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Post on 22-May-2020






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1.本试卷分三部分构成,第一部分为语文卷 120 分、第二部分为数学卷 120 分、第三部分为英语卷 100 分,考试时间为 150 分钟,总分 340 分,考试形式为闭卷。




第一部分 语文卷

一、基础知识应用(共 30 分,每小题 3 分)



A.包庇(bì) 抓阄(jiū) 人参(shēn) 羸弱(léi)

B.媲美(bì) 龟裂(guī) 机械 (jiè) 湍急(tuān)

C.混淆( yáo) 出差(chā) 酗酒(xù) 荼毒(chá)

D.专横(héng) 造诣(zhǐ) 狭隘(yì) 堤坝(dì)


A.情不自禁 舐犊情深 犹豫不决 兴高采烈

B.过犹不及 耳濡目染 迫不及待 如饥似渴

C.吹毛求疵 废寝忘食 养尊处优 貌合神离

D.消声匿迹 否极泰来 抠心沥血 理尚往来


可是,她挣扎着,咬着嘴唇,手 着门框,看花轿 的走去……

A.倚 徐徐 B.扶 悄悄 C.扶 徐徐 D.倚 悄悄


要享受读书的乐趣,就得思考。 通过思考,你 获得知识,为认识真理 兴奋,为解决疑难而激动,真正体会到创造的愉快,因而感到愈读愈有味道。

A.只有 才能 而 B.只要 才能 而

C.只有 也能 却 D.只要 也能 却












① 就这一眼,满院子里便鸦雀无声,连一根针掉在地上都听得见。


A.对比 拟人 B.夸张 拟人 C.反复 比喻 D.对比 通感






9. 下列各句中,划线的成语使用正确的一句是



C.如果中日两国在经济和政治上都能够开诚相见地交换意见,寻求 1 加 1 大于 2


D.联大召开纪念奥斯威辛集中营解放 60周年会议,日本《读卖新闻》《朝日新闻》都以很小篇幅予以“关注”,不期而遇地将报道聚集在“阿拉伯国家缺席这一特别会议”上。






第Ⅱ 卷 (共 90 分)

二、补充名句(共 15 分,每小题 3 分)

11.青,取之于蓝, 。(《苟子·劝学篇》)

12.天生我材必有用, 。(李白《将进酒》)

13.人生如梦, 。(苏轼《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》)

14.古之学者必有师。师者, 。(韩愈《师说》)

15.千呼万唤始出来, 。(白居易《琵琶行》)

三、阅读《项链》选段,完成 16-20 题。(每小题 3 分,共 15 分)



17.划波浪线部分运用的修辞手法是( )

A.排比 B.比喻 C.拟人 D.夸张

18.你从上文中可以看出“她”具有什么样的性格? ( )

A.热爱理想 B.爱慕虚荣 C.浪漫 D.乐观

19.“她梦想那些华美的香气扑鼻的小客室,在那里,下午五点钟的时候,她跟最亲密时男朋友闲谈,或者跟那些一般女人所最仰慕最乐于结识的男子闲谈。”这句话运用的表达方式是( )

A.议论 B.说明 C.抒情 D.叙述

20.本选段运用的描写方法主要是( )

A.语言描写 B.心理描写 C.肖像描写 D.动作描写

四、写作(本大题共 2 小题,共 60 分)

21.应用文写作(10 分)

2018年 6月 28日,王丹感冒发烧,需请假一天在家休息。请你代替王丹写一张请假条,向班主任李老师请假。(要求字迹工整,格式规范)

22.阅读下面的材料,根据要求作文(50 分)

没有比人更高的山,没有比脚更远的路;人生,就是一个不辍前行不断成长的历程。一路记下的也许是含泪的笑,相携的手;也许是厚积薄发、收获成功的喜悦,也许是徘徊时仁爱者的呵护,睿智者的指引。 成长回眸,值得思索的也许是心灵对生命的允诺;也许是换个角度思考的智慧和豁达;也许是战胜困难、毅者无疆的勇敢……… 回眸间,盘点曾经岁月中的记忆或对成长的理解、感悟,你一定有所收获,


① 中心明确,选材合理,详略得当;叙事清楚具体,结构完整。

② 字数在 600左右。

③ 文中不得出现真实的人名、地名和校名。


I 卷 共 30 分

II 卷 共 90 分

二、古诗文填空(每题 3 分,共 15 分)

11.而青于蓝 12.千金散尽还复来 13.一樽还酹江月

14.所以传道受业解惑也 15.犹抱琵琶半遮面

三、阅读题(每小题 3 分,共 15 分)

16.住宅的寒伧,墙壁的黯淡,家具的破旧,衣料的粗陋,17.A 18. B 19 . D 20. B

四、写作(60 分)

21.应用文写作(10 分)


请假条(2 分)

尊敬的李老师:(2 分)

本人今天突然感冒发烧,不能到校上课。特向您请假一天(4月 8日),请批准。(2 分)

此致(2 分)


学生:王丹(2 分)

2018年 6月 28日

22、文体写作(50 分)



1.本试卷分三部分构成,第一部分为语文卷 120 分、第二部分为数学卷 120 分、第三部分为英语卷 100 分,考试时间为 150 分钟,总分 340 分,考试形式为闭卷。




第二部分 数学卷

一、单项选择题(10×3=30 分)

1.绝对值小于 3.6 的整数的个数为( ).

