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Hotel Novotel Palembang 11-14 September 2019

P,PHI dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi ng Gastroenterohepatologi dan Endoskopi rna pada Era Teknologi 4.0

Dr. ... lumiawan, SpPO-KGEH IUJIZ.J0.1/11n.ot/·1.779.J/201S

Kumpulan Naskah Lengkap & Abstrak

Kongres Nasional & Pertemuan llmiah Nasional



A. Fuad Bakry Imam Suprianto Achmad Fauzi Kaka Renaldi

Juferdy Kurniawan

Perkumpulan Gastroenterologi Indonesia (P.G.I)

' \


Daftar lsi

Kata Sambutam Ketua Panitia Kata Sambutan Ketua PB Gabungan PGI-PEGI-PPHI Kontributor Daftar lsi


iii V

vii ix

Understanding the Anatomy & Diagnosis of Hemorrhoidal Disease 1 Neneng Ratnasari

Long Term Nucleos(t)ides Analogues Treatment in Chronic Liver Disease: A Comprehensive Review 10

lrsan Hasan, Steven Zulkifly, Monica Raharjo

The Natural Course of Chronic Liver Disease 21 lrsan Hasan, $tetanus lmanuel Setiawan, Monica Raharjo

General Concept of Gut Dysbiosis 25 Chyntia Olivia Maurine Jasirwan

Probiotic Treatment in Liver Cirrhosis 34 Juferdy Kurniawan

Treatment Options in the Management of Post-ERCP Pancreatitis 40 Kaka Renaldi

Tenofovir Alafenamide Fumarate Has Come: Benefits for the Treatment of HBV Infections 46

lrsan Hasan, Monica Raharjo

lntrahepatic Cholestasis and the Role of Liver Biopsy Neneng Ratnasari

The Role of Albumin in Decompensated Cirrhosis A Fuad Bakry

Cedera Ginjal Akut pada Sirosis Hati Nurul Akbar

Test Diagnosis Invasive dan Non Invasive pada lnfeksi Helicobacter pylori

Imam Suprianto







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N.askah Lengka~) Simposiwr, ---·.-,,... .. ... ~-, ......... .... _. ___ .. ,,- .... ~ ... ~ ·---........ --~--.. ~ ... -.... . ._ _ __ -..-..-.--.. ..---4--- ------

Long Term Nucleos(t)ides Analogues Treatment in Chronic Liver Disease:

A Comprehensive Review

lrsan Hasan, Steven Zulkifty, Monica Raharjo

Division of Hepatobiliary, Department of Internal Medicine Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital,

F acuity of ~,,1edicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta


The World Health OrgMization {VVHO) reported in 2017 that hepatitis

8 vh·us {HBV) mf~cti{)ns have become a globaJ health issue. Approximately

3.5% ot the wor1d's popuiaUon or 257 million individuals have chronic HBV

infection, 68% of them in Africa and the West Pacific., In Indonesia, the

prevalanc-e of chronic HBV infe.ctions based on positive hepatitis B surface

.antigen {HBsAg} tests is 7.1% in 20·,3_2 The prevalence of chronic HBV

in chHdrer1 aged < 5 years old had substantially decreased following the

introducHcn of hepatitis B vaccination in newborns {4.7% in 1980 to 1.3%

in ·2000). '

PatfentS with chrontc HBV who do not receive appropriate treatment

can oev~iop t-iver fibres~ s and furt~~er progress into liver cirrhosis and

nepatoceUuJar carcinorr1a {HCC) . 8-20% of patients with chronic HBV

tnfections receiving no trootfnent will progress into liver cirrhosis in 5 years

arid 20% among them wiit progress into decompensated liver cirrhosis in 1 o years. 21 % of cirrni::>tic patients due to chronic HBV infection will progress

into HCC in 6 years. :s

tnctications for Chrontc HBV Tre-atment

Not aH chronlc HSV pati&nts are given antiviral therapy. Several

10 KQl)Qf'4 NaSJorlal & ?ertemuM Hmlah NasioNtl PGi-PEGt-PPHt, Palembang 2019

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Naskah Lengkap Simposium

parameters should be taken into consideration including: 1) alanine

aminotransferase (ALT) levels, 2) HBV deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) serum

levels, 3) hepatitis B envelope antigen (HBeAg} status, 4) liver histology, and

5) specific considerations (age, health status, family history of liver cirrhosis

or HCC, and extrahepatic manifestations).3

Antiviral therapy should be given immediately to patients with

decompensated liver cirrhosis and patients with severe chronic HBV

reactivation. Patients have severe chronic HBV reactivation if there is

coagulopathy (prolonged prothrombin time/PT more than 3 seconds or

elevated international normalized ratio/lNR more that 1.5). Compensated

liver cirrhosis patients are given antiviral therapy if: 1) HBV DNA levels are

above 2,000 IU/ml with normal ALT levels or 2) HBV DNA levels are detected

with elevated ALT levels. 3·"

