katarina de brisis

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dugnadssamfunnet 2.0,


Dugnadssamfunnet 2.0

(or: with a little help from my friends…)

Katarina de Brisis, Fornynings- og administrasjonsdepartementet/ Ministry of Government

Administration and Reform

Hvordan sosiale medier og web 2.0 teknologi påvirker den politiske agenda og hvorfor er vi her i dag

Fornyings- og administrasjonsdepartementet

Important Elements in the National ICT-Policy Agenda

Kompetanse, demokratisk deltakelse. eParticipation, e-skills

Innovasjon, fornying og verdiskaping (”mindre olje, flere eldre”). Innovation, eGov, new services

Sikre mangfold, innhold og kreativitet, et ”fritt” og åpent nett

Creativity, content, openness)

09.11.2007 Side 2

Tittel: Fotograf: Sam Fox Photography/Sam Fox (Ormskirk, U.K.) Brukt i hht. CC BY-SA 2.0 Generic, jf:


Fornyings- og administrasjonsdepartementet

Web 2.0 and Social Media on the Policy Agenda

Basic knowledge - understanding the ”phenomenon”: uptake, consequenses and use (Sintef IKT, UiO, 08), further analysis needed

”Walk the Talk”: Deltemeninger.no/ om nettets sosiale side (book, blog/debate), evaluated - lessons learned

Exploring the potential for use in various contexts and for development of new services


09.11.2007 Side 3

Fornyings- og administrasjonsdepartementet

Lessons learned so far

• Gjør informasjonen gjenbrukbar og delbar. Standards, formats, (re)use of existing information

• Potensialer for åpenhet, deltakelse, påvirkning og innovasjon. Increased transparency, openness.

• Ta i bruk ”betakulturen”/ ”The Wizdom of the Crowds”. New ways of innovating and collaboratig – we see the need for further exploration and feedback

09.11.2007 Side 4

Election night crowd, Wellington,www.flickr.com

Fornyings- og administrasjonsdepartementet

Potential benefits from ”Collaboration 2.0”

• Innovation (reuse of public information, exploring new service and business models )

• Efficiency (work smarter, innovate quicker)

• Openness, participation, transparency (democracy)

”Work in progress”, needs further investigations/ best practice/ analysis

09.11.2007 Side 5

Wolfgang Staudt, Flickr.com

Fornyings- og administrasjonsdepartementet

Public Sector - are We Ready for This?

09.11.2007 Side 6

“If only train companies were this honest”, “Tom”, Flickr.com

Fornyings- og administrasjonsdepartementet

A Call for New Measures?

”It is when technology becomes uniteresting (boring) it becomes socially interesting”.. (C. Shirky)

Welcome - we look forward to your contributions!

09.11.2007 Side 7


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