kriya 1.pdf

Post on 06-Jul-2018






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  • 8/18/2019 Kriya 1.pdf


    Kriya Yoga:

    Synthesis of a Personal Experience

    Ennio Nimis

    2016 Edition

    Illustrations by Lorenzo Pentassuglia


  • 8/18/2019 Kriya 1.pdf




    1 Deision to de!ote mysel" to t#e $ratie o" Pranayama $%&

    2 'rom lassi Pranayama to (riya )oga $%20& 'rom mental silene to t#e breat#less state $%*2

    * Sear# "or t#e original (riya $%+&

    + , deision born o" des$eration $%-0


    6 'irst stage o" (riya )oga $%.*

    - Dee$ening t#e 'irst (riya stage $%100

    . Om/ar (riya "irst $art $%11+

    Om/ar (riya seond $art $%121

    10 T#o/ar and its de!elo$ments $%1&111 Inremental routines $%1*&

    12 T#o/ar Trib#angamurari $%1+*

    1& 3iro mo!ement $%162

    1* T#e (riya o" t#e ells $%1-0 


    1+ T#e !alue o" 4a$a 5 Prayer $%1.0

    16 T#e Prayer o" t#e #eart $%11

    ,$$%1 ood studies $%1

    ,$$%2 Illusions $%220

    ,$$%& 7#en our (riya auses se!ere mood s8ings and ot#er troubles $% 2&1

    ,$$%* Personal e9$eriene o" Trib#angamurari inremental routines $%2&-

    ,$$%+ 'or t#ose 8#o "ollo8 P%)%:s tea#ings $%2*1

    lossary $%2+2;ibliogra$#y $%2-1


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    C but boo/s o"

    ;%(%S% Iyengar "ollo8ed and t#en "inally t#e autobiogra$#y o" an Indian

    saint> 8#ere I "ound t#e term Kriya Yoga% ;ut "irst t#ings "irst%%%

    In $rimary s#ool> unli/e my $eers I borro8ed esoteri boo/s "rom

    my $arents: "riends and I lo!ed t#ose boo/s% I remember t#at t#e "irst one I

    read "rom end to end 8as on oultism% (no8ing t#e boo/ 8as onsidered

    unsuitable "or my age> I 8as $roud to be able to read and understand it% Iturned a dea" ear to any $ersuasi!e ad!ie to dediate mysel" to more

    "ormati!e readings% I ontinued t#ese readings until I 8as about 11% I

    8asted a lot o" time on 8ort#less boo/s and sta/s o" s$eialized esoteri

    magazines 8it# tantalizing titles and idle "anies  designed essentially to

    im$ress> and 8#i# 8ere im$ossible to distinguis# in ad!ane bet8een "at

    and "ition% I also ame into ontat 8it# t#e main t#emes o" oidental

    esoteriism 8it# s#ort digressions into $#enomena li/e #y$nosis and

    s$iritualism% In t#e end> I "elt I #ad tra!eled t#roug# an indistint #aos

    and t#oug#t t#at $er#a$s t#e most $reious serets 8ere #idden in ot#er

     boo/s 8#i# I #ad not been "ortunate enoug# to "ind%

    3y interest in Yoga  #ad been "ueled by a ertain e9$etation o" t#e

    e""eti!eness o" t#e oriental "orms o" meditation t#at #ad slo8ly oalesed

    during my #ild#ood and early adolesene%

    During t#is $eriod> 8#en I 8as $er#a$s 10 or 11> I sa8 t#e 8ord

    ?Yoga? "or t#e "irst time in a $ostal atalog o" esoteri boo/s among my

    "at#er:s orres$ondene% I 8as entraned and ine9$liably s$ellbound by

    t#e $erson $itured on t#e o!er sitting in t#e ?lotus $osition%? I

    ouldn:t $ersuade my "at#er to buy t#e boo/ "or me%7#en I 8as 1+ and in #ig# s#ool> t#e esoteri "lame 8as re/indled

    "or a 8#ile in a $artiular 8ay@ a "riend told me #e #ad a detailed te9tboo/

    ontaining di""erent Pranayama te#niAues> and added@ ?T#ese e9erise are

    used to obtain inner trans"ormation%%%%?

    I 8as dee$ly intrigued by #is 8ords@ 8#at internal trans"ormation

    8as #e tal/ing aboutB Surely my "riend didn:t mean t#e attainment o" a

     $artiular state o" rela9ation or onentration> or #o8 to integrate t#e

    oriental !ision o" e9istene 8it# our li"estyle%

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    somet#ing I #ad to learn as soon as $ossible% ;ut my "riend 8ould not lend

    me t#e boo/%

    , "e8 days later at t#e train station ne8sstand> I s$otted a sim$le  Hatha

    Yoga manual and boug#t it "ort#8it# and read it in its entirety% ,lt#oug# I

    t#oug#t I 8as sear#ing "or $#ysial and mental ontrol> my s$iritualsear# #ad in "at begun%

