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Issue #:0076 Vol: 8 February 2013




(Vishva Sarvatma Bhava Chaitanya Prasara Nilayam)

Spiritual Patron Samartha SadGuru Sri Ramachandra Maharaj Spiritual Facilitator Prof. Satyanarayana Chillapa President IUSCM

Spiritual Doctrine, Conceptual Guidance - and - Motivators: Bhagavan Sri. Adi Sankara and Lord Sri. Krishna Paramatma (Gitacharya )



Message from the Master There are about 13 knots in the body. These are centres of energy - power transformation of one kind to another, viz. psychic to thought-power transmission for spiritual regeneration and evolution. And, utilization is for intended external action to effect change at micro-cosmically in individual self, and at Societal as Macro Cosmic change. Out of the 13 knots 5 are in Pind-Pradesh

effecting personal conscious behaviour, 4 in Brahmanda Mandal, the Cosmic Existential region extending from 7th knot at between the eye-brows to “Sahasrara-Chekra” at the top of the head-crown, over-lapping the “Chit-Lake” the source and centre of origin and configuration thought-pattern of mind-psych. The

Spiritual News Bulletin

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Para-Brahmandamandal that encompasses “AvyaktaGati” the region of “Non-differentiation”. The knots 11, 12, 13 are inclusive of “Central Region”. In Sahajamarga System of Yoga, the centres are made to yield power by yoga-Transmission from Master, that assist the spiritual journey to higher centres of spiritual evolution, that otherwise, seem to be impossible by self-effort. The enfoldment of the brighter inaccessible Spiritual Central Region constituting of 7 brighter “Rings of Splendour” crossing the outer most ring by the Grace of God, One never returns back to mortal world of Maya. The region is so Subtle that no one can reach by self-effort unless helped by Master’s push of Spiritual Radiation Grace. Next beyond to this radiation of spiritual rings of lustre, is Central Region which is the projection of Primal thought force known as “Ksohab” from the Centre. The Ksohab is comprised of subtlest superfine vibrations and the vibrations become grosser as they pushed away from the Centre. Those who enter the outer most rings opening into Central Cosmic-space do not return to mortal world after the death and attained the Conscious existential life of the Divine Space of the Central Region, while alive, enjoys godly consciousness. One more thing; the “Ten Commandments” propounded are not inviolable obligations (Vidhis), but are basic observances which help spiritual progress speedily. Any deviation only causes delay and one’s cooperation with his Master or Guru is the obvious need of spiritual evolution. Zest for the Ultimate Reality needs craving and restless exclusive, one pointed attention which gets nourished and strengthen by transmission of Pranahuti spiritual power. Once, this seed of “Para-Bhakti” the transcendental Devotion takes root in the heart of the Devotee-Seeker: his troubles almost end because, Guru, the Master takes charge, to complete the process of divine search: the seeker-devotee comes to realize by experience that what he was seeking as God, the Ultimate Spiritual Reality is in fact his Guru the Para Brahman in walking, talking human format

Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu Guru DevoMaheshvara

Guru Sakshat Para BrahmaThasmai- GuruveNamaha”

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ग ब ग िव णग दवोमह रु ु ु ु े े ग सा ा परब त मशीगवनमःु ै ेृ

Man is bound by his sanskaras, the karmic-impressions, generated by past actions: it is just like an animal bound by rope to a fixed pole. What is the liberty for such individual to act? The independence and liberty to express in and, through action is proportional to the length of the rope tied to the fixed pole, the destiny. By devotional surrender to Master, the Guru, one can change the limited scope of restricted destiny; regular meditation as instructed in IUSCM, and its Ashram-SMRYDGA, helps to bestow both the mundane worldly prosperity, and spiritual evolution to realize the Ultimate Truth, Para Brahman.

“BrahmanyadhyakarmaniSangamTyaktvaKaroti Yah

Lipyate Na Sa PapenaPadmapatramIvambhasa.” “बःम य यकमिणस ग य वाकरोितयःं िल यतनसपापनप पतइवा भसे े ं . ”

Meaning: “He who acts, offering all his actions to God, gets, shaken off all attachment, and remains untouched by sin, just like the lotus leaf un-wet by water.” (Ref: Bhagavat Gita-5- 10). It is very essential for everyone to fix his thought, at beginning itself on the goal which he has to attain, so that his will and thought demark his way up to the goal. It has been observed that those on the path of spirituality who did not fix that final state for their goal have definitely remained short of the mark, because, before arriving they mistook one or the other of the intermediate states to be the final point or the Reality, and they stopped there. Thus they suffered merely for not having fixed their goal. When a man creates in himself a strong craving for the Absolute he is indeed in a state of prayer and it is for everyone to strive for it. Whenever a man enters into that state even for a moment, his prayer is granted but it requires continued practice to accomplish it.

