jatropha presentation

Post on 22-May-2015






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2. PENGALAMAN EKA TJIPTA FOUNDATION MEMBANGUNKEBUN INDUK & KEBUN RISETJARAK PAGAR Disampaikan di : Lokakarya Nasional Jarak Pagar IV BALITTAS, MALANG 6 November 2008 3. Menanam kebaikan Menuai kesejahteraan good deeds creategood seeds VISI 4. Merangkul, mengangkat harkat,dan melindungi kehidupan lingkungan Visualisasi Benih-Benih Kebaikan Upaya menyebar benih tidak di satu titik, tapi dikembangkan ,Menyebar makin banyak, tumbuh semakin besar secara berkelanjutan 5. 6. Kegiatan lain ETF terkait alternatif energi adalahpembangunan Deltamas Bioenergy Research Center yang memanfaatkan areal seluas 500 ha. Areal itu akan dijadikan pusat penelitian alternatif energi tidak hanya jarak pagar tetapi juga komoditas penghasil BBN lain 7. Lokasi Research Center 8. 9. +/- 50 Ha 10. 11. 12. Jalan desa Jalankebun 13. KEBUN INDUK IP2P IP2M DEMOPLOT KEBUN INDUK DEMOPLOT/KEBUN RISET PLASMA NUFTAH HASIL SELEKSI IP2P PERUNTUKKAN LAHAN : DELTAMAS BIOENERGI RESEARCH CENTER 14. Agustus 2008 15. 16. Road Map Pemuliaan Jatropha KB IP-2 (30 Ha ) IP=25% Waktu Select KB IP-3 IP (35%) NurseryKebun Benih IP-Plus IP =40% Select Select Aksesi Aksesi Reject Benih 1P-3 Benih 1P+ Reject Varietas Unggul Hibridisasi Galur 2008 2009 2010. . . . . . . . . .2012 Reject TargetProduktivitas 8 ton/Ha 9 ton/Ha 10 ton/Ha > 10 ton/Ha Aksesi DN LN Select Expl. Luas IP-2P 20 Ha IP-2A 10 Ha IP-3 10 Ha Benih 1P-2 17. China Honghe, Yunnan Malaysia Kuala Pilla 18. Yunnan Jatropha Research Center 16-20 Agustus 2008 Shao Tu Long Mengzi, Yunnan 19. Tamil Nadu dan Rajasthan Desember 2005-Januari 2006 20. India India Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan January 2006 [email_address] ,[email_address] , [email_address] http://www.jatrophaworld.org, http://www.jatrophabiodiesel.org Klon RNI - Jatitujuh Maret 07 21. 22. Bos-2 Puslitbangbun 23. MASALAH 24. Oleh : Roy Hendroko Setyobudi Disampaikan di Lokakarya Nasional Jarak Pagar III BALITTAS Malang, 5 November 2007 TANGGAPANMAKALAH PENGADAAN BAHAN TANAMAN JARAK PAGAR DI INDONESIA; DESA MANDIRI ENERGISERTA STRATEGI PENELITIAN DIMASA DATANG 25. Permasalahan

    • Varietas

PG Jatitujuh April 2006 Jarak lanang 26. S/d Oktober 2008 :3 tanaman IP-2P lanangdi petak 8 27. Ada6 tan IP-2P mutasi

