international council for canadian studies. Российское общество изучения...

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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Российское общество изучения КанадыРОИК берёт своё начало в сентябре 1989 г., когда

по инициативе сотрудников Отдела Канады Института США и Канады Академии наук СССР

группой московских канадоведов была образована Советская ассоциация изучения Канады (САИК). Её первым президентом по праву был избран академик

Г.А. Арбатов, инициатор организации в далёком 1972 г. канадских исследований в тогдашнем

Институте США АН СССР. В сентябре 1992 г. САИК была преобразована в Российскую ассоциацию

изучения Канады (РАИК).В апреле 2002 г. РАИК получила новое название —

Российское общество изучения Канады (РОИК).


• Согласно Уставу РОИК, её членом может стать любой гражданин России, разделяющий эти цели, уплачивающий членские и целевые взносы и принимающий участие в деятельности Общества. Оно объединяет в своих рядах учёных, преподавателей вузов, журналистов, бизнесменов, работников государственных и общественных организаций, студентов и аспирантов различных вузов. Штаб-квартира РОИК находится в помещении Отдела Канады Института США и Канады Российской Академии наук, который является крупнейшим центром канадоведения как в России, так и во всем регионе Центральной и Восточной Европы.


• С 1994 г. дважды в год выходит печатный орган Общества — "Вестник РОИК" — (вышло 19 номеров на русском и 3 номера на английском языках). Уже в 2002 г. был опубликован 7-й номер сборника работ членов Общества — "Канадский ежегодник". Материалы и обзоры всех международных конференций РОИК изданы на русском и английском языках.


• способствует получению её членами целевых грантов канадского правительства на поездки в Канаду для сбора материалов, необходимых для подготовки научных, диссертационных и дипломных работ по канадской проблематике в области гуманитарных и социальных наук, а также для совершенствования вузовских учебных курсов по Канаде.

Мы поддерживаем и развиваем связи с канадоведами

• и их организациями в зарубежных странах. В 1992 г. наше Общество было принято в члены и с тех пор активно участвует в работе Международного Совета изучения Канады (МСИК), который является федерацией, объединяющей, координирующей и представляющей деятельность 20 национальных и межнациональных ассоциаций, а также центров изучения Канады из более чем 30 стран Северной и Южной Америки, Европы и Азии. В целом же международное сообщество канадоведов насчитывает свыше 7000 человек. Штаб-квартира МСИК находится в столице Канады Оттаве, где Советом издаётся "Международный журнал изучения Канады" и еженедельный бюллетень "Контакт" (имеется электронная версия), знакомящий с новостями в области канадоведения во всём мире. РОИК также участвует в деятельности Европейской сети изучения Канады (ЕСИК), объединяющей организации канадоведов Европы.


123995 Москва, Г-69, ГСП-5, Хлебный переулок 2/3, Институт США и Канады РАН

Тел.:  + 7 (495) 697-22-50  + 7 (495) 697-22-50 , факс: +7 (495) 697-30-16, e-mail:

Отделение в Петербурге

Садовая, 21 (Москательный пер., 4, каб. 339)

СПб государственный университет экономики и финансов

Центр северо-американских исследований

Тел. и факс: 7 (812) 310 5160

About us

• The International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS) is an incorporated non-profit organization governed by a Board of Directors and an elected four-member Executive Committee with a permanent Secretariat based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

• The ICCS is a federation of 21 national and multi-national Canadian Studies associations and 6 associate members in 39 countries. The ICCS network links over 7,000 academics and researchers. These "Canadianists" publish hundreds of scholarly articles and books on Canadian topics; organize colloquia, seminars and conferences on Canada; and through their teaching and seminars reach over 150,000 students.

Our History

• The ICCS was established in 1981 following an international conference on Canadian Studie s that had been organized by the Association for Canadian Studies in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting of the Learneds Societies in Halifax, N.S.  Representatives from 9 regions of the world met on June 1st, 1981 and voted to create the International Council for Canadian Studies.