An Astral Transmission Through Prof. Satyanarayana Chillapa

President IUSCM, HQ. Hyderabad-59, India

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Neutrality in Action (“Nirlaptata / Tooshni-Bhava – In- Action”)

Oriental scriptures including Gita, advocate

performing actions, without engrossed with the idea what one gets in return to performed actions. “Actions for action sake” should be the motto of an ideal performer of the action. This is based on tested psychological principle, viz. thinking of results before and during the action, dissipates attention of the performer compromising the quality of the outcome of action; instead one-pointed attention to the job at hand, putting maximum quality efforts, ensures success bypassing the possible chances of errors of performance. Moreover, the fruits of performed action depend upon more than the one factor of performer’s performing, on which the performer may not have control. That is why psychologists’ advice not to get lost ruminating, the possible outcome of reward of the action, as cautioned in the following verses:

KarmanyevaAdhikaraste MaPhaleshukadachana Ma Karma PhalahheturbhumaTe Sango AstvaKarmani

कम यवाअिधका तमाफलषकदाचने े ु माकमफलहतभमातसगोअ वकमिणे े ंु ू

Meaning: Your right is to work only and never to the fruit thereof. Be not instrumental in making your action bear fruit, nor let your attachment to inaction.” (Ref: Geete-2-47)

When one goes on performing works keeping in view the above stated advise a time comes when doing the works on the basis of duty and societal responsibility instead what he gets out of it, it volutes into yoga of equanimity bypassing the boundaries of duality nature of mind-psych ushering Divinity in the performed action-it becomes divine act because, transcending the duality nature of mind is “Samadhi”, which err-long trans mutates into


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second-nature, Swabhava of the performer. It in Yoga-parlance is called as “Sahaja-Samadhi”. The same outcome has been predicted scripturally as

Yogasthahkurukarmani sangamtyaktvadhananjaya Sidhyasiddhyohsamobhutva samatvam yoga uchyate‘

योग थःक कमािणस ग य वाधन जयु ं िस यिस योःसमोभ वासम वयोगउ यतू ं े

Meaning: Arjuna, perform your duties established in Yoga, renouncing attachment, and be even minded in success and failure; evenness of mind is called Yoga. (Ref: Geeta-2-48) Human personality by nature is composed of dualities of life at Perceptional level as Health and Disease; Mental level as Likes and Dislikes; Intellectual level as Gain and Loss; Reward; Punishment etc. and Sub-Conscious level as Remembering and forgetting.

The dualities of life arise because of Sanskaras, Karmic action-reaction impressions stored on Causal-Body, and released for ‘Bhoga’ i.e. for “living-as life” on the continuum of –Time-Space-Causation, as age of the person is rolled-out. These reactive-impressions dole-out for suffering as miseries and happiness, as the case may be. This is the feature of normal worldly-oriented person. This feature of Duality of Mind-Psych, also leads to Trans-migratory life after death. The vicious cycle of life and death for individual Self called as “Jeeva” continues till he realizes his eternal nature of self as “Soul /Atman”, the Absolute Self, Para-Brahman, which is Eternal, never born never dies, beyond the Time-Space-Causation, manifesting in him as Pure Existence-Consciousness-Bliss (Sat-Chit-Ananda), as He, Himself alone. When man suffers the blows of vagaries of life, he tries to think the ways and means to go-beyond, his present ephemeral, ego-oriented transitory life of self, and searches for a guide, the Guru, who can take him to the Absolute Consciousness, the state of birth and deathless existential Eternal life by merging in Para Brahman. The Reality of Self, Atman. In this process he experiences and lives the life of ”ThushniBhava or Nirlaptata” a mode of neutral existential life

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characterized by simple, calm, joyful, contented life of reaction-less active life, that is, he acts to the situations without any reactive impressions left in mind-psych, without any feeling of knowledge or ignorance; peace or restlessness. Thus, this mode of yoga of neutrality, helps in preventing the residual Karma as “Prarabdha”, eliminating ‘Karma’ as the Base of future Transmigration life. This is Moksha, as defined in Shastras. Swamiji

Special Feature Column Astral Knots - ( Granthis )

Master in his work ‘Towards Infinity’ described 13 major yoga knots through which the spiritual aspirant has to pass through to Realize the Ultimate state of reality involving steps of Samipyata, Saroopyata, and Sayujyata i.e. nearness, identity, and merging in the ultimate condition in layavastha.

