korean verb list

Post on 23-Oct-2014






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Korean Verb ListSource: http://wiki.verbix.com/Verbs/KoreanVerbList

This list contains Korean verbs. Click any of the verbs to conjugate it.

가까워지다 Get closer

가꾸다 1) grow or cultivate 2) dress oneself up

가능해지다 To become possible

가다 To go

가로막다 Interrupt or obstruct

가르다 1) split or divide 2) distribute or share 3) distinguish or separate

가르치다 To teach

가리다 Choose or select

가리다 Pile up or stack up or heap up

가리키다 Point to or indicate

가만있다 Remain still or motionless

가입하다 Join

가져가다 To take or carry

가져다주다 Take something to someone

가져오다 To bring or get

가지다 To have or take or hold

가하다 To add

갇히다 Be confined or shut up

갈다 1) sharpen (a blade) 2) rub or chafe 3) make juice in a mixer

갈다 Renew or substitute ; same as 바꾸다 갈아입다 Change one’s clothes

갈아타다 Transfer (bus or subway)

감다 Close

감다 Wind up

감사하다 To thank

감상하다 To show appreciation

감소되다 To be reduced or diminished

감소하다 To reduce or diminish

감싸다 1) wrap up or tuck in 2) to protect or defend

감추다 Hide or conceal

강요하다 Insist on

강의하다 To give a lecture

강조하다 Place empasis upon

강화하다 Strengthen

갖다 To hold

갖추다 Make or get ready or prepare

같이하다 To do together or to share

갚다 Pay back a loan

개다 To clear up or become clear (weather)

개발되다 To be developed or exploited

개발하다 Develop or exploit or open up to development

개방되다 To be opened

개방하다 To open or to throw open

개선되다 To be renovated or to get improved

개선하다 To renovate or to improve

거두다 Collect or gather up

거들다 Help or assist or lend

거부하다 Deny or reject or disapprove

거절하다 Refuse or reject

거치다 Pass or go through

걱정되다 To become worried

걱정하다 To worry or be anxious

건너가다 To cross or go over (river or street)

건너다 Go over or go across

건너오다 To come across to this side of something

건네다 Speak to a person or address

건네주다 To pass over or to put on the other side (of a river)

건드리다 1) touch or jog 2) irritate or vex

건설되다 To become constructed

건설하다 To construct or erect

건지다 Take or bring out of the water or 2) rescue a person from danger

걷다 1) Roll back /up one’s sleeves 2)fold or furl up 3) finish work

걷다 To walk

걷다 Walk on or tread on

걸다 Hang up or suspend

걸리다 To be hung up or suspended

걸어가다 To go on foot or walk

걸어오다 Come on foot or walk

걸치다 1) put a thing over or across 2) to range from A to B

겁나다 Be frightened or scared

겪다 Experience or undergo or suffer

견디다 Endure or bear

결석하다 To be absent

결심하다 To resolve or be determined

결정되다 To become decided

결정하다 To decide

결혼하다 Get married

경고하다 To warn

경영하다 To manage or administer

경험하다 To experience or go through

계산하다 To calculate

계속되다 To continue

계속하다 To continue

계시다 (someone esteemed) to stay or be located

계획하다 Plan or make a project

고려하다 Regard or respect

고르다 Choose or select

고민하다 Be in anguish or worried

고생하다 To suffer or to have trials ; to do something you don\'t want to do, 하고 싶자 않은 것

