in gear week 47 22 june 2015 hd.pdf

Post on 05-Nov-2015






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  • In Gear R O T A R Y C L U B O F B E A U M A R I S W E E K L Y B U L L E T I N Number 47, 22 June 2015

    Next Meetings

    T 25 J

    C N ! D

    6.30 ' 7.00

    V *! G+' C+,

    T 2 J+

    S: B M

    T: R -

    T T

    C: H C

    AV: G E

    C D: H W#, T MK

    H: M& D'

    T 9 J+

    S: M F F)

    T: T * ' M

    C: B' MA

    AV: D) L

    C D: H W# , T MK

    H: L) D


    Serving the Community since 1985

    Presidents Report

    As I pen my final weekly meeting report, and as usual, have my Chief Editor ensure I have all the commas and apostrophes in the right place, I know all the readers noticed that I never made a mistake in the reports for the whole year! It is time however to hand over the reins to Trish and you will be in very capable hands for the com-ing year. Those who heard her views on the club and the focus for the next 12 months, will be as-sured that it will be a very successful year for our club, members, partners and the community at large. Trish will be ably supported by Wolf, who has already supported the Club in so many ways. The past week has been very busy. Kerry, Chris and I attended the Bayside Cluster Primary School speech contest. Hearing ten young Year 6 stu-dents deliver flawless, humorous and engaging speeches, was so rewarding. They had no fear of public speaking and events like this, make you un-derstand why we have a focus on Youth in our pro-grams. Beaumaris North Primary took first and third place with excellent speeches from Nick Fitz-gerald and Maia Lafferty. McKinnon Primarys Aan-ya Chopra won second place. Beaumaris Rotary will host this event in June 2016.

    Sandringham Rotary held its changeover this week, and how pleasing it was to be there and witness another club recognise our own Jim OBrien with a Paul Harris Fellow for his work with the Bayside


    1 Presidents Report 2 Notices 3 This Weeks Speaker 4 Parkinsons Fundraiser 5 Trivia Night RC of North Brighton 6 Club Structure / Picture of Week

    Unless stated otherwise venue is Victoria Golf Club 6.30 for 7.00

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    Mayoral Charity Golf Day. Well done Jim! It was good to see Tim Dark and Chris Werner back for their third visit to our club on Thursday and we hope you can stay engaged as we move into Trishs year. As I bring this report to a close, I would like to again thank the Board, all our club members and partners for your support and helping make this year so successful. We have a great club and I know we will go on to do so much more in our community and in-ternationally. Finally I thank Shirley for her sup-port without which it would have been impossi-ble to cope with everything that happened dur-ing the year. Good luck Trish. I know you will Do Great Things


    Hocking Stuart Sandringham 62-64 Station Street

    Telephone: 03 9521 9800

    Note; As part of our arrangement with Hocking Stuart discounts on agents fees are available to RCOB members.

    A member of Foodbank Victoria will be visiting the

    Rotary Club of Cheltenham on Wednesday the 15

    th July 2015.

    Foodbank is the largest food relief organisation in Australia with a presence in all states and territories. Foodbank Victoria is an independ-ent not-for-profit organisation with more than 80 years food relief experience. Foodbanks aim is to provide healthy food for all and does this by working with a network of corporate and community partners to source and distribute food to people in need across Victoria. In Victoria alone Foodbank assists over 100,000 people facing crisis each month. Please join us on the 15

    th of July at 6:30 pm at

    the Best Western Buckingham International (1130 Nepean Highway Melbourne - Highett, VIC, 3190 ) to hear how Foodbank assists people in need. Please note this is an information session on the work of Foodbank not a fundraising event.

    President Ken presents an Honorary Mem-bers certificate to PP David Greenall. David

    has decided to retire from Rotary after many years of distinguished service. He

    was Club President in 2010 / 11.

