instahue scenario

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Scenario of Use

Brian is working and living in Berlin already for a year. He initially comes from the Netherlands and has still many friends and relatives living there. Also his girlfriend Melissa lives there.

Brian usually uses the app InstaHUE to relax.

With this app he can listen to music and the light changes accordingly in a very subtle way.

But he can also share this experience with friends and family and with other people. He can create his own light&music broadcasting station or tune-in to other stations.

After starting up the application he sees his playlist.

He selects a song…

And this immediately starts playing.

The HUE lamps immediately react to the music and creates a nice atmosphere.

This song then reminds him of his girlfriend.

So he decides to suprize her by sharing this song with her.

In the list he sees all his friends that are online and use this application, which he could invite…

But he only selects Melissa, because this is something that he wants to share only with her.

Melissa is at home and cooking at that moment.

She hears that she gets a notification.

So she checks her phone and sees that Brian invites her to connect, which she accepts… and the song immediately starts playing.

She really feels nice that Brian has thought of her this moment and enjoys the ambiance. It is especially nice that Brian is also experiencing this in real time, which makes her feel more connected with him.

Both of them are enjoying the ambiance simultaneously in their own ways and in their own environments.

On the other end Brian sees that someone…

…is connected to this song and that it must be Melissa. He is curious what she thought of it and whether he managed to surprise her. The next time he speaks to her he will ask.

But now he first turns his phone from portrait…

…to landscape to add a filter in order to change the light in a more colorful way, which suits his happy and lively mood.

So he selects the “flower” filter...

And instantly gets a preview of the color range for this particular filter.

He likes this and accepts it…

…and turns his phone back to portrait.

Now he clicks on the friends button to see who is online.

And sees that Melissa is indeed connected…

…and also that Dirk, a friend from Holland, is broadcasting, and is listening to Coldplay. After this song he will connect to Dirk, to join his experience.

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