고집하다 To be stubborn or persistent

공개하다 Open to the public

공격하다 To attack

공부하다 To study

공연되다 To give a public performance

공연하다 Offer a performance

공통되다 To be common

관계되다 Be affected or influenced by

관련되다 Be connected or related to

관련하다 To be related to or connected to

관리하다 To manage or control or supervise or manage

관찰하다 Observe or view or watch

관하다 Refer to or be about

괴로워하다 To distress or trouble

괴롭히다 Afflict or worry

교환하다 To exchange

구경하다 To watch or enjoy watching

구르다 Roll over

구별되다 To be separated andistinguished

구별하다 To distinguish between A and B

구분되다 To be put into sections

구분하다 To divide or to classify

구성되다 To be organized

구성하다 To organize or makeup

구속되다 To be arrested

구속하다 To arrest or restrain

구입하다 Purchase or buying

구하다 1) To buy or purchase or 2) look for or seek or want

구하다 Rescue a person

굳어지다 Become hard

굳히다 Harden or make hard

굶다 To starve or go hungry

굽다 To roast or bake

굽히다 Bend or stoop

권하다 1) advise or persuade 2) recommend

귀가하다 To return home

귀국하다 To return to one’s home country

그려지다 Draw

그리다 Picture or draw a picture

그리워하다 Yearn or be attached to

그만두다 Stop or discontinue

그치다 Stop or cease or halt

극복하다 To overcome or surmount

근거하다 To base sth on sth

근무하다 Work or labor

긁다 Scratch or scrape

금지되다 To be forbidden or prohibited

금지하다 To restrain or prohibit

금하다 1) suppress or restraint 2) abstain from or restrain from

급증하다 Surge or sudden rapid increase

긋다 1) draw or mark 2) strike

기념하다 Commemorate

기다 Crawl or creep

기다리다 To wait

기대다 1) To rely upon or lean upon 2) lean against

기대되다 To be expected

기대하다 To expect or look forward to

기도하다 To pray

기록되다 To be recorded or written down

기록하다 To record and write down

기르다 Educate or train or cultivate

기뻐하다 Be pleased or delighted with

기술하다 To describe or give an account of

기억나다 To memorize

기억되다 To be remembered

기억하다 To recall or remember

기여하다 Contribute or add much to

기울다 To tilt or lean

기울이다 Tip or slant or incline

기초하다 Make the basis for

긴장되다 Be under tension

긴장하다 To become tense

길어지다 To become long

까다 Peel or husk

까먹다 Crack or peel and eat

깎다 Cut or trim

깔다 to pave (a road), lay down a floor, spread a blanket etc.

깔리다 To be spread or overspread

깨끗해지다 Become clean

깨다 Break or crack

깨다 Wake up from sleep

깨닫다 to realize sth

깨뜨리다 To break or crush

깨어나다 Return to consciousness

깨어지다 To waken

깨우다 To wake up or awaken

깨지다 To break

꺼내다 To get out or draw out

꺼지다 To go or die out

꺾다 Break off or snap off

꼽히다 To be elected

꽂다 Be stuck in or insert

꾸다 Borrow or loan

꾸다 Dream or have a dream

꾸리다 Pack up or bundle up

꾸미다 Decorate

꿈꾸다 To dream

끄다 Put out or extinguish

끄덕이다 Nod

끊기다 To be cut off or severed

끊다 Cut off or sever

끊어지다 To break off or expire or be done with

끌다 Pull

끌리다 To be drawn or pulled or dragged

끌어당기다 To draw near

끓다 Boil or simmer

끓이다 Boil or heat or make hot

끝나다 To draw to a close or to end

끝내다 To end

끼다 To put on or wear, to wear (a ring)

끼다 To smoke

끼어들다 Interrupt

끼우다 To put between or insert

나가다 To go out

나누다 To divide

나누어지다 To become divided

나뉘다 Divide

나다 To be born

나르다 to move a long or semi-long distance (not just within a room); Carry, convey, transport

나빠지다 To become worse

나서다 Come out, come forth

나아가다 Advance, go forward

나아지다 Become better, be improved

나오다 Come out

나타나다 Come out, appear

나타내다 Show, display

날다 To fly

날리다 To send flying

날아가다 To fly away

날아다니다 Fly about

날아오다 Come flying

남기다 To leave behind

남다 Remain, be left over

납득하다 To convince, persuade oneself

낫다 to get better (from an illness)

낮아지다 Become lower

낮추다 Lower, make low

낳다 To give birth

내놓다 Put out, take out

내다 produce something

내다보다 Look out for

내려가다 To go down

내려놓다 Set or put down

내려다보다 Overlook

내려오다 Come down

내려지다 To become lower

내리다 Descend

내밀다 To Push out

내버리다 Throw away

내보내다 Let out, let go out

내쉬다 Exhale

내주다 Take out and give away

넓어지다 Get wider

넓히다 Widen

넘겨주다 Hand over

넘기다 Pass over, send across

넘다 Cross or go across

넘어가다 Cross or go over

넘어뜨리다 Throw down

넘어서다 Pass over

넘어오다 Fall, come down

넘어지다 Fall down, collapse

넘치다 Overflow

넣다 Put in, set in

노래하다 To sing

노력하다 To try hard, strive

녹다 To melt

녹음하다 To record

녹이다 Melt, dissolve

논의하다 Discussion

논하다 Argue, discuss,debate

놀다 Play, amuse oneself

놀라다 Be surprised

놀리다 Banter, tease

농사짓다 To do farming

높아지다 Become high

높이다 Raise, elevate

놓아두다 Leave as it is, let it be

놓이다 Be put on sth else (2) to become peaceful

놓치다 Miss, let slip

놔두다 Leave as it is, let it be

누르다 Press or push down

눈감다 Close the eyes

눈뜨다 Open one’s eyes

눕다 Lie down

느껴지다 Feel

느끼다 To feel

늘다 Increase, gain

늘리다 Increase, multiply

늘어나다 Grow longer

늘어놓다 (1) Scatter about haphazardly ; (2) 으로 늘어놓다 to arrange, place in order

늘어서다 Stand in a row

늘어지다 Be lengthened

늙다 Grow old

늦다 Be late, overdue

늦어지다 To become late

다가가다 To get near to

다가서다 Step up, go near to, come closer

다가오다 Approach

다녀가다 Drop in for a short visit

다녀오다 Drop in for a short visit

다니다 Go to and from a aplace

다듬다 Trim, shave

다루다 Treat, deal with

다양해지다 To be various

다지다 Make sure, to harden oneself, firm up one\\`s will

다짐하다 Pledge, vow, swear

다치다 To hurt

다투다 Quarrel

다하다 Finish, go through, be exhausted, run out of

닥치다 Shut the mouth!

