josyf cardinal slipyj catholic school november …...Шановні батьки учнів...

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Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School November Newsletter

35 West Deane Park Dr.

Etobicoke, ON, M9B 2R5

Phone:416 393 5413

Fax: 416 397 6044

In affiliation with St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church

Principal – A. Iwasykiw Superintendent – Flora Ciffeli

Vice Principal – V. Aquilina Trustee – Joseph Martino

Secretary – M. Maglietta Pastor – Father Lobay

Clerk Typists – S. Shanahan & M. Wells Spiritual Leaders – Father Kachur & Father Lobay

Principal’s Message

October was yet another productive and exciting month at Josyf Cardinal Slipyj School. This month seems to have

just sped by starting with the grade 7 and 8 classes going to “Taste of the Arts” at Father Redmond School, Cross

Country (Divisional, Regional and Cities), grade 4’s visiting Humber Arboretum, Grade 5’s at Saint Marie Among

the Hurons, lunchtime programming from Lego’s, Dance, Math, start of Pizza Lunches,QSP fundraiser, Lunch

Lady, Halloween Dance, classroom visits from Father Kachur, i pads in the FDK classrooms, and Thursday

morning visits from the Ukrainian Credit Union to support our students’ banking needs.

Bussing continues to be delayed at the school. We have started to implement cold weather procedures where

children will be waiting inside the school. We ask that students bring a book to read to help pass the time. We

hope to see some resolution to this problem in the New Year.

We are looking forward to seeing many JCS families at St. Nicholas Church on Sunday, November 25th at 9:30am

to celebrate Mass together as a JCS community. Our choir will be singing and afterwards refreshments will be

served to JCS students in the church hall. Our Grade 2 students will be hosting. What a great way to celebrate

the “We Belong” with a Family Mass, food and socialization. We thank Father Kachur and Father Lobay for all of

their work and commitment to our school, teaching and nurturing the Ukrainian Eastern Rite.

On Thursday, November 22, students will partake in a Holodomor Moleben and Assembly. We will be

remembering the millions of Ukrainian who were starved to death in 1932-33, many of whom were children.

Together with the descendants of survivors living in Canada, let us remember the victims of Holodomor.

Last year the school took part in a movie excursion and this year we are aiming to go as a school to view “The

Grinch.” The date selected is on Friday, December 21 in the morning. Specific details will be shared with the

community closer to the date.

And finally, we ask that all parents mark their home calendars for a very special event that is taking place in the

evening of Thursday, December 20, 2018, the JCS Christmas Concert. Students from grades 1 to 3 will be

performing and showcasing their many wonderful talents. More details to follow. We hope to see you all there.

A. Iwasykiw

Дорогі батьки та опікуни,

Жовтень – ще один продуктивний і сповнений цікавими подіями в житті школи Йосипа Кардинала Сліпого місяць промайнув як один день. Ми починали з мистецької події “Відчути Мистецтво”, організованої школою Father John Redmond, де учні 7-их і 8-их класів мали можливість ознайомитися з мистецькими програмами, котрі ця школа пропонує; потім були “Cross country” - змагання по бігу (районні, регіональні та міські), прогулька 4-их класів до Humber ботанічного саду, 5-их класів до Saint Marie Among the Hurons, обідні програми Леґо, танцювальні майстеркласи, Математика, Дні піци, QSP фондозбирання, святкування Галовіну, відвідання класів отцем Качуром, планшети в садочку, візити Української кредитової спілки для задоволення банківських потреб наших учнів(нагадуємо, що УКС приходить до нашої школи кожен четвер. Діти можуть створити свої рахунки і класти гроші на них. І це все можуть робити тут, у школі, кожен четвер.

Автобуси продовжують спізнюватися в кінці шкільного дня. Ми почали впроваджувати процедуру "холодна погода", при якій діти чекають автобусів всередині школи. Ми просимо, щоб учні приносили читати книжки щоб зайняти себе. Сподіваємось, що проблема з автобусами буде розв'язана в Новому році.

