kabbalistic amulets

Post on 26-Nov-2015






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kabbalistic amulets


  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    ---- .P stelumA werbeH


    ( )gnivigroF

    .P stelumA werbeH 421

    202' 56' 08'

    halabbaK 8:76 smlasP

    ( )

    171' '' 171'

    41:3 sudoxE 6:43 sudoxE

    na tsniagA ymene

    171' .P stelumA werbeH 031

    9:51 sudoxE

    ' ( - nigirO nI )

    natiramaS telumA

    .P stelumA werbeH 431

    2:02 sudoxE

    31:48 smlasP 171'

    ymonoretueD 171'

    51:82 -

    srettel laniF noitcetorP daor eht rof

    5:19 smlasP 171'

    811' dna fo noitanibmoC

    ni rettel hcaE . ni rettel a swollof

    rof noitavlaS lli ylevarg a a nosrep


    dna fo noitanibmoC ni rettel hcaE .

    ni rettel a swollof

    rof noitavlaS lli ylevarg a nosrep


    dna fo noitanibmoC ni rettel hcaE .

    ni rettel a swollof

    fo emaN doG


    dna fo noitanibmoC .

    fo emaN doG



    8:5 smlasP 171'

    5:731 smlasP 171'

    srettel elbuoD - )sniwt(

    fo emaN tsniagA .doG

    a fo rewoP( )niwt elamef


    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 092 .P trA

    halabbaK 202'

  • Spell Interpretation Usage Source Origin


    '171 Genesis 46:4

    Combination of and . Each letter in

    follows a letter in . ( =


    Name of God


    For love '47 Canticles 7:9 One of the names of the

    female demon Lilith )( Protection for the newborn

    Hebrew Amulets P. 51, 124


    The 42 Letter Name. .

    . .


    . .


    The letters of the last verse, )

    ( Are not included in the 42 letters.

    Name of God

    '171 Initial letters of the prayer



    Jewish Tradition In Art P. 56


    '171 '202

    Psalms 93:4 Kabbalah

    Initial letters in the following verses:

    ... ' ... ' ....

    To protect from danger

    '71 Psalms 32:7 Isaiah 26:4 The Amidah prayer

    ) ()(

    One of the names of the female demon Lilith )(

    Protection for the newborn

    '111 Jewish Tradition In Art P. 20

    '202 Kabbalah )( One of the names of the

    female demon Lilith )( Protection for the newborn

    '111 '116


    Psalms 92:7

    One of the names of the female demon Lilith )(

    Protection for the newborn

    Jewish Tradition In Art P. 20

    Angel, protects against a miscarriage

    To help in childbirth

    Hebrew Amulets P. 108

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    5 eht sniatnoC .erauqS ddo na gnivah srettel werbeH .eulav laciremun

    ( 9=, 7=, 5=, 3=, 1= ) dna yllacitrev htob sdaeR yllatnoziroh

    eht tsniagA eugalp

    .P stelumA werbeH 76

    erif tsniagA rehto dna spahsim

    , 74' 271 19'

    hadimA ehT reyarp

    ... ... ... ( ) ...

    dnoces eht ni srettel laitinI dna esrev tsrif eht fo drow 3 txen eht fo sdrow tsrif eht .sesrev

    , 74' 271

    -8:94 siseneG 11

    ,airtameG nI .doG fo emaN .emaN rettel 24 eht sa emas

    .P stelumA werbeH 79


    . ', '

    271, 74

    sniatnoC .erauqS :fo snoitatumrep

    ( ) 62'

    . yb dewollof rettel 24 eht fo trap si

    doG fo emaN

    fo emaN doG


    roF ' noitpmusnoc

    .P stelumA werbeH 031

    91:5 sucitiveL

    reyarP eht nI 271' kooB

    , 74' evoL roF 271

    9:7 selcitnaC

    461 .P natsinahgfA legnA

    eht fo snoitatumreP .erauqS doG fo emaN

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 462 .P trA

    ffo sdraW elbuort

    271' 79'

    51:77 smlasP

    '' 08' '' 271' .

    ,efil roF noitavlas

    , 85' 271

    -51:19 smlasP 61

    halabbaK 202' halabbaK 202' halabbaK 202'

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    eht fo seman eht fo enO () htiliL nomed elamef

    noitcetorP eht rof nrobwen


    32:6 sbrevorP 911 .P natsinahgfA

    halabbaK 302' / noitcetorP

    eht rof nrobwen


    halabbaK 302' / 08' halabbaK 302' halabbaK 302' halabbaK 302'

    21:83 smlasP 271'

    halabbaK 302' .P stelumA werbeH legnA


    halabbaK 302' / , 6' thgil fo legnA


    - thgil fo legnA fo ecaF eht fo thgiL snaem doG

    .P stelumA werbeH 801

    eht rof eman rehtonA a oslA . legnahcrA 3 fo stsisnoC .doG fo emaN sI mus sohw ,srettel fo sriap 8

    , 24' 64

    .P stelumA werbeH 211

    fo snoitatumreP .erauqS dna yllacitrev htob

    ,airtameG nI .yllatnoziroh ni 42 si srettel eht fo mus eht noitcerid rehtie


    11:79 smlasP 271'

    '' ( ) .P stelumA werbeH legnA


    yb dewollof ,)enO(


    halabbaK 302' 251'

    71:82 sudoxE 271'

    eht ,airtameG nI .erauqS si nmuloc ro wor hcae fo mus 43

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 442 .P trA

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    '' nortateM rof eman rehtonA

    legnahcrA eht , () nesool oT ,htuom s'eno tsniaga sterces


    halabbaK 302' / /

    / '

    271' ''

    11:18 smlasP ymonoretueD 271'

    03:23 fo noitanibmoC

    ., , ,drow hcae fo rettel tsriF ni rettel dnoces yb dewollof .cte drow hcae

    rof noitavlaS lli ylevarg a nosrep


    , 85' efil roF 271

    61:19 smlasP

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 142 .P trA

    61:19 smlasP

    61:3 sbrevorP 271'

    ( fo daetsni ) 61:3 sbrevorP 271' gnilaeh roF



    ,95' gnilaeh roF 271

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 142 .P trA

    7:96 smlasP

    dna fo noitanibmoC ni rettel hcaE .

    ehT . ni rettel a swollof fo etisoppo

    fo emaN doG


    . dna fo noitanibmoC a swollof ni rettel hcaE fo trap si . ni rettel doG fo emaN srettel 24 eht

    fo emaN doG

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 442 .P trA

    2:76 smlasP '' 371'

    , 85' pleh rof llaC

    371 2:76 smlasP

    fo emit nI elbuort

    .P stelumA werbeH 031

    2:5 selcitnaC

    eht ,airtameG nI .erauqS lla ni srettel eht fo mus ni sa emas ,62 si snoitcerid



    eht ,airtameG nI .erauqS lla srettel eht fo mus 04 si snoitcerid

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 442 .P trA

  • Spell Interpretation Usage Source Origin


    Against the Evil Eye

    Hebrew Amulets P. 130

    Numbers 21:17

    Combination of , ,

    First letter of each word, followed by second letter in each word etc.

    For difficult childbirth


    Combination of , ,

    First letter of each word, followed by second letter in each word etc.


    Square. 12 boxes with 4 letters in each. The first letter in each box reads

    ' The second letter reads -

    The third -

    The fourth -

    In the 3rd sentence, the letters stand for the initials of

    Hebrew Amulets P. 67 Jewish Tradition In Art P. 244

    )( One of the names of the female demon Lilith )(

    Protection for the newborn


    Name of God. In Gematria, 91, the same as and together


    - '


    For a sweet voice

    Hebrew Amulets P. 131

    Exodus 15:1


    '173 Deuteronomy 33:29

    '203 Kabbalah '

    Associated with Name of 72 Letters

    '173 Isaiah 50:4


    ' '/ '203


    ' '173 I Samuel 15:2

    ) ( One of the names of the female demon Lilith )(

    Protection for the newborn

    '48 '116

    ' To promote health

    Hebrew Amulets P. 50, 125

    Exodus 15:26

    '203 Kabbalah The Angel of sleep For sleeping '91

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    detaicossA .47 - airtameG nI hcihw ,72 smlasP htiw eciwt ,srettel 851 sniatnoc .47

    a lecnac oT ylnevaeh .tnemgduj .lebil tsniagA

    72 smlasP 64'

    .P stelumA werbeH legnA 521


    1:821 smlasP 371'

    '' 251'

    eht ni lleps A na fo rae elitrefni namow

    3:821 smlasP 371'

    .P stelumA werbeH legnA 521

    '' / nI noitidarT hsiweJ '

    67 .P trA 9:611 smlasP


    9:611 smlasP 371'


    371' erotser oT '

    a ot hceeps nosrep bmud

    ,251' 27

    2:19 smlasP

    tsniagA srebbor

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    51:2 selcitnaC

    stnemlia roF niks eht fo selcsum dna

    , 95' 371

    4:83 smlasP


    ( ) ( )


    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 45 .P trA

    abaB ,dumlaT 27 ,48 haizteM arhtaB abaB 811

    461 .P natsinahgfA


    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 28 .P trA

    eht fo traP no gnisselb seldnac ,doof .cte

    .P stelumA werbeH legnA 521


    ymonoretueD 371'

    7-6:6 '' tsniagA

    egairracsim .P stelumA werbeH 521

    62:32 sudoxE

    eht fo seman eht fo enO () htiliL nomed elamef

    noitcetorP eht rof nrobwen


  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    () ()

    eht fo seman eht fo enO () htiliL nomed elamef

    noitcetorP eht rof nrobwen

    111' 611'

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 02 .P trA

    eudbus oT ymene na

    471' 89'

    9:55 smlasP

    tsniagA cigam

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    srebmuN 22:32

    2:8 srebmuN 371'

    '' eht fo seman eht fo enO

    () htiliL nomed elamef noitcetorP eht rof nrobwen

    .P stelumA werbeH 521 ,15


    eht rof 371' syadiloH hgiH

    21:58 smlasP 471'

    , .erauqS dna yllatnoziroh htob yllacitrev


    51:51 sudoxE 471'

    tsniagA srebboR

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    51:51 sudoxE

    reyarp eht fo gninnigeb ehT emaN retteL 24 eht hcihw no oslA .) ees( desab si reyarp eht fo eman eht

    sdrow 2 tsriF 471' reyarp eht ni

    ni ,

    erofeb .P stelumA werbeH legnA


    7:76 smlasP 471'


    ' .