    T#is boo/ #ad a long $#iloso$#ial introdution t#at did not stir u$

    anyt#ing s$iritual% It 8as neit#er im$ressi!e nor t#oug#t $ro!o/ing 4i!a>

    Pra/riti> Purus#a%%%% T#e aut#ors goal seemed to be solely to gi!e t#e

    reader t#e im$ression o" serious aut#ority% E!en one$ts li/e

    =einarnation> Karma> Dharma, and Maya, t#e understanding o" 8#i# in

    t#e "uture 8ould beome so im$ortant in my li"e> remained un"at#omable>

    #idden in a tangle o" Sans/rit terms%  Pranayama 8as only #inted at by

    e9$laining #o8 to do a om$lete breat# 5 dilating t#e abdomen>dia$#ragm> and u$$er #est during in#alation and ontrating t#e same in

    re!erse order "or a alm e9#alation% T#at 8as learly an introdution>

    not#ing else%

    I 8as sure t#at t#e anient art o" Pranayama 8as not intended sim$ly

    to train t#e #est musles> strengt#en t#e dia$#ragm or reate $euliar

    onditions o" blood o9ygenation> but 8as also meant to at on t#e energy

     $resent in our $sy#o$#ysial system% It 8as ommon /no8ledge t#at t#e

    in#armonious state o" t#at energy ould be related to on"lits and

    dis#armonies 8it#in%

    I 8as "rustrated about t#e la/ o" inde$t# in"ormation about

     Pranayama% T#e aut#or onluded by saying t#at  Pranayama  s#ould be

    learned "rom an e9$eriened tea#er but instead o" adding a $reise

    indiation t#e title o" a boo/> t#e name o" a s#ool%%%> #e remained !ague

    about e9atly #o8 to "ind #im> maintaining t#at 8e "ind t#e Tea#er 8#en

    8e are ready to learn%

    ,s "or Asanas> it e9$lained t#e name o" ea# $osture  Asana> ga!e a brie"

    note on t#e best mental attitude "or $ratiing it> and e9$lained #o8 ea#

    e9erise stimulated ertain $#ysiologial "untions im$ortant endorineglands> et%% It 8as ta/en "or granted t#at t#ese $ositions 8ere not to be

    seen as sim$le ?stret#ing 8or/outs? but 8ere a means o" $ro!iding a

    global stimulus to all t#e $#ysial organs to inrease t#eir !itality% T#e

    satis"ation I "elt at t#e end o" a session s$o/e to t#eir e""eti!eness%

    I began doing yoga $ostures  Asanas in a orner o" our s#ool

    gymnasium during $#ysial eduation lasses% I 8asn:t !ery good in s$orts

    any8ay des$ite being 8ellonditioned by long 8al/s% 3oreo!er> being

    able to do somet#ing signi"iant 8it#out t#e in#erent ris/s o" $o$ular and

    ommon s$orts attrated me%


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    ,"ter t#e $reliminary grou$ 8armu$ e9erises> 8#en t#e tea#er ga!e me

     $ermission to 8or/ out on my o8n> I de!oted mysel" to mastering Yoga

     $ositions or mo!ing t#e abdominal musles 8it# t#e  Nauli te#niAue% To

    my amazement one day t#e tea#er 8#om I #ad assumed #ad an o$inion

    o" me lose to zero ame o!er and inAuired as to t#e seret o" sueedingin mo!ing t#e abdominal musles in su# urious 8ay%

    E'$(i) to $)t th &in*

    T#ere 8as an entire #a$ter de!oted to t#e ?Cor$se Pose? Savasana> t#e

    last one to be $ratied in t#e daily Asana routine% T#e instrution 8as !ery

    learly gi!en and t#e aut#or did not lose #is "ous in useless $#iloso$#ial

    embellis#ments% one ould obtain 8it#in one

    #our t#e eAui!alent o" "i!e #ours slee$% I regret not #a!ing t#e boo/

    anymore> but I 8ill desribe t#e e9erise based u$on 8#at I remember@

    Lie in t#e su$ine $osition 8it# arms e9tended alongside t#e body and 8it#eyes o!ered to /ee$ t#e lig#t out% ,"ter staying still "or t8o or t#ree

    minutes> mentally re$eat 5 FI am rela9ed> I am alm> I am not t#in/ing o"

    anyt#ing% T#en> to enter t#e state o" mental void  !isualize your t#oug#ts

    inluding t#ose 8it# abstrat Aualities and $us# t#em a8ay one by one asi" an internal #and 8ere mo!ing t#em gently "rom t#e enter o" a mental

    sreen to8ard its outer edge% ,ll t#oug#ts> 8it#out e9e$tion> must be $ut

    aside e!en t#e t#oug#t itsel" o" $ratiing a te#niAue% )ou s#ould ne!er

     beome annoyed by ontinuous ne8 t#oug#ts but $iture t#em as obGets

    and s#i"t t#em aside in t#is 8ay> ne8 #ains o" t#oug#t are $re!ented

    "rom oming out% ,"ter $us#ing a t#oug#t a8ay> return your a8areness to

    t#e small s$ot bet8een t#e eyebro8s  Kutastha 8#i# resembles a $ond

    o" $eae>  and rela9 t#erein% T#e ability to ontinuously $us# a8ay

    t#oug#ts t#at /no/ at t#e door o" your attention 8ill beome almost

    automati%7#en> on some oasions 5 su# as $ratiing immediately a"ter a

    strong emotional inident 5 t#e me#anism does not seem to 8or/>

    on!ert your onentration into a small needle 8#i# onstantly tou#es

    t#e area bet8een t#e eyebro8s 5 Gust tou#ing> 8it#out 8orrying about

    s#i"ting t#oug#ts aside% )ou 8ill notie t#at at a ertain $oint t#ere is no

    more e""ort> and any remaining restless emotion subsides% T#e t#oug#t

    seeds mani"esting as inde"inite images Aui!ering at t#e edge o" a8areness

    annot disturb your mental rest% 7#i#e!er o" t#e t8o met#ods you

    #oose> t#e e9erise 8or/s $er"etly and a"ter *0 minutes you get u$ 8ell

    rested and re#arged 8it# ne8 "res# energy%


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    In my e9$eriene> in s$ite o" t#e *0 minutes $romised by t#e boo/> t#e