З нетерпінням очікуємо побачити багато родин нашої школи в церкві св.Миколая у неділю 25 листопада о 9:30, щоб святкувати недільну Службу Божу як шкільна громада. Наш хор буде співати, а після Служби дітей будуть пригощати в церковній залі. Учні 2 класів будуть господарювати в цей день. В такий прекрасний спосіб, з родинною Службою, їжею і спілкуванням святкуємо цей релігійний рік під гаслом "Ми належимо". Дякуємо отцеві Качуру і отцеві Лобаю за всю їхню роботу і посвяту нашій школі, навчанню і плеканню українського східного обряду.

В четвер 22 листопада учні будуть брати участь в Молебні та Асамблеї в пам'ять про 85-ті роковини Голодомору - геноциду українського народу. Ми будемо згадувати мільйони українців, котрі були приречені на голодну смерть в 1932-33 роках і багато з них були дітьми. Разом з нащадками тих, хто вижив і проживає в Канаді, згадаймо жертв Голодомору! Вічна Їм память!

Минулого року школа брала участь в прогулянці до кінотеатру перед зимовими канікулами. Цього року ми плануємо знову йти в кіно, і цього разу будемо дивитися " Ґринч". Дата, яку ми вибрали, є пятниця, 21 грудня вранці. Більш детальну інформацію подамо пізніше.

І нарешті, просимо всіх батьків відзначити в календарі спеціальну подію, Різдвяний концерт, котрий відбудеться в четвер 20 грудня ввечері. Учні 1-3 класів будуть виступати і показувати свої прекрасні таланти. Більше деталей надійде пізніше. Сподіваємось всіх там побачити. Анна Івасиків


Bussing at JCS

We continue to be proactive with the bussing situation with staff volunteering to help with supervision.

We continue to discuss this situation with Transportation, Switzer Bus Company, and TCDSB Boards

members, in the hopes of coming to some resolution of the situation. We will keep you informed of any

new developments.

Please note that during the colder weather and rainy days, students on the buses will be picked up in

front of the school at the end of the day. On rainy mornings, students will be dropped off in front of the

school to avoid students from getting wet. Please ensure that you do not park at the front of the

school at this time!

Inclement Weather

Fall has finally arrived and with this season comes the cooler temperatures. It is time to dust off the fall

and winter jackets tights, hats, mitts and may be even boots to keep the little feet warm.

Students are reminded to dress appropriately for the cold weather as ALL students will

be outdoors during these cool temperatures, especially before the morning school bell.

Once the extreme weather conditions are upon us (approximately -17/-20C), recess and

outdoor play will be shortened and/or held inside.

With the colder weather upon us, JCS will be selling Spirit Wear for all students on Parent – Teacher

Interview dates listed below. Long Sleeve shirts, sweat tops and can be measured and ordered for your

child. These sweat tops/hoodies are extremely comfortable and comply with the JCS Dress Code.


An elementary “Progress Report Card” will be directed home to you on November 13th, providing

checklist and anecdotal information detailing your child’s progress to that time. Parent/teacher

interviews will be held on:

Wednesday, November 14th

5:30 – 8:00pm

Thursday, November 15th

5:30 – 8:00pm

Friday, November 16th – PA DAY - NO SCHOOL Two “Provincial Report Cards” will complete the year. The first will be sent home in the New Year. The

second and final “Provincial Report Card” will be directed home to you at the end of the school year

(June, 2019).


Dear Parents and Families,

Josyf Cardinal Slipyj is hosting another Book Fair this year! We invite you to share in this celebration of books and

reading with us. The students will visit the Book Fair in the library November 12 - November

15, 2018. Parents are invited to our Book Fair during the Parent/Teacher Conferences on

Wednesday, Nov. 14th and Thursday, Nov. 15th, 5:30-8:30pm. Throughout the Book Fair week

students will have the opportunity to enter our Family Event Draw and win $50 in books-$25

for your family and $25 for your child’s classroom library. Please help us raise funds to buy

brand new books for the library this year. With every $10 spent at the book fair, $6 goes back

to our school!

Come and support your library


Dear parents of Josyf Cardinal Slipyj students!

KOOTA OOMA Ukrainian Books and Gifts will be selling books, games, CD’s and more at the Book Fair on

Wednesday, Nov. 14th and Thursday Nov. 15th between 5:30 and 8:30 during Parent/Teacher Interviews in the


This will be a great opportunity to purchase new Ukrainian books, games and more for your child or/and

purchase a new book for the school library in your child’s name (name plates will be provided)

The school library will receive 10 % of sales. Please take advantage of this sale to buy great gifts for your child and

help update the school library.


