keselamatan pasien saat pandemi covid 19

Post on 05-Oct-2021






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Arjaty Daud

Patient Safety Recommendations (ISQUA)

Pengorganisasian Sistem kerja (Work System) sesuai dengan pendekatan SEIPS Human Factors :

1. Menilai sistem kerja (Assess the work system) :

a. Budaya tim dan organisasi dan komunikasi

b. Lingkungan

c. Tugas dan keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan tugas

d. Peralatan untuk perawatan pasien dan untuk melindungi staf

e. Individu yang akan memberikan perawatan

f. Pasien yang akan menerima perawatan

2. Kembangkan jalur perawatan yang andal (reliable pathways of care)

3. Ukur hasil perawatan (Measure the outcomes of care).

Keselamatan Pasien di masa Pandemi covid 19

2. Develop reliable

pathways of care

1. Assess the

work system 3. Measure the

outcomes of care

a. Care processes

b. Professional work

c. Collaborative

Professional work and

patient work

d. Patient work

a. Team and organisational culture

and communication

b. Environment

c. Tasks required and skills to

complete tasks

d. Equipment for patient care and to

protect staff

e. The people needed to provide care

f. The patients who will receive care

a. Employee : a. Job satisfaction b. Employee safety & health

b. Organizational outcome : a. Profitability

c. Patient outcome : a. Patient safety b. Quality of care

Desain sistem kerja untuk Keselamatan pasien (Model SEIPS)



1. Gugus tugas darurat (Emergency taskforce) harus segera diaktifkan dengan rantai komando, peran dan

tanggung jawab yang jelas, berbagi informasi yang andal, dan pendekatan proaktif.

2. Memeriksa informasi yang dikirim RS setiap hari. Baca atau print dan sampaikan di ruang perawatan

(ward) dan bagikan informasinya selama handover

3. Unit manajemen risiko klinis dapat membantu penyebaran dokumen termasuk pedoman dari lembaga

nasional untuk mendukung manajemen darurat dan tindakan pencegahan yang harus diambil.

Pengetahuan tentang penularan dan penyebaran Coronavirus dan karakteristik klinis penyakit COVID-19

terus berkembang, sehingga indikasi untuk praktik klinis sering berubah, mis. Definisi kasus atau Suspect,

kriteria untuk swab dll.

4. Unit manajemen risiko klinis harus terus berhubungan dan memberikan dukungan kepada petugas front

line. Pelaporan Insiden harus tetap dilakukan pada saat pandemi. Kedua, pelaporan Insiden harus

didorong untuk menjaga iklim keselamatan yang mendasari untuk mendorong tindakan perbaikan.

5. Unit manajemen risiko klinis juga harus menerima laporan good practice agar dapat disebarluaskan.


Budaya keselamatan pasien pada situasi pandemi

Budaya keselamatan pasien : • akan meningkatkan sistem keselamatan pasien dan staf

yang menangani krisis COVID-19.

• memastikan kepatuhan terhadap protokol dan

memungkinkan staf untuk melaporkan kesenjangan dan

kekurangan serta mengusulkan perbaikan.

• sangat penting bagi Fasyankes dengan sumber daya

terbatas karena dapat menimbulkan kolaborasi untuk

memanfaatkan sumber daya yang terbatas.

• Meningkatkan ketahanan dan menciptakan kegembiraan di

tempat kerja sebagai salah satu komponen kunci dalam

memperkuat Budaya Keselamatan Pasien.



1. Terapkan secara ketat (strictly), tanpa pengecualian : desinfeksi lingkungan dan peralatan dengan natrium

hypochlorite pada 0,5% atau 70% larutan etil alkohol. Belum diketahui berapa lama virus ini bertahan di

lingkungan, tetapi virus ini dapat dinonaktifkan oleh hypochlorite dan alkohol.

2. Cegah defisiensi germisida dengan menggunakan sediaan galenic.

3. Perlu diingat bahwa membuat rumah sakit khusus dapat merubah jalur emergensi. Perlu mengevaluasi

dampak keputusan waktu perawatan dan pertimbangkan ruangan yang tidak terpakai untuk memenuhi

kebutuhan ini.

4. Rawat jalan :

a. hindari berkumpul di ruang tunggu (rekomendasikan orang di luar, dengan jarak setidaknya 1 m

b. memberi tahu pasien bergejala dengan demam dan / atau batuk dan / atau sesak napas (sesak

napas) untuk tidak pergi ke klinik; diarahkan ke klinik khusus covid 19

c. sebarkan rekomendasi standar kebersihan dan kesehatan di ruang tunggu.