    "inal state o" rela9ation lasted no more t#an 20 minutes and t#e e9erise

    itsel" ne!er more t#an 2+&0 minutes altoget#er% T#e te#niAue ine!itably

    ended in a $euliar 8ay t#e state o" dee$ almness 8as interru$ted by t#e

    t#oug#t t#at t#e e9erise #ad not yet begun my reation 8as al8ays a8ine and a "aster #eartbeat% ,"ter a "e8 seonds #o8e!er> on"idene t#at

    t#e e9erise #ad been $er"etly e9euted a$$eared%

    Diff$n( +t,n &in* "n* ","$n))

    T#an/s to t#is te#niAue> 8#i# beame a daily #abit> I realized one and

    "or all t#e di""erene bet8een ?mind? and ?a8areness?%

    7#en t#e mental $roess is eased o"" into $er"et silene> $ure

    a8areness 8it#out ontent arises% Li/e a luminous $oint du$liating itsel"

    an unlimited amount o" times> it remains un#anged "or some minutes% )ou/no8 you e9ist and t#at your e9istene is indestrutible 5 t#is #a$$ens

    8it#out t#in/ing% )ou #a!e t#e indis$utable e9$eriene t#at t#oug#ts are in

    essene e$#emeral> and instead o" re!ealing t#e "inal trut# t#ey loud it%

    I t#in/ t#at t#e Cartesian dedution@ ?I t#in/> t#ere"ore I am? is

    inde"ensible% It 8ould be more orret to a""irm@ ?Only in t#e silene o" no

    t#oug#t lies t#e $roo" and t#e intimate ertainty o" e9isting%?

    Cont&-#"tion of ."ut%

    ;esides t#e dimension o" esoteri oriental meditati!e $raties> I also #ad a

     $assion "or $oetry and literature as 8ell as a #abit o" daily see/ing t#e

    ontem$lation o" beauty in Nature. T#is interest began 8#en I 8as % I

     borro8ed a boo/ o" $oetry "rom t#e s#ool library and o$ied di""erent

    s#ort $oems 8it# naturalisti t#emes into a noteboo/% ;y reading t#em

    "reAuently> I soon /ne8 t#em all by #eart% ;y realling t#em 8#ile

    ontem$lating t#e #illy surroundings beyond t#e outs/irts o" my !illage> I

    ould intensi"y my emotions%

    ,s my #ig# s#ool years 8ere dra8ing to a lose> I de!elo$ed a $assion "or

    lassial musi and ;eet#o!en beame my idol% Des$ite t#e tragedy o" #isdea"ness at #is reati!e $ea/> #e reated in a most #onorable manner and

    arried on reating 8or/s #e #ad already om$osed in #is #eart% T#e

    8#ere #e re!eals #is ritial ondition and states

    #is deision 8it# alm and total resolution> made #im almost a #ero and a

    saint in my eyes%

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    understand it must be "reed by it "rom all t#e miseries 8#i# t#e ot#ers

    drag about 8it# t#emsel!es%? $er"et anduntarnis#ed neit#er by "ears nor by a sense o" guilt% T#at 8as my "irst

    religious e9$eriene%

    A("*&i( )tu*i)

    I #ose to study mat# at uni!ersity% 7#ile attending t#e "irst lasses> I

    understood t#at a #a$$y #a$ter o" my li"e 8as onluded and t#ere 8ould

     be no time "or distrations li/e enGoying lassi literature% ,ll my attention

    8as "oused on "inding an e""eti!e met#od o" study and a 8ay to a!oid

    8asting my energies% T#is meant "ousing in a disi$lined 8ay bot# during

    study time and during my idle moments% 'or t#is $ur$ose> I deided to

    utilize t#e dynami o" t#e yogi ::mental !oid:: te#niAue%

    One bad #abit I #ad to onAuer 8as a tendeny to daydream and

     Gum$ "rom one memory to anot#er to e9trat moments o" $leasure% I #ad

    "ormed t#e uns#a/eable on!ition t#at 8#en t#oug#t beomes an

    unontrollable !ie 5 "or many it is an utter addition 5 it onstitutes not

    only a 8aste o" energy but is t#e main ause o" almost all "ailures in our

    li"e% T#e "renzied 8#irl o" t#e t#oug#t $roess> aom$anied by alternating

    moods and strong emotions> reates at times unreasonable "ears t#at #inder

    t#e deisi!e ation t#at li"e reAuires% On ot#er oasions it "osters ano$timisti imagination t#at un"ortunately $us#es t#e $erson to8ard

