pi がldquo cureけ

される2324)ことが判明したのでかかるldquo cureがな



さらに Pi ~こ伴う諾変異の発生で ヒトウイノレス病


sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)を起している麻疹

ウイルス (MV)であろうこの SSPE-MVは野生株

とは甚だ性格を異にして SSPEに Piイとしている館

我々のケースも含めて Piまたは Laiはそのウイルス

に本来 semi-permissiveな紹胞で一般に成立している

SSPEも脳細控という MV~こは不適格な紐抱での P i

であるかかるウイルス Pi結胞は生体の NK細胞


の Pi中に Piウイルスの変異が生じたのであろうそ

して Piによる変異発生額度が mutagen作用下と同






Among the various fates of virus-infected cells

the ones of virus persistently infected cells seem

to be importantbecause this type of infection

is usually found to be correlated closely to

many serious human viral diseases Frequent

occurrences of seve主alvirus mutations during the

persistent infection are now presented to be

candidate responsible for the establishment and

maintenance of this unique infection with non-

oncogenic RNA viruses

Using the pe主sistently Infected tllmor cells

with五V] (Sendai virus) or Rllbella viruswe

have demonstrated an important role of tempe-

rature-sensitive mutant having lowered pathog-

enicity in this persistent infection 1n addition

the above two virllses carrying tumor cells ぬか

wed dec主easedtransplantability after their inoc-

lllation to homologous animals Moreoverthe

HV] persistent infection could make hamster

cells convert to a completely peτmissive state

for Cowpox virus growth from a semi-permissive

one before HVJ carrier establishment

The perspective involved in these evidences

75 ウイルス持続感染とその意義

four virus carrier cells were discussed with

a relation to some problems for researches of

human cancer and serious human viral diseases


1) Mims C A Factors in the mechanism

of persistence of viral infections Prog

Med Vi主01 18 1-14 1974

2) RimaB K and MartinS J Persiste-

nt infection of tissue cultured cells by

l1mmuno1RNA viruses Med Microbio

162 89-118 1976

3) Gibbs C J JrMemo G J and Diwan

A R 1mmunology of persistent and re-

current viral infections 1n 1mmunological

aspects of infectious diseases Dick G

edpp 453-496 MτP Press Lim Lanca-


4) Preble O T and Younger J S Tem-

perature-sensitive mutant viruses and the

etiology of chronic and inapparent infecti-

ons J Inf Dis 131 467-473 1975

5) HollandJ J and Villarreal L P Pe-

rsistent noncytocidal vesicular stomatitits

virus infectioIls mediated by defective T

particl that suppress virion transcriptase

Proc Nat Acad Sci 71 2956-2960工 974

A 1 1toY6) Ueda M and Tagaya spe-

Cl五csurface antigen induced by poxvirus

Virology 38 180-182 1969

7) Kobayashi H add SendoF 1mmunoge-

necity of viable xenogenized tumor cells

In Immunological xenogenization of tumor

cells GANN monograph on Cancer Resea-

rch No 23 Kobayashi託 ed pp 27-40

Jap ScI Soc PressTokyo and Univ Park


8) Tanaka J and Hatano M The e宜 ect

of trypsin on the fo主 mationof virus-speci-

五csurface antigen in cowpox virus-infected

1973413-41621 1cells J Gen Viro

9) Tanaka J OguraHFukudaS and Ha-

tano M Effect of double infection of

cowpox virus-infected cells with paramyxo

virus (Sendai virus) on formation of cow-

pox virus speci五ccel1 surface antigen 五在 1-

crobiol 1出血 unol 22 765-773 1978

10) Tanaka J Morita O and Hatano話

Factors involved in the expression of cow-

pox virus-speci五cantigen on Sendai virus

carriers cells J Gen Virol 3387-971976

11) Tanaka J Ogura耳 and Hatano M

Cellular protease increased in paramyxovi-

rus CSendai virus) carrier cells possibly

responsible for enhanced formation of cow-

pox virus-specific cell surface antigen Ar-

ch Virol 53 87-99 1977

12) Joklik W K The poxviruses Ann Rev

五在 icrobiol 22 359-390 1968

13) Svet Moldavsky G J and Haumburg V

P Quantative relationship in viral onco

lysis and the possibility of arti五cial hete-

rugenizatipn of tumors Nature 202 303-

304 1964

14) Burns W H and Allison A C Surfa-

ce antigens of virus-infected cells In Vi-

rus infection and the cell surface Cell su-

rface reviews Vol 2 PosteG and Nicol-

son G L edspp 213-247 North-Holla-

nd Pub Comp1王aegue1977

15) Czajkowski N P Rosenblatt M Gu-

shing R R Vasquerz J and Wolf P

L Production of active immunity to ma

lignant neoplastic tissue Cchemical coupli-

ng to an active antigenic protein carrier)

Cancer 19 739-749 1966

16) Watkins J F and Chen L Immuniza-

tion of mice against Ehrlich ascitis tumor

using a hamsterEhrlich ascites tumυr hyb旬

rid cell line Nature 223 1018-1022 1969

17) Yamada T and Hatano M Lowered

transplantability of cultured tumor cells by

persistent infection with paramyxovirus

(HVJ) Gan 63 647-655 1972

18) HatanoM Ogura H 5ato H and Ta-

naka J Decreased transplantability of

cultured tumor cells persistently infected

with non-oncogenic viruses In Immuno

logical xenogenization of tumor cells GA欄

NN monograph on Cancer Research No 23

76 波田野基

Kobayashiedpp 91-95 Jap Sci Soc

PressTokyo and Univ Park PaessBalti-

訟 ore1979

19)波田野基一小倉 寿センダイウイノレス持続



学ウイルス研究所z 京都 1979

20) OguraH吋 SatoHTanakaJHatano

MFukudaS and 1yen在orita0 Relatio-

nship between tumor formation and cel1帯

mediated immunity in hamsters with tran-

splanted豆VJ(Sendai virus) -carrying tumor

cells Gan 71325-3321980

21) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM Te-

mperature-sensitive HVJ (Sendai virus) wi-

th altered polypeptide derived from persi-

stently infected cells J Gen Virol55 469-4731981

22) SatoHOguraH and ヨatanoM An

intracellular interaction between tempera-

ture-sensitive mutant and original wild ty-

pe HVJ (Sendai virus) is responsible for

the establishment and maintenance of HVJ

persis士entinfection J Gen Virol55459

-468 1981

23) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM Cu-

ring of virus persistent infection in HVJ

CSendai virus) carrier hamster tumor cells

by transplantation Gann 72498-5031981

24) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM In

vitro curing of persistent infection in HVJ

(Sendai virus) carrier tumor cells by spleen

cel1s Gan 72504-5111981

25) PrebleO T and YoungerJ S Selec-

ton of temperature-sensitive mutants duri-

ng persistent infections role in maintena-

nce of persistent Newcastles Disease Vitus

infections of L cells J Virol12481larr 491


26) HommaM and OhuchiM Trypsin action

on the growth of Sendai virus in tissue cul-

ture cel1s III Structural di韮erenceof Se-

ndai viruses grown in eggs and tissue cul-

tured cells J Virol121457-14651973

27) ScheidA and ChoppinP百人 Proteasε

activation mutont of Sendai virus Activa-

tion of biological porperties by specific pro-

tease Virology 69265-2771976

28) Y oshidaT NagaiYMoenoKIinu吋


NagayoshiS and HoshinoM Studies

Oll the role of M protein in virus assemb-

ly using a ts mutant of HVJ (Sendai vi-

rus) Virology 92139-1541979

29) MaenoK YoshiiSNagataIand Ma-吋

tsumotoT Growth of Newcastle Dise-

ase Virus in a HVJ carrier culture of He-

La cells Virology 29255-2631966

30) LewisA M Jr Defective and nonde-

fective Ad 2SV40 hybrids Prog謎 edVi-


31) Benyesh-MelnickM and ButelJ On-

cogenic viruses In The molecular biology

of cancerBusceH edpp 403-485Aca国

demic PressNew York1974

32) SatoMYamadaTYamamotoK and

YamamotoN Evidence for hybrid for-

mation between rubella vi主us and latent

virus of BHK-21jWI-2 cel1s Virology 69


33) HamiltonRBarbosaLand DuboisM

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis meas-

les virus study of biological markers J


67 ウイルス持続惑染とその意義

Table 3 Virus persIstent Infection in vitro

RNA Virus DNA Virus


1966) 1 aenoet a説HV] (Sendai V

1964) 1 HA 2 (Ishida eta

1972) 1 PIV 3 CCole et a

1958) 1 NDV (Henle et a

五1easlesV (Rustigian 1962)

1962) 1 Mumps V (Walker et a

2) Myxoviridae

1972) 1 Influenza V (Gavrilov et a

3) Rhabdoviridae

1974) 1 l1and et aVSV (Ho

1964) 1 Rabies V (Fernandes et a

4) Togaviridae

1974) 1 ]BV (Gavrilov et a

1969) 1 et aTEEV(Shimizu羽

Sindbis V (Pelleg 1969)

Rubella V (Rawels et al1972)

5) Arenaviridae

1972) 1 et aLCMV (StaneckampPARANA

6) Retroviridae

Oncovirinae Avian amp Mammalian V


Adeno V (Rowe et al1953)

2) Herpesiviridae

HSV1(Douglas et al1970)

HSV2(Rawels et a 1969) 1

EBV (Schneider et al1975)

CMV (Rapp et al1975)

VZV (Hope-Simpson 1965)

3) Papova viridae

Papilloma-Polyoma-SV 40

Human Papova V

1971) 1 ]CV (Padget et a

工〉197BKV (Gardner et al

4) Poxviridae

Rabbit myoxoma amp五bromaV

5) HBV

CAlexander et al1976)

Table 4 Factors involved in the establishment and maintenance of RNA

virus persistent infection

Temperature-sensitive(ts) mutant Preble amp Youngner1975

(low virulent or cytopathogenic mutant)

(small plaque mutant)

2) Defective interfering particle (DIP) Holland amp Villareal1974

(interfering activity transcription depressionIF (ー))

(subgenomic RNA) (less mRNA) (1ow infectivityhelper virus)

3) Integration of viral complementary DNA into carrier cells DNA

viral RNA cDNA

by I1) cellular RDDP

I2) endogeneous virus RDDP

1975 1 Simpsom et apositive Zhdanov 1975ITransfection

1976 1 negative Holland et a1

RDDP (+) mutant isolation Furman et 1973 1a 1976 1 Sato et a

4) Disorder of la8t virus assembly in membrane

(virus envelope glycoprotein )

5) Low response of immune system in vivo

特性で或る意味の定義にもなり得る例えば 1)の さらに 2)の特異抗体またはインターフエロンを作

ウイノレス抗震の検出はウイルス特異的筆先抗体染色で 用させても細胞内ウイノレス抗原は少なくなるが完全に消

遥常の増殖形態を示す全または一部組組内に可龍であ 夫(治蜜〉せず 3)再ーウイルスの再感染に抵抗性を

る (Figl) 示しつつもとの非 Pi親細越とほぼ間じ形態と増殖能

68 波田野基一

Table 5 Characteristics of virus persiste-

nt1y infected cells

virus carrier cel1s regulated infection

symbiotic infeciIon

1) Detection of viral antigen amp infectious


(every or some cell antigen alone or


2) E宜ectof speci五cantibodies or interferon

(non-yielder-stateantigen(十) cure(一))

3) E直ectof superinfection

(immunity against homologous virus

growth of heterologous virus)

4) Block in viral late maturation

(regulative inhibition of virus assembly)

5) Xenogenization of cell antigenicity by vi-

rus-coded componen t8

(interferon production augmented ind-

uction of cellul訂 immunity reduced


6) Possible mutation of carrying virus

(ts DIP low CPE molecular weights

of viral components MP etc in

HVJ protease activation mutant in耳VJ)

をもっているというのが多くのウイルス Pi細胞の共通

特f生であるさらによく調べると Table 54)5)




私どももこれらおの特異的問題を HVJ(Hemag-

glutinating Virus of Japan =イ由台ウイルス〉と Ru

bella virus (風疹ウイルス)Pi北各種紐抱で追求して

来たその中異種ウイルスの増殖促進効果 (permis-

sive cell化) Pi化腫蕩緯抱の造腫湯詮の低下または

消失Pi ウイルスの誇変異-ts構成蛋白分子量また

はその活性化機構ーなど前述 Table5の3)5)6)


IV HVJ持続惑染の異種ウイルス=牛痩ウイルス

(cowpox virus =CPV)増殖促進効果

CPV感染 2--6時間の初期に締絶膜表面に見出され

る CPV特異的 S抗涼 (cellsurface antigen6)) を麗



抱で CPVS抗原産生を試みたところがこの産生は





適濃度 trypsin添加による増強が見出された叱その外

に HVJの同時重複感染9)及び Pi9-11)がさらによ予

強い促進効果を起させた (Table6)この増強促進効

果には HV]ゲノム発現の必要なことが HVJtsPi

締胞培養温震を350Crarr390C に上昇させた CPV感染実

験で証明されている10) (390Cは tsに非許容温度)

さらにこの増強機作解拐を試み CPV段着は変ら

ないのに HVJ Piまた辻同時感染 THEL結胞では

紹胞内初期 CPV増証過程の著しい促進1011)が見出され

た特に初期増殖の第一歩脱殻退程に欝らく THEL

紹胞内蛋自分解酵素(lysomal酵素も含む)活性は HVJ

Fig 1 Fluorescent antibody staining of aceton-五xed(A) HVJ (200X)-and

(B) rubella virus (400X)-carrier cells

69 ウイノレス持続感染とその意義

Table 6 Relationship between establishment of persistent infection with

HVJ wild type or ts mutant and CPV S-antigen formation by

CPV5 p fucell

弘 S-antigenpositive cells (ratio)本

HVJCells Passage numbers of THEL cells after HVJ infection infected+ Control (uninfected) 2 7 10 20 40


THEL IHV]Ts 470(12) 591(15) 821(21) 899(23) 859(22)

HV]T路料 624(16) 700(18) 741(19) 781(20)

HVJo林 273(07) 592(15) 742(19)


牢 Observationat 8 hs after CPV infection by fluorescent antibody staining

+ At 350 C with moi=lOciucell

非Meanof 5 experiments 料 HVJwild type (HVJo) and HVJTs grown in developing chick embryo (HV]TSE)

-感染または Piにより窮らかに増強されていた100 そ

こで 14C-thymidineラベル CPVをマーカーに 8H-

thymidineラベル CPVの THEL及び Pi細胞=

THEL-HVJ細胞内競殻過程を sucrosegradient ce-

ntrifugationで比較した (Fig2) Fig 2にみる遇90

Pi細抱内では感染後 2時間で CPVはより軽い粒子を

示す位置にカウントのどークがみられ 3時間後ではさ

らによ P軽量北した

しかし親 THEL細組内ではマーカー14C_ラベ

ノレ CPVと同じ密慶粒子の位置に 8H-CPVのピークが


CPVの外側膜と内債H膜i捺去12)による軽量化が HVJPi


酵素活性の上昇初期増殖(説殻〉過程促進が HVJPi

化〈同時感染でも〉によ担惹起せられその結果 CPV










上述の CPVS抗京産生の問題もかかる E的であった

がそれには不適と判断されたしかし Table 7に示

すごとくハムスター腫蕩綿抱 (invitro自然がん北緯

組=THELと invivoメチルコラントレイン誘発がん

緯控=G立 2)は五VJPi化により 明らかにその


た辻 syngeneic両系で) さらに HVJl需様の RNA

型被膜ウイルス愚疹ウイルス (Matv株阪大徴研由


たおωしかも HVJ主sPi細胞の培養温度を HVJts

非許容温麦 390C に変換した後の接蓮実験で本現象に

も PiヒヨVJts ゲノム発現の必要主ことが証明され


ず マウス麓蕩細抱への HVJtsまたは風疹 Matv株



X隷照射ノムスターに接撞すると HVJ Pi紐抱造腫


で正常 THELまたは T註EL-HVJts細胞接謹ノム

スター牌紐抱の締抱障害活性 (CMT)が両紐抱を標的


Table8に示すごとく HVJts Pi紐胞接種ノムスタ



のマクロブアーク遊走阻止試験 (MMIT)でも HVJts


も HVJts非許容湿度 (390C)培養により HVJ抗原



これらを総合すると造腫凄4注低下消失は Pi住

HVJtsゲノム発現により紐臆撲に組みこまれた HVJ

70 波 田 野 基

τ主主 THEL純曹d 講成分 (Fig1及び SDS電気泳動法で確認可能2122))ts

が腫蕩紹胞膜抗原性を変換ー異物化7) した結果と考え

られるかかる異物化が生体に細越性免疫 (CMT

h在MITなど〉 を強く誘発L-腫蕩形成抑制一低下消失




2 iこ至ったのであらうなお HVJ Pi組組は仇 vitro

で正常ノムスター牌締胞と cocultureすると インタ


インターフエロンによる NK(natural killer)細胞活ー oio)U





VI HVJ持続惑染に伴う変異 HVJの出現 骨



3 hr 3 hr --


negative strand RNAウイノレスの一つである HVJ

yen3ノ P蛋白温度感受註 (ts)並びに器病原性各変異


Fig 2 Sucrose density gradient analysis of

in tracell ular CPV in THEL or T註EL-

HVJts cells infected with 3H-thymidi輔

ne-labelled CPV in the presence of 20

μgml cytosine arabinoside

3H-thymidine-labelled CPV was adsor-

bed onto THEL or THEL-HVJ cells (3-

6X107) for40minutes at 340C at an

input muliplicity of 50 pfucell in the

presence of 20 pgml cytosine arabino-

side The cultures were incubated in

the presence of the drug further for 80 (total 2 h) or 140 min (total 3 hr)

after unabsorbed CPV was well remo

ved by the washing the infected cells

The infected cells were scraped off collected by low speed centrifugation

and suspended in SSC (015 M sodium

chloride0015挺 sodium citratepI王

68) After addition of 14C-thymidine-

labelled CPVthe samples were soni-

cated in a Bransonsb soni五erUSA

in the cold The subsequent procedu

res were the same as privously desc-ribed (12) 3H-thymidine-labelled CPV

(-) 14C-thymidine-labelled CPV


は粒子内に RNApolymeraseを含み感染結胞内

のウイルス特異的 RNA合成の端緒をなしている こ

の まNApolymerase蛋自 (P蛋自〉は精製濃縮 35S_

メチオニンラベル HVJの SDSポリアクリルアマイド

ゲル電気泳動 CSDS-PAGE)で他のウイルス講成蛋岳

(HNFoNPM など)と共に検出可能である (Fig


そこで前述 THEL-HVJ Pi及び G2 (ヒト骨巨細


した HVJPiを SDS-PAGEで課ベたその結果

G2-HVJ Pi 由来6クローンはすべて(代表HVJ

piG cl14) THEL-HVJ Pi由来6クローン中工ク

ローン (HVJpiTcl27)各々 は Fig 3 ~こ示すごとく

P蛋白が野生株 (HVJo)の79Kより軽い分子量の 77K

となっていた21) しかし3 他の構成蛋白分子量は親

HVJoと同じで変北なかったさらに これら全クロ

ーン HVJPiーはすべて ts変異株に既に変異し湿

度交換実験でその ts部位泣増殖初期にあることが判明

した21) HVJpiG cl14の HVJ特異的 RNA合成を0

みると Fig 41こ示すごとく非許容湿度390Cでは

mRNA (18S) も viralRNA (50S)合成もほとんど

見られなかったくRNA-変異)許容温度 (320C)でもこ

のお変異株 (HVJpiG cl-14)の RNA合成能は野

生株 (HVJo) のそれらの約出以下と減少し P蛋白軽

量化との関連を示唆していたまたこの HVPpiG

cl14は HVJoに比べると低~弱病原性で容易に

細胞を Pi化し得た2122)0 この変異株は HVJの

CPE出現増殖を強く干渉抑制し HV]よりの ts変

異株出現にも一役買って ts Pi北をよ担容易ならしめ


(2) protease activation変異

71 ウイノレス持続感染とその意義

Table 7 Tumorigenicity of HVJTs-or Rubella virus (Matv) -carrier tumor cells

Tumor incidence at Dosis Latent periods

Exp Cells (cellshams t e主) 2 w 4 w 8w (days)










