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“The People’s Studio”

Communication Plan

Georgetown University

MPPR 505-42: Elements of Communications Planning

John Landry

August 5, 2015

The People’s Studio Communications Plan

Table of Contents

Executive Summary…………………………………………………………3Background…………………………………………………………………..4Situation Analysis…………………………………………………………….7Problem/Opportunity……………………………………………………….7Insight…………………………………………………………………………..8Goal…………………………………………………………………………….9Objectives……………………………………………………………………..9Key Publics…………………………………………………………………...10Brand Positioning……………………………………………………………12Framing……………………………………………………………………….12Messages…………………………………………………………………….13Strategies & Tactics………………………………………………………...15Budget………………………………………………………………………..18

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Calendar……………………………………………………………………..19Evaluation……………………………………………………………………20Appendix A: SWOT Analysis……………………………………………...23Appendix B: Creative Materials…………………………………………24Appendix C: Confirmation Table………………………………………..27Appendix D: Probable or Possible Key Publics……………………….28Appendix E: References…………………………………………………..30

Executive Summary

Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) has a 97-year history of filmmaking that has inspired countless across the globe. The studio studio is consistently one of the top four industry earners. Its enormous catalog of intellectual properties serves as a reminder of their prominence and a safety net for any potential failures.

SPE has fallen in both the industry’s and public’s eyes following a cyber attack that exposed information of a personal nature and unfavorable business practices. The handling of the event was poorly executed and still poses risks towards future prosperity.

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The goal of this communication plan is to rebuild SPE’s brand by using this event as a catalyst to lead the industry in change for the betterment of their stakeholders and consumers. This plan will show how changing the small things through grassroots approaches can lead to long-term internal prosperity. It will also demonstrate how utilizing communications tactics that empower the consumer will not only successfully rebrand SPE, but also build and maintain brand loyalty. This loyalty is then further cemented through repetitive community engagements aimed at promoting the values of SPE across their consumer base.

The total cost to implement this plan is $844,000 over the course of a year and an additional $300,000 the following year if continued past this timeline. It has the power to not only change the brand of SPE, but also separate them from the pack to lead the industry towards unprecedented development. Furthermore, the publics targeted are more than your average moviegoer, they are your employees, production partners and shareholders, which further allows SPE to sustain itself for an additionally 97 years, growing its catalog like never before.Background

ClientBy the end of the calendar year of 2014, Sony Pictures Entertainment, SPE, maintained a 12.6% share of the Studio Market Share, grossing $1.3

billion and ranking them 4th out of 161 studiosi. Their largest film, The Amazing Spider-man 2, brought in over $202 million, which was followed closely by 22 Jump Street at $191 millionii. In total, the studio industry grossed $10.3 billion with 20th Century Fox leading with 18.4% of the marketiii. Trailing the leader by only 5.8% is a favorable position

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when considering there were 161 studios in the market that year. In fact it has moved up and down the top four since 2011iv. Additionally, the studio’s library, built over the last 97 years, has expanded to include over 3,500 titles, which remains a valuable holdingv. However, its longevity remains in jeopardy following the unprecedented cyber attack they experienced during the final quarter of 2014, detailed in the below timeline, but there is opportunity created by this problem.

The most condemning information involved the stark differences between the earnings of female employees compared to their male counterpartsvi. Additionally, email traffic between executives exposed unfavorable descriptions of some of their employees as well as racist attitudes.vii However, the most costly effect of this attack was the loss of their employees’ personal information. This included social security numbers, medical files and account passwordsviii. SPE now faces a class-action lawsuit from their employees and a perception of weak management in the film industry.

By mid December Sony Pictures did try to address the employee’s original concerns by holding two town hall style meetingsix. Sony Pictures CEO Michael Lynton also personally apologized to themx. This was a step in the positive direction and demonstrated a willingness to address issues and work towards issue resolution.