닦다 Wipe clean, polish

닫다 To close

닫히다 To shut, be closed

달다 to attach, fix

달다 To hang

달라지다 To change, vary

달래다 Calm down

달려가다 Run, rush, dash

달려들다 Run, rush, jump at

달려오다 Come running

달리다 Hang, be supsended

달아나다 Escape, flee

닮다 Resemble

담그다 Soak in water

담기다 Be put food in a bottle or for pickling

담다 Put in a bottle

담당하다 Take charge of

답하다 Answer, reply

당기다 Pull

당하다 Have, encounter

당황하다 Be confused

닿다 To reach, get to

대기하다 Be ready for the opportunity

대다 Put, place up to

대답하다 To answer, reply

대비하다 Provide for, prepare onself for

대신하다 Relieve, replace another

대응하다 Cope or correspond to

대접하다 Treatment

대처하다 Disposal, treatment

대표하다 Represent

대화하다 To converse

더러워지다 Get dirty

더불다 Join in, do together

더하다 Get worse

던지다 To throw

덜다 Save, lighten

덧붙이다 Add a thing, append

덮다 To cover, veil

덮이다 Be covered

데려가다 Take with

데려오다 Go with

데리다 Be accompanied by

데우다 to warm, to heat up

도달하다 Arrival

도망가다 Make a go for it, escape

도망치다 To make an escape

도와주다 To help

도착하다 To arrive

독립하다 To become independent

되돌아보다 To look back on

들려오다 To echo (sound)

떠나오다 미국으로부터 to come back from the US

마련되다 To be planned and arranged

마련하다 To plan, arrange

마르다 Become dry

마시다 To drink

마음먹다 Be determined to

마주치다 Collide with

마치다 Finish, complete

막다 Stop, obstruct

막히다 Be stopped up

만나다 Meet

만들다 To make

만들어지다 Make, create

만족하다 To be content

만지다 To touch

많아지다 Become a lot

말다 Cease

말리다 Dry sth

말리다 Make stop

말씀드리다 Speak (honor.)

말씀하다 Speak

말하다 Speak

맛보다 Taste

망설이다 Hesitate

망치다 Ruin

망하다 Go to ruin

맞다 Be right, correct; to match, be fitting for

맞다 Be struck,beaten

맞서다 Stand opposite

맞이하다 Go to greet

맞추다 Adjust, adapt

맡기다 Entrust sb with sth

맡다 Smell

맡다 Take charge of

매다 Tie

매달리다 Be suspended, to be hanging down (from) ; to stick to a job, to persevere

맺다 form,tie

머무르다 Stay overnight

머물다 Stay overnight

먹고살다 Make one’s living

먹다 Eat, chow down on

먹다 Go deaf

먹이다 support,feed

먹히다 to be eaten,swallowed

멀어지다 Become distant to

멈추다 Stop

멎다 Stop

메다 Put on one’s shoulder

면하다 escape,avoid

모르다 To not know

모색하다 Evening twilight

모시다 Attend on

모여들다 gather,flock

모으다 gather,get together

모이다 Meet, assemble

모자라다 To be insufficient

모집하다 Call/appeal for

몰다 Drive

몰려들다 Be driven into

몰려오다 Come in crowds

못하다 Be impossible

묘사하다 To describe

무너지다 Collapse

무시하다 disregard,ignore ; to be defiant and fail to observe

묵다 Get old

묵다 Stay overnight s.w.

묶다 bind,tie

묶이다 Be fastened together

문제되다 Become a problem

묻다 to Ask

묻다 to Bury

묻다 to Stain

묻히다 Get buried

묻히다 Have smeared,be covered with

물다 bite,put in the mouth

물러나다 Fall back, to pull back, to pull back your position

물어보다 Ask

미끄러지다 Slippery

미루다 Postpone ; (2) to guess, infer and make an educated guess

미워하다 Dislike

미치다 Be crazy

미치다 To reach

믿다 Believe

믿어지다 Become believable

밀다 push,shove

밀리다 to be left undone, to be late in making a payment (to fall into arrears) (2) to be pushed, shoved

바꾸다 change,exchange

바뀌다 Be changed

바라다 Wish, hope

바라보다 Look at, watch ; to look forward to, hope for

바로잡다 Straighten

바르다 Spread, apply

바치다 Give, offer

박다 Drive,hammer in

박히다 Be nailed in

반기다 Rejoice, be glad of

반대하다 Be opposed to

반복되다 To be repeated

반복하다 To repeat

반성하다 Examine oneself

반영하다 Reflect, be reflected

반짝거리다 Twinkle-twinkle (stars)