    , 85' pleh rof llaC 471

    -7:121 smlasP 8

    halabbaK 302' 76' 711' 711' '' '' ,

    emaN retteL 22 eht fo trap 83'

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS



    .doG fo emaN retteL 22 -

    - . - .

    ( fo daetsni ) . -

    ( artxE)

    19' 471' .P stelumA werbeH 79

    detaicossA htiw

    . reyarP eeS eht ,kooB eht retfa .

    ,251' revef tsniagA 09 471'

    srebmuN 31:21

    , 54' / 302


    ,84' 302


    lareneG htlaeH rof drow rehtonA noitcetorP

    .P stelumA werbeH 521 ,05

    noitcetorP daor eht rof

    , 74' 471

    5:53 siseneG

    lareneG noitcetorP

    .P stelumA werbeH 521 ,05

    7:23 smlasP

    7:23 smlasP 82'

    7:23 smlasP 471'

    noitcetorP daor eht rof

    5:53 siseneG 74'

    / /

    halabbaK 302'

    1:121 smlasP 47 '


    roF sdewylwen

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    ,9:3 selcitnaC 11

    halabbaK 302' /

    yllatnoziroh daeR .erauqS ,xob hcae ni rettel tsrif eht .cte dnoces eht neht

    52:3 sbrevorP 82'

    halabbaK 302' 471' /

    / /

    302' 471' halabbaK

    31:9 siseneG 471'

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    4 tsrif eht fo srettel laitinI .reyarp eht ni swor

    ......... ... 471'

    ni reyarp

    halabbaK 302'

    " 471'

    skoob haddiH


    6-7 mizaR fo kooB 6-7

    (slegnA fo semaN)

    tsniagA ssenkcis

    ', ' 571

    .P stelumA werbeH 801

    91:02 sudoxE 571'

    '' 421' halabbaK 302'

    ni noitcetorP emitraw

    571' .P stelumA werbeH 131

    41:38 smlasP

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ nomeD daB 832.P trA

    halabbaK 302'

    71:15 smlasP 571'

    1:911 smlasP 571' halabbaK 302' halabbaK 302'

    21:22 siseneG 571'

    621' legnA doog a roF

    doohilevil 61:541 smlasP 24'

    doog a roF doohilevil

    61:541 smlasP 24'

    devas eb oT elbuort morf

    571' 79'

    9:17 smlasP

    melborp roF smaerd htiw



    91:7 auhsoJ 31:15 smlasP

    52:3 sbrevorP 571'

    83' halabbaK 302'

    halabbaK 302' halabbaK 302'

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    ---- '' /



    01:511 smlasP 571' '

    natiramaS telumA

    571' .P stelumA werbeH 431

    ymonoretueD 6:82

    '' '

    2:8 srebmuN 571'

    '' '

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 09 .P trA

    gninnigeb ehT gnisselb eht fo ,doof no .cte ,seldnac

    ', ' ' 571

    reyarp eht nI koob

    331' '

    ' , 85' 571

    6:13 smlasP


    reyarp eht nI koob


    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 291 .P trA nI noitidarT hsiweJ 442 .P trA

    a ekam oT nosrep elbisivni

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    1:1 siseneG

    4:62 haiasI 571' '

    4 fo snoitatumreP .erauqS ni seulav neve htiw srettel ,tebahpla werbeH eht .yllatnoziroh dna yllacitrev

    (8=, 6=, 4=, 2=)

    / sseccus roF na yortsed oT ymene

    72' .P stelumA werbeH 76

    '' '' halabbaK 302' tsniaga stcetorp ,legnA

    egairracsim .P stelumA werbeH


    / / / /


    7:71 haimereJ 571' ' 441'

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    gniretne nO emoh wen a

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    2:04 sudoxE

    59 .P natsinahgfA nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    08 .P trA

    ', ' ' 571, 74

    esrev eht htiw detaicossA

    )denialpxe toN(

    22:03 siseneG 671'

    141' 671' fo drow tsrif eht ni rettel tsriF

    siseneG ni sesrev 5 tsrif eht ) fo etisoppo(

    .. .. .. .. ..

    5-1:1 siseneG 671'

    emoceb oT hcir

    , 84 ' 671 47'

    selcinorhC I 21:92

    .P stelumA werbeH " ni si .legnA


    .P stelumA werbeH legnA 521

    721' fo noitatumreP

    halabbaK 302' 671' 492357 816

    eht ,airtameG nI .erauqS hcae ni srettel eht fo mus = 51 si noitcerid

    , 41' 52

    .P stelumA werbeH 56

    ymonoretueD 671' 5:82

    eht fo seman eht fo enO () htiliL nomed elamef

    noitcetorP eht rof nrobwen

    .P stelumA werbeH 521 ,15

    eht fo seman eht fo enO () () htiliL nomed elamef

    noitcetorP eht rof nrobwen

    111' 611'

    .P stelumA werbeH emaN retteL 24 eht ni drow A 521

    '' '


    wen a roF tnemtrapa

    671' 79'

    41:14 smlasP


    .P stelumA werbeH 71


    .P stelumA werbeH 521

    6:03 smlasP 671'

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    , 84' 671

    41:19 smlasP

    " ," ' ' ", " ' '

    / '


    sseccus roF ssenisub ni

    671' 79'

    1:411 smlasP

    ni htorihpeS 01 eht fo enO halabbaK

    .P stelumA werbeH 911


    .P stelumA werbeH ' 621


    ' ', ' 221, 74

    halabbaK 302' 1:441 smlasP 671' ' '

    6:33 smlasP 671' sseccus roF

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 32 .P trA

    a roF tnangerp namow

    671' 89'

    3:821 smlasP

    halabbaK 302' '' .P stelumA werbeH snomeD eht fo gniK


    331' '' 251'

    931, nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    723 .P trA

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 723 .P trA

    '' '' nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    23 .P trA


    srebmuN 671' " - nI 31:21

    671' / halabbaK 302' halabbaK 302' ''

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    671' halabbaK 302' ''

    )pleh s'nevaeH htiW( ''

    )ngis doog a htiW(

    '' '' )


    ', ' 17

    ,koob reyarp nI gninnod retfa seiretcalyhP


    671' '' / 251' 251' '' eht tsniagA

    eyE livE 22:94 siseneG 671'

    eht tsniagA eyE livE

    32' .P stelumA werbeH 05

    22:94 siseneG

    eht tsniagA eyE livE

    671' .P stelumA werbeH 05

    22:94 siseneG

    eht tsniagA () eyE livE

    .P stelumA werbeH 621,05

    22:94 siseneG

    '' 931 .P natsinahgfA 751' 59 .P natsinahgfA

    '' 331' 671' tenalp eht fo egrahc ni ,legnA

    retipuJ "'

    421' tenalp eht fo egrahc ni ,legnA

    retipuJ 411'

    fo koob ehT 671' ,rahoZ


    ', ' 771

    1:19 smlasP

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    fo dne ehT 771'

    ,reyarp eht gniwollof retteL 24 emaN

    yloH ehT( )htabaS

    ' 24

    771' halabbaK 402' ' .P stelumA werbeH legnA


    nopU gnidnes ot nerdlihc loohcs

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    3:3 leikezE

    5:76 smlasP 771'

    ---- 771' 771' ni htorihpeS 01 eht fo enO

    halabbaK .P stelumA werbeH

    911 halabbaK

    ffo draW elbuort

    771' 79'

    61:77 smlasP

    ,htgnertS fo legnA ehT learsI fo naidrauG sraM fo egrahc ni legnA ehT

    , 6' 14 "'

    halabbaK 402' halabbaK 402' .P stelumA werbeH legnA


    halabbaK 402' '' nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    86 .P trA

    fo srevir 4 eht fo seman ehT esidaraP

    .P stelumA werbeH 311


    4:43 smlasP 771'

    771' 62' halabbaK 402' '

    halabbaK 402'

    81:911 smlasP 771'

    halabbaK 402' '

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    = 81 ,airtameG nI )nataS(

    79' .P stelumA werbeH legnA


    .P stelumA werbeH legnA 621

    (,yadseuT' )

    :ylralimiS nuS , ' = noM , ' = deW , ' = uhT, ' =

    irF, ' =

    201 .P natsinahgfA


    selcinorhC I 771'

    9:82 191'

    fo snoitatumreP -


    '' a rof tneserp A(

    )moorg nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    29 .P trA

    411' nuS eht fo egrahc ni ,legnA halabbaK 402' 4:501 smlasP 771' '

    () emaN retteL 22 eht fo traP

    ( artxE)


    .) ( doohilevil fo legnA eht ni sa ,134 - airtameG nI ni srettel dlob

    doog a roF doohilevil


    halabbaK 402' halabbaK 402'


    " ' legnahcrA drihT ' ' nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    85 .P trA

    .) ( doohilevil fo legnA eht ni sa ,124 - airtameG nI ni srettel dlob

    doog a roF doohilevil


    halabbaK 402'

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    ---- .P stelumA werbeH doG fo emaN '


    7:59 smlasP 771' noitanibmoC .doG fo emaN

    rettel hcaE . dna fo ni rettel a swollof ni

    eno ekam oT retrams


    gniyrc a roF ' yob

    1:111 smlasP 771'

    tsniagA cigam

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    42:14 haiasI

    eudbus oT ymene na

    771' 89'

    6:45 smlasP

    1:311 smlasP 771' ' 1:531 smlasP

    02:32 sudoxE 771'

    771' /

    / /




    3:401 smlasP

    halabbaK 402' halabbaK 402' ymonoretueD 871'

    34:23 '' / 1:051 smlasP 871'

    1:051 smlasP 871'



    . .