Sirosis kompensata

• HBV DNA >2000 IU/ml dengan ALT normal

• HBV DNA terdeteksi denganALT meningkat

Terapi antivirus

Pasien sirosis hati

Sirosis Dekompensata

Terapi segera

----I ~ - -,

I Reaktivasi berat I I hepatitis B kronik !

--·---i L Terapi segera j

Figure 1. Chronic HBV treatment indications in patient with liver cirrhosis

In patients without liver cirrhosis, HBeAg status, HBV DNA levels, and

ALT levels determine if the patient is indicated to receive treatment or not.

Chronic HBV patients with positive HBeAg should receive treatment when

HBV DNA levels are above 20,000 IU/mL and ALT levels are elevated more

than 2 times the upper limit of normal (ULN).3

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Naskah Lengkap Simposium

HBVONA < 2x103 IU/ml

HBVDNA 2xl03-2x104 tU/mL

HBVDNA > 2xl04 tu/ml


1-lx bilti'IS -;n nilai >2:xbatas atas berapapun berapapun norm;i,t atao normal ni!ai normal

1 l . EIGtdU'Si penyebab lt!m . Elcstdusi perr;ebab lain . Ob5ervasi tiap 3 - obsffvasi &lam 3 hula ll jik I tidiilc

jika ditemukan jll(a ditemukan bulan. adaunda

penin&lcatanAlT. peningkatan ALT. . Penilaian fibrosis dekornpensaJi. . Omeniasi tiap 3 bu!ao. . Observasi tiap 3 bulan. non i.nvasif. '!Milpi bil;i . Penilalao fibrosis. non . Penilaian fibrosis non . Biopsi hati bila kYlaikanALT

illlll!sif. irwasif. ada indikasi. • menet.iip ;,; 3 ·bilan . Biopsi hati bila ada . Biopsi hati bila ada . Tera pi dim ulaf at.iiu twd.iJYt

indikasi.• indlkasi.• jilca ditemukan nsilco . Terapi dimul111 jilca . Terapi dimulaijika inflamasi sedan( . da;~. -riJ:sa¥t

ditemubn inflama.si <litemukan inftamasi - beratatau .histologi atau sedang- berat a tau sedang - berat atau fibrosis dg ,1jat fb-osis fibrosis signifilcan # fibrosis signifikan • signifil<an.# noo invasitl!

Figure 2. Chronic HBV treatment indications in patients with positive HBeAg

HSVONA < 2xl011U/ml

AH febth dan normaJ

• ~:h;si pen·,,.bllb u,i r,j,udibrnu~ ,,.~,,,~ Nol.

• ClaMrvlli t •IO J

• Penillitn ftotatis non hwalt

• l iopsi t,IRI b'l11de i nd1k11Si. •

• T4trioi dimufai JI~ dlttmubtl inff.lffla.i ,..dan1-tt..,• ttw 6b,ros,1 s.ip>ifil<.ln.t

AlT persist@ n norma4

• Mc>nitc,r iacf.- ..._T t i IC) 3-o bulan dlltl liEIV DNA t i• i-12 b\lfll'l,

• l"enilli-, flbtw1 fton invasi(

• &ioplli l'•ICHMlallA i,ui1qa:;,•

• Ter,pi dirnul Iii jib diumu~ int,_,.,.,.

wdq- bu.c•..., 6bro1tni1nif.qn,lt

HBVONA > 2xl0' IU/ml

Al.T 1-2'.ll'NWltas "llei norm.4 ateu normal

j • P~nllafen fibrosis

non lnvlrSif. • Slopsl hatl bil&

Ida it1dikast • • Ter epi dlmu~ jib


rnflamasi sedana -berat6tau ftbrOSis 5i&nifibn.•

ALT >2x bew-,tas nita,normal

• 011 .. ,.,.... dll.tltn 3 lh1l 111jilc.ltidalt ~

tltlda d•kQ~r,,:esJ.