• Founding Members: Canada, United States, Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan, German-Speaking Countries, Australia-New Zealand and Ireland

• New Members: Nordic Countries, China , Netherlands, Israel, India, Spain, Russian Federation, Korea, Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, Argentina, Central European Association for Canadian Studies

• Associate Members: Université Libre de Bruxelles, American Council for Québec Studies, Universidad de La Habana, Polish Association

• International Council for Canadian Studies               

• (613) 789-7834         (613) 789-7834 250 City Centre Avenue, Suite 303 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1R 6K7

Graduate Student Scholarships

• Objective • To facilitate the renewal of the community of Canadianists by

supporting the work of young scholars, by enabling successful candidates to spend 4-6 weeks at a Canadian university or research site other than their own doing research related to their thesis or dissertation in the field of Canadian Studies.

Note:  The scholarship is not intended to initiate a thesis or dissertation but rather to provide access to crucial scholarly information and resources in Canada in support of a thesis/dissertation that is close to or at the point of writing.

• Eligibility• Students in the social sciences or humanities who are in the

process of preparing a graduate thesis or doctoral dissertation on Canada. (Master's/Ph.D. level)


• The student must be at the thesis or dissertation stage; • The student must have obtained in writing the support of

a faculty member at a Canadian university who has agreed to act as the student's academic sponsor during the tenure of his/her award. The sponsor will act in an informal capacity and will arrange for library privileges, contacts with other faculty and students, and generally try to facilitate the student's research. The academic sponsor will not be expected to act in the role of supervisor.

• NOTE: The ICCS requests that Awardees send a copy of their thesis once it is completed.


• Each applicant should submit an application and all supporting materials directly to the secretariat of his/her national Canadian Studies association (or to the association president in cases where there are no permanent secretariats). Applications submitted directly to the ICCS by the applicant will not be accepted nor redirected. It is the responsibility of the national Canadian Studies association to forward no more than 3 nominations to the ICCS. No more than two scholarships per association will be awarded at each adjudication.The nomination will comprise:

• a completed application form [ available in PDF format ] which will be signed by the candidate and the president of the national association;

• a two-page proposal outlining the thesis/dissertation project (Click here for an example of what a proposal should contain). The proposal must also state clearly why work at the university in question is essential to the project and how such a visit will enhance the quality of the thesis or dissertation. It must also include a schedule of activities (one page maximum) detailing arrival and departure dates;

• an official university transcript (in countries where it cannot be obtained, a letter from the registrar is required);

• a letter of support from the student's thesis/dissertation supervisor; • a copy of the letter from the faculty member in a Canadian university indicating

his/her willingness to act as the student's academic sponsor


• Successful applicants will be selected according to the following criteria:

• the clarity of the proposal and its methodology; • the proposal's potential contribution to knowledge in its

field; • the likelihood of the project's being accomplished during

the period of the award; • the demonstrated need for the research to be carried out

in Canada; • the strength of the letter of support; • the past academic awards as demonstrated by

transcripts, awards, and distinctions. • N.B. Incomplete applications will not be considered.


• The nominations will be evaluated and ranked, and successful candidates selected by an adjudication committee appointed by the International Council for Canadian Studies. A brief rationale will be provided for unsuccessful applications. Decisions can not be appealed.

• Note: It will be the responsibility of each national association to ensure that all those who agree to be an academic sponsor are informed in writing of the success or failure of each applicant in obtaining the scholarship.

•  Upon the student's return, he/she will file a written report to the ICCS, outlining what was accomplished during the tenure of the scholarship.Number of Scholarships Twelve (12) awards per year.

Value of Scholarships

• The amount of the scholarship will be up to Cdn $3,500 for all expenses.

• Smaller awards may be made.


• All applications must be submitted to the ICCS in Ottawa by November 24th. Please send a completed form, along with all required supporting documents, well before this date to the attention of the President of the appropriate Canadian Studies association. (Please note that the deadlines for submission vary with each Canadian Studies association. It is the candidate's responsibility to contact the association in question to obtain such information.) Following assessment and signature by the President of the association, your application may be directed, by the association, to the International Council for Canadian Studies for final consideration by its Adjudication Committee.

Request for information

• Request for information and submissions of nominations by ICCS member associations should be addressed to:

Graduate Student ScholarshipsInternational Council for Canadian Studies250 City Centre, Suite 303 Ottawa ON  K1R 6K7 CANADA

• Tel:               (613)789-7834        • (613)789-7834  Ext.:  242


WHAT A PROPOSAL SHOULD CONTAIN• A proposal should contain precise and concise key statements to make it

competitive among other applicants.• It must not exceed two pages. • Why are you applying for a Graduate Student Scholarship?

You should mention the background or the basis of your research project, dissertation or thesis.