    051 smlasP 911' elohw ehT( )retphaC

    livE tsniagA eyE

    871' .P stelumA werbeH 131

    srebmuN 21:11

    livE tsniagA eyE

    .P stelumA werbeH 621,05

    61:84 siseneG

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    noitavlas roF / natiramaS telumA

    , 85' 871

    .P stelumA werbeH 431 nI noitidarT hsiweJ 142 .P trA

    61:84 siseneG

    ' ' . '

    -1:531 smlasP 871'



    a niw oT ro tnemegduj tnemugra na

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    ymonoretueD 2-1:23

    '' 27 eht fo trap ,doG fo emaN

    emaN retteL 54'

    ' ' . '

    -1:311 smlasP 871'


    ni htorihpeS 01 eht fo enO halabbaK

    .P stelumA werbeH 911




    .P stelumA werbeH legnA 621


    21:511 smlasP 871'

    '' 411' nI noitidarT hsiweJ '

    62 .P trA

    .P stelumA werbeH legnA 621

    , 85' pleh rof yrC

    871 01:02 smlasP

    rof gnisu noitutitsbuS tsal eht , srettel eht ni sesrev 5 tsrif eht ni srettel .siseneG

    5-1:1 siseneG 871 '


    ( pikS)

    11:26 haiasI 871'

    / ' / ' / ' / ' '


    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 723 .P trA 631 .P natsinahgfA


    871' / '

    ' ''

    halabbaK 402' 7:42 siseneG 871'

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    hainahpeZ 871' ' 51:3

    .P stelumA werbeH legnA 621

    51:1 selcitnaC 871'


    a nrae oT eman doog

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    -51:1 selcitnaC 61

    a tA lahtorteb

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    1:4 selcitnaC

    sa emas ,56 - airtameG nI

    19' '

    maerd roF noitanivid

    871' .P stelumA werbeH 131

    ymonoretueD 82:92

    natiramaS teluma

    .P stelumA werbeH 431

    ymonoretueD 9:33

    4:121 smlasP 871'

    traeh roF tnemlia

    , 85' 971

    3:741 smlasP

    maerd roF noitanivid

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    7:1 selcitnaC

    , 85' gnilaeh roF 971

    3:301 smlasP

    721' fo noitatumreP

    11:18 smlasP 971'

    halabbaK 402' halabbaK 402' 251' niks roF

    sesaesid, 95' 971

    6:83 smlasP


    4:31 smlasP 971'

    '' ' '

    81:33 smlasP 971'



    -3:401 smlasP 4

    '' '' '' 251' '' 331'

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 091 .P trA

    eht fo seman eht fo enO

    () htiliL nomed elamef noitcetorP eht rof nrobwen

    .P stelumA werbeH 621,05

    251' nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    723 .P trA

    .P stelumA werbeH legnA 621

    ( ,yadsruhT' ) '

    :ylralimiS yadnuS, ' = yadnoM , ' =

    yadseuT ' = , yadsendeW ' = ,

    yadirF ' = ,

    471 .P natsinahgfA

    rehto eht( ... )denialpxe ton era srettel

    971' ecaep roF/ /

    / /


    251' 341,


    fo emaN " gnisu , doG

    , 83' 971

    halabbaK 402'

    ---- ymonoretueD 971'

    42:1 8:2 sgniK II 971'

    natiramaS teluma

    971' .P stelumA werbeH 431

    71:02 siseneG

    32:33 sudoxE 971'


    971' sseccus roF .P stelumA werbeH 131

    2:93 siseneG


    ( pikS )

    tsniagA tfarchctiw

    971' .P stelumA werbeH 131

    43:03 sudoxE

    1:8 siseneG 971'

    2:42 siseneG 971'

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    gnisu nehW gninivid a dor

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    2:42 siseneG

    22:03 siseneG 971'

    24:62 sucitiveL 971'

    doog roF a retfa htlaeh tsaf

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    24:62 sucitiveL

    pots oT a ni gnideelb namow

    9:61 leikezE 081'

    ymonoretueD 081' 81:11


    rof ,efil roF elitrefni na rof ,namow / gnilaeh natiramaS teluma

    , 85' 081

    .P stelumA werbeH 431

    52:32 sudoxE

    oT nehtgnerts eciov eht

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    81:44 siseneG

    a niw oT rovaf

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    71:64 siseneG

    3:1 smlasP 081'

    eht tsniagA eugalp

    , 85' 081

    srebmuN 21:71

    tsniagA tfarchctiw

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    32:33 sudoxE

    ymonoretueD 081'


    ymonoretueD 081' 92:33

    , 85' ecaep roF 081

    6:52 leumaS I

    7:73 siseneG 081' '

    oT tcaretnuoc cigam

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    1:1 sucitiveL

    ' '

    2:01 sucitiveL 081'

    a mlac oT / revir gnigar a ssorc oT revir

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    081' 8:51 sudoxE

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    / /

    63:52 sucitiveL 081' ymonoretueD 34:23 ymonoretueD 51:62

    11:1 sucitiveL 081'

    /72:6 srebmuN 081'

    haimereJ 181' 72:64 haimereJ deppiks( 01:03

    siht ni ' )esrev

    natiramaS teluma

    .P stelumA werbeH 431

    ymonoretueD 4:72

    livE tsniagA / eyE a niw oT rovaf

    ,251' 08

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    srebmuN 64:62

    tA noisicmucriC

    02:84 siseneG 181'

    61:1 sudoxE 181'

    eht tsniagA eugalp

    , 85' 181

    srebmuN 31:71

    a roF elbatiforp edart

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    21:44 siseneG


    efas a roF yenruoj

    181' .P stelumA werbeH 131

    srebmuN 53:01



    - nigiro nI( (

    ybab a roF retfa noisicmucric

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    02:84 siseneG

    '' 8:5 smlasP 181'

    live tsniagA stirips

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    8:5 smlasP


    a tsniagA god ecreif

    181' .P stelumA werbeH 131

    7:11 sudoxE

    na roF elitrefni ot ,namow emoceb tnangerp

    22:33 sudoxE 181'

    3:21 siseneG 181'

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    6:821 smlasP 181'

    64:911 smlasP 181'

    natiramaS teluma

    .P stelumA werbeH 431

    11:22 sudoxE

    tsniagA rednals

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    7:51 sudoxE



    selcinorhC I 181' 01:92

    rettel ehT .doG fo emaN fo noitatumrep a dna

    efil sgnirB a ot eruc dna nosrep kcis


    32:64 siseneG 181' eht tsniagA

    eugalp, 85' 181

    8:52 srebmuN srebmuN 31:71 03:601 smlasP

    tneverp oT sehcadaeH

    , 95' 181

    2:11 srebmuN

    ' ( pikS )

    natiramaS teluma

    .P stelumA werbeH 431

    2:11 srebmuN


    181' erif tsniagA .P stelumA werbeH 131

    2:11 srebmuN

    eye roF / tnemlia emoceb oT elbisivni

    , 95' 181

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    11:91 siseneG

    ymonoretueD 181' 44:4

    daer ,srettel laitinI .erauqS .yllacitrev

    , ) fo daetsni , ( .


    siseneG 62' 92-82:72

    ymonoretueD 281' 6:6

    21:2 siseneG 281'

    fo emaN eht fo snoitatumreP doG

    "' ymonoretueD 281' '



    natiramaS teluma

    .P stelumA werbeH 431

    ymonoretueD 8:13

    .P stelumA werbeH doG fo emaN 69

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    ot gnidrocca ,doG fo emaN tuhceZ ehsoM ibbaR

    83' .

    tsniagA ysorpeL

    , 95' 281

    sucitiveL 65-55:41

    1:2 siseneG 281'

    .doG fo emaN srettel 27 eerht 27 sniatnoc eman sihT 27 dellac si tub ,sdrow rettel era sdrow ehT .srettel ,sesrev 3 morf detcurtsnoc .sdrow 27 fo gnitsisnoc hcae ,91 esrev fo rettel tsrif ehT dna 02 esrev fo rettel tsal eht 12 esrev fo rettel tsrif eht eht ni drow tsrif eht esirpmoc ni rettel dnoces ehT .emaN ni tsal ot txen ,91 esrev ni dnoces eht dna 02 esrev eht esirpmoc 12 esrev ,emaN eht fo drow dnoces :era resrev eerht ehT .cte





    " ' -91:41 sudoxE 12

    81:81 siseneG 281'

    tsniagA srebbor

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    1:23 siseneG

    natiramaS teluma

    .P stelumA werbeH 431

    31:21 sudoxE


    eht esuac oT na fo htaed ymene

    281' .P stelumA werbeH 131

    srebmuN 73:41

    nettaf oT ,lwof na tsniagA ymene

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    41:01 haiasI

    eht ni srettel ehT .erauqS otni dedivid era woleb esrev eno ,hcae srettel 3 fo spuorg .xob hcae ni puorg

    ( ) ( )

    ymonoretueD 72' 51:7

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    ' ...