    ina$$ro$riate ations%

    I 8as on!ined t#at disi$lined t#oug#t 8as t#e most !aluable trait I

    ould de!elo$> and 8ould o$en t#e doors to "ruit"ul a#ie!ements% 3y

    deision "illed me 8it# eu$#ori ent#usiasm%

    a"ter breat#ing t#e lim$id> s$ar/ling> elestial state o" t#oug#t

    restraint "or a "e8 #ours I enountered a signi"iant mental resistane% In

    t#e mirror o" my intros$etion> I sa8 #o8 ot#er #abits 8ere 8asting my


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    mental energy% One o" t#ese> 8ra$$ed and une9$etedly digni"ied by t#e

    one$t o" soialization> 8as t#at o" "alling daily into ner!e8ra/ing

    disussions 8it# "riends% It 8as time to renoune it% I abru$tly a!oided

    t#eir om$any% Certainly mine 8as not an im$ossible sari"ie 5 t#eirs 8as

    not my 8orld%

    One day during a s#ort a"ternoon 8al/> I sa8 t#em "rom a"ar sittinglazily and #atting in t#e usual bar% 3y #eart ga!e a lur#% T#ey 8ere my

    "riends and I lo!ed ea# o" t#em> yet seeing t#em toget#er t#at day t#ey

    a$$eared to me li/e #i/ens oo$ed u$ in a narro8 s$ae% 3erilessly I

    assumed t#ey 8ere om$letely go!erned by t#e instints o" eating>

     $artying> se9> and generally o!erindulging% 7#ate!er tragedy #a$$ened to

    t#eir "riend didn:t onern t#em> t#ey 8ould #a!e /e$t on si$$ing t#e daily

     $leasure o" da8dling until mis"ortune #it t#em $ersonally% I "ound it !ery

    sad and distressing%

    ,t t#at moment I again resol!ed to onentrate on my studies> and $assing my e9ams beame my sole "ous% I $erei!ed t#at $eriod o" my li"e

    as a desent into an un"at#omable nig#t but I /ne8 t#at in order to s#a$e

    my "uture t#e 8ay I desired> toug# sari"ies 8ere neessary% To see t#e

    da8n o" a ?day o" $ure Goy?> I 8ould #a!e to endure momentarily a dar/

    em$tiness@ I 8ould sa!or it 8it#out lament and 8it#out being tem$ted to

    turn on a lig#t "or momentary solae%

    In)-i$"tion f$o& .tho!n "n* M"h#$

    T#e inident $ut me in a gloomy mood> but a sentene "rom ;eet#o!en:s

    O Di!ine One

    s#all I "ind it again in t#e tem$le o" nature and o" menB Ne!erB No O

    t#at 8ould be too #ard%

    ,n e!ent illuminated my li"e@ a "riend introdued me to usta! 3a#ler:s

    Sym$#ony No%2 ? esurre!tion?  and in!ited me to a li!e onert o" t#is8or/% I read t#e in"ormation lea"let% Ea# $art o" t#e sym$#ony #ad a

     $reise meaning 8#i# 3a#ler #imsel" #ad e9$lained in a letter to t#e

    ondutor> ;runo 7alter% It 8as 3a#ler:s intention to treat deat# as t#e

    ine!itable end to all #uman enter$rise%

    T#e musi itsel" on!eyed a sense o" desolation 8#i# 8as s8eet> as

    i" deat# meant dri"ting o"" into a $eae"ul slee$% In a sorro8"ul !oie o"

    endless dignity> t#e 8ords o" t#e ontralto ommuniated a #ildli/e

    innoent !ision@


  • 8/18/2019 Kriya 1.pdf


    " #s!hen roth$

     Der Mens!h liegt in gr#%ter Noth$

     Der Mens!h liegt in gr#%ter Pein$

     &e lie'er m#!ht i!h im Himmel sein.