  • petak 2
  • petak 4
  • petak 8
  • petak 9
  • petak 11 : 2 tanaman

28. IP-2P Varigata ?? Bangka, Sept 08 29. jerami kulit buah Retak-2 30. Klon Introduksi Galur mutan BATAN, dan lain-lain Juni 08 Okt 08 31. Kualalumpur Jatropha Summit, Agustus 2008 32. BREEDING PROGRAMMEJATROPHA CURCAS EKA TJIPTA FOUNDATION IN INDONESIA *) Henky Luntungan 1 ), Roy Hendroko 2 ) dan Praptiningsih G.A. 3 ) ABSTRACT The economic value ofjatropha curcasdepend on productivity, that way Eka Tjipta Foundation (ETF) manage Jatropha Curcas Research Center at Deltamas Cikarang, West Java, Indonesia The purpose ofthe research center is to getJatropha curcasvariety withhigh yielding, early flowering, high oil content, tolerant pest disease and homogeny mature First steps of this programmed is germplasm collection. ETF have five source : (a)from seed garden thatselected 20 accession numbers from 22,000 plants base on more than 100 capsules/ plant after four months planted, (b) collected from drought area in Gorontalo, Indonesia have 3 accessions, (c) from drought area in Timor Island have 6 accessions, (d) collected from drought area in Sumba Island 10 accessions and last is (e) collected from mutation breeding have 7 mutant lines. Second steps are breeding programmed. ETF use material of seed less than 0.8 gram, rate of germination less than 6 days, selection of plant base vigority, and planting plants for high yielding 30 plants per row. The program has been doing for a year and hope that can make superior varieties ofJatropha curcaswith productivity more than 10 ton and 35 % yield will get at 2009 ---------------------------------------- *) Presented in poster at Kualalumpur Jatropha Summit, 12 th 14 th Agust2008 1) Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan (ICERD) Bogor, Indonesia 2)Sinar Mas Alternative Energy, Jakarta, Indonesia 3)Universitas Merdeka Madiun, East Java, Indonesia 33. Mei 2007 Agust 07 34. Kemarau 07 September 08 Masalah 35. Sungai Cibeet 10x10x2,3 m 36. I. mulsa jerami Retak-2 Jamur merang 37. II. Mulsa kulit buah dan pangkasan pucuk Retak-2 38. Tanam April 08Penuh air Masalah 39. Solusi : Biopori ??? 40. Minggu ke-2 Okt 08 41. Mei 2008 Umur 1-2 bulan Masalah 42. Ralstonia solanacearum 43. Ralstonia solanacearum Agustus 08 44. Ralstonia solanacearum 45. THE ATTACK OF DISEASE OCCURRED at ETF JATROPHA SEED GARDEN, CIKARANG - INDONESIA *) Roy Hendroko 1 ), Elna Karmawati 2 ), Zainal Mahmud 2 ) and Soekamto 2 ) ABSTRACT The attack of certain disease had been occurred at Eka Tjipta Foundation Jatropa Seed Garden, Cikarang, West Java, Indonesia. The symptom is one until several leaves wilting with their branches. Some plants have the whole leaves wilting and showing rotten in the beginning of stem. The attack started early May 2008 and achieved 5 % from the area of 10 ha. The pathogen was isolated. Theliquid of plant was poured to the selective media and added with antibiotic crystal violet, polymicin B sulfat, chlorampenicol and phenicilin, and was incubated at 28o C temperature. And the result showed that the pathogen isRalstonia solanacearum . Some bactericida Agrept, Prima BAPF and Biotriba- was trial to control the disease. But until July 2008 the diseases still attacked the Jatropa seed garden. In Agust 2008, ETF have been trying use Custom B5 and Custom GP.Temporary conclusion, thebiological soil amendment can control the disease ---------------------------------------- *) Presented in poster at Kualalumpur Jatropha Summit, 12 th 14 th Agust2008 1)Sinar Mas Alternative Energy, Jakarta, Indonesia 2)Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan (ICERD) Bogor, Indonesia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Presented in poster at International J. curcas Conference, Bogor,June 2008 46. Ralstonia solanacearum 47. Ralstonia solanacearum 48. sawah Ex-vitro Micro-cutting Bud-cutting Stek pucuk MASALAH BIBIT TERLALU TUA 49. Ex-vitro Micro-cutting Bud cutting Stek pucuk Pangkas di poly ?? 50. Stek pucuk Biji 51. THE ADVANTAGES OF TOPPINGS OF PHYSIC NUT ( Jatropha curcas, L ) SEEDLING INNURSERY *) Praptiningsih G.A1 ), Roy Hendroko 2 ), and Zainal Mahmud 3 ) ABSTRAK The important strategy to increase productivity of physic nut is formation of the branch.Earlier pruning or toppings at the seedling stages is effective technique to stimulate primary branch of jatropha in the field, andthe bud was cutting from theseedlings still useable as plant material.The aim was to compare the number of branch for toppings plant and without toppings plant, to comparegrowth performance of the plants from bud cutting and from seeds. It was found thattoppings 2 week before transplanting of the6 week old seedlings will produce 3 to 4 primary branch at 15 to 20 cm above soil surface. For without toppings, only 2 primary branche at 60 - 100 cm above soil surface.At the first flower appears, the pre-prunings plant can produce 6 to 8 secondary branche where 2th flower will be appearsBunched producing at the first flowering period is 3 4 and subsequent 6 8 at the 2th period for pre-pruningcompare to only one and subsequent 2th flowering period for non toppings plant.Direct planting of the bud cutting from the seedlings in to polybag will be produced a new seedling with the same quality. Observation in Eka Tjipta Foundation (ETF) Jatropha Seed Garden at Cikarang, West Java, Indonesia shows that there is no different growth performance of the plants from bud cutting and from seeds. Observation also shows that even the root dry matter was not different, the number of roots produce of thebud cutting tend higher than from seeds. ---------------------------------------- *) Presented in poster at Kualalumpur Jatropha Summit,12 th 14 th Agust2008 1 )Universitas Merdeka Madiun, East Java, Indonesia 2 )Sinar Mas Alternative Energy, Jakarta, Indonesia 3 )Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan (ICERD) Bogor, Indonesia 52. TUNGAU Famili: Tarsonemidae Eriophyidae DAUN PUCUK MATI NORMAL Masalah : Hama 53. K utu bertepung putih Ferrissia virgataCockerell 54. Bangka Sept 08 Trips Ulat Pengorok daun 55. SARAN

  • PENINGKATAN RISET (kerja sama)
  • > PAMOR& Promosi JARAK PAGAR

56. Danke schnAng kunMerciKiitos Efcharisto Danyavad Gum xiaKsznm Terima kasih Dekoju EsoHvala Spasibo NgiyabongaWiyarrparlunpaju-yunguTawdiGracias Sha shaGiittus MaulanengaAachaykinDhannvaad Obrigado GrazieThank You Qujanaq Xie xie Nodan mamomamoShukran ArigatoOokiniGum xia mersi Teekkr ederim SEMOGA ALLAH MEMBERKATI KARYA dan USAHA KITA

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