kono subarashii sekai ni bakuen o! - 01

Post on 02-Mar-2018






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  • 7/26/2019 Kono Subarashii Sekai Ni Bakuen o! - 01


  • 7/26/2019 Kono Subarashii Sekai Ni Bakuen o! - 01


  • 7/26/2019 Kono Subarashii Sekai Ni Bakuen o! - 01


  • 7/26/2019 Kono Subarashii Sekai Ni Bakuen o! - 01


  • 7/26/2019 Kono Subarashii Sekai Ni Bakuen o! - 01


  • 7/26/2019 Kono Subarashii Sekai Ni Bakuen o! - 01


  • 7/26/2019 Kono Subarashii Sekai Ni Bakuen o! - 01


  • 7/26/2019 Kono Subarashii Sekai Ni Bakuen o! - 01


  • 7/26/2019 Kono Subarashii Sekai Ni Bakuen o! - 01


  • 7/26/2019 Kono Subarashii Sekai Ni Bakuen o! - 01


  • 7/26/2019 Kono Subarashii Sekai Ni Bakuen o! - 01




    A person who wore her hood really low chanted the spellpeacefully.In contrast to her calm tone, the power of the spell wasdevastating.

    The explosive sound shoo the air, and came with ascorching last.

    The lac giant east which was chasing me was lown awaywithout any resistance.And that"s not all. #y sacred playground was also completelydestroyed y the powerful spell, lowing away the toys that Iwored so hard to gather.$verwhelming power that can sweep away anything.

    The greatest destructive force that was greater than anyother ind of spell.

    This massive destruction was dealt y only a single mage. Asingle shot.

    %hat ind of spell could that e&Even the adults in the village never used something lie thatefore.

    The hooded person waled near to the mindlown and da'edme.

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    Are you o& %ere you hurt anywhere&(he ent down and peeed at my expression.

    The roe she was wearing was really rustic, ut when sheent down her plump reasts were displayed prominently.$h wow this is awesome. %ell that spell was awesome toout this is way etter!)ow am I ale to ecome someone lie you&

    This *uestion +ust immediately popped out from my mouth. Ieven forgot to than her rst.

    The words that my mom ept repeating recently -oated inmy mind.$ur family has had thin odies in asically every generation.

    ou"d etter give up earlier. // something lie this.

    I am not gonna give up, not gonna give up until the very end.%ith such a mood lie this, I clenched my st, staring at herplump parts00

    The hooded person looing at me and seems to have smiled.%hat"s your name little girl&

    I"m #egumin.


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    %ith a short silence. That ig sister ased cringingly,00000Is that a nicname&It"s my real name.

    The ig sister silent again and tried to calm herself, and thenshe said,ou want to ecome someone lie me0& )mm00.If you eatmore, learn more, and ecome an arch wi'ard1 I am pretty

    sure0.. 2ecome an arch wi'ard, then I can have huge reasts.2ecome an arch wi'ard, then I can have huge reasts!es. If you ecome an arch wi'ard, one day you will e aleto use that spell. 2ut honestly I don"t really recommend that

    spell though.(eems lie the person with the hood said something else, utI"ve already fallen into the dream of eing an arch wi'ard.2ut0

    The person with the hood patted my head while I ept

    mumling arch wi'ard, arch wi'ard, and looed around.)ey little girl, did you see any other adults around here&

    There should e someone who removed the seal of thetom00ecause the fragments of the seal are here, and itshould not e automatically unsealed00

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    The person with the hood twisted her head and piced up thefragment eside my feet.That man should still around here. Its a mystery as to whounleashed me00%ell never mind, asing you is not gonnahelp me gure it out.

    %hile she was taling, she came to the center of the gianthole that was created y the spell.A lac east was lying over there and arely reathing.(he put her hand upon the lac east"s head.

    3lease sleep a little it longer, my other half. This world isstill too peaceful for you to wae up0..

    The person with the hood mumled lie this, and her handthat seems lie she was asoring something from that eastand ept -ashing.

    #eanwhile the east ecame smaller and smaller.4inally it shran to the si'e of a cat, and its shape ecame alur, and disappeared.$ay, after this00$h& %hat are you doing right now littlegirl&

    I was picing up the toys that was scattered on the ground.Then she turned to me.I am picing up my toys. #y family is very poor, these are allI have.Ah& 5o, no. These are not toys. They are used for sealing the

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    horrile, evil end. They"re very important0.)mm&&&& I assemled those fragments that I piced up, ut some ofthe fragments are missing.5eed three more pieces.2ig sister your spell lew three pieces away, can we loo forthem together&5o, 5o5o5o ! This is way too weird! )ow did you assemlethose pieces that simply! This is asolutely odd! Even thoseadults, lie oracles, were having a hard time on cracing

    them, how did this happen0..

    The person with the hood ept stroing her +aw, seems to ereally confused.%hen did you come and play on this sealed land little girl&6idn"t the adults inside the village told you not to go nearhere&

    #y mom said, if people told you 7Its dangerous there"7There"s nothing there" or 76on"t get close to it" aoutsomeplace, that always means there are treasures hiddenover there.%ha8%haaaat0000!!!

    The person with the hood was frightened and paniced.After that she stood eside me and put her hand on my head.%ell, although there are still, many things that I don"t nowwhat happened, ut most liely I have to than you. 6o youhave any wishes little girl& I might not loo lie it ut I am

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    actually a mysterious mage with great power. 5o matter whatind of wishes, I can mae one of them come true.%ish&es, %ish. 6on"t feel hesitated, +ust ring it. 5o matter whatind of00 9on*uer the world.00.(or, sorry, I can"t do that . %hat happened to her& Thisid might ale to ecome a great person00Errr, don"t youhave any other wish&

    The edge of her hood was very low, ut I still peeed that thecorner of her mouth is twitching.Then turn me into a girl with huge oos.5,5o, This is impossile either. )ow old are you right now&

    ou should not e in the age to

    worry aout that yet.:oos lie this is not gonna wor either.

    Then0..#ae me into the demon ing.

    (or,sorry! I have to correct my words. ;nlie such a talentedlittle girl as you, I am +ust a simple mage with some power.$nly ale to achieve a simple wish.

    The person with the hood aplogi'ed to me and a drop ofsweat came across her face.

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    I looed at the fragment pieces on my hand.00..#y toy is still missing three pieces. 9ould you nd themfor me&%ait! 5o, I can still achieve a wish that"s a little larger0.!And don"t treat it as a toy! That lac guy right now was +ustsealed again! 6on"t come to this place again, got it!& 6on"tyou have any other wish& (omething a little igger0..

    The person with the hood seem emarrassed and looed atme cravenly.

    00.(omething a little igger.%ell then//erent classes.

    There were only eleven students in the classroom, so the

    teacher got to me *uicly.



    After getting my response, the homeroom teacher nodded insatisfaction.

    $ay, everyone is present. Then0

    Te8 Teacher!

    The student next to me raised her hand, +ust as the teacher

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    was aout to close the name list. (he was on the verge oftears.

    #y name has not een called yet0

    Eh& $h, sorry! There is only one student on the next page.(orry, sorry! Then0 unyun!


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  • 7/26/2019 Kono Subarashii Sekai Ni Bakuen o! - 01


    unyun, who had her hair tied with rions, replied as hername was called. (he ought to e angry for eing left out, yet

    she merely lushed.

    /This was a small school located within the )ome of the9rimson #agic.

    %hen they came of age, all ids in the village would learngeneral nowledge in this school. At the age of ?@, theywould gain the advanced +o nown as arch wi'ard, and

    egan learning magic.

    The 9rimson #agic 9lan was naturally lessed with highintelligence and vast amount of mana. In most cases, theywill remain in school until they mastered magic.

    )ere, mastering magic amounted to graduation.

    In other words, everyone in this classroom still did not nowmagic.

    The students here accumulated sill points daily in order tomaster the type of magic they desired.

    6i>erent magic re*uired di>erent amount of sill points.

    The more powerful the magic, the more sill points itre*uired.

    2esides this, the type of magic the students here wanted tolearn is denitely/

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    Advanced magic.

    This was what all wi'ards aspired to, the aility to use allinds of powerful spells.

    In the )ome of the 9rimson #agic, mastering advancedmagic was the only way to e ocially recogni'ed as awi'ard0

    5ow, announcing the test results. As usual, the top three willreceive the (ill ;p 3otion. (tarting with the third! Arue!

    %ith my peripheral vision, I looed at the student who la'ilycame forward to get the potion, then I looed out of thewindow in a da'e.

    (econd place, unyun! ou live up to your name as thechief"s daughter, well done! 9ontinue to e diligent.

    Ah, ye8 yes!

    I looed at the side, as unyun stood up, lushing.

    2esides illing monsters to gain experience points and levelup, sill points can only e gained y drining the rare (ill;p 3otion.

    Therefore, everyone was ghting to get the potion in order tolearn advanced magic as soon as possile.

    4inally, in the rst place, #egumin!

    )aving my name called, I rose to get the potion.

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    unyun, who was next to me, appeared vexed y this.

    our results are very consistent! I always thought that youshould have enough sill points to learn advanced magic0

    2ut never mind, continue to wor hard!

    After taing the potion and returning to my seat, I looed outthe window again.

    4rom the second -oor window, one could see eyond thevillage.

    %as the unnamed person, whom I met as a child, currentlytravelling in high spirits&

    As the homeroom teacher was still encouraging otherstudents, I *uietly too out a card from my chest pocet.