914fn -1---yengt1lt(21t15)

14 (0)

46 (15t09)

11 (0)


GM2-Matv 106 1

1414h) ~-z--zO(135t78)

214 (20)

66 (158土47)

211 (10)

1414(A0 ~-Z~- nyen(435t102)

614 (86土43)

2-11 (58)

III 10-18




4 (0)

13 (50)


持Exp1 Allogeneic system of non-inbred golden hamster Exp 2 Syngeneic system of inbred go

lden hamsterGN strain

Mean diameter of tumor (mm) tSD

+ Tl王EL-HVJTscells cultured at non-permissive temperature of HVJTs390Cfor 5 days

Table 8 Cytotoxicity test by spleen cells from hamsters bearing

THEL or THEL-HVJTs tumors

Attackers (spleen cells) from

Exp Target cells N叫 hhellipi T H - m 1 TEL即日出NTotal lysis () ITotal lysis() Net(拡) Plt ITotal lysis() Net() Plt

1 THEL 291t16 329士32 38 NS 395+26 104 0005

THEL-HVJTs 249t14 242土24 -07 NS 342+65 93 0005

2本THEL 177t29 169土27 -08 NS 315+44 138 0005

167t28 145t13 -22 NS 276十31 109 0005THEL-HVJTs

437+30 工14 00053 THEL 32338 359t20 36 005

183土47 174土28 -09 NS 290十27 107 0005THEL-HVJTs

4 THEL 464士12 400土30 -64 NS 552+10 82 0005

464十60 141 0005THEL-HVJTs 32323 198t24 -125 NS

5 HEKII 369土41 213+30 -156 NS 383+23 14 NS

HEKII-HVJTs 326土24 204+24 -122 張 S 374+12 48 0010

ネ Attackers(spleen cel1s) were used after preculture for overnight at 3rc Attacker cells (spleen cel1s) were obtained at 14 days after inoculation of 1 x104 THEL or THEL HVJTs cells Attacker Target cell ratio was 5 1 NS Not signi五cantat Plt005

HVJはー殻iこ trypsin t~ ど protease 作用で構成糖 sayなどに捜われている

蛋白れが cleavageをうけ Flとおとなって種々 そこで trypsinのみが cleavage enzymeである

の生物活性(惑染性溶血綿麹融合など)を示す却 託VJcl-1より異る protease elastaseで cleavage

このc1eavageに必要な proteaseをもっ組庖は所謂 可能な変異株 (HVJe)の分離を HVJcl1の Pi紹胞

増殖許容 (permissive)締結になり得て感染舘の as 上で試みた問時に mutagenニトロソクアニジン

72 波富野基一

Fig 3 SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of HVJo (A) HVJpiG cl-14 (B)HVJpiT

cl-27 (C) and HPJpiT cl15(D) Infected LLMK 2 cells were incubated at 320C

for 48 hours and labelled with 35S-methionine (10 uciml) for 3 hoursAt 24 hours

after labellingvirus released in the meditm was harvested and puri五ed The

virus samples were subjected to electrophoresis and processed for autoradio-

graphy as previously described (21 22) Migration is from top to bottom

(a) 18S 50S 18S 50S 18S 50S 18S 50S

75 na 4EF3


jljk L=ampI s z

ー5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15

日記 tionnumber

Fig 4 SDS-sucrose density gradient analysis of virus specific RNA from CEF cel1s in-

fected with HVJo (wild type) or HVJpiG Cl14 CEF cell mpnolayers were infec-

ted with virus5 pf ucell and incubated at 320C At-24 hours after infcttionone group of cultures was shifted to 390C lsquo After 35 h-incubation each group

was treated with 20μgml of Actinomycin D for 30 minutes and labelled for 2

hours with 20 uci05 ml of 3Hurididein the presence of the drug RNA extra-

ctioncentrifugation and radioactivity determination were carried out as previou-

sly described (21 22) The sedimentation positions of 50s and 18s 1ミNAswere

determined by 3Huridine-labelledCEF RNAs extracted in the same way as des-

cribed above

(a) cells infected withヨVJo al1d label1ed at 320 C (b) cells infected with

HVJpiG cl14and labelled at 320C (c) cells infected with HVJpiG cl14 and la-

belled at 390C Cd) mock-infected cells and labelled at 320C

73 ウイノレス持続感染とその意義

Table 9 Mutation frequency of elastase-activated mutants in culture media

of lytically or persistently HVJ cl-1-infected cells

1n the presence of MNNG (μgfrnl)(a) Lytically infectected with HVJ cl-1 25 50 100

GM 2 71 X 10-6 14xlO-5 28x 10-5 36x 10-5

Vero lt67X10-7 67X 10-6 36x10-5 21X10-5

LLClyen在K2 lt67X60-7 33x 10-6 42xlO-6 19X10-5

Passage nurnber (b) Persistently infected

with HVJ cl-工事 12 31 50 100

GM 2-HVJ cl-l 25XlO-4 50x 10-5 10X 10-4 10XlO-4

VeroHVJcl-1 ltlOx 10-5 10x 10-5 25x 10-5 NTt 5LLCMK 2-HVJ cl-1 lt10XlO- 50x 10-5 10x 10-4 NT

キ Cellmonolayers were infected with 豆VJcl-1 at an input multiplicity of 5 pfufcell and incuba-

ted in serum-free media at 340C in the absence or presence of MNNG After 72 hculture media

were harvested and assayed for rnutation frequency at 320C

普Cellmonolayer were incubated in serum-free media at 340C After 24hculture media were harve-

sted and assayed for mutation frequency at 320C

tNot tested

Fig 5 Cleavage of Fo glycoprotein of HVJ cl-1 (a)and HVJpi-e cl5003(b) by trypsin

and elastase 3H-glucosarnine皿 labelledvirions grown in LLCMK 2 cel1s were Incu-

bated with no protease (1)4μgfml (2)or 8 ugfrnl (3) trypsin and 20μgml (4)

or 40 pgfml (5) elastase All these samples were analyzed by 10 polyacrylamide

gel electrophoresis and autofluorography as previously described (2122)

(MNNG) 25-100μgfml存在下却で lytic infection とく elastaseのみでForarrFl (F2は検出できぬ SDSlsquo

(Li) を起させ elastase変異抹 (HVJe)の出現を計 PAGEの条件〉への cleavageをうけるが (Fig 5

った (Table 9)得られた HVJe ~土 Fig5に示すご (b)4) 5)) trypsinでは Foの cleavageはない

74 波 田野基一

(Fig 5(b) 2)3))その結果 HV]eは elastase事

存在下でのみ LLCMK2細胞で plaqueをつくヲ try-

psinは無効である (HV]cl1は逆)かくて調べた変

異出現頻度を比較すると Table 9に示すごとく Pi

推代培養では Li時 (MNNG μgml) より HV]邑

発生が高く(約10倍) MNNG存在下での Liに近い


種でも異な担 GM2は勉の 2種より高い傾舟を示した

以上 HV] Pi細飽からは ts-P蛋岳 elastase


Piにおける HV]変異の起り易さを示していたこれ


る例-HV]eと HV]tsの掃でーも知られているた

だ我々の場合 M 蛋白変異株28)や VSVpiでいわれ

る Dlp5)は検出できなかった


上述 Pi関連現象 (IV-VI)各々につき一般的に

考察したい HV]pi締結における異種ウイルス CPV



である同様の例として HV]が NDV増殖を促進

し29)SV 40とアデノウイノレス間で hybrid形成による

増殖30九 ラウス肉腫(まS)締抱で defectiveRSウイ

ルス (RSV)が helpervirus ニワトワ白血病ウイル

ス (ALV) に rescueされて表現型混合ウイルスとし


がんウイルスゲノムの rescue-検出とは若干異なるが

non-又は semi-permissiveな締結を龍ウイルス感染で

permissiveに変換し得る可詑性一一つの helperウイ


イルス Pi細胞は SV40でがん花され易いし80また

潜在性内在ウイルスとの hybrid形成がある嵐疹ウイル

ス Piの例32)も知ちれているのでウイルスがん化に Pi



次に Piによる腫療締結抗原牲の異物化と造題蕩性



弱病原性でかっ Pi化の容易なものが望ましいそれと



これら必要条件の中我々の HV]ts または RV-説atv

株は弱病原性で Pi容易はよいが抗腫蕩免疫誘導が揚

性というものの小林ら7)の Friendウイルス PIのもの

よ ~HJ~かったω最近生体内で HV]pi がldquo cureけ

される2324)ことが判明したのでかかるldquo cureがな



さらに Pi ~こ伴う諾変異の発生で ヒトウイノレス病


sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)を起している麻疹

ウイルス (MV)であろうこの SSPE-MVは野生株

とは甚だ性格を異にして SSPEに Piイとしている館

我々のケースも含めて Piまたは Laiはそのウイルス

に本来 semi-permissiveな紹胞で一般に成立している

SSPEも脳細控という MV~こは不適格な紐抱での P i

であるかかるウイルス Pi結胞は生体の NK細胞


の Pi中に Piウイルスの変異が生じたのであろうそ

して Piによる変異発生額度が mutagen作用下と同






Among the various fates of virus-infected cells

the ones of virus persistently infected cells seem

to be importantbecause this type of infection

is usually found to be correlated closely to

many serious human viral diseases Frequent

occurrences of seve主alvirus mutations during the

persistent infection are now presented to be

candidate responsible for the establishment and

maintenance of this unique infection with non-

oncogenic RNA viruses

Using the pe主sistently Infected tllmor cells

with五V] (Sendai virus) or Rllbella viruswe

have demonstrated an important role of tempe-

rature-sensitive mutant having lowered pathog-

enicity in this persistent infection 1n addition

the above two virllses carrying tumor cells ぬか

wed dec主easedtransplantability after their inoc-

lllation to homologous animals Moreoverthe

HV] persistent infection could make hamster

cells convert to a completely peτmissive state

for Cowpox virus growth from a semi-permissive

one before HVJ carrier establishment

The perspective involved in these evidences

75 ウイルス持続感染とその意義

four virus carrier cells were discussed with

a relation to some problems for researches of

human cancer and serious human viral diseases


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19)波田野基一小倉 寿センダイウイノレス持続



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24) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM In

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32) SatoMYamadaTYamamotoK and

YamamotoN Evidence for hybrid for-

mation between rubella vi主us and latent

virus of BHK-21jWI-2 cel1s Virology 69


33) HamiltonRBarbosaLand DuboisM

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis meas-

les virus study of biological markers J


68 波田野基一

Table 5 Characteristics of virus persiste-

nt1y infected cells

virus carrier cel1s regulated infection

symbiotic infeciIon

1) Detection of viral antigen amp infectious


(every or some cell antigen alone or


2) E宜ectof speci五cantibodies or interferon

(non-yielder-stateantigen(十) cure(一))

3) E直ectof superinfection

(immunity against homologous virus

growth of heterologous virus)

4) Block in viral late maturation

(regulative inhibition of virus assembly)

5) Xenogenization of cell antigenicity by vi-

rus-coded componen t8

(interferon production augmented ind-

uction of cellul訂 immunity reduced


6) Possible mutation of carrying virus

(ts DIP low CPE molecular weights

of viral components MP etc in

HVJ protease activation mutant in耳VJ)

をもっているというのが多くのウイルス Pi細胞の共通

特f生であるさらによく調べると Table 54)5)




私どももこれらおの特異的問題を HVJ(Hemag-

glutinating Virus of Japan =イ由台ウイルス〉と Ru

bella virus (風疹ウイルス)Pi北各種紐抱で追求して

来たその中異種ウイルスの増殖促進効果 (permis-

sive cell化) Pi化腫蕩緯抱の造腫湯詮の低下または

消失Pi ウイルスの誇変異-ts構成蛋白分子量また

はその活性化機構ーなど前述 Table5の3)5)6)


IV HVJ持続惑染の異種ウイルス=牛痩ウイルス

(cowpox virus =CPV)増殖促進効果

CPV感染 2--6時間の初期に締絶膜表面に見出され

る CPV特異的 S抗涼 (cellsurface antigen6)) を麗



抱で CPVS抗原産生を試みたところがこの産生は





適濃度 trypsin添加による増強が見出された叱その外

に HVJの同時重複感染9)及び Pi9-11)がさらによ予

強い促進効果を起させた (Table6)この増強促進効

果には HV]ゲノム発現の必要なことが HVJtsPi

締胞培養温震を350Crarr390C に上昇させた CPV感染実

験で証明されている10) (390Cは tsに非許容温度)

さらにこの増強機作解拐を試み CPV段着は変ら

ないのに HVJ Piまた辻同時感染 THEL結胞では

紹胞内初期 CPV増証過程の著しい促進1011)が見出され

た特に初期増殖の第一歩脱殻退程に欝らく THEL

紹胞内蛋自分解酵素(lysomal酵素も含む)活性は HVJ

Fig 1 Fluorescent antibody staining of aceton-五xed(A) HVJ (200X)-and

(B) rubella virus (400X)-carrier cells

69 ウイノレス持続感染とその意義

Table 6 Relationship between establishment of persistent infection with

HVJ wild type or ts mutant and CPV S-antigen formation by

CPV5 p fucell

弘 S-antigenpositive cells (ratio)本

HVJCells Passage numbers of THEL cells after HVJ infection infected+ Control (uninfected) 2 7 10 20 40


THEL IHV]Ts 470(12) 591(15) 821(21) 899(23) 859(22)

HV]T路料 624(16) 700(18) 741(19) 781(20)

HVJo林 273(07) 592(15) 742(19)


牢 Observationat 8 hs after CPV infection by fluorescent antibody staining

+ At 350 C with moi=lOciucell

非Meanof 5 experiments 料 HVJwild type (HVJo) and HVJTs grown in developing chick embryo (HV]TSE)

-感染または Piにより窮らかに増強されていた100 そ

こで 14C-thymidineラベル CPVをマーカーに 8H-

thymidineラベル CPVの THEL及び Pi細胞=

THEL-HVJ細胞内競殻過程を sucrosegradient ce-

ntrifugationで比較した (Fig2) Fig 2にみる遇90

Pi細抱内では感染後 2時間で CPVはより軽い粒子を

示す位置にカウントのどークがみられ 3時間後ではさ

らによ P軽量北した

しかし親 THEL細組内ではマーカー14C_ラベ

ノレ CPVと同じ密慶粒子の位置に 8H-CPVのピークが


CPVの外側膜と内債H膜i捺去12)による軽量化が HVJPi


酵素活性の上昇初期増殖(説殻〉過程促進が HVJPi

化〈同時感染でも〉によ担惹起せられその結果 CPV










上述の CPVS抗京産生の問題もかかる E的であった

がそれには不適と判断されたしかし Table 7に示

すごとくハムスター腫蕩綿抱 (invitro自然がん北緯

組=THELと invivoメチルコラントレイン誘発がん

緯控=G立 2)は五VJPi化により 明らかにその


た辻 syngeneic両系で) さらに HVJl需様の RNA

型被膜ウイルス愚疹ウイルス (Matv株阪大徴研由


たおωしかも HVJ主sPi細胞の培養温度を HVJts

非許容温麦 390C に変換した後の接蓮実験で本現象に

も PiヒヨVJts ゲノム発現の必要主ことが証明され


ず マウス麓蕩細抱への HVJtsまたは風疹 Matv株



X隷照射ノムスターに接撞すると HVJ Pi紐抱造腫


で正常 THELまたは T註EL-HVJts細胞接謹ノム

スター牌紐抱の締抱障害活性 (CMT)が両紐抱を標的


Table8に示すごとく HVJts Pi紐胞接種ノムスタ



のマクロブアーク遊走阻止試験 (MMIT)でも HVJts


も HVJts非許容湿度 (390C)培養により HVJ抗原



これらを総合すると造腫凄4注低下消失は Pi住

HVJtsゲノム発現により紐臆撲に組みこまれた HVJ

70 波 田 野 基

τ主主 THEL純曹d 講成分 (Fig1及び SDS電気泳動法で確認可能2122))ts

が腫蕩紹胞膜抗原性を変換ー異物化7) した結果と考え

られるかかる異物化が生体に細越性免疫 (CMT

h在MITなど〉 を強く誘発L-腫蕩形成抑制一低下消失




2 iこ至ったのであらうなお HVJ Pi組組は仇 vitro

で正常ノムスター牌締胞と cocultureすると インタ


インターフエロンによる NK(natural killer)細胞活ー oio)U





VI HVJ持続惑染に伴う変異 HVJの出現 骨



3 hr 3 hr --


negative strand RNAウイノレスの一つである HVJ

yen3ノ P蛋白温度感受註 (ts)並びに器病原性各変異


Fig 2 Sucrose density gradient analysis of

in tracell ular CPV in THEL or T註EL-

HVJts cells infected with 3H-thymidi輔

ne-labelled CPV in the presence of 20

μgml cytosine arabinoside

3H-thymidine-labelled CPV was adsor-

bed onto THEL or THEL-HVJ cells (3-

6X107) for40minutes at 340C at an

input muliplicity of 50 pfucell in the

presence of 20 pgml cytosine arabino-

side The cultures were incubated in

the presence of the drug further for 80 (total 2 h) or 140 min (total 3 hr)

after unabsorbed CPV was well remo

ved by the washing the infected cells

The infected cells were scraped off collected by low speed centrifugation

and suspended in SSC (015 M sodium

chloride0015挺 sodium citratepI王

68) After addition of 14C-thymidine-

labelled CPVthe samples were soni-

cated in a Bransonsb soni五erUSA

in the cold The subsequent procedu

res were the same as privously desc-ribed (12) 3H-thymidine-labelled CPV

(-) 14C-thymidine-labelled CPV


は粒子内に RNApolymeraseを含み感染結胞内

のウイルス特異的 RNA合成の端緒をなしている こ

の まNApolymerase蛋自 (P蛋自〉は精製濃縮 35S_

メチオニンラベル HVJの SDSポリアクリルアマイド

ゲル電気泳動 CSDS-PAGE)で他のウイルス講成蛋岳

(HNFoNPM など)と共に検出可能である (Fig


そこで前述 THEL-HVJ Pi及び G2 (ヒト骨巨細


した HVJPiを SDS-PAGEで課ベたその結果

G2-HVJ Pi 由来6クローンはすべて(代表HVJ

piG cl14) THEL-HVJ Pi由来6クローン中工ク

ローン (HVJpiTcl27)各々 は Fig 3 ~こ示すごとく

P蛋白が野生株 (HVJo)の79Kより軽い分子量の 77K

となっていた21) しかし3 他の構成蛋白分子量は親

HVJoと同じで変北なかったさらに これら全クロ

ーン HVJPiーはすべて ts変異株に既に変異し湿

度交換実験でその ts部位泣増殖初期にあることが判明

した21) HVJpiG cl14の HVJ特異的 RNA合成を0

みると Fig 41こ示すごとく非許容湿度390Cでは

mRNA (18S) も viralRNA (50S)合成もほとんど

見られなかったくRNA-変異)許容温度 (320C)でもこ

のお変異株 (HVJpiG cl-14)の RNA合成能は野

生株 (HVJo) のそれらの約出以下と減少し P蛋白軽

量化との関連を示唆していたまたこの HVPpiG

cl14は HVJoに比べると低~弱病原性で容易に

細胞を Pi化し得た2122)0 この変異株は HVJの

CPE出現増殖を強く干渉抑制し HV]よりの ts変

異株出現にも一役買って ts Pi北をよ担容易ならしめ


(2) protease activation変異

71 ウイノレス持続感染とその意義

Table 7 Tumorigenicity of HVJTs-or Rubella virus (Matv) -carrier tumor cells

Tumor incidence at Dosis Latent periods

Exp Cells (cellshams t e主) 2 w 4 w 8w (days)