A.5 B.6 C.7 D.8

2.下列计算不正确的是( ).

A.(-3)2=-9 B.(-2)+(-5)=-7 C.2-5=-3 D.(-2)-(-1)=-1

3.下列等式恒成立的是( ).



1.本试卷分三部分构成,第一部分为语文卷 120 分、第二部分为数学卷 120 分、第三部分为英语卷 100 分,考试时间为 150 分钟,总分 340 分,考试形式为闭卷。




第三部分 英语卷

一、情景会话题(15 题,每题 2 分,共 30 分)

1. ---Hello!May I speak to Zhao Hua?

---Yes, ____________.

A. My name is Zhao HuaB. Im Zhao Hua

C. This is Zhao Hua speakingD. Zhao Hua is me

2. ---Do you mind my taking this seat?


A. Yes, sit down pleaseB. No, of course not

C. Yes. take it pleaseD. No, you can’t take it

3. ---Thank you very much for your help.


A. No thanks B. Don’t thank me

C. You are too kindD. You’re welcome

4. ---_______________?

---She is slim and pretty

A. What’s the girl likeB. How do you like the girl

C. What does the girl likeD. How do you like about the girl

5. ---Sorry, I ___________to post the letter for you.

---Never mind, ________it myself after school.

A. forget;I’d rather postB. forgot: I’ ll post

C. forgot: I’m going to postD. forget: I’d better post

6. ---How often do you eat out?

---_______, but usually once a week.

A. Have no ideaB. It depends

C. As usualD. Generally speaking

7. ---What subjects are you studying?


A. Yes, I’m studying historyB. I’m studying now

C. I’m studying philosophyD. I’m doing my homework

8. ---Excuse me,how far is the airport from here?


A. You can take a taxi B. It’s about thirty mile

C. I’ll fly to Sidney D It’s only six hundred dollars

9. --- Can you tell me how much a radio like this costs?

--- ______________.

A. I’d like to buy it B. It’s of very good quality

C. About eighty-five dollarsD. It depends on how you like it

10. ---How often do you have listening classes in a week?


A. Listening classes are difficult B. Last week and the week before

C. They have no listening classes D. Every Monday and Friday

11. ---You are not the manager here, are you?


A. Yes, I’m notB. No, I am

C. Yes, I amD. No, not at all

12. --- The mooncake is really delicious. Can I have another piece?

--- ____________, since you are at your close friend’s home.

A. You canB. Behave yourself

C. Go aheadD. Never mind

13. --- Joe will come to the party, won’t he?

--- _______________.

A. Oh, yes. I forgetB. It’s at 8 o clock

C. Yes, he’s bringing his cousin, SandyD. Yes, it’s a nice party

14. --- Could you be so kind as to close the window?

--- _____________.

A. With pleasureB. Go ahead

C. Yes, pleaseD. That’s OK

15. ---Thank you for your MP4 player. I’ll get Mary to take it to you soon.

---______________. I’ve bought a new one.

A. No senseB. No hurry

C. No wayD. No use

二、词汇与结构题(20 题,每题 2 分,共 40 分)

1. The play is very ________ and all of us were ________ by it.

A. moving; amused B. moving; moved

C. amused; moving D. amusing; moved

2. The failure of the bank was ________ news.

A. shocked B. shocking

C. a shocked D. a shocking

3. If you want to see a doctor in America, you should fix a time with him by phone. It's a common ________ in the USA.

A. sceneB. sense

C. ruleD. practice

4. — Whatever happens, I will go mountain climbing.

—That's the point ________ I don't agree with you.

A. whichB. what

C. whereD. that

5. Tony has promised ________ us around the gallery.

A. to take B. taking

C. to be takenD. being taken

6. We are watching TV ______ we caught sight of a friend of ours.

A. as soon asB. while

C. whenD. once

7. “What are you doing, Bill?” asked the girl in __________.

A. surprisedB. to surprise

C. surprisingD. surprise

8. It is you that ______the right to have a talk with the manager about the event.

A. areB. is

C. hasD. have

9. He wants to get a better ______ and earn more money.

A. jobB. work

C. employD. employment

10. Controlling class of school students ______all the skills as a teacher.

A. calls onB. calls for

C. calls inD. calls at

11. She heard a terrible noise, ______brought her heart into her mouth.

A. it B. which

C. thisD. that

12. --- Oh, dear. I forgot the air tickets.