    neewteb sdrow eht pikS( ) dna

    natiramaS teluma

    .P stelumA werbeH 431

    ymonoretueD 41:5

    281' gniyrc a roF

    dlihc 41:52 siseneG 281'

    83:52 sudoxE 281'

    ( pikS)

    rof reyarP daor eht

    5:53 siseneG 281'

    daer ,srettel laitinI .erauqS yllacitrev



    siseneG 92-82:72

    fo seman eht ni rettel htruoF ( esidaraP fo srevir 4 eht )srettel 3 ylno sah


    esrev eht daeR .erauqS -yllacitrev

    . ereht wor hcae fo dne eht tA legna na fo eman a si

    21:82 siseneG 03'

    71:82 siseneG 281'

    21:82 siseneG 281'


    .P stelumA werbeH 741

    4:8 srebmuN

    srebmuN 281' 72:31


    72:21 sudoxE 281'

    ymonoretueD 281' 04:23

    tsriF - drow hcae ni srettel tsal dna

    8:6 siseneG 581'

    sniap lla roF dna llac ,stnemlia pleh rof

    , 85' 281

    42:56 haiasI

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    tlah oT laurtsnem wolf

    , 95' 381

    .P stelumA werbeH 131

    82:51 sucitiveL

    31:52 smlasP 381'


    ' ( artxE)

    ,egnever roF a eviecer ot rovaf

    ymonoretueD 381' 6:03

    2:93 siseneG 381' ' '

    2:93 siseneG 381'

    . '

    ymonoretueD 381'



    peels roF naht retteb( )enicidem

    12:2 siseneG 381'

    tcetorp oT rednals morf

    6:62 siseneG 381'

    5:43 sudoxE 381' '

    gniretne nO emoh wen a

    381' .P stelumA werbeH 231

    1:73 siseneG

    gniretne nO emoh wen a

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    72:74 siseneG

    5:32 srebmuN 381' ' '



    5:73 siseneG 381'

    ' 381, 151

    4:93 siseneG

    eht oslA . eht ni drow A fo esrev tsal eht ni drow tsrif .emaN retteL 27 eht

    12:93 siseneG 381' 12:41 sudoxE

    1:26 haiasI 381'



    natiramaS teluma

    381' .P stelumA werbeH 431

    32:21 sudoxE

    32:05 siseneG 381'

    31:4 htuR 381' ' .P stelumA werbeH ecaep roF

    461 62:6 srebmuN


    ymonoretueD 381' 2:33

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS



    / gnilaeh roF revef tsniagA

    , 85' 481

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    ymonoretueD 51:7

    , 85' noitavlaS ' 481

    01:9 smlasP

    6:43 sudoxE 481' '

    ' ' '

    a evah oT reyarp derewsna

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    6:43 sudoxE


    , 85' pleh rof llaC 481

    3-2:76 smlasP

    .yllacitrev sdaeR .erauqS - xob hcae ni rettel tsriF


    tsrif eht ni rettel dnoces ehT , - snmuloc 4 semit 5 detaeper

    eht tsniagA eugalp

    931' nI noitidarT hsiweJ 242 .P trA

    03:601 smlasP

    7:1 sudoxE 481'

    latnem roF / ssenlli tsniagA ni regnad levart

    , 85' 481

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    13:23 siseneG

    1:34 siseneG 481' 481' 21:2 sudoxE 481'

    a gnitrats nO fo eceip wen krow

    481' .P stelumA werbeH 231

    8:63 sudoxE

    "' '

    natiramaS teluma

    .P stelumA werbeH 431

    11:31 sudoxE


    tsniagA gnideelb

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    61:71 sudoxE

    32:2 iaggaH 481'

    , 85' ecaep roF 481

    6:52 leumaS I

    esae oT htribdlihc

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    8:11 sudoxE


    natiramaS teluma

    .P stelumA werbeH 431

    ymonoretueD 01:82

    3:1 smlasP 481' sseccus roF 83:87 smlasP 481'

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 82 .P trA

    6:61 leikezE

    ot ralimiS '' ' 8:6 haciM

    morf evas oT eugalp eht

    5:62 sucitiveL 481'

    roF sdewylwen

    481' .P stelumA werbeH 231

    82:72 siseneG

    srebmuN 481' 72:31

    9:43 sudoxE 481'

    eht tsniagA eugalp

    , 85' 481

    01:19 smlasP

    81:91 sucitiveL 481' ' , 85' ecaeP ()

    481 6:52 leumaS I

    , 85' ecaep roF ( ) () 581

    62:6 srebmuN

    22:52 sudoxE 581'

    32:94 haiasI 581'

    eht tsniagA eugalp


    srebmuN 11:71

    eht tsniagA eugalp

    srebmuN 001' 11:71


    / gnilaeh roF a tsniagA revef

    , 85' 581

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    srebmuN 31:21

    1:42 sudoxE 581' '

    3:21 haiasI 581'

    91:41 sudoxE 581'


    4:8 srebmuN 581'


    natiramaS teluma

    .P stelumA werbeH 431

    ymonoretueD 9:72

    31:82 sudoxE 581' ()

    83:52 sudoxE 581'

    8:6 siseneG 581' '

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 02 .P trA

    ymonoretueD 581'

    1:43 nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    32 .P trA

    pots ot ecnenitnocni

    , 95' 581

    2:8 siseneG

    / revef a roF a netrohs oT pirt

    581' .P stelumA werbeH 231

    71:001 smlasP

    , 85' gnilaeh roF 581

    ymonoretueD 51:7

    ymonoretueD 581' 9:51


    51:13 smlasP 581'


    eht tsniagA eugalP

    , 85' 581

    srebmuN 31-21:71

    3:111 smlasP 681' 3:211 smlasP

    ( pikS) srebmuN 681'


    ymonoretueD 681' 91:62

    na roF elitrefni namow

    , 85' 681

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    ymonoretueD 21:7

    8:62 srebmuN 681' '

    ' esae oT htribdlihc

    , 85' 681

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    1:12 siseneG

    eht tsniagA eugalp

    , 85' 681

    03:601 smlasP

    :sdaer ti yllacitreV :erauqS

    . sah wor tsrif eht ,yllatnoziroH esrev emas eht fo slaitini eht

    03:601 smlasP 92'

    ylrae tsniagA htribdlihc dna egairracsim

    41:43 haiasI 681'


    dab lunna oT snoitnetni

    leumaS II 681' 41:71

    5:54 smlasP 681'

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    tsniagA ot ,gniyrc esae htribdlihc

    , 85' 681

    srebmuN 32:32

    74:13 siseneG 681'

    eht fo snoitatumreP .erauqS :ni srettel tsal dna tsrif

    ' dna yllacitrev htoB yllatnoziroh

    tcetorP lla sniaga ssenkcis

    .P stelumA werbeH 76

    ymonoretueD 51:7

    () nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    811 .P trA 83:87 smlasP

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 85 .P trA

    a pots oT

    egairracsim, 85' 681

    2:61 siseneG

    , 85' htribdlihc roF 681

    3:82 siseneG

    72:23 siseneG 681' latnem roF .

    ssenlli, 85' 681

    72:23 siseneG 13 dna

    85' yspelipE roF

    ---- nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    723 .P trA

    402' morf evas oT

    elbuort, 95' 681

    2:51 sudoxE


    .P stelumA werbeH gniyduts roF

    231 94:911 smlasP


    02:811 smlasP 781'


    31:52 smlasP 421' () /


    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 723 .P trA

    ymonoretueD 7:23

    '' 251' esahc oT doG fo emaN

    seveiht yawa 84'

    '' / '' halabbaK 402' '

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 47 .P trA

    halabbaK 402'


    '' nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    271 .P trA


    51:3 sudoxE 781'


    ---- 66' efil gnol roF

    , 85' pleh rof llaC 781

    3:68 smlasP

    ssol tsniagA doolb fo

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    3:15 smlasP

    halabbaK 402' halabbaK 402' halabbaK 402' ymonoretueD 781'

    41:23 halabbaK 402' halabbaK 402' halabbaK 402' 438 951 6 7 2

    eht fo mus ehT .erauqS ,51 si wor hcae ni srettel sa emas

    a tsniagA tluciffid htribdlihc

    , 52' 241

    halabbaK 402' halabbaK 402' halabbaK 402'

    halabbaK 502'

    fo srevir 4 eht fo enO esidaraP

    .P stelumA werbeH 621

    '' halabbaK 502' / /

    / halabbaK 502'

    elamef eht ,efiw tsrif s'madA htiliL nomed

    roF fo noitcetorp nrobwen eht

    .P stelumA werbeH 621 ,311 ,15

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    roF ta noitcetorp aes

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    2:441 smlasP

    yawa esahc ot desu drow A - snaem( htiliL nomed eht )tuO

    roF fo noitcetorp nrobwen eht

    011' .P stelumA werbeH 621

    '' nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    291 .P trA

    halabbaK 502' halabbaK 502'

    4:54 smlasP 781'

    781' '' eht fo seman eht fo enO

    () htiliL nomed elamef fo noitcetorP nrobwen eht

    .P stelumA werbeH 621 ,15

    halabbaK 502' halabbaK 502' ni htorihpeS net eht fo enO

    halabbaK .P stelumA werbeH

    911 halabbaK

    halabbaK 502' 711' dlrow eht fo egrahc ni ,legnA

    )dlroW ( = ' "


    , 85' pleh rof llaC 781

    8:43 smlasP

    781' '' 461 .P natsinahgfA legnA

    halabbaK 502' ni htorihpeS net eht fo enO

    halabbaK .P stelumA werbeH

    911 halabbaK

    tenalp eht fo egrahc ni legnA suneV

    "' halabbaK 502' .P stelumA werbeH legnA



    halabbaK 502'

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 86 .P trA

    .P stelumA werbeH emaN retteL 24 eht fo traP


    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 67 .P trA

    halabbaK 502' /

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    ytirahc roF - srettel laniF dna doohilevil

    , 85' 781


    61:541 smlasP

    ---- eht fo seman eht fo enO

    () htiliL nomed elamef fo noitcetorP nrobwen eht

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 02 .P trA

    , 85' pleh rof llaC

    781 42:56 haiasI

    , 85' pleh rof llaC ' 781

    snoitatnemaL 52:3

    halabbaK 502' .P stelumA werbeH emaN retteL 24 eht fo traP


    nekat si eman esohw ,legnA ni srettel owt tsrif eht morf :sesrev eerht eht fo hcae

    , ... , ... ...