반짝이다 Shine, glitter

반하다 To be contrary to

받다 Receive

받아들이다 Accept

발견되다 Be discovered

발견하다 To discover

발길 A kick; walking pace, steps

발달되다 Be developed

발달하다 To advance

발생하다 Originate, come from

발음하다 Pronounce

발전되다 Be advanced, prospering

발전하다 To develop, grow

발표되다 Be announced

발표하다 To announce

발휘하다 Display, exhibit

밝다 To be bright

밝아지다 Become bright

밝혀내다 To find out

밝히다 To light up

밟다 Step on

밤새다 To stay up all night

밤새우다 Sit up all night

방문하다 To visit

방송하다 Broadcast

방지하다 To prevent, check

방해하다 Interrupt, interfere

배다 Soak into

배우다 To learn

뱉다 Spit

버려지다 Take away, throw away to somewhere

버리다 Throw away

버티다 Endure, tolerate

번역하다 To translate

벌다 To earn (money) ; (2) to invite, to bring onto oneself

벌리다 Open, wide

벌어지다 Widen, get wider

벌어지다 To get serious, enlarge

벌이다 (1) to plan to start a job/project (2) to play a table game

벗기다 Unclothe, undress

벗다 Take off, remove

베다 Cut, chop

변하다 Change

변화되다 To be changed

변화하다 To change,vary

병들다 Get sick

보고하다 Report to a person

보관하다 Keep in one’s custody

보내다 Send

보내오다 받다 receive

보다 To try

보도되다 To be reported

보도하다 To report,inform

보살피다 Take care of

보완하다 to supplement and make complete, to complement sth

보이다 see,catch sight of

보이다 show,let see

보장되다 Be secured

보장하다 To secure,guarantee

보존하다 preserve,conserve

보충하다 replenish,replace,fillup

보호되다 To be protected

보호하다 protect,shelter,guard

복사하다 reproduce,copy

복습하다 To review

볶다 fry,roast

봉사하다 serve,render service

뵈다 Contraction of 보이다 뵈다 See (polite)

뵙다 see,meet

부담하다 bear,shoulder a responsibility

부딪치다 Collide with, bump against

부딪히다 Be bumped into

부러워하다 envy,be envious of

부러지다 Break, get broken

부르다 To call

부서지다 Break, be broken

부정하다 Be uncertain,irregular

부치다 to send, to post

부탁하다 Ask sb a favor

분리되다 To be segregated

분리하다 To separate, break away from

분명해지다 To become clear

분석하다 To analyze

분포하다 Distribution

불구하다 Deformity, malformation

불다 Blow

불러일으키다 rouse,stir up

불리다 soak,steep

불리다 To be called

불어오다 Call to come

붐비다 Be congested,crowded ; to be full of

붓다 to be swollen

붓다 to pour (water, liquid)

붙다 Stick, adhere to

붙들다 catch,seize,grasp

붙이다 affix,put on

붙잡다 seize,catch

붙잡히다 Be caught

비교하다 To compare

비기다 End in a tie, to be even-even. Same as 무승부를 기록하다

비다 To be empty, vacant

비롯되다 To be begun, to have started

비롯하다 begin,start

비비다 rub,chafe

비우다 empty,vacate

비웃다 Laugh at, ridicule

비추다 (1) Shed, throw light on (2) to reflect in the mirror

비치다 Shine

비키다 Move aside

비판하다 To criticize

비하다 Compare to

빌다 pray,wish,ask

빌리다 To lend

빛나다 shine,glitter

빠뜨리다 Throw into (a river); entice, entrap

빠져나가다 Get/go out of here

빠져나오다 Come out of somewhere

빠지다 To indulge in, be addicted to

빠지다 To fall into

빨다 sip,suck

빨다 Wash the laundry

빼놓다 exclude,leave out

빼다 Pull out, extract

빼앗기다 A thing be taken away

빼앗다 Snach, take away from

뺏다 Straight

뻗다 Stretch out, extend beyond

뽑다 Pull out, draw

뽑히다 Be taken out, pulled out

뿌리다 sprinkle,scatter

뿌리치다 Shake off, refuse

사과하다 To apologize

사귀다 Make friends with

사다 To buy, purchase

사들이다 buy,purchase

사라지다 To disappear

사랑하다 To love

사망하다 To decease,pass away

사용되다 Be used, be employed

사용하다 To use

살다 To live

살아가다 Lead a life, get along

살아나다 revive,be brought back to life

살아남다 Survive

살아오다 To come out alive

살펴보다 Watch closely

살피다 Take a good look at

삶다 boil,cook (eggs)