“JnatumDrashtum, Cha- TatvenaPraveshtum Cha ParamTapa” ातद चत वनपव चपरतपुं ं े े ं ं (Geeta)

Meaning: Hai! Arjuna it is only through exclusive devotion, you can know, see, and enter as merging in God” (Ref: Gita-11- 54). Approaching the each knot, the aspirant enters into the consciousness of the knot, identifying with it by losing his present condition and merges in it, becoming one with it’s state of consciousness. He may feel heaviness and restless indicating completion of journey up to that level. When this is completed he is said to be Jnani up to that condition in the knot. Master laments people think themselves as jnanis without even knowing this mechanism involved in the ascendance of consciousness in the astral system of sushumna nadi. Out of these 13 knots, 1,2,3,4, and 5 are located in Pindanda. While, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 the Sahsrara Chekra, are in Brahmandamandal. Knots 11, 12, are in Para Brahmandamandal, the Mind region. And the 13th knot is the Centre of Reality. Master in His works “Towards Infinity” has given a detailed account of psychic conditions

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experienced / imperienced at each of the knots thus completing the journey of spiritual knowledge through attaining Laya-Vastha in the knots. However, it is inexplicable that Master has not mentioned about Sahasradal chekras the knot, though in traditional yoga systems it is the most important culminating end of yoga conscience. The first 5 knots located in the chest region, roughly correspond to five great elements giving the experience of their Innate characteristics of smell, taste, light or flames, touch, and sound, the “Rasa” essence of “Tan-Matras” respectively of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether / Sky. Conditions like excessive joy or happiness of ecstatic nature called as “Avadhooth”, sadness and weeping, feeling of divinity of lightness, simplicity, plainly-ness, tranquillity and Godliness all-around in animate and inanimate objects, are some of the important psychic conditions experienced in this region. The cosmic region of Brahmandamandal starts from 6th knot located near at “Vishudha Chekra” at the base of the throat. It receives power from above from macro - cosmic level called “Virat” and distributes to pind-state as actions to be carried out as particularized conscious acts. The Cosmic Macro consciousness as Virat mental thought impulses originate from the 7th point or knot located at the middle of eye-brows overlapped by Angna - Chekra. This is the condition of non-relational consciousness, called as “Kaivalya” the state of Alone-ness, the pure Existence itself. Feeling of one-ness of identification with all creation is predominating at this knot.

At the point 8th, one may have the feeling of dream at the Waking state of consciousness the so-called Waking-dream (Jagrath-Swapna). Feeling of Settled Peace, a condition of Vairagya or renunciation. At the 9th knot negation of self as ego starts. The reverential feeling of God as Master and himself as slave permeates the being with softness of heart.

On ascending to 10th knot, the classical notion of Ishvara, the God as creator fades out of the conscience. And, intuitive sense of reverence to his SELF as underlying immutable Base (Kutastha - Adhishtana) supporting the waking, dream, and

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sleep states of consciousness is felt. Contact with Bhuma commences, developing a sense of master-hood. All this is consequence of identification (Saroopyata) with Master.

On reaching the 11th knot as, all material solidity of perceiver, feeler, and thinker personality is melted away, the feeling of pangs of helplessness, dejection of loss of every thing, a kind of sadness that master has abandoned permeates the psych.

On ascending to 12th knot one experiences the condition of sameness of consciousness (Sayujyata) throughout the inner and outer aspects of creational process. On reaching 13th knot located at the back of the head at occipital prominence, the spiritual journey ends as culmination in Bhuma the ultimate Reality. At this point one experiences Eternal Existence end of consciousness as objective knowledge, a state of Knowledge – less-ness; Time (Kala) as progenitor of creation comes to stand-still. Utter simplicity and innocence like a child (Bala-vath) emerges in psychic personality. Life goes on automatically unaware without any pre planning or post remorse of the action. Master also indicated evolution of consciousness in terms of 23-concentric rings, viz. 5 outermost rings of self as physical body orientation, 11 ego-self, 7 rings of splendour of higher consciousness and above that Central Region where the souls who attained identity with potential consciousness swim in the ocean of Bliss till the end of present aeon or Kalpa after which everything merges in Centre remaining in potential form, till the new Creational cycle starts. Then what makes the new creation trigger to start?

According to Vedanta line of thought, it is the sanskaras the micro impressions of the individual as identities merged in Brahman awaiting to exhaust by karma that stimulates the Brahman to start next creational cycle. Summary: S. No. of knot Indicated signs of Experience (1) Layavastha in God / Master / feels changed person Sensitively feels Divine touch on all objects Outbursts of emotional feelings

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(2) Condition of “Avadhuta;” Ecstatic out bursts of exhilarations; Irrelevant, meaningless actions Strange behaviour Spellbound by his own thoughts (3) Moderation Mental Visions Lightness, Simplicity like soul Feeling of heaviness in mind (4) Fire visions Flames as divine luminosity (5) Tranquillity Feeling of sadness Weeping Laughter (6) BrahbandaMandal-Cosmic consciousness Receives cosmic signals of power Supplies power to pind-pradesh (7) Region of Virat Gross cosmic manifested state of Consciousness Electric energy “Rudra Shakti” Feeling of expanding entire universe State of “Kaivalya”, Aloneness Non-relational Existence- Existence itself. Heart does not take impressions of others. (8) Loss of weight of Thought State of “Jagratha-Swapna” i.e. Waking dream-Vairagya – Renunciation, Settled peace (9) Negation Master-slave feeling Softness of heart (10) Reverence to his own SELF-Identification with Master. Sense of Master-hood develops. Notion of God as creator ceases. Contact with Bhuma- The Ultimate Reality. (11) Feeling of loss of everything Help-less pangs A kind of sadness Feeling abandoned by Master Dejection. (12) Sayujyata- Identity and Merging (13) Eternal Existence Experiences end. End of objective knowledge-Knowledge less ness. Bhuma. Utter simplicity, Innocence of a child (BalaVath) Swmiji From: Ravi Hajibu Commentary on Jan 2013 Editorial Dear Swamiji:

The title 'Brahmavid Brahmaiva Bhavati' and the content aptly points out that, variations in the different philosophical approaches such as Advaita, Dvaita and Vishistha Advaita are only different interpretations of the limited perception of Jeeva's Mind and that, all the theories finally roll back into what

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'Upanishads' state - 'Knower of the Knowledge is the Knowledge itself'.

Swamiji explained that there is no way that a Jeeva's mind (Ego-Image-self) can comprehend the 'Ultimate Reality' in its true sense and therefore tends to represent its own version of the interpretation.

In simple terms, he also explained that the statement 'Knower of the Knowledge is the Knowledge itself' pertains only to the Knowledge of the 'Universal Self' which is non-dualistic, where there is no differentiation between 'Subject-Object-Predicate'. It cannot apply in the worldly or religious sense. The Knowledge of the Object in the worldly sense, will not make the Subject become the Object itself as it defies the laws of nature that form the basis of this very existence.

This clearly indicates that the concept of duality in spirituality as propounded by some of the philosophies is nothing but a derivation from the 'Non-Dualistic' true 'Universal Self'. Thank you. With your blessings, Ravi Swamiji: 11-12-2012 Comments on IUSCM, Emblem

Thank you for explaining the subtle meaning behind the emblem. From a visual perspective, it looks as though it is designed to portray the following: 1. “Human form” and “the Gross Universe” is nothing but a consequence of crystallization of Omkara, the nascent impulse (represented by Om in the centre) taking human shape because of its subtle sanskaras (represented by the Dots in the centre) which form the basis of the different faculties or levels of the mind (represented by the Stars in the centre). 2. Embossed by a layer called Ego (represented by the circle around the Om) and guided by a certain faith called Religion (represented by the religious symbols like *, +), forgets the true nature of the ‘Self’ and starts to tread the path paved by the sanskaras.

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3. SahajaMarga Yoga DhyanaGruhatha Ashram, with “The gracious blessings of SamarthaSadguruRamachandraMaharaj” and “its mission of Leading to Immortality” as its two feet (represented by the feet on the sides), aims at helping Humans (Jeeva) evolve from Gross Existential to Non Existential Form and further towards realization and merger with the Ultimate Reality – Parabrahman (represented by the verse ‘Sat Asat Param’, in the centre, going upwards). 4. The path to Spiritual Enlightenment and shedding of the Ego is represented by the radiance around the circle in the centre. 5. The “Institute of Universal Self Consciousness Movement” stands as bedrock to fulfil this highly invaluable mission. With your blessings, Ravi Saints are born not made Sharad Chandra

In a conversation with Rev. Babuji Maharaj, He told saints are born with Power and they remain Powerful even after their mahasamdhi. I experienced this with Rev. Babuji Maharaj. Such saints open certain spiritual points of deserving human beings to take work from them. If they do not cooperate, the given Power is automatically withdrawn. Often it is found that after mahasamdhi of born saints, their disciples claim themselves as representative, which is nothing but befooling innocent members. Because in reality Power can be shared with any capable human beings, but it cannot be transferred. Once, I enquired from Him - Babuji how will your Power work when you are not physically seen? Babuji: Kya hum bijlidekhsaktehain?

Maineykahanahinlekin tumvishwaskarte ho kivohmaujudhaiaurkaamkarrahihai. Isi tarha sehamaradikhlanazarurinahinhaye, un logon

keliyeakamkaraighijovishwaskartehainkihamari power maujudhai.

(Can you see electricity, I said no, but still you believe that it is present and working. Like this Page 4 my being seen is not

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necessary, it will work for those who believe that my power is present). He blessed me to always believe and feel the presence of His Power everywhere. I wish everyone who practices SahajMarg must feels likewise. To my belief, this is possible with those who believe in His Power. For such believers no living guide is required. Thanks --www.societyfor