    This card was called Adventurer"s 9ard. In the +o eld, it waswritten Arch %i'ard.

    :evel ?. There were BC sill points displayed elow.

    In the availale sill list, the words :earning 7advancedmagic" re*uires D sill points were glowing.

    The other students should learn from #egumin, and wor

    hard to master advanced magic! 5ow then, let"s start thelesson!

    Ignoring the homeroom teacher, my nger touched a certainrow of gray words in my card"s sill list0

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    :earning 7Explosion magic" re*uires C sill points.

    In the 9rimson #agic 9lan, a person must learn advancedmagic to e ocially recogni'ed as a wi'ard, ut that was not

    the magic I wanted to learn.

    The destructive spell casted y that roed person was stillfresh in my mind.

    I would denitely learn Explosion magic.

    And, someday I would let that person see my magic/

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    PART 2

    6uring the rea after the rst period ended, a handslammed on my des with a loud 3at!.

    #egumin! ou understand, right&

    The person taling to me was unyun, who sat next to me.

    (he was the daughter of the 9rimson #agic 9lan chief. An all8

    rounder who was also the class monitor.

    4ine. 2y the way, what is my reafast for today& I"mfamished.

    Is, is that so& Today"s meal is prepared y me whole8heartedly0 5o, wrong! %hy is my defeat a foregoneconclusion& To8 today I denitely will not lose! This time, I willshow you the victory of the chief"s daughter!

    (he proclaimed herself to e my rival, yet she treated me tofree meals every day.

    As unyun made her declaration, she placed her meal ox onmy des.

    I placed the potion I received earlier on the des as well.

    I will decide the content of this match. The chief"s daughtercan surely mae a it of concession. A et involving a rarepotion and a paced meal is unfair anyway.

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    I understand. #egumin, you can decide the match"s contentthis time.

    (he"s so easy to scam.

    Then, the match"s content will e, during the next physicalexamination, whoever is slimmer and more environmentallyfriendly0

    That"s cheating! There is no way I can win #egumin in this!


    Although I decided the content, I"m still angry when you saythat so condently! %e are at the same age, so there can"te too ig of a di>erence! Fust how narcissistic are you, littlegirl!

    $uch, ouch! (top. The match"s content should e competinghow much we have grown, right& If you are so energetic, whynot have a match during physical education class&

    I was still nocing unyun to the sound of 3at! 3at! 3at!, asthe other students left for the inrmary.

    According to my long years of research, the saying that Iheard as a child < 2ecoming an arch wi'ard will enlarge

    one"s reasts < may have some asis.

    3roaly, mana circulation allowed lood to -ow moresmoothly, accelerating growth. #ost of the powerful wi'ardsin the village got ig reasts.

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    Therefore, as the top student in class, I would have igreasts soon.

    (till indulging in fantasy, I waled towards the inrmary.

    unyun hurriedly followed ehind.

    )ey, #egumin! If you are so condent, let"s settle this withnormal games instead& Ah, don"t wal so fast0!

    %hen we entered the inrmary, the examination had alreadyegun.

    #ine was an all8girls class. I was the shortest one.

    I thought this was a nutrition issue.

    Thans to my father who was a magic item artisan withspecial artistic sensiility, my family was in poverty all thetime.

    The inconsistent meals I was getting proaly a>ected mygrowth.

    Ah, Arue has grown. ou"re already the rst in class. Good,next is0 #egumin0 )m. I already told you, even if you sticyour chest out, it is pointless. I use examination magic, so itwon"t change the results even if you tae a deep reath and

    hold it.

    #y little it of e>ort was wasted. The inrmary"s teacherused magic to determine my true physical statistics.

    )m0 #egumin has grown slightly taller. 5ext is unyun.

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    $h no, ecause I have ecome igger, so I will denitelylose0 Ah, I really lost to #egumin again0 $uch, ouch! %hy&I lost the match, and my paced meal has een taen. %hy is#egumin still hitting me&

    As your god damn reasts!

    #egumin, stress is not conducive to growth!

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    PART 3

    I ate the reafast that I plundered from unyun.

    #egumin! There is some high grade pudding made fromnatural 5eroid. It is most suitale for dessert!

    Thans. Ah, there is no spoon.

    Ah, so8, sorry. 3lease wait.

    I silently ate unyun"s meal at my des, looing at her as shehurriedly too out the spoon. At this time, unyun nallyrecovered her wit, and slammed the pudding and spoon onthe des.

    %rong! I"m trying to use the pudding as a wager! %hy mustI tae care of #egumin so diligently&

    I feel lie I"m a itten or puppy fed y unyun every day. (o,isn"t it aout time you ring me home& 2uy some snacsalong the way.

    Eh! 9an I really0& 5o, it"s not lie that! %e are rivals!2esides, your so8called 7uy some snacs" is nothing more

    than snatching away my food!

    %hen did I ecome her rival&

    %hatever, I returned the meal ox to unyun after nishingthe content.

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    Thans for your hospitality. The -avor is not ad today. Herydelicious. Tomorrow, I"d lie to have more protein.

    Ah, is, is that so& Then tomorrow I0

    unyun too her meal ox, happily ept it in her school ag,and recovered her wits.

    I, I already said, this is very strange! %hy must I0

    Get ac to your seats. :esson is starting. )ey, don"t ringpudding to school. 9onscated!

    Ah! @

    Inadvertently entering the classroom, the homeroom teacherconscated the pudding.

    The teacher ignored unyun, who was softly moaning #y

    pudding0 next to me, and started the lesson.

    The homeroom teacher wrote lines of magic system on thelacoard, urging students to tae notes.

    %e silently too notes. The teacher latantly ate the puddingwhile explaining.

    Today I will explain special magic. 4irstly, there are threetypes of magic written here. Elementary, intermediate, andadvanced magic. There is no need to explain these further.

    ou should already now that advanced magic is the highestlevel of magic.

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    The homeroom teacher wrote three other types of magic onthe lacoard.

    In this world, esides advanced magic, there are also special

    systems of magic, nown as 2last magic, 6etonation magic,and Explosion magic. Although these magic systems are verypowerful, they are hard to control and consume a lot ofmana. Therefore, few people actually use them.

    I focused on the pudding eing eaten y the teacher, utsuddenly reacted to the term 7Explosion magic".

    4irstly, 2last magic. This magic can smash even edrocs.The wi'ards who learn this will e recruited y thegovernment when they needed for civil development. 2utlearning 2last magic re*uires as much sill points as learningadvanced magic. Therefore, unless you want to e a civilservant woring in civil engineering, it is est not to learn it.

    2last magic. 2last magic0 I wrote it neatly in my note oo,

    seriously listen to the teacher"s explanation without missing aword.

    5ext is 6etonation magic. This is the magic wielded y thelegendary Arch %i'ard. In the face of her arrage of6etonation magic, the opposing monsters were uriedwithout resistance. 2ut this magic consumes a lot of mana.An ordinary wi'ard can only cast it a few times. Even if you

    are condent in your mana reserves, learning this magic isstill not practical.

    6etonation magic/6etonation magic/

    I wrote down 6etonation, 6etonation.

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    At this point, the teacher put down the chal, and returned toeating the pudding.

    (eriously, he did not explain the most important Explosion


    Teacher. Aout the Explosion magic0

    I stood up and raised my hand. All my classmates turned tofocus on me. The homeroom teacher laughed.

    4orget aout Explosion magic. It re*uires a ridiculously high

    amount of sill points to learn. Even a wi'ard with large manareserves cannot cast it successfully ecause of the immenseamount of mana re*uired. Even if he is lucy enough to castit, the immense power will not only defeat monsters, ut alsochange the physical terrain. If it is cast inside a dungeon, theentire dungeon will collapse. The explosive noise will alsoattract monsters neary. es, Explosion magic is simplyuseless.

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    PART 4

    /The third period was language lesson.

    Everyone, for 9rimson #agic 9lan, grammar and vocaularyare very important. 6o you now why& 0#egumin! 3leaseexplain why they are important to 9rimson #agic 9lan.

    ;pon eing called, I stood up.

    2ecause the speed of casting and accuracy of pronunciationwill a>ect the control of magic.

    Three points, far from eing good enough.

    T8Three points!&

    I only received Three points0 Three points0

    I sat down de+ectedly. unyun, who was next to me, wascalled.

    5ext, unyun! Tell me the correct answer.

    es! The sealed, ancient magic are written in the language

    of past eras. It is necessary to learn them in order to decipherforidden curses and spells.

    Thirty points! Good +o on mentioning foridden curses andsealed magic, ut the other parts are wrong!

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    Thirty points!& 0 Thirty points0

    unyun sat down de+ectedly. The teacher seemeddisappointed and, sighed deeply.

    (igh0 Are you two really the top in class0

    Ah! @

    The teacher"s attitude caused us to exclaim, ut thisannoying teacher ignored us, and called another student.

    Arue! 4or the 9rimson #agic 9lan, why are grammar andvocaulary important!

    The third in class, Arue, stood up, raising her head andsticing out her chest.

    To prevent the appearance of strange aliases lie 74lame

    ;ser of Exploding 4lame". Also, to present an interestingmonologue efore a attle and hype up the mood.

    $ne hundred points! es, our aliases are very important. Ipersonally possess the est alias in the village. %hen yougraduate, you need to decide on your alias as well. In thenext physical education lesson, I will give you all ademonstration!

