journal of hospitality and leisure marketing

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Journal of Hospitality and Leisure Marketing &

Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing


研究取向 1.知覺、行為研究


Taketo Naoi. (2003). Tourists' Evaluation of Destinations: The

Cognitive Perspective. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing,




This study investigates the efficacy of Lew’s (1987)“cognitive

perspective” in assessing how tourists evaluate destinations.Using 11

bipolar word pairs derived from Sasaki (2000) and Lew, 139high

school students were surveyed about six destinations in and around

Tokyo Prefecture, Japan, which they visited on a group tour. Analysis

of the survey results suggests that the cognitive perspective, as

represented by the 11 word pairs, supports the grouping of

destinations into two types: tourist-oriented or non-tourist oriented;

that different evaluative components represented by different word

pairs are associated with different types of destinations; and that the

influence and relative importance of certain evaluative components

vary according to destination type.

賣點 本研究採用認知透視理論的觀點,使用 11 個兩極的單字配對,來分析觀光客對目的地的評定,其研究方法較為特殊,為其重要賣點。


While cognitive components such as the concrete characteristics,

location, and geographical scale of destinations play an important

role in tourists’ evaluations, how tourists value such objective features

is also important. As such meanings reflect tourists’ subjective mental

states, it was expected that an understanding of affective components

would facilitate investigations of tourists’evaluation of destinations

that to some degree account for their Mental states. This study focuses

on affective components, and in particular on the meanings that

tourists attach to destinations as framed by Lew’s (1987) cognitive


研究方法 Survey Development

First, several of Sasaki’s (2000) continua measured elements that


were not regarded as applicable to an organised school tour.

Furthermore, a number of Sasaki’s continua were assumed to be too

abstract or otherwise difficult for high school-aged respondents to

understand. Next, a pre-test of the resulting scales was conducted on a

convenience sample of Okayama Shoka University students (N = 36),

including 19 men and 17 women whose average age was 21.3. As a

result of this process of modification and pre-testing, 11 bipolar word

pairs were produced that served as the basis for the survey conducted

for this investigation. On the survey questionnaire, respondents were

asked to evaluate six destinations on 11 five-point Semantic

Differential Scales (SDSs) corresponding to the 11 bipolar word pairs

shown in Table 2. The questionnaire also asked respondents to rate

their overall satisfaction with each destination on a five-point scale

ranging from not satisfied (1) to satisfied (5).

Subjects and Data Collection

A convenience sample of 16 and 17 year-old high school students

from Okayama Prefecture who had recently gone on a school trip to a

variety of destinations in and around Tokyo Prefecture (N = 151)

served as subjects for this investigation.


Furthermore, the six destinations visited on the school trip

investigated here appeared to include both tourist-oriented (see Table

3) and non-tourist-oriented(see Table 4) destinations.

主要發現 Theoretical Implications

With regard to Issue 1, the cluster analyses described above

indicate that the 11 scales created for this study on the basis of

Sasaki’s (2000) 12 continua classified the six destinations into two

distinct groups. Overall, the results of paired-sample t tests imply that

subjects perceived Group 1, which includes Tokyo Disney Sea,Odaiba

Area and Minato Mirai 21, as more artificially manipulated, modern,

safe, organised, unique, exciting, and exotic than Group 2.

Turning to Issue 2, the results of the principal component

Analyses described above suggest that dimensions for evaluating

destinations vary according to destination type. This implies that

tourists may associate the manipulation of the attractions at a given

destination, as expressed by terms such as maintenance,

modernisation, or decoration, with the artificiality of tourist- oriented


destinations, but at the same time may associate such manipulation in

non-tourist-oriented destinations with safety.

These results suggest that security is an important factor in

favourable overall evaluations not only of tourist-oriented

destinations, but also of non-tourist-oriented destinations.

Marketing and Management Implications

First, the 11 continua proposed here may provide an effective

basis for characterising both tourist-oriented and non-tourist-oriented

destinations for marketing purposes.

The results of this study emphasise the importance of

Understanding and maintaining the inherent attractions of

destinations, as opposed to compromising their attractiveness through

attempts to better accommodate temporary visitors.


First, the degree to which the findings of this study can be

generalised is limited.