It wasn’t until January when Sony Corporation’s CEO, Kaz Hirai, spoke out about the cyber attack on Sony Pictures, but failed to discuss the plan to lead the victims through it. Furthermore, Sony Corporate has yet to publicly address any of the issues the hack exposed within SPE. Despite SPE’s storied history and steady prominence within the

industry in the immediate aftermath, they leave many issues unaddressed at their peril.

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The People’s Studio Communications Plan

Competitive Analysis

The above pie graphs show a 12.2% share of the box office studio market enjoyed by SPE in 2014. However, in previous years their share has fluctuated from 12.1% in 2010 to 16.6% in 2012 and a current low of 2.7% halfway through 2015 in the second graphxi. This fluidity is common in the

industry as studios consistently move up and down the market share. Even though the 2015 numbers are not completely condemning, they

do represent a stark contrast from business as usual. This is especially concerning following the close of this summer’s blockbuster season, as there are only a few opportunities during the final two quarters to regain market shares. As it stands they’re sitting in the eighth spot.

The numbers do indicate this would be the first time during this decade that the studio would drop out of the top four of the industry’s leaders. This current statistic does raise enough alarms to look for a change in direction and there is a growing niche within the creative industries. Online company’s like YouTube and Vimeo have given the power of video publishing to the masses for the first time and their growth appears to continue escalating. However, they

Sony Pictures Entertainment

SPE earned 12.6% of the Studio Market share in 2014, ranking them 4th out of 161. SPE earned 2.7% of

this year’s Studio Market share, ranking them 8th out of 113.


The People’s Studio Communications Plan

still don’t provide publishing credit for users who share content. Additionally, new methods of funding projects and businesses through companies like Kickstarter, who uses a method called crowdfunding to finance projects, have also grown during this current decade. The common theme of this niche is empowerment. Recent films like “Wish I Was Here” raised $2 million through Kickstarterxii. Filmmakers rely on individual investment for projects outside of the studio system. Outlets like Kickstarter will steadily make this method of financing more available to the masses. Add that nearly a third, 31%, of all internet users have posted videos online to either YouTube or Vimeoxiii.

Situation AnalysisThe hack exposed a lack of concern for the security of their

employees as well as other unfavorable practices, including menacing practices of inequality and racism. Fortunately, SPE maintained profitability throughout the time period of the hack and during the following two quarters. Additionally, there have been no boycotting movements of their films or of Sony Corporation’s other products. The hack has led to a class-action lawsuit by their former and current employees and SPE still hasn’t addressed the business practices the attack exposed.

In the wake of this unparalleled cyber attack Sony Pictures Entertainment needs to rebrand and repair their reputation as the people’s studio with a focus on information security, equality and the promotion of civil rights within their studio to regain the lost trust among their employees, shareholders and parent company. Furthermore, their efforts will serve to lead the film industry in a new direction, promoting new standards and becoming a model for change among their peers and Sony Corporation.

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Problem/OpportunityThe Sony Pictures Entertainment hack has served to highlight

many of the negative practices of inequality and racism, tainting their reputation within the industry. Additionally, their failure to handle the situation has tarnished their reputation further by creating a perception of susceptibility to censorship and therefore, weakness. Now is the time for Sony Pictures to admit their failures and lead the industry in creating a model studio built on empowering the consumer and promoting equality and respect for all of its employees to rebuild the trust it lost.

InsightThis proposal seeks to both provide an answer for those affected

by the hack and rebrand the studio to match the evolution of their identified consumers. Unfortunately, the research does not tell the whole state within SPE’s executive levels to address the hack. Many of the required actions will need their buy-in and involvement because those affected cannot be addressed in the traditional ways SPE’s consumers are. In this incident their employees and partners were the ones directly affected, which means knowledge of the industry is needed to reach them. For instance, SPE’s employees mostly consist of administration, post-production and executive workersxiv. However, external production companies are a constant and operate contractually with major studios like SPExv. This infers SPE’s executives and their relationships with these groups will ultimately guide any communications efforts addressing the hack. This is especially significant when considering the industry reputation of poor leadership the studio has been known for over the past three decades, which was

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partly chronicled in the book “Hit and Run” by Nancy Griffin and Kim Mastersxvi.