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    Speaker; President Elect Trish Smyth Topic; The Year Ahead

    The following is a summary of Trishs talk. Thanks to Ken, the current Board and all the members of the Club, for their vision, dedication and hard work. Whats changed for the coming year? The Farmers Market: will give us a solid financial base, greater financial resources and great community visibil-ity. With that comes: the need to ensure that we husband our most precious resource, your goodwill and your time, so that we can sustain our efforts. What this will mean? That we will look at the relative benefit versus the relative cost. Where weve come from: The 2014/15 year: with Ken and the leadership of every-one in the club we have achieved: The commencement of the Farmers Market Glo for Good : which proved the power of social me-dia Local support for many organizations Broadening of our funding base, allied with skilled direction, so that we are not relying on one or two fund raising efforts Strong support for the island of Sabu For the coming year there are some trends/ some deci-sions about relative value/ some new initiatives to con-sider. Trends: Clusters; these have proved very successful and have built on the strength and diversity of Clubs. From the Clusters and our own initiatives will come:

    The Primary Schools speech contest (Youth)

    Sandringham Hospital support (Local and Health)

    Sabu and Tibet (International work)

    Partnerships; this is particularly evident in the com-munity area. Through working with Cheltenham Commu-

    nity Centre, Scouts etc. we have been able to support locals with small amounts of funding, and logistical and administrative support. Diversity; in our fundraising and in our projects we have thought locally and strategically, large and small. Value: We will have to consider: what is relative value for the club? We will need to consider this in relation to our ef-forts as to whether we can satisfy all the requests for assistance, whether this is locally or internationally. We have finite resources of your time, so we want to be able to sustain our efforts and our projects. We will al-ways work within our values and the values of the 4 way test Our Goals:

    One major international project, supported by a Rotary International Grant

    One major local/community project a local signature project

    One sizeable youth commitment

    New initiatives to consider: always in line with our priori-ties of Healthy Communities, Educated Communities, Safe Communities:

    A Mens Initiative, e.g. Mens Shed Pro-ject

    Aged/ Social Inclusion Project Support of Days for girls Indigenous project support Sandybeach Centre Disability Project Coin collections, instead of stamps

    Ongoing Projects: We will continue with projects which been committed to and supported by the Club:

    Mayoral Golf Day Youth projects : NYSF, RYLA, MUNA Beaumaris Concourse Car and Christ-

    mas Festivals Sandringham Hospital Cheltenham Community Centre Chil-

    drens Festival And many more

    Membership: A focus but not a focus Leveraging off the Farmers market Being local The obligation to enjoy fun and fellowship: Special events Christmas Function and 30th anniversary of Chartering Thursday 10 December District Conference: 18th to 20th March 2016 Programme A strong programme of Speakers and Fellowship Club Forum coming up in July!

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    Bowl of Moun-tains

    Photograph by Peter Essick, National Geo-graphic Lake OHara nestles in the Canadian Rockies at more than 2000 metres like an emerald in a bowl of mountains, wrote paleon-tologist Charles Walcott in 1911. Generations of art-ists have put brush to can-vas at this lookout, called All Souls Prospect, in Brit-ish Columbias Yoho Na-tional Park.

    CLUB STRUCTURE 2014 - 2015 UPDATED 20/04/2015


    President Ken Mirams Director Trish Smyth

    PE, VP Trish Smyth Auditor Tony Phillips

    Secretary Roy Seager Program Richard Jones

    Treasurer James Glenwright Meeting Attendance Trish Smyth

    Foundation Mike Hede Communications David Lea

    Branding & PR Malcolm Sawle Fellowship Megan Glenwright

    International John Beaty Photographers John Beaty, Greg Every

    New Generations Kerrie Geard Almoner Geoff Stringer

    Community Chris D'Arcy Chair /Host /Cashiers /AV Roster

    Fundraising Adrian Culshaw Youth Protection Officer Malcolm Parks

    On to Conference Robert McArthur^*


    International Community New Generations Fundraising

    Fred Hofmann Geoff Abbott David Rushworth Harry Wolfe

    John Sime Rob Fenton Mary Sealy Heather Chisholm

    David Langworthy Richard Shermon Tony McKenna * Roger Frewen

    Geoff Stockdale Tony Phillips Max Darby TBC Geoff Stringer

    Ross Phillips David Greenall LOA David Hone

    Malcolm Parks Lynda Doutch Chris Martin Judi Hall

    John Manks Jason Tonks Royal Melbourne Golf Charmaine Jansz

    David Greenall Jim O'Brien Antony Nixon

    Concourse Festival Branding & PR Harry Wolfe Peter Flude

    Kerrie Geard Peter Flude^ David Hone# Mike Hede

    Masters Golf Parking David Lea MUNA / NYSF

    James Glenwright Martin Fothergill Heather Chisolm

    ^ Farmers Market # Indigenous Project * District

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