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    PART 5

    9alling it a schoolyard was an exaggeration. It was essentiallyan open space created y using re magic to urn away thevegetation in front of the school.

    The teacher, who was wearing a cloa, had een urningthings for some time now.

    The rising smoe seemed to e thicer now than when I

    arrived at school. The teacher must have came to schoolreally early +ust to do this.

    As the smoe rose, the sy darened.

    The teacher proaly urnt expensive rain8maing talismans,summoning the clouds in advance.

    %hen the teacher was satised with the si'e of the cloudsdrifting in the sy, she nodded slightly.

    Good. 5ext will e comat training! 4or 9rimson #agic 9lan,what is the most important thing during comat& )m0

    unyun, you answer!

    #8 me& I, I thin, the most important thing during comat0is, is calmness! The calmness to e unshaen y any event isthe most important!

    4ive points! 5ext is #egumin!

    4ive points!&

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    unyun, after eing given 4ive points y the teacher, ecamedepressed, ceaselessly muttering 4ive points0.

    %hat was the most important thing in comat& That was


    6estructive power! The power to lay waste to everything!$nly power is the most important!

    4ifty points! 3ower is indeed necessary. If there is notenough destructive power, the 9rimson #agic 9lan won"t eale to ght. 2ut it is not entirely correct, so only C points!

    I got merely C points0!&

    I only got ve points0

    The teacher looed at our de+ected expressions, and spat onthe ground, as if saying, The top students are sodisappointing.


    Ah! @

    The hateful teacher ignored our cries, and called anotherstudent.

    Arue! (urely, you will now! To someone lie you, who coveryour left eye with an eye patch, what is the most importantthing in comat!

    If the classmate was to remove the eye patch covering her

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    eye, she would e regarded as really eautiful. Arue, whodidn"t loo lie she elonged to the same grade, too a stepforward and used her index nger to lift up her eye patch.

    It"s eing cool.

    $ne hundred points! 5ot ad, Arue. I"ll give you a (ill ;p3otion! %e, 9rimson #agic 9lan, must ght elegantly! 5ow, Iwill demonstrate0

    9all of (andstorm!

    I didn"t now what spell the teacher had een casting. Amongthe dri''ling dar clouds that had een there since earlier,luish8white lightning -ashed.

    A powerful magic was eing invoed, as unnatural windshowled.

    #y classmates pressed down their hair in the strong winds.The teacher too out the sta> she had prepared, and raised ithigh in the air.

    #ine is the name of 3ucchin, the arch wi'ard who wieldsadvanced magic0

    After the teacher declared her name, lightning struc the tip

    of the sta>.

    Then, the teacher -ipped her cloa, which -uttered wildly inthe wind.

    The strongest homeroom teacher of 9rimson #agic 9lan, the

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    one who will eventually ecome the principal0!

    4ollowing the teacher"s declaration, an even igger stroe oflightning -ashed.

    %ith the lightning glow ehind her, the teacher maintainedher pose, holding her sta> and -ipping her cloa.

    Too cool! D

    As my classmates cheered loudly, I looed around. $nlyunyun held her hands to her chees, tremling slightly.

    2ecause the teacher was too cool, unyun didn"t dare to looat her directly. I heard her whispers softly.

    )ow, how emarrassing0!

    It seemed the rumor was true that this girl was weird.

    I heard that after entering puerty, some children startedadmiring strange people. This phenomenon is called9huuniyouJ. (he proaly had it too.

    5ote KJLM (eehttpMNNanimanga.wiia.comNwiiN9huuniyou

    In the howling winds, the teacher nally made a move,clapping her hands while saying,

    Good! 3air up with a classmate you are close to! Then, maea cool self8introduction to each other, e conscientious aoutexperimenting with poses!

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    )earing the teacher"s words, unyun"s ody tremled.

    I wanted to now what was wrong with her, so I stared at her.(he looed around uncertainly, then stole a glance at me.

    (urely, she wanted to pair up with me, ut it was dicult forher to as ecause she declared herself as my rival0 )owtroulesome.

    I decided to forcefully pair with her and mae her cry with mycoolness. 2ut at this time, someone interrupted.

    #egumin, do you have a partner& If not, do you want to pairwith me&

    Turning around, I was confronted with a pair of ig oos,which did not seem lie those of a ?@8year8old. It was as ifthey are eing displayed intentionally0 This maes me evenmore annoyed.

    At that moment, Ah /a soft voice was heard ehind me.

    There is no need to turn around to loo. It was surely unyun.

    The eye patch8wearing classmate who spoe to me, Arue,seemed to e doing warm8up exercises, rotating her headand +umping.

    )er oos ounced along with her +umps0

    0 This one was an enemy!

    4ine. 2ased on my statistical calculations, your chance of

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    ecoming a powerful arch wi'ard is very high. Therefore, hereand now, let"s decide who is etter!

    9an statistics even analy'e such things!&

    unyun retorted accordingly, ut I had no time for that.

    6oes everyone have a partner& There should e one extrastudent, who will pair with me, the teacher.

    Eh& Ah!

    unyun looed around nervously, nding herself alone. (hewaled towards the teacher, de+ectedly.


    Arue. I"m not feeling well today. I want to rest duringphysical education lesson. #aye it"s ecause the food I got

    from unyun earlier has something weird in it.


    )earing me, unyun showed an expression of gratitude andsurprise.

    Teacher, I"m not feeling well. 9an I rest a it during lesson&

    %hat& 5o. ou have never attended a single physicaleducation lesson properly. Today"s lesson is especiallyimportant. 6on"t pretend to e sic.

    4acing the relentless teacher, I moaned and collapsed on the

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    5o. 6on"t try this tric on me0

    I8I can"t suppress it anymore0! If this persists, the onewithin me will tae possession of this ody0!

    %hat, #egumin, you0! (o the thing sealed within your odyis awaening0!& It can"t e helped, I permit you to go to theinrmary. :et the teacher in the inrmary reinforce the seal.

    I understand. Then I will leave now.

    /$ay, is everyone now in pairs& (tart now!

    I listened to the teacher"s instructions, as I waled towardsthe inrmary.

    If the physical education lesson expended the calories I made

    so much e>ort to gain from unyun"s paced meal, it woulde a waste.

    After I received the nutrition medicine with sealing powerKwhich was also sold in the maretL from the inrmaryteacher, I lay down on the ed.

    In the *uiet inrmary, I pulled the lanet up to my

    shoulders, thining aout what the teacher said previously.

    /Explosion magic was a useless magic.

    I wrapped my head in the lanet in resentment.

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    Te8 Teacher! It"s raining! 0or rather, it"s raining sand! %ehave already witnessed teacher"s cool poses, so can you stopthe rain&

    The tulips carefully planted y the principal in the -oweredhave een lown away!

    9a8 can"t stop it! This is terrile. The moon, as the source ofmagic, rises to its highest point today. #y suppressed powerhas een released0! :et me stop this rain! 6o not worryaout me, tae shelter in the school uilding!

    Teacher! 2e honest, you only thought aout theperformance earlier. ou didn"t thin aout how to stop this atall!

    As I listened to the voices from the schoolyard, I slowly closedmy eyes/

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    PART 6

    )ey, #egumin, why are you pacing aout in front of mydes, showing o> your (ill ;p 3otion& Is there something youwant to say&

    5othing0 $h yes, unyun"s paced lunch loos delicioustoday.

    Is, is that so& 2esides the ox you have stolen, I made an

    extra portion0 Ah, I won"t give it to you! This portion is notfor wager. If this paced lunch gets stolen too, I won"t haveanything to eat, so I won"t challenge you!


    (top. 6on"t dangle the potion efore me. Ouicly drin italready!


    6o8, don"t! I won"t give it to you! Ev8 even if you show such asad face0 I will0 only give you half0

    After eating the lunch I got from unyun, an announcement

    was made in the school.

    2ased on Teacher 3ucchin"s analysis, a mysterious rainsuddenly happened this morning. 6outlessly, it is due to theevil god of rain and sloth who was sealed somewhere in the)ome of the 9rimson #agic. After checing, the principalconrms that this downpour has traces of magical in-uences,

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    meaning it is articial. All the teachers are controlling therainfall, therefore all afternoon lessons are cancelled. Theweather outside currently has strong winds, lightning, andheavy rain, maing it dangerous for students to go home.

    Therefore, please do some self8study in school.

    It appeared that the teacher shoved all the responsiility onthe evil god.

    As I was plotting on how to use this situation to scam somedinner, some students stood up.

    They are proaly going to the school lirary to pass time.

    /There is something I want to research too.

    I wildly shove the food I forcefully too from unyun into mymouth0

    I already said half! $nly giving you half!

    After tossing the lunch ox at unyun, I ran to the lirary.

    This was the )ome of the 9rimson #agic school whichproduced many arch wi'ards, so the lirary should e well8stoced.

    4rom unspeaale legends to duious practical manuals.

    unyun, who came along on her own, was looing forsomething in the shelves for practical manuals.

    Astinence #agical #anual for #aing 4riends, GuideM

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    Even (nails 9an 2e Good at 9ommunications 00

    unyun too a few oos with titles I couldn"t understand, utlooing at her eyes that seemed to glow with excitement, I

    decided to eep her muttered words to myself.

    I continued searching for my target oo, sliding my ngeracross the oos on the shelf.