914fn -1---yengt1lt(21t15)

14 (0)

46 (15t09)

11 (0)


GM2-Matv 106 1

1414h) ~-z--zO(135t78)

214 (20)

66 (158土47)

211 (10)

1414(A0 ~-Z~- nyen(435t102)

614 (86土43)

2-11 (58)

III 10-18




4 (0)

13 (50)


持Exp1 Allogeneic system of non-inbred golden hamster Exp 2 Syngeneic system of inbred go

lden hamsterGN strain

Mean diameter of tumor (mm) tSD

+ Tl王EL-HVJTscells cultured at non-permissive temperature of HVJTs390Cfor 5 days

Table 8 Cytotoxicity test by spleen cells from hamsters bearing

THEL or THEL-HVJTs tumors

Attackers (spleen cells) from

Exp Target cells N叫 hhellipi T H - m 1 TEL即日出NTotal lysis () ITotal lysis() Net(拡) Plt ITotal lysis() Net() Plt

1 THEL 291t16 329士32 38 NS 395+26 104 0005

THEL-HVJTs 249t14 242土24 -07 NS 342+65 93 0005

2本THEL 177t29 169土27 -08 NS 315+44 138 0005

167t28 145t13 -22 NS 276十31 109 0005THEL-HVJTs

437+30 工14 00053 THEL 32338 359t20 36 005

183土47 174土28 -09 NS 290十27 107 0005THEL-HVJTs

4 THEL 464士12 400土30 -64 NS 552+10 82 0005

464十60 141 0005THEL-HVJTs 32323 198t24 -125 NS

5 HEKII 369土41 213+30 -156 NS 383+23 14 NS

HEKII-HVJTs 326土24 204+24 -122 張 S 374+12 48 0010

ネ Attackers(spleen cel1s) were used after preculture for overnight at 3rc Attacker cells (spleen cel1s) were obtained at 14 days after inoculation of 1 x104 THEL or THEL HVJTs cells Attacker Target cell ratio was 5 1 NS Not signi五cantat Plt005

HVJはー殻iこ trypsin t~ ど protease 作用で構成糖 sayなどに捜われている

蛋白れが cleavageをうけ Flとおとなって種々 そこで trypsinのみが cleavage enzymeである

の生物活性(惑染性溶血綿麹融合など)を示す却 託VJcl-1より異る protease elastaseで cleavage

このc1eavageに必要な proteaseをもっ組庖は所謂 可能な変異株 (HVJe)の分離を HVJcl1の Pi紹胞

増殖許容 (permissive)締結になり得て感染舘の as 上で試みた問時に mutagenニトロソクアニジン

72 波富野基一

Fig 3 SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of HVJo (A) HVJpiG cl-14 (B)HVJpiT

cl-27 (C) and HPJpiT cl15(D) Infected LLMK 2 cells were incubated at 320C

for 48 hours and labelled with 35S-methionine (10 uciml) for 3 hoursAt 24 hours

after labellingvirus released in the meditm was harvested and puri五ed The

virus samples were subjected to electrophoresis and processed for autoradio-

graphy as previously described (21 22) Migration is from top to bottom

(a) 18S 50S 18S 50S 18S 50S 18S 50S

75 na 4EF3


jljk L=ampI s z

ー5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15

日記 tionnumber

Fig 4 SDS-sucrose density gradient analysis of virus specific RNA from CEF cel1s in-

fected with HVJo (wild type) or HVJpiG Cl14 CEF cell mpnolayers were infec-

ted with virus5 pf ucell and incubated at 320C At-24 hours after infcttionone group of cultures was shifted to 390C lsquo After 35 h-incubation each group

was treated with 20μgml of Actinomycin D for 30 minutes and labelled for 2

hours with 20 uci05 ml of 3Hurididein the presence of the drug RNA extra-

ctioncentrifugation and radioactivity determination were carried out as previou-

sly described (21 22) The sedimentation positions of 50s and 18s 1ミNAswere

determined by 3Huridine-labelledCEF RNAs extracted in the same way as des-

cribed above

(a) cells infected withヨVJo al1d label1ed at 320 C (b) cells infected with

HVJpiG cl14and labelled at 320C (c) cells infected with HVJpiG cl14 and la-

belled at 390C Cd) mock-infected cells and labelled at 320C

73 ウイノレス持続感染とその意義

Table 9 Mutation frequency of elastase-activated mutants in culture media

of lytically or persistently HVJ cl-1-infected cells

1n the presence of MNNG (μgfrnl)(a) Lytically infectected with HVJ cl-1 25 50 100

GM 2 71 X 10-6 14xlO-5 28x 10-5 36x 10-5

Vero lt67X10-7 67X 10-6 36x10-5 21X10-5

LLClyen在K2 lt67X60-7 33x 10-6 42xlO-6 19X10-5

Passage nurnber (b) Persistently infected

with HVJ cl-工事 12 31 50 100

GM 2-HVJ cl-l 25XlO-4 50x 10-5 10X 10-4 10XlO-4

VeroHVJcl-1 ltlOx 10-5 10x 10-5 25x 10-5 NTt 5LLCMK 2-HVJ cl-1 lt10XlO- 50x 10-5 10x 10-4 NT

キ Cellmonolayers were infected with 豆VJcl-1 at an input multiplicity of 5 pfufcell and incuba-

ted in serum-free media at 340C in the absence or presence of MNNG After 72 hculture media

were harvested and assayed for rnutation frequency at 320C

普Cellmonolayer were incubated in serum-free media at 340C After 24hculture media were harve-

sted and assayed for mutation frequency at 320C

tNot tested

Fig 5 Cleavage of Fo glycoprotein of HVJ cl-1 (a)and HVJpi-e cl5003(b) by trypsin

and elastase 3H-glucosarnine皿 labelledvirions grown in LLCMK 2 cel1s were Incu-

bated with no protease (1)4μgfml (2)or 8 ugfrnl (3) trypsin and 20μgml (4)

or 40 pgfml (5) elastase All these samples were analyzed by 10 polyacrylamide

gel electrophoresis and autofluorography as previously described (2122)

(MNNG) 25-100μgfml存在下却で lytic infection とく elastaseのみでForarrFl (F2は検出できぬ SDSlsquo

(Li) を起させ elastase変異抹 (HVJe)の出現を計 PAGEの条件〉への cleavageをうけるが (Fig 5

った (Table 9)得られた HVJe ~土 Fig5に示すご (b)4) 5)) trypsinでは Foの cleavageはない

74 波 田野基一

(Fig 5(b) 2)3))その結果 HV]eは elastase事

存在下でのみ LLCMK2細胞で plaqueをつくヲ try-

psinは無効である (HV]cl1は逆)かくて調べた変

異出現頻度を比較すると Table 9に示すごとく Pi

推代培養では Li時 (MNNG μgml) より HV]邑

発生が高く(約10倍) MNNG存在下での Liに近い


種でも異な担 GM2は勉の 2種より高い傾舟を示した

以上 HV] Pi細飽からは ts-P蛋岳 elastase


Piにおける HV]変異の起り易さを示していたこれ


る例-HV]eと HV]tsの掃でーも知られているた

だ我々の場合 M 蛋白変異株28)や VSVpiでいわれ

る Dlp5)は検出できなかった


上述 Pi関連現象 (IV-VI)各々につき一般的に

考察したい HV]pi締結における異種ウイルス CPV



である同様の例として HV]が NDV増殖を促進

し29)SV 40とアデノウイノレス間で hybrid形成による

増殖30九 ラウス肉腫(まS)締抱で defectiveRSウイ

ルス (RSV)が helpervirus ニワトワ白血病ウイル

ス (ALV) に rescueされて表現型混合ウイルスとし


がんウイルスゲノムの rescue-検出とは若干異なるが

non-又は semi-permissiveな締結を龍ウイルス感染で

permissiveに変換し得る可詑性一一つの helperウイ


イルス Pi細胞は SV40でがん花され易いし80また

潜在性内在ウイルスとの hybrid形成がある嵐疹ウイル

ス Piの例32)も知ちれているのでウイルスがん化に Pi



次に Piによる腫療締結抗原牲の異物化と造題蕩性



弱病原性でかっ Pi化の容易なものが望ましいそれと



これら必要条件の中我々の HV]ts または RV-説atv

株は弱病原性で Pi容易はよいが抗腫蕩免疫誘導が揚

性というものの小林ら7)の Friendウイルス PIのもの

よ ~HJ~かったω最近生体内で HV]pi がldquo cureけ

される2324)ことが判明したのでかかるldquo cureがな



さらに Pi ~こ伴う諾変異の発生で ヒトウイノレス病


sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)を起している麻疹

ウイルス (MV)であろうこの SSPE-MVは野生株

とは甚だ性格を異にして SSPEに Piイとしている館

我々のケースも含めて Piまたは Laiはそのウイルス

に本来 semi-permissiveな紹胞で一般に成立している

SSPEも脳細控という MV~こは不適格な紐抱での P i

であるかかるウイルス Pi結胞は生体の NK細胞


の Pi中に Piウイルスの変異が生じたのであろうそ

して Piによる変異発生額度が mutagen作用下と同






Among the various fates of virus-infected cells

the ones of virus persistently infected cells seem

to be importantbecause this type of infection

is usually found to be correlated closely to

many serious human viral diseases Frequent

occurrences of seve主alvirus mutations during the

persistent infection are now presented to be

candidate responsible for the establishment and

maintenance of this unique infection with non-

oncogenic RNA viruses

Using the pe主sistently Infected tllmor cells

with五V] (Sendai virus) or Rllbella viruswe

have demonstrated an important role of tempe-

rature-sensitive mutant having lowered pathog-

enicity in this persistent infection 1n addition

the above two virllses carrying tumor cells ぬか

wed dec主easedtransplantability after their inoc-

lllation to homologous animals Moreoverthe

HV] persistent infection could make hamster

cells convert to a completely peτmissive state

for Cowpox virus growth from a semi-permissive

one before HVJ carrier establishment

The perspective involved in these evidences

75 ウイルス持続感染とその意義

four virus carrier cells were discussed with

a relation to some problems for researches of

human cancer and serious human viral diseases


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5) HollandJ J and Villarreal L P Pe-

rsistent noncytocidal vesicular stomatitits

virus infectioIls mediated by defective T

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In Immunological xenogenization of tumor

cells GANN monograph on Cancer Resea-

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of trypsin on the fo主 mationof virus-speci-

五csurface antigen in cowpox virus-infected

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crobiol 1出血 unol 22 765-773 1978

10) Tanaka J Morita O and Hatano話

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11) Tanaka J Ogura耳 and Hatano M

Cellular protease increased in paramyxovi-

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14) Burns W H and Allison A C Surfa-

ce antigens of virus-infected cells In Vi-

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nd Pub Comp1王aegue1977

15) Czajkowski N P Rosenblatt M Gu-

shing R R Vasquerz J and Wolf P

L Production of active immunity to ma

lignant neoplastic tissue Cchemical coupli-

ng to an active antigenic protein carrier)

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(HVJ) Gan 63 647-655 1972

18) HatanoM Ogura H 5ato H and Ta-

naka J Decreased transplantability of

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with non-oncogenic viruses In Immuno

logical xenogenization of tumor cells GA欄

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76 波田野基

Kobayashiedpp 91-95 Jap Sci Soc

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訟 ore1979

19)波田野基一小倉 寿センダイウイノレス持続



学ウイルス研究所z 京都 1979

20) OguraH吋 SatoHTanakaJHatano

MFukudaS and 1yen在orita0 Relatio-

nship between tumor formation and cel1帯

mediated immunity in hamsters with tran-

splanted豆VJ(Sendai virus) -carrying tumor

cells Gan 71325-3321980

21) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM Te-

mperature-sensitive HVJ (Sendai virus) wi-

th altered polypeptide derived from persi-

stently infected cells J Gen Virol55 469-4731981

22) SatoHOguraH and ヨatanoM An

intracellular interaction between tempera-

ture-sensitive mutant and original wild ty-

pe HVJ (Sendai virus) is responsible for

the establishment and maintenance of HVJ

persis士entinfection J Gen Virol55459

-468 1981

23) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM Cu-

ring of virus persistent infection in HVJ

CSendai virus) carrier hamster tumor cells

by transplantation Gann 72498-5031981

24) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM In

vitro curing of persistent infection in HVJ

(Sendai virus) carrier tumor cells by spleen

cel1s Gan 72504-5111981

25) PrebleO T and YoungerJ S Selec-

ton of temperature-sensitive mutants duri-

ng persistent infections role in maintena-

nce of persistent Newcastles Disease Vitus

infections of L cells J Virol12481larr 491


26) HommaM and OhuchiM Trypsin action

on the growth of Sendai virus in tissue cul-

ture cel1s III Structural di韮erenceof Se-

ndai viruses grown in eggs and tissue cul-

tured cells J Virol121457-14651973

27) ScheidA and ChoppinP百人 Proteasε

activation mutont of Sendai virus Activa-

tion of biological porperties by specific pro-

tease Virology 69265-2771976

28) Y oshidaT NagaiYMoenoKIinu吋


NagayoshiS and HoshinoM Studies

Oll the role of M protein in virus assemb-

ly using a ts mutant of HVJ (Sendai vi-

rus) Virology 92139-1541979

29) MaenoK YoshiiSNagataIand Ma-吋

tsumotoT Growth of Newcastle Dise-

ase Virus in a HVJ carrier culture of He-

La cells Virology 29255-2631966

30) LewisA M Jr Defective and nonde-

fective Ad 2SV40 hybrids Prog謎 edVi-


31) Benyesh-MelnickM and ButelJ On-

cogenic viruses In The molecular biology

of cancerBusceH edpp 403-485Aca国

demic PressNew York1974

32) SatoMYamadaTYamamotoK and

YamamotoN Evidence for hybrid for-

mation between rubella vi主us and latent

virus of BHK-21jWI-2 cel1s Virology 69


33) HamiltonRBarbosaLand DuboisM

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis meas-

les virus study of biological markers J


69 ウイノレス持続感染とその意義

Table 6 Relationship between establishment of persistent infection with

HVJ wild type or ts mutant and CPV S-antigen formation by

CPV5 p fucell

弘 S-antigenpositive cells (ratio)本

HVJCells Passage numbers of THEL cells after HVJ infection infected+ Control (uninfected) 2 7 10 20 40


THEL IHV]Ts 470(12) 591(15) 821(21) 899(23) 859(22)

HV]T路料 624(16) 700(18) 741(19) 781(20)

HVJo林 273(07) 592(15) 742(19)


牢 Observationat 8 hs after CPV infection by fluorescent antibody staining

+ At 350 C with moi=lOciucell

非Meanof 5 experiments 料 HVJwild type (HVJo) and HVJTs grown in developing chick embryo (HV]TSE)

-感染または Piにより窮らかに増強されていた100 そ

こで 14C-thymidineラベル CPVをマーカーに 8H-

thymidineラベル CPVの THEL及び Pi細胞=

THEL-HVJ細胞内競殻過程を sucrosegradient ce-

ntrifugationで比較した (Fig2) Fig 2にみる遇90

Pi細抱内では感染後 2時間で CPVはより軽い粒子を

示す位置にカウントのどークがみられ 3時間後ではさ

らによ P軽量北した

しかし親 THEL細組内ではマーカー14C_ラベ

ノレ CPVと同じ密慶粒子の位置に 8H-CPVのピークが


CPVの外側膜と内債H膜i捺去12)による軽量化が HVJPi


酵素活性の上昇初期増殖(説殻〉過程促進が HVJPi

化〈同時感染でも〉によ担惹起せられその結果 CPV










上述の CPVS抗京産生の問題もかかる E的であった

がそれには不適と判断されたしかし Table 7に示

すごとくハムスター腫蕩綿抱 (invitro自然がん北緯

組=THELと invivoメチルコラントレイン誘発がん

緯控=G立 2)は五VJPi化により 明らかにその


た辻 syngeneic両系で) さらに HVJl需様の RNA

型被膜ウイルス愚疹ウイルス (Matv株阪大徴研由


たおωしかも HVJ主sPi細胞の培養温度を HVJts

非許容温麦 390C に変換した後の接蓮実験で本現象に

も PiヒヨVJts ゲノム発現の必要主ことが証明され


ず マウス麓蕩細抱への HVJtsまたは風疹 Matv株



X隷照射ノムスターに接撞すると HVJ Pi紐抱造腫


で正常 THELまたは T註EL-HVJts細胞接謹ノム

スター牌紐抱の締抱障害活性 (CMT)が両紐抱を標的


Table8に示すごとく HVJts Pi紐胞接種ノムスタ



のマクロブアーク遊走阻止試験 (MMIT)でも HVJts


も HVJts非許容湿度 (390C)培養により HVJ抗原



これらを総合すると造腫凄4注低下消失は Pi住

HVJtsゲノム発現により紐臆撲に組みこまれた HVJ

70 波 田 野 基

τ主主 THEL純曹d 講成分 (Fig1及び SDS電気泳動法で確認可能2122))ts

が腫蕩紹胞膜抗原性を変換ー異物化7) した結果と考え

られるかかる異物化が生体に細越性免疫 (CMT

h在MITなど〉 を強く誘発L-腫蕩形成抑制一低下消失




2 iこ至ったのであらうなお HVJ Pi組組は仇 vitro

で正常ノムスター牌締胞と cocultureすると インタ


インターフエロンによる NK(natural killer)細胞活ー oio)U





VI HVJ持続惑染に伴う変異 HVJの出現 骨



3 hr 3 hr --


negative strand RNAウイノレスの一つである HVJ

yen3ノ P蛋白温度感受註 (ts)並びに器病原性各変異


Fig 2 Sucrose density gradient analysis of

in tracell ular CPV in THEL or T註EL-

HVJts cells infected with 3H-thymidi輔

ne-labelled CPV in the presence of 20

μgml cytosine arabinoside

3H-thymidine-labelled CPV was adsor-

bed onto THEL or THEL-HVJ cells (3-

6X107) for40minutes at 340C at an

input muliplicity of 50 pfucell in the

presence of 20 pgml cytosine arabino-

side The cultures were incubated in

the presence of the drug further for 80 (total 2 h) or 140 min (total 3 hr)

after unabsorbed CPV was well remo

ved by the washing the infected cells

The infected cells were scraped off collected by low speed centrifugation

and suspended in SSC (015 M sodium

chloride0015挺 sodium citratepI王

68) After addition of 14C-thymidine-

labelled CPVthe samples were soni-

cated in a Bransonsb soni五erUSA

in the cold The subsequent procedu

res were the same as privously desc-ribed (12) 3H-thymidine-labelled CPV

(-) 14C-thymidine-labelled CPV


は粒子内に RNApolymeraseを含み感染結胞内

のウイルス特異的 RNA合成の端緒をなしている こ

の まNApolymerase蛋自 (P蛋自〉は精製濃縮 35S_

メチオニンラベル HVJの SDSポリアクリルアマイド

ゲル電気泳動 CSDS-PAGE)で他のウイルス講成蛋岳

(HNFoNPM など)と共に検出可能である (Fig


そこで前述 THEL-HVJ Pi及び G2 (ヒト骨巨細


した HVJPiを SDS-PAGEで課ベたその結果

G2-HVJ Pi 由来6クローンはすべて(代表HVJ

piG cl14) THEL-HVJ Pi由来6クローン中工ク

ローン (HVJpiTcl27)各々 は Fig 3 ~こ示すごとく

P蛋白が野生株 (HVJo)の79Kより軽い分子量の 77K

となっていた21) しかし3 他の構成蛋白分子量は親

HVJoと同じで変北なかったさらに これら全クロ

ーン HVJPiーはすべて ts変異株に既に変異し湿

度交換実験でその ts部位泣増殖初期にあることが判明

した21) HVJpiG cl14の HVJ特異的 RNA合成を0

みると Fig 41こ示すごとく非許容湿度390Cでは

mRNA (18S) も viralRNA (50S)合成もほとんど

見られなかったくRNA-変異)許容温度 (320C)でもこ

のお変異株 (HVJpiG cl-14)の RNA合成能は野

生株 (HVJo) のそれらの約出以下と減少し P蛋白軽

量化との関連を示唆していたまたこの HVPpiG

cl14は HVJoに比べると低~弱病原性で容易に

細胞を Pi化し得た2122)0 この変異株は HVJの

CPE出現増殖を強く干渉抑制し HV]よりの ts変

異株出現にも一役買って ts Pi北をよ担容易ならしめ


(2) protease activation変異

71 ウイノレス持続感染とその意義

Table 7 Tumorigenicity of HVJTs-or Rubella virus (Matv) -carrier tumor cells

Tumor incidence at Dosis Latent periods

Exp Cells (cellshams t e主) 2 w 4 w 8w (days)