삼가다 Be discreet,take care of ; to abstain (refrain) o.s. from doing

삼다 Make a thing of

삼키다 Swallow

상상하다 Imagine

상징하다 Symbolize

상하다 damage,injure

새기다 To sculpt,engrave

새다 leak,escape from

새우다 Sit up all night

생각나다 To remember

생각되다 To come to think sth

생각하다 To think

생겨나다 To begin, germinate

생기다 arise,occur,happen

생산되다 To be produced

생산하다 To produce,make

생활하다 To live, make a living

서다 To stand

서두르다 To hurry up

서명하다 To sign

섞다 blend,mix

섞이다 To be mixed,blended

선물하다 Give a gift

선언하다 declare,proclaim,announce

선정하다 select,choose

선택하다 To choose

선호하다 To prefer

설득하다 Persuasion

설립하다 found,establish

설명되다 To be explained

설명하다 To explain

설치되다 To be established

설치하다 To found,establish,create

성공하다 To succeed

성립되다 To be concluded, formed

성립하다 To exist, to come into being

성숙하다 to ripen, to mature

성장하다 To grow,be brought up

세다 Count

세우다 Stand up, erect

세워지다 To become erected

소개되다 To be introduced,presented

소개하다 To introduce,present

소리치다 To shout, yell

소문나다 A rumor starts

소비하다 Consumption

소요되다 Be needed

소유하다 To possess,hold

소재 material, subject matter

소화하다 To digest

속삭이다 Whisper

속이다 deceive,cheat

속하다 Belong to, be affiliated with

손잡다 Take a person by the hand

손질하다 Handle with care

솟다 rise,soar,tower above

수고하다 To work hard

수리하다 repair,mending

수입되다 To be imported

수입하다 To import

수집하다 To collect

수출하다 To export

수행하다 Accomplishment

숙이다 Lower one’s head

숨기다 To hide

숨다 To be in hiding, to hide oneself

숨지다 Breathe one’s last breath

쉬다 to breathe

쉬다 to relax, take a break

스치다 Graze past

슬퍼하다 sorrow,feel sad

승리하다 To win

시도하다 To try,attempt

시들다 To wither,die,fade

시작되다 To begin,start

시작하다 To start,begin

시집가다 To take a husband

시키다 To make

식다 To get cold, cool off

식사하다 To eat a meal

식히다 To cool, let cool. 차게 하다 신고하다 To state, declare

신다 Put on, wear

신청하다 To apply (for)

싣다 To load,take (passengers)

실례하다 To be impolite

실망하다 To disappoint

실수하다 To make a mistake

실시되다 To be enforced

실천하다 To practice,put in theory

실패하다 To fail

실현되다 To realize,bring to fruition

실현하다 To realize,bring to fruition

싫어지다 To become distasteful

싫어하다 To dislike, be reluctant (to do)

심각해지다 To become serious

심다 plant,sow (a tree)

심해지다 Become deep and serious

싸다 Wrap in, bundle

싸우다 To fight

쌓다 To pile up

쌓이다 Be piled/heaped up

썩다 Go bad, rot

썰다 Chip, mince,dice

쏘다 (1) To shoot (2) to sting, bite (an insect, animal)

쏟다 To pour . 붓다 쏟아지다 To pour out

쓰다 Take (medicine)

쓰다 To write

쓰다 To wear (a hat)

쓰다듬다 Stroke one’s beard

쓰러지다 Fall, collapse

쓰이다 Be writted

쓰이다 To be used, to be utilized/employed

쓸다 brush, sweep perhaps lightly

씌우다 Put a hat on somebody

씹다 To chew

씻기다 To be carried away, washed away

씻기다 wash,be washed

씻다 To wash,cleanse

아끼다 grudge,spare

안기다 (1) To fix on a person, lay the blame on a person (2) to throw onto sb, to pass onto sb, to pawn off onto sb, to hand over to sb

안기다 to be embraced by sb (in their arms)

안내하다 To lead the way

안다 To hold, embrace

안되다 Must not, should not

안심하다 security,assuredness,relief

안정되다 To be stable

앉다 To sit down

앉히다 To place a person in a set

않다 To not be, to not do

알다 To know

알려지다 To become known

알리다 To inform, tell a person

알아내다 To find out (e.g. the answer)

알아듣다 To listen and comprehend

알아보다 To investigate, examine, search

알아주다 acknowledge,recognize, appreciate

앓다 To be ill, sick with sth

앞두다 Have a distance ahead

앞서다 To go before, precede

앞세우다 Make a person go

앞장서다 To be in the lead/ at the head

애쓰다 Make efforts/pains to do sth

약속하다 To make a promise

약해지다 To become weak

양보하다 To make a concession, recede

얘기하다 To tell a story

어기다 Run counter to, go against

어두워지다 become/get dark

어려워지다 To become difficult

어리다 one’s eyes dim with tears

어울리다 To be becoming, suiting

어쩌다 By chance, accident

어찌하다 Be subject to an attack of vertigo (figuratively), to not know what the hell is going on or what to do.

얹다 Put on, place, lay, set

얻다 Get, obtain

얻어먹다 Go about begging

얼다 Freeze, be frozen

얼리다 Freeze, make ice

업다 To carry on one’s back, to shoulder sth

없애다 Remove, get rid of, do away with

없어지다 To lose, get lost

엇갈리다 Cross, miss eachother

엎드리다 Prostrate oneself, lie on the ground

여겨지다 To look, appear, think of sth as

여기다 Think, consider as

여쭈다 Tell a superior, inform

여행하다 To travel

연결되다 Connect, attach

연결하다 Connect, attach

연구하다 To research, investigate

연기되다 To be put off, postponed

연기하다 To be put off, postponed

연락하다 To contact, get in touch with

연상하다 Association of ideas

연습하다 To practice,exercise

연출하다 Produce, present (a play)

