judo - sadaki nakabayashi 1965

Post on 18-Apr-2015






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Professor Sadaki Nakabayashi, holder of the eight degree black belt was one of highest ranked active Kodokan judoka in the world. During his life time he lost only 4 matches. He received his first promotion to Black Belt at the age of sixteen and on each successive year following he was promoted to a higher dan. He was the All Japan college champion in the second degree class in 1935 and held the title for for third and fourth degree classes. Visiting China as a young man, he competed and won the mainland Chinese Kung Fu Championships. He was a former chief instructor of the Japanese Imperial Guard, a chief instructor of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, a chief instructor of the Japanese Imperial Army and an instructor of the U.S. Armed Forces and West Point.Professor Nakabayashi was a senior technical director of the Kwanmuzendokai International. One of the last events before his untimely death was to represent technical judo at the First International Law Enforcement Seminar at theUniversity of Akron, Ohio and meetings at the Center for the Martial Arts.


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