Шановні батьки учнів Школи Патріярха Йосифа Сліпого!

У Середу 14-ого і Четвер 15-ого листопада книгарня КООТА ООМА (Кута Ума) матиме книжки, ігри, диски та

інше на продаж у школі від год. 5:30 – 8:30.

Ви зможете: закупити цікаві книжки для Вашої дитини і/або закупити книжку до шкільної бібліотеки від

імені Вашої дитини.

Шкільна бібліотека дістане 10% від суми продажей. Заохочуємо скористати з нагоди придбати гарні

подарунки для дітей і рівночасно допомогти школі!


We are now on Twitter – Our handle is @JSlipyj or search Josyf Cardinal Slipyj TCDSB

It is with great pleasure to communicate the EQAO results to our parent community. The

teachers and students performed above TCDSB and Provincial Levels in Mathematics, Reading

and Writing.

2017/2018 Achievement Results, At or Above Provincial Standard JCS Grade 3 BOARD PROVINCE

Reading 92 Reading 75 Reading 75

Writing 97 Writing 75 Writing 72

Mathematics 82 Mathematics 58 Mathematics 61


Reading 96 Reading 79 Reading 82

Writing 96 Writing 81 Writing 80

Mathematics 78 Mathematics 47 Mathematics 49




Congratulations to all of our competitors!

A special mention goes out to…

Ivan Nechyporuk – 1st in Divisionals, 2nd in Regionals, 2nd in Cities

Anita Ternova – 1st in Divisionals, 5th in Regionals, 20th in Cities

Lily Hoysak – 1st in Divisionals, 13th in Regionals, 28 in Cities

Nicole Morozowska – 2nd in Divisionals, 8th in Regionals, 19th in Cities

Diana Pakish – 3rd in Divisionals, 15th in Regionals, and 45 in Cities

Matviy Biszko – 3rd in Divisionals, 12th in Regionals, and 65th in Cities

Sophia Zinchenko – 4th in Divisionals, 17th in Regionals, 66th in Cities

Lukas Gonsalves – 5th in Divisionals, 19th in Regionals, and 74 in Cities

Stepan Dovbush – 8th in Divisionals, 16th in Regionals, and 81 in Cities


Greetings from the CSPC (Catholic Schools Parent Council)!

We had a very productive October 23rd CSPC meeting, thank you to all who attended! At this meeting

we discussed our upcoming CSPC events, yearly budget and our continued commitment to:

1) Continue to focus on supporting Eastern Rite traditions at JCS by funding Easter celebrations, and busing to

St. Nicholas Church for School Mass.

2) Support School Enhancements

3) Support our Students in any capacity deemed necessary to have the best educational experience at Josyf

Cardinal Slipyj

In order to fund all of these initiatives we rely on support via the $35/ student CSPC fee. Please

ensure you have paid this fee so that we can continue to support our school community.

In September we had our AGM, Voting in the new CSPC committee and Executive.

We were SO PLEASED to see so many new faces who have come to be part of this wonderful CSPC and

JCS community. Of course - -always a pleasure to see all our returning members as well. We look forward to

having a very successful and engaging school year!!!

CSPC Social Media: WE HAVE A WEBSITE!!! Please go to You can find all information,

forms, letters posted on this website pertaining to CSPC and the JCS school community.

Teacher Appreciation Breakfast held on October 4th: Thank you to all who helped implement this

wonderful annual breakfast. A special Thank you to Natalia Markewycz who was at the helm of this year’s

committee for the morning celebration.

Below are some upcoming parent involvement opportunities:

· JCS CSPC Open House at “The Other Half – Men’s Shoppe”: come out, be social and meet some your

fellow JCS parental community. Event will be held on November 22nd at 5-10pm. You can find more information

on our website:

. Used Uniforms: if you have any used uniforms that you wish to donate – please bring them to the office of

JCS. We will be having a drive to re-cycle these uniforms.

· Lego Drive: We will be collecting LEGO again –all LEGO will be donated to Help Us Help the Children. You

can start dropping off your LEGO at the school. If you have any immediate questions please contact Marianna


· Pizza lunches: How much do parents and kids love pizza Wednesdays? Our amazing Sandra Pinchak has

been leading this initiative for several years and we are all very grateful for all her hard work! In order for this

operation to run smoothly, we do need parents to help with the logistics of pizza distribution! If you are available

on a Wednesday (or multiple Wednesday’s) to assist, please reach out to Natalie Tymkewycz our pizza volunteer

coordinator for more information.

