january newsletter of pwwsd in english

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The January Newsletter of the Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development in English is Finally In!! Check it Out!


Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development

جمعية المرأة العاملة الفلسطينية للتنمية

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Newsletter 01/2013

Welcome Dear Friends, We are happy to present the first edition of our newsletter informing you about our work and the main activities implemented during the period from October 2012 till January 2013. We will continue to be loyal to our message and goals, and provide our services to the Palestinian people in general, and to Palestinian women in particular. As always, we thank you for your interest and support, and encourage you to keep in touch with us through our website, facebook and twitter accounts, and invite you to visit our offices in Ramallah, Nablus, Tulkaim, Jenin, Bethlehem, Hebron and Gaza.

Ramallah and Gaza Celebrate the Annual Women Inheritance Day

Ramallah: the Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development, Women’s Affairs Center- Gaza and the Young Men’s Christian Association- Jerusalem celebrated, Monday, the annual Women’s Inheritance Day, in Ramallah Cultural Palace- Ramallah and Rashad Shawwa Hall- Gaza as part of the activities of the “Women’s Right to Inheritance” project. The celebration was organized under the auspice of Prime Minister Dr. Salam Fayyad and in the presence of the Minister of Justice Dr. Ali Muhanna who spoke on the behalf of Dr. Fayyad; acting supreme judge Mr. Yousef Idais attended in addition to a number of officials, and with the participation of feminist and grassroots organizations, hundreds of women from all parts of the West Bank and a number of European Union officials. The ceremony included artistic clauses, dabke performance, zajal performance and a drama sketch by students of Palestine Technical College in Ramallah.

Minister of Justice, Dr. Ali Muhanna, emphasized the support and commitment of the government to women in all sectors, and particularly that of justice, pointing out the readiness of the government to work with all stakeholders to develop women-supportive laws and legislations and issue legislations that reduce the judicial process with regards to cases pertaining to women ownership and inheritance. Muhanna emphasized the role of the Palestinian woman in the national

Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development

جمعية المرأة العاملة الفلسطينية للتنمية

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building, liberation and struggle phases, indicating that women are the more important half of the society and emphasizing that women are a necessity for societal advancement. Antony Grang, regional representative of the DCA, said that gender-based discrimination, albeit of its form, is present in all humanitarian societies, pointing out that DCA confirms the importance of achieving gender equality as obligatory rights and freedoms. Grang also provided an explanation about the project, its goals and activities to empower them to achieve justice and find a link between grassroots organizations and decision makers to counter the challenges that face women to reach justice; Grang pointed out the implementation of more than 20 advocacy campaigns in the West Bank and Gaza Strip over the period of three years, such that the project reached women in marginalized areas and raised their awareness with regards to their rights via workshops and trainings that enhance awareness and provide support. John Gatt-Rutter, representative of the European Union, talked about the importance of increasing women’s opportunities of ownership and achieve their right of inheritance, emphasizing that this puts the Palestinian society on the right track for sustainable development and to allow women to fully participate in the society. Rutter emphasized the important role of feminist and grassroots organizations in resisting discriminatory habits that prevent women from reaching justice, which is considered a standard of the degree of development of the society. Rutter pointed out that the celebration today comes with the purpose of emphasizing the importance of the inheritance right for both men and women. Mr. Yousef Idais, acting supreme judge, called for the importance of creating an implementation group of inheritance cases for each court to facilitate the acquisition of inheritance and limit long and complicated judicial procedures and high costs.

Amal Khreishe, General Director of PWWSD, confirmed that for three years of persistent work and in cumulative dimensions of feminist struggle for equality, the project focused on reformulation of power relations between men and women in accordance with human rights and developmental approaches by emphasizing the right of property for women as a base for empowerment and possession of strength and resources to face discrimination, policies and policies of pauperization, marginalization and exclusion, such that the structure and activities of the project served as an advocacy campaign that was able to highlight this right in vast circles in the Palestinian society, contributing to formulating a public opinion about this right. Khreishe added “the celebration today serves to demand the drafting of a personal status law that lives up to women’s rights, drafting of dissuasive sanctions to enforce women’s rights to inheritance and formulating policies that protect this right since numerous women were killed due to demanding their inheritance. May Jarrar, director of the training program at the YMCA, talked about the idea of the project and utilized tools to reach women and raise their awareness via media, theater sketches and zajal, praising all women who participated in this successful project that was able to draw the attention of everyone due to its importance. In the conclusion, the participating organizations in the West Bank were honored.