• Te-rapi bi'la uitaiUt! /!LT 11"1•fletlt/ ? 3 b"l ltl ~IK, t'l!•d•tt ritiko dtkDmP4ns;ail.

• Ptl'r'ltriluMin hiflolo,i MI\I

der~•flt1rosi1fl0Ct ttwnlt#

Figure 3. Chronic HBV treatment indications in patients with negative HBeAg

12 Kongres Nasional & Pertemuan llmiah Nasional PGI-PEGI-PPHI, Palembang 2019


Naskah Lengkap Simposium

Chronic HBV patients with negative HBeAg should be treated when \ HBV DNA levels are above 2,000 IU/rnl and ALT level are elevated more

than 2 times the ULN.3


\ \ 'lo \


Liver biopsy should be done in patients with these conditions: 1) non­invasive tests showing no significant fibrosis, 2} persistent elevations of ALT levels, 3} age more than 30 years old, or 4) age less than 30 years old with family history of liver cirrhosis or HCC. Patients with significant fibrosis or moderate to severe liver inflammation on liver biopsy should be given antiviral therapy.3

Targets of Chronic HBV Treatment

Long-term goal of chronic HBV treatment is to increase survival rates of patients by preventing progression to liver cirrhosis, decompensated liver cirrhosis, HCC, or death. Treatment of patients with chronic HBV also strives to prevent transmission of virus and reduce the incidence of chronic HBV infection.3.4

The ideal target of chronic HBV treatment is loss of HBsAg with or without seroconversion of hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs). However, because this ideal target is difficult to achieve, satisfactory target and expected target are also formulated. Satisfactory target of chronic HBV treatment is no clinical relapse after discontinuation of antiviral therapy or seroconversion of hepatitis B envelope antibody (anti-HBe} for patients with positive HBeAg, Expected target of chronic HBV treatment is supression of HBV DNA throughout long-term antiviral therapy for patients with negative HBeAg or patients with positive HBeAg wi1hout seroconversion of anti-HBe.3.4

Treatment Modalities for Chronic HBV

Pegylated interferon (Peg-lFN) and nucteos(t)ides analogues (NAs) are antivirals widely used in the treatment of chronic HBV. Differences in characteristics of each drug are presented in Table 1. The NAs include lamivudine, adefovir, tefbivudine, tenofovir, and entecavir. a

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Tabel 1. Differences in characteristics of interferon and nucleos(t)ide


Duration of treatment

Method of administration

Can be used in dee om pen sated cirrhosis

Side effects

Efficacy in supressing HBV DNA within one year

Efficacy in seroconversion of HBeAg (in HBeAg positive patients) within one year

Efficacy in seroconversion of HBsAg within one year

Biochemical response

Histopathologic response

Drug resistance

Long-term response

Interferon Limited (maximum 48 weeks)

Subcutaneous injection



Lower efficacy compared to NAs

Lower efficacy compared to NAs

Higher efficacy compared to NAs



Not observed

Tends to improve when the therapeutic target is reached

Nucleos(t)ide Analogues

Nucleos(t)ide Analogues

Long-term (lifetime)

Orally once daily



Higher efficacy compared to interferon (increased efficacy after one year)

Higher efficacy compared to interferon (increased efficacy after one year)

Lower efficacy compared to interferon (after one year efficacy comparable to interferon)



High in a few drug types

High relapse if treatment is not continued long term

The first-line NA treatment for chronic HBV patients is tenofovir

and entecavir. Recommended dose for tenofovir is 300 mg; whereas

recommended dose for entecavir is 0.5 mg. Both drugs are recommended

for all chronic HBV patients, both treatment narve patients and also cirrhotic

patients. Tenofovir is not recommended for chronic HBV patients with

14 Kongres Nasional & Pertemuan llmiah Nasional PGI-PEGI-PPHI, Palembang 2019



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impaired liver function. Entecavir is not recommended for chronic HBV

patients with history of drug resistance to entecavir. 3

Lamivudine, adefovir, and telbivudine are second-line NA treatment.