    24' .P stelumA werbeH 721 ,801

    smlasP 67 ,07 ,96:911

    halabbaK 502' '

    ---- '' / ' '

    1:52 haiasI 781'


    8-7:76 smlasP 781'

    ' ' .

    latnem roF ssenlli

    , 85' 781

    3-2:6 smlasP

    dna fo noitanibmoC ni rettel hcaE .

    nI . ni rettel a swollof = 19 = airtameG

    fo emaN emaN ,doG srettel 8 fo

    83' .P stelumA werbeH 721,44

    8:76 smlasP 781'

    sbrevorP 781' 52:32

    '' ' ymonoretueD 781' ' '


    2:86 smlasP 781'

    51:91 sgniK II 881' ' ' '

    ' / ' / '



  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS



    881' '



    - ecruos nI(


    a niw oT rovaf

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    02:84 siseneG


    devas eb oT elbuorT morf

    881' 79'

    8:62 smlasP

    ' ' a niw oT /raw natiramaS teluma

    881' .P stelumA werbeH 431 / 231

    3:51 sudoxE

    ' '

    gnikat nO ot nerdlihc loohcs

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    4:05 haiasI

    a niw oT rovaf

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    4:6 selcitnaC

    - sretteL 21 fo emaN

    era esehT 21 yllautca 4 fo sdrow hcae srettel

    ' "

    .P stelumA werbeH 69

    41:2 selcitnaC 17'

    fo emit nI elbuort

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    41:2 selcitnaC

    2:12 smlasP 881' '

    tsniagA stirips

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    6:011 smlasP

    5:42 smlasP 881' '

    ffo evird oT snomed

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    ymonoretueD 01:23

    halabbaK 502'


    1:19 smlasP

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    ' .



    . .


    . .

    ' .


    . .



    . .

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 142 .P trA

    eht(19 smlasP etelpmoc )retpahc

    / / "

    502' 881' nI noitidarT hsiweJ 791 .P trA

    / 7:27 smlasP halabbaK


    , 85' pleh rof llaC 881 502'

    / 01:02 smlasP halabbaK

    .P stelumA werbeH emaN retteL 24 eht fo traP 721

    fo emaN

    doG 4:4 leumaS I 881'

    halabbaK 502' 83' doG fo emaN '

    , 85' pleh rof llaC

    881 01:02 smlasP


    ', ' 881

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    stsisnoc ,sretteL 21 fo emaN fo snoitatumrep 21 fo stsisnoc drow hcaE . srettel lanif ro srettel laitini fo eht ni esrev a fo ).l.f( eht htiw detaicossa si dna .htnom werbeH a fo eman

    - - . - ( .l.f) - - (.l.f) - (.l.f) - ' . - - (.l.f) ' - - (.l.f) -

    nassiN rayI naviS zumaT vA lullE yerhsiT navhseH velsiK teveT tavheS raddA

    ' "

    .P stelumA werbeH 69


    11:69 smlasP 32:9 haimereJ 02-91:62 sudoxE 31:5 rehtsE 9:72 ymonoretueD 52:6 ymonoretueD 51:21 siseneG 61 - 51:62 .retueD 11:05 siseneG 4:43 smlasP 33:72 sucitiveL 11:94 siseneG

    eht ni fo srettel 3 tsriF ta rettel ht4 eht ,gninnigeb - elddim eht nI .dne eht ?

    fo emaN doG


    -11:69 smlasP 881' . 21

    7:89 smlasP 881'

    fo emaN elddim eht ni htiw doG

    83' 881' '


    , 79' 881

    ymonoretueD 21:82

    ' (-nigiro nI )

    rof ,efil roF latnem ssenlli

    , 85' 881

    4:03 smlasP

    :fo srettel laniF '

    11:51 sudoxE 981'

    .P stelumA werbeH legnA 721

    fo srettel laniF

    , yb dewollof

    .P stelumA werbeH 721

    11:51 sudoxE

    07' '


    031' :fo srettel laniF

    /pleh rof llaC lareneG noitcetorp

    , 85' 981

    .P stelumA werbeH 05

    11:19 smlasP

    htneveS ,7=( htabbaS )yad

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 23 .P trA

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 98 .P trA

    97' doG fo emaN 97' ( doG fo emaN - ) ' fo noitcetorP noraA dna sesoM fo rehtoM

    nrobwen eht .P stelumA werbeH 311,15

    eht tsniagA nos etirovaf s'bocaJ

    eyE livE .P stelumA werbeH 411

    ( - pikS ), 85' pleh rof llaC

    981 51:19 smlasP

    .P stelumA werbeH ytuaeb fo legnA 721

    '' '' nepo oT

    traeh seno 41:94 siseneG 981'

    41:08 smlasP 981'

    latnem roF ' ssenlli

    , 85' 981

    5:14 smlasP

    981' / doG fo emaN 01:2 leumaS I 981' ' '

    natiramaS teluma

    981' .P stelumA werbeH 431

    ymonoretueD 8:82

    ' ' .

    -7:031 smlasP 981' 8

    11:92 smlasP 981' '

    ' '


    evah oT s'eno sreyarp derewsna

    981' .P stelumA werbeH 231

    7-6:43 sudoxE

    , 85' pleh rof llaC ' ' 981

    11:511 smlasP


    '( ' fo daetsni ni)

    , 85' pleh rof llaC 981

    2:02 smlasP

    fo eman eht ni rettel dnoceS fo srevir 4 eht fo hcae esidaraP



    selcinorhC I 981' 6:31

    ' . ' ' .

    yltseirP ehT oT / gnisselB evird morf snomed tnafni na

    981' .P stelumA werbeH 231

    -42:6 srebmuN ehT / 62 yltseirP gnisselB

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    3 eht fo hcae ni rettel tsriF :sesrev

    ... /... ... doG fO emaN emaN retteL 27 eht ni drow A


    .P stelumA werbeH 69


    -42:6 srebmuN 62

    7:41 smlasP 981' 981' emaN retteL 27 eht fo traP roF '

    ,noissapmoc noitavlas

    , 85' 981

    6:02 smlasP

    natiramaS ' teluma

    .P stelumA werbeH 431

    ymonoretueD 21:82


    ( -pikS )


    ymonoretueD 21:82

    na tsniagA ' ymene

    81:51 sudoxE ''

    '' ' '

    natiramaS teluma

    091' .P stelumA werbeH 431

    41:41 sudoxE


    5:821 smlasP 091'

    ' ' .

    , 85' pleh rof llaC 091

    -7:121 smlasP 8

    ' '

    na tsniagA ymene

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    6:51 sudoxE

    ( ) ' ' /

    ymonoretueD 091' 11:1


    , 85' pleh rof llaC 091

    4:14 smlasP


    , 85' pleh rof llaC 091

    8:121 smlasP

    61:811 smlasP 091' ' nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    47 .P trA


    2:821 smlasP 091'

    ymonoretueD 091' 2:23

    ' (srettel laniF)

    11:51 sudoxE 091'

    "' legnahcrA tsriF ( ' fo daetsni' )


    ymonoretueD 091' 01:82

    24 fo emaN eht ni drow A sretteL

    .P stelumA werbeH 721

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    1:99 smlasP 091'

    ' , 85' pleh rof llaC

    091 51:91 smlasP

    6:811 smlasP 091' ' :fo noitatumreP

    ' - .P stelumA werbeH 721

    81:94 siseneG mugraT -

    :fo noitatumreP ' -

    .P stelumA werbeH 721

    81:94 siseneG

    .P stelumA werbeH () 721

    62:6 srebmuN

    931' 08:911 smlasP 091'

    7:19 smlasP 091'

    halabbaK 502' 1:39 smlasP 091' ' 091' '

    a evah oT tseuqer detnarg

    091' 79'

    5:61 smlasP

    ' ' '

    ruppiK moY nI 191' reyarp

    halabbaK 502' nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    361 .P trA

    221' halabbaK 502' " halabbaK 502' ni htorihpeS 01 eht fo enO

    halabbaK .P stelumA werbeH

    911 halabbaK

    halabbaK 502' halabbaK 502' halabbaK 502' halabbaK 502' halabbaK 502' / /

    / / /

    191' '' nI noitidarT hsiweJ 723 .P trA 751 .P natsinahgfA

    ' 85

    4:76 smlasP 191'

    7:82 smlasP 191' '

    92:72 siseneG 62'

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    ' '

    11:92 smlasP 191'

    fo snoitatumreP -


    (srettel dnoceS) rof reyarP daor eht

    , 74' 191

    2:34 haiasI

    4:27 smlasP 191'

    '' .P stelumA werbeH legnA


    eht fo seman eht fo enO () htiliL nomed elamef

    noitcetorP eht rof nrobwen


    19' tluciffid roF '

    htribdlihc 61:73 haiasI 191'

    fo snoitatumreP .erauqS ' -

    .yllacitrev dna yllatnoziroH

    tluciffid roF htribdlihc

    61:73 haiasI 52'


    31:48 smlasP 191'

    selcinorhC I 191' ' 42:71


    61:73 haiasI 191'

    roF ' ycnangerp

    11:1 leumaS I 191'

    141' dna fo noitanibmoC

    ni rettel hcaE . . ni rettel a swollof

    - slegnA fo semaN


    141' /

    / ' / /

    ', ' 53

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 723 .P trA 231 .P natsinahgfA

    51:91 smlasP

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 82 .P trA

    2:6 leumaS II 191' ' 811' ' , 85' pleh rof llaC '

    191 8:64 smlasP

    , 85' pleh rof llaC ' 191 ,921

    8:64 smlasP 21:64 smlasP

    631 .P natsinahgfA halabbaK 502'

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    dna fo noitanibmoC ni rettel hcaE .