    O red roseH

    3an lies in direst needH

    3an lies in dee$est $ainH

    O#> #o8 I 8ould rat#er be in #ea!en%

    7#ile listening> I "anied I 8as in t#e ountryside during a lig#t rain% ;ut it

    8as s$ring and a ray o" sun $iered t#e louds% ,mid t#e !egetation t#ere

    8as a beauti"ul red rose% T#at sim$le !ision broug#t solae to my #eart:s

    inner a#e and 8armed me to a #ig# $it# o" ent#usiasm 8it# t#e t#oug#t

    t#at ;eauty 8ould be 8it# me "ore!er> in all t#e $laes o" my solitary


    T#en t#e #oir sang some !erses "rom (lo$sto/:s #ymn@

     Aufersteh(n, ja aufersteh(n

    )irst du, Mein Stau',

     Na!h *ur+er uh($

    nster'li!h -e'en$ nster'li!h


    ird der di!h rief dir ge'en$

    =ise again> yes> rise again>

    7ill you> my dust>

    ,"ter a brie" restH

    Immortal li"eH Immortal li"e

    7ill gi!e you%

     Ne9t 3a#ler:s o8n !erses 8ere #anted% T#ese ended 8it#@

     Mit /l0geln, die i!h mir errungen, 1n hei%em -ie'esstre'en,

    )erd(i!h ents!he'en

     2um -i!ht, +u dem *ein


    Ster'en erd(i!h, um +u le'en$

     Aufersteh(n, ja aufersteh(n

    irst du, mein Her+, in einem Nu$

    )as du ges!hlagen

     +u 3ott ird es di!h tragen$

    7it# 8ings I #a!e gained>in lo!e:s "iere stri!ing>

    I s#all soar alo"t

    To t#e lig#t no eye #as $ieredH

    I 8ill die so I an li!eH

    =ise again> yes> rise again>

    7ill you> my #eart> in an instantH7#at you #a!e earned yoursel">

    S#all lead you to odH

    In t#e "ollo8ing days> I tried to $enetrate t#e meaning by reading

    e!eryt#ing I ould on t#e sym$#ony and listening to it entraned in t#e

    Auietude o" my o8n room% ,"ter many integral and ent#usiasti listening

    sessions> t#e 8ords@ ?Sterben 8erde i#> um zu lebenH? ?I 8ill die so I an

    li!eH? resounded all day long in my mind li/e a t#read around 8#i# my

    t#oug#ts rystallized%

    7ould I e!er> be"ore old age> be able to die to myself   5 namely to die to my

     43"B 7as it $ossible to ross t#e "oggy urtain o" t#oug#ts> su$er"iial

  • 8/18/2019 Kriya 1.pdf


    emotions> sensations and instint> and emerge into t#at $ure Dimension "or

    8#i# I #ad yearned many years and 8#i# I "elt 8as my but by no means did I 8ant to s$end t#e rest o"

    my li"e staring at t#e 8all o" my silened mind and 8aiting "or somet#ing

    to #a$$en% ?I 8ill seize 'ate by t#e throat ?> said ;eet#o!en@ so I too 8as $re$ared to at in a strong and deisi!e 8ay%

    F$o& th *)i$ of //*%in0 to &%)#f// to th -$"(ti( of P$"n"%"&"

    7#at I missed 8as t#e art o" Pranayama 5 t#at Pranayama 8#i# I #ad

    dreamed so mu# about but #ad ne!er atually $ratied% , "e8 8ee/s

     be"ore> I #ad $ur#ased ;%(%S% Iyengar:s 5he 1llustrated -ight on Yoga, and

    #is desri$tion o" Pranayama #ad a8a/ened in me an uns#a/eable desire

    to $ratie it intensi!ely% In t#e last $art o" t#e boo/ t#ere 8as a $rudent8arning@

    ?Pneumati tools an ut t#roug# t#e #ardest ro/% In  Pranayama,  t#e

     yogi uses #is lungs as $neumati tools% I" t#ey are not used $ro$erly> t#ey

    destroy bot# t#e tool and t#e $erson using it% 'aulty $ratie $uts undue

    stress on t#e lungs and dia$#ragm% T#e res$iratory system su""ers and t#e

    ner!ous system is ad!ersely a""eted% T#e !ery "oundation o" a #ealt#y

     body and a sound mind is s#a/en by a "aulty $ratie o" Pranayama.?

    T#is sentene ignited my immoderate 8ill to e9$eriene all its $o8er> tot#e $oint o" ?dying? in it> "igurati!ely s$ea/ing% 7#at 8ould #a!e

    "rig#tened ot#ers emboldened me% I" it $ro!o/ed an aut#enti

     $sy#ologial eart#Aua/e> I 8as on t#e rig#t tra/% )es> some $rudene 8as

    neessary an intensi!e $ratie #ad to be rea#ed gradually and ea#

    session #ad to be arried out 8it# e9treme are%

    Day a"ter day> I ould $erei!e Pranayama(s $otential ating on my

     $sy#e% I 8as ertain my old s#ool "riend #ad told t#e trut# 5 ?t#ese

    e9erises an #ange a $erson inside?% It #ad to be trueH

     Pranayama  a$$eared to me t#e most $er"et o" all arts> 8it# nointrinsi limits% To de!ote mysel" to it 8ould ost not#ing% Learning

     $ranayama 8as li/e learning to $lay a musial instrument 5 I 8ould not be

    obliged to s$end money on t#e $ur#ase o" a musial instrument> an!as

    and olors> or 8#ate!er% T#e instrument 8as al8ays 8it# me% I ouldn:t

    understand #o8 I #ad 8asted so mu# time not ta/ing on t#is ommitment


    I $ratied Nadi Sodhana and jjayi Pranayama in t#e #al"lotus $osition>

    sitting on t#e edge o" a $illo8 8it# my ba/ straig#t% I "oused 8it# zeal on

    a$$lying t#e instrutions "la8lessly but 8it# a reati!e s$irit% I


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    onentrated /eenly on t#e alternate "eelings o" oolness and 8armt#

     $rodued by t#e air on t#e "ingers and on t#e $alm o" t#e rig#t #and used to

    o$en and lose t#e nostrils% T#e $ressure> t#e smoot# "lo8ing o" t#e

     breat#%%% e!ery detail 8as $leasant% ;eoming a8are o" ea# $euliarity o"

    t#e e9erise #el$ed me maintain !igilant attention 8it#out beoming


    Fi$)t $)u#t)