1. Buat pelatihan singkat tentang penggunaan alat medis dan APD yang benar untuk

semua petugas kesehatan dan buat tutorial video yang tersedia di situs web yang


2. Refresing lagi tentang kKebersihan tangan, Pencegahan bundel VAP, CLABSI dan

bundel SEPSIS

3. Memberi dukungan awal dengan mendidik dokter muda atau kolega dari spesialisasi

lain yang mungkin akan diminta menggantikan dokter / perawat ahli .

4. Jangan lupa instruksi untuk desinfeksi lingkungan (deterjen, waktu kontak, frekuensi)

kepada petugas Cleaning service



1. Contact and droplet precautions digunakan dalam

perawatan rutin pasien suspect atau terkonfirmasi


2. Contact and airborne precautions digunakan jika

melakukan prosedur penghasil aerosol (AGPS), mis.

intubasi dan bronkoskopi

3. Mencegah biosafety precautions dengan penggunaan

yang lama dan limited re-use face shield dan masker

dengan mengidentifikasi urutan prioritas ke berbagai

bangsal dan dengan menyediakan jump suit yang dapat

digunakan kembali. Infeksi menyebar begitu cepat

sehingga menipisnya persediaan medis hampir tidak

dapat dihindari.


1. Berikan masker bedah untuk pasien yang suspect

atau yang dikonfirmasi, pada kontak pertama di


2. Di area perawatan khusus untuk pasien dengan

COVID-19, pastikan tersedia:

a. analisa haemogas

b. Pulse oksimeter

c. oksigen

d. peralatan ventilator

e. suction.

3. tersedia dan berfungsi dengan baik .


1. Mengurangi admission, perjanjian rawat jalan dan prosedur bedah rutin dan atur kunjungan rumah sakit. Bahkan

tanpa adanya bukti kuat, akan menjadi good practice bagi anggota keluarga yang memasuki bangsal

menggunakan masker medis,

Dalam fase epidemi :

a. pertimbangkan semua pasien dengan gejala mirip flu yang ke RS berpotensi terkena dampak sampai

dibuktikan sebaliknya (2 usap negatif berjarak 48-72 jam);

b. separate unclean / clean paths, / alur pasien suspect / konfirmasi dengan pasien umum, walaupun harus

di luar gedung / eksternal (mis. tenda).

2. Kontak dengan pasien yang positif harus mengikuti instruksi dan dievaluasi secara klinis, hanya jika bergejala.

3. Lakukan skrining untuk mengidentifikasi suspect sebelum masuk ke ruang pemeriksaan jika ada gejala infeksi atau

ke fasyankes karena alasan lain (mis. Operasi, persalinan dll.)

a. Jika kriteria kasus atau suspect terpenuhi, rujuk pasien untuk evaluasi, sesuai dengan prosedur

b. Dokter umum akan memberi informasi yang berguna melalui jejaring sosial, email atau alat lain dan terus


OUTCOME MEASURE Monitoring keefektifan respons RS saat pandemi, termasuk kapasitas yang memadai untuk merawat pasien

dengan kondisi umum yang berat mis. serangan jantung, stroke, trauma, COPD dan memastikan kesehatan

masyarakat dilindungi semaksimal mungkin.

Indikator :

1. Hospitalisation rate for COVID-19 (indirect outcome measure of the territory). 2. In-hospital Mortality rate of patients hospitalized for COVID-19. 3. Average Length of Stay of COVID-19 patients. 4. Percentage of COVID-19 patients admitted to ICU. 5. In-hospital mortality rate of NO-COVID-19 patients hospitalised for AMI. 6. In-hospital mortality rate of NO-COVID-19 patients hospitalized for Stroke. 7. In-hospital mortality rate of NO-COVID-19 patients hospitalized for COPD. 8. Percentage of NO-COVID-19 hospitalized patients that acquired COVID during the hospitalisation. 9. COVID-19 infection rate among staff / Number of tests performed to hospital staff (as process measure) 10.Survival rates

Bila memungkinkan, indikator 1-7 harus dikelompokkan berdasarkan kelompok umur.

Length of stay measures 1.Length of Stay 2.Average length of stay in ICU of infected 3.Average length of stay in hospital

Process Measures (some examples) 1. Percentage of infected individuals admitted to ICU 2. Percentage of people with comorbidities 3. Percentage of staff with and without correct

equipment 4. Number of patients not treated in appropriate

level of care 5. Percentage staff trained to use equipment

Balancing measures 1.Staff infection rate 2.Staff mortality rate 3.Staff well being 4.Illness and sickness rates 5.Mental illness

Patient profiles to consider Age Gender Ethnicity Comorbidity Region Contacts


• Period : Feb 21, 2020 ~ March 8, 2020 (17


• Cause : 4 cases of Covid-19 diagnosed in

the respiratory diseases ward

- 2 community acquired Covid-19 patients

(#1, #2) in the respiratory disease ward

who admitted in early & mid Feb.