LETTERS From an Abhyasi: 27-1-2013 Namaskaram(Salutation) Master

During my meditation period at the beginning few minutes my mind mingle with multiple thoughts, later slowly it is decreasing and slowly I will concentrate on point (A) and enter into some peacefulness: then the colours in front of me will be changed and then the colour orange exhibits; from that my soul travels deeply; mind pin-pointedly search of something; then it stop it’s wonderings. And, I enjoy bliss for some time. Feel some pain by itching sensation disturbing the meditation. I sat continuously in that condition in that disturbed mood; it enters again into, deep peace of mind prevailing peace and calmness, though it is not continuous. Some time after the enjoyment of bliss mind becomes thoughtless and it goes into sleepy state ‘Sushptavastha’ for considerable period of time, and then with a jerk I get awakened to awareness of meditation. During meditation some times I try to touch the “Chekras” with my mind; that time I feel some lightness throughout my body; that experience I am unable to express in words. Sometime leaving the mind wondering in extraneous thoughts which I am trying to hold by reciting the Mantra “So-Ham”; but not able to control At that time I observe mental-break. I am observing “A’ point; but I am un able to feel “Amruta-Dhra” from, top of the head ‘Sahsrara’ down to ‘B’ point; many times tried, did not get. Yours Faithful, Prasana

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From: MacMaderski Dated, 22, Jan 2013 Dearest Swamiji

Thank you for your last reply and blessings for this year, I hope Swamiji and his loved ones are in best of spirits and health. Spiritual Update 10/1/13 Meditation was calm despite the awareness of constant noise around me. 14/1/13 Feelings of shame, disappointment in myself, dejection through out last few days. Tried to understand their cause. This had little effect on the depth of meditation experienced in the last four days, which often lasted 45-60 min. 16/1/13 A horrible empty feeling in the heart with a blend of difficult to describe emotions, as if Master took hold of it and squeezed all the darkness and impurity out into the light to be experienced, it was painful to bear. Feel uneasy passing this on for Master to suffer, just thinking of Him instead. Hard to get any peace during meditation today. 17/1/13 Relief felt this morning. Mind has become peaceful again. With some result trying to understand what circumstances triggered these impressions to surface. 22/1/13 Meditation summary: Tightness in hands often felt since mid December. Patches or bursts of purple and indigo colours seen frequently, a bright golden ring resembling a solar eclipse appeared often in the last week. The depth varied in the last fortnight, it was calm and deep for a few days despite the outside noise. It became very unsettled for two or three days and is starting to settle again. Have been doing cleaning morning and evening as Swamiji instructed. On the 21st two points were felt simultaneously, one on top right side of head just above ear, the other on top of right shoulder blade, they felt connected by a thin thread. (Suffering from lower back injury at that time) Wishing Swamiji all the best With gratitude, at Master's Feet, Thine own self

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Mac Maderski From: Asish,15th January,2013 Dearest Swamiji,

I will get Tara to edit and post online, well overdue Asish agrees.

Give thanks to Mataji, Asish is well, many challenges the last year but with immense growth under masters guidance. I will send last years brief, hard to put in words hence no report sent earlier. Hope to chat to you soon At your divine feet Asish Menon From Swamiji: 14 January 2013 Dear Asish Menon, Ashirwad

The translation of IUSCM -Emblem is OK. Only thing is check-up the spelling ''Endeavour'' & put into website, which is long due. Rest is Alright by the Grace of Master. Ashram Mataji sends her Ashirwad, enquiring your welfare. With Master's Blessings, Swamiji From Swamiji: 3th January, 2013 Dear Sri Mac Maderski Ashirwad. The writing in Sanskrit-language denotes ''Spiritual State is beyond the notion of duality of life viz. Existence-Non Existence (Sat-Asat) notions of mind psych. It is already included in the stated note. With Master's Blessings, Swamiji Mac Maderski Thank you Swamiji. There is also some writing on the path dividing the two halves, what does it translate to?

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From: Swamiji, Jan 10, 2013 Dear Sri Mac Maderski Ashirwad Sometime back you asked to explain the significance of Ashram Emblem. It is given. Hope it explains fully the emblem as spiritual note. From ASISH MENON 13th January ,2013 Dearest Swamiji, Hope you and Mataji have had a pleasant new year with health. Thanks you for the emblem information, is it ok to post it on the web site? It will be nice to have the translation on the website. Will call you very soon Your humble son with Master’s blessings Asish Menon From: Swamiji 19-1-2013 Dear Sri Mac Mederski Ashiwad Your Meditation note of 7th January, 2013, Is received. • The experience of vibrations felt during meditation

indicates, activation of Pranahuti transmission received form your preceptor. The spiritual force received is acting selectively on the points A, and B, paving the way for spiritual ascendance.

• The feeling of collapse of body during the meditation, indicates the nearing approach of transcending the body consciousness and entering Brahmanda consciousness region.

• The experience of feeling oneness with everything around you is the outcome of entering “Virat-Consciousness” which is preliminary to entering into Universal Consciousness of existential life and it leads gradually into Godly-consciousness. Consequently, the ego-consciousness translates in to’ ‘Nothing-ness” The zero or ‘Sunya’ the Emptied Version of Realized Self.


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From: Mac Mederski, 7th. January, 2013 Dearest Swamiji

I pray this email finds you in good health and best of spirits,

18-12-12 While resting after work absorbed in remembrance of Master the whole body was gently vibrating. Felt myself slowly expand and dissolve. Pm. meditation. Point felt above and to the left of point A in heart region.