    During t#e day> I "ound my $ere$tion o" t#ings #ad #anged% 3y eyes

    sear#ed "or t#e most intense olors> "asinated by t#em as i" t#ey 8ere

    lose to re!ealing an un/no8n reality lying beyond t#e material%

    Sometimes in t#e "irst sunny days a"ter 8inter> 8#en t#e s/ies 8ere

    rystalline and as blue as t#ey #ad e!er been> I 8ould sit in t#e o$en air and

    ontem$late my surroundings% In a bus#y dit# o!ered 8it# i!y t#e sun

    s#ed its lig#t u$on "lo8ers t#at a "e8 8ee/s be"ore 8ere blooming duringt#e old and no8> #eedless o" t#e mildest days> still lingered in t#eir s$ell

     binding glory% I 8as dee$ly ins$ired% I 8ould lose my eyes and rely on an

    inner radiane aom$anied by a sensation o" $ressure on my #eart%

    ,t t#at time> my internal li"e 8as still s$lit bet8een t8o interests 8#i# I

     $erei!ed as t8o dimensions #a!ing not#ing in ommon% On one side 8ere

    esoteri matters 8#i# #ad guided my sear# to8ard Yoga disi$line> 8#i#

    I onei!ed to be an effi!a!ious tool  "or $uri"ying and !ontrolling the mind %

    On t#e ot#er side 8as t#e as$iration to8ard t#e ideal 8orld o" ;eauty

    8#i# I tried to e!o/e t#roug# t#e study o" literary 8or/s> and listening to

    lassial musi% I ne!er imagined t#at t#e "irst dimension ould lead me to

    t#e seondH It 8as reasonable to #o$e t#at  Pranayama ould gi!e me a

     $ermanent base o" mental larity> #el$ing me to not s$oil t#e "ragile

    mirale o" an enounter 8it# ;eauty 8it# a Gumble o" t#oug#ts> but I ould

    ne!er #a!e imagined t#at  Pranayama #ad t#e $o8er o" multi$lying t#e

    e9$eriene o" t#e Sublime or e!en ma/e it s$ring u$ "rom not#ingH I o"ten

    re$eated inside mysel" and sometimes Auoted to my "riends t#is !erse "rom

    t#e 6hagavad 3ita@

    T#e yogi /no8s t#e Goy eternal beyond t#e $ale o" t#e senses 8#i# #is

    reason annot gras$%

  • 8/18/2019 Kriya 1.pdf


    On a Auiet a"ternoon 8al/ among trees Gust be"ore sunset> I Aui/ly glaned

    no8 and t#en at te9t "rom one o" t#e panishads anient Sans/rit sared

    te9tsJ t#at I #ad 8it# me% One $artiular sentene a8a/ened aninstantaneous realization@ ?T#ou art T#at?H

    I losed t#e boo/ and re$eated t#e 8ords as i" in a trane% 3y

    rational mind 8as able to gras$ but not "ully ae$t t#e inommensurable

    im$liation o" t#e statement% It meant t#at it 8as I t#at 8as t#e

    unbelie!ably deliate green lig#t "iltering t#roug# t#e lea!es> bearing

    8itness to t#e s$ring t#at broug#t ne8 li"e% ;a/ #ome> I did not e!en try

    to $ut do8n on $a$er t#e numerous ?moments o" grae? I e9$eriened "rom

    t#is realization> nor ould I #a!e% 3y only 8is# 8as to del!e "urt#er and

    "urt#er into t#is ne8 inner soure o" understanding and enlig#tenment%Panning my sig#t around> a landsa$e 8ould a$$ear amongst t#e

    lea!es and a grou$ o" distant #ouses surrounding a bellto8er% Only t#at

    sort o" ?lig#t? ould instill a su$er#uman $oise into my being and gi!e me

    t#e intuition t#at t#e traes o" t#e ine""able ?$rime!al ause? o" all t#ings

    8as not to be soug#t in boo/s> in reasoning but only in t#e realm o" ;eauty%

    A )t$on0 '-$in(

    ,"ter #a!ing boug#t t#e 8or/s o" =ama/ris#na> Ki!e/ananda> o$i

    (ris#na and PatanGali:s Yoga Sutras a big !olume 8it# omments by I%(%

    Taimni> I "inally deided to buy t#e autobiogra$#y o" an Indian saint>

    8#om I 8ill indiate by P%)% 1  % It 8as a boo/ I #ad seen some years

     be"ore but #ad not boug#t beause it didn:t ontain $ratial instrutions%

    3y #o$e no8 8as t#at I 8ould be able to "ind use"ul in"ormation su# as

    t#e addresses o" some good )oga s#ools% T#is autobiogra$#y ent#ralled

    me and reated a strong as$iration to8ard t#e mystial $at#% In ertain

    moments I "ound mysel" almost burning "rom an internal "e!er% T#is

     $ro!ided "ertile ground "or t#e oming o" an e!ent 8#i# 8as radially

    1  T#e reader 8ill understand 8#y I am not mentioning t#e "ull name o" P%)% 5 it is not

    di""iult #o8e!er to "igure out #is identity% T#ere are many s#ools o" Yoga

    s$reading #is tea#ings aording to a Fs$ei"i legitimay:% One o" t#ese> t#roug# its

    re$resentati!es> made me realize t#at not only 8on:t t#ey tolerate t#e smallest o" t#e

    Co$yrig#t !iolations> but t#ey 8on:t e!en a$$reiate t#eir belo!ed Tea#er:s name

     being mi9ed into disussions about  Kriya on t#e Internet% T#e reason is t#at in t#e

     $ast some $eo$le used

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    di""erent "rom any I #ad e9$eriened be"ore% It 8as a /ind o" ?intimate?