- 1 hospital staff (transporter of patients)

- 1 caregiver of other patient in the same

room of patient#1

Total closure of hospital • Every event was controlled by Covid-19 response headquarter

(composed of government and hospital members)

• RT-PCR was done for all in-patients, health-care

personnel, other employees, and caregivers of each


• Application of enhanced infection control practice by KCDD


• In-patient management (including caregivers)

• Management of all employees

• Development of treatment protocols for suspected or confirmed

cases in

various departments

• Prepare the ward for Covid-19 confirmed patients

• Education of hand hygiene, PPE and new guidelines

• Mock training for various situation

During closure

Patient safety & COVID-19 in South Korea

Sumber : Prof. Jung-Hyun Choi , St Mary Hospital, South of Korea, 8 May 2020,, Arjaty/webinarPERSI/covid19

Comprehensive management Team

Reopening Preparation Team

• Inpatient management

• Outpatient management

• EMC management

• Cleaning & disinfection management

• Visitor management

Infection Control Surveillance Working


• Monitoring team #1

• Monitoring team #1

• Monitoring team #1

• Monitoring team #1

Infection Control Team

• Comprehensive ICT team

• Employee ICP team

• In-Patient ICP team

Administrative Support Team

• Planning team

• Human resource team

• General affair team

• Information management team

• Information security team

• Public relation & marketing team

• Purchase management team

• Care expenses management team


Patient safety & COVID-19 in South Korea

jika ditemukan demam & gejala resp +

di zona RJ / Lab : Kode APPLE untuk “alert” & respon

Masuk Cek suhu tubuh dan kuesioner

(KIOSK / form gejala respiratory

Suhu ,

Gejala resp +,

Klinik skrining (triage)

Covid-19 (ruang

negative pressure)

untuk di test.

Suhu n, Gejala resp -

(non suspect)

Klinik Pulmonologi

(ruang negative


After reopening

at OPD

Sumber : Prof. Jung-Hyun Choi , St Mary Hospital, South of Korea, 8 May 2020,, Arjaty/webinarPERSI/covid19

Patient safety & COVID-19 in South Korea

Triage for COVID-19

Receipt PPE Clinic & X-ray Sampling Toilet

1 Ruang periksa, 1 ruang radiologi 2 ruang pemeriksaan Sampel

Sumber : Prof. Jung-Hyun Choi , St Mary Hospital, South of Korea, 8 May 2020,, Arjaty/webinarPERSI/covid19

Patient safety & COVID-19 in South Korea

• Pre-admission RT-PCR & chest PA within

72 hr before admission

• Ward for patients who has respiratory

diseases with negative Covid-19 RT-PCR

• Permitted only 1 caregiver who tested


• No in-patient visits

• In-patient management (including

caregivers) who has new fever or

respiratory symptoms or pneumonia

- immediately isolate and RT-PCR and

chest X-ray again

at wards Ward for Covid-19

confirmed patients

After reopening

• 4 negative-pressure single rooms

(with anteroom) in restricted ward

• Educated and dedicated medical


• 5 patients (4 discharged, 1 in

hospital) treated

• Educate and monitoring donning

& doffing of PPE

• Enforced management of


• Periodic RT-PCR and antibody test

for health-care personnel 1.5 m between beds

Sumber : Prof. Jung-Hyun Choi , St Mary Hospital, South of Korea, 8 May 2020,, Arjaty/webinarPERSI/covid19

Patient safety & COVID-19 in South Korea

• Staff :

• Wear mask properly! Always!

• Wash hands as frequently as you can!