열다 Open

열리다 Open, be opened, be unlocked

열리다 To bear fruit

열중하다 Enthusiasm, zeal

염려하다 To worry, be anxious about

엿보다 Wait for an opportunity

예고하다 Warn, give advance notice

예매하다 Advance purchase

예방하다 To protect, prevent, fend off

예상되다 To expect, anticipate

예상하다 To expect, anticipate

예습하다 To prepare lessons, rehearse

예약하다 To book in advance, pledge

예정되다 Make a program, set a schedule

예측하다 To predict, forecast

오가다 Come and go, keep going and coming

오다 To come

오래되다 To last for a long time

오르내리다 Go up and down, rise and fall

오르다 Go up, climb, ascend

오염되다 To be polluted, contaminated

올라가다 To go up, ascend

올라서다 Stand up

올라오다 Come up

올라타다 Board (a plane), get into

올려놓다 Put a thing on a place

올려다보다 Look up

올리다 Raise, lift up

옮기다 Move, transfer (2)(sickness) communicate, transfer to

완성되다 To be accomplished

완성하다 To accomplish, to end successfully

외다 To repeat back (an order)

외면하다 Outward appearance

외우다 Recite from memory

외출하다 To go out (of doors)

외치다 To shout,scream

요구되다 To be requested, claimed

요구하다 To demand,claim,request

요리하다 To cook (food)

요약하다 summary,condense,abridge

요청하다 To ask for, to request

욕하다 To insult, to say bad words

용서하다 To pardon, to forgive

우승하다 To take first place

운동하다 To do exercise

운영하다 manage,administer

운전하다 To drive

울다 To cry, weep

울리다 To make (a baby) cry

울리다 To ring (a bell) ; to create an echo effect

움직이다 To move, stir

웃기다 To be funny

웃다 To laugh, smile

원하다 To want

위로하다 To console, soothe somebody

위반하다 To violate (the law)

위치하다 To be located

위하다 To do for the sake of

유발하다 To induce, bring about, cause

유의하다 To bear in mind, be heedful of

유지되다 To be maintained, preserved

유지하다 To preserve, maintain

유행하다 To be in fashion, to be popular

응답하다 An answer, a reply

의논하다 To consult,confer with, talk over a matter

의미하다 To mean, signify

의식하다 Be conscious of, be aware of

의심하다 To be suspicious, to doubt

의존하다 To depend on, rely on

의지하다 To look to, depend on, rely on

의하다 To be due to, owing to

이기다 To win

이끌다 To guide,lead

이동하다 To move,migrate,travel

이러다 do/say think this way

이루다 Accomplish, complete

이루어지다 Get accomplished, achieved

이룩하다 Erect, build

이뤄지다 To make something for a specific purpose

이르다 Inform, report, tell

이르다 To reach, arrive, get at

이사하다 To move house

이야기하다 To talk

이어지다 Get joined, be connected

이용되다 To be used

이용하다 To use, make use of

이해되다 To be understood

이해하다 To understand

이혼하다 To get divorced

익다 Ripe, be ripe

익숙해지다 To become accustomed to

익히다 cook,boil

익히다 Habituate oneself to

인사하다 To greet, say hello

인식하다 recognition,cognizance

인정되다 To be recognized

인정받다 To receive recognition

인정하다 To acknowledge,authorize

인하다 To be due to, caused by

일어나다 To rise, get up

일어서다 To rise to one’s feet, stand up

일치하다 Agree with, to be in accord with

일하다 To work, labor

읽다 To read

읽히다 To get a person to read, to get a person to learn

잃다 To lose, to miss, to be deprived

잃어버리다 To lose

임신하다 To be pregnant

입다 To wear

입력하다 To input (data into the computer)

입사하다 To join/enter a company

입원하다 To enter a hospital

입학하다 To enter/be admitted into a school

입히다 Clothe, dress

잇다 Join, connect

잇따르다 Follow one after another

있다 To be

잊다 To forget

잊어버리다 To forget

잊혀지다 To become forgotten

자극하다 To stimulate

자다 To sleep

자라나다 To grow up

자라다 To grow up

자랑하다 To be proud

자르다 cut,chop

자살하다 Commit suicide

작성하다 To edit or compose, write up

작아지다 Become smaller

작용하다 To apply , use

잘되다 To turn out well

잘리다 Be snapped,broken,cut off

잘못되다 To turn out wrong

잘못하다 To make a mistake

잘살다 To be affluent, well-off

잘하다 To do well

잠그다 To lock

잠기다 Sink in water

잠들다 Fall asleep

잠자다 Fall asleep

잡다 seize,catch

잡수다 eat,drink

잡수시다 eat,drink

잡아당기다 Pull

잡아먹다 Slaughter and eat

잡히다 To be caught ; to extinguish a fire

재다 measure,guage

재우다 Put to sleep

저러다 Like that

저지르다 do,commit,spoil

적다 Write down

적어지다 To become smaller

적용되다 To be applied

적용하다 To apply (sth to sth else)