    (ecret $rigins of 9rimson #agic 9lan, ;ntil the 4all of the#agic =ingdom, 6ues of )ell (eries, Holume B, 3rophetic6emon, The Truth Aout Pesidents from the $ther %orld


    Interesting oos -ashed y one after another. 4inally, I foundwhat I was looing for.

    3racticaility of Explosion #agic 00I too this oo, and-ipped through it.

    Explosion magic is the ultimate destructive magic. It is themost powerful o>ensive magic that can in-ict in+ury toeverything in existence. 9urrently, the way to learn thismagic is mostly lost, only nown y humans who have spentmany years in magical research and long8lived non8humanwi'ards. And, not only is it dicult to learn, its opportunity foruse is also very limited. Thereafter, wi'ards who use thismagic are also nown as #ineeld %i'ards, fre*uentlyre+ected y adventurers who are looing for party memers.

    Peading this, my admiration for Explosion magic was slightlyshaen.

    In the scene I witnessed as a child, it was a destructive magic

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    that violated everything.

    I had always admired that hooded person and her magic/

    4irstly, a person with ordinary talents cannot use it. Even if ithas een learnt, it cannot e used due to the vast amount ofmana consumed. It is a mystery why such magic wasdeveloped. In the present situation, only non8human wi'ards,who have immensely long lives, will whimsically use excesssill points to learn this magic00

    00Peading this, I put the oo ac in the shelf.

    I got the feeling that if I ept reading, I would e even moredevastated.

    At this time, I noticed an interesting title next to where I putthe oo.

    Phodes the ;ntamed.

    Attracted y the strange title, I reached out to tae the oo.

    /The story was aout a senile old ing who wasaccompanied y two retainers as he roamed aout histerritory in order to change the world.

    6ue to an unexpected incident, the villagers learnt of the oldman"s identity, and accused the governor of various crimes.

    The governor insisted on his innocence, claiming the villagerswere lying.

    The old man declared oth parties to e guilty and hand out

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    sentences to the villagers and the corrupt governor. As aresult, oth the villagers and the governor anded togetherand defeated the old man.

    The old man raged, declaring that he will ra'e this land, whilehis two retainers consoled him, It is time for a meal, androught him home.

    After ghting together on the same side, the villagers and thegovernor learnt the enets of unity. 5ot long after, they uilta great city there, unsurpassed y any other cities/

    00%here is the second volume&

    I searched for the se*uel of this oo.

    )ey, what is this oo& (uper funny! %hat, don"t you havefriends&

    In the *uiet mood of the lirary, there was a sudden urst ofnoise that was incompatile with the serene mood.

    I looed over, and saw that it was unyun and anotherclassmate.

    This is0 This situation is0!

    4riend0 That0

    ou don"t have any, right& $therwise, why would you0 7ou9an Even 2efriend 4ishes"0& )ey, hey. 4orget aout thisoo. At least choose one aout mammals0

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    (top right there!

    I +umped etween unyun and that classmate, pointing at thelatter sternly.

    our goal is rst to ully and toy with this pitiful girl, thentae advantage of her roen heart and pretend to e herfriend in order to mae all inds of unreasonale demands,right&! Even if you can hide this from others, you cannot hideit from me!


    After eing exposed y me, the classmate appeared to panic.

    )ey, wait, I don"t understand what you are taling aout! I"monly maing conversation ecause I saw unyun holding aninteresting oo0

    #e8, #egumin, what"s up& Are you in-uenced y somestrange oo you have read& )m. It"s +ust someoneconversing with me0

    The classmate and unyun separately explained to me, ut/

    5o, I merely detected a disharmonious mood, so Iintervened as I have nothing etter to do. And ecause I

    sipped the earlier lesson, I"m the only one who did notpractice self8introduction, so I"m somewhat dissatised.

    %ay too unreasonale! @

    3roaly ecause someone heard the shouts of unyun and

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    the classmate, the lirary doors opened.

    )ey, you people are too noisy. 2e *uiet in the lirary. I willthin of a way to stop the evil god"s rain. The principal"s and

    my power are +ust enough to suppress the evil godsomewhat0

    Teacher, didn"t you tell us that it is your suppressed powerthat was released0! The evil god is too pitiful, if it gets thelame for everything!

    The classmate spitted out her words, complaining aout the

    irresponsile teacher.

    5o, the villagers have checed the Tom of the Evil God. Itseems some idiot messed with the seal, and roe it.Apparently, there are still a few missing seal fragments. Theevil god and its minions who were sealed away might urstforth at any time. After all, the seal is made specically forthe evil god, so its minions may have already escaped.

    Therefore, efore it is re8sealed, please do not go homealone.

    The homeroom teacher told us.

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    PART 7

    )ey, do you now& Aout Q years ago, when we were stillchildren, the seal of the evil god was roen. There was a igcrater efore the Tom of the Evil God, right& It is said that itwas the scar left ehind y the wandering wi'ard who re8sealed the evil god.

    2ac in the classroom, the classmates were discussing thismatter.

    In this village, even such unelievale rumors ecame thesu+ect of discussion.

    I cannot rememer the childhood events clearly anymore, utthe wandering wi'ard they mentioned, should e the hoodedperson who saved me.

    2ecause the teachers left to investigate the evil god, we weredismissed from school today.

    The classmates left in groups ased on the locations of theirhomes. $nly unyun and me remained in the classroom.

    #y house was at the corner of the )ome of the 9rimson#agic, so no other classmate lived near me.

    The classmates who were going to uy snacs groupedtightly together, saying, This is tasty, that is good too. Thiswas proaly one of the reasons why noody othered me.

    %ith no other option, I decided to go home alone.

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    unyun, who also remained in the classroom, reached out herhand with a soft mumle. (he seemed to e calling me.

    %hat is it&

    ;h& 5o, nothing, hm0 #egumin"s house is along my wayhome, so0

    unyun"s house was the village chief"s house, uilt in themiddle of the village.

    If she wanted to wal together to my place, she would needto tae detour0

    0%ant to go ac together&

    9an I& Ah, ut we are rivals. To e this close0

    unyun"s face seemed to righten, yet saying suchtroulesome words. I ignored her, waling out of theclassroom *uicly. unyun ran out after me.

    %ait! 4rom tomorrow onwards! %e"ll resume eing rivalsstarting from tomorrow!

    /2ringing unyun outside, the clouds drifted unnaturally.

    6id the teacher really cause such an unnatural occurrence+ust for the sae of a performance&

    2urning an expensive talisman +ust to act cool, the teacher

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    was a true 9rimson #agic 9lansman.

    Although the homeroom teacher was useless in manyaspects, this was one aspect you had to acnowledge.

    I waled home without stopping. unyun, who was followingehind, spoe uncertainly.

    #egumin, are you free& )m, if possile0

    unyun invited me to uy some snacs along the way.

    Even paying for it.

    $f course, I have no reason to re+ect. %hy is this happeningthough&

    Eh& $n8, only ecause I"m a little hungry0

    unyun was emarrassed.

    4ine, you are at the puerty stage after all. 2ut as a girl,wouldn"t it e unnatural if your appetite is too ig&

    %ait! #egumin, you have no right to say that! I"m hungryecause you ate my lunch! 2e8, esides0

    unyun"s voice suddenly lowered.

    2uying snacs with a friend, shopping on the way home0That is0 I"m somewhat looing forward to it0

    Ah& %hat did you say&

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    unyun mumled something, so I intentionally turned acand positioned my ear efore her to listen.

    At rst, unyun emarrassingly lied that she didn"t say

    anything. 2ut after I interrogated her multiple times, shenally cried and repeated her previous statement clearly.

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    PART 8

    %elcome! %elcome to 9rimson #agic 9lan"s top rated co>eeshop! Isn"t this #egumin, )yoi'auro"s daughter& I heard youare very conscientious in school. Everyone says that you arethe top genius of 9rimson #agic 9lan. I seldom see youeating out, what would you lie to order&

    I want something with plenty of calories that can mae youfeel full easily.

    #egumin, this is not the way a girl should order food! )m.The chef"s recommendation0

    unyun and I arrived at the terrace of the village"s only co>eeshop.

    The shop owner rought us the menu. )e seemed to e my

    father"s ac*uaintance.

    Pecommendations0 7(tew of 6ar God"s 2lessing", and also7(picy 5oodles in :ava 6ragon"s 2reath (tyle".

    I want spicy noodles.

    Give me this one on the menu, 7(acricial :am (andwichfor the 6emon God".

    $ay! 6icey 6oodles in :ava 6ragon"s 2reath (tyle,(acricial :am (andwich for the 6emon God. 3lease wait amoment!

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    It"s (picy 5oodles!

    unyun red8facedly corrected the dish name in a serious tone.I slowly dran the complimentary fruit +uice.

    #egumin, #egumin. Although it"s out of the lue, may I asa *uestion&

    %hat& (ince it"s your treat, I will answer normal *uestions. Isit aout my weaness& #y current weaness is sweets. After8meal dessert is my weaness.

    I"m not asing this! 2esides, what ind of weaness is that&5ormally, you would eat in ig mouthfuls.

    Isn"t it commonly said < 7(weets are a girl"s enemy!" %hatdo you want to as then&

    I pressed her. (uddenly, unyun ecame hesitant.

    :ooing at this girl"s expression aroused my sadism.

    #egumin, do you have a oy that you lie&

    unyun is in heat!