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Empowering and Enhancing Women Participation in the Local Elections

The local elections, which took place in two phases in October and December 2012, are the first at the local level since 2005. This year 1146 women out of total of 4696 candidates were elected, representing 24.4%. It is worth mentioning here that for the first time, one list in Hebron city and one in Ramallah district (Saffa village) consisted of women only. The total number of beneficiaries of the project exceeded 2700 women via the various implemented activities. The activities of the project were numerous and various, each serving a different objective to ensure a holistic experience and to maximize capacity building. Mobilization workshops and focus groups for women and young women were conducted for the center governorates in Ramallah, for the northern governorates in Jenin and for the southern governorates in Hebron. Additionally, open panel discussions with members of the local councils were carried out to increase sensitization to the importance of women participation in the local elections and councils. On a different note, several meetings with duty bearers took place in Ramallah, Tulkarem and Nablus, and lectures on women rights, educating women about the election process, and the role of women in decision-making were conducted in Jenin and in Hebron. With regards to media activities, a facebook page was used to promote women’s role in the elections, radio spots and programs were broadcasted on local radio stations, ads were published in local newspapers and posters and brochures printed and distributed.

PWWSD Conducts “Ending the Division and Incarnation of National Reconciliation” Meeting

PWWSD conducted, Tuesday, in cooperation with the Commission to Follow-up the Ending of the Division a meeting with a wide sector of youth from Nablus city and in the presence of national and political personnel. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the role of youth in political development. Mr. Khalil Assaf, President of the Consortium of Independent Palestinians in the West Bank, emphasized the importance of activating the role of youth in enhancing national unity and ending the division, and the role of youth leadership in inducing the aspired societal and political change. Political analyst Dr. Nafeth Abu Baker pointed out the importance of expanding popular and youth activity towards ending the division, praising the importance of Palestinian youth in taking an active role in political participation, since youth comprise approximately 70% of the society.

Mr. Fuad Khufash, a human rights researcher, confirmed the importance of achieving unity and working to enhance concepts of charity, reconciliation and tolerance among the society. Mr. Samer Anabtawi, coordinator of the Consortium of Independent Palestinians in Nablus, presented the role of then division on the Palestinian society, emphasizing the resulting gap and creating a state of internal tension. Mrs. Samar Hawash, coordinator of the women empowerment program at PWWSD in Nablus, clarified that the aim of the meeting is to determine solutions and mechanisms to end the division, incorporating the role of the society and youth to pressure decision-makers in reviving the national reconciliation process after the Palestinian success in Gaza and the United Nations. During the discussion, participating youth considered the impeding factors that lead to exacerbating the current situation, mainly due to the weakness of political parties, absence of a unified political decision and marginalization of youth initiatives and involvement to promote reconciliation. The participants recommended the integration and activation of youth leadership in the present political parties, pointing out the importance of youth capacity building to take an active role in leadership and political decision making. The meeting emanated in the creation of a youth follow-up committee to serve as the link between the present political committees.

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Activities of the Counseling Program at PWWSD

Ramallah: The Counseling Program at the Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development organized in December 2012 and January 2013 6 awareness raising workshops in domestic violence, sexual molestation and puberty, targeting a group of school and university students in addition to mothers to Ramallah and West Ramallah villages. The total number of beneficiaries reached 123 student and woman. The counseling program received 19 cases that necessitated individual counseling, with ranging problems, including family problems, marital problems, behavioral problems, domestic violence, rape and financial problems. Another 19 benefited from the counseling via telephone service, with various problems. Three meetings were conducted with the social worker in the Ministry of Social Affairs and the lawyer at the Women’s Center for Legal Aid and Counseling to follow-up a case. Nablus: 10 community awareness workshops were conducted as part of the counseling program. These workshops were organized in coordination with organizations in Nablus working in the field of counseling; the workshops focused on various subjects, including: sexual assaults, violence, psychological changes among teenagers, assertiveness. It is worth noting that the number of beneficiaries reached 66 women. Additionally, training was implemented for the youth, with the participation of 23 young women. The program consisted of four workshops and lasted one month. The training included skills and information that affected the private and professional lives of the participants, and aims to empower and expand women participation at various levels, especially women’s role in state institutions and the society and their access to higher administrative and leadership positions. The program also aims to empower women in planning and the realization of its importance in achieving women’s goals and develop their skills in order to achieve success, both at personal and professional levels.