Second-line NA treatment is considered in conditions where first-line NA

treament Is not available whereas patients need immediate treatment and

have no known history of drug resistance. Lamivudine can be considered

in treatment na'ive chronic HBV patients with HBV DNA levels less than 2 x

108 IU/mL and elevated ALT levels more than 2 times ULN. Lamivudine can

be continued if HBV DNA levels are less than 2 x 103 IU/ml in week-4 and

less than 2 x 102 IU/rnl in week-24. Patients with history of drug resistance

to lamivudine, telbivudine, or entecavir are not recommended to receive lamivudine.3

Considerations for the administration of adefovir in chronic HBV are 1)

low HBV DNA levels and high serum ALT levels and 2) history of failure to

respond to NA treatment. Patients with impaired kidney function or history

of drug. resistance to adefovir are not recommended to receive adefovir. 3

Considerations for the administration of telbivudine are similar to

lamivudine, which are: 1) HBV DNA levels below 2 x 108 IU/ml, 2) increase

in ALT levels more than 2 times ULN, and 3) positive HBeAg. Telbivudine is

continued if HBV DNA level is undetected at week-24. Telbivudine cannot be

given to patients with history of drug resistance to lamivudine, telbivudine,

and entecavir. 3

Monitoring of NA Treatment

Duration of NA treatment varies according to HBeAg status and the

presence of liver cirrhosis. Chronic HBV patients with Jiver cirrhosis, positive

or negative HBeAg, should not discontinue NA treatment. Chronic HBV

patients without liver cirrhosis and positive HBeAg are recommended to

receive NA treatment for a minimum of 1 year after seroconversion of anti­

H Be with undetected HBV DNA level. Chronic HBV patients without liver

cirrhosis and negative HBeAg are recommended to continue NA treatment,

unless Joss of HBsAg Is achieved.3

For the first three months of NA treatment, ALT level, HBV DNA level,

and HBeAg status should he monitored every month followed by every three

months during the first year of treatrnent. lf relapse dtd not occur during NA

Kongres Nasional & Pertemuan llrniah Naslonet PGI--PEGI-PPHJ, Pa,ernbang 2019 15

Naskah Lengkap Simposium ------------------treatment, monitoring can be done every six months for patients without

cirrhosis and every three months for patients with cirrhosis.

Long-Term Effect of NA Treatment on HBV DNA Suppression and Normalization of ALT

A study by Zountendjik reported the virological response (HBV DNA

< 80 IU/ml) of 333 patients with chronic HBV receiving entecavir, 243

patients treatment na'ive and 90 patients with history of NA treatment prior

to entecavir. In treatment na·ive patients with positive HBeAg, virological

response was found in 48%, 76%, and 90% of patients at week-46, 96,

and 144 respectively. In treatment na'ive patients with negative HBeAg,

virological response was found in 89%, 98%, and 99% of patients at week-

46, 96, and 144 respectively. Furthermore, this study also reported partial

virological response in 36 treatment naive patients. 29 patients among them

achieve virological response after prolonged entecavir treatment and none

of them experienced drug resistance to entecavir. Entecavir monotherapy

can be continued in cases with partial virological response especially with

low viral loads. 5

In another study following 183 patients receiving entecavir treatment

for five years, 94% of these patients had HBV DNA levels of less than 300

copies/ml and normal ALT levels at the end of study. Only one case of drug

resistance was reported.6 A similar study was done by Seto, et al, which

reported that cummulative cases with undetected HBV DNA(< 20 IU/ml)

after 5 years of treatment was 97.1%. Two cases of drug resistance were

reported.7 A more recent study conducted by Suzuki, et al, in 2018 reported

results of entecavir treatment after 10 years. Ninety six percent of patients

were reported with undetected HBV DNA and 79% of patients had normal

ALT levels after 10 years of treatment.8 These studies show that long-term

entecavir treatment can suppress HBV DNA levels and normalize serum

ALT levels.