Second,this study focused largely on the relationship between

the 11 continua proposed here and tourists’ overall evaluations of

destinations. It would also be interesting to investigate the relationship

between cognitive components and affective components using these


啟發 建議未來研究可增加其樣本數,擴大其研究發展目的。


研究取向 2.危機管理觀光研究


Mike Peters & Birgit Pikkemaat. (2005). Crisis Management in

Alpine Winter Sports Resorts–The 1999 Avalanche Disaster in Tyrol.

Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 19(2/3), 9-20.



Alpine tourism destinations must be prepared for environmental

hazards such as avalanche disasters. The maintenance of safety and

security, and thus the management of crises have become a major

issue in Alpine winter resorts. After a short literature review of crisis

management models applicable for tourism destinations, the article

demonstrates the disaster management process of Galtuer (Austria) in

1999, which suffered one of the severest avalanche disasters ever

experienced in the Austrian Alps. The authors investigate security and

emergency measures taken in this Alpine resort and discuss failures

and success factors in disaster management. The paper reveals that

destinations greatly improve their disaster management tools and

procedures after having faced a crisis. The final part of the paper

identifies key lessons and provides recommendations for future


賣點 在觀光旅遊業的發展上,安全是影響觀光客出遊最重要的因素之ㄧ,鮮少有研究以危機管理模式理論,運用實際的例子,來分析高山冬天運動勝地應該注意的危機意識,為其重要賣點。


In the recent past, events like September11th, crime and terrorism

attacks in the Middle East, natural and environmental disasters such as

floods, avalanches and oil spills, have demonstrated how sensitive the

tourism industry is to uncertainties of safety and security. A

considerable amount of research deals with problems and issues of

crisis management within the context of destination management,

focusing on political risks, terrorism, and criminal activities.

However, only few research activities have concentrated on crisis

management associated with natural disasters in Alpine winter sports


研究方法 Referring to Faulkner’s (2001) crisis management scheme, a


number of crisis management actions can be observed before, during

and after the avalanche disaster. The process description is based on

existing data and key interviews conducted in Galtuer.One of the most

extensive disaster management frameworks in tourism was developed

by Faulkner (2001) who provides a six-phase process:

1.Pre-event phase

2.Prodromal phase

3.Emergency phase

4.Intermediate phase

5.Long-term (recovery) phase

6.Resolution phase


One main success factor in the crisis management process of

Galtuer was the preparedness in the prodromal phase where the

general framework for the next phase was established. Thus, in the

emergency phase a core group of responsible locals was ready to

organize first rescue efforts. The case of Galtuer demonstrates that a

competent core contingency team is a key success factor in crisis

management processes of destinations. In the case of Galtuer, one

major mistake was made in terms of an effective media strategy.

While the media plays a central role in the emergency or in the

recovery phase of crisis management (Faulkner, 2001), the media

blamed local communities in Galtuer for the disaster and significantly

harmed the image of the destination in Germany, where the majority

of the tourists comes from.


Alpine tourism management tools have to be developed, e.g., the

establishment of visible security guides in skiing and hiking areas,

published crisis management or contingency plans including crisis

management guidebooks. If destination managers miss the

opportunity to develop and market management tools for

tourists’safety and security in Alpine destinations, competitive

disadvantages will arise. The case of Galtuer shows that much can be

learnt from best practice examples. The paper gives an overview of

several crisis management models, but Faulkner’s (2001) disaster

management framework seems to be most appropriate for

systematically analyzing disaster management processes in tourism.

The development of effective crisis management tools and future

crisis management research require international knowledge exchange


platforms as well as systematic and complete documentations about

crisis management processes to benchmark or learn from comparable

examples in tourism destinations.

啟發 可建立其他產業(如:航空業)的危機管理模式,並將其運用在實際案例中,以降低或是避免產業所產生的風險危機。

研究取向 3.災難研究


Gabor Michalko (2004). Tourism Eclipsed by Crime:

The Vulnerability of Foreign Tourists in Hungary. Journal of Travel

and Tourism Marketing, 15(2/3), 159-172.

觀光被罪行遮蔽: 外國遊人在匈牙利易受傷


This paper examines the relationships between crime and tourism

in Hungary with special reference to spatial and temporal aspects,

focusing on the main groups of offences committed against foreign

tourists and the problem of crime prevention. The study shows that

trends in criminality are closely related to the number of tourists

arriving and staying in Hungary and are less associated with general

criminal conditions. Most of the victims are Germans; their cars,

valuables, and wallets are particularly vulnerable to criminal activity.