    e9$eriene% Nonet#eless> sine I #a!e listened to similar desri$tions "rom

    Yoga $ratitioners> I #a!e deided to s#are it%

    One nig#t 8#ile reading P%)%:s autobiogra$#y> I "elt a s#i!er similar to an

    eletri urrent s$read itsel" t#roug#out my 8#ole body% , ::s#i!er:: 8asinsigni"iant in itsel"> but it "rig#tened me% 3y reation 8as rat#er strange

    sine I #ad al8ays belie!ed I 8as immune "rom "ear o" all t#ings related to

    transendene% T#e t#oug#t "las#ed t#roug# my mind t#at a dee$er e!ent

    8as going to #a$$en soon t#at it 8as going to be strong> !ery strong and I

    8ould not be able to sto$ it in any 8ay% It 8as as i" my memory #ad some

    ine9$liable "amiliarity 8it# it and my instint /ne8 its inesa$able $o8er%

    I made u$ my mind to let t#ings #a$$en unim$eded and go a#ead 8it# t#e

    reading% 3inutes $assed and I 8as not able to ontinue reading my

    restlessness turned into an9iety% T#en it again beame "ear> an intense "earo" somet#ing un/no8n 8#i# 8as t#reatening my e9istene% I #ad

    ertainly ne!er e9$eriened a similar state% In $ast moments o" danger> I

    used to remain $aralyzed> unable to t#in/% No8 my t#oug#ts 8ere stirring

    "rantially> $ituring t#e 8orst results@ loss o" $sy#ologial balane>

    enounter 8it# an e!il entity> $er#a$s e!en deat#%

    I "elt t#e urgeny to do somet#ing> e!en t#oug# I did not /no8 8#at%

    I set mysel" into $osition "or meditation and 8aited% T#e anguis# inreased%

    , $art o" me> maybe t#e totality o" t#at entity I all ?mysel"?> seemed at t#e

     $oint o" melting a8ay% T#e 8orst t#oug#ts #ung o!er me 8it#out a lear


    I #ad Gust "inis#ed reading o$i (ris#na:s  Kundalini7 Path to Higher

    8ons!iousness in 8#i# t#e aut#or desribed t#e s$lendid a8a/ening

    e9$eriene #e #ad "ollo8ing an intense $ratie o" onentration on t#e

    se!ent# 8ha*ra% as a re"le9> $sy#i $roblems as 8ell%

    ,ording to #is desri$tion> inside #is body t#e energy 8as "ored into

    onstant motion "rom t#e base o" t#e ba/bone to8ard t#e brain% So strong

    8as t#e energy t#at #e 8as bedridden and ould not aom$lis# normal bodily "untions% sine I did not li!e in India>

     $er#a$s $eo$le around me mig#t not understand% T#e e9$eriene 8ould

    #a!e been terribleH No one ould #el$ insure t#at my e9$eriene 8ould be

    #anneled to8ard a $ositi!e onlusion li/e it 8as "or o$i (ris#na%


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     No8> t#e s$iritual 8orld a$$eared to me to be a sorro8"ul and #orrible

    nig#tmare> able to anni#ilate and destroy 8#oe!er 8ould im$rudently

    a$$roa# it% Ordinary li"e> on t#e ontrary> seemed t#e dearest and

    #ealt#iest reality% I 8as a"raid I mig#t not be able to get ba/ to t#at

    ondition again% I 8as on!ined I #ad o$ened a door I 8as not su$$osedto o$en> so I deided to sto$ t#e e9$eriene% I stood u$ and le"t t#e room>

    out to t#e o$en air% It 8as nig#t and t#ere 8as nobody to 8#om I ould

    ommuniate my $aniH ,t t#e enter o" t#e yard I 8as burdened> #o/ed>

    almost rus#ed by a "eeling o" des$eration> en!ying all t#ose $eo$le 8#o

    #ad ne!er $ratied Yoga. I suddenly "elt guilty and as#amed o" t#e #ars#

    8ords I #ad used against a "riend 8#o #ad been in!ol!ed in $art o" my

    sear#% Li/e so many ot#ers> #e #ad s#unned any $ratie> ignored lo"ty

    readings> and deided instead to enGoy li"e% EAui$$ed 8it# a Gu!enile

     boldness> I #ad addressed #im 8it# a tone "ar "rom a""etionate> 8#i# no8started to t#under inside my #ead% I 8as sorry I #ad t#ro8n unGusti"ied