Long-Term Effect of NA Treatment on HBeAg Seroconversion

A meta-analysis done in 2017 evaluated incidence of HBeAg

seroconversion in patients with chronic HBV and positive HBeAg receiving

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long-term NA treatment. Monitoring one year after treatment found that telbivudine had statistically higher probability of seroconversion (OR 3.99; Cl 95% 0.68-23.6) followed by tenofovir (OR 3.36; Cl 95% 0.70-16.75). Monitoring two years after treatment found that telbivudine still had the highest probability of seroconversion (OR 1.38; Cl 95% 0.92-2.22) followed by entecavir (OR 1.14; Cl 95% 0.72-1.72).9

A study evaluating 1 O years of entecavir treatment showed that seroconversion rates of HBeAg increased during the first six years of treatment (16% after one year of treatment to 38% after six years of treatment) but remained constant in the following years of evaluation. Multivariate analysis showed that genotype A, higher serum ALT levels, and higher HBV DNA levels were associated with seroconversion of HBeAg.8

A multicentre study reported that drug adherence, increased serum ALT levels, and non-vertical transmission of HBV were predictors of HBeAg seroconversion in chronic HBV patients receiving NA treatment.10

Long-Term Effect of NA Treatment on Histological Improvement liver cirrhosis is an irreversible end-stage liver damage characterized

by formation of fibrosis due to various etiologies, including chronic HBV infection. Histological improvement Is defined as a reduction in Knodell score of~ 2 without a reduction in Ishak fibrosis score. Histological improvement was found in 96% of patients receiving entecavir treatment for a minimum of 3 years. Improvement of th$ Ishak fibrosis score:;?, 1 was reported in 88% of patients, including patients with advanced liver fibrosis or liver cirrhosis. 11

A study conducted by Marceltin, et at, evaluated regression of cirrhosis in chronic HBV patients receiving tenofovir. 96 patients had an tshak score of 5 or 6 (cirrhosis) at the beginning of treatment. 71 patients of these patients no longer had cirrhosis after treatment.1

i Jwa, et al, rePorted a case of complete regression of esophageal varices after long-term entecavir treatment. This regression is believed to be associated with histological improvement of the cirrhotic liver. 13

Long-Term Effect of NA Treatment on HBsAg Seroconversion

A study which evaluated entercavfr treatment after 1 0 years reported

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that HBsAg seroconversion was observed in 28 patients (2.6%); 19 patients

had negative HBeAg and 8 patients had positive HBeAg. Average time

needed to achieve seroconversion is 3.03 years. Multivariate analysis found

that HBV genotype A and high HBsAg levels were associated with HBsAg

seroconversion. 8

Long-Term Effect of NA Treatment on Survival Rate

A multicentre cohort study in 372 chronic HBV patients receiving

entecavir treatment reported that virological response was associated with

lower risk of disease progression to decompensated cirrhosis, HCC, and

death {HR 0.29; Cl 95% 0.08-1.00; p = 0.05). Health benefits associated with

virological response were greater in patients with liver cirrhosis.14

Hosaka, et al, compared incidence of HCC in chronic HBV patients

receiving entecavir treatment with controls receiving no treatment.

Cummulative incidence of HCC in five years is 3.7% in patients receiving

entecavir treatment and 13.7% in patients receiving no treatment {p <

0.001). Despite this finding, long-term entecavir treatment did not affect

HCC incidence in patients without liver cirrhosis.15 Watanabe, et al, reported

that long-term entecavir treatment improved liver function and decreased

HCC incidence after three years. Incidence of HCC decreased with time up

to 1.8% after 5 years of entecavir treatment.16

Entecavir treatment in chronic HBV patients with cirrhosis decreased

overall mortality rate (HR 0.34; Cl 95% 0.18-0.62; p < 0.01) and liver­

related mortality (HR 0.26; Cl 95% 0.13-0.55; p < 0.01 ). Cirrhotic patients

receiving entecavir treatment that do not achieve virological response had

the same probability of decompensation and mortality as patients receiving

no treatment. 17


Indications to start treatment in chronic HBV patients have to be

observed to achieve an optimal therapeutic response. NAs are among

the treatment modalities available for chronic HBV which are increasingly

being used as a long-term antiviral therapy. Clinical and laboratory

evaluation during treatment are necessary to determine optimal duration

18 Kongres Nasional & Pertemuan llmiah Nasional PGI-PEGI-PPHI, Palembang 2019


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of NA treatment Increasing risk of drug resistance to several types of NAs

associated with longer duration of treatment warrants the use of NAs with

low barrier resistance, such as tenofovir and entecavir, as first-line NA

treatment. Long-term use of NA has been associated with improvements

in serology, liver histology, and survival rate.


1. World Heallonth Organization. Global hepatitis report, 2017. France: World Health Organization. 2017.

2. Handayani S. Uji Serologi Penyakit yang Dapat Dicegah dengan lmunisasi dan Penyakit lnfeksi pada Spesimen Biomedis Riskesdas 2013. Jakarta: Sadan Litbang Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Pusat Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan. 2014.