914fn -1---yengt1lt(21t15)

14 (0)

46 (15t09)

11 (0)


GM2-Matv 106 1

1414h) ~-z--zO(135t78)

214 (20)

66 (158土47)

211 (10)

1414(A0 ~-Z~- nyen(435t102)

614 (86土43)

2-11 (58)

III 10-18




4 (0)

13 (50)


持Exp1 Allogeneic system of non-inbred golden hamster Exp 2 Syngeneic system of inbred go

lden hamsterGN strain

Mean diameter of tumor (mm) tSD

+ Tl王EL-HVJTscells cultured at non-permissive temperature of HVJTs390Cfor 5 days

Table 8 Cytotoxicity test by spleen cells from hamsters bearing

THEL or THEL-HVJTs tumors

Attackers (spleen cells) from

Exp Target cells N叫 hhellipi T H - m 1 TEL即日出NTotal lysis () ITotal lysis() Net(拡) Plt ITotal lysis() Net() Plt

1 THEL 291t16 329士32 38 NS 395+26 104 0005

THEL-HVJTs 249t14 242土24 -07 NS 342+65 93 0005

2本THEL 177t29 169土27 -08 NS 315+44 138 0005

167t28 145t13 -22 NS 276十31 109 0005THEL-HVJTs

437+30 工14 00053 THEL 32338 359t20 36 005

183土47 174土28 -09 NS 290十27 107 0005THEL-HVJTs

4 THEL 464士12 400土30 -64 NS 552+10 82 0005

464十60 141 0005THEL-HVJTs 32323 198t24 -125 NS

5 HEKII 369土41 213+30 -156 NS 383+23 14 NS

HEKII-HVJTs 326土24 204+24 -122 張 S 374+12 48 0010

ネ Attackers(spleen cel1s) were used after preculture for overnight at 3rc Attacker cells (spleen cel1s) were obtained at 14 days after inoculation of 1 x104 THEL or THEL HVJTs cells Attacker Target cell ratio was 5 1 NS Not signi五cantat Plt005

HVJはー殻iこ trypsin t~ ど protease 作用で構成糖 sayなどに捜われている

蛋白れが cleavageをうけ Flとおとなって種々 そこで trypsinのみが cleavage enzymeである

の生物活性(惑染性溶血綿麹融合など)を示す却 託VJcl-1より異る protease elastaseで cleavage

このc1eavageに必要な proteaseをもっ組庖は所謂 可能な変異株 (HVJe)の分離を HVJcl1の Pi紹胞

増殖許容 (permissive)締結になり得て感染舘の as 上で試みた問時に mutagenニトロソクアニジン

72 波富野基一

Fig 3 SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of HVJo (A) HVJpiG cl-14 (B)HVJpiT

cl-27 (C) and HPJpiT cl15(D) Infected LLMK 2 cells were incubated at 320C

for 48 hours and labelled with 35S-methionine (10 uciml) for 3 hoursAt 24 hours

after labellingvirus released in the meditm was harvested and puri五ed The

virus samples were subjected to electrophoresis and processed for autoradio-

graphy as previously described (21 22) Migration is from top to bottom

(a) 18S 50S 18S 50S 18S 50S 18S 50S

75 na 4EF3


jljk L=ampI s z

ー5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15

日記 tionnumber

Fig 4 SDS-sucrose density gradient analysis of virus specific RNA from CEF cel1s in-

fected with HVJo (wild type) or HVJpiG Cl14 CEF cell mpnolayers were infec-

ted with virus5 pf ucell and incubated at 320C At-24 hours after infcttionone group of cultures was shifted to 390C lsquo After 35 h-incubation each group

was treated with 20μgml of Actinomycin D for 30 minutes and labelled for 2

hours with 20 uci05 ml of 3Hurididein the presence of the drug RNA extra-

ctioncentrifugation and radioactivity determination were carried out as previou-

sly described (21 22) The sedimentation positions of 50s and 18s 1ミNAswere

determined by 3Huridine-labelledCEF RNAs extracted in the same way as des-

cribed above

(a) cells infected withヨVJo al1d label1ed at 320 C (b) cells infected with

HVJpiG cl14and labelled at 320C (c) cells infected with HVJpiG cl14 and la-

belled at 390C Cd) mock-infected cells and labelled at 320C

73 ウイノレス持続感染とその意義

Table 9 Mutation frequency of elastase-activated mutants in culture media

of lytically or persistently HVJ cl-1-infected cells

1n the presence of MNNG (μgfrnl)(a) Lytically infectected with HVJ cl-1 25 50 100

GM 2 71 X 10-6 14xlO-5 28x 10-5 36x 10-5

Vero lt67X10-7 67X 10-6 36x10-5 21X10-5

LLClyen在K2 lt67X60-7 33x 10-6 42xlO-6 19X10-5

Passage nurnber (b) Persistently infected

with HVJ cl-工事 12 31 50 100

GM 2-HVJ cl-l 25XlO-4 50x 10-5 10X 10-4 10XlO-4

VeroHVJcl-1 ltlOx 10-5 10x 10-5 25x 10-5 NTt 5LLCMK 2-HVJ cl-1 lt10XlO- 50x 10-5 10x 10-4 NT

キ Cellmonolayers were infected with 豆VJcl-1 at an input multiplicity of 5 pfufcell and incuba-

ted in serum-free media at 340C in the absence or presence of MNNG After 72 hculture media

were harvested and assayed for rnutation frequency at 320C

普Cellmonolayer were incubated in serum-free media at 340C After 24hculture media were harve-

sted and assayed for mutation frequency at 320C

tNot tested

Fig 5 Cleavage of Fo glycoprotein of HVJ cl-1 (a)and HVJpi-e cl5003(b) by trypsin

and elastase 3H-glucosarnine皿 labelledvirions grown in LLCMK 2 cel1s were Incu-

bated with no protease (1)4μgfml (2)or 8 ugfrnl (3) trypsin and 20μgml (4)

or 40 pgfml (5) elastase All these samples were analyzed by 10 polyacrylamide

gel electrophoresis and autofluorography as previously described (2122)

(MNNG) 25-100μgfml存在下却で lytic infection とく elastaseのみでForarrFl (F2は検出できぬ SDSlsquo

(Li) を起させ elastase変異抹 (HVJe)の出現を計 PAGEの条件〉への cleavageをうけるが (Fig 5

った (Table 9)得られた HVJe ~土 Fig5に示すご (b)4) 5)) trypsinでは Foの cleavageはない

74 波 田野基一

(Fig 5(b) 2)3))その結果 HV]eは elastase事

存在下でのみ LLCMK2細胞で plaqueをつくヲ try-

psinは無効である (HV]cl1は逆)かくて調べた変

異出現頻度を比較すると Table 9に示すごとく Pi

推代培養では Li時 (MNNG μgml) より HV]邑

発生が高く(約10倍) MNNG存在下での Liに近い


種でも異な担 GM2は勉の 2種より高い傾舟を示した

以上 HV] Pi細飽からは ts-P蛋岳 elastase


Piにおける HV]変異の起り易さを示していたこれ


る例-HV]eと HV]tsの掃でーも知られているた

だ我々の場合 M 蛋白変異株28)や VSVpiでいわれ

る Dlp5)は検出できなかった


上述 Pi関連現象 (IV-VI)各々につき一般的に

考察したい HV]pi締結における異種ウイルス CPV



である同様の例として HV]が NDV増殖を促進

し29)SV 40とアデノウイノレス間で hybrid形成による

増殖30九 ラウス肉腫(まS)締抱で defectiveRSウイ

ルス (RSV)が helpervirus ニワトワ白血病ウイル

ス (ALV) に rescueされて表現型混合ウイルスとし


がんウイルスゲノムの rescue-検出とは若干異なるが

non-又は semi-permissiveな締結を龍ウイルス感染で

permissiveに変換し得る可詑性一一つの helperウイ


イルス Pi細胞は SV40でがん花され易いし80また

潜在性内在ウイルスとの hybrid形成がある嵐疹ウイル

ス Piの例32)も知ちれているのでウイルスがん化に Pi



次に Piによる腫療締結抗原牲の異物化と造題蕩性



弱病原性でかっ Pi化の容易なものが望ましいそれと



これら必要条件の中我々の HV]ts または RV-説atv

株は弱病原性で Pi容易はよいが抗腫蕩免疫誘導が揚

性というものの小林ら7)の Friendウイルス PIのもの

よ ~HJ~かったω最近生体内で HV]pi がldquo cureけ

される2324)ことが判明したのでかかるldquo cureがな



さらに Pi ~こ伴う諾変異の発生で ヒトウイノレス病


sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)を起している麻疹

ウイルス (MV)であろうこの SSPE-MVは野生株

とは甚だ性格を異にして SSPEに Piイとしている館

我々のケースも含めて Piまたは Laiはそのウイルス

に本来 semi-permissiveな紹胞で一般に成立している

SSPEも脳細控という MV~こは不適格な紐抱での P i

であるかかるウイルス Pi結胞は生体の NK細胞


の Pi中に Piウイルスの変異が生じたのであろうそ

して Piによる変異発生額度が mutagen作用下と同






Among the various fates of virus-infected cells

the ones of virus persistently infected cells seem

to be importantbecause this type of infection

is usually found to be correlated closely to

many serious human viral diseases Frequent

occurrences of seve主alvirus mutations during the

persistent infection are now presented to be

candidate responsible for the establishment and

maintenance of this unique infection with non-

oncogenic RNA viruses

Using the pe主sistently Infected tllmor cells

with五V] (Sendai virus) or Rllbella viruswe

have demonstrated an important role of tempe-

rature-sensitive mutant having lowered pathog-

enicity in this persistent infection 1n addition

the above two virllses carrying tumor cells ぬか

wed dec主easedtransplantability after their inoc-

lllation to homologous animals Moreoverthe

HV] persistent infection could make hamster

cells convert to a completely peτmissive state

for Cowpox virus growth from a semi-permissive

one before HVJ carrier establishment

The perspective involved in these evidences

75 ウイルス持続感染とその意義

four virus carrier cells were discussed with

a relation to some problems for researches of

human cancer and serious human viral diseases


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etiology of chronic and inapparent infecti-

ons J Inf Dis 131 467-473 1975

5) HollandJ J and Villarreal L P Pe-

rsistent noncytocidal vesicular stomatitits

virus infectioIls mediated by defective T

particl that suppress virion transcriptase

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Cl五csurface antigen induced by poxvirus

Virology 38 180-182 1969

7) Kobayashi H add SendoF 1mmunoge-

necity of viable xenogenized tumor cells

In Immunological xenogenization of tumor

cells GANN monograph on Cancer Resea-

rch No 23 Kobayashi託 ed pp 27-40

Jap ScI Soc PressTokyo and Univ Park


8) Tanaka J and Hatano M The e宜 ect

of trypsin on the fo主 mationof virus-speci-

五csurface antigen in cowpox virus-infected

1973413-41621 1cells J Gen Viro

9) Tanaka J OguraHFukudaS and Ha-

tano M Effect of double infection of

cowpox virus-infected cells with paramyxo

virus (Sendai virus) on formation of cow-

pox virus speci五ccel1 surface antigen 五在 1-

crobiol 1出血 unol 22 765-773 1978

10) Tanaka J Morita O and Hatano話

Factors involved in the expression of cow-

pox virus-speci五cantigen on Sendai virus

carriers cells J Gen Virol 3387-971976

11) Tanaka J Ogura耳 and Hatano M

Cellular protease increased in paramyxovi-

rus CSendai virus) carrier cells possibly

responsible for enhanced formation of cow-

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ch Virol 53 87-99 1977

12) Joklik W K The poxviruses Ann Rev

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13) Svet Moldavsky G J and Haumburg V

P Quantative relationship in viral onco

lysis and the possibility of arti五cial hete-

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14) Burns W H and Allison A C Surfa-

ce antigens of virus-infected cells In Vi-

rus infection and the cell surface Cell su-

rface reviews Vol 2 PosteG and Nicol-

son G L edspp 213-247 North-Holla-

nd Pub Comp1王aegue1977

15) Czajkowski N P Rosenblatt M Gu-

shing R R Vasquerz J and Wolf P

L Production of active immunity to ma

lignant neoplastic tissue Cchemical coupli-

ng to an active antigenic protein carrier)

Cancer 19 739-749 1966

16) Watkins J F and Chen L Immuniza-

tion of mice against Ehrlich ascitis tumor

using a hamsterEhrlich ascites tumυr hyb旬

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17) Yamada T and Hatano M Lowered

transplantability of cultured tumor cells by

persistent infection with paramyxovirus

(HVJ) Gan 63 647-655 1972

18) HatanoM Ogura H 5ato H and Ta-

naka J Decreased transplantability of

cultured tumor cells persistently infected

with non-oncogenic viruses In Immuno

logical xenogenization of tumor cells GA欄

NN monograph on Cancer Research No 23

76 波田野基

Kobayashiedpp 91-95 Jap Sci Soc

PressTokyo and Univ Park PaessBalti-

訟 ore1979

19)波田野基一小倉 寿センダイウイノレス持続



学ウイルス研究所z 京都 1979

20) OguraH吋 SatoHTanakaJHatano

MFukudaS and 1yen在orita0 Relatio-

nship between tumor formation and cel1帯

mediated immunity in hamsters with tran-

splanted豆VJ(Sendai virus) -carrying tumor

cells Gan 71325-3321980

21) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM Te-

mperature-sensitive HVJ (Sendai virus) wi-

th altered polypeptide derived from persi-

stently infected cells J Gen Virol55 469-4731981

22) SatoHOguraH and ヨatanoM An

intracellular interaction between tempera-

ture-sensitive mutant and original wild ty-

pe HVJ (Sendai virus) is responsible for

the establishment and maintenance of HVJ

persis士entinfection J Gen Virol55459

-468 1981

23) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM Cu-

ring of virus persistent infection in HVJ

CSendai virus) carrier hamster tumor cells

by transplantation Gann 72498-5031981

24) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM In

vitro curing of persistent infection in HVJ

(Sendai virus) carrier tumor cells by spleen

cel1s Gan 72504-5111981

25) PrebleO T and YoungerJ S Selec-

ton of temperature-sensitive mutants duri-

ng persistent infections role in maintena-

nce of persistent Newcastles Disease Vitus

infections of L cells J Virol12481larr 491


26) HommaM and OhuchiM Trypsin action

on the growth of Sendai virus in tissue cul-

ture cel1s III Structural di韮erenceof Se-

ndai viruses grown in eggs and tissue cul-

tured cells J Virol121457-14651973

27) ScheidA and ChoppinP百人 Proteasε

activation mutont of Sendai virus Activa-

tion of biological porperties by specific pro-

tease Virology 69265-2771976

28) Y oshidaT NagaiYMoenoKIinu吋


NagayoshiS and HoshinoM Studies

Oll the role of M protein in virus assemb-

ly using a ts mutant of HVJ (Sendai vi-

rus) Virology 92139-1541979

29) MaenoK YoshiiSNagataIand Ma-吋

tsumotoT Growth of Newcastle Dise-

ase Virus in a HVJ carrier culture of He-

La cells Virology 29255-2631966

30) LewisA M Jr Defective and nonde-

fective Ad 2SV40 hybrids Prog謎 edVi-


31) Benyesh-MelnickM and ButelJ On-

cogenic viruses In The molecular biology

of cancerBusceH edpp 403-485Aca国

demic PressNew York1974

32) SatoMYamadaTYamamotoK and

YamamotoN Evidence for hybrid for-

mation between rubella vi主us and latent

virus of BHK-21jWI-2 cel1s Virology 69


33) HamiltonRBarbosaLand DuboisM

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis meas-

les virus study of biological markers J


70 波 田 野 基

τ主主 THEL純曹d 講成分 (Fig1及び SDS電気泳動法で確認可能2122))ts

が腫蕩紹胞膜抗原性を変換ー異物化7) した結果と考え

られるかかる異物化が生体に細越性免疫 (CMT

h在MITなど〉 を強く誘発L-腫蕩形成抑制一低下消失




2 iこ至ったのであらうなお HVJ Pi組組は仇 vitro

で正常ノムスター牌締胞と cocultureすると インタ


インターフエロンによる NK(natural killer)細胞活ー oio)U





VI HVJ持続惑染に伴う変異 HVJの出現 骨



3 hr 3 hr --


negative strand RNAウイノレスの一つである HVJ

yen3ノ P蛋白温度感受註 (ts)並びに器病原性各変異


Fig 2 Sucrose density gradient analysis of

in tracell ular CPV in THEL or T註EL-

HVJts cells infected with 3H-thymidi輔

ne-labelled CPV in the presence of 20

μgml cytosine arabinoside

3H-thymidine-labelled CPV was adsor-

bed onto THEL or THEL-HVJ cells (3-

6X107) for40minutes at 340C at an

input muliplicity of 50 pfucell in the

presence of 20 pgml cytosine arabino-

side The cultures were incubated in

the presence of the drug further for 80 (total 2 h) or 140 min (total 3 hr)

after unabsorbed CPV was well remo

ved by the washing the infected cells

The infected cells were scraped off collected by low speed centrifugation

and suspended in SSC (015 M sodium

chloride0015挺 sodium citratepI王

68) After addition of 14C-thymidine-

labelled CPVthe samples were soni-

cated in a Bransonsb soni五erUSA

in the cold The subsequent procedu

res were the same as privously desc-ribed (12) 3H-thymidine-labelled CPV

(-) 14C-thymidine-labelled CPV


は粒子内に RNApolymeraseを含み感染結胞内

のウイルス特異的 RNA合成の端緒をなしている こ

の まNApolymerase蛋自 (P蛋自〉は精製濃縮 35S_

メチオニンラベル HVJの SDSポリアクリルアマイド

ゲル電気泳動 CSDS-PAGE)で他のウイルス講成蛋岳

(HNFoNPM など)と共に検出可能である (Fig


そこで前述 THEL-HVJ Pi及び G2 (ヒト骨巨細


した HVJPiを SDS-PAGEで課ベたその結果

G2-HVJ Pi 由来6クローンはすべて(代表HVJ

piG cl14) THEL-HVJ Pi由来6クローン中工ク

ローン (HVJpiTcl27)各々 は Fig 3 ~こ示すごとく

P蛋白が野生株 (HVJo)の79Kより軽い分子量の 77K

となっていた21) しかし3 他の構成蛋白分子量は親

HVJoと同じで変北なかったさらに これら全クロ

ーン HVJPiーはすべて ts変異株に既に変異し湿

度交換実験でその ts部位泣増殖初期にあることが判明

した21) HVJpiG cl14の HVJ特異的 RNA合成を0

みると Fig 41こ示すごとく非許容湿度390Cでは

mRNA (18S) も viralRNA (50S)合成もほとんど

見られなかったくRNA-変異)許容温度 (320C)でもこ

のお変異株 (HVJpiG cl-14)の RNA合成能は野

生株 (HVJo) のそれらの約出以下と減少し P蛋白軽

量化との関連を示唆していたまたこの HVPpiG

cl14は HVJoに比べると低~弱病原性で容易に

細胞を Pi化し得た2122)0 この変異株は HVJの

CPE出現増殖を強く干渉抑制し HV]よりの ts変

異株出現にも一役買って ts Pi北をよ担容易ならしめ


(2) protease activation変異

71 ウイノレス持続感染とその意義

Table 7 Tumorigenicity of HVJTs-or Rubella virus (Matv) -carrier tumor cells

Tumor incidence at Dosis Latent periods

Exp Cells (cellshams t e主) 2 w 4 w 8w (days)