• Immediate report if fever or respiratory symptom

- exclude from work and test (RT-PCR & chest PA) at triage

clinic promptly

• Repeat educate and training

• Postpone or stop all conferences in the hospital

• Keep social distancing out side the hospital

• Educated and dedicated medical staff

• Educate and monitoring donning & doffing of PPE

• Enforced management of environment

• Periodic RT-PCR and antibody test for health-care personnel

• IPCN ronde 2x /seminggu : monitoring dan feed back

Environment manage

Cleaning and disinfection

PPE education & mock training

After reopening

Sumber : Prof. Jung-Hyun Choi , St Mary Hospital, South of Korea, 8 May 2020,, Arjaty/webinarPERSI/covid19

Patient safety & COVID-19 in South Korea

Hospital preparedness for COVID-19: IPC / Clinical / Patient safety

Practicing putting on and off PPEs Setting up a Screening booth in front of the hospital with clear guidance to the

users. Followed by Triage

Practicing safe collection of samples

Clinical management simulation Cleaning and disinfection of equipment and environment

Sumber :, Shogo Kubota , WHO Country Office in Lao PDR, 8 May 2020,

Training Staff


Patient pathway: Good on map,but in reality…

Simulation support on-site changes from the current situation for each hospital, detecting challenges and solution we wouldn’t find otherwise.

Germs everywhere…

Infection Prevention and Control - Showing with Glowgerm where germs have spread after the patient go through in the hospital in the simulation.

Sumber :, Shogo Kubota , WHO Country Office in Lao PDR, 8 May 2020,


Hospital preparedness for COVID-19: IPC / Clinical / Patient safety

M edi cat i on Del i ver y Ser vi ce

• As more patients are opting for their medication to be delivered to their homes, SGH Pharmacy has been transformed to enhance the capacity for the Medication Delivery Service (MDS).

• Reduce well time in the pharmacy and the risk of transmission for outpatients during this period. The service is handling more than 500 deliveries per day and numbers are increasing daily

• Protocol for the safe continuation of prescription supply of chronic medication without consultation

…or collect them from selected bluPort lockers

across the island

l or atPrescription in a Locker Box (Pilbox) locker stations at SingHealth Polyclinics.

Patient safety implications during the COVID-19 pandemic

Lessons learnt from Singapore

Sumber : Prof Kok Hian TAN SingHealth Duke-NUS IPSQ SIngapura, 8 May 2020,


Sumber : Prof Kok Hian TAN SingHealth Duke-NUS IPSQ SIngapura, 8 May 2020,


Patient safety implications during the COVID-19 pandemic

Lessons learnt from Singapore

Telemedicine for COVID-19

Sumber :, Prof. Jung-Hyun Choi , St Mary Hospital, South of Korea, Prof Kok Hian TAN SingHealth Duke-NUS IPSQ SIngapura, 8 May 2020

• Dokter di semua Unit klinis memberikan

telemedicine jika pasien menginginkannya.

• Hanya untuk pasien yang sebelumnya ke

RS dan menerima pengobatan.

• Dokter mendengarkan perubahan gejala

melalui telepon dan memberikan resep

obat .

• Pasien menerima resep di tempat yang

terpisah dari gedung RS dan menerima

obat dari apotek terdekat.

• Kepuasan pasien dengan telemedicine

sangat tinggi, tetapi staf medis tidak puas

karena khawatir kemungkinan diagnosis

dan perawatan tidak tepat. .


Patient safety implications during the COVID-19 pandemic

Lessons learnt from South of Korea & Singapore

Medication safety ISMP • Obat Remdesivir digunakan untuk

pengobatan Covid yang berat dan dalam uji klinis tdd dosis yg berbeda:

1. Bubuk lyophilized untuk injeksi : jumlah total (100 mg) obat dalam botol dan

2. Solusi / larutan untuk injeksi : kekuatan per mL, “Remdesivir

(GS-5734) Injeksi, 5 mg / mL”

. volume total dalam vial, “Isi: 21,2 mL,”

• Masalah : label dan informasi tidak jelas, dan tulisan terlalu kecil.


• Apoteker menerima order 500 mg Vit Cintravena (IV) untuk pasien COVID-19

• Informasi pada karton dan label botol vit C :

berisi 500 mg / mL Awalnya dia berpikir

seluruh botol berisi 500 mg. Namun, botol

berisi 50 mL mengandung 25 g (25.000 mg)

asam askorbat . Produk ini mengandung "25

g / 50

• Apoteker meminta AA menyiapkan dosis 500

mg, yang menurutnya 1 botol yaitu 50 mL

• AA mengecek lagi dan menanyakan berapa

banyak yang harus ditarik dari vial. Apoteker

kemudian menyadari kesalahannya dan

pemberian seluruh isi botol (50 mL, 25 g)

akan menghasilkan overdosis 50 kali lipat.