Below are a few other reminders:

School Mass: All of the JCS community is encouraged to attend the Monthly Children’s Mass at our St.

Nicholas Parish. It is a great way to meet other families! Throughout the school year, we have been assigning a

different class (classes) to host the lunch social following the mass downstairs at the church. This month’s

children’s liturgy is on November 25th, at 9:30am at St Nicholas Ukrainian church. Everyone is invited, and it will

be hosted by grades 7! For more information or if you would like to help please contact Oresta Kovbel our Parish


LASTLY: we continue to urge all parents/ guardians to be EXTREMELY VIGILANT as to where and how they

drop off and pick up their children. Please refrain from making illegal car maneuvers, parking for prolonged

periods of time, letting your children out of the cars into oncoming traffic or walking between unsuspecting

buses. OUR CHILDREN'S SAFETY is our primary concern. We have already witnessed too many close calls!!

There are three main side streets to park on. There is absolutely NO parking on the East side of West Deane.

Please refrain from using the KISS and RIDE as a parking area as well.

BUSING: as many of you are aware of our unfortunate busing situation at JCS. Our CSCP Executive is

working diligently to help rectify the situation. If you have any concerns you wish to address - -please feel free

to reach out to us and/or the Board. You can find the main talking points of discussion posted in our letters to

the Boards on our website:

Our next CSPC meeting will be held Tuesday November 20th at 7pm.

If you cannot attend, please consider volunteering in other ways – some things can even be done from home.

For more information please contact our volunteer coordinators: Natalie

Tymkewycz or Marta Gadacz

Till Next Time:

Stephanie Soltys and Liijanna Shklar – Co-Chairs JCS CSPC

This is a special and unique year where we will have the participation of the Canadian Armed

Forces in our Ukrainian Remembrance Day Ukrainian. Our speaker is Col. Dan Stepaniuk,

Commander of the 32 Canadian Brigade and The Regimental Band and Bugles of The Queen’s

Own Rifles of Canada will be performing our beautiful Ukrainian Lament.

More than ever – we need to recognize the toil and sacrifices of our veterans and Armed

Forces soldiers both here in Canada and in Ukraine.

Monthly Update from the Board

November 2018

Don’t Forget to Turn Your Clocks Back Weekend of November 3-4, 2018. Enjoy the extra hour of sleep!

November’s Virtue is Peacemaking Find all the monthly resources associated with our virtues of the month online

TCDSB Trustee Election Results Congratulations to the newly elected and re-elected Trustees for the Toronto Catholic District School Board:

Ward 1 - Joseph Martino

Ward 2 - Markus de Domenico

Ward 3 - Ida Li Preti

Ward 4 - Teresa Lubinski

Ward 5 - Maria Rizzo

Ward 6 - Frank D’Amico

Ward 7 - Mike Del Grande

Ward 8 - Garry Tanuan

Ward 9 - Norm Di Pasquale

Ward 10 - Daniel Di Giorgio

Ward 11 - Angela Kennedy

Ward 12 - Nancy Crawford

The new Board of Trustees will be sworn in at the Inaugural Meeting on Monday, December 3, 2018.

Information About Cannabis On Wednesday, October 17, 2018, cannabis became legal in Ontario and the rest of Canada.

The Toronto Catholic District School Board remains committed to maintaining safe school and work environments

that are welcoming and support the Board’s focus on excellence in education.

Although legislation permits the recreational use of cannabis, the vaping, smoking, or use of lighted tobacco,

cannabis/marijuana, herbal material (or any other combustible material) and electronic smoking devices is

prohibited at all TCDSB schools and worksites.

Current rules for ALL TCDSB and Ontario schools: A positive school climate and a safe learning and teaching environment are critical for student success and central

to our Board’s goals as outlined in our Multi-Year Strategic Plan.

All current policies and regulations governing the use of cannabis remain in effect and include, but are not limited


Possession of cannabis (except for medical purposes, if authorized by a health care practitioner such as a

physician or a nurse practitioner) will not be permitted while in schools or at school-related activities, even

after legalization of recreational cannabis.