Gaza: Specialists at PWWSD in Gaza conducted a meeting with Aisha Society on 060.1.2013 in Gaza city. The aim of the meeting was exchange of experience and networking to provide psychological and social support for families and individuals who were traumatized by the recent attack on the Gaza Strip. Specialists from PWWSD attended, Wednesday 23.01.2013, the theater play “The Girl from our Neighborhood”, organized by the Youth Empowerment and Social Participation program in Basma Association for Culture and Arts. The play focused on the stereotype imposed on special needs individuals; thereafter, a discussion emanated about suggestions to solve the proposed problem. Two group counseling sessions, each with 10 children, were conducted for children with psychological problems including involuntary urination, among other problems; several activities were conducted. Wisal Badawi, assistant coordinator of the counseling program at PWWSD Gaza, coordinated with a number of societies and community based organizations to provide for children and women psychological and social support services. PWWSD Gaza, and in cooperation with Al-Ahli hospital, organized an open day comprising of different recreational activities on 24.01.2013, for the children in the Daraj area. Specialists in the counseling program at PWWSD Gaza coordinated with a number of health and legal facilities to receive cases that necessitated legal and/or health intervention.

Report of Legal Services Provided to Palestinian Women in 2012 by PWWSD Ramallah Office

One of the objectives of the Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development is to promote the rule of law and access to justice for women. Thus, the PWWSD main office in Ramallah provides consultation services to women, both psychosocial and legal. During 2012, PWWSD provided legal consultation to 80 women, with the number of consultations

Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development

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provided by the lawyers 230 legal consultation. 22 women were presented in court with a total number of cases reaching 70 cases. The cases include alimony, divorce, Damaging other peoples properties, claims of deferred dowry, compensation for arbitrary divorce, financial claims, implementation of provision, custody and child visitation rights, demands for rent and custody expenses. Some of the main problems faced by the legal department at the PWWSD include the lack of knowledge and awareness by some women regarding their legal rights, how to claim them, the locations of Sharia courts and they lack knowledge about legal phrases and terminology. In addition, some women are unable to pay the court fees, and others are unable to make decisions concerning their personal life because of the pressure placed upon them by family members, children or the society.

Art, Music and Poetry to Promote the Concepts of Community Tolerance and Peace in Gaza

In joint cooperation between the Youth Forum for Tolerance and Unity which is affiliated with Pal-Think for Strategic Studies and the Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development, an art gallery was opened in Gaza on Saturday 26.01.2013 and which encompassed on artistic paintings that highlight and promote the values of tolerance and peace building. With the presence of 250 youth, both male and female, the event also included poetry reading and music playing. This cultural activity aimed at providing the Gaza youth with the chance to express their hopes and dreams through peaceful and cultural means.

PWWSD Participates in Seminar on “Building Economic and Social Development Partnerships in the MENA Region”

The PWWSD Women Empowerment Program Coordinator, Ms. Samar Hawash, participated in the regional seminar on building economic and social development partnerships in the MENA region. The seminar took place in Amman, Jordan, from 13 to 15.11.2012. Ms. Hawash was amongst approximately 120 participants from different countries in the MENA region, representing trade unions and legal organizations, independent unions, previous ministers, academics, members of parliament, politicians, in addition to representatives from different European countries including European parliament, socialist parties and international organizations. The seminar schedule included: Day 1: Opening speeches of inviting parties and screening of a short film about social justice in North Africa was followed by three consecutive sessions, titled: Enhancement of Economic and Social Development, Development of Progressive Welfare States and Tools of Development in Democratic Trade and Human Rights. The sessions included presentations by most of the country representatives, serving as a diagnosis and analysis of the status of Arab Spring countries. Discussions can be summarized in that the Arab Spring was a critical point in the context of people, in terms of centralization about the challenges facing these countries. These challenges manifested in the absence of democracy, suppression of freedoms and violation of human rights, including the implications of these on trade union mobilization freedoms and social and economic challenges, which reflected in denial of Arab people to economic and social rights, including increased rates of unemployment and poor social security systems. The presentations also focused on positive experiences as a result of accumulation of struggle, including the development of alliances and parties that may lead to a positive change in the long run. On the Palestinian question, Dr. Nabil Shaath elaborated extensively about the violations of human rights the Palestinian people are subjected to by the occupation, focusing on the role that should be played by the European Union in ensuring the application of resolutions of international legitimacy and holding Israel accountable for violating international conventions and treaties. Day 2: The day focused on the preparation of an economic and social development plan in the MENA region. This was achieved by dividing the participants into four groups that aimed to come up with practical recommendations and a work

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plan for each country; these groups focused on social protection after examining a common perspective for an economic and social development plan. A presentation by PWWSD focused on the Palestinian experience in economic and social development and particularly in social protection, shedding light on the effort of PWWSD and partner organizations. The recommendations included increasing worker’s awareness to their rights, enhancement of trade union action, development of social protection networks and continuation of advocacy and lobbying campaigns.