23-12-12 Meditation 7.15 pm; felt dull sensation around sinus cavity behind nose. While working in a 38 degree heat today little discomfort was experienced.

28-12-12 Meditation 5.10 am. Body felt like hollow wax slowly collapsing under its own weight, awareness begun to expand and felt as if a balloon about to burst but something prevented this.

2-1-13 a terrible feeling surfaced in the heart today, it was only noticed but not absorbed, it failed to take root. The thought of Master dissolved it completely. Post meditation 8.45 pm. sitting outside enjoying the fading light, felt oneness with everything around me. It felt natural and lasted for a few moments until the mind began to objectify the feeling and every thing the eyes looked at.

3-1-13 the world feels different, the awareness is reaching out to it and connecting with it at some peculiar level. The boundary between us is getting thinner. Few new points were felt around the chest area during meditation. At times along with strong vacuum tapping is felt on the heart.

Meditation in the last week has become deeper; the mind is quick to settle. At some level it feels like the meditation is done during the day's activities whereas before it was during long drives that the stillness of mind was experienced. Almost two years ago during a road trip someone asked me what I was thinking about; my reply was "nothing, I was meditating." At that time the answer surprised me a little, it seemed to come out of nowhere.

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Wishing Swamiji and his dear ones all the best. With gratitude, at Master's feet Thine own self Mac From: Prem Sagar Brother Sh. Satyanarayanji , Many, many, thanks for greetings. I reciprocate the same to you and all. I feel Sorry as I could not respond you’re well in time. As I could not get an opportunity to open your email well in time. I request you to excuse me. The current magazine of January 2013 has been dispatched on your address. Yours faithfully Prem Sagar From: Swamiji Dear Ravi Thank you for the comment on the editorial, of January-2013 News Bulletin. It is well conceived and appropriate to the topic in question. With Master’s Blessings Swamiji IUSCM-Emblem—Symbolic Explanation

(1) The Emblem in Large Circle of light Brown-Colour , the Colour represents Universal Peace, & Welfare of Mankind the theoretical concept of IUSCM, & its Ashram, viz. Sahajamarga Raja Yoga Dhyana Gruhasthashram ( SMRYDGA). It is symbolically represented as “Pink-Base of the Emblem” – As IUSCM ; Pink , & Yellow Colour signify Universal Love,

(2) On left side-wing of the Emblem, The Blessings of My Master Samartha Sad Guru Sri RAM CHANDRA MAHARAJ is symbolically represented.

(3) The Right Side Wing of the Emblem Base Represents The Prayer in Vedic Statement in Sanskrit Language Meaning “ Lead Me from Mortality to Immortality“. That is the Basic Objective of our Ashram.

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(4) The Small Circle in-between the two wings of the Base, signifies the Dawn of “ Spiritual Enlightenment” Represented by Three Major World Religious Concepts symbolized as (A) OM; (B)Cross; (C) Crescent with Green Star

(5) Above It, there are Two Divided Halves Creating The Spiritual-Path of Realization which is Beyond the Notion of Duality of Mind-Psych Symbolizing “ Existence-Non Existence” of Creational Process.

(6) The Big-Stars in Two-Half’s of the Circle Represents the Functional Phases of Mind-Psych as –Perceptional-Mind; Collative Organizational mind; Feeling Mind; Thinking Mind; Remembering Mind; and Ego.

(7) The Small dots in Two-Half Circles of the Emblem represents numerous, Sanskaras, the Action-Reaction Impressions stored on the Causal-Body of Mind-Psych

(8) Thus, The Emblem represents, Complete Motto of Spiritual endeavour of IUSCM

Swamiji From: Mac Maderski 26-12-2012 Drear Swamiji

It has crossed my mind many times as to the meaning of IUSCM emblem, what does it represent or stand for. It is difficult to see the finer details. Could Swamiji inform so I could have a clear understanding of it. Thanking You in advance, with warmest regards and best of wishes for the new year. Thine own self Mac

Meditation / Spiritual Diaries Dear Dr. / Prof. PandurangaRaoGaru, 28-8-2008 Namasthe

Your Kind letter of 25-8-2008, is received. It reminds me the epic incident of yore. King Youdhishtara, the elder of

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Pandava-brothers, on advicefrom Bhagavan Sri. Krishna Paramatma, visited the BhismaPitamaha, the old Grand=-Sire of Kuru Dynasty lying on his “ Umpa-Sheya” on the battle field ofKuru-Kshetra to learn and imbibe “ Dharma” , the Eternal Principles, of life governing the path of spiritual evolution. The teachings inscribed in Gita, by Sage VyasaMaharushi, is the consequence of this encounter of Youdhishtara, known as ‘Dharma-Raja’, with Bhishma. I do not know whether I was justified to give inconvenience and, trouble you at this ripe-age of 93; but then, it was divine compulsion. And, as you rightly stated the mental-beings reflect, both eternal , the temporal, Infinite-finite; ever free and bound; help-less and All Potent. This is the paradox of Creational Consciousness. Each word of your letter is a sparkling exquisite, diamond of spiritual wisdom, throwing the light on the path of divine spiritual realization to the aspirants. My Masters Blessings to all members in the family. Affectionately Yours Swamiji