    )earing her words, I stood up in shoc. unyun explainedhurriedly while nearly crying.

    5o, not lie that! Thin aout it, chatting among girls tendsto e trivial, right& I merely yearn for such conversations! Idon"t have someone I lie!

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    )er words reassured me, so I sat down again.

    )ow should I put this& unyun, you are a strange id y9rimson #agic 9lan standards. I heard that, during physical

    education lesson, you could not decide on a cool poseecause of your shyness.

    Am I really strange& (ince I was young, I always felt that thevillagers are somewhat weird0

    %eird unyun felt de+ected ecause of what I said.

    (he had no friend in class, proaly due to her weirdness.

    (o, what type of guys does unyun lie&


    4acing my *uestion, red8faced unyun rolled her eyes in


    6on"t you want to chat& 2eing trivial. 2y the way, for me, Iwon"t accept any guy who lends out money only if he gainssome enets. It would e est if he sets high goals, worshard day and night, is honest and serious.

    (omeone serious and ind huh. #egumin has a gentle sideand is good at taing care of others, so you will attract anopposite type, those unsalvageale ums0 That hurts, hurts!I am +ust idding!0 I lie the mature and sturdy type who willlisten to my everyday life warmly0

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    /3eaceful afternoon time.

    I chatted endlessly with my self8proclaimed rival, as we wentac home.

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    I"m home.

    %elcome home, ig sister!

    ;pon reaching home, my sister, who was younger y a fewyears, ran out of the house to greet me.

    =omeo, who was +ust C years old, had hair slightly shorter

    than mine.

    =omeo wore my old roe. The excessively long portion wasalready stained with mud.

    Ah0 The roe"s edges are muddy. I ased you to watch thehouse. 6id you run out to play again&

    es! I defeated the newspaper man, then I went out toplay!

    $h, you won again today. ou are truly my younger sister.

    es! I said, 7I have not eaten any solid food for D days." Afterthat, he left ehind some food coupons!

    =omeo showed o> the fruits of her laor in satisfaction.

    As I patted the head of my excellent sister, =omeosuddenly sensed something.

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    There is a fragrance on ig sister"s ody.

    ou are truly my younger sister. I rought this ac.7(acricial :am (andwich for the 6emon God"! Eat until you


    Awesome! A feeling lie ecoming a demon ing. Then, thedinner I caught will ecome tomorrow"s reafast instead!

    =omeo, who loved sandwiches, said suddenly.

    06inner that was caught.

    I rememered ac then, =omeo caught some cicadas, andsuggested frying them to eat. I suddenly felt terried.

    =omeo, what did you say the dinner is& %hat have youcaught&

    %ant to see& I defeated it after a deadly attle. A savagelac east!

    =omeo left ehind this frightening statement, and ran acinto the house.

    I hope it"s not a ug! I hope it is not a ug!

    As I waited, I ept praying. (hortly after, =omeo carriedsomething out0


    That was a lac itten which, for some reason, was

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    0ou really caught a ig one.

    es. I wored hard! It was ghting ac at rst, ut itecame docile after I it it a few times.

    Although victory is a good thing, you shouldn"t +ust randomlyite things.

    =omeo nodded oediently after hearing this. I too thelac itten.

    The lac itten hid itself in my arms. It seemed to have hada ad experience, fearfully nudging its head into my chest.

    =omeo too ig ites out of the sandwich, then pausing tostare at the sandwich still in her mouth, o>ered it to me.

    0%anna eat&

    I ate already. =omeo can eat it all. Anyway, I will tae careof this furall, oay&


    =omeo indulged herself in eating the sandwich.

    /I let the itten into my room. As it oldly curled up on myed, I whispered softly.

    %hat am I to do with this cat&

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    4or it to e this shameless, perhaps it wasn"t +ust a normalstray.

    2ut it could not ecome reafast as =omeo wanted. There

    was no spare food in the family to feed it either.

    And if I released it and it got caught y =omeo again, it willdenitely ecome =omeo"s meal0 Then/

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    PART 1!

    /The classroom was so noisy.

    0#egumin0 0#egumin0

    Good morning, unyun. %hy do you have such an expressionon your face&

    unyun frowned anxiously, and greeted me in return.

    0%hat is that&

    #y familiar.

    unyun was asing aout the lac cat lying on its ac onthe des as it played with my ngers. I introduced it again to


    This is my familiar.

    4amiliar!& I originally thought that only wi'ards in myths ownfamiliars!

    :oo at its cute and fearless face! This cat is too scary. It

    must e pretending to e pure and innocent, eyeing ourlunch oxes for her master #egumin!

    This is not what I wanted! 2ut/ here"s some food!

    #y classmates were all charmed y the charisma of my

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    #aye this itten truly possessed ewitching power.

    It looed lie it will get its own food y staying here. I wasrelieved.

    %ow, wow, wow! 0It"s smooth and soft0! #egumin, what isits name& )ave you given it a name yet&

    unyun"s eyes sparled and she proaly wanted to touchthe itten. 2ut as unyun reached out her hand, the cat

    raised its front paw menacingly.

    Pe+ected y the cat, unyun put down her hand with a senseof loneliness.

    %hat"s with this itten& 4eels lie it is not too friendlytowards anyone other than #egumin.

    As Arue spoe, the itten accepted her out8stretched nger,en+oying her caress with its eyes half8closed. (eeing this,

    unyun felt lie crying.

    It doesn"t have a name yet. If I leave it at home, its life wille in danger, so I want to ring it to school daily.

    )earing this, my classmates frowned, looing trouled.

    The itten is so cute, so I"m ne, ut what will the teacherthin0

    es, although it"s very cute, the teacher proaly won"t

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    allow it. Although it"s really very cute.

    As expected, the homeroom teacher was the iggestostacle0


    The homeroom teacher said upon entering the classroom.

    I raised the cat which was putting its est e>ort to act cute.

    Teacher, this is my familiar. It feeds on my mana. If it leavesme, it will surely die.

    5o. )ow can someone who cannot use magic have afamiliar& The school forids ringing familiars and snacs! 3utit ac where it elongs.

    As expected, it didn"t wor. Then0!

    Teacher, this is the other me. It"s my other half that holdsmy power. Although most of the power is with me, it is stillanother aspect of me. %e are of one mind, and cannot eseparated!

    0It seems your other half hates eing carried y you, and isstruggling for its life.

    2ecause I"m aout to enter the reellious stage.

    I put down the cat, and it started to scratch the classroomwalls.

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    our other half is currently indulging in its instinct to sharpenits claws.

    9rimson #agic 9lan must e always ready for attle, so it

    must sharpen its claws. 2ecause most of the intelligence andreason are with me, so my other half only has the power, theinstinct, and its animalistic appearance.

    Alright then.

    At rst glance, it loos lie a very cute me, ut inside0 ouallow it&

    The homeroom teacher suddenly allowed it without a fuss0originally, I still planned to explain how me and my other halfwere in a deadly con-ict over this ody.

    2ecause it is very amusing, so let it e.

    $ur homeroom teacher was well8nown for eing amused yimproper matters, ut her statement made me uneasy.

    )ey, #egumin! 3ee and crap only in the designated area!:oo, it"s here, here! ou can only pee here! %ell done!#egumin is remarale!


    6oesn"t it stin to put #egumin"s leftover food here& 2est toleave it at the ac.


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    Ah, really, #egumin! 6on"t sharpen your claws everywhere!6on"t show such a cute expression, while tilting your head!5o0 Ah, #egumin is really too cute!


    $h no! 4ae #egumin has suddenly gone erser! :oos lieit isn"t only cuteness alone, she has nally lost herintelligence and reason to her other half as well!

    The classmate who called me 4ae #egumin shouted aloud,after seeing me -ipped my tale.

    %ho are you calling a fae& I"m the real #egumin! 6on"teep calling it #egumin again and again!

    %hat"s the matter, #egumin& ou said the #egumin overthere is your other half, right& The #egumin who possessesintelligence and reason, while the other #egumin possessespower and instinct, right&

    #egumin, #egumin, #egumin, #egumin /everyone callingmy name everywhere, I cannot tae it anymore! 3lease givethis cat a name!

    (eeing my angry expression, unyun hugged my other self.

    Even if you say that, it has een decided today that 7this isthe real #egumin"0 :oo, it is nally starting to accept me. Ican hug #egumin now! 0Instead of giving this one a name,why not change #egumin"s name& $uch, ouch!

    Traitor! ou don"t care aout your rival changing names!The name 7#egumin" has een called more times today than

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    in all my schooling days comined!

    )earing my complaints, my classmates showed itterexpressions.

    And it nally have a cute name lie #egumin0

    Ah0 #y cute #egumin is eing ullied y the not8cute#egumin0

    )ey, are you picing a ght&!

    As a 9rimson #agic 9lansman, who never aced down froma ght, I raised my chair, ready to throw it at my classmates.


    Arue muttered word y word, considering the cat"s alternatename.


    Another student whispered.

    9hoisa, #arumo, =asuma.

    2ut it seemed none of these names were satisfactory. The catin unyun"s arms made a noise with its nose, as if it wassnee'ing.

    )earing the countless alternate names, unyun lifted the cat.

    This cat is female0

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    0As expected, the most appropriate name is still #egumin.

    I"ll ill you!

    As I confronted that classmate, unyun suddenly shouted.