Summary of the Activities of the Community Center for Women and Children- Nablus - January 2013

The community center for women and children in Nablus organized numerous activities during January 2013, targeting children, youth and women. The children’s library of the women empowerment program in the Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development in Nablus, organized a winter camp for the winter vacation. The camp took place over the period of two weeks, with 25 participating children between 6-14 years of age. The activities of the camp included but were not limited to educational games, free drawing, face painting, storytelling and computer games.

Additionally, 10 workshops targeting youth were organized. The aim of these workshops was to increase the level of awareness of youth in social, human rights, legal and civic issues. These workshops focused on numerous topics, including active citizenship, leadership, gender, communication, proposed amendments on the personal status law and multiple Palestinian legislation systems. In the same context, a theater group was formed and the youth trained in the oppressive theater techniques; currently, the participants are developing a play about a legal issue to be presented.

Political will but not Lip Service - Towards Protecting Palestinian Women’s Right to Life

Within the recent developments in the Palestinian context and the recognition of Palestine as non- state member in the united nations where all the international human rights agreements and conventions should be applied, women basic right to life is still being violated under the so- called family honor background. As women, we believe that law sovereignty is the base for building a democratic community. A community that respects human rights and right to life in particular, represents the ambitious of all Palestinians. However, as part of the occupation’s practices against Palestinians in general and against women in particular, the amendments within the operating Jordanian family and penalties laws, were banned pushing the Palestinian community to live under the power of laws issued since 1960s and even before. Since that time, hundreds of women were killed due to various reasons and all were illustrated as if they were killing on the so- called family honor background. Presenting these crimes as “honor killing” contributed in giving excuse to the murderers and represented model for other crimes. We declared it clearly that as human rights organizations in general and women organizations in particular, will continue campaigning to cancel the articles that give excuse for murderers under the false justification of the so- called “family honor”. It is our right as women to have fair and just laws and we believe that it is time to have a national legal set that is capable of defending women’s rights. The quoted text (www. maannews.net – 27.12.2012) , which is referred to Lawyer Hassan al- Ouri, legal adviser of

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president Mahmoud Abbas, indicates the absence of a political will to activate the presidential decree that suspends article 340 of the operating penalties code. Thus, the decree loses its value and becomes as if it were a public relations statement rather than being the base for a law to achieve justice and give women equal rights. We are done with the statements issued for the sake of issuance only and we are looking for concrete actions that criminalize killing women and prosecuting murderers on the base of premeditation killing in the crimes where women are the victims. We call upon all stakeholders to prevent any reconciliation regarding the crimes of killing women where murderers are usually free of penalty. Amal Khreishe General Director - PWWSD – 27.12.2012

PWWSD Office in Tulkarim Implements Various Activities

Among its various activities, PWWSD office in Tulkarim implemented the following: - Training workshop for lawyers: the 20-hours workshop was conducted in Ramallah, targeting 20 women attorneys, focusing on litigation procedures and mechanism of including international conventions (CEDAW, International Declaration of Human Rights, and United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325) in pleadings of women. - Conducting 6 awareness raising workshops in political participation, violence and penal law. 92 participants were present from various locations: Kufr Zibad, Bal’a, A’teel and Tulkarem. - Receipt of 9 legal consultations, 3 legal cases, and 2 counseling cases were referred to psycho-social counseling. - An open meeting was conducted in Al-Quds Open University in the presence of 50 students, titled “Be a Human Being” and “Refuse Molestation”, to commemorate the “Combating Violence Against Women” week.