적응하다 Be suited to, adapted to

적히다 To be recorded,written down

전개되다 To be unfolded,spread out

전개하다 To unfold,evolve,spread out

전공하다 To major in something

전달되다 To be delivered

전달하다 To deliver

전망하다 Have a view of, observe

전시되다 To be exhibited,ddisplayed

전시하다 To display

전하다 To transmit,convey

전해지다 To be transmitted

전화하다 To call

전환하다 To exchange, to convert, to change over

절약하다 To economize

접근하다 approach,get near

접다 Fold up

접하다 adjoin,be adjacent to

젓다 To make a sign,gesticulate

정리되다 To be adjusted

정리하다 To adjust

정하다 To set,determine

정해지다 To be determined, settled

젖다 To be wet, soaked

제거하다 exclusion,removal

제공하다 offer,proffer

제대하다 Be discharged from the military

제시되다 To be presented

제시하다 To present

제안하다 To propose,make a suggestion

제외되다 To be excluded

제외하다 To exclude

제의하다 Make a suggestion

제작하다 To produce,manufacture

제출하다 To submit,tender

제한되다 To be restricted,limited

제한하다 To restrict,limit

조르다 To tease, urge sb

조사하다 To examine,investigate

조심하다 To be careful

조절하다 To regulate,tune

조정하다 To regulate,adjust,coordinate

조화되다 harmony,agreement

존경하다 Respect

존재하다 To exist

존중하다 appreciate,esteem,value

졸다 doze,take a nap

졸리다 Feel sleepy,drowsy

졸업하다 To graduate

좁히다 Make narrow,restrict

종합하다 synthesize,integrate

좋아지다 To become better

좋아하다 To like, be fond of

주고받다 Give and receive, exchange

주무시다 To sleep (respectful word)

주문하다 To order, to request

주어지다 To offer, proffer (conditions)

주의하다 Pay attention to

주장하다 To assert,maintain

주저앉다 Sit down, plump down

주차하다 To park

죽다 die,pass away

죽이다 To kill

준비되다 To be ready

준비하다 To prepare

줄다 Diminish

줄어들다 Dwindle away

줄이다 reduce,decrease

줍다 Pick up, gather

중단되다 To be suspended,stopped

중단하다 To interrupt, to stop

중얼거리다 Mutter to oneself

중요시하다 Attach great importance to

쥐다 To hold,seize

즐거워하다 To enjoy it

즐기다 Enjoy oneself,take pleasure,delight

증가하다 increase,rise,grow

증명하다 To prove,show,bear

지급하다 To pay,allow,furnish sth

지나가다 To pass, elapse

지나다 pass,elapse,go on

지나치다 Go too far, to go to extremes

지내다 To pass, spend time

지니다 Carry with, hold, possess

지다 Carry (on the back)

지다 Set (the sun)

지다 To fade away, come off

지다 To lose (at war, a game)

지도하다 To lead, instruct

지르다 Holler, yell, scream

지배하다 Control, direct

지불하다 To pay

지속되다 Be lasting a long time, be continous

지시하다 To direct, instruct

지우다 Put a thing on a person’s back

지우다 To erase

지워지다 To be erased

지원하다 To desire, aspire, hence to apply for [e.g. a job] or volunteer for sth

지적되다 To be pointed out to

지적하다 To indicate, point out

지치다 Be exhausted, fatigued

지켜보다 Watch, stare at ( wait on some situation)

지키다 Protect, maintain

진단하다 To diagnose

진출하다 Penetrate into, advance

진행되다 To have progressed, be advanced

진행하다 Advance, proceed

질문하다 Ask a person a question

짐작하다 To guess, infer

집다 Pick up

집어넣다 Put in

집중되다 To concentrate

집중하다 To concentrate

짓다 To make, build ; to form a line (a group)

짚다 Feel, examine

짜다 Form, organize

짜다 Squeeze, press out

짧아지다 To become short

쩔쩔매다 To be at a loss, be confused

쫓겨나다 Chase away ; to fire from your job

쫓기다 To be chased, be driven

쫓다 Drive away, chase off

찌다 chop,hack

찌다 To put on weight

찌르다 stab,thrust

찍다 Stamp with a dojang

찍히다 Get sealed, stamped

찢다 Tear, rend, split

찢어지다 To be torn, rent

차다 Put on, fasten,wear

차다 To be full, to be filled with (PASSIVE)

차다 to kick

차리다 Make ready,prepare

착각하다 To misunderstand, to deceive oneself, to be having illucinations

찬성하다 To approve, support (a plan)

참가하다 To take part in, join

참고하다 To refer, consult

참다 Bear, endure

참석하다 To attend, take part in

참여하다 To participate in, take part in

창조하다 Create

찾다 seek,look for

찾아가다 To go to a place to meet somebody

찾아내다 To find out, discover

찾아다니다 To go around to meet somebody or see places

찾아보다 To go meet somebody

찾아오다 To go meet somebody, to go get sth

채우다 To fill up, complete, fulfill

책임지다 Take responsibility

챙기다 gather,collect, assemble your stuff -- to amass (money, a collection)