Quotable Quotes (References quoted are duly acknowledged) (1) By Audi Guru Sri. LalajiMaharaj :

“Now let us consider the state of absorbency. A man takes a drink, and he drowns himself in its intoxication. Even then he is aware of his individuality, of the drink he has taken, and is also conscious and aware of his intoxicated state. The other person is intoxicated in such a way, that he has an awareness of his own individuality, but not the drink he has taken, nor of the intoxicating influence he is under. The third man, after getting drowned in the influence of drink, loses the sense of the drink he has taken and the intoxicating influence he has, and the awareness of his own self. This is the result and condition of those who follow the Gyan Kanda. Now let us discuss about practices and the worships; about worship, devotion and the love for God: In a wakeful state one has knowledge of the past, the present and the future. In the dream-like state of semi-

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consciousness, One may not have any awareness of the inner-self. In one state of worship there is devotion, devotee, and the One he is devoted to. In the third state, there is no thought either of the devotee or the One he is devoted to, all vanish but still at the same time they are present too. He is neither concerned with the unconsciousness, nor is he happy with the presence. He is there, but He is not there. He is neither This nor That. And He is every thing. (Ref: THE COMPLETE WORKS OF RAM CHANDRA (Sri. LalajiMaharaj) Vol.2, P.168; Pub.SRCM, India) (2) By Samartha Sad Guru Sri RAM CHANDRA ( Sri Babuji Maharaj)

“When we get awakened to the sense of duty and the idea of God becomes prominent in our hearts, we begin to treat realization as the primary object of life. Naturally our craving for it begins to grow stronger and we are thus led to frequent remembrance of God during our routine of daily work in spite of all our engagements and worries. Diversion from the path of duty is in fact not due to circumstances or outside engagements, but only due to the misdirected activities of the undisciplined mind. Mere consciousness of God cures many of the evils of the mind and removes difficulties from our path. We have thus to become conscious of God for the most part of the day during all over worldly activities. Frequent remembrance of God, though greatly helpful is not all that we need for our final success in realization. We generally begin an important thing in the name of God and it is customary almost in every religion to do so. But that is only a matter of formality and has no real significance. We never dedicate the thing to God in the real sense and at heart we are in fact quite away from the idea of God. Remembrance of God thus is of no avail. The real significance of the custom is that we must remain in touch with the idea of God in all phases of our mental and physical activities. We must feel ourselves connected with the Supreme every moment with an unbroken chain of thought during all our activities. It can be easily accomplished if we treat

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all our action and work to be a part of divine duty , entrusted to us by the Great Master whom we are to serve as best as we can.” (Ref. COMPLETE WORKS OF RAM CHANDRA, Vol.1, P. 80-81; Pub. SRCM. Chennai, India) (3) Letter from Saint Kasturiji ANANT YATRA Revered Sri Babuji, 4-1-1956 SadarPranam

Received your kind letter and noted the contents. I am now writing my spiritual condition whatever it is by the grace of Master. Now it seems that there is no weight in my body. It is very light and it seems that it is moving automatically here and there. There is neither any intention on my part to move it nor I have therefore any knowledge about its movement. Not only has this but all the bodies appeared to me like that. God knows what has happened to my body that I do not know whether it moves on the ground or it flies in the sky. My whole body has become very active and conscious. I have called it active otherwise the condition is such that the light always remains emerging out from each and every particle of my body; but not them light that illumines. It rather seems that each and every particle has become an eye and the light has started coming out of it. The Master has filled my eye with the eye of Reality. In other words I feel Reality only and nothing else. (4) Dr. K.C. Vardachari

“The ethics of SahajMarg consists in its being the preparation and practice of spiritual life. It has been held that before one undertakes the practice of Yoga one should possess or cultivate the fourfold means ( Sadhana Chetushtaya) as pointed out in the Reality of Dawn Viveka, Vairagya, Sama, Dama, Uparati, Titiksha, and Samadhana. The Vedantic explanations are slightly different from those adopted by Yoga. In any case everyone is agreed that it is necessary to awaken to the sense of temporary and the permanent, out which the others

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follow necessarily. The Yogic transmission of the highest consciousness which becomes the divine censor within or conscience makes the following of the several steps of moral reformation easy. The will to do the right, knowing the right, is all that is necessary. One should not be in the state of mind of many a weakling; “I know what is righteous, but I am unable to follow it; I know what is wrong (evil) but am unable to resist doing it”. This predicament of the moral degenerate like Duryodhana is made impossible once the individual comes into the path of spiritual regeneration and evolution through spiritual transmission.” (“SahajMarg and Personality problems” Vol.2, Pub. SRCM; 1970, P.64) (5) AshtavakraGeeta “KrutarthoAnenaGyaanene ThyevamgalithaDheehKruthi PasyanShrunuvan ,Sprushan,Jighran Ashnan Aasthae Yatthaa Sukham”