• What, and How?

You should clearly state the objectives of your research, mentioning what are the main points and how you will achieve these objectives. It is important to highlight which institutions (universities, museums, public and private offices among others) will collaborate with you and what information or service they will provide.

• Results expected

Mention briefly how you will benefit from the award and how it will facilitate and enrich your research.

ICCS Graduate Students Scholarships / Bourses de redaction de these du CIÉC

[A program of the International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS)/

Un programme du Conseil international d’études canadiennes (CIÉC)] • Last name/Nom de famille

_________________________________________________________________ • Given names/Prénoms

_________________________________________________________________ • Mailing address/adresse postale

_________________________________________________________________ • _________________________________________________________________ • Home tel./Tél. à domicile ________________________Bus. tel./Tél. au travail

____________________________ • Fax/Télécopieur ____________________ E-mail/Courriel

____________________________________________ • Studies in progress/Études en cours

_______________________________________________________________ • University/Université

___________________________________________________________________________ • Subject of thesis/dissertation/Sujet de thèse/mémoire

________________________________________________ • _____________________________________________________________________________

_________________ • Previous Canadian Studies Scholarships or Awards/Précédentes bourses en études


• Date of visit to host University / Date de visite à l’université d’accueil __________________________________

• Thesis/dissertation supervisor/Superviseur de thèse/mémoire • Name/Nom

___________________________________________________________________________________ • Title/Titre ____________________________ Department/Département

_________________________________ • University/Université

___________________________________________________________________________ • Tel./Tél. ______________________________ Fax/Télécopieur

_________________________________________ • ______________________________________ _____________________________________ • Signature: Student/ Signature: President of the association/ • Étudiant Président de l’association • Date __________________________________ Date ________________________________ • All applications must be submitted to the ICCS in Ottawa by November 24. Please send this completed

form, along with all required supporting documents, well before this date to the attention of the President of the appropriate Canadian Studies association. Following assessment and signature by the President of the association, your application may be directed, by the association, to the International Council for Canadian Studies for final consideration by its Adjudication Committee.

• Les demandes de bourses doivent être soumises au CIEC avant le 24 novembre. S.V.P. envoyez ce formulaire dûment rempli, et tout autre document d’appui requis, bien avant cette date à l’attention du Président de l’association d’études canadiennes appropriée. Après évaluation et signature du Président de l’association, votre demande pourra être acheminée par celle-ci au Conseil international d’études canadiennes pour considération finale par un Comité d’adjudication.

Canadian Studies Postdoctoral Fellowships

• Objective• To enable young Canadian and foreign

academics who have completed a doctoral thesis on a topic primarily related to Canada and are not employed in a full-time, university teaching position to visit a Canadian or foreign university with a Canadian Studies program for a teaching or research fellowship.

Length of stay

• The length of the stay will be of a minimum of one month and maximum of three months.

Amount of grant

• The grant will be $2,500 per month plus the cost of a return airline ticket for a maximum of $10,000 CAN.

Terms and conditions

• Interested individuals must take the necessary steps with the Canadian or foreign universities in question. They must obtain a formal commitment from such universities concerning the services and teaching and/or research opportunities which would be available to them. The ICCS and/or a Canadian Studies Association can assist applicants in their efforts. Applicants must agree not to accept honoraria or salary during the period of their fellowship.

Application dossier

• The application dossier must include:• An up-to-date curriculum vitae. • A copy of the doctoral thesis. • A full description of the project proposed by the applicant during his/her

fellowship. A candidate applying for a research fellowship must include a budget detailing travel expenses, material, photocopies, etc. A candidate applying for a teaching fellowship must also include a course outline (2 pages maximum).

• An official letter from the host university indicating its support of the young researcher (availability of research tools, library, archives, computer, office, accommodation, teaching load and other responsibilities).

• In the event the applicant's host is a senior researcher, a letter from said researcher outlining the research project and the work to be assigned to the young researcher during the fellowship.

• Two letters of reference from university professors knowledgeable with the candidate's studies.


• Application files must be submitted to the ICCS with a recommendation from the national Canadian Studies Association before November 24th . A decision will be made prior to March 1st each year by a committee of academics reporting to the ICCS.


• Selected candidates are required to make all the necessary arrangements to carry out their project, including travel arrangements, passports and visas, accommodation, travel within the country and insurance (life, medical, etc.).