Additionally, there appears a preference by Sony Corporation to distance themselves from this event, but it is not known how directly, if at all, behind the scenes they’re advising the studio. This could play a significant role, if it hasn’t already, towards the ability to instill the required communications goal. This is especially important as this proposal has the ability to drive further business and outreach decisions.

There have also been several corporations who have experienced similar cyber attacks that exposed sensitive information. Of those the Home Depot, Target and JP Morgan all experienced similar affects with similar downfalls in stock sharesxvii. However, their cyber attacks were mostly focused on stored customer credit card information with a secondary concern for email information, whereas SPE’s was more focused on employee information. This is significant because while those situations are similar, the communications plans were solely directed at the consumers.Goal

Rebrand Sony Pictures into the people’s studio and the industry’s leader in equality, employee satisfaction and civil rights promotion to attract and keep the best and brightest employees, while re-earning the respect of the consumer and confidence of its shareholders.

ObjectivesA. Regain the trust and confidence by 20% above the current

baseline of the current Sony Pictures employees by the end of 2015 and increasing it by 5% each year thereafter.

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B. Rebrand as the people’s studio by increasing consumer interactivity with the SPE operated websites by 20% by the end of 2015.

C. Expand community and media engagements focused on equality, diversity and civil rights promotions to once a month through the end of the summer of 2016.

D. Expand the conversation on the continued financial strength of Sony Pictures Entertainment from quarterly reports to monthly reports through the end of 2015.

Key PublicsSony Pictures Employees (Internal/External)

(Past/Present/Future)Demographic White, Male, Ages 18-65, $40,000/yr, 2/3rd

college educatedWhite, Female, Ages 18-50, $40,000/yr, college educated

Psychographic Sony Pictures Executives are to blame for the hack and the consequences of it.

Self-Interest Security of their personal information and a financial settlement for the violation of it.

Relationship to Issue

The people directly affected by the hack

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Unions and Prosecuting Class-Action Lawyers

Accomplishable Objective

Objectives A, B & D

Moviegoers (Consumers)xviii

Demographic White, Male & Female, Ages 18-39, $40,000/yrxix & up

Psychographic Consumption of films is based on content and word of mouth or critic on occasion

Self-Interest EntertainmentRelationship to Issue



Social Critic Media Services, Film Critics

Accomplishable Objective

Objective B

“Above the Line” Film Industry Producers, Directors & Actors

Demographic White, Male, Ages 30-60, $71,000/yrxx & up, college educated

Psychographic Sony Pictures Executives are to blame for the hack and the consequences of it

Self-Interest Security of their employees and clientsRelationship to Issue

Some of the people directly affected by the hack or people who know people who were

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Production Company Executives, Agency Executives

Accomplishable Objective

Objectives A, B & C

Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) Majority Shareholders (5%+)Demographic White Male, Ages 40-70, $500,000/yr, college

educatedPsychographic Poor executive leadership led to the hack, but it

wasn’t a large enough setback to lose faith.Self-Interest Profitability of SPERelationship to Issue

Financial concerns as direct investors of Sony Pictures Entertainment


The Trade Focused Media, Majority Shareholders, Board, SPE Executives and Sony Corporation Executives.

Accomplishable Objective

Objectives B & C

Brand PositioningSony Pictures Entertainment is a global film studio brand forever

linked with the image of Sony Corporation and Spiderman. As consistently one of the four highest earning studios, they are known as

influent filmmakers with the power to finance over 40 film projects a year. However, they’re now also historically known for poor studio leadership and for displaying a lack of overall care for their employees following the cyber attack.

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The People’s Studio Communications Plan

Their inability to secure their personal information has led this brand towards an uncertain future in the film industry.