Medication safety ISMP


Beberapa RS menggunakan set ekstensi untuk menempatkan pompa infus di luar kamar pasien COVID-19 untuk menghemat (APD) dan mengurangi frekuensi paparan perawat dengan pergi ke kamar pasien untuk mengelola infus

© 2020 B. Braun Medical Inc., Bethlehem, PA IV109 3/20

Confirm tubing set drip rate on set package, i.e., 10, 15, 20, or 60 drops/mL

Recommended that all gravity infusion bags be time taped for additional flow confirmation

Alterations of bag height distance to patient will affect flow rate


(mL/hr)10drops=1 mL

(drops/min)15drops=1 mL

(drops/min)20 drops=1 mL

(drops/min) 60drops=1 mL


10 2 2 3 10

25 4 6 8 25

50 8 12 17 50

75 12 19 25 75

100 17 25 33 100

125 21 31 42 125

150 25 37 50 150

200 33 50 67 200

250 42 62 83 250

500 83 125 167 500

1,000 167 250 333 1,000Medication safety ISMP


Infusion Pumps in the Hallway — Physical set up •Extension tubing attached to primary set

• Macrobore versus small bore tubing • TriPort connectors/splitters

•Labeling tubing inside and outside the room •Infusing compatible medications together •Securetubingtoavoiddisconnectionand tripping hazard

Organizing patient care • Cluster care around patient position changes every 2 hours • Isolationnursesinsidepatientroom & “clean” nurses outside

— Independent double checks • Impact on barcode medication administration ◦ Availability of patient ID band • AccesstotheEHR ◦ Location of mobile computer carts versus mounted computer screens

ECRI Confidential | ©2020 ECRI | | 5

Infusion Pumps in the Hallway

— Organizing patient care

• Cluster care around patient position changes every 2 hours

• Isolation nurses inside patient room& “clean” nurses outside

— Independent double checks

• Impact on barcode medication administration

◦ Availability of patient ID band

• Access to the EHR

◦ Location of mobile computer carts versus mounted computer screens

Medication safety ISMP


Risks and Challenges • Shortage of extensions sets

• Occlusion alarms • May be delayed at low flow rates (e.g., below 5

mL/hour) • More frequent alarms at high flow rates (e.g.,

300 mL/hour)

• Flow rate accuracy (under infusion) due to downstream resistance with some pumps

• Increased priming volume necessary with

multiple extension sets • Much / all of the volume of secondary infusions

may remainin the tubing • Need to know total tubing volume • Carrier fluid lines and flushing procedures

Risks and Challenges

• Impact on barcode scanning

• Scanning of proxy patient ID band

placed on the hallway pump • Labeling pumps with patient name

and date • Independent double check considerations

• Tracing of infusion lines

• Dual signature in EHR

• Availability of power outlets in hallway

• Placing pumps in the hallway should be

limited to single patient / room

ECRI Confidential | ©2020 ECRI | | 14

Planning for anticipated shortage of pumps/infusionadministration sets

— Hypodermoclysis (subcutaneous gravity infusion)

• Mainly for hydration (ER, Urgent Care, LTC, etc.)

• Slow infusion 1,500 mL/24 hours x 2 sites(1 mL/min per site)

• Thighs, upper arms, chest, abdomen

• Can be done by non-medical personnel with minimal supervision

• Saline or dextrose; KCl can be added

◦ Can be used with hyaluronidase injected locally or via Y-connection

◦ Medications have been administered via subcutaneous infusion

• Can use more than one subcutaneous infusion at a time

• Access Infusion Nurse Society standards


Sasson M. et al. Hypodermoclysis:

An Alternative Infusion Technique. American Family


ECRI Confidential | ©2020 ECRI | | 14

Planning for anticipated shortage of pumps/infusionadministration sets

— Hypodermoclysis (subcutaneous gravity infusion)

• Mainly for hydration (ER, Urgent Care, LTC, etc.)

• Slow infusion 1,500 mL/24 hours x 2 sites(1 mL/min per site)

• Thighs, upper arms, chest, abdomen

• Can be done by non-medical personnel with minimal supervision

• Saline or dextrose; KCl can be added

◦ Can be used with hyaluronidase injected locally or via Y-connection

◦ Medications have been administered via subcutaneous infusion

• Can use more than one subcutaneous infusion at a time

• Access Infusion Nurse Society standards


Sasson M. et al. Hypodermoclysis:

An Alternative Infusion Technique. American Family


Medication safety ISMP


Pasien corona sering memerlukan obat bronkodilator inhalasi (mis., Albuterol, levalbuterol). Karena terapi nebulizer dengan bronkodilator untuk pasien COVID-19 mungkin tidak aman karena generasi aerosol, yang meningkatkan risiko droplet dan tetap di udara dan menyebarkan virus, pemberian obat ini melalui inhaler dosis terukur. metered-

dose inhalers (MDI) lebih disukai.

Medication safety ISMP


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