Canadian Studies Postdoctoral Fellowships

• International Council for Canadian Studies250 City Centre, Suite 303 Ottawa ON  K1R 6K7 CANADA

• Tel:               (613)789-7834        

• (613)789-7834  Ext.:  242E-mail:

Programs in Support of Canadian StudiesUnderstanding Canada - Canadian Studies

Overview• The ICCS acts as the administrative agent for several

programs established by the International Education and Youth Division (PCE) of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT), or under its responsibility.

The first DFAIT programs in support of Canadian Studies were established over 25 years ago. Since 1987, a number of them are under the administrative responsibility of the ICCS, following renewed contractual and contribution agreements with the International Education and Youth Division of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT).

Canadian Studies Programs of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT)

International Council for Canadian Studies               (613) 789-7834         (613) 789-7834 250 City Centre Avenue, Suite 303 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1R 6K7

Understanding Canada

• As of April 1st, 2008, the structure of the successful Canadian Studies program has changed to become "Understanding Canada".  The changes are made in the context of the Government's Advantage Canada agenda and in tandem with DFAIT's more strategic approach to Public Diplomacy. "Understanding Canada" will be more relevant to government and departmental priorities while continuing to respect academic freedom.  Moreover, it will take into account changes in post-secondary education in Canada and abroad and a growing emphasis on comparative studies and research. 

The general objective

• of the Programs in support of Understanding Canada – Canadian Studies is to develop a better knowledge and understanding of Canada among foreign leadership groups by providing support for the development of teaching, research and publication about Canada abroad.

• In the case of programs designed for individuals, the purpose of the awards is to assist selected academics and graduate students to undertake studies relating to Canada by contributing towards return international airfare and a weekly/monthly allowance during the study visit in Canada.


• Faculty Enrichment Program (FEP) administered by ICCSFaculty Research Program (FRP) administered by ICCSDoctoral Student Research Award (DSRA) administered by ICCSCanada–Europe Awards (CEA) administered by ICCSCanada–Asia-Pacific Awards (CAPA) administered by ICCSCanada–Latin-America-Caribbean Awards (CLACA) administered by ICCSInternational Research Linkages (IRL) administered by ICCS

Faculty Enrichment Program (FEP)

Guidelines • This program of support is designed to increase

knowledge and understanding of Canada abroad by assisting academics in higher education institutions to develop and teach courses about Canada in their own discipline, as part of their regular teaching load. The program enables academic award holders to come to Canada and gather the necessary information and material to devise a new course on Canada, or to modify or extend significantly the Canadian component of an existing course(s). Comparative courses may be regarded as "courses on Canada" with substantial Canadian content (33% or more).


• Although we welcome applications from all disciplines lending themselves most readily to Canadian Studies course development we are particularly interested in projects that have policy relevance for Canada and Canada’s foreign policy. Topics that are highly relevant to Canada’s foreign policy include Democracy & Rule of Law, Economic Development, Environment, Managing Diversity, North American Partnership, Peace and Security.

• (Purely scientific subjects such as physics, chemistry, medicine, engineering, etc., which would not lead to a better knowledge and understanding of Canada per se are not eligible, nor are proposals which focus exclusively on technological or methodological issues).

Applicants must be:

• teaching members of the academic staff of a recognized institution of higher education or equivalent degree-granting institute in a participating country (part-time lecturers and teaching assistants are not eligible);

• proficient in either English or French. • In addition, while not mandatory, applicants should

provide evidence of their interest in or involvement with Canada prior to the application, if such has been the case. This may be demonstrated by courses they have already given, research they have undertaken, extra-mural activities, or active membership in an association for Canadian Studies in their region or country.


• of an award under this program are not eligible to apply in consecutive competitions. There will normally also be a period of 3 years between awards, unless the second course proposal is on a different topic and the course from the first award is still being taught. For example, a 2004-05 recipient cannot apply in the 2005-06 competition, but can apply in the 2006-07 competition if the new course proposal is on a different topic and the course derived from the first award is still being taught; to upgrade and update the course derived from the 2004-05 award, one will only be eligible to apply in the 2007-08 competition.