--- You ______ something.

A. have left B. are always leaving

C. are leavingD. always left

13. --- Each of the students, working hard at their lessons, ______ the book.

--- So have I.

A. is readingB. has read

C. readingD. reads

14. It is when the plane ______ that you’d better find out at the booking office.

A. would take offB. had taken off

C. was taking offD. is taking off

15. --- I dropped in at your house at about ten last night, but you weren’t in.

--- I ______ regular exercises at the club.

A. did B. was doing

C. had done D. have been doing

16. The baby is generally healthy, but every now and then he ______ a cold.

A. has caught B. is catching

C. will catch D. does catch

17. The baby started ____________. Try __________ it quiet.

A. cry; keepB. to cry; to keep

C. to cry; keepD. cry; to keep

18. We have no money and no place_______________.

A. to live inB. to live

C. living inD. living

19. The water is good _________ .

A. to drink itB. to be drunk

C. to drinkD. at drinking

20. In my opinion such a painting style as this is________.

A. out of the dateB. out of the fashion

C. out of the wayD. on the way out

三、阅读理解题(共 30 分)


After a day of work and play, the body needs to rest. Sleep is necessary for good health. During this time, the body recovers from the activities of the previous day. The rest that you get while sleeping enables your body to prepare itself for the next day.

There are four levels of sleep, each being a little deeper than the one before. As you sleep, your muscles relax little by little. Your heart beats more slowly, and your brain slows down. After you reach the fourth level, your body shifts back and forth from one level of sleep to the other.

Although your mind slows down, from time to time you will dream. Scientists who study sleep state that when dreaming started, your eyeballs begin to move quickly (although your eyelids are closed.) This stage of sleep is called REM, which stands for rapid eye movement.

If you have trouble falling asleep, some people recommend breathing very slowly and deeply. Other people believe that drinking warm milk will help make you drowsy. There is also an old suggestion that counting sheep will put you to sleep.

1. This passage suggests that not getting enough sleep might make you_______.

A. nervousB. have poor health

C. a bit too oldD. dream more often

2. The word “drowsy” in the passage mean______.

A. a little sleep.B. sick.

C. asleep.D. dream.

3. The average number of hours of sleep that an adult need is _______.

A. about six hoursB. not stated here

C. about eight hoursD. around ten hours

4. During REM, _______.

A. you are restlessB. you dream

C. you eyes move quicklyD. you sleep deeply

5. A good title of this passage is _______.

A. SleepB. Dreams

C. Good sleepD. How to sleep


LaGuardia Airport, the smallest of the New York Metropolitan area's three primary commercial airports, is the closest to Manhattan, and its location is envious. On the waterfront of Flushing Bay and Bowery Bay, it borders the neighborhoods of Astoria, Jackson Heights, and East Elmhurst, and boasts an impressive view of the Big Apple. However, its on-time performance and appearance leave a lot to be desired, and it is the lowest-rated airport in the United States.

In 1960, LaGuardia Airport was voted the "greatest airport in the world" by the Worldwide Aviation Community. In 2010, Zagat's annual air travel survey of 8,000 travelers gave it a rating of 6.18 out of 30, which means LaGuardia is, for the fourth time in a row, the lowest-rated airport in the US. LaGuardia's sister airports didn't run much better. John F. Kennedy and Newark Liberty ranked only a few spots higher on the list. Portland International Airport took top honors. LaGuardia also ranked last out of 66 airports in the United States in a passenger satisfaction survey conducted by J.D. Power and Associates.

Part of the problem is that LaGuardia was expanded over the years in a piecemeal(霉碎的) fashion, making it one of the ugliest and inefficient airports in the world.

However the biggest problem for LaGuardia is that it has only two runways.

6. Where is LaGuardia Airport located?


7. What does "the Big Apple" in Paragraph l refer to?


8. What did people think of LaGuardia Airport in 1960?


9. What did people think of LaGuardia Airport in 2010'?


10. What is the biggest problem that makes LaGuardia Airport the lowest-rated airport in the United



第三部分 英语卷答案

一、情景会话题(15个,每题 2 分,共 30 分)

6. On the waterfront of Flushing Bay and Bowery Bay, it borders the neighborhoods of Astoria, Jackson Heights, and East Elmhurst.

7. New York City.

8. In 1960, LaGuardia Airport was voted the "greatest airport in the world".

9. LaGuardia Airport was, for the fourth time in a row, the lowest-rated airport in the US in 2020

10.T he biggest problem for LaGuardia is that it has only two runways.

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