914fn -1---yengt1lt(21t15)

14 (0)

46 (15t09)

11 (0)


GM2-Matv 106 1

1414h) ~-z--zO(135t78)

214 (20)

66 (158土47)

211 (10)

1414(A0 ~-Z~- nyen(435t102)

614 (86土43)

2-11 (58)

III 10-18




4 (0)

13 (50)


持Exp1 Allogeneic system of non-inbred golden hamster Exp 2 Syngeneic system of inbred go

lden hamsterGN strain

Mean diameter of tumor (mm) tSD

+ Tl王EL-HVJTscells cultured at non-permissive temperature of HVJTs390Cfor 5 days

Table 8 Cytotoxicity test by spleen cells from hamsters bearing

THEL or THEL-HVJTs tumors

Attackers (spleen cells) from

Exp Target cells N叫 hhellipi T H - m 1 TEL即日出NTotal lysis () ITotal lysis() Net(拡) Plt ITotal lysis() Net() Plt

1 THEL 291t16 329士32 38 NS 395+26 104 0005

THEL-HVJTs 249t14 242土24 -07 NS 342+65 93 0005

2本THEL 177t29 169土27 -08 NS 315+44 138 0005

167t28 145t13 -22 NS 276十31 109 0005THEL-HVJTs

437+30 工14 00053 THEL 32338 359t20 36 005

183土47 174土28 -09 NS 290十27 107 0005THEL-HVJTs

4 THEL 464士12 400土30 -64 NS 552+10 82 0005

464十60 141 0005THEL-HVJTs 32323 198t24 -125 NS

5 HEKII 369土41 213+30 -156 NS 383+23 14 NS

HEKII-HVJTs 326土24 204+24 -122 張 S 374+12 48 0010

ネ Attackers(spleen cel1s) were used after preculture for overnight at 3rc Attacker cells (spleen cel1s) were obtained at 14 days after inoculation of 1 x104 THEL or THEL HVJTs cells Attacker Target cell ratio was 5 1 NS Not signi五cantat Plt005

HVJはー殻iこ trypsin t~ ど protease 作用で構成糖 sayなどに捜われている

蛋白れが cleavageをうけ Flとおとなって種々 そこで trypsinのみが cleavage enzymeである

の生物活性(惑染性溶血綿麹融合など)を示す却 託VJcl-1より異る protease elastaseで cleavage

このc1eavageに必要な proteaseをもっ組庖は所謂 可能な変異株 (HVJe)の分離を HVJcl1の Pi紹胞

増殖許容 (permissive)締結になり得て感染舘の as 上で試みた問時に mutagenニトロソクアニジン

72 波富野基一

Fig 3 SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of HVJo (A) HVJpiG cl-14 (B)HVJpiT

cl-27 (C) and HPJpiT cl15(D) Infected LLMK 2 cells were incubated at 320C

for 48 hours and labelled with 35S-methionine (10 uciml) for 3 hoursAt 24 hours

after labellingvirus released in the meditm was harvested and puri五ed The

virus samples were subjected to electrophoresis and processed for autoradio-

graphy as previously described (21 22) Migration is from top to bottom

(a) 18S 50S 18S 50S 18S 50S 18S 50S

75 na 4EF3


jljk L=ampI s z

ー5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15

日記 tionnumber

Fig 4 SDS-sucrose density gradient analysis of virus specific RNA from CEF cel1s in-

fected with HVJo (wild type) or HVJpiG Cl14 CEF cell mpnolayers were infec-

ted with virus5 pf ucell and incubated at 320C At-24 hours after infcttionone group of cultures was shifted to 390C lsquo After 35 h-incubation each group

was treated with 20μgml of Actinomycin D for 30 minutes and labelled for 2

hours with 20 uci05 ml of 3Hurididein the presence of the drug RNA extra-

ctioncentrifugation and radioactivity determination were carried out as previou-

sly described (21 22) The sedimentation positions of 50s and 18s 1ミNAswere

determined by 3Huridine-labelledCEF RNAs extracted in the same way as des-

cribed above

(a) cells infected withヨVJo al1d label1ed at 320 C (b) cells infected with

HVJpiG cl14and labelled at 320C (c) cells infected with HVJpiG cl14 and la-

belled at 390C Cd) mock-infected cells and labelled at 320C

73 ウイノレス持続感染とその意義

Table 9 Mutation frequency of elastase-activated mutants in culture media

of lytically or persistently HVJ cl-1-infected cells

1n the presence of MNNG (μgfrnl)(a) Lytically infectected with HVJ cl-1 25 50 100

GM 2 71 X 10-6 14xlO-5 28x 10-5 36x 10-5

Vero lt67X10-7 67X 10-6 36x10-5 21X10-5

LLClyen在K2 lt67X60-7 33x 10-6 42xlO-6 19X10-5

Passage nurnber (b) Persistently infected

with HVJ cl-工事 12 31 50 100

GM 2-HVJ cl-l 25XlO-4 50x 10-5 10X 10-4 10XlO-4

VeroHVJcl-1 ltlOx 10-5 10x 10-5 25x 10-5 NTt 5LLCMK 2-HVJ cl-1 lt10XlO- 50x 10-5 10x 10-4 NT

キ Cellmonolayers were infected with 豆VJcl-1 at an input multiplicity of 5 pfufcell and incuba-

ted in serum-free media at 340C in the absence or presence of MNNG After 72 hculture media

were harvested and assayed for rnutation frequency at 320C

普Cellmonolayer were incubated in serum-free media at 340C After 24hculture media were harve-

sted and assayed for mutation frequency at 320C

tNot tested

Fig 5 Cleavage of Fo glycoprotein of HVJ cl-1 (a)and HVJpi-e cl5003(b) by trypsin

and elastase 3H-glucosarnine皿 labelledvirions grown in LLCMK 2 cel1s were Incu-

bated with no protease (1)4μgfml (2)or 8 ugfrnl (3) trypsin and 20μgml (4)

or 40 pgfml (5) elastase All these samples were analyzed by 10 polyacrylamide

gel electrophoresis and autofluorography as previously described (2122)

(MNNG) 25-100μgfml存在下却で lytic infection とく elastaseのみでForarrFl (F2は検出できぬ SDSlsquo

(Li) を起させ elastase変異抹 (HVJe)の出現を計 PAGEの条件〉への cleavageをうけるが (Fig 5

った (Table 9)得られた HVJe ~土 Fig5に示すご (b)4) 5)) trypsinでは Foの cleavageはない

74 波 田野基一

(Fig 5(b) 2)3))その結果 HV]eは elastase事

存在下でのみ LLCMK2細胞で plaqueをつくヲ try-

psinは無効である (HV]cl1は逆)かくて調べた変

異出現頻度を比較すると Table 9に示すごとく Pi

推代培養では Li時 (MNNG μgml) より HV]邑

発生が高く(約10倍) MNNG存在下での Liに近い


種でも異な担 GM2は勉の 2種より高い傾舟を示した

以上 HV] Pi細飽からは ts-P蛋岳 elastase


Piにおける HV]変異の起り易さを示していたこれ


る例-HV]eと HV]tsの掃でーも知られているた

だ我々の場合 M 蛋白変異株28)や VSVpiでいわれ

る Dlp5)は検出できなかった


上述 Pi関連現象 (IV-VI)各々につき一般的に

考察したい HV]pi締結における異種ウイルス CPV



である同様の例として HV]が NDV増殖を促進

し29)SV 40とアデノウイノレス間で hybrid形成による

増殖30九 ラウス肉腫(まS)締抱で defectiveRSウイ

ルス (RSV)が helpervirus ニワトワ白血病ウイル

ス (ALV) に rescueされて表現型混合ウイルスとし


がんウイルスゲノムの rescue-検出とは若干異なるが

non-又は semi-permissiveな締結を龍ウイルス感染で

permissiveに変換し得る可詑性一一つの helperウイ


イルス Pi細胞は SV40でがん花され易いし80また

潜在性内在ウイルスとの hybrid形成がある嵐疹ウイル

ス Piの例32)も知ちれているのでウイルスがん化に Pi



次に Piによる腫療締結抗原牲の異物化と造題蕩性



弱病原性でかっ Pi化の容易なものが望ましいそれと



これら必要条件の中我々の HV]ts または RV-説atv

株は弱病原性で Pi容易はよいが抗腫蕩免疫誘導が揚

性というものの小林ら7)の Friendウイルス PIのもの

よ ~HJ~かったω最近生体内で HV]pi がldquo cureけ

される2324)ことが判明したのでかかるldquo cureがな



さらに Pi ~こ伴う諾変異の発生で ヒトウイノレス病


sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)を起している麻疹

ウイルス (MV)であろうこの SSPE-MVは野生株

とは甚だ性格を異にして SSPEに Piイとしている館

我々のケースも含めて Piまたは Laiはそのウイルス

に本来 semi-permissiveな紹胞で一般に成立している

SSPEも脳細控という MV~こは不適格な紐抱での P i

であるかかるウイルス Pi結胞は生体の NK細胞


の Pi中に Piウイルスの変異が生じたのであろうそ

して Piによる変異発生額度が mutagen作用下と同






Among the various fates of virus-infected cells

the ones of virus persistently infected cells seem

to be importantbecause this type of infection

is usually found to be correlated closely to

many serious human viral diseases Frequent

occurrences of seve主alvirus mutations during the

persistent infection are now presented to be

candidate responsible for the establishment and

maintenance of this unique infection with non-

oncogenic RNA viruses

Using the pe主sistently Infected tllmor cells

with五V] (Sendai virus) or Rllbella viruswe

have demonstrated an important role of tempe-

rature-sensitive mutant having lowered pathog-

enicity in this persistent infection 1n addition

the above two virllses carrying tumor cells ぬか

wed dec主easedtransplantability after their inoc-

lllation to homologous animals Moreoverthe

HV] persistent infection could make hamster

cells convert to a completely peτmissive state

for Cowpox virus growth from a semi-permissive

one before HVJ carrier establishment

The perspective involved in these evidences

75 ウイルス持続感染とその意義

four virus carrier cells were discussed with

a relation to some problems for researches of

human cancer and serious human viral diseases


1) Mims C A Factors in the mechanism

of persistence of viral infections Prog

Med Vi主01 18 1-14 1974

2) RimaB K and MartinS J Persiste-

nt infection of tissue cultured cells by

l1mmuno1RNA viruses Med Microbio

162 89-118 1976

3) Gibbs C J JrMemo G J and Diwan

A R 1mmunology of persistent and re-

current viral infections 1n 1mmunological

aspects of infectious diseases Dick G

edpp 453-496 MτP Press Lim Lanca-


4) Preble O T and Younger J S Tem-

perature-sensitive mutant viruses and the

etiology of chronic and inapparent infecti-

ons J Inf Dis 131 467-473 1975

5) HollandJ J and Villarreal L P Pe-

rsistent noncytocidal vesicular stomatitits

virus infectioIls mediated by defective T

particl that suppress virion transcriptase

Proc Nat Acad Sci 71 2956-2960工 974

A 1 1toY6) Ueda M and Tagaya spe-

Cl五csurface antigen induced by poxvirus

Virology 38 180-182 1969

7) Kobayashi H add SendoF 1mmunoge-

necity of viable xenogenized tumor cells

In Immunological xenogenization of tumor

cells GANN monograph on Cancer Resea-

rch No 23 Kobayashi託 ed pp 27-40

Jap ScI Soc PressTokyo and Univ Park


8) Tanaka J and Hatano M The e宜 ect

of trypsin on the fo主 mationof virus-speci-

五csurface antigen in cowpox virus-infected

1973413-41621 1cells J Gen Viro

9) Tanaka J OguraHFukudaS and Ha-

tano M Effect of double infection of

cowpox virus-infected cells with paramyxo

virus (Sendai virus) on formation of cow-

pox virus speci五ccel1 surface antigen 五在 1-

crobiol 1出血 unol 22 765-773 1978

10) Tanaka J Morita O and Hatano話

Factors involved in the expression of cow-

pox virus-speci五cantigen on Sendai virus

carriers cells J Gen Virol 3387-971976

11) Tanaka J Ogura耳 and Hatano M

Cellular protease increased in paramyxovi-

rus CSendai virus) carrier cells possibly

responsible for enhanced formation of cow-

pox virus-specific cell surface antigen Ar-

ch Virol 53 87-99 1977

12) Joklik W K The poxviruses Ann Rev

五在 icrobiol 22 359-390 1968

13) Svet Moldavsky G J and Haumburg V

P Quantative relationship in viral onco

lysis and the possibility of arti五cial hete-

rugenizatipn of tumors Nature 202 303-

304 1964

14) Burns W H and Allison A C Surfa-

ce antigens of virus-infected cells In Vi-

rus infection and the cell surface Cell su-

rface reviews Vol 2 PosteG and Nicol-

son G L edspp 213-247 North-Holla-

nd Pub Comp1王aegue1977

15) Czajkowski N P Rosenblatt M Gu-

shing R R Vasquerz J and Wolf P

L Production of active immunity to ma

lignant neoplastic tissue Cchemical coupli-

ng to an active antigenic protein carrier)

Cancer 19 739-749 1966

16) Watkins J F and Chen L Immuniza-

tion of mice against Ehrlich ascitis tumor

using a hamsterEhrlich ascites tumυr hyb旬

rid cell line Nature 223 1018-1022 1969

17) Yamada T and Hatano M Lowered

transplantability of cultured tumor cells by

persistent infection with paramyxovirus

(HVJ) Gan 63 647-655 1972

18) HatanoM Ogura H 5ato H and Ta-

naka J Decreased transplantability of

cultured tumor cells persistently infected

with non-oncogenic viruses In Immuno

logical xenogenization of tumor cells GA欄

NN monograph on Cancer Research No 23

76 波田野基

Kobayashiedpp 91-95 Jap Sci Soc

PressTokyo and Univ Park PaessBalti-

訟 ore1979

19)波田野基一小倉 寿センダイウイノレス持続



学ウイルス研究所z 京都 1979

20) OguraH吋 SatoHTanakaJHatano

MFukudaS and 1yen在orita0 Relatio-

nship between tumor formation and cel1帯

mediated immunity in hamsters with tran-

splanted豆VJ(Sendai virus) -carrying tumor

cells Gan 71325-3321980

21) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM Te-

mperature-sensitive HVJ (Sendai virus) wi-

th altered polypeptide derived from persi-

stently infected cells J Gen Virol55 469-4731981

22) SatoHOguraH and ヨatanoM An

intracellular interaction between tempera-

ture-sensitive mutant and original wild ty-

pe HVJ (Sendai virus) is responsible for

the establishment and maintenance of HVJ

persis士entinfection J Gen Virol55459

-468 1981

23) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM Cu-

ring of virus persistent infection in HVJ

CSendai virus) carrier hamster tumor cells

by transplantation Gann 72498-5031981

24) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM In

vitro curing of persistent infection in HVJ

(Sendai virus) carrier tumor cells by spleen

cel1s Gan 72504-5111981

25) PrebleO T and YoungerJ S Selec-

ton of temperature-sensitive mutants duri-

ng persistent infections role in maintena-

nce of persistent Newcastles Disease Vitus

infections of L cells J Virol12481larr 491


26) HommaM and OhuchiM Trypsin action

on the growth of Sendai virus in tissue cul-

ture cel1s III Structural di韮erenceof Se-

ndai viruses grown in eggs and tissue cul-

tured cells J Virol121457-14651973

27) ScheidA and ChoppinP百人 Proteasε

activation mutont of Sendai virus Activa-

tion of biological porperties by specific pro-

tease Virology 69265-2771976

28) Y oshidaT NagaiYMoenoKIinu吋


NagayoshiS and HoshinoM Studies

Oll the role of M protein in virus assemb-

ly using a ts mutant of HVJ (Sendai vi-

rus) Virology 92139-1541979

29) MaenoK YoshiiSNagataIand Ma-吋

tsumotoT Growth of Newcastle Dise-

ase Virus in a HVJ carrier culture of He-

La cells Virology 29255-2631966

30) LewisA M Jr Defective and nonde-

fective Ad 2SV40 hybrids Prog謎 edVi-


31) Benyesh-MelnickM and ButelJ On-

cogenic viruses In The molecular biology

of cancerBusceH edpp 403-485Aca国

demic PressNew York1974

32) SatoMYamadaTYamamotoK and

YamamotoN Evidence for hybrid for-

mation between rubella vi主us and latent

virus of BHK-21jWI-2 cel1s Virology 69


33) HamiltonRBarbosaLand DuboisM

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis meas-

les virus study of biological markers J


71 ウイノレス持続感染とその意義

Table 7 Tumorigenicity of HVJTs-or Rubella virus (Matv) -carrier tumor cells

Tumor incidence at Dosis Latent periods

Exp Cells (cellshams t e主) 2 w 4 w 8w (days)










914fn -1---yengt1lt(21t15)

14 (0)

46 (15t09)

11 (0)


GM2-Matv 106 1

1414h) ~-z--zO(135t78)

214 (20)

66 (158土47)

211 (10)

1414(A0 ~-Z~- nyen(435t102)

614 (86土43)

2-11 (58)

III 10-18




4 (0)

13 (50)


持Exp1 Allogeneic system of non-inbred golden hamster Exp 2 Syngeneic system of inbred go

lden hamsterGN strain

Mean diameter of tumor (mm) tSD

+ Tl王EL-HVJTscells cultured at non-permissive temperature of HVJTs390Cfor 5 days

Table 8 Cytotoxicity test by spleen cells from hamsters bearing

THEL or THEL-HVJTs tumors

Attackers (spleen cells) from

Exp Target cells N叫 hhellipi T H - m 1 TEL即日出NTotal lysis () ITotal lysis() Net(拡) Plt ITotal lysis() Net() Plt