Suspension may be considered for a student under the influence or in possession of cannabis.

Suspension will be required, and expulsion may be considered, if a student gives cannabis to a minor.


Smoking or vaping cannabis is NOT permitted at schools and places where children gather

You are also not permitted to smoke or vape cannabis: At school, on school grounds, and all public areas within 20m of these grounds

On children’s playgrounds and public areas within 20m of playgrounds

In child care centres, or where an early years program is provided

In places where home child care is provided – even if children aren’t present

Additional Resources about Cannabis

The following is the web page link to information from Toronto Public Health about Cannabis.

Other Resources Government of Canada – Cannabis web page (Portal - Information about health impacts, licensed producers,

impaired driving, legalizing and regulating)

Ontario Government – Cannabis Legalization webpage (what will be legal and won't be legal in Ontario)

Cannabis Talk Kit – resource for parents, and can be helpful for all adult allies

Catholic Parent Involvement Committee Congratulations to the new and returning CPIC committee members:

Chair: John Del Grande, Ward 12

Vice-Chair: Joe Fiorante, Ward 3

Secretary: Geoffrey Feldman, Ward 2

Treasurer: Gus Gikas, Ward 6

Assistant Treasurer: Ruth Oliveros, Ward 8

Communications Director: Desmond Alvares, Ward 11

Other Ward Reps:

Ward 1: Alison Canning and Raul Tellez

Ward 2: Natalia Marriott

Ward 5: Melinda Hackett

Ward 8: Wendell Labrador

Ward 10: Annalisa Crudo-Perri

Ward 11: Ben Xavier

Ward 12: Anthony Antonucci

And the Parent and Community Representatives:

Isabel Starck

Karla Coto

Patricia Buzzo, OAPCE Toronto

Mary LaFramboise, Faith in Your Child

To connect with CPIC or your local representative, see

To learn more about parent engagement and the work of CPIC, see

For Gifted Congregated Programs Information Night The Toronto Catholic District School Board offers Full Time/Congregated Elementary Gifted Programs for

students in Grades 6 to 8 who have an exceptionality of Giftedness. These programs are integrated into the regular

school community. Important aspects of the program are curriculum extensions in depth, breadth and pace, daily

continuity of programming, collaboration with like-minded peers and leadership opportunities.

A Parent Information evening will be held for parents/guardians interested in exploring a full time elementary

Gifted Program for their child with the exceptionality of Giftedness.

The Parent Information evening will take place at St. Edward School, 1 Botham Rd., on November 22, 2018 at

7:00 pm.

Opportunities for Students Prime Minister’s Youth Council: New Members Needed

The Prime Minister’s Youth Council is accepting applications for the next cohort of members. Applicants must be

16-24 years old. The application deadline is November 30, 2018. Click here for more information and to apply.

House of Commons Page Program

Every year, House of Commons Pages are selected from high schools and CEGEPs across Canada to work in the

House of Commons. While pursuing their studies at a university in the National Capital Region, these students

gain valuable work experience and make friendships and memories that will last a lifetime. This year’s application

deadline is December 3, 2018. Click here for more information and to submit an application.

The RBC Black History Month Student Essay Competition 2018

The Competition is only open to grade 12 students who are: legal residents of Canada; applying to a Canadian

post-secondary school; and plan to attend in the 2019/2020 academic year. In 750 words or less tell us how you

think young people can learn from the achievements and contributions of Black Canadians. Submission deadline is

Friday, December 7, 2018. Click here for details.

The 2018-2019 TCDSB Awards Season Has Begun! Nominations are now open for the following TCDSB Alumni Award, Award of Merit and Friends of Catholic

Education Award which will be presented at Awards Night on May 6, 2019.

Deadline: third Friday in January (January 18).

TCDSB Alumni Award: Open to TCDSB alumni who are still active in the Catholic community and who

have distinguished themselves in their career or accomplishments.