Now is the time for Sony Pictures Entertainment to look towards a future where their brand leads today’s industry as “The People’s Studio” with a code promoting consumer empowerment, equality, civil rights and quality employee care. This adjusted branding will enable SPE to occupy a new frontier for a major film studio. Only then can they regain the initiative and become a beacon for the industry’s best and brightest that will more than maintain the quality seen in their 40 plus annual projects.Framing

By making the right choices in content through empowering the consumer and driving SPE’s actions towards the issues at hand they can stand a chance at not only showing responsibility for their failures, but also showing the attributes of a progressive studio. These frames will gain assistance from uniqueness, informing, and credibility cues to drive home the proper response among its directly affected public.

Choices: This frame is relied on to continually demonstrate that SPE is consistently making the right choices for their employees and the future of the studio, which will seek to drive the action that SPE is the right choice for the industry’s top talent.

Actions: This plan will highlight each action SPE is taking to right a post-hack scenario while emphasizing future steps it is taking to lead the industry in a positive new direction. These future plans will serve to inspire and motivate their empowered consumers and current SPE employees.

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Responsibility: It speaks volumes when leaders accept responsibility in the wake of a tragedy and while SPE didn’t create the hack, their ownership of the consequences will continue to encourage their employees to think positively about the leadership of the studio.

MessagesOrganizational (Objective A & B)

1. Sony Pictures Entertainment is pushing the conversation on employee equality and the protection of our civil rights to the forefront.

a. The film industry is long overdue for a look in the mirror and we are committed to leading the charge for equal pay among our industries best employees.

b. Diversity breeds creativity and equality breeds opportunity, and embracing these within our industry will propel us towards new frontiers.

c. It is our social responsibility as filmmakers to not only discuss these issues, but to address them across the industry.

d. Here at Sony Pictures we value incredible talent, regardless of what form it comes in and our doors will always remain open to the visionaries of the world.

2. We at Sony Pictures Entertainment would like to provide our deepest sympathies to our employees, partners, clients and consumers for this hack and our handling of it thereafter.

a. The hack was uncharted territory for our studio and we now better understand how to address it, while building for a more secure studio.

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b. We are all in this together and rely on each of our employees to keep doing the excellent work that has made us the studio we are today.

c. The FBI has called this an unprecedented cyber attack.Objectives A, B, C, & D

3. Sony Pictures Entertainment is the people’s studio and will continue to get back up in the face of adversity.

a. Times of adversity breed opportunity and this event has given us the gift of reflection, which has led us to discover the future lies in our ability to better integrate our consumers, employees and talent.

b. SPE’s website proves we are the only studio who believes in the talent and opinions of our customers.

c. Our websites seek to share the creative magic that is taking place at Sony Pictures Entertainment.

d. We are working hard to ensure our consumers play an integral part in not only what films we produce, but what ideas inspire new films.

e. We are the only studio willing to give credit to our consumers who present us with great content or ideas.

4. We at Sony Pictures Entertainment create and inspire through film and television.

a. Our library of over 3,500 titles, built over 97 years, has inspired and continues to inspire countless people around the world.

b. Film and television have the power to bridge differences, change policy and inspire positive action. We at Sony take that responsibility to heart.

c. Our films have become cultural icons because our employees have been industry leaders in their professions.

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d. Sony Television mainstays like Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy have surpassed mainstream pop culture and moved into icon status because of the quality and stewardship of our employees.

5. We are committed to the wellbeing of our employees, talent, partners and their families.

a. Sony Pictures has installed the best executive leadership since the cyber attacks to ensure the wellbeing of our employees.

b. Employee satisfaction has a direct impact on life at home and we strive to ensure our employees and talent receive the right leadership that promotes such an environment.

c. It is our priority to ensure our partners, talent and employees not only enjoying working for us, but are proud of the work they do.

Strategies & Tactics1. Run Authentic Grassroots Executive-Employee Campaign

a. CEO conducts weekly town-hall-style meetings at the end of every workweek for the next two months to listen to employee concerns and ideas where they can then vote on the priority of generated concerns. (A New Industry Standard)

b. Department Vice Presidents conduct monthly leadership climate surveys within their departments to identify employee concerns. (Completed in 3 Waves Annually)

c. CEO & Department VPs communicate synchronized messaging during all encounters with employees.

d. CEO & Department VPs conduct daily 30-minute walk and talk to develop professional friendship with a different employee.