1 THEL 291t16 329士32 38 NS 395+26 104 0005

THEL-HVJTs 249t14 242土24 -07 NS 342+65 93 0005

2本THEL 177t29 169土27 -08 NS 315+44 138 0005

167t28 145t13 -22 NS 276十31 109 0005THEL-HVJTs

437+30 工14 00053 THEL 32338 359t20 36 005

183土47 174土28 -09 NS 290十27 107 0005THEL-HVJTs

4 THEL 464士12 400土30 -64 NS 552+10 82 0005

464十60 141 0005THEL-HVJTs 32323 198t24 -125 NS

5 HEKII 369土41 213+30 -156 NS 383+23 14 NS

HEKII-HVJTs 326土24 204+24 -122 張 S 374+12 48 0010

ネ Attackers(spleen cel1s) were used after preculture for overnight at 3rc Attacker cells (spleen cel1s) were obtained at 14 days after inoculation of 1 x104 THEL or THEL HVJTs cells Attacker Target cell ratio was 5 1 NS Not signi五cantat Plt005

HVJはー殻iこ trypsin t~ ど protease 作用で構成糖 sayなどに捜われている

蛋白れが cleavageをうけ Flとおとなって種々 そこで trypsinのみが cleavage enzymeである

の生物活性(惑染性溶血綿麹融合など)を示す却 託VJcl-1より異る protease elastaseで cleavage

このc1eavageに必要な proteaseをもっ組庖は所謂 可能な変異株 (HVJe)の分離を HVJcl1の Pi紹胞

増殖許容 (permissive)締結になり得て感染舘の as 上で試みた問時に mutagenニトロソクアニジン

72 波富野基一

Fig 3 SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of HVJo (A) HVJpiG cl-14 (B)HVJpiT

cl-27 (C) and HPJpiT cl15(D) Infected LLMK 2 cells were incubated at 320C

for 48 hours and labelled with 35S-methionine (10 uciml) for 3 hoursAt 24 hours

after labellingvirus released in the meditm was harvested and puri五ed The

virus samples were subjected to electrophoresis and processed for autoradio-

graphy as previously described (21 22) Migration is from top to bottom

(a) 18S 50S 18S 50S 18S 50S 18S 50S

75 na 4EF3


jljk L=ampI s z

ー5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15

日記 tionnumber

Fig 4 SDS-sucrose density gradient analysis of virus specific RNA from CEF cel1s in-

fected with HVJo (wild type) or HVJpiG Cl14 CEF cell mpnolayers were infec-

ted with virus5 pf ucell and incubated at 320C At-24 hours after infcttionone group of cultures was shifted to 390C lsquo After 35 h-incubation each group

was treated with 20μgml of Actinomycin D for 30 minutes and labelled for 2

hours with 20 uci05 ml of 3Hurididein the presence of the drug RNA extra-

ctioncentrifugation and radioactivity determination were carried out as previou-

sly described (21 22) The sedimentation positions of 50s and 18s 1ミNAswere

determined by 3Huridine-labelledCEF RNAs extracted in the same way as des-

cribed above

(a) cells infected withヨVJo al1d label1ed at 320 C (b) cells infected with

HVJpiG cl14and labelled at 320C (c) cells infected with HVJpiG cl14 and la-

belled at 390C Cd) mock-infected cells and labelled at 320C

73 ウイノレス持続感染とその意義

Table 9 Mutation frequency of elastase-activated mutants in culture media

of lytically or persistently HVJ cl-1-infected cells

1n the presence of MNNG (μgfrnl)(a) Lytically infectected with HVJ cl-1 25 50 100

GM 2 71 X 10-6 14xlO-5 28x 10-5 36x 10-5

Vero lt67X10-7 67X 10-6 36x10-5 21X10-5

LLClyen在K2 lt67X60-7 33x 10-6 42xlO-6 19X10-5

Passage nurnber (b) Persistently infected

with HVJ cl-工事 12 31 50 100

GM 2-HVJ cl-l 25XlO-4 50x 10-5 10X 10-4 10XlO-4

VeroHVJcl-1 ltlOx 10-5 10x 10-5 25x 10-5 NTt 5LLCMK 2-HVJ cl-1 lt10XlO- 50x 10-5 10x 10-4 NT

キ Cellmonolayers were infected with 豆VJcl-1 at an input multiplicity of 5 pfufcell and incuba-

ted in serum-free media at 340C in the absence or presence of MNNG After 72 hculture media

were harvested and assayed for rnutation frequency at 320C

普Cellmonolayer were incubated in serum-free media at 340C After 24hculture media were harve-

sted and assayed for mutation frequency at 320C

tNot tested

Fig 5 Cleavage of Fo glycoprotein of HVJ cl-1 (a)and HVJpi-e cl5003(b) by trypsin

and elastase 3H-glucosarnine皿 labelledvirions grown in LLCMK 2 cel1s were Incu-

bated with no protease (1)4μgfml (2)or 8 ugfrnl (3) trypsin and 20μgml (4)

or 40 pgfml (5) elastase All these samples were analyzed by 10 polyacrylamide

gel electrophoresis and autofluorography as previously described (2122)

(MNNG) 25-100μgfml存在下却で lytic infection とく elastaseのみでForarrFl (F2は検出できぬ SDSlsquo

(Li) を起させ elastase変異抹 (HVJe)の出現を計 PAGEの条件〉への cleavageをうけるが (Fig 5

った (Table 9)得られた HVJe ~土 Fig5に示すご (b)4) 5)) trypsinでは Foの cleavageはない

74 波 田野基一

(Fig 5(b) 2)3))その結果 HV]eは elastase事

存在下でのみ LLCMK2細胞で plaqueをつくヲ try-

psinは無効である (HV]cl1は逆)かくて調べた変

異出現頻度を比較すると Table 9に示すごとく Pi

推代培養では Li時 (MNNG μgml) より HV]邑

発生が高く(約10倍) MNNG存在下での Liに近い


種でも異な担 GM2は勉の 2種より高い傾舟を示した

以上 HV] Pi細飽からは ts-P蛋岳 elastase


Piにおける HV]変異の起り易さを示していたこれ


る例-HV]eと HV]tsの掃でーも知られているた

だ我々の場合 M 蛋白変異株28)や VSVpiでいわれ

る Dlp5)は検出できなかった


上述 Pi関連現象 (IV-VI)各々につき一般的に

考察したい HV]pi締結における異種ウイルス CPV



である同様の例として HV]が NDV増殖を促進

し29)SV 40とアデノウイノレス間で hybrid形成による

増殖30九 ラウス肉腫(まS)締抱で defectiveRSウイ

ルス (RSV)が helpervirus ニワトワ白血病ウイル

ス (ALV) に rescueされて表現型混合ウイルスとし


がんウイルスゲノムの rescue-検出とは若干異なるが

non-又は semi-permissiveな締結を龍ウイルス感染で

permissiveに変換し得る可詑性一一つの helperウイ


イルス Pi細胞は SV40でがん花され易いし80また

潜在性内在ウイルスとの hybrid形成がある嵐疹ウイル

ス Piの例32)も知ちれているのでウイルスがん化に Pi



次に Piによる腫療締結抗原牲の異物化と造題蕩性



弱病原性でかっ Pi化の容易なものが望ましいそれと



これら必要条件の中我々の HV]ts または RV-説atv

株は弱病原性で Pi容易はよいが抗腫蕩免疫誘導が揚

性というものの小林ら7)の Friendウイルス PIのもの

よ ~HJ~かったω最近生体内で HV]pi がldquo cureけ

される2324)ことが判明したのでかかるldquo cureがな



さらに Pi ~こ伴う諾変異の発生で ヒトウイノレス病


sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)を起している麻疹

ウイルス (MV)であろうこの SSPE-MVは野生株

とは甚だ性格を異にして SSPEに Piイとしている館

我々のケースも含めて Piまたは Laiはそのウイルス

に本来 semi-permissiveな紹胞で一般に成立している

SSPEも脳細控という MV~こは不適格な紐抱での P i

であるかかるウイルス Pi結胞は生体の NK細胞


の Pi中に Piウイルスの変異が生じたのであろうそ

して Piによる変異発生額度が mutagen作用下と同






Among the various fates of virus-infected cells

the ones of virus persistently infected cells seem

to be importantbecause this type of infection

is usually found to be correlated closely to

many serious human viral diseases Frequent

occurrences of seve主alvirus mutations during the

persistent infection are now presented to be

candidate responsible for the establishment and

maintenance of this unique infection with non-

oncogenic RNA viruses

Using the pe主sistently Infected tllmor cells

with五V] (Sendai virus) or Rllbella viruswe

have demonstrated an important role of tempe-

rature-sensitive mutant having lowered pathog-

enicity in this persistent infection 1n addition

the above two virllses carrying tumor cells ぬか

wed dec主easedtransplantability after their inoc-

lllation to homologous animals Moreoverthe

HV] persistent infection could make hamster

cells convert to a completely peτmissive state

for Cowpox virus growth from a semi-permissive

one before HVJ carrier establishment

The perspective involved in these evidences

75 ウイルス持続感染とその意義

four virus carrier cells were discussed with

a relation to some problems for researches of

human cancer and serious human viral diseases


1) Mims C A Factors in the mechanism

of persistence of viral infections Prog

Med Vi主01 18 1-14 1974

2) RimaB K and MartinS J Persiste-

nt infection of tissue cultured cells by

l1mmuno1RNA viruses Med Microbio

162 89-118 1976

3) Gibbs C J JrMemo G J and Diwan

A R 1mmunology of persistent and re-

current viral infections 1n 1mmunological

aspects of infectious diseases Dick G

edpp 453-496 MτP Press Lim Lanca-


4) Preble O T and Younger J S Tem-

perature-sensitive mutant viruses and the

etiology of chronic and inapparent infecti-

ons J Inf Dis 131 467-473 1975

5) HollandJ J and Villarreal L P Pe-

rsistent noncytocidal vesicular stomatitits

virus infectioIls mediated by defective T

particl that suppress virion transcriptase

Proc Nat Acad Sci 71 2956-2960工 974

A 1 1toY6) Ueda M and Tagaya spe-

Cl五csurface antigen induced by poxvirus

Virology 38 180-182 1969

7) Kobayashi H add SendoF 1mmunoge-

necity of viable xenogenized tumor cells

In Immunological xenogenization of tumor

cells GANN monograph on Cancer Resea-

rch No 23 Kobayashi託 ed pp 27-40

Jap ScI Soc PressTokyo and Univ Park


8) Tanaka J and Hatano M The e宜 ect

of trypsin on the fo主 mationof virus-speci-

五csurface antigen in cowpox virus-infected

1973413-41621 1cells J Gen Viro

9) Tanaka J OguraHFukudaS and Ha-

tano M Effect of double infection of

cowpox virus-infected cells with paramyxo

virus (Sendai virus) on formation of cow-

pox virus speci五ccel1 surface antigen 五在 1-

crobiol 1出血 unol 22 765-773 1978

10) Tanaka J Morita O and Hatano話

Factors involved in the expression of cow-

pox virus-speci五cantigen on Sendai virus

carriers cells J Gen Virol 3387-971976

11) Tanaka J Ogura耳 and Hatano M

Cellular protease increased in paramyxovi-

rus CSendai virus) carrier cells possibly

responsible for enhanced formation of cow-

pox virus-specific cell surface antigen Ar-

ch Virol 53 87-99 1977

12) Joklik W K The poxviruses Ann Rev

五在 icrobiol 22 359-390 1968

13) Svet Moldavsky G J and Haumburg V

P Quantative relationship in viral onco

lysis and the possibility of arti五cial hete-

rugenizatipn of tumors Nature 202 303-

304 1964

14) Burns W H and Allison A C Surfa-

ce antigens of virus-infected cells In Vi-

rus infection and the cell surface Cell su-

rface reviews Vol 2 PosteG and Nicol-

son G L edspp 213-247 North-Holla-

nd Pub Comp1王aegue1977

15) Czajkowski N P Rosenblatt M Gu-

shing R R Vasquerz J and Wolf P

L Production of active immunity to ma

lignant neoplastic tissue Cchemical coupli-

ng to an active antigenic protein carrier)

Cancer 19 739-749 1966

16) Watkins J F and Chen L Immuniza-

tion of mice against Ehrlich ascitis tumor

using a hamsterEhrlich ascites tumυr hyb旬

rid cell line Nature 223 1018-1022 1969

17) Yamada T and Hatano M Lowered

transplantability of cultured tumor cells by

persistent infection with paramyxovirus

(HVJ) Gan 63 647-655 1972

18) HatanoM Ogura H 5ato H and Ta-

naka J Decreased transplantability of

cultured tumor cells persistently infected

with non-oncogenic viruses In Immuno

logical xenogenization of tumor cells GA欄

NN monograph on Cancer Research No 23

76 波田野基

Kobayashiedpp 91-95 Jap Sci Soc

PressTokyo and Univ Park PaessBalti-

訟 ore1979

19)波田野基一小倉 寿センダイウイノレス持続



学ウイルス研究所z 京都 1979

20) OguraH吋 SatoHTanakaJHatano

MFukudaS and 1yen在orita0 Relatio-

nship between tumor formation and cel1帯

mediated immunity in hamsters with tran-

splanted豆VJ(Sendai virus) -carrying tumor

cells Gan 71325-3321980

21) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM Te-

mperature-sensitive HVJ (Sendai virus) wi-

th altered polypeptide derived from persi-

stently infected cells J Gen Virol55 469-4731981

22) SatoHOguraH and ヨatanoM An

intracellular interaction between tempera-

ture-sensitive mutant and original wild ty-

pe HVJ (Sendai virus) is responsible for

the establishment and maintenance of HVJ

persis士entinfection J Gen Virol55459

-468 1981

23) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM Cu-

ring of virus persistent infection in HVJ

CSendai virus) carrier hamster tumor cells

by transplantation Gann 72498-5031981

24) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM In

vitro curing of persistent infection in HVJ

(Sendai virus) carrier tumor cells by spleen

cel1s Gan 72504-5111981

25) PrebleO T and YoungerJ S Selec-

ton of temperature-sensitive mutants duri-

ng persistent infections role in maintena-

nce of persistent Newcastles Disease Vitus

infections of L cells J Virol12481larr 491


26) HommaM and OhuchiM Trypsin action

on the growth of Sendai virus in tissue cul-

ture cel1s III Structural di韮erenceof Se-

ndai viruses grown in eggs and tissue cul-

tured cells J Virol121457-14651973

27) ScheidA and ChoppinP百人 Proteasε

activation mutont of Sendai virus Activa-

tion of biological porperties by specific pro-

tease Virology 69265-2771976

28) Y oshidaT NagaiYMoenoKIinu吋


NagayoshiS and HoshinoM Studies

Oll the role of M protein in virus assemb-

ly using a ts mutant of HVJ (Sendai vi-

rus) Virology 92139-1541979

29) MaenoK YoshiiSNagataIand Ma-吋

tsumotoT Growth of Newcastle Dise-

ase Virus in a HVJ carrier culture of He-

La cells Virology 29255-2631966

30) LewisA M Jr Defective and nonde-

fective Ad 2SV40 hybrids Prog謎 edVi-


31) Benyesh-MelnickM and ButelJ On-

cogenic viruses In The molecular biology

of cancerBusceH edpp 403-485Aca国

demic PressNew York1974

32) SatoMYamadaTYamamotoK and

YamamotoN Evidence for hybrid for-

mation between rubella vi主us and latent

virus of BHK-21jWI-2 cel1s Virology 69


33) HamiltonRBarbosaLand DuboisM

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis meas-

les virus study of biological markers J


72 波富野基一

Fig 3 SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of HVJo (A) HVJpiG cl-14 (B)HVJpiT

cl-27 (C) and HPJpiT cl15(D) Infected LLMK 2 cells were incubated at 320C

for 48 hours and labelled with 35S-methionine (10 uciml) for 3 hoursAt 24 hours

after labellingvirus released in the meditm was harvested and puri五ed The

virus samples were subjected to electrophoresis and processed for autoradio-

graphy as previously described (21 22) Migration is from top to bottom

(a) 18S 50S 18S 50S 18S 50S 18S 50S

75 na 4EF3


jljk L=ampI s z

ー5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15

日記 tionnumber

Fig 4 SDS-sucrose density gradient analysis of virus specific RNA from CEF cel1s in-

fected with HVJo (wild type) or HVJpiG Cl14 CEF cell mpnolayers were infec-

ted with virus5 pf ucell and incubated at 320C At-24 hours after infcttionone group of cultures was shifted to 390C lsquo After 35 h-incubation each group

was treated with 20μgml of Actinomycin D for 30 minutes and labelled for 2

hours with 20 uci05 ml of 3Hurididein the presence of the drug RNA extra-

ctioncentrifugation and radioactivity determination were carried out as previou-

sly described (21 22) The sedimentation positions of 50s and 18s 1ミNAswere

determined by 3Huridine-labelledCEF RNAs extracted in the same way as des-

cribed above

(a) cells infected withヨVJo al1d label1ed at 320 C (b) cells infected with

HVJpiG cl14and labelled at 320C (c) cells infected with HVJpiG cl14 and la-

belled at 390C Cd) mock-infected cells and labelled at 320C

73 ウイノレス持続感染とその意義

Table 9 Mutation frequency of elastase-activated mutants in culture media

of lytically or persistently HVJ cl-1-infected cells

1n the presence of MNNG (μgfrnl)(a) Lytically infectected with HVJ cl-1 25 50 100

GM 2 71 X 10-6 14xlO-5 28x 10-5 36x 10-5

Vero lt67X10-7 67X 10-6 36x10-5 21X10-5

LLClyen在K2 lt67X60-7 33x 10-6 42xlO-6 19X10-5

Passage nurnber (b) Persistently infected

with HVJ cl-工事 12 31 50 100

GM 2-HVJ cl-l 25XlO-4 50x 10-5 10X 10-4 10XlO-4

VeroHVJcl-1 ltlOx 10-5 10x 10-5 25x 10-5 NTt 5LLCMK 2-HVJ cl-1 lt10XlO- 50x 10-5 10x 10-4 NT

キ Cellmonolayers were infected with 豆VJcl-1 at an input multiplicity of 5 pfufcell and incuba-

ted in serum-free media at 340C in the absence or presence of MNNG After 72 hculture media

were harvested and assayed for rnutation frequency at 320C

普Cellmonolayer were incubated in serum-free media at 340C After 24hculture media were harve-

sted and assayed for mutation frequency at 320C

tNot tested

Fig 5 Cleavage of Fo glycoprotein of HVJ cl-1 (a)and HVJpi-e cl5003(b) by trypsin

and elastase 3H-glucosarnine皿 labelledvirions grown in LLCMK 2 cel1s were Incu-

bated with no protease (1)4μgfml (2)or 8 ugfrnl (3) trypsin and 20μgml (4)

or 40 pgfml (5) elastase All these samples were analyzed by 10 polyacrylamide

gel electrophoresis and autofluorography as previously described (2122)

(MNNG) 25-100μgfml存在下却で lytic infection とく elastaseのみでForarrFl (F2は検出できぬ SDSlsquo