Terms and Conditions

• The International Council for Canadian Studies through a contribution of the Government of Canada and with the assistance of the appropriate Canadian Mission, will award grants to successful candidates on condition that the candidate must give a written undertaking on his/her own behalf that:

• he/she will be employed as a teaching member of the academic staff at the institution where he/she is currently employed for at least one full academic year following the period of the award;

• he/she will begin to teach the new course or part-courses related to the award no later than the academic year following the period of the award;

• as much as possible, he/she will offer the course developed as a result of this award at least three times during the six academic years following the period of the award;

• the course on Canada to be given as a result of the award will be new or a considerably modified or extended version of a course previously taught by the applicant and will treat one or more aspects of Canadian Studies in a substantive way;

• he/she will make all arrangements relating to the visit, including: international travel arrangements; passport and visa (if needed); accommodation and travel within Canada; medical insurance while in Canada; visit plans, including inter alia appointments with Canadian academics and other resource persons, access to libraries and other study centres, etc.

the period• to which the award will apply will be used exclusively for study

designed to enhance the award holder's capability to teach about Canada; the award will not be used to pursue research in conjunction with another project; and, where supplemental funding is obtained from elsewhere, the time devoted to professional development under this program will be at least proportional to the ratio of the value of this award to that of the total income received;

• he/she will remain in Canada throughout the period to which the award relates;

• a report detailing the professional activities undertaken during the visit to Canada including the new course outline developed as a result of the award will be sent to the appropriate Mission within 60 days of the completion of the trip or no later than March 1st of the following year. Failure to provide such documentation by that date may result in forfeiture of the final payment of the award.


• Deadlines vary from country to country. Please click here for country-specific deadline information.

Value of Awards • The award will consist of a contribution towards

international air fare (economy class) and an allowance of CAN $900 per complete week of stay to assist with costs of domestic travel and living expenses for a maximum of four weeks. Contribution towards airfare varies from country to country. Please click here for country specific value of awards information.

Application Procedure

• Applications must be submitted through the local Canadian Mission in one's home country or territory for which a given Canadian Mission has responsibility. Applications submitted directly to the ICCS cannot be accepted nor redirected. An application dossier, in either English or French, will consist of a filled out application form accompanied by a concise curriculum vitae.

• Application forms can be obtained from your local Canadian Mission or you can print or download the forms:

Selection and Notification

• All applicants will be peer-reviewed by a pre-selection jury established in the participating country/region by the local Canadian Mission or regional network. The jury will include representatives of the academic community in the country or region of residence of the applicant (including if possible a representative of the national or multinational association for Canadian Studies) and, when possible, Canadian academics.Evaluation criteria will be, first, academic excellence of the proposal; Canadian content, relevance of the proposal to identified priorities and Canadian Studies, feasibility of the proposal.

• After reviewing applications and the recommendations of the pre-selection jury, the International Council for Canadian Studies in Ottawa will forward its recommendations to DFAIT, which will make the final decision. All applicants will be notified in writing of the results of their application, normally within 90 days of the deadline for submission of applications.

Payment Procedure

• Successful candidates will be sent a Grant Agreement detailing the value and conditions of the award. It must be signed and returned to the local Canadian Mission within 30 days.

• A first installment of 70% of the award will be paid to successful applicants upon receipt of the signed Grant Agreement by the local Canadian Mission, and normally six weeks before departure for Canada. The remaining 30% of the award will be paid upon return from Canada and upon submission to the local Canadian Mission of the visit report and new course outline, as per the terms and conditions of the award.

Faculty Research Program (FRP)

Guidelines • This program is designed to assist individual academics

in higher education institutions to undertake short-term research about Canada or on an aspect of Canada's bilateral relations with the participating countries. The purpose is to increase knowledge and understanding of Canada through publication of pertinent articles in the foreign or international scholarly press. The award assists with direct costs related to the research project, and, when a research trip to Canada is warranted, provides assistance towards international airfare and a weekly flat rate allowance.

Awards may be granted for research in any of the following categories:

• Although we welcome applications from all disciplines lending themselves most readily to Canadian Studies research development, we are particularly interested in projects that have policy relevance for Canada and Canada’s foreign policy. Topics that are highly relevant to Canada’s foreign policy include Democracy & Rule of Law, Economic Development, Environment, Managing Diversity, North American Partnership, Peace and Security.  interdisciplinary studies on Canada;

• Comparative studies with substantial Canadian content (33% or more); 

• Aspects of Canada's bilateral relations with participating countries.


• may be given to projects that relate to contemporary situations and issues which illuminate options for future developments, or which focus on Canada's bilateral relations with the participating countries. For those subjects such as geography, which have a physical element, priority will be given to applications which demonstrate the humanities and social sciences aspect.