    =uro! =uro! 0)ow aout it& (ee, ecause it"s a lac cat0

    00 @

    The surrounding fell into silence.

    That"s not ad. It"s easier to rememer weird names.

    Eh!& Her8 very weird0!&

    0es, it was truly a strange name, ut maye it would eeasier to rememer.

    After eing named, the cat in unyun"s arms narrowed itseyes, as if it was happy.

    Then, it will temporarily use this strange name 7=uro". %henit truly ecomes my familiar, I"ll seriously give it a grand8sounding name.

    (trange& )ey, as expected, I"m really weird!& In this village,the strange one is me!&

    unyun complained with tears in her eyes. I hugged =uro.

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    PART 11

    )ey, #egumin. %ant to go shopping at the accessory shoptoday&

    $n the way home from school0

    unyun said efore that eing close to me was limited only toyesterday, ut for some reason she was still following ehindme today.

    2ut I never considered her to e a rival anyway, so thiswasn"t ad.

    There is an accessory shop in this village&

    The lacsmith maes accessories on a whim. )m.#egumin0

    Admiring cute accessories with someone else on the wayhome is your dream, right& 4ine, let"s go then.

    unyun and I went to the lacsmith.

    %elcome! $h, so it is the weird girl from the chief"s house

    and the weirdo )yoi'auro"s daughter. %ant to uysomething& 4or little girls lie you0 )ow aout this greatsword& There are also axes and hammers.

    %eird, weird girl0

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    %hy do you want to give a delicate girl such crudeweapons& There is no need for us to use weapons anyway.

    4urthermore, it is strange enough that someone is selling

    weapons and armors in a village of wi'ards.

    #aing staves would e more reasonale0

    It is also great to have girls swinging huge weapons.9ontrastingly cute.

    In what world would there e girls lie that0 unyun, what

    should we do&

    unyun was looing around inside the shop.

    )m. I heard that this place sells accessories0

    Accessories are over there. 9rimson #agic 9lansmen only

    lie ridiculously long and complex sword8lie weapons. (othose things are not in much demand.

    The ig lacsmith gestured to a corner with his chin.

    )m0 (hould this e called an accessory or a small nife0

    5ormally, when one spea of accessories, it refers to smallwearale items, not small weapons.

    Even if you say that0 2ecause I don"t have such customers,I would have to close my shop down if not for such items.

    The shopeeper must have chosen the wrong location for his

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    Anyway, how does the shopeeper mae money&

    4rom your expressions, you seem to e wondering how Imae a living. After all, I"m still an arch wi'ard, who can usemy vast mana to control furnaces that cannot e controllednormally and create high *uality armors. Among armorlovers, my armors are fairly popular. Although I can"t say hername, the daughter of a nole family loves to wear myarmor.

    %hy would the daughter of a nole family wear armor&unyun, it"s almost time to0

    unyun carefully piced up a silver dagger, and looed at me.

    0ou lie this&

    unyun nodded.

    2ac home, =omeo made a muddy mess of her roes asusual.

    %ecome home, sis! 2rought anything to eat&

    5o food today. 2y the way, where did you go again&

    Pecently, the seal of the evil god in the village is aout torea, so do not go out.

    I didn"t now how much of my words =omeo actually heard.(he +ust stared at =uro in my arms.

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    0 KgulpL


    )orried of =omeo, =uro climed up from my shoulder,trying to hide inside my hat.

    To thin it climed up her owner"s ody. %hat an audaciouscat.

    (is, dinner is meat!

    I shivered slightly at my younger sister, who treated othpets and ugs as food.

    =omeo, wait a it longer. This cat is too thin. It doesn"thave much meat to eat. :et it grow fatter efore eating.

    I see. (is is so clever!

    =omeo smiled heartily. I don"t now what she was doingoutside to ecome lie this. I used my handerchief to wipethe mud on her face.

    =omeo has een playing outside again&

    I found a toy, let"s play together! (is also wants to play&

    Toy0 Toy&

    4or some reason, this term didn"t mae me feel relieved. $rrather, it made me very concerned.

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    es. 3roaly, I also0

    (is, tae a ath! %ash the itten as well. I thin this step iscalled 7Pemoving Astringency".

    =omeo, the itten is shivering inside my hat, so don"t sayanymore.

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    PART 12

    After I athed with =omeo and =uro, we ate a simpledinner, and returned to my own room.

    The stairs were slightly noisy, so mother had proalyreturned.

    4ather was denitely still maing magic tools without rest.

    I lay on the woolen lanet, putting =uro on my elly.

    Then I rememered.

    (peaing of toys. %hen I met her, I ased her to help mend my toys.

    I mumled to myself in the dar room, lifting =uro up eforeme and looing into its eyes.

    In the darness, =uro seemed to understand what I said,staring at me without lining.

    4earless, ig, round, and cute eyes.


    %henever I see this cat, I will thin of that person.

    I covered my head with the lanet. It naturally sneaedeneath the lanet as well.

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    )ey, you are arrogant for a freeloader.

    ;nder my lanet, I en+oyed the sensation of stroing =uro,who curled up on my elly.

    At this time, I still thought that I would not e leaving thevillage for a while/

    (pending my time schooling and caring for my sister, anunchanging life/

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    /The ;nsolvale Figsaw 3u''le and (eal of the Evil God/

    I arrived at the playground that I fre*uently visit.

    (*uatting efore the tomstone was0

    %hat a ig golin!

    0)ey, rat, don"t compare me to a golin.

    I"m not a rat. I"m =omeo.

    Is it& 0)ey, =omeo, what are you doing here& This is thetom where the other half of the evil god, :ady %olach, was

    sealed. our family memers did not tell you to avoid thisplace&

    They did, ut sis said that 9rimson #agic 9lansmen shouldnot yield to unreasonale demands.

    0Is, is that so& )ow troulesome, to thin that I have nochoice ut to eliminate such a rat0

    (prouting a pair of at wings, huge and lac, the not8golinlowered its shoulders.

    I"m not a rat, I"m =omeo. 5ot8a8golin guy, what are youdoing here&

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    5ot8a8golin guy0 )ey, rat, loo closely! I have huge hornsand wings, which signify evil! Also, golins do not have sucha muscular ody! I am the aide of the evil god :ady %olach.I"m the greater demon :ord )oost. Pememer it!

    (o cool!

    :ooing at )oost with his outstretched wings, I raised myarms and cheered.

    $h, oooh, is it0 ou have good taste. 5ormally, I have tosilence any witness, ut I will let you go as an exception. 2ut

    you must not tell anyone aout me. Everything that happenshere must e ept a secret. This is a special treatment, so egrateful!

    Than you very much.

    Although I didn"t now what was going on, I thaned himanyway. I sat in front of )oost, and patted on his ig, hard

    leg. 3at! 3at! 3at!

    %hat a strange rat0 5ever mind, I have important thingsto do. 6o not distur me, understand&

    )oost turned his face away, and ddled with somethingefore the tomstone0 Ah!

    That"s my pu''le!

    Eh& This is not yours. This is a precious item that can reathe seal of :ady %olach0 )ey, hey, hey, you0!

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    I put the pu''le together. )oost was surprised for somereason.

    ou are pretty competent! %hile I was hiding from the

    villagers, I could not solve the pu''le even after a fewmonths0 $ay, I now what to do next! )ey, give it to me!

    Ahah, )oost snatched them away!

    Eheh, I don"t care what you say. Also, don"t call my namedirectly, you little rat. ou should call me :ord )oost! 5ow,:ady %olach can fully recover his power. )ereafter, he can

    rampage as efore0 ;h, what is this, strange0

    After snatching away the pu''le pieces, )oost attempted tot the pieces on the pedestal efore the tomstone, utfailed repeatedly. 4inally, he sagged his shoulders, and looedat me.

    0)ey, =omeo, I will mae a special exception to let you

    play with this pu''le. ou may continue.

    I"m hungry, so I don"t want to play pu''le now. :ord )oost,tae your time with it.

    00Although I"m ashamed to say this, ut, you etter stopcalling me :ord )oost. I will nd food for you, so you help me

    solve the pu''le, =omeo.


    003lease, =omeo.

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    I understand.

    )earing my reply, )oost unwillingly eat his wings to -y o>somewhere.

    I watched him -y o>, then piced up the pu''le pieces oncemore/

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    PART 1

    #egumin! %e must have a match today, understand&

    6ue to the weather8control e>ects of a particular teacher,there was a clear lue sy today.

    %hen I entered the classroom, I was immediately pestered yunyun.

    4or some reason, she was in a very good mood.

    /I understood the reason.

    The silver dagger purchased a few days ago was hanging yher waist.

    (he intentionally touched it a few times to draw my attentionto it. (o annoying.

    6id she want me to say that the dagger suited her&

    I was not her oyfriend. I didn"t want to accommodate such atroulesome attitude.

    5o prolem, I accept. 2ut I don"t have any potions left towager. )ow should we go aout it&

    %ager0 If I win, #egumin will have to oey one commandfrom me0

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    $ay. The match content will e iased towards you then.)ow aout you use that cool dagger y your waist to settlethis&

    ;se this dagger& $ay. Although I don"t now what it isreally aout, I accept!

    I led the condent unyun to my seat, putting my palm onthe des.

    3lease use your dagger to continuously sta the spaceetween my ngers. 2efore I count to ten, if you do not miss

    the spaces, you win. (imple, right&

    %ait! %ait! 5o, no, this denitely is a no!