(Li) を起させ elastase変異抹 (HVJe)の出現を計 PAGEの条件〉への cleavageをうけるが (Fig 5

った (Table 9)得られた HVJe ~土 Fig5に示すご (b)4) 5)) trypsinでは Foの cleavageはない

74 波 田野基一

(Fig 5(b) 2)3))その結果 HV]eは elastase事

存在下でのみ LLCMK2細胞で plaqueをつくヲ try-

psinは無効である (HV]cl1は逆)かくて調べた変

異出現頻度を比較すると Table 9に示すごとく Pi

推代培養では Li時 (MNNG μgml) より HV]邑

発生が高く(約10倍) MNNG存在下での Liに近い


種でも異な担 GM2は勉の 2種より高い傾舟を示した

以上 HV] Pi細飽からは ts-P蛋岳 elastase


Piにおける HV]変異の起り易さを示していたこれ


る例-HV]eと HV]tsの掃でーも知られているた

だ我々の場合 M 蛋白変異株28)や VSVpiでいわれ

る Dlp5)は検出できなかった


上述 Pi関連現象 (IV-VI)各々につき一般的に

考察したい HV]pi締結における異種ウイルス CPV



である同様の例として HV]が NDV増殖を促進

し29)SV 40とアデノウイノレス間で hybrid形成による

増殖30九 ラウス肉腫(まS)締抱で defectiveRSウイ

ルス (RSV)が helpervirus ニワトワ白血病ウイル

ス (ALV) に rescueされて表現型混合ウイルスとし


がんウイルスゲノムの rescue-検出とは若干異なるが

non-又は semi-permissiveな締結を龍ウイルス感染で

permissiveに変換し得る可詑性一一つの helperウイ


イルス Pi細胞は SV40でがん花され易いし80また

潜在性内在ウイルスとの hybrid形成がある嵐疹ウイル

ス Piの例32)も知ちれているのでウイルスがん化に Pi



次に Piによる腫療締結抗原牲の異物化と造題蕩性



弱病原性でかっ Pi化の容易なものが望ましいそれと



これら必要条件の中我々の HV]ts または RV-説atv

株は弱病原性で Pi容易はよいが抗腫蕩免疫誘導が揚

性というものの小林ら7)の Friendウイルス PIのもの

よ ~HJ~かったω最近生体内で HV]pi がldquo cureけ

される2324)ことが判明したのでかかるldquo cureがな



さらに Pi ~こ伴う諾変異の発生で ヒトウイノレス病


sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)を起している麻疹

ウイルス (MV)であろうこの SSPE-MVは野生株

とは甚だ性格を異にして SSPEに Piイとしている館

我々のケースも含めて Piまたは Laiはそのウイルス

に本来 semi-permissiveな紹胞で一般に成立している

SSPEも脳細控という MV~こは不適格な紐抱での P i

であるかかるウイルス Pi結胞は生体の NK細胞


の Pi中に Piウイルスの変異が生じたのであろうそ

して Piによる変異発生額度が mutagen作用下と同






Among the various fates of virus-infected cells

the ones of virus persistently infected cells seem

to be importantbecause this type of infection

is usually found to be correlated closely to

many serious human viral diseases Frequent

occurrences of seve主alvirus mutations during the

persistent infection are now presented to be

candidate responsible for the establishment and

maintenance of this unique infection with non-

oncogenic RNA viruses

Using the pe主sistently Infected tllmor cells

with五V] (Sendai virus) or Rllbella viruswe

have demonstrated an important role of tempe-

rature-sensitive mutant having lowered pathog-

enicity in this persistent infection 1n addition

the above two virllses carrying tumor cells ぬか

wed dec主easedtransplantability after their inoc-

lllation to homologous animals Moreoverthe

HV] persistent infection could make hamster

cells convert to a completely peτmissive state

for Cowpox virus growth from a semi-permissive

one before HVJ carrier establishment

The perspective involved in these evidences

75 ウイルス持続感染とその意義

four virus carrier cells were discussed with

a relation to some problems for researches of

human cancer and serious human viral diseases


1) Mims C A Factors in the mechanism

of persistence of viral infections Prog

Med Vi主01 18 1-14 1974

2) RimaB K and MartinS J Persiste-

nt infection of tissue cultured cells by

l1mmuno1RNA viruses Med Microbio

162 89-118 1976

3) Gibbs C J JrMemo G J and Diwan

A R 1mmunology of persistent and re-

current viral infections 1n 1mmunological

aspects of infectious diseases Dick G

edpp 453-496 MτP Press Lim Lanca-


4) Preble O T and Younger J S Tem-

perature-sensitive mutant viruses and the

etiology of chronic and inapparent infecti-

ons J Inf Dis 131 467-473 1975

5) HollandJ J and Villarreal L P Pe-

rsistent noncytocidal vesicular stomatitits

virus infectioIls mediated by defective T

particl that suppress virion transcriptase

Proc Nat Acad Sci 71 2956-2960工 974

A 1 1toY6) Ueda M and Tagaya spe-

Cl五csurface antigen induced by poxvirus

Virology 38 180-182 1969

7) Kobayashi H add SendoF 1mmunoge-

necity of viable xenogenized tumor cells

In Immunological xenogenization of tumor

cells GANN monograph on Cancer Resea-

rch No 23 Kobayashi託 ed pp 27-40

Jap ScI Soc PressTokyo and Univ Park


8) Tanaka J and Hatano M The e宜 ect

of trypsin on the fo主 mationof virus-speci-

五csurface antigen in cowpox virus-infected

1973413-41621 1cells J Gen Viro

9) Tanaka J OguraHFukudaS and Ha-

tano M Effect of double infection of

cowpox virus-infected cells with paramyxo

virus (Sendai virus) on formation of cow-

pox virus speci五ccel1 surface antigen 五在 1-

crobiol 1出血 unol 22 765-773 1978

10) Tanaka J Morita O and Hatano話

Factors involved in the expression of cow-

pox virus-speci五cantigen on Sendai virus

carriers cells J Gen Virol 3387-971976

11) Tanaka J Ogura耳 and Hatano M

Cellular protease increased in paramyxovi-

rus CSendai virus) carrier cells possibly

responsible for enhanced formation of cow-

pox virus-specific cell surface antigen Ar-

ch Virol 53 87-99 1977

12) Joklik W K The poxviruses Ann Rev

五在 icrobiol 22 359-390 1968

13) Svet Moldavsky G J and Haumburg V

P Quantative relationship in viral onco

lysis and the possibility of arti五cial hete-

rugenizatipn of tumors Nature 202 303-

304 1964

14) Burns W H and Allison A C Surfa-

ce antigens of virus-infected cells In Vi-

rus infection and the cell surface Cell su-

rface reviews Vol 2 PosteG and Nicol-

son G L edspp 213-247 North-Holla-

nd Pub Comp1王aegue1977

15) Czajkowski N P Rosenblatt M Gu-

shing R R Vasquerz J and Wolf P

L Production of active immunity to ma

lignant neoplastic tissue Cchemical coupli-

ng to an active antigenic protein carrier)

Cancer 19 739-749 1966

16) Watkins J F and Chen L Immuniza-

tion of mice against Ehrlich ascitis tumor

using a hamsterEhrlich ascites tumυr hyb旬

rid cell line Nature 223 1018-1022 1969

17) Yamada T and Hatano M Lowered

transplantability of cultured tumor cells by

persistent infection with paramyxovirus

(HVJ) Gan 63 647-655 1972

18) HatanoM Ogura H 5ato H and Ta-

naka J Decreased transplantability of

cultured tumor cells persistently infected

with non-oncogenic viruses In Immuno

logical xenogenization of tumor cells GA欄

NN monograph on Cancer Research No 23

76 波田野基

Kobayashiedpp 91-95 Jap Sci Soc

PressTokyo and Univ Park PaessBalti-

訟 ore1979

19)波田野基一小倉 寿センダイウイノレス持続



学ウイルス研究所z 京都 1979

20) OguraH吋 SatoHTanakaJHatano

MFukudaS and 1yen在orita0 Relatio-

nship between tumor formation and cel1帯

mediated immunity in hamsters with tran-

splanted豆VJ(Sendai virus) -carrying tumor

cells Gan 71325-3321980

21) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM Te-

mperature-sensitive HVJ (Sendai virus) wi-

th altered polypeptide derived from persi-

stently infected cells J Gen Virol55 469-4731981

22) SatoHOguraH and ヨatanoM An

intracellular interaction between tempera-

ture-sensitive mutant and original wild ty-

pe HVJ (Sendai virus) is responsible for

the establishment and maintenance of HVJ

persis士entinfection J Gen Virol55459

-468 1981

23) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM Cu-

ring of virus persistent infection in HVJ

CSendai virus) carrier hamster tumor cells

by transplantation Gann 72498-5031981

24) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM In

vitro curing of persistent infection in HVJ

(Sendai virus) carrier tumor cells by spleen

cel1s Gan 72504-5111981

25) PrebleO T and YoungerJ S Selec-

ton of temperature-sensitive mutants duri-

ng persistent infections role in maintena-

nce of persistent Newcastles Disease Vitus

infections of L cells J Virol12481larr 491


26) HommaM and OhuchiM Trypsin action

on the growth of Sendai virus in tissue cul-

ture cel1s III Structural di韮erenceof Se-

ndai viruses grown in eggs and tissue cul-

tured cells J Virol121457-14651973

27) ScheidA and ChoppinP百人 Proteasε

activation mutont of Sendai virus Activa-

tion of biological porperties by specific pro-

tease Virology 69265-2771976

28) Y oshidaT NagaiYMoenoKIinu吋


NagayoshiS and HoshinoM Studies

Oll the role of M protein in virus assemb-

ly using a ts mutant of HVJ (Sendai vi-

rus) Virology 92139-1541979

29) MaenoK YoshiiSNagataIand Ma-吋

tsumotoT Growth of Newcastle Dise-

ase Virus in a HVJ carrier culture of He-

La cells Virology 29255-2631966

30) LewisA M Jr Defective and nonde-

fective Ad 2SV40 hybrids Prog謎 edVi-


31) Benyesh-MelnickM and ButelJ On-

cogenic viruses In The molecular biology

of cancerBusceH edpp 403-485Aca国

demic PressNew York1974

32) SatoMYamadaTYamamotoK and

YamamotoN Evidence for hybrid for-

mation between rubella vi主us and latent

virus of BHK-21jWI-2 cel1s Virology 69


33) HamiltonRBarbosaLand DuboisM

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis meas-

les virus study of biological markers J


73 ウイノレス持続感染とその意義

Table 9 Mutation frequency of elastase-activated mutants in culture media

of lytically or persistently HVJ cl-1-infected cells

1n the presence of MNNG (μgfrnl)(a) Lytically infectected with HVJ cl-1 25 50 100

GM 2 71 X 10-6 14xlO-5 28x 10-5 36x 10-5

Vero lt67X10-7 67X 10-6 36x10-5 21X10-5

LLClyen在K2 lt67X60-7 33x 10-6 42xlO-6 19X10-5

Passage nurnber (b) Persistently infected

with HVJ cl-工事 12 31 50 100

GM 2-HVJ cl-l 25XlO-4 50x 10-5 10X 10-4 10XlO-4

VeroHVJcl-1 ltlOx 10-5 10x 10-5 25x 10-5 NTt 5LLCMK 2-HVJ cl-1 lt10XlO- 50x 10-5 10x 10-4 NT

キ Cellmonolayers were infected with 豆VJcl-1 at an input multiplicity of 5 pfufcell and incuba-

ted in serum-free media at 340C in the absence or presence of MNNG After 72 hculture media

were harvested and assayed for rnutation frequency at 320C

普Cellmonolayer were incubated in serum-free media at 340C After 24hculture media were harve-

sted and assayed for mutation frequency at 320C

tNot tested

Fig 5 Cleavage of Fo glycoprotein of HVJ cl-1 (a)and HVJpi-e cl5003(b) by trypsin

and elastase 3H-glucosarnine皿 labelledvirions grown in LLCMK 2 cel1s were Incu-

bated with no protease (1)4μgfml (2)or 8 ugfrnl (3) trypsin and 20μgml (4)

or 40 pgfml (5) elastase All these samples were analyzed by 10 polyacrylamide

gel electrophoresis and autofluorography as previously described (2122)

(MNNG) 25-100μgfml存在下却で lytic infection とく elastaseのみでForarrFl (F2は検出できぬ SDSlsquo

(Li) を起させ elastase変異抹 (HVJe)の出現を計 PAGEの条件〉への cleavageをうけるが (Fig 5

った (Table 9)得られた HVJe ~土 Fig5に示すご (b)4) 5)) trypsinでは Foの cleavageはない

74 波 田野基一

(Fig 5(b) 2)3))その結果 HV]eは elastase事

存在下でのみ LLCMK2細胞で plaqueをつくヲ try-

psinは無効である (HV]cl1は逆)かくて調べた変

異出現頻度を比較すると Table 9に示すごとく Pi

推代培養では Li時 (MNNG μgml) より HV]邑

発生が高く(約10倍) MNNG存在下での Liに近い


種でも異な担 GM2は勉の 2種より高い傾舟を示した

以上 HV] Pi細飽からは ts-P蛋岳 elastase


Piにおける HV]変異の起り易さを示していたこれ


る例-HV]eと HV]tsの掃でーも知られているた

だ我々の場合 M 蛋白変異株28)や VSVpiでいわれ

る Dlp5)は検出できなかった


上述 Pi関連現象 (IV-VI)各々につき一般的に

考察したい HV]pi締結における異種ウイルス CPV



である同様の例として HV]が NDV増殖を促進

し29)SV 40とアデノウイノレス間で hybrid形成による

増殖30九 ラウス肉腫(まS)締抱で defectiveRSウイ

ルス (RSV)が helpervirus ニワトワ白血病ウイル

ス (ALV) に rescueされて表現型混合ウイルスとし


がんウイルスゲノムの rescue-検出とは若干異なるが

non-又は semi-permissiveな締結を龍ウイルス感染で

permissiveに変換し得る可詑性一一つの helperウイ


イルス Pi細胞は SV40でがん花され易いし80また

潜在性内在ウイルスとの hybrid形成がある嵐疹ウイル

ス Piの例32)も知ちれているのでウイルスがん化に Pi



次に Piによる腫療締結抗原牲の異物化と造題蕩性



弱病原性でかっ Pi化の容易なものが望ましいそれと



これら必要条件の中我々の HV]ts または RV-説atv

株は弱病原性で Pi容易はよいが抗腫蕩免疫誘導が揚

性というものの小林ら7)の Friendウイルス PIのもの

よ ~HJ~かったω最近生体内で HV]pi がldquo cureけ

される2324)ことが判明したのでかかるldquo cureがな



さらに Pi ~こ伴う諾変異の発生で ヒトウイノレス病


sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)を起している麻疹

ウイルス (MV)であろうこの SSPE-MVは野生株

とは甚だ性格を異にして SSPEに Piイとしている館

我々のケースも含めて Piまたは Laiはそのウイルス

に本来 semi-permissiveな紹胞で一般に成立している

SSPEも脳細控という MV~こは不適格な紐抱での P i

であるかかるウイルス Pi結胞は生体の NK細胞


の Pi中に Piウイルスの変異が生じたのであろうそ

して Piによる変異発生額度が mutagen作用下と同






Among the various fates of virus-infected cells

the ones of virus persistently infected cells seem

to be importantbecause this type of infection

is usually found to be correlated closely to

many serious human viral diseases Frequent

occurrences of seve主alvirus mutations during the

persistent infection are now presented to be

candidate responsible for the establishment and

maintenance of this unique infection with non-

oncogenic RNA viruses

Using the pe主sistently Infected tllmor cells

with五V] (Sendai virus) or Rllbella viruswe

have demonstrated an important role of tempe-

rature-sensitive mutant having lowered pathog-

enicity in this persistent infection 1n addition

the above two virllses carrying tumor cells ぬか

wed dec主easedtransplantability after their inoc-

lllation to homologous animals Moreoverthe

HV] persistent infection could make hamster

cells convert to a completely peτmissive state

for Cowpox virus growth from a semi-permissive

one before HVJ carrier establishment

The perspective involved in these evidences

75 ウイルス持続感染とその意義

four virus carrier cells were discussed with

a relation to some problems for researches of

human cancer and serious human viral diseases


1) Mims C A Factors in the mechanism

of persistence of viral infections Prog

Med Vi主01 18 1-14 1974

2) RimaB K and MartinS J Persiste-

nt infection of tissue cultured cells by

l1mmuno1RNA viruses Med Microbio

162 89-118 1976

3) Gibbs C J JrMemo G J and Diwan

A R 1mmunology of persistent and re-

current viral infections 1n 1mmunological

aspects of infectious diseases Dick G

edpp 453-496 MτP Press Lim Lanca-


4) Preble O T and Younger J S Tem-

perature-sensitive mutant viruses and the

etiology of chronic and inapparent infecti-

ons J Inf Dis 131 467-473 1975

5) HollandJ J and Villarreal L P Pe-

rsistent noncytocidal vesicular stomatitits

virus infectioIls mediated by defective T

particl that suppress virion transcriptase

Proc Nat Acad Sci 71 2956-2960工 974

A 1 1toY6) Ueda M and Tagaya spe-

Cl五csurface antigen induced by poxvirus

Virology 38 180-182 1969

7) Kobayashi H add SendoF 1mmunoge-

necity of viable xenogenized tumor cells

In Immunological xenogenization of tumor

cells GANN monograph on Cancer Resea-

rch No 23 Kobayashi託 ed pp 27-40

Jap ScI Soc PressTokyo and Univ Park


8) Tanaka J and Hatano M The e宜 ect

of trypsin on the fo主 mationof virus-speci-

五csurface antigen in cowpox virus-infected

1973413-41621 1cells J Gen Viro

9) Tanaka J OguraHFukudaS and Ha-

tano M Effect of double infection of

cowpox virus-infected cells with paramyxo

virus (Sendai virus) on formation of cow-

pox virus speci五ccel1 surface antigen 五在 1-

crobiol 1出血 unol 22 765-773 1978

10) Tanaka J Morita O and Hatano話

Factors involved in the expression of cow-

pox virus-speci五cantigen on Sendai virus

carriers cells J Gen Virol 3387-971976

11) Tanaka J Ogura耳 and Hatano M

Cellular protease increased in paramyxovi-

rus CSendai virus) carrier cells possibly

responsible for enhanced formation of cow-

pox virus-specific cell surface antigen Ar-

ch Virol 53 87-99 1977

12) Joklik W K The poxviruses Ann Rev

五在 icrobiol 22 359-390 1968

13) Svet Moldavsky G J and Haumburg V

P Quantative relationship in viral onco

lysis and the possibility of arti五cial hete-

rugenizatipn of tumors Nature 202 303-

304 1964

14) Burns W H and Allison A C Surfa-

ce antigens of virus-infected cells In Vi-

rus infection and the cell surface Cell su-

rface reviews Vol 2 PosteG and Nicol-

son G L edspp 213-247 North-Holla-

nd Pub Comp1王aegue1977

15) Czajkowski N P Rosenblatt M Gu-

shing R R Vasquerz J and Wolf P

L Production of active immunity to ma

lignant neoplastic tissue Cchemical coupli-

ng to an active antigenic protein carrier)