Meaning: “Being fulfilled by this wisdom of the Self, and with his mind absorbed and contended in the Self, the Wiseman lives happily seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and eating.” (Ref: AshtavakraGeeta “Aloneness Of the Self”—17-Sl.8)

Explanation: When the mind is discontented desires arise to generate restlessness in the thought-content of the mind. The Mind of the Man-of- Perfection, has discovered a complete sense of fulfilment in the experience of the Infinite Self without roaming in the world of sense-objects. He remains at peace with himself and with the world around. It is not the external behaviour but the state of his inner consciousness that distinguishes a Man-of Knowledge, from an ordinary worldly sensuous being. Since the Wise Man lives in the same world, externally he must behave as any other human being. In his inner wisdom alone he is a Super man, not in any thing else.

कताथ अनन ानन यवगिलतधीःकतीृ ृे े े े ंप यनश वन पशनिजघनअ ना तयथासखृ ृ ् े ंु

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(6)Srimad Bhagavata Purana : “Karya Karana KartrutveDivyaGnaKriyashriyah

BadhnantiNityadaMuktamMayinamPurushamgunaah” कायकारणकत विद य ानकयािशयःृ ृ ब नि तिन यदाम माियनप षगणाःु ु ुं ं ं

Meaning; through the agency of the elements, the senses and the gods presiding over the senses, these gunas ( Modes of Prakruti—Nature) bind the individual soul who is subject to Maya, though ever free in essence, with the consciousness that he is the physical body, the senses and the mind, all in one”. (7)Yoga Vasista

“PranaSpandaaChitahaSpandas Tat SpandaadevaSamvidah ChakravartavidhayinyojalaspandaadivoRamayah”

पाण प दािचताह प दासत प दादवसिवदःे ं चकवतिव यिय योजल प दािदवोर यः

Meaning: “Movement of Thought in the mind arises from the movement of prana; and movement of prana arises because of the movement of thought in consciousness. They thus form a cycle of mutual dependence, like waves and movement of currents in water.”

Explanation: Just as when a firebrand is swung an illusionary circle of fire is formed, there is an illusionary appearance of the world due to the vibration that arises in consciousness. Vibration and consciousness are inseparably one like whiteness of the snow, the oil in the sesame seed, the fragrance of the flower and heat of the fire. Mind and movement of thought are inseparable; and the cessation of one is the cessation of both. There are two ways in which the cessation of can be achieved: one is the way of yoga which involves the restraint of the movement of thought, and the other is the way of knowledge which involves right knowledge of truth. (8) Book of Knowledge Divine

“How to realize immortality and attain Life-Eternal while in corporeal state is the question that concerns all those endowed with rationality. It is an evolutionary process on the continuum of

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Consciousness-plane of transcendental nature. It certainly requires to go beyond the theological notions of life in heaven and hell. The main focus of attention in the process is mind. Hence, the paradox of the process of attainment. Normally it is nature of the mind to be in continuous flux due to rapid surge of thought flow and ordinarily is beyond the control of a person. More often than not, one is controlled by his thoughts, unwittingly, even without being aware. In yoga parlance, such a mind is called impure ( Ashudha). As mind is purified by yogic process, the flow of thoughts reduce and progressively mind becomes calm, peaceful, and lighter. Impressions (Samskaras) embedded in the causal body (Karana Sareera) are the source for thought eruption. The problem regulating thought flow in the mind is not eliminated completely, till the sanskaras in the causal sheath are cleaned, by bhoga (Experience) and Yoga in a combined way, complimenting and supplementing each other.” (Ref: Book of Knowledge Divine, “Immortality” P.30, Pub. IUSCM, first edition, 2001). Activities: INTIMATION Associates are informed that 140 th Birth Day Celebrations of Samartha Sadguru Shri Ramachandra Maharaj ( Lalaji Maharaj ) of Fathegarh, Audi Guru of Sahaj Marg System of Raj Yoga will be celebrated on Sunday 17th Feb 2013 at AshramH.Q ,Old Santhoshnagar ,Hyderabad, India. Programme :Meditation : 10 am,Tea: 11 am Spiritual Interaction: 11.15 , Prasadam distribution: 12.15Assocites are requested to reach the Place by 9.45 am on 17 Feb 2013.

Editorial Board: Hyderabad - Professor V.Gopala Krishna Rao, Prof.M. Pochiah, Dr.I.Srinivasa Rao, Sri Anjaneya Prasad, Sydney - Mr.Govinda Sami, Mr.Satyanarayana

Sunkara, Mr.Hari Chillapa

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