TCDSB Award of Merit: Open to former staff, parents and trustees who have made outstanding

contributions to the TCDSB and to Catholic education (can only be considered for award after a three-year

period has passed since departure from the TCDSB)

Friends of Catholic Education Award: Open to members of the general public (individuals or

organizations) who have accomplished extraordinary service to Catholic Education but who may not be


NEW Award: Sister Evanne Hunter Young Women in Leadership Award

In honour of International Women’s Day, the Sister Evanne Hunter Young Women in Leadership Award is

a new award that will be given annually to two exceptional TCDSB female students in their graduating

year (one grade 8 student and one grade 12 student) in recognition of their leadership qualities and

involvement in social justice efforts in their school and community. Beginning November 1, all schools

will be invited to nominate one female student in their graduating year for the award. Click here for more


For nomination forms and information, visit:

Province of Ontario Seeks Feedback on Education The Province is consulting with parents across the province to address concerns and get feedback in several areas

of the education system.

Feedback from these consultations will help shape decisions in the following areas:

1. Improving student performance in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)

2. Preparing students with needed job skills, such as skilled trades and coding

3. Improving provincial standardized testing

4. Ensuring students graduate with important life skills, including financial literacy

5. Managing the use of technology in classrooms, such as cell phones

6. Building a new age-appropriate Health and Physical Education curriculum that includes subjects like

mental health, sexual health education and the legalization of cannabis

7. Developing the first-ever Parents’ Bill of Rights

How to participate

There are three ways to participate:

Open submission

Share your views on all or some of the 7 key consultation areas that are outlined above:

1. Use the private and confidential online submission form, or

2. Email your written submission to and:

include your name or the name of your organization

add “provincial consultations” as the subject

attach your submission as a PDF or Word document

Deadline is December 15, 2018.

Metrolinx and Municipal Transit Agencies Host Accessibility Meetings Metrolinx and municipal transit agencies are hosting Accessibility Public Meetings across the Greater Toronto and

Hamilton Area, and extend a personal invitation for everyone to participate. They want to hear from members of

the public and other organizations about the accessibility of GO Transit, PRESTO, UP Express, and our new and

upcoming Rapid Transit services and projects.

East – Whitby: Wednesday November 7, 6:30-8:30 PM

Abilities Centre 55 Gordon Street

Theatre / Multi-Purpose Room (second floor)

* Note: this is a joint meeting with Durham Region Transit

Central – Toronto: Wednesday November 14, 6:30-8:30 PM

Metro Hall 55 John Street

Rooms 308 & 309 (third floor)

Teleconference: Wednesday November 21, 5:00-6:30 PM RSVP required; please submit questions and comments in advance of meeting

Teleconference details will be provided to registrants

West – Hamilton: Thursday November 29, 6:00-8:00 PM

Hamilton Public Library, Central Branch

55 York Street

Hamilton Room (main floor)

* Note: this is a joint meeting with the City of Hamilton

American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation, real-time captioning and attendant services will be provided at the

in-person meetings. Alternative formats and other accommodations will be made available upon request.

Interested individuals should pre-register. Those who are interested but can not attend, have other options for

providing feedback.

Detailed information: Accessibility Public Meetings webpage


TCDSB Staff Arts Presents Shakespeare on the Green November 2,3,9,10, 2018

At Brebeuf College School

211 Steeles Avenue East, North York

Tickets on sale $20 for more information or to order tickets

Angel Foundation for Learning Evening to Feed the Soul Gala November 9th at Riviera Parque

For details and ticket information:

Help feed hungry children, and support a variety of opportunities for students who need assistance.

November Meetings November 1—Student Achievement Committee

November 5—Governance and Policy Committee

November 13—Corporate Services Committee

November 14—SEAC

November 15—Regular Board

November 19—CPIC

November 29—Caucus

The Inaugural Meeting of the Board will be held on December 3rd.

Agendas generally posted the weekend prior to the meeting at

Other Dates to Note: November 1—All Saints’ Day

November 1-7—Canadian Down Syndrome Week


November 2—All Souls’ Day

November 3-8--Holocaust Education Week

November 5-9--Treaties Recognition Week


November 6--OAPCE Commissioning and Awards Presentation


November 7—A Catholic Call to Serve


November 11--Remembrance Day (Schools commemorate on November 9th)

November 14--Take Our Kids to Work Day

November 19-23—Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week


November 20—Memorial Mass to honour students and staff who have passed away. 7PM at the Catholic

Education Centre

November 21—World Day of Poor


November 23—Holodomor Memorial Day

December 2—Advent Begins

Visit to get more information about any of these events

And remember to subscribe to ENews to receive regular updates via email

And/or follow @TCDSB on Twitter to get all the latest news and information

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