Cancer 19 739-749 1966

16) Watkins J F and Chen L Immuniza-

tion of mice against Ehrlich ascitis tumor

using a hamsterEhrlich ascites tumυr hyb旬

rid cell line Nature 223 1018-1022 1969

17) Yamada T and Hatano M Lowered

transplantability of cultured tumor cells by

persistent infection with paramyxovirus

(HVJ) Gan 63 647-655 1972

18) HatanoM Ogura H 5ato H and Ta-

naka J Decreased transplantability of

cultured tumor cells persistently infected

with non-oncogenic viruses In Immuno

logical xenogenization of tumor cells GA欄

NN monograph on Cancer Research No 23

76 波田野基

Kobayashiedpp 91-95 Jap Sci Soc

PressTokyo and Univ Park PaessBalti-

訟 ore1979

19)波田野基一小倉 寿センダイウイノレス持続



学ウイルス研究所z 京都 1979

20) OguraH吋 SatoHTanakaJHatano

MFukudaS and 1yen在orita0 Relatio-

nship between tumor formation and cel1帯

mediated immunity in hamsters with tran-

splanted豆VJ(Sendai virus) -carrying tumor

cells Gan 71325-3321980

21) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM Te-

mperature-sensitive HVJ (Sendai virus) wi-

th altered polypeptide derived from persi-

stently infected cells J Gen Virol55 469-4731981

22) SatoHOguraH and ヨatanoM An

intracellular interaction between tempera-

ture-sensitive mutant and original wild ty-

pe HVJ (Sendai virus) is responsible for

the establishment and maintenance of HVJ

persis士entinfection J Gen Virol55459

-468 1981

23) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM Cu-

ring of virus persistent infection in HVJ

CSendai virus) carrier hamster tumor cells

by transplantation Gann 72498-5031981

24) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM In

vitro curing of persistent infection in HVJ

(Sendai virus) carrier tumor cells by spleen

cel1s Gan 72504-5111981

25) PrebleO T and YoungerJ S Selec-

ton of temperature-sensitive mutants duri-

ng persistent infections role in maintena-

nce of persistent Newcastles Disease Vitus

infections of L cells J Virol12481larr 491


26) HommaM and OhuchiM Trypsin action

on the growth of Sendai virus in tissue cul-

ture cel1s III Structural di韮erenceof Se-

ndai viruses grown in eggs and tissue cul-

tured cells J Virol121457-14651973

27) ScheidA and ChoppinP百人 Proteasε

activation mutont of Sendai virus Activa-

tion of biological porperties by specific pro-

tease Virology 69265-2771976

28) Y oshidaT NagaiYMoenoKIinu吋


NagayoshiS and HoshinoM Studies

Oll the role of M protein in virus assemb-

ly using a ts mutant of HVJ (Sendai vi-

rus) Virology 92139-1541979

29) MaenoK YoshiiSNagataIand Ma-吋

tsumotoT Growth of Newcastle Dise-

ase Virus in a HVJ carrier culture of He-

La cells Virology 29255-2631966

30) LewisA M Jr Defective and nonde-

fective Ad 2SV40 hybrids Prog謎 edVi-


31) Benyesh-MelnickM and ButelJ On-

cogenic viruses In The molecular biology

of cancerBusceH edpp 403-485Aca国

demic PressNew York1974

32) SatoMYamadaTYamamotoK and

YamamotoN Evidence for hybrid for-

mation between rubella vi主us and latent

virus of BHK-21jWI-2 cel1s Virology 69


33) HamiltonRBarbosaLand DuboisM

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis meas-

les virus study of biological markers J


74 波 田野基一

(Fig 5(b) 2)3))その結果 HV]eは elastase事

存在下でのみ LLCMK2細胞で plaqueをつくヲ try-

psinは無効である (HV]cl1は逆)かくて調べた変

異出現頻度を比較すると Table 9に示すごとく Pi

推代培養では Li時 (MNNG μgml) より HV]邑

発生が高く(約10倍) MNNG存在下での Liに近い


種でも異な担 GM2は勉の 2種より高い傾舟を示した

以上 HV] Pi細飽からは ts-P蛋岳 elastase


Piにおける HV]変異の起り易さを示していたこれ


る例-HV]eと HV]tsの掃でーも知られているた

だ我々の場合 M 蛋白変異株28)や VSVpiでいわれ

る Dlp5)は検出できなかった


上述 Pi関連現象 (IV-VI)各々につき一般的に

考察したい HV]pi締結における異種ウイルス CPV



である同様の例として HV]が NDV増殖を促進

し29)SV 40とアデノウイノレス間で hybrid形成による

増殖30九 ラウス肉腫(まS)締抱で defectiveRSウイ

ルス (RSV)が helpervirus ニワトワ白血病ウイル

ス (ALV) に rescueされて表現型混合ウイルスとし


がんウイルスゲノムの rescue-検出とは若干異なるが

non-又は semi-permissiveな締結を龍ウイルス感染で

permissiveに変換し得る可詑性一一つの helperウイ


イルス Pi細胞は SV40でがん花され易いし80また

潜在性内在ウイルスとの hybrid形成がある嵐疹ウイル

ス Piの例32)も知ちれているのでウイルスがん化に Pi



次に Piによる腫療締結抗原牲の異物化と造題蕩性



弱病原性でかっ Pi化の容易なものが望ましいそれと



これら必要条件の中我々の HV]ts または RV-説atv

株は弱病原性で Pi容易はよいが抗腫蕩免疫誘導が揚

性というものの小林ら7)の Friendウイルス PIのもの

よ ~HJ~かったω最近生体内で HV]pi がldquo cureけ

される2324)ことが判明したのでかかるldquo cureがな



さらに Pi ~こ伴う諾変異の発生で ヒトウイノレス病


sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)を起している麻疹

ウイルス (MV)であろうこの SSPE-MVは野生株

とは甚だ性格を異にして SSPEに Piイとしている館

我々のケースも含めて Piまたは Laiはそのウイルス

に本来 semi-permissiveな紹胞で一般に成立している

SSPEも脳細控という MV~こは不適格な紐抱での P i

であるかかるウイルス Pi結胞は生体の NK細胞


の Pi中に Piウイルスの変異が生じたのであろうそ

して Piによる変異発生額度が mutagen作用下と同






Among the various fates of virus-infected cells

the ones of virus persistently infected cells seem

to be importantbecause this type of infection

is usually found to be correlated closely to

many serious human viral diseases Frequent

occurrences of seve主alvirus mutations during the

persistent infection are now presented to be

candidate responsible for the establishment and

maintenance of this unique infection with non-

oncogenic RNA viruses

Using the pe主sistently Infected tllmor cells

with五V] (Sendai virus) or Rllbella viruswe

have demonstrated an important role of tempe-

rature-sensitive mutant having lowered pathog-

enicity in this persistent infection 1n addition

the above two virllses carrying tumor cells ぬか

wed dec主easedtransplantability after their inoc-

lllation to homologous animals Moreoverthe

HV] persistent infection could make hamster

cells convert to a completely peτmissive state

for Cowpox virus growth from a semi-permissive

one before HVJ carrier establishment

The perspective involved in these evidences

75 ウイルス持続感染とその意義

four virus carrier cells were discussed with

a relation to some problems for researches of

human cancer and serious human viral diseases


1) Mims C A Factors in the mechanism

of persistence of viral infections Prog

Med Vi主01 18 1-14 1974

2) RimaB K and MartinS J Persiste-

nt infection of tissue cultured cells by

l1mmuno1RNA viruses Med Microbio

162 89-118 1976

3) Gibbs C J JrMemo G J and Diwan

A R 1mmunology of persistent and re-

current viral infections 1n 1mmunological

aspects of infectious diseases Dick G

edpp 453-496 MτP Press Lim Lanca-


4) Preble O T and Younger J S Tem-

perature-sensitive mutant viruses and the

etiology of chronic and inapparent infecti-

ons J Inf Dis 131 467-473 1975

5) HollandJ J and Villarreal L P Pe-

rsistent noncytocidal vesicular stomatitits

virus infectioIls mediated by defective T

particl that suppress virion transcriptase

Proc Nat Acad Sci 71 2956-2960工 974

A 1 1toY6) Ueda M and Tagaya spe-

Cl五csurface antigen induced by poxvirus

Virology 38 180-182 1969

7) Kobayashi H add SendoF 1mmunoge-

necity of viable xenogenized tumor cells

In Immunological xenogenization of tumor

cells GANN monograph on Cancer Resea-

rch No 23 Kobayashi託 ed pp 27-40

Jap ScI Soc PressTokyo and Univ Park


8) Tanaka J and Hatano M The e宜 ect

of trypsin on the fo主 mationof virus-speci-

五csurface antigen in cowpox virus-infected

1973413-41621 1cells J Gen Viro

9) Tanaka J OguraHFukudaS and Ha-

tano M Effect of double infection of

cowpox virus-infected cells with paramyxo

virus (Sendai virus) on formation of cow-

pox virus speci五ccel1 surface antigen 五在 1-

crobiol 1出血 unol 22 765-773 1978

10) Tanaka J Morita O and Hatano話

Factors involved in the expression of cow-

pox virus-speci五cantigen on Sendai virus

carriers cells J Gen Virol 3387-971976

11) Tanaka J Ogura耳 and Hatano M

Cellular protease increased in paramyxovi-

rus CSendai virus) carrier cells possibly

responsible for enhanced formation of cow-

pox virus-specific cell surface antigen Ar-

ch Virol 53 87-99 1977

12) Joklik W K The poxviruses Ann Rev

五在 icrobiol 22 359-390 1968

13) Svet Moldavsky G J and Haumburg V

P Quantative relationship in viral onco

lysis and the possibility of arti五cial hete-

rugenizatipn of tumors Nature 202 303-

304 1964

14) Burns W H and Allison A C Surfa-

ce antigens of virus-infected cells In Vi-

rus infection and the cell surface Cell su-

rface reviews Vol 2 PosteG and Nicol-

son G L edspp 213-247 North-Holla-

nd Pub Comp1王aegue1977

15) Czajkowski N P Rosenblatt M Gu-

shing R R Vasquerz J and Wolf P

L Production of active immunity to ma

lignant neoplastic tissue Cchemical coupli-

ng to an active antigenic protein carrier)

Cancer 19 739-749 1966

16) Watkins J F and Chen L Immuniza-

tion of mice against Ehrlich ascitis tumor

using a hamsterEhrlich ascites tumυr hyb旬

rid cell line Nature 223 1018-1022 1969

17) Yamada T and Hatano M Lowered

transplantability of cultured tumor cells by

persistent infection with paramyxovirus

(HVJ) Gan 63 647-655 1972

18) HatanoM Ogura H 5ato H and Ta-

naka J Decreased transplantability of

cultured tumor cells persistently infected

with non-oncogenic viruses In Immuno

logical xenogenization of tumor cells GA欄

NN monograph on Cancer Research No 23

76 波田野基

Kobayashiedpp 91-95 Jap Sci Soc

PressTokyo and Univ Park PaessBalti-

訟 ore1979

19)波田野基一小倉 寿センダイウイノレス持続



学ウイルス研究所z 京都 1979

20) OguraH吋 SatoHTanakaJHatano

MFukudaS and 1yen在orita0 Relatio-

nship between tumor formation and cel1帯

mediated immunity in hamsters with tran-

splanted豆VJ(Sendai virus) -carrying tumor

cells Gan 71325-3321980

21) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM Te-

mperature-sensitive HVJ (Sendai virus) wi-

th altered polypeptide derived from persi-

stently infected cells J Gen Virol55 469-4731981

22) SatoHOguraH and ヨatanoM An

intracellular interaction between tempera-

ture-sensitive mutant and original wild ty-

pe HVJ (Sendai virus) is responsible for

the establishment and maintenance of HVJ

persis士entinfection J Gen Virol55459

-468 1981

23) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM Cu-

ring of virus persistent infection in HVJ

CSendai virus) carrier hamster tumor cells

by transplantation Gann 72498-5031981

24) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM In

vitro curing of persistent infection in HVJ

(Sendai virus) carrier tumor cells by spleen

cel1s Gan 72504-5111981

25) PrebleO T and YoungerJ S Selec-

ton of temperature-sensitive mutants duri-

ng persistent infections role in maintena-

nce of persistent Newcastles Disease Vitus

infections of L cells J Virol12481larr 491


26) HommaM and OhuchiM Trypsin action

on the growth of Sendai virus in tissue cul-

ture cel1s III Structural di韮erenceof Se-

ndai viruses grown in eggs and tissue cul-

tured cells J Virol121457-14651973

27) ScheidA and ChoppinP百人 Proteasε

activation mutont of Sendai virus Activa-

tion of biological porperties by specific pro-

tease Virology 69265-2771976

28) Y oshidaT NagaiYMoenoKIinu吋


NagayoshiS and HoshinoM Studies

Oll the role of M protein in virus assemb-

ly using a ts mutant of HVJ (Sendai vi-

rus) Virology 92139-1541979

29) MaenoK YoshiiSNagataIand Ma-吋

tsumotoT Growth of Newcastle Dise-

ase Virus in a HVJ carrier culture of He-

La cells Virology 29255-2631966

30) LewisA M Jr Defective and nonde-

fective Ad 2SV40 hybrids Prog謎 edVi-


31) Benyesh-MelnickM and ButelJ On-

cogenic viruses In The molecular biology

of cancerBusceH edpp 403-485Aca国

demic PressNew York1974

32) SatoMYamadaTYamamotoK and

YamamotoN Evidence for hybrid for-

mation between rubella vi主us and latent

virus of BHK-21jWI-2 cel1s Virology 69


33) HamiltonRBarbosaLand DuboisM

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis meas-

les virus study of biological markers J


75 ウイルス持続感染とその意義

four virus carrier cells were discussed with

a relation to some problems for researches of

human cancer and serious human viral diseases


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A R 1mmunology of persistent and re-

current viral infections 1n 1mmunological

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edpp 453-496 MτP Press Lim Lanca-


4) Preble O T and Younger J S Tem-

perature-sensitive mutant viruses and the

etiology of chronic and inapparent infecti-

ons J Inf Dis 131 467-473 1975

5) HollandJ J and Villarreal L P Pe-

rsistent noncytocidal vesicular stomatitits

virus infectioIls mediated by defective T

particl that suppress virion transcriptase

Proc Nat Acad Sci 71 2956-2960工 974

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In Immunological xenogenization of tumor

cells GANN monograph on Cancer Resea-

rch No 23 Kobayashi託 ed pp 27-40

Jap ScI Soc PressTokyo and Univ Park


8) Tanaka J and Hatano M The e宜 ect

of trypsin on the fo主 mationof virus-speci-

五csurface antigen in cowpox virus-infected

1973413-41621 1cells J Gen Viro

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carriers cells J Gen Virol 3387-971976

11) Tanaka J Ogura耳 and Hatano M

Cellular protease increased in paramyxovi-

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14) Burns W H and Allison A C Surfa-

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15) Czajkowski N P Rosenblatt M Gu-

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ng to an active antigenic protein carrier)

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17) Yamada T and Hatano M Lowered

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18) HatanoM Ogura H 5ato H and Ta-

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with non-oncogenic viruses In Immuno

logical xenogenization of tumor cells GA欄

NN monograph on Cancer Research No 23

76 波田野基

Kobayashiedpp 91-95 Jap Sci Soc

PressTokyo and Univ Park PaessBalti-

訟 ore1979

19)波田野基一小倉 寿センダイウイノレス持続



学ウイルス研究所z 京都 1979

20) OguraH吋 SatoHTanakaJHatano

MFukudaS and 1yen在orita0 Relatio-

nship between tumor formation and cel1帯

mediated immunity in hamsters with tran-

splanted豆VJ(Sendai virus) -carrying tumor

cells Gan 71325-3321980

21) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM Te-

mperature-sensitive HVJ (Sendai virus) wi-

th altered polypeptide derived from persi-

stently infected cells J Gen Virol55 469-4731981

22) SatoHOguraH and ヨatanoM An

intracellular interaction between tempera-

ture-sensitive mutant and original wild ty-

pe HVJ (Sendai virus) is responsible for

the establishment and maintenance of HVJ

persis士entinfection J Gen Virol55459

-468 1981

23) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM Cu-

ring of virus persistent infection in HVJ

CSendai virus) carrier hamster tumor cells

by transplantation Gann 72498-5031981

24) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM In

vitro curing of persistent infection in HVJ

(Sendai virus) carrier tumor cells by spleen

cel1s Gan 72504-5111981

25) PrebleO T and YoungerJ S Selec-

ton of temperature-sensitive mutants duri-

ng persistent infections role in maintena-

nce of persistent Newcastles Disease Vitus

infections of L cells J Virol12481larr 491


26) HommaM and OhuchiM Trypsin action

on the growth of Sendai virus in tissue cul-

ture cel1s III Structural di韮erenceof Se-

ndai viruses grown in eggs and tissue cul-

tured cells J Virol121457-14651973

27) ScheidA and ChoppinP百人 Proteasε

activation mutont of Sendai virus Activa-

tion of biological porperties by specific pro-

tease Virology 69265-2771976

28) Y oshidaT NagaiYMoenoKIinu吋


NagayoshiS and HoshinoM Studies

Oll the role of M protein in virus assemb-

ly using a ts mutant of HVJ (Sendai vi-

rus) Virology 92139-1541979

29) MaenoK YoshiiSNagataIand Ma-吋

tsumotoT Growth of Newcastle Dise-

ase Virus in a HVJ carrier culture of He-

La cells Virology 29255-2631966

30) LewisA M Jr Defective and nonde-

fective Ad 2SV40 hybrids Prog謎 edVi-


31) Benyesh-MelnickM and ButelJ On-

cogenic viruses In The molecular biology

of cancerBusceH edpp 403-485Aca国

demic PressNew York1974

32) SatoMYamadaTYamamotoK and

YamamotoN Evidence for hybrid for-

mation between rubella vi主us and latent

virus of BHK-21jWI-2 cel1s Virology 69


33) HamiltonRBarbosaLand DuboisM

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis meas-

les virus study of biological markers J


76 波田野基

Kobayashiedpp 91-95 Jap Sci Soc

PressTokyo and Univ Park PaessBalti-

訟 ore1979

19)波田野基一小倉 寿センダイウイノレス持続



学ウイルス研究所z 京都 1979

20) OguraH吋 SatoHTanakaJHatano

MFukudaS and 1yen在orita0 Relatio-

nship between tumor formation and cel1帯

mediated immunity in hamsters with tran-

splanted豆VJ(Sendai virus) -carrying tumor

cells Gan 71325-3321980

21) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM Te-

mperature-sensitive HVJ (Sendai virus) wi-

th altered polypeptide derived from persi-

stently infected cells J Gen Virol55 469-4731981

22) SatoHOguraH and ヨatanoM An

intracellular interaction between tempera-

ture-sensitive mutant and original wild ty-

pe HVJ (Sendai virus) is responsible for

the establishment and maintenance of HVJ

persis士entinfection J Gen Virol55459

-468 1981

23) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM Cu-

ring of virus persistent infection in HVJ

CSendai virus) carrier hamster tumor cells

by transplantation Gann 72498-5031981

24) OguraHSatoH and HatanoM In

vitro curing of persistent infection in HVJ

(Sendai virus) carrier tumor cells by spleen

cel1s Gan 72504-5111981

25) PrebleO T and YoungerJ S Selec-

ton of temperature-sensitive mutants duri-

ng persistent infections role in maintena-

nce of persistent Newcastles Disease Vitus

infections of L cells J Virol12481larr 491


26) HommaM and OhuchiM Trypsin action

on the growth of Sendai virus in tissue cul-

ture cel1s III Structural di韮erenceof Se-

ndai viruses grown in eggs and tissue cul-

tured cells J Virol121457-14651973

27) ScheidA and ChoppinP百人 Proteasε

activation mutont of Sendai virus Activa-

tion of biological porperties by specific pro-

tease Virology 69265-2771976

28) Y oshidaT NagaiYMoenoKIinu吋


NagayoshiS and HoshinoM Studies

Oll the role of M protein in virus assemb-

ly using a ts mutant of HVJ (Sendai vi-

rus) Virology 92139-1541979

29) MaenoK YoshiiSNagataIand Ma-吋

tsumotoT Growth of Newcastle Dise-

ase Virus in a HVJ carrier culture of He-

La cells Virology 29255-2631966

30) LewisA M Jr Defective and nonde-

fective Ad 2SV40 hybrids Prog謎 edVi-


31) Benyesh-MelnickM and ButelJ On-

cogenic viruses In The molecular biology

of cancerBusceH edpp 403-485Aca国

demic PressNew York1974

32) SatoMYamadaTYamamotoK and

YamamotoN Evidence for hybrid for-

mation between rubella vi主us and latent

virus of BHK-21jWI-2 cel1s Virology 69


33) HamiltonRBarbosaLand DuboisM

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis meas-

les virus study of biological markers J


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