jaime phelan

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Jaime PhelanOST 284 Emerging Technologies

Final Exam

FACEBOOKI enjoy Facebook, it is how I keep in touch with my friends and family. I love sharing pictures and stories with everyone. I am also a big fan of the chat option. I have been using it for years now and I feel I will continue to use it for a long time to come. As long as it is free. Because I am cheap.

Blogger – I really enjoyed learning about Blogger, I have some things I would like to say. Once things slow down in my world I would like to start blogging, I like that fact that Blogger is pretty user-friendly and again that it is free. It is almost like therapy for me.

TwitterI liked the ease of use with Twitter. Again , it is user friendly and it only takes a minute to update your status. Plus, I enjoy following my favorite TV shows or musicians. I like the fact I can use it on my cell phone. Quick and easy.

flickr- I enjoyed opening a flickr account. I like the ease and accessibility of having my pictures store somewhere other them my computer. I like the fact that flickr lets you tag pictures. And I enjoyed just browsing through the public pictures and exploring.

GOOGLE Google has always been my go to search engine. I love that they play around and change up the logo every now and then. I find it locates what I am searching for pretty easily. I am comfortable using Google as my usual search engine.

WIKIPEDIA- I have used Wikipedia to research certain subjects with which I am not familiar. There is usually a great deal of extensive knowledge to be found. But you need to be careful because anyone can update it and they might not be correct. So for that reason, I chose it as one of my least favorites.

YouTubeI am not a huge fan of YouTube. Although I like looking at some of the tutorials my biggest problem is my children are obsessed with watching videos of other people playing video games and making commentary. It is annoying and ridiculous but it keeps them busy while I get other things done. However because of those silly videos, this is one of my least favorite technologies.

Wordle- Although the finished result was kind of cool. I had to download java and switch from Mozilla to Chrome to support this program. And you cannot copy and paste or use the back button. I had to redo this about 4 times. For that reason alone,

I do not like Wordle.

CourseCastsI am a visual person. I like to read things to absorb them. Sometimes just hearing something will not make it sink in to my memory. So listening to the podcast on CourseCast was difficult for me. I would have to listen a few times before I could write about whatever they were saying. So I chose CourseCasts as another of my least favorite technologies.

Huh? What was that? I guess I have to play it again.

Sumo PaintI was not thrilled with Sumo Paint, it was not horrible but I did not think it was very user friendly. I kept having to start over again and maybe it was user error. Most likely it was but I just didn’t love it. I also didn’t like the fact that all the good stuff was an upgrade. It was like a big tease. Come play with this free toy but if you want to do the really cool designs you have to pay for it.

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