    / ni rettel a swollof :sesrev eht fo srettel tsriF

    ... ' ' ... ... ...' ... ...' ...

    fo emaN / doG rof noitavlaS lli ylevarg a nosrep


    67' 19'

    fo traP - retteL 24 eht emaN

    semaN eht fo snoitatumreP , , - doG fo


    751 .P natsinahgfA nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    271 .P trA

    '' 1:32 smlasP 191' ' '' '

    ', ' 19' , 191

    '' 911' , 85' pleh rof llaC

    191 2:02 smlasP

    )srettel laniF(

    41:83 smlasP 191'

    dna fo noitanibmoC ni rettel hcaE .

    ni rettel a swollof

    fo emaN / doG rof noitavlaS lli ylevarg a nosrep

    93' 67'

    fo trap - retteL 24 eht emaN

    '' ' '' ' '' halabbaK 502' 291' '

    ,pleh rof llaC roF yspelipE

    , 85' 291

    2:201 smlasP

    halabbaK 502' 4:22 smlasP 291' 251'


  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    ---- 21:02 sudoxE 291'


    roF ta noitcetorp aes

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    41:34 haiasI

    2:3 sbrevorP 291'


    , 85' pleh rof llaC 291

    9:19 smlasP


    gniyrc roF nerdlihc

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    haimereJ 51:13

    , 85' gnilaeh roF ' 291

    .P stelumA werbeH 721

    62:51 sudoxE

    3:44 haiasI 291' halabbaK 602' - emaN retteL 22 ehT "


    halabbaK 602' 331' halabbaK 602'

    - emaN retteL 41 ehT( esrev eht rof dohtem


    fo emaN doG


    roF ,ssenkaew enob esaesid

    , 85' 291, 95

    11:13 smlasP

    halabbaK 602' nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    69 .P trA

    82:1 leikezE 291'


    , 85' gnilaeh roF 291

    62:51 sudoxE


    eht tsniagA eugalp

    , 85' 291

    ,3:19 smlasP elddim eht dna 4 esrev fo

    '' nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    723 .P trA

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 723 .P trA

    291' emaN retteL 27 eht fo traP 6:051 smlasP 291'

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    431' rof dohtem

    .emaN retteL 41 ehT

    fo emaN doG

    42' "'

    halabbaK 602' '' /

    a esuac oT ekat ot esruc tceffe

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    92:72 sucitiveL

    halabbaK 602' halabbaK 602'

    halabbaK 602'

    na tsniagA ymene

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    71:1 sbrevorP

    halabbaK 602' '' '

    nekaew oT ymene na

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    ymonoretueD 42:4


    31:611 smlasP 291'

    ', ' 84

    32:32 sudoxE 291' 61:71 sudoxE 291'

    nettaf oT tsniaga ,lwof ymene na

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    ymonoretueD 6:22

    '' .P stelumA werbeH


    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 003 .P trA

    ekam oT evirht skcolf

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    sbrevorP 62:72

    .P stelumA werbeH ni gniyl roF 231

    srebmuN 32:32

    drow dn2 yreve ni rettel ts1 / )nigureS(



    01:63 smlasP 8:61 smlasP

    , 85' pleh rof llaC 19' , 291

    11:19 smlasP

    morf evas oT elbuort

    , 95' 291

    9:45 smlasP

    halabbaK 602'

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS



    32:6 sbrevorP

    221' ,efil roF

    eucser, 85' 391

    4:13 smlasP

    halabbaK 602' / 4:8 srebmuN 391' '

    morf evas oT elbuort

    , 95' 391

    2:21 haiasI

    01:63 smlasP 391'

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 87 .P trA

    391' / .P stelumA werbeH legnA


    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 25 .P trA


    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 47 .P trA

    32:6 srebmuN 391'

    mrots a roF

    aes ta

    391' .P stelumA werbeH 231

    2:34 haiasI

    '' halabbaK 602'


    ni yrotciv roF raw a

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    ymonoretueD 01:12

    / /

    halabbaK 602'

    halabbaK 602' ni htorihpeS 01 eht fo enO

    halabbaK .P stelumA werbeH

    911 halabbaK


    a roF elbatiforp edart

    .P stelumA werbeH 231

    24:13 siseneG

    ymonoretueD 79' 21:82

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    raef tsniagA / regnad dna tsniagA noitcefni

    , 97 ' 391

    .P stelumA werbeH 331

    6:94 smlasP


    ( pikS )

    morf evas oT regnad

    .P stelumA werbeH 331

    6:6 sudoxE

    ecaep roF neewteb dna nam efiw

    ymonoretueD 391' 72:5

    3:76 smlasP 391'


    , 85' pleh rof llaC 391

    2-1:76 smlasP


    . .






    /pleh rof llaC ffo draw oT elbuort

    , 03' 85 79'

    76 smlasP elohw ehT( )retpahc


    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 132 .P trA 831 .P natsinahgfA

    ' 032

    efas a roF yenruoj

    .P stelumA werbeH 331

    21:7 selcitnaC

    811' 721' 32'

    5:66 smlasP 391'

    251' 8:3 hainahpeZ 391' ' 831 .P natsinahgfA

    traeh roF tnemlia

    , 85' 391

    21:15 smlasP

    ymonoretueD 391' 42:7

    ( pikS ) '

    tsniagA srebbor

    .P stelumA werbeH 331

    ymonoretueD 52:11

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS



    1:72 smlasP 391'

    , 85' ytilitrefni roF 391

    .P stelumA werbeH 821

    ymonoretueD 41:7

    98:911 smlasP 391' ' 98:911 smlasP 711' ' 7:06 smlasP 391'

    7:801 smlasP

    natiramaS teluma

    .P stelumA werbeH 431

    3:02 sudoxE

    daB .snomeD lla fo rehtoM stnafni smrah ,nomed

    mrah ton lliW nehw dlihc a si eman reh raen nettirw dlihc eht

    , 6' 24

    .P stelumA werbeH 411

    391' .

    -81:33 smlasP 391'

    91 '' '

    '' nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    32 .P trA


    1:42 smlasP 391'


    1:91 smlasP 491'


    oT nehtgnerts yromem eht

    491' .P stelumA werbeH 331

    1:61 sbrevorP


    1:61 sbrevorP 041'

    . . .

    . . . .

    .P stelumA werbeH 941

    -76 smlasP elohw ehT retpahc

    1:76 smlasP 97'

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    .P stelumA werbeH 741

    1:76 smlasP

    951' nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    491 .P trA

    '' () '' () ,traeh roF

    enob stnemlia

    , 85' 491, 95

    11:83 smlasP

    421' 931 .P natsinahgfA

    141' nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    723 .P trA

    ' ) ( artxE

    31:08 smlasP 491'

    halabbaK 602' '' ' -

    ' - rof mugraT ni srettel laitinI( )esrev emas eht

    pleh rof llaC

    ta noitcetorP thgin

    , 74' ,19' ,491

    .P stelumA werbeH 331,05

    81:94 siseneG

    ' pleh rof llaC fo snoitatumreP 74,85,27

    .P stelumA werbeH 821

    81:94 siseneG

    oT nehtgnerts yromem eht

    .P stelumA werbeH 331

    9:23 boJ

    esuora oT evol

    .P stelumA werbeH 331

    3:1 selcitnaC

    sbrevorP 491' 22:71

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 62 .P trA

    eht tsniagA ,eugalp ,egairracsim yspelipe

    , 85' 19' , 491

    .P stelumA werbeH 331

    01:19 smlasP


    natiramaS teluma

    .P stelumA werbeH 431

    7:02 sudoxE

    fo snoitatumreP .erauqS

    dna yllacitrev htoB yllatnoziroh

    tsniagA egairracsim

    .P stelumA werbeH 66

    62:32 sudoxE

    na roF elitrefni ,efil ,namow gnilaeh

    , 85' 491

    62:32 sudoxE

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS



    lareneG / noitcetorp live tsniagA tirips

    491' .P stelumA werbeH 05


    6-5:19 smlasP

    fo snoitatumreP .erauqS

    dna yllacitrev htoB yllatnoziroh

    dab tsniagA smaerd

    .P stelumA werbeH 66

    5:19 smlasP

    9:31 sudoxE 491' '

    ---- nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    67 .P trA


    natiramaS teluma

    .P stelumA werbeH 431

    52:94 siseneG

    halabbaK 602' halabbaK 602' ''

    a evah oT tseuqer detnarg

    491' 79'

    2:8 smlasP 01:8 smlasP

    emaN retteL 24 ehT " ...( )

    fo srettel laitinI '' reyarp eht


    .P stelumA werbeH aes tA 331

    7:011 smlasP

    .P stelumA werbeH legnA 821

    42:5 segduJ 491' ''

    7:401 smlasP 491'

    halabbaK 602' ''

    abaB ,dumlaT 491' 27:48 haizteM

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS



    I :ciamarA morf detalsnarT hpesoJ fo tnednecsed a ma eb ton nac ohw ,suoiP eht eyE livE eht yb dellortnoc

    eht tsniagA eyE livE


    491' /


    '' nI noitidarT hsiweJ 723 .P trA

    .P stelumA werbeH legnA 821

    halabbaK 602' halabbaK 602' nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    723 .P trA