The density of crime is highest in Budapest, the capital, and in the

region surrounding Lake Balaton during the summer season when

levels of tourism are at their highest. Tourist information and frequent

police controls are considered the most effective measures for crime


賣點 將觀光與其相關的犯罪關係做分析,讓讀者了解除一般常見的觀光正面效益外,也帶來哪些負面的影響和衝擊。


安全議題對觀光業來說,近來己成為一個複雜的概念。主要是指旅客個人和隨身物品的安全,但也包涵對當地環境的認知,瞭解當地的符號、指標系統、民俗習慣(風情),以及購物安全和消費者服務。 犯罪率在低開發國家雖然較低,但成長的速度遠高於已開發國家。犯罪的本質己變得更為肆無忌憚。犯罪率的擴張會隨著時間使得觀光客愈趨減少。而有些過氣的高犯罪率城市卻可能成為吸引觀光客的吸引力。

研究方法 以次級資料分析法(以現有數據做分析)從「空間」和「時間」觀點作分析。

主要發現 1.對旅客財物的犯罪多於對旅客身體的傷害。




4.以空間來說,旅客愈多,犯罪率愈高;觀光客的多寡與犯罪活動有密切關係。 (Figure1)

以時間來說,愈到旅遊旺季,犯罪率就愈高。(Figure2 )


1.安全性對於使觀光客持續增加是必要條件。 2.在大量觀光客和高度犯罪的地方,地方政府除了應放揮基本功




啟發 觀光活動固然可帶來眾多的正面效益,但是同時也會帶來許多負面影響,可試著分析其他觀光地區的犯罪問題,以提供旅遊當地政府做為參考及發展出應變之道。


研究取向 4.行銷研究


Gerrie E. du Rand & Ernie Heath & Nic Alberts. (2003). The Role

of Local and Regional Food in Destination Marketing: A South

African Situation Analysis. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing,




An analysis of the relevant tourism literature and the promotional

material of various destinations indicate that the role of food in the

marketing of destinations has until recently received very little

attention globally and locally. All indications, however, are that local

food holds much potential to enhance sustainability in tourism;

contribute to the authenticity of the destination; strengthen the local

economy; and provide for the environmentally friendly infrastructure.

This paper will highlight the key findings of the preliminary study

regarding the utilization of food as a key or supportive attraction by

destination-marketing organizations in South Africa. Guidelines for

the future development.

賣點 從不同於一般觀光資源所扮演的角色切入,以當地食物的角 色為進行探討,令人好奇如何以食物來進行目標行銷。


觀光客享受該土地所固有的食物,特別地地方或民族自然的目. 地區的和國家烹調風格的知識已經為觀光客變得興趣,旅遊業消費在食物和用餐在南非由國際遊人平均為 8% 總消費,而國內遊人平均 24% 花費,考慮食物觀光事業和它能如何被利用的角色,而且更進一步是提高成為目的有效行銷的因素。儘管這些趨勢,美食不便像開發觀光事業資源一般,它需要為目的地識別,如一個打上烙印機制且被應用。

研究目的 1.食物目前的狀況就是市場中的一股的吸引力。2.目前食品在市場行銷策略中的功能(任務)。3.這些不公開的有經驗的利用地方性或地區性的食材作為市場行銷策略中的吸引和重要元素。




採用便利採樣方法,樣本目標群為聚集代表食物/廚房的觀光事業、觀光事業的代理人,即在南非的目的地行銷組織(DMOs)對象:南非省, 地區或當地 DMO,在食物(或廚房)的觀光事業中南非關鍵的市場商人(或組織)。 南非地方和省的目的行銷組織樣品依從標準加以選擇,共 80份樣本。



2.各種不同 DMOs 行銷策略和工具的使用率,只有 52% 的總樣本指出了他們使用了這些工具,並未應用任何的特定策略到職業者食物觀光事業。

3.有被識別促進食物觀光事業提供更好的挑戰給 DMOs 。4.行動需要政策和策略發展行動,及特定的產品或者能被發展的

服務。 5.推薦的戰略依照由DMOs 辨認需要政策和行銷的旅遊業產品,和服務的公式化,如促銷產品和烙記目的地之產品發展。建議:1.保持公共關係和媒體管理運動,食物觀光事業能透過媒體在異