청소하다 To clean

청하다 ask,request

체험하다 To experience, to undergo

쳐다보다 To look up at

초대하다 To invide

초청하다 To invite

추가되다 To be added

추가하다 To add sth, to supplement

추다 To dance

추진하다 To propel, drive forward

추천하다 To recommend, say a good word for

축제 a festival

축하하다 To Congratulate sb

출근하다 To go to work

출발하다 To depart, leave

출석하다 attendance,presence

출연하다 Appear on stage, act, sing

출현하다 Appearance, turning out

춤추다 To dance

충돌하다 Collide, clash with

취소하다 To cancel, calloff

취하다 To be drunk

취하다 To adopt, assume, take

치다 (a storm, strong wind, rain, lightning) to strike, hit

치다 to attack, assault

치다 to count, reckon, calculate

치료하다 To cure, heal, treat a patient

치르다 Pay off, pay one’s bill

치우다 Straighten up, tidy, remove

친해지다 To get close, to get friendly

칠하다 Paint, coat

칭찬하다 To praise somebody

커지다 To become bigger

켜다 To light, turn on, kindle

켜지다 To become turned on

크다 To be big, large

키우다 To raise, bring up, rear

타고나다 Be born, gifted/endowed with

타다 Burn, blaze (firewood)

타다 Get, receive, take your share of the money (회사에서 월급을 타다)

타다 Put in, mix, dissolve

타다 Ride (bus)

타오르다 Blaze, light up

탄생하다 To be born

탈출하다 To escape, get away from

태어나다 To be born, see the light of day

태우다 Burn, commit to flames

태우다 To take in a car, give a ride to

택하다 Choose, select

터뜨리다 Break, burst,explode

터지다 Break, be torn, get away from

털다 To shake off, brush up

토론하다 To debate, discuss

토하다 To vomit

통과하다 Passage through

통일하다 To unify, consolidate

통하다 Run, lead; flow; go through

퇴근하다 To go home from work

퇴원하다 To leave the hospital

튀기다 To fry; splash, splatter

튀다 Spring, bound, jump

튀어나오다 Jump out, spring out

트이다 Get cleared out, open up

틀다 To twist, wind

틀리다 To be turned, warped 2) go wrong, be mistaken

파괴하다 Destruction, demolition

파다 To dig

파악하다 Grasp, seize, understand

판단하다 To make a conclusion

판매되다 To be sold

판매하다 To sell

팔다 To sell

팔리다 To be in demand, to be sold

퍼지다 Spread out, get broader

펴내다 Publish, bring out in print

펴다 Spread out, unfold

펼쳐지다 Stretch, extend away

평가되다 To be appraised

평가하다 To evaluate, estimate, judge

포기하다 To give up, to abandon

포함되다 To be included in

포함하다 To include,contain

표시하다 To make a sign, display

표시하다 To make a sign, display

표현되다 To have been expressed

표현하다 To express, make known by saying

푸다 Dip out, bail out

풀다 Untie, loosen ; to melt into

풀리다 To come loose

풀어지다 To get loose; to turn soft (noodles)

품다 To hold, embrace

피다 To bloom ( a flower ~)

피우다 To make, build, kindle

피하다 avoid,keep away

하다 To do

한잔하다 To drink a glass of liquor

한정되다 To be limiited, qualified

한정하다 To limit, restrict

한하다 Limit, restrict

함께하다 To do it together, with somebody

합격하다 To pass an exam

합치다 combine,unite

합하다 Harmonize with, be in accord with

해결되다 To be settled, resolved

해결하다 To fix a problem, solve a question

해내다 To accomplish, achieve, carry through

해당되다 To be applied/applicable under

해당하다 To be applied/applicable under

해석하다 To intrepret, construe

해소하다 To be dissolved, disorganized

행동하다 To act, behave

행하다 To do, act, behave

향상되다 To be impoved, advanced

향하다 To face, look out on

허락하다 Consent, agree to

허용되다 To be permitted, approved

허용하다 To permit, approve, grant, allow

헤매다 Wander about, roam about

헤아리다 Consider, weigh, ponder, consider

헤어지다 Part from, part company with

형성되다 To be formed, made up

형성하다 To form, make, take shape

혼나다 Get frightened, scared

화나다 Get angry

확대되다 To be magnified

확대하다 To enlarge,magnify

확립하다 establish,settle,fix

확산되다 To get diffused

확신하다 To be confident of

확인되다 To be confirmed

확인하다 To confirm,corroborate

환영하다 To welcome

활동하다 To be active, lead an active life

활발해지다 To become lively

활용하다 Utilize, make practical use of

회복되다 To be recovered

회복하다 To recover, get better, get well again

효도하다 To be a good son/daughter to one’s parents

후회하다 To regret

훔치다 To steal

흐려지다 Get cloudy, overcast

흐르다 Flow, stream

흐리다 Be muddy, cloudy ; with a tint of

흔들다 Shake, sway

흔들리다 Shake, swing,rock,tremble

흘러가다 flow,run,drift along

흘러나오다 Flow out, run, effuse

흘러내리다 Run (stream,pour) down

흘리다 spill,shed (tears,blood)

흥분하다 be/grow excited

흩어지다 Scatter about

희망하다 Hope

희생하다 To sacrifice

힘들어하다 To be exacting, tolling

힘쓰다 To try really hard

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