    / eht ni drow A .doG fo emaN emaN retteL 27

    esahc oT ,yawa htaed ylevarg a rof nosrep lli

    /'' 54'

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 87 .P trA

    , 85' gnilaeh roF

    491 ymonoretueD 93:23

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 791 .P trA

    evorpmi oT gnidnatsrednu

    .P stelumA werbeH 331

    4:1 auhsoJ

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 723 .P trA


    / /


    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 691 .P trA

    halabbaK 602' halabbaK 602' '' '' halabbaK 602' nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    82 .P trA

    '' '

    redael a roF reyarp fo

    .P stelumA werbeH 331

    01:6 selcitnaC

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    ekam oT ecaep neewteb dna nam efiw

    .P stelumA werbeH 331

    5:8 selcitnaC

    '' halabbaK 602' nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    201 .P trA

    roF sdewylwen

    .P stelumA werbeH 331

    5:42 srebmuN

    noitcetorP slegnahcrA eht fo enO eht rof nrobwen


    eht fo seman eht fo enO () htiliL nomed elamef

    noitcetorP eht rof nrobwen

    .P stelumA werbeH 821

    '' 9:91 smlasP 491' ' 2:601 smlasP 491' '

    eht morf gnitratS .erauqS gnidaer ,retnec eht ni rettel ti ,yllatnoziroh dna yllacitrev sdaer


    351' / slegnahcrA eht fo enO

    tenalp eht fo egrahc ni legnA nrutaS

    , 6' 14 "'

    6:811 smlasP 591' halabbaK 602' halabbaK 602' '' '

    sseccus roF

    591' .P stelumA werbeH 331

    11:51 sudoxE

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 692 .P trA

    halabbaK 602' nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    02 .P trA

    ' '

    1:92 smlasP 591'

    1:32 smlasP 591' ' '

    , 85' yspelipe roF

    591 1:341 smlasP

    ni htorihpeS 01 eht fo enO halabbaK

    .P stelumA werbeH 911


  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 442 .P trA

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 642 .P trA

    oT tcaretnuoc cigam

    591' .P stelumA werbeH 331

    71:22 sudoxE

    fo snoitatumreP -

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 142 .P trA

    71:22 sudoxE



    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 723 .P trA

    halabbaK 602' halabbaK 602'

    eht fo srettel 01 tsal ehT tebahplA

    17' nemo dooG

    fo stsisnoc ,doG fo emaN werbeH eht ni srettel tnereffid a evah taht tebahpla sgnidne drow ta epahs



    602' nI noitidarT hsiweJ 612 .P trA


    121' 121' /


    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 723 .P trA

    721' '

    rovaf niag oT

    591' .P stelumA werbeH 331

    sbrevorP 01:81

    tsniagA sreusrup

    .P stelumA werbeH 331

    4:51 sudoxE

    eucser oT elbuort morf

    , 95' 591

    9:45 smlasP

    .P stelumA werbeH doG fo emaN 711


    '' , 83' dohtem ni

    591 "'

    halabbaK 602'

    eht fo ecaf nI :noitalsnarT lla ta haroT siH fo ronoh semit

    fo kooB ehT 591' ,rahoZ

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    halabbaK 602' ymonoretueD 591'

    4:33 461 .P natsinahgfA legnA

    02:13 smlasP 591'

    oT nehtgnerts yromem eht

    .P stelumA werbeH 331

    1:51 sbrevorP

    .P stelumA werbeH legnA 821

    22:52 sudoxE 591'

    1:03 smlasP 591' 1:29 smlasP 591' 1:89 smlasP 591' '

    ' 3:311 smlasP 591'

    halabbaK 702' 351' )flaH( fo noitatumreP

    ---- 12:94 siseneG 591' halabbaK 702'

    6:02 smlasP 591'

    ( pikS)

    na nword oT ymene

    .P stelumA werbeH 331

    01:51 sudoxE

    efas a roF yenruoj

    .P stelumA werbeH 331

    31:51 sudoxE

    .P stelumA werbeH emaN retteL 24 eht fo traP 821

    591' 591'

    seman eht fo slaitinI .erauqS slegnA eht fo

    , , ,


    halabbaK 702' nI noitidarT hsiweJ artxE( )'

    42 .P trA sbrevorP 72:02

    halabbaK 702' halabbaK 702' halabbaK 702' halabbaK 702' halabbaK 702'

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    eht tsniaga drow lufrewop A eugalp

    eht tsniagA eugalp


    halabbaK 702' 041 .P natsinahgfA /


    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 361 .P trA

    , 6' ecaeP fo legnahcrA 14

    halabbaK 702'

    ' 691, 411

    7:43 sudoxE

    .P stelumA werbeH legnA 821

    '' 4:011 smlasP 691' ' haimereJ 691' '

    41:15 42:41 haiasI 691' ' a esuac oT

    ot rerujrep a nihtiw eid raey

    .P stelumA werbeH 331

    21:51 sudoxE

    traeh roF tnemlia

    , 85' 691

    31:13 smlasP

    '' smlasP 691'

    501:911', '


    eht fo seman eht ni rettel ht5 esidaraP fo srevir 4

    5 evah srevir eht fo 2 ylnO( )srettel


    mrots a roF aes ta

    .P stelumA werbeH 331

    5:24 haiasI

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 262 .P trA

    '' '' '' / legnA

    morf evas oT gninword

    39' 64'

    ni htorihpeS 01 eht fo enO halabbaK

    .P stelumA werbeH 911


    ' ', ' ''

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS



    )mih evas & draug lliw doG( / /

    19' 691' nI noitidarT hsiweJ 211 .P trA

    11:51 sudoxE 691'

    ---- '' '


    ', ' 691

    79' halabbaK 702' halabbaK 702' halabbaK 702' halabbaK 702' .P stelumA werbeH legnA


    halabbaK 702' .P stelumA werbeH legnA


    nI noitidarT hsiweJ / 723 .P trA


    41:52 smlasP 691'

    . .

    ( pikS )

    7-5:76 smlasP 97'

    halabbaK 702' tenalp eht fo egrahc ni ,legnA

    / sraM nomeD

    411' nI noitidarT hsiweJ 832.P trA

    51:43 smlasP 691' eht rof eman detaiverbbA

    legnA 26'

    s'doG ot txen stis ,legnahcrA enorht

    04' tsniagA

    tfarchctiw .P stelumA werbeH 921,711

    43:03 sudoxE

    slegnA eht fo seman ehT htiliL morf stnafni tcetorp ohw snomeD reh dna

    noitcetorP eht rof nrobwen


    eht rof eman detaiverbbA legnA

    16' ''

    (slegnA ) ''

  • Spell Interpretation Usage Source Origin


    '' )Angels(

    '' '207 Kabbalah Angel Hebrew Amulets P.


    '196 Psalms 119:113

    " '' - Jewish Tradition In

    Art P. 23

    (Initial letters in reverse order)

    '196 Psalms 32:7

    '207 Kabbalah

    ---- '

    '196 Psalms 100:2

    '196 " 72 letters Name of God.

    This name contains 72 three letter words, but is called 72 letters. The words are constructed from 3 verses, each consisting of 72 words. The first letter of verse 19, the last letter of verse 20 and the first letter of verse 21 comprise the first word in the Name. The second letter in verse 19, next to last in verse 20 and the second letter in verse 21 comprise the second word of the Name, etc. See . . .

    ',' 44

    Exodus 14:19-21

    (Evil Eye) '129 '197 Targum of

    Exodus 4:8 '207 Kabbalah '77 Numbers 6:27 Against the

    Evil Eye '197 Numbers

    21:17 For digestive

    tract '58 ,197

    Psalms 31:10

    ) ( Hebrew Amulets P. 129

    Genesis 49:22

    Jewish Tradition In Art P. 327

    '207 Kabbalah '207 Kabbalah

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    halabbaK 702' halabbaK 702' 57' legnA

    '' 351' nI noitidarT hsiweJ 723 .P trA

    6:6 sucitiveL 791' '' " 351' '' eht spleH kcis eht spleh ,legnA

    kcis 14'

    morf evas oT elbuort

    , 95' 791

    2:51 sudoxE 41:811 smlasP

    rewsna oT reyarp s'eno

    .P stelumA werbeH 431,331

    2:51 sudoxE


    morf evas oT elbuort

    , 95' 791

    2:21 haiasI


    .P stelumA werbeH tfeht tsniagA

    331 2:79 smlasP

    .P stelumA werbeH legnA 921

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    811 .P trA ruppiK moY reyarp


    ' ' 702'


    '' " halabbaK 702' halabbaK 702' halabbaK 702' /

    / 7:91 haiasI 17'

    4:8 srebmuN a ekam oT

    gnivil doog 19'

    '' '' / /


    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 07 .P trA


    791' '' halabbaK 702'

    (denialpxe ton ) halabbaK 702'

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    (denialpxe ton )

    halabbaK 702'

    '' 141' '' '' 141' '' "' seiks eht fo egrahc nI ,legnA

    ekam oT evirht skcolf

    .P stelumA werbeH 331

    51:23 siseneG


    85' pleh rof llaC 791,

    .P stelumA werbeH 921

    2:121 smlasP

    8:6 smlasP 791' /

    4:401 smlasP 791'

    .P stelumA werbeH legnA 921

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    723 .P trA

    "' nooM eht fo egrahc ni ,legnA () halabbaK 802' / halabbaK 802 ' 791' halabbaK 802' halabbaK 802' 22:94 siseneG 19' ( ) ( )

    ( pikS), 85' noitavlaS

    791 71:68 smlasP

    01:8 haiasI 791'