國和市場上銷售。2.藉由發展虛擬的 “ 食物 ” 觀光事業,且在 SA 觀光事業商議

的“ 計畫好萊塢 ” 促進食物觀光事業,創造一種視覺的經驗,且該得到來自政府和國際的行銷組織的支持。

3.持續活動,如“陽光圈子” 和“慶祝南非” 但要對食物和烹飪遺產、和地道資源再增進努力。



啟發 可將此觀念運用在不同地區,試分析其他地區食物觀光在當地的重要性及角色,發現其與觀光之間的關係,並對食物觀光發展更加重視。


研究取向 5.文化觀光研究


Joanne Jung-Eun Yoo & Bob McKercher & Miguela Mena.(2004). A

Cross-Cultural Comparison of Trip Characteristics:International

Visitors to Hong Kongfrom Mainland China and USA. Journal of

Travel and Tourism Marketing,16(1),65-77.



The increasingly globalized economy has intensified the need to better

understand consumers’ travel behavior. The knowledge of culture’s influence on

trip characteristics is of great importance to tourism marketers specifically in

selecting appropriate marketing strategies for each target market. The objective

of this paper is to examine the relationship of culture to international visitors’

trip characteristics by using secondary data from the Hong Kong Omnibus

Tourism Survey. The investigation focuses on two groups of international air

travelers to Hong Kong with distinctively different cultural backgrounds:

Mainland Chinese and Americans. A comparison of demographic and trip

characteristics of these two cultural groups is undertaken. The research findings

reveal that there are statistically significant differences in the demographic and

trip characteristics between these groups. Implications for Hong Kong’s

international tourism marketing strategies are drawn.





研究方法 研究方法—使用描述性研究設計與二手資料分析資料搜集—使用香港多項觀光研究二手資料


分析方法—使用卡方檢定chi-square test.













啟發 台灣和香港有相同的地理優勢,可以做類似的研究,來發現來台觀光客的人口、旅遊特性,可做為觀光發展策略之指標。


研究取向 6.網路研究


Charles Changuk Lee & Clark Hu.(2003). Analyzing Hotel Customers'

E-Complaints from an Internet Complaint Form. Journal of Travel and

Tourism Marketing,17(2/3),167-181.



Recent web technology advancement has enabled online customers

to express their concerns and negative experiences about the hotel

services over the Internet. This exploratory study attempts to provide

some insights into this recent phenomenon by analyzing self-selected

hotel customers’online complaints recorded on a specialized

complaint forum, A content analysis of those e-

Complaints in 18 problem categories revealed that online customers

were mostly unhappy with fundamental service failures (i.e., declined

service quality and rude employees) in the hotel service encounter.

Surprisingly, only one in every five e-Complaints received a response

from the hotel company in the identified top-five complaint

categories. The authors further used text- miningsoftware to identify

most frequently complained keywords and examine their relational

associations. Business implications of the research findings were also








研究方法—採抽樣調查和資料 The Sample and the Data,樣本是自己選擇(進入某一個顧客抱怨專區發表他們在飯店有負面經驗的人)。而他會選這個專區是因為1它是一個線上使用者受歡迎的地方。2它在顧客線上抱怨有很長的歷史。3他有很好的組織也有調查很多企業,可以讓顧客分享他們不好的服務經驗,包含了問題的型式、發生日期、經過、公司的回覆、評定的等級

分析方法—採用集群分析 Cluster Analysis。


前 5名顧客抱怨種類的公司回覆率,只有 18%公司有回覆,有 82%沒有回覆。而前五名線上抱怨的種類,有 3/4 是關於服務傳遞失敗,研究結果支持過去的研究發現,顧客對基本的服務不滿意。 以下三項是沒有顧客抱怨的:信用卡支付錯誤、價格太低、主動提供需求。


這個研究結果可以當經營者一個指導方針,和未來研究一些聯結。公司需要去注意 e-Complainants(線上的抱怨者),和立刻去解決顧客的問題,而飯店管理應該訂定電子結構顧客抱怨處理程序,有效的處理不滿意的顧客。

啟發 未來可做有關航空、餐飲業、休閒產業顧客線上抱怨的研究。


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