3. Perhimpunan Peneliti Hati Indonesia. Konsensus Nasional Penatalaksanaan Hepatitis 8. Jakarta. 2017.

4. Sarin SK, Kumar M, Lau GK, Abbas Z, Chan HLY, Chen CJ, et al. Asian­Pacific clinical practice guidelines on the management of hepatitis 8: A 2015 update. Hepatol Int. 2016;10:1-98.

5. Zoutendjik R, Reijnders JGP, Brown A, Zoulim F, Mutimer D, Deterding K, et al. Entecavir treatment for chronic hepatitis B: adaptation is not needed for the majority of na'ive patients with a partial virological response. Hepatology. 2011 ;54:443-51.

6. Chang TT, Lai CL, Yoon SK, Lee SS, Coelho HSM, Carrilho FJ, et al. Entecavir treatment for up to 5 years in patients with hepatitis 8 e antigen-positive chronic hepatitis 8. Hepatology. 2010;51 :422-30.

7. Seto WK, Lam YF, Fung J, Wong DKH, Huang FY, Hung IFN, et al. Changes of HBsAg and HBV DNA levels in Chinese chronic hepatitis B patients after 5 years of entecavir treatment. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2014;29(5}: 1028-34.

8. Suzuki F, Hosaka T, Suzuki Y, Sezaki H, Akuta N, Fujiyama S, et al. Long­term outcome of entecavir treatment of nucleos(t)ide analogue-na"ive chronic hepatitis B patients in Japan. J Gastroenterol. 2019;54(2):182-93.

9. Xing T, Xu H, Cao L, Ye M. HBeAg seroconversion in HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B patients receiving long-term nucleos(t)ide analog treatment: a systematic review and netweok meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2017; 12(1 ):1-18.

1 O. Yu W, Wang Y, Shen C, Ji R, Zhang L, Zhao X, et al. Predictors of HBeAg seroconversion after long-term nucleos(t)ide analogues treatment for chronic hepatitis B: a multicenter study in real clinical setting. Braz J Infect Dis. 2017;21 (3):213-8.

11 . Chang TT, Liaw VF, Wu SS, Schiff E, Han KH, Lai CL, et al. Long-term

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entecavir therapy results in the reversal of fibrosis/cirrhosis and continued histological improvement in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Hepatology. 2010;52:886-93.

12. Marcellin P, Gane E. Buti M, Afdhal N, Sievert W, Jacobson IM, et al. Regression of cirrhosis during treatment with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate for chronic hepatitis B: a 5-year open-label follow up study. Lancet. ~ 2013;381 :468-75.

13. Jwa HY, Cho YK, Choi EK, Kim HU, Song HJ, Na SY, et al. Regression of esophageal varices during entecavir treatment in patients with hepatitis-8-virus-related liver cirrhosis. Clin Mol Hepatol. 2016;22:183-7.

14. Zoutendjik R. Reijnders G, Zoulim F, Brown A, Mutimer OJ, Deterding K, et al. Virological response to entecavir is associated with a better clinical outcome in chronic hepatitis B patients with cirrhosis. Gut. 2013;62(5):760-5.

15. Hosaka T. Suzuki F, Kobayashi M, Seko Y, Kawamura Y, Sezaki H, et al. Long-term entecavir treatment reduces hepatocellular carcinoma incidence in patients with hepatitis B virus infection. Hepatology. 2013;58:98-107.

16. Watanabe T, Tokumoto Y, Joko K, Michitaka K, Mashiba T, Hiraoka A, et al. Effects of long-term entecavir treatment on the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic hepatitis B patients. Hepatol Int. 2015; 10(2):320-7.

17. Wong GL, Chan HL, Mak CW, Lee SK, Ip ZM, Lam AT, et al. Entecavir treatment reduces hepatic events and deaths in chronic hepatitis B patients with liver cirrhosis. Hepatology. 2013;58(5): 1537-4 7.

18. Papatheodoridis GV, Sypsa V, Dalekos G, Yurdaydin C, Boemmel F, Butt M, et al. Eight-year survival in chronic hepatitis B patients under long-term entecavir or tenofovir therapy is similar to the general population. J Hepatol. 2018;68(6):1129-36.

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