    7:91 haiasI 82'

    oT nehtgnerts yromem eht

    .P stelumA werbeH 331

    1:62 haiasI

    '' halabbaK 802' 51:4 selcitnaC 791' 351' , , halabbaK 802' halabbaK 802'

  • Spell Interpretation Usage Source Origin



    Jewish Tradition In Art P. 32, 265

    Call for help '58 ,

    197 Psalms 121:2

    Against the Evil Eye

    Hebrew Amulets P. 50,129

    Genesis 49:22

    '141 The letters appearing after '

    in Psalms 121: Verse 2: ' Verse 5: ' , ' Verse 7: ' Verse 8: '

    Call for help/ Protection for the newborn

    '58 ,197

    Hebrew Amulets P. 119,129

    Psalms 121

    Square. Top row: (see above) from right to left. Bottom row: from left to right. Right column: From top to bottom. Left column: From Bottom to top. Center: Another square,

    in Gematria, 15 in both directions, =

    '31 Psalms 121

    Jewish Tradition In Art P. 32

    '197 '208 Kabbalah

    ) not explained ( '208 Kabbalah

    '208 Kabbalah

    ---- For charity

    and livelihood

    '58 ,197 , '91

    Psalms 145:16

    ) () () ( '153 '' ''

    The 4 rivers of Paradise '197

  • Spell Interpretation Usage Source Origin


    - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th letters in each

    - Final letters, one before last etc. Various permutations of letters in the 4 rivers of Paradise


    Permutation of Each letter is replaced by the preceeding one in the alphabet, similar to " , but in the opposite direction

    Genesis 43:11

    Angel '128 Angel '120 )( One of the names of the

    female demon Lilith )( Protection for the newborn

    '111 '116

    '197 A word from the 42 Letter

    Name Hebrew Amulets P.


    Name of God '38 Genesis 31:42

    )( One of the names of the female demon Lilith )(

    Protection for the newborn

    '111 '116

    )( Great and terrible Name of God

    '38 ,198

    Genesis 31:42

    One of the 4 rivers of Paradise

    Hebrew Amulets P. 129


    Jewish Tradition In Art P. 260

    Numbers 6:26-27

    Angel Hebrew Amulets P. 129

    '208 Kabbalah


    Part of the 22 Letter Name

    '91 Hebrew Amulets P. 129

    Part of the 22 Letter Name

    '91 Hebrew Amulets P. 129

    '118 in , followed by

    Name of God

    '38 ''

  • Spell Interpretation Usage Source Origin



    One of the names of the female demon Lilith )(

    Protection for the newborn


    Angel Hebrew Amulets P. 129

    One of the names of the

    female demon Lilith )( Protection for the newborn

    Hebrew Amulets P. 50,129

    Jewish Tradition In Art P. 298

    Square. Top row: from right to left Bottom row: Same word, left to right Right column: Top to bottom Left column: Bottom to top. Similarly, the word in the 2nd and 4th row, 2nd and 4th column. Also, the word , in the middle row and column (symmetrical word in both directions)

    Against the plague


    One of the 4 rivers of Paradise

    Hebrew Amulets P. 129

    / '208 Kabbalah )skip ( '198 Psalms 118:19 '198 Psalms 91:12 '208 Kabbalah


    To ease birth (out=

    , ,(

    '198 Exodus 11:8

    ' ''

    '45 ,

    198 Genesis 43:11

    Selected letters in prayer , the source of the

    42 Letter Name. ... ... ...

    '45 ,198

    prayer in

    Angel Hebrew Amulets P. 129

    Angel, in charge of the planet

    Mercury '"

    '198 Canticles 3:11

  • Spell Interpretation Usage Source Origin


    '119 '198 Final letters in each verse,

    starting with the last verse and ending with the first. The order of the last two letters is reversed.

    .... ..

    .... .. In Gematria,

    = =65

    '91 Jewish Tradition In Art P. 272

    Psalms 67:3-8

    In Gematria, 19 = = =

    = (Repentance) = (Prayer) = (Giving)


    Also , , - different variations of a Holy Name

    '45 , 198

    Angel Hebrew Amulets P. 129

    )( Also , -

    different variations of a Holy Name

    '45 , 198


    To save from trouble

    '58 ,59 ,198

    Psalms 34:18

    Angel, in charge of Fear and Fright


    )( One of the secondary Sephiroth in Kabbalah

    Hebrew Amulets P. 119

    '208 Kabbalah '208 Kabbalah

    names of angels

    '38 A word in the 42 Letter Name Hebrew Amulets P.


    '' Initials of names of Angels

    (not specified) '198

    The last letter in each verse of the first 5 verses of Genesis

    .... ..

    .. ..

    To confuse a person's mind

    '198 Hebrew Amulets P. 120,133

    Genesis 1:1-5

    Another spelling for the angel

    Afghanistan P. 111 Related to (not

    explained) '198

    '208 Kabbalah '198 Psalms 112:9 Hebrew Amulets P.

    129 Genesis 49:22

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    noitanibmoC .doG fo emaN ta htiw ni fo dne eht

    83' .P stelumA werbeH 921

    83' doG fo emaN 221' gninrom eht fo tirips livE

    semaN eht fo slaitinI

    . () =


    01:19 smlasP 5:54 smlasP 891'

    , , oslA yloH a fo snoitairav tnereffid emaN

    , 54' 891

    .P stelumA werbeH emaN retteL 24 eht ni drow A 921


    ---- 531' '' 991'

    redro esrever ni srettel laitinI 881'

    '' ni eman ehT

    dohtem ) (

    11:34 siseneG 991'

    halabbaK 802' , 95' yspelipE roF '


    airtameG ni - doG fo semaN () 51 ni stnuoc tigid tsrif eht ylnO neewteb deulav srettel eht .004 dna 02


    emaN eht fo snoitatumreP

    .P stelumA werbeH htribdlihc roF 26

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    003 .P trA

    eht fo seman eht fo enO () () htiliL nomed elamef

    noitcetorP eht rof nrobwen



    7:7 smlasP 991' ' '

    srebmuN 991'


  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS



    roF rof ,noitavlas traeh ,latnem stnemlia

    , 85' 991

    91:43 smlasP

    , 85' pleh rof llaC ' 991

    81:541 smlasP

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ ' 08 .P trA

    () eht fo seman eht fo enO () htiliL nomed elamef

    noitcetorP eht rof nrobwen

    111' nI noitidarT hsiweJ 02 .P trA

    43:03 sudoxE 991'

    '' / ' halabbaK 802' ' 85' yspelipE roF

    12:6 sbrevorP 991'

    411' .P stelumA werbeH legnA


    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 32 .P trA

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    423 .P trA

    141 ' eht fo seman eht fo enO

    () htiliL nomed elamef noitcetorP eht rof nrobwen

    51:811 smlasP 111'



    emaN retteL 24 eht fo traP ..( )

    lareneG noitcetorp

    351' .P stelumA werbeH 031,05

    fo traP

    ni reyarp

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 481 .P trA

    ---- sbrevorP 991'


    sbrevorP 991'

    92:13, 97'

    351 ''

    8:19 smlasP 991'

    621' legnA nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    47 .P trA

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    (srettel laniF)

    02:94 siseneG 991 '

    "' legnahcrA yradnoceS gnillems prahs a fo eman A

    eht gnilaeh rof desu breh eugalp

    64' gnilaeh roF


    8:301 smlasP 991'


    hcae ni srettel tsal dna tsriF( )drow

    tsniagA egairracsim

    1:33 smlasP 991'

    002' ,rehcaet smadA ,legnA

    enorht s'doG ot txen sdnats 14'

    351' 471 .P natsinahgfA

    67' 01:111 smlasP 991' ' .P stelumA werbeH legnA


    tsniagA regnad

    17' '

    , 85' gnilaeh roF

    002 haimereJ 41:71

    . '

    enob roF tnemlia

    , 95' 002

    4-3:6 smlasP

    111 .P natsinahgfA ' 601 nirdehnaS 47' '' 351' "


    '' " '' " '' "

    nI noitidarT hsiweJ

    211 .P trA

    latnem roF tnemlia

    , 85' 002

    5:14 smlasP

    sbrevorP 002' () 22:71

    halabbaK 802' 4:311 smlasP 002' '

    6:7 selcitnaC 002'

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    fo egrahc ni legnahcrA gnilaeh nuS eht fo egrahc ni legnA

    , 6' gnilaeh roF 14 "'


    8:3 sbrevorP 271 .P natsinahgfA

    7:23 smlasP 002' '

    1:33 smlasP 002'

    ' ' .

    . .

    ' . . '

    ' .

    ' .

    . ' .

    ' .

    ' . .

    ' .



    . .

    ' .

    . . '

    ' .


    nI noitidarT hsiweJ 262 .P trA

    33 smlasP elohw ehT( )retpahc

    halabbaK 802' '' halabbaK 802'

    ' 02:43 smlasP 002'

    '' '

    )srettel laniF(

    1:721 smlasP 002'

  • nigirO ecruoS egasU noitaterpretnI llepS


    ,gnilaeh roF tnemlia enob


    .P stelumA werbeH 031

    8:3 sbrevorP

    ---- 3:03 smlasP 002' halabbaK 802' '' nI noitidarT hsiweJ nomeD

    832.P trA

    fo emaN ' doG

    62' fo emaN eht fo snoitatumreP

    doG 74'




    lareneG noitcetorp

    002' .P stelumA werbeH 031,05

    1:821 smlasP

    ' .


    . ' . '



    .P stelumA werbeH 851

    smlasP 6-1:821

    teews a roF eciov

    .P stelumA werbeH 331

    1:1 selcitnaC


    1:621 smlasP 002'

    ' '

    1:431 smlasP 002'


    1:521 smlasP 002'

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