• (Purely scientific subjects such as physics, chemistry, medicine, engineering, etc. which would not lead to a better knowledge and understanding of Canada per se are not eligible, nor are proposals which focus exclusively on technological or methodological issues).


Applicants must:• be members of the academic staff of a recognized

institution of higher education or equivalent degree-granting institute, or scholars at research and policy planning institutes who undertake significant Canadian bilateral relations research projects; professors emeritus may also apply; (part-time lecturers and teaching assistants are not eligible);

• hold a degree equivalent to a postgraduate qualification (Master’s or Ph.D.); applications will be considered from applicants without these formal qualifications only if successful research experience can be demonstrated;

• be proficient in either English or French.

Terms and Conditions

• The International Council for Canadian Studies through a contribution of the Government of Canada and with the assistance of the appropriate Canadian Mission, will award grants to successful candidates on condition that the candidate must give a written undertaking on his/her own behalf that:

• the applicant will personally apply for an award and will carry out his/her own research, which is neither part of contractual or commissioned research, nor part of his/her formal program of studies leading to a degree;

• awards are normally granted only for work to be carried out in either the applicant's country of residence and/or Canada, and are intended to assist in defraying only direct costs related to a project, including return travel to Canada and related expenses, rental of equipment (but not capital purchases), purchase of books and other materials, some secretarial services, and, possibly, some publishing costs; no provision is made for released time stipends nor for overhead costs to the institution;

Recipients of an award under this program are not eligible

• to apply in consecutive competitions. There will normally also be a period of 3 years between awards, unless the article resulting from the first award is already submitted and accepted for publication. For example, a 2004-05 recipient cannot apply in the 2005-06 competition, but can apply in the 2006-07 competition if the article resulting from the first award is already submitted and accepted for publication; otherwise, one will only be eligible to apply in the 2007-08 competition.

Value of Awards

• The award will consist of a contribution towards international air fare (economy class) and an allowance of CAN $900 per complete week in Canada towards internal travel and living expenses for a maximum of four weeks. Smaller awards may also be made.

Contact information• Applicants must contact the local Canadian

Mission in one's home country or territory for which a given Canadian Mission has responsibility.

Selection and Notification

• All applicants will be peer-reviewed by a pre-selection jury established in the participating country/region by the local Canadian Mission. The jury will include representatives of the academic community in the country or region of residence of the applicant (including if possible a representative of the national or multinational association for Canadian Studies) and, when possible, Canadian academics.

• Evaluation criteria will be, first, academic excellence of the proposal; Canadian content; relevance of the proposal to identified priorities and Canadian Studies; feasibility of the project; likelihood of publication.

• After reviewing applications and the recommendations of the pre-selection jury, the International Council for Canadian Studies in Ottawa will forward its recommendations to DFAIT, which will make the final decision. All applicants will be notified in writing of the results of their application, normally within 90 days of the deadline for submission of applications.

Doctoral Student Research Award (DSRA)

Guidelines• This program is designed to assist full-time graduate

students at degree-granting institutions of higher education, whose dissertations are related in substantial part to Canada, to undertake doctoral research about Canada. The purpose is to increase knowledge and understanding of Canada and to support the development of Canadian Studies. The award provides assistance towards international airfare and a monthly flat rate allowance for up to a maximum of 6 months spent in Canada while doing research.


Applicants must be: • a citizen of the country (or have legal resident status)

where he/she is submitting an application; NOTE: Applicants who are registered in institutions outside their home country should apply in their country of citizenships.

• a graduate student in a recognized institution of higher education or equivalent degree-granting institute in the determined country who will have completed course and course-related doctoral requirements by the time a graduate student award would be granted;

• proficient in either English or French.

Application Procedure

• Applications must be submitted through the local Canadian Mission in one's home country or territory for which a given Canadian Mission has responsibility. Applications submitted directly to the ICCS cannot be accepted nor redirected. An application dossier, in either English or French, will consist of a filled out application form accompanied by a concise curriculum vitae.

• Application forms can be obtained from your local Canadian Mission or you can print or download the forms from the following links:

Pertinent criteria will be:

• academic excellence of the proposal;

• Canadian content;

• relevance of the proposal to identified priorities and to Canadian Studies;

• feasibility of the project.

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