PWWSD holds a Training Course on Promoting the Rule of Law and Access to Justice for Women

As part of the project "Promoting the Rule of Law and Access to Justice Among Rural Women", PWWSD held a training course in cooperation with the Palestinian Police. 15 officers from the Family Protection Unit in the Palestinian Police and 12 trainee lawyers attended the training which took place from 22 to 24.12.2012 at the Police Academy in Jericho. The aim of the course was to develop the capabilities of the members of Family Protection Unit in the Palestinian Police and the lawyers in order to increase their capacities and their contribution to the access of law to rural women, as well as to raise their awareness about the procedures and laws and the work of the judiciary to achieve greater justice for affected women.

The training program included the following topics: - Laws relating to women's rights. - The legal aspects related to the work of the Family Protection Unit. - The work of the courts and judges, particularly the impact of laws and decisions of the Sharia Court. - The transfer of cases between the partner institutions and the police: transfer system, the role of each party, ethics of the profession.

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PWWSD Organizes an Open Meeting with the Winners in the Local Elections in Nablus

PWWSD organized and conducted an open meeting with the winners in the local elections in Nablus, titled “Towards Activating the Role of Palestinian Women in Local Councils”. The aim of the meeting was to encourage women to take an active role in the local councils, exchange knowledge and experience and exploring mechanisms for activating and enhancing the work of the local councils. Numerous recommendations emanated from the meeting, including focusig on gender issues in the action of the local councils, activating the role of local governance in facilitating thr work of women in the local councils, conducting training workshops and seminars for the winners in the local councils in project management. It is worth noting that 110 women from the 800 nominated women won in the local elections.

Training Course for Newly-Elected Women Members of Local Councils in Bethlehem and Hebron

PWWSD held a training course for the newly-elected women members of local councils from the governorates Bethlehem and Hebron. The training course, part of the “Women Civic Participation” project, lasted 3 days, from 15 till 17.12.2012, and handled issues such as leadership, advocacy and communication skills, the role of women in local councils, the importance of community support and participation in building and decision-making, self-empowerment and communication, self-affirmation and its investment with the role in the local council. In addition, the training course included discussions on the roles and duties of Palestinian local councils, the law of local councils, shadow councils and their role in supporting local councils and developing the capacities and performance of elected members. Additional training will be provided to elected women members of local councils in other project locations in the governorates of Ramallah, Salfit and Jenin.

Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development

جمعية المرأة العاملة الفلسطينية للتنمية

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PWWSD Participates in the Women Vendors Exhibition and Forum held in Mexico

The PWWSD participated in the Women Vendors Exhibition and Forum through its member Ms. Jackleen Tamim. The event took place in Mexico from 6 - 7 November 2012. Hundreds of participants from all over the world attended the conference. The conference included speeches and various workshops. Representatives of some countries gave presentations about their work and the handcrafts their countries are famous for, and especially the African continent was highlighted during the conference. The participating organizations were introduced for the purpose of connection and networking, and the participants met with a number of merchants representing companies working in the field, so we can promote our products and distribute brochures and business cards. In meetings with representatives of a number of organizations, Ms. Tamimi presented the products of Lamasat and discussed possible cooperation.

PWWSD Participates in an Experience Exchange Program

Ms. Amal Hijazi participated in a regional visit to Jordan, on behalf of the PWWSD, during the period 7-11/October/2012. Aim of the visit was to provide a chance for exchange of experience between participating organizations, identification of innovative methods and projects within a holistic program aiming at enhancing the capabilities of elderly education institutions in the Middle East. Administrators of community centers and partner organizations from the West Bank and Jordan concerned with societal development participated in the program. The program of the Visit included: Day 1: Welcome and synopsis about the project, followed by a presentation about participating organizations, expectations and questions. Day 2: - Field visit to Jadita Charitable Society in Ajloun- success story of local feminist production (school bag project). - Field visit to soap houses in Ajloun in cooperation and to community center in Tal Al-Ruman. Day 3: Field visit to a community center in Jarash concerned with the rehabilitation of special needs individuals and integrating them in the community, by aiding them in the acquisition of professional skills. The field visit continued to the training centers of the special needs individuals, including industrial workshops, homemade productions and marketplace. Day 4: - Field visit to a community center in Karak (herbal agriculture and soap and detergents industry project). - Field visit to feminist productive agricultural projects by land reclamation of houses. - Field visit to a cooperative institution for ladies in Karak and to a feminist production kitchen. Day 5: Expanded workshop with directors of visited centers and invited organizations in the presence of all general directors of community centers in the Ministry of Development and supervisors of the projects, which included exchange of experience among participants and learned lessons, presentation of developmental measures of centers and evaluation.

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