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e. CEO sends weekly SPE update of progress made to the leadership of the top 30 industry production companies and the historically tied production companies.

2. Empower the Consumer and Inform them of New Branda. Create and adopt a new SPE logo that displays more than

the Sony name with references to its long history and integral a part of the industry’s legacy. This logo will then be displayed at the beginning of each creative property.

b. Create and support a creative content idea website open to the public where they can freely present their ideas for future films or television shows and receive recognition in the credits. This website could also serve to accept individual investment/donations for the creation of these ideas if they go into production.

c. Create a share your film/video website for possible publication through SPE.

d. Make old films available online for consumers to create their own mashups, which can then be published or shared via their website.

e. Make prospected project ideas available for fans to vote on to help determine which ideas are worth the investment.

f. Run “The People’s Studio” messaging campaign over the next year.

3. Conduct Community Engagements with a focus on diversity and inclusion.

a. Conduct equality training once a month over the next quarter.

b. Conduct one community engagement every other month focused on the promotion of equality.

c. Conduct one community engagement every other month focused on the promotion of personal freedoms.

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d. Gain monthly exposure in industry media outlets for SPE’s efforts towards corporate social responsibility.

4. Communicate Employee Fulfillment at SPEa. Work to make Media Lists for top 100 Best Companies to

Work for Women or Minorities by 2020.b. Get exposure in industry media outlets once a quarter on

the rising employee satisfaction at SPE.c. Create a “Why I Work at Sony Pictures” video mini-

documentary to identify the motivations of its employees to define the culture.

5. Communicate SPE Strength and Progress to Majority Shareholders

a. Quarterly SPE Progress Report Newsletter sent to all majority shareholders (those who own 5% or more).

b. Hold bi-annual press roundtable with financial media publications, including but not limited to Kiplinger, Barrons, Investor’s Business Daily, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, The Economist, Forbes, and Money.


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CalendarOBJECTIV A. Regain the trust and confidence by 20% above Calendar Month Tactic

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E:the current baseline of the current Sony Pictures employees by the end of 2015 and increasing it by 5% each year thereafter














Key Public Sony Pictures Employees / “Above the Line” Film Industry Producers, Directors & Actors

Strategy 1. Run Authentic Grassroots Executive-Employee Campaign


a. CEO conducts weekly town-hall-style meetings SPE

b. Department Vice Presidents conduct monthly leadership climate surveys Vender

c. CEO & Department VPs communicate synchronized messaging during all encounters with employees SPE

d. CEO & Department VPs conduct daily 30-minute walk and talk to develop professional friendship with a different employee SPE

e. CEO sends weekly SPE update of progress made to the leadership of the top 30 industry production companies SPE


B. Rebrand as the people’s studio by increasing consumer interactivity with the SPE operated websites by 20% by the end of 2015

Calendar Month

Tactic Owne














Key Public Moviegoers (Consumers)

Strategy 2. Empower the Consumer and Inform them of New Brand


a. Create and adopt a new SPE logo Vendor

b. Create and support a creative content idea website open to the public where they can freely present their ideas for future films or television shows and receive recognition in the credits Vendor

c. Create a share your film/video website for possible publication through SPE Vendor

d. Make old films available online for consumers to create their own mashups Vendor

e. Make prospected project ideas available for fans to vote on to help determine which ideas are worth the investment Vendor

f. Run “The People’s Studio” messaging campaign over the next year SPE


C. Expand community and media engagements focused on equality, diversity and civil rights promotions to once a month through the end of the summer of 2016

Calendar Month

Tactic Owne














Key Public

Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) Majority Shareholders (5%+) / “Above the Line” Film Industry Producers, Directors & Actors

Strategy3. Conduct Community Engagements with a focus on diversity and inclusion.