    ruelty at #im 8it#out really /no8ing 8#at 8as in #is mind and soul% I

    8ould #a!e li/ed to tell #im #o8 sorry I 8as to #a!e brutally !iolated #is

    rig#t to li!e t#e 8ay #e t#oug#t 8as best% Per#a$s #e #ad $re"erred to

     $rotet #is mental #ealt# rat#er t#an beome unstable or insane t#roug#

     $raties #e 8as unsure o"%

    ;eause o" my great $assion "or lassial musi> I #o$ed t#at listening to it

    mig#t yield t#e $ositi!e e""et o" $roteting me "rom anguis# and #el$ me

    get ba/ my usual mood% It 8as ;eet#o!en:s 8on!ert for 9iolin and

    "r!hestra, 8#i# I  listened to in my room 8it# #ead$#ones> t#at soot#ed

    my soul and a"ter #al" an #our eased my slee$% ;ut t#e "ollo8ing morning I

    a8o/e 8it# t#e same "ear% Strange as it may seem> t#e t8o $i!otal "ats t#at

    today stir my most intense emotions 5 t#at Di!ine Intelligene is t#e !ery

     basis o" e!eryt#ing t#at e9ists> and t#at man an $ratie a de"inite

    disi$line in order to attune to it 5 on!eyed to me a "eeling o" #orrorH

    Sunlig#t $oured into t#e room t#roug# t#e ga$s in t#e s#utters% I #ad

    a 8#ole day be"ore me% I 8ent out to try and amuse mysel" by being 8it#

    ot#er $eo$le% I met some "riends and s$ent t#e a"ternoon ra/ing Go/esand be#a!ing li/e t#e $eo$le I #ad al8ays onsidered lazy and dull% In t#is

    8ay> I sueeded in #iding my anguis#% T#e "irst day 8ent by my mind

    8as totally 8orn out% ,"ter t8o days> t#e "ear #ad diminis#ed and I "inally

    "elt sa"e% Somet#ing "elt #anged any8ay I #adnt t#oug#t about Yoga,  I

    only t#oug#t around it%

    One 8ee/ later I began> almly and deta#edly> to $onder t#e meaning o"

    8#at #ad #a$$ened% I understood t#e nature o" my reation to t#at e$isode@

    I #ad o8ardly run a8ay "rom t#e e9$eriene I #ad $ursued "or su# a long


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    timeH In t#e de$t# o" my soul my dignity urged me to ontinue 8it# my

    sear# e9atly "rom t#e $oint 8#ere I #ad Auit% I 8as ready to ae$t all

    t#at 8as to #a$$en and let t#ings "ollo8 t#eir ourse> e!en i" t#is $roess

    im$lied t#e loss o" my 8#olesomeness% I began t#e $ratie o"  Pranayama

    again> as intensely as be"ore% , "e8 days 8ent by 8it#out deteting any

    "orm o" "ear% T#en> I e9$eriened somet#ing !ery beauti"ul%

    It 8as nig#t% I 8as lying in a rela9ed ?or$se $ose?> 8#en I #ad a $leasant

    sensation> as i" an eletri 8ind 8as blo8ing in t#e e9ternal $art o" my

     body> $ro$agating itsel" Aui/ly and 8it# a 8a!y motion "rom my "eet u$

    to my #ead% 3y body 8as so tired I ould not mo!e 5 e!en i" my mind

    #ad ordered it to% I "elt t#e "amiliar sensation but #ad no "ear% 3y

    om$osure 8as serene% T#en t#e eletri 8ind 8as re$laed by anot#er

    "eeling> om$arable to an enormous $o8er $ouring into t#e ba/bone and

    Aui/ly limbing u$ to t#e brain% T#e e9$eriene 8as aom$anied by anindesribable> and so "ar un/no8n> sense o" bliss% T#e $ere$tion o" an

    intense brig#tness aom$anied e!eryt#ing% 3y memory o" t#at moment is

    ondensed into a single e9$ression> ?a lear and eu$#ori ertainty o"

    e9isting> li/e an unlimited oean o" a8areness and bliss?% T#e strangest

    t#ing 8as t#at in t#e !ery instant I #ad it> I "ound it "amiliar%

    In 3od 4:ists7 1 Have Met Him> ,% 'rossard tries to gi!e an idea o" #is

    s$iritual e9$eriene% To t#at end> #e reates t#e one$t o" an ?in!erse

    a!alan#e?% ,n a!alan#e olla$ses> runs do8n#ill> "irst slo8ly t#en "aster

    and !iolently at t#e same time% 'rossard suggests 8e s#ould imagine an

    ?u$sidedo8n a!alan#e? 8#i# begins strengt#ening at t#e "oot o" t#e

    mountain and limbs u$ $us#ed by an inreasing $o8er t#en suddenly it

    lea$s u$ to8ard t#e s/y% I do not /no8 #o8 long t#is e9$eriene lasted% It

    de"initely $ea/ed out at only a "e8 seonds% 7#en it ended> I turned on my

    side and "ell into a alm> uninterru$ted slee$%

    T#e "ollo8ing day 8#en I a8o/e I #ad "orgotten it% It only ame u$

    some #ours later> during a 8al/% Leaning against t#e trun/ o" a tree> I

    remained immobile "or a ou$le minutes> ent#ralled by t#e re!erberation o"

    t#e memory% I 8as "looded 8it# great Goy% It 8as as i" I #ad 8o/en u$ a"tera tormented dream #ea!y limitations #ad been 8eig#ing my #eart do8n

    "or a long time and no8 t#ey #ad dissol!ed% ,n elated ondition stret#ing

    out "ar $ast t#e limits o" my a8areness 5 a sort o" memory #iding in t#e

    reesses o" my subonsious 5 began to be re!ealed> as i" a ne8 area o" my

     brain #ad been stirred to a "ull a8a/ening% I "ound mysel" ontem$lating a

    dreamli/e reality> still obGeti!ely indis$utable it #ad arisen in me 8it# t#e

    naturalness o" a $rimordial instint alt#oug# it #ad not#ing to do 8it# t#e

    8orld surrounding me in 8#i# I li!ed%


  • 8/18/2019 