    5o prolem, I elieve in unyun"s aility. Even if I getstaed, I will endure the pain. Then let"s start! $ne! Two!

    5ever mind! I surrender today!

    The scene was unchanged for today.

    0Ah. Thans for the treat. The taste is great today as well.

    es0 $nce in a while, I also want to have a serious match0

    unyun choed on her words as she too the meal ox fromme.

    02y the way, unyun, how many more sill points do youneed to learn advanced magic&

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    3oints& Another0 three points. I can learn advanced magicwith three more points. At that time0 I will graduate0 )owmany more points does #egumin need&

    In 9rimson #agic 9lan school, a student would graduatewhenever she learned magic.

    )earing unyun"s *uestion, I looed at my adventurer"s card,which displayed BR sill points.

    In the sill list, the words :earning advanced magic re*uiresD sill points were glowing.

    2ut I wanted to learn Explosion magic. To learn that, I stillneeded0

    (till short of four points, which means unyun will graduateefore me.

    Eh!& %ait, #egumin"s results have always een good, whydo you have less points than me& #ore importantly0 Ah!&I"m going to graduate alone0!

    As unyun ecame worried, the homeroom teacher arrived.

    The noisy classroom *uieted down. (tanding on the podium,the teacher held the name list.

    Taing attendance now.

    The classmates responded when they were called.

    06odono! 5erimai! 4unifura!

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    (ince there were only ?? students in this classroom, my turncame *uicly.

    #egumin! 0also unyun!

    3resent! 0Teacher, what"s with this& ou said 7also", right&6id you almost forget aout me again&

    $ay, oay, starting lesson0 or so I"ll lie to say. Pecently,the monsters near the village are getting active. The principalased me to lead the hiiomoriJ0 no, the people with freetime to hunt monsters. ou can go home in the afternoon. It

    will e self8study in the lirary during the morning.

    5ote KJLM (eehttpsMNNen.wiipedia.orgNwiiN)iiomori

    unyun ecame teary8eyed as she was ignored. The teacherleft after speaing.

    /This was the 9rimson #agic Hillage that even the demoning feared.

    #onsters were rarely active here.

    The neary monsters usually would not come near thevillage0

    I looed for oos in the lirary, while still eing othered ythis issue.

    I wanted to read the se*uel of the oo I read a few days ago.

    Phodes the ;ntamed Holume @, Phodes the ;ntamed

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    Holume @0

    /4ound it.

    unyun, I"m looing for that oo in your hands. ou havetaen so many oos. If you are not reading it immediately,can I orrow it rst&

    unyun was holding Phodes the ;ntamed Holume @ and afew other oos.

    ;h0 sure, #egumin reads this type of oos too& )ere, for


    unyun handed me ou 9an 9ommunicate Even %ithGolins and 2e 4riends %ith #onsters.

    %ho says I want this&! 5ot these, it"s 7Phodes the;ntamed"!

    Eh& #egumin lies this& This oo is very interesting. I readit a few times already! Holume @ 7The 4alse =ing Appears" hasan unexpected ending with the old ing and his two retainersleaving on a +ourney0

    3lease, no spoilers! 02y the way, what"s with your choice ofother oos& The titles are too painful0 Too painful.

    6on"t e lie this, #egumin. %hy are you looing at me withsuch sympathetic eyes! :oo here, even cactus has feelingsright& That means, it is possile to e friends with plants0!

    0%hat was it with this girl&

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    I can"t stand you. If you want friends so much, +ust cancelyour declaration of me as your rival0

    /)ey, unyun. Are you still reading such oos& If you want

    friends so much, I can also e your friend.

    I turned to loo at the person who interrupted. It is theclassmate who taled to unyun previously0 classmate0what"s her name&

    Isn"t it 4uniura or something& 4riends aren"t madeintentionally, ut naturally.

    #y name is 4unifura! 3lease rememer your classmate"sname!

    unyun suddenly came close to the fuming 4unifura.

    %hat did you say earlier& %hat, what did you say earlier!&

    )ey, you are standing too close. our face is too close! I onlysaid we can e friends0

    4aced with the up8close, serious8looing unyun, 4unifuraslowly aced away, and explained *uicly.

    )earing her, unyun nodded a few times, emarrassed.

    $h0 unyun, the forever alone, nally had a friend!

    Although my worry for unyun"s future was a it unased for,I could e relieved now0!

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    ;gh0 I"m inexperienced, please guide me along!

    )ey, unyun, do you now what 7friend" means& 6o youreally now&

    0I could0 e relieved0 proaly.

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    PART 2

    )ey, unyun! I will give you a new one! It"s +ust a ruerand for tying hair. If it is lost, I"ll +ust give you a new one!#egumin already repents, it"s not an issue!

    2ut, ut0! This is the rst gift I received from a friend0!

    /I totally could not e relieved.

    4unifura wanted unyun to e a it prettier, so she gave her aruer and.

    unyun was over+oyed to receive a gift. (he went out of herway ac to the classroom, and carefully ept it in the des.


    %hy did #egumin search my des!& %hy did you play andshoot o> my ruer and! Are you a D8year8old id!&

    I got ored of reading, and returned to the classroom early. Isnapped and shot the ruer and out of the window. Thatwas all.

    /I was neeling on the classroom -oor.

    It"s not that. :oo, there"s a ug on the tree outside thewindow. I"m very othered y such ugs, so I wanted to shootit down. I used up all my ruer ands, so I have no choiceut to orrow yours0

    It"s not 7no choice". This isn"t what a girl should e playing. I

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    can"t stand you0!

    unyun looed at me, who was owing my head, and sighed.

    4unifura, sorry! It is so dicult for me to receive a gift! Ioriginally intended to eep it in my safe at home0!

    5o need to e lie that! It"s ridiculous! Puer ands aremeant to e used!

    4unifura said o>8handedly, feeling a it scared of unyun.

    4orget aout it. It"s almost lunch time. :et"s as 6odono toeat together.

    9an, can I& Eating lunch together, it"s lie eing friends!

    I said efore, we are already friends!

    unyun"s loneliness was a sicness that developed too far.

    Indeed, it"s almost lunch time, let"s go *uicly.

    I, who was ordered to sit straight on the -oor, stood up, readyto follow them0

    0#egumin, did you ring a paced lunch&


    This won"t do.

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    I replied, and 4unifura shot me down.

    0$h dear.

    It was a good thing for unyun to mae friends.

    2ut at the same time, the poor me would lose my importantsupply line.

    I looed worriedly at unyun, who was preparing to leave withher lunch ox.

    #egumin, hm0 if it is half0 )ey, don"t hug me! Also, don"tworship me!

    /2ut, as the saying went, three women made up a drama.

    That person is denitely interested in me! 2ut what to do&Also, I have someone whom I made a life8long promise with in

    my previous life. Is this adultery then& #ore or less.

    It doesn"t matter. The previous life is not this life. #y fatedpartner is set0 no, should e the handsome guy who wassealed in the deepest dungeon, so I must learn advancedmagic fast to rescue him.

    %hat was this unearale conversation&

    Is that so& The two of you are incredile!

    unyun smiled nervously, and responded o>8handedly.

    As I ate lunch with my classmates 4unifura and 6odono, the

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    love topic never stopped.

    They seemed to have their ideal lovers and reality in a mix ofconfusion.

    %hat aout unyun& our type0 no, your lover in theprevious life, what is he lie&

    6odono ased as she fored her salad.

    #e& I don"t have memories of past lives0 A mature andstale person, who can gently listen to my daily a>airs0

    Too unromantic.

    Hery unromantic.

    This can"t e helped. unyun is a weird person, after all. 2ythe way, my previous life should e a god of destruction, so I

    had no lover. Ah, I"m full, so tasty.

    %eird person!& )ey, am I really weird& Also, #egumin/ Isaid I"ll give you half! %hy did you eat it all&!

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    PART 3

    $n the way home from school.

    Great, unyun nally has friends. I even suspected thatunyun"s previous life is a giant isopodJ, and will e lonelyforever. I was so worried.

    5ote KJLM (eehttpsMNNen.wiipedia.orgNwiiNGiantSisopod

    I said to the over+oyed unyun.

    I did not choose to e alone! 0#egumin, your mouth. Ah, agirl should e conscious of her appearance. There"s some soysauce.

    unyun said, and used her handerchief to wipe my mouth,+ust lie my mother.

    I used to thin that unyun is a child who cannot t intosociety, and will e easily triced y a ad guy who pretendsto e her friend. 5ow, I am relieved.

    I used to thin that #egumin is a child who lacs the meansto survive, and will e easily triced y a ad guy who treats

    her to a meal. 5ow, I am relieved.

    unyun, who was wiping my mouth, and I stared at eachother, and immediately aced o>.

    ou said something very strange. ou mean I am a stupidgirl who will lindly follow a ad guy for a meal&

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    #egumin is lie that. 2esides, you underestimated me. outhin I"m a frivolous girl who will lindly follow a ad guy +ustto e friends&

    I confronted unyun y the roadside, smiling viciously.

    Ah, I can easily imagine a future in which unyun is at theec and call of a useless guy who told her 7:et"s e friends.

    I can also imagine #egumin eing at a loss due to a lac inthe means of survival, egging a useless guy for a meal!

    0It looed lie it was time to settle the score with this self8proclaimed rival.

    I too on a defensive position. unyun ecame wary.