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a. Conduct equality training once a month over the next quarter Vendor

b. Conduct one community engagement every other month focused on the promotion of equality SPE

c. Conduct one community engagement every other month focused on the promotion of personal freedoms SPE

d. Gain monthly exposure in industry media outlets for SPE’s efforts towards corporate social responsibility Vendor


A. Regain the trust and confidence by 20% above the current baseline of the current Sony Pictures employees by the end of 2015 and increasing it by 5% each year thereafter

Calendar Month

Tactic Owne














Key Public

Sony Pictures Employees (Internal/External) (Past/Present/Future) / Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) Majority Shareholders (5%+)

Strategy 4. Communicate Employee Fulfillment at SPE


a. Work to make Media Lists for top 100 Best Companies to Work For Women or Minorities by 2020 SPE

b. Get exposure in industry media outlets once a quarter on the rising employee satisfaction at SPE Vendor

c. Create a “Why I Work at Sony Pictures” video mini-documentary to identify the motivations of its employees to define the culture Vendor


D. Expand the conversation on the continued financial strength of Sony Pictures Entertainment from quarterly reports to monthly reports through the end of 2015

Calendar Month

Tactic Owne














Key Public

Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) Majority Shareholders (5%+) / Sony Pictures Employees (Internal/External) (Past/Present/Future)

Strategy 5. Communicate SPE Strength and Progress to Majority Shareholders


a. Quarterly SPE Progress Report Newsletter sent to all majority shareholders (those who own 5% or more) SPE

b. Hold bi-annual press roundtable with financial media publications SPE

EvaluationObjective A: Regain the trust and confidence by 20% above the current baseline of the current Sony Pictures employees by the end of 2015 and increasing it by 5% each year thereafter.

This Objective is measured and evaluated in two ways. First is the through continued monthly employee surveys. These will form the

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basis for initial metrics and the actions taken thereafter to identify successes and failures. These employee engagement surveys must be a mandatory requirement for authentic data. This data then becomes our primary internal research tool for any adjustments to this objective. The second set of metrics will come from Since these can come from the public they’ll help us either confirm our original measurements or help us to address any systemic issues that trend across both evaluation tools. Glassdoor might provide us with less filtered recommendations.

OBJECTIVE B: Rebrand as the people’s studio by increasing consumer interactivity with the SPE operated websites by 20% by the end of 2015.

As a part of the vendor contract, our new websites will include all the necessary requirements to measure not only our Acquisition rates that measure visits, but also our Engagement rates that can identify how long or if it’s being shared sociallyxxi. Google Analytics can also provide Conversion metrics to help identify who is actively participating in the rebranding initiativesxxii. This can help us flex in any direction of the aforementioned tactics associated with this objective. Furthermore, we will closely follow #thepeoplesstudio as it grows awareness through successful interaction from our target demographics. It is important for this to happen as organically as possible to grant it a higher level of authenticity.

Objective C: Expand community and media engagements focused on equality, diversity and civil rights promotions to once a month through the end of the summer of 2016.

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This objective’s evaluation will follow the same methods as Objective A, but with a focused search on any comments or concerns of discrimination. However, we will also measure the “Above the Line” talent we are asked to do business with as an aid to help judge our perception within the industry. Our consumer content uploads from our websites will also help us judge our brand’s position here.

Objective D: Expand the conversation on the continued financial strength of Sony Pictures Entertainment from quarterly reports to monthly reports through the end of 2015.

This objective will require more than the rise or fall of the studio’s shares since the market can be affected by too many outside elements. Instead we’ll have to rely on the archaic method of majority shareholder communications with SPE by separating them into positive or negative. The CEO’s updates will request feedback which will be routed through the SPE Communications Office for measurement.

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Appendix A: SWOT Analysis

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Appendix B: Creative Materials

The top two materials are mockups for the marketing campaign to slowly bring the studio brand towards “The People’s Studio” concept subtly. It’s designed as either a billboard, street advertisement or online ‘click’ ad. The script is written to both inspire and breed

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curiosity. The call to action is on the bottom and meant to bring their consumer public towards SPE’s websites where they can further interact with the studio.

The bottom two mockups are examples of a new logo. They are meant to draw upon Sony Corporation’s old “Make Believe” campaign while expanding it towards this new communications plan focused on inspiring the consumer. The backdrop is a photo of a worm hole in space from the film “Interstellarxxiii.” This image is copyrighted, but serves to illustrate a portal to a new frontier (empowering the consumer). It is also another physical part of space that captures light, similar to film, which records light. The slogan of “People’s Studio” is subdued and centered in the worm whole on purpose in order to not force it on the consumer who will hopefully begin calling SPE the People’s Studio organically to gain it authenticity. In short, it serves to both pay homage to the lineage of Sony while expanding towards the future of unforeseen potential growth. However, one of the tactics is for consumers to submit their own logos.

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Appendix C: Confirmation Table

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Appendix D: Probable or Possible Key Publics

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The most probable public for this situation is the general population of film industry employees because they were the ones directly affected by the cyber attack. However, it is important to note that this public does have a divide between the creative levels and the physical production levels. The potential publics surround the SPE majority shareholders because they need reaffirmation of SPE’s continued strength and confidence in the market. It is important to note the consumers were not effected in any way from this event, unlike similar hacks with Target or Home Depot. Fortunately, this event has presented SPE with a moment to change the passive relationship they have with their consumers and tap into a growing trend towards consumer empowerment. As the average moviegoer is aged 25-39, it is no coincidence the average age of online video watchers covers the same age group, expanding from 18 to 49xxiv.

Sony Pictures Entertainment

Source: MPAA Theatrical Market Statistics 2014


The People’s Studio Communications Plan

Branding expert Martin Lindstrom stated in 2012 that “The companies that are smart are going to be really transparent and say ‘hey consumer, work with us’. The companies that are less smart are going to be the ones that put up a polished surface and pretendxxv.”

Sony Pictures Entertainment

Source: MPAA Theatrical Market Statistics 2014


The People’s Studio Communications Plan

Appendix E: References

Sony Pictures Entertainment 30

i,. 2015. '2014 Market Share And Box Office Results By Movie Studio'.,. 2015. 'Sony / Columbia'., 2015. ‘2014 Market Share And Box Office Results By Movie Studio’iv, 2015. ‘2011 Market Share And Box Office Results By Movie Studio’v Sherman, Erik. 2014. 'Sony Hack Reveals Lack Of Diversity Among Top Company Earners'. Fortune.,. N.p., 2015. Web. 22 July 2015.viii Tuttle, Hilary. 2015. "Sony Faces Lawsuits After Data Breach." Risk Management (00355593) 62, no. 2: 4-7. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed June 17, 2015).ix Lori Grisham, USA TODAY Network. 2015. 'Timeline: North Korea And The Sony Pictures Hack'. USA TODAY. Ibid.xi,2015.xii Davis, Scott. 'Zach Braff Talks About His Kickstarter Campaign For Last Year's Wish I Was Here'. Flickering Myth. N.p., 2015. Web. 27 July 2015.xiii Shalvey, Kevin. "YouTube, Vimeo Getting More Video Uploads from Users." Investor's Business Daily, Oct10, 2013. Tait, Asa. 2015. xv Ibid.xvi Ibid.xvii,. 2015. 'MPAA Theatrical Market Statistics 2014'. N.p., 2015. Web. 28 July 2015.xix,. 2015. 'Producers and Directors: Occupational Outlook Handbook: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics'., 2015. 'Producers and Directors: Occupational Outlook Handbook: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics'. Yola, 'How To Measure Your Site’s Success'. N.p., 2015. Web. 31 July 2015.xxii Ibid.xxiii Knegt, Peter. '2015 Oscar Predictions: Best Visual Effects'. Indiewire. N.p., 2015. Web. 1 Aug. 2015.xxiv Shalvey, Kevin. 2013.xxv 'Rise Of The Empowered Consumer: How To Reach Audiences In 2012'. N.p., 2015. Web. 28 July 2015.

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