il reflusso gastro-esofageo fulvio moramarco – roberta del sordo - antonio caiulo – giuditta de...

Post on 01-May-2015






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Il Reflusso gastro-esofageoFulvio Moramarco – Roberta Del Sordo - Antonio Caiulo – Giuditta De


Ambroise Paré (1510 -1590)

G. Morgagni ( 1682-1771)

V.A. Bochdalek (1801 – 1883)

R.Laennec (1781-1826)

P. Cooper, (1768 -1841)

H.Bowditch (1808-1892)

C.Billard 1800-1832


Friedrich Albert von Zenker


W.Cannon (1871 – 1945)

To GERD or not to GERD, this is the


Pediatric Specialists' Beliefs About Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Premature Infants

PEDIATRICS Volume 125, Number 1, January 2010

This study illustrates that there is no agreed-on standard of care and demonstrates

significant differences in belief among pediatric specialists

In conclusion, our study demonstrates that metabolic syndrome is an independent risk factor for erosive esophagitis.

Metab Syndr Relat Disord. 2009 Jun;7(3):211-4.

Obesity is not a risk factor in children with reflux esophagitis: a retrospective analysis of 738 children. Elitsur Y, Dementieva Y, Elitsur R, Rewalt M.

In symptomatic children with histologically proven GERD, only male gender was an independent risk factor for GERD, not obesity or being overweight.

Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial Assessing the Efficacy and Safety of Proton Pump Inhibitor Lansoprazole in Infants with Symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux DiseaseSUSAN R. ORENSTEIN, MD, ERIC HASSALL, MBCHB, FRCPC, WANDA FURMAGA-JABLONSKA, MD, PHD, STUART ATKINSON, MBCHB, AND MARSHA RAANAN, MS

this study found no difference in efficacy between lansoprazole and placebo in treating infants withsymptomatic GERD. SAEs, particularly lower respiratory tract infections, occurred more frequently with double-blind lansoprazole than with placebo.


infants with uncomfortable reflux would learn toassociate eating with discomfort and thus

subsequentlytend to avoid eating.

One-Year Follow-up of Symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux During InfancyPediatrics, Dec 1998; 102: e67.

One-Year Follow-up of Symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux During InfancyPediatrics, Dec 1998; 102: e67.

In conclusion, we have shown no evidence for an overall temporal relationship between acid-based GER and apnea in preterm infants. …..Therefore, we cannot support the continued widespread use of antireflux medications for the treatment of apnea of prematurity.

ConclusionsDespite a high prevalence of asymptomatic gastroesophageal reflux among patients with poorly controlled asthma, treatment with proton-pump inhibitors does not improve asthma control. Asymptomatic gastroesophageal reflux is not a likely cause of poorly controlled asthma

Nel lattante il rigurgito è un fenomeno fisiologico autorisolventesi nel tempo.

L’encefalopatia determina maggiore rischio di RGE

E’ aumentato l’uso indiscriminato di IPP

Si è allargato il campo delle indicazioni diagnostiche

E’ aumentato il numero di pazienti che vengono sottoposti a restrizioni alimentari per un sospetto RGE

Non tutte le patologie broncopolmonari o ORL sono

causate dal RGENon è dimostrato che l’asma

benefici del trattamento anti reflusso

Non è dimostrato un aumento dell’incidenza di RGE nei

soggetti obesi

Pianto inconsolabile Diarrea CRESCE IN PESO

TERAPIA 0 Lac Enfamil Pre-gel HN 25 Altro latte Anti rigurgito Nutramigen Peridon IPP

Iatrogenic Ghost Allergy and Reflux Infant Syndrome

Ventura A, Marchetti F, Cannioto Z, Barbi E, Martelossi S. Feeding difficulties in infants: how much a iatrogenic condition? Arch Dis Child 2008 [Jan 28].

IGARIS:Iatrogenic Ghost Allergy and Reflux Infant Syndrome

Questo “nuovo approccio”, di regola inefficace, non è privo di risvolti concretamente negativi: toglie al pediatra il ruolo di educatore e di guida che anticipa e insegna a tollerare manifestazioni fisiologiche del bambino; toglie sicurezza alla mamma che resta in balia di paure di ipotetiche malattie; può produrre nel bambino un disturbo relazionale caratterizzato dal rifiuto del cibo con compromissione del peso, quella condizione che abbiamo recentemente descritto come sindrome del reflusso e dell’allergia fantasma

Radiografia con pasto baritato

Ph-metria, ph-impedenzometriaPh-manometria


Endoscopia con biopsia

New diagnostic modalities are often criticised for providing some additional information but not replacing established techniques. In our department, ultrasound examination has replaced conventional barium examinations in all cases of suspected gastro-oesophageal reflux in children and is also used in follow up of children receiving antirefluxtreatment. In addition to avoiding unnecessary exposure to radiation, there are undoubted savings in the use of contrast media and x-ray films that have important implications if all infants presenting with near-miss sudden infant death syndrome are to be screened for reflux. Ultrasound is a safe, reliable, and rapid method of diagnosing reflux.


Rx 11 8

Eco 12 7

This study therefore suggests that sonography is useful as the first approach in the diagnosis of vomiting babies as it is non-invasive and provides sufficient diagnostic accuracy.

Totale bambini studiati 30

Sensibilità 100%

Specificità 87%

Sonography appears highly sensitive in characterizing the severity of gastroesophageal reflux, screening the infants at risk of esophagitis. Sonography is also useful in evaluating efficacy of treatment. In our experience reflux is only damaging if constantly repeated and related to severe hiatal dysfunction. Ultrasound (US) is a good alternative for the assessment of hiatal function and gives furthermoreindispensable morphological data.

La Pediatria medica e chirurgica: Medical and surgical pediatrics (Pediatr Med e Chir)

Lazzari R, Collina A, Pession A, Corvaglia L, Tani G, Sciutti R. Pediatr Med Chir. 1991;13:617-9.

The diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux in childhood: a comparison between echography and pH measurement

……The aim of our study was to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of Ultrasound (US) in comparison with a very precise test: the pH monitoring. We studied, by both methodologies, 76 children with suspected GER. Compared to pH-metry data, sonography showed a diagnostic sensitivity of 88,46% and a specificity of 58,33%. Therefore US appears to be an efficacious and innocuous test both in the screening and in the follow-up of patients with GER.


L’ecografia nella diagnostica della malattia da RGEDott. V. GENCHIServizio di diagnostica per immagini Ospedale Civile di Castellaneta


GRAVE>5 fino a 2 mesi>4 fino a 2 anni>2 oltre 2 anni

LIEVE>3 fino a 2 mesi>2 fino a 2 anni>1 oltre 2 anni


L’ecografia nella diagnostica della malattia da RGEDott. V. GENCHIServizio di diagnostica per immagini Ospedale Civile di Castellaneta


•Tempo di clearing•Spessore della parete muscolare esofagea•Lunghezza del’esofago addominale•Angolo Gastroesofageo

Sensibilità (capacità di identificare gli ammalati) 80,5%

Specificità (capacità di identificare correttamente i sani) 80%

McNemar’s Testp= 0,6265


•Allergico ad acari•Obeso•Numerosi ricoveri ospedalieri per asma grave•Non responder a terapie anti allergiche •Eco-grafia: numerosi episodi di RGE•Ph-MII : RGE grave•EGDS: esofagite da reflusso•Terapia con IPP: compleeta e persistente remissione

Da circa 2 anni episodi di tosse secca e stizzosa ricorrente

Allergico ad acari ed alternaria Tosse incessante, fastidiosa per se e per gli

altri Non risponde a nessuna terapia Ecografia: RGE Ph-MMI: RGE di grado medio EGDS: Esofagite da reflusso Terapia: scomparsa della sintomatologia

• Da alcuni giorni rigurgito abbondante

• Sospetto reflusso gastro esofageo

Crisi di cianosi


Da circa 10 giorni presenta episodi di vomito, prima sporadici, poi sempre più frequenti

Si ricovera per sospetto RGE

CONCLUSIONS: Color Doppler sonography is highly sensitive and easier to use than pH monitoring. Although there are no definite criteria for evaluating the severity of GER on color Doppler imaging, this modality may be useful in screening children for GER.

Correlation of color Doppler sonographic findings with pH measurements in gastroesophageal reflux in children

Jang HS, Lee JS, Lim GY, Choi BG, Choi GH, Park SH.

J Clin Ultrasound. 2001 May;29(4):212-7.

Color Doppler sonography is highly sensitive and easier to use than pH monitoring. Although there are no definite criteria for evaluating the severity of GER on color Doppler imaging, this modality may be useful in screening children for GER

Diagnosis of Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux in Preterm Infants: Sonography vs. pH-MonitoringMarco Pezzatia, Luca Filippib, Margarita Psarakib, Sauro Rossib, Carlo Danib, Michele Tronchinc, Firmino F. Rubaltellib

Sonography should not replace 24-hour pH monitoring for detecting GOR in preterm infants. However, sonography has a very high specificity and a positive predictive value of 100%. When clinicians suspect GOR in preterm infants, it could be useful for selection of cases to refer for pH-metry

…sulla base dei risultati del nostro lavoro, l’ecografia gastro-esofagea non può essere considerata un esame conclusivo per la diagnosi di RGE nel bambino e non può sostituire totalmente la ph-metria. Comunque considerando che questa tecnica è semplice e non invasiva è utile come test di screening per selezionare i casi da sottoporre a ph-metria.

L’ecografia da sola non consente di diagnosticare il REFLUSSO GASTRO ESOFAGEO.

Ma insieme all’esame clinico

Alla ph-metriaAlla ph-impedenzometria

Alla Endoscopia con biopsia

Antonio Caiulo

Giuditta De Quarto

Roberta Del Sordo

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