    In this hair8trigger moment, a sound suddenly interrupted.

    Eh& Isn"t this #egumin who live neary&

    I turned and looed. It was the shoe8maer"s son who livednear my house.

    Isn"t this 2u'ucoily& %hat are you doing here&

    To me and =omeo, he was a neighor who was lie a igrother. 2ut he idled around every day, declaring that heneeded to conserve his power efore the world needed him.

    It was rare for him to e wandering outside.

    The monsters are getting active, even coming close to the

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    village. I was driving the neary monsters away. Ah, since Iwas told 75ow is the time to use your reserved power!", Ihave een full of adrenaline.

    $h, yes. The homeroom teacher mentioned something aoutleading the hiiomori in the village to hunt monsters.

    )e was merely eing forced to wor, ut seeing his self8satised loo, I decided not to spoil his mood.

    $h, there are even monsters that you do not usually see.%hat"s the name& To thin that such monsters exist near the


    2u'ucoily said softly and made eye contact with unyun.

    0#ine is the name of 2u'ucoily, an arch wi'ard who wieldsadvanced magic0 the son and successor of the top shoe8maer in 9rimson #agic Hillage0! ou must e the chief"sdaughter. 3leased to meet you.

    Ah! es, I"m unyun. 3lease to meet you0

    2u'ucoily made his exaggerated self8introduction.Emarrassed, unyun lowered her head and introducedherself softly.

    It was rare for her to have a chance to introduce herself. Thislittle girl is really strange.

    %hat are you two doing& There"s a sense of tension that a

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    attle might erupt in any moment.

    es! This woman and I are aout to have a death duel todetermine who is stronger! unyun, let"s start!

    %ait! Aren"t we having a normal match& I still don"t havethat ind of determination!

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    PART 4

    I opened the loosely8closed door of my house, and greetedthe darness.

    I"m home.

    4ollowing the sound of footsteps, a welcoming voice said.

    %elcome home, sis!

    =omeo ran forward, smiling.

    )er face and her roe were muddied.

    It looed lie she went out to play again.

    =omeo, I don"t now where you went, ut the monstersare appearing near the village. (omeone said that heencountered a strange monster. Try not to go out.

    $ay! I will try not to go out!

    0#ore accurately, it should e 76o not go out."

    =omeo handed me a piece of paper.

    0& %hat is this&

    A pretty woman, who looed a it ill, came y. (he ased, 7Isthere a magic item artisan here&" I answered, 75o magic item

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    artisan." (he whispered, 7Is that so." And left after giving methis.

    0& I looed closely, this appeared to e an order form for

    magic items.

    At the edge, in a eautifully written scriptM

    I"m impressed y the many excellent magic items you havecreated. 3lease maintain good usiness contact with myshop0

    There was also praises for my father at the ac.

    04ather was a magic item artisan.

    2ut, even though his magic items have great power, all ofthem were -awed.

    I did not now where this shopeeper came from, ut sheproaly confused my father with someone else.

    $therwise, this shopeeper"s usiness sense must eanormal.

    eah. If she wasn"t confused, then it must e mocery. )ershop"s location is the rooie city Axel. The shop name is0

    /2efore I nished reading, =omeo pulled my sleeves.

    (is, I"m hungry! #ae dinner! I have prepared theingredients!

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    4ine, I"ll mae some food for you today0 ut there isn"tmuch ingredient left, +ust some vegetales.

    =omeo dragged me to the itchen. The pot, plates, and

    seasoning were all prepared.

    There were also some cut vegetales.

    I was thining of maing vegetale soup, when a soft soundwas heard suddenly from the pot.


    I removed the pot cover. Inside it was0

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    0=omeo, wait for it to e fatter efore eating.

    It"s fatter today when compared to yesterday! %hen can weeat it& Tomorrow&

    :et"s wait a few more days.

    I fed =omeo a lot for reafast today, so I thought it woulde oay to leave =uro at home. It looed lie I still have toring it along to school.

    /After deciding this, I piced =uro out of the pot.

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    PART 5

    Today was a school holiday.

    This was a frightening day every wee. 4or me, it was anunearale day.

    The reason was0

    (is, good morning! 5o school today, right& :et"s eat


    0=omeo, mother should have prepared reafast eforeleaving home. ou can eat my share as well. I can conservemy calories, so I don"t want to do anything today.

    I lay eneath the lanet without moving.

    2ut =omeo did not leave.

    %ithout going to school, sis won"t e ale to eat unyun"sreafast. :et"s eat together!

    0)earing this, I unwillingly got out of ed.

    %ithout going to school, I could not get food from unyun.

    I would normally eat my reafast in school, so I could leavemy own portion to =omeo, who was still growing.

    #y gentle sister would invite me to share a meal during the

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    It can"t e helped then. %hat is for reafast today&

    Pice alls and salmon!

    0That"s all we can do at the end of the month. 2ut I don"tlie salmon, so =omeo can have it.

    0Then let"s feed it.

    =omeo said, looing at =uro who came out of the lanetwith me.

    It seemed that she wanted to eat it.

    I patted my gentle sister"s head0

    00 KgulpL0..

    0I urged my sister, who was drooling and staring at =uro, tothe itchen.

    =uro, do you want to eat the sin of my salmon&


    The sin is nutritious, so mae sure you nish everything.

    After eating with =omeo, I considered what to do for today.

    /4ather was a magic item artisan, ut his products were

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    -awed, so usiness wasn"t good.

    Even if they were sold, they must e heavily discounted, somy family had always een poor.

    At the end of each month, oth my parents went to sell themagic items in town, leaving me and my sister together athome.

    4ather said they would leave this morning, and would notreturn for a few days.

    There should not e much food left in the refrigerator.


    =omeo. I"m going into the village. 3erhaps I can nd somefood0



    04ollowing the sound of something eing itten, =uro criedout softly.

    06id you ite =uro again&

    It doesn"t taste good when eaten raw.

    /It looed lie I must hurry.

    =omeo, e good. our target is the old man. I will use my

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    great charisma on the young man.

    #y sister is a 4emme 4atale!

    Eh, eh! =omeo, I don"t want to do this, ut the situation inthe refrigerator is really ad0 %e were +ust taling aouthim, and the sheep appears.

    =omeo hugged =uro tightly lie a doll. I too her hand,acting lie a good sister, moving gradually towards thesheep.

    Isn"t this 2u'ucoily, the handsome guy from the shoe shop&Good morning! 5ice weather today.

    0I have no wor, so you can"t con money from me.

    2u'ucoily was practicing his poses for grand entrance in theyard. )e warned me with a smile, maing the rst strieefore I could say more.

    I thought he was a useless hiiomori, ut it seemed heshould not e underestimated.

    I would never as my respected 2u'ucoily, who looed afterme since I was young, for money. %e are +ust a it hungry.

    %here is the respect& ou are +ust trying to scam me! I haveno wor and no lover, so there is no way I can steal food frommy house for you. (orry, you etter nd someone else0

    2ig rother, I"m really hungry!

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    %ait, =omeo! 2ig rother will pilfer some food for youright now!

    I watched 2u'ucoily run o>, and said to my sister whom I was

    still holding hands,

    00(tarting from today, you may call yourself 4emme 4atale=omeo.

    #ine is the name of =omeo! %atching the house e my+o. I am 9rimson #agic 9lan"s 5umer $ne 4emme 4atalelittle sister!

    Thereafter, my 4emme 4atale little sister received a lot oftriutes.

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    PART 6

    #egumin, you now, right!&

    4or some reasons, unyun was always in high spirits in themorning. (he came to me as soon as I entered the classroom.

    I now, now is reafast time. Thans for the meal too.

    %hat has reafast time got to do with anything&! %hy is

    my defeat a foregone conclusion0 Eh, it& ou mean =uro"smeal& I have to feed =uro too&!

    %hile unyun was shouting, I intentionally graed =uro whowas on my shoulder.

    If you are unwilling, I don"t mind. 2ut my family is not rich,so if you don"t accept, it will starve0

    I understand! I +ust have to feed it, right& 2ut this will haveto wait until #egumin wins! And if I have to prepare its foodas well, today"s match content will e decided y me!

    5o prolem.

    If you don"t agree0 Eh& Is it really oay&

    I repeated myself to the suspicious unyun.

    5o prolem. unyun can decide on the match content.

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    )earing this, unyun"s face glowed. (he secretly displayed aH hand sign to signify victory.

    2ut her expression sti>ened immediately.

    There will e only one match. ou cannot say that I am onlyallowed to determine the content of one match out of three!

    I won"t change my mind. %ho do you tae me for&

    I replied instantly, ut unyun still had not relaxed herwariness of me.

    ou won"t mae excuses lie0 7The one you defeated is notthe real me", 7That is not my real strength", 7ou can only ethe real winner if you defeat my second form".

    ou still rememer something from so long ago. 2y the way,I have four forms. If you win once today, I will admit defeat.

    )earing this, unyun nally relaxed and sighed.

    Then0 Then! The match will e arm wrestle! I won"t lose tothe physically wea #egumin in this!

    unyun put her arm on her des, rolled up her sleeves, andsmiled condently.

    I put =uro on the des in sight of unyun, then rolled up mysleeves and ready my arm.

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    As we held hands tightly, our tall, eye patch8wearingclassmate, Arue, ecame interested and came over.

    Arue, good timing. ou will e the +udge.

    (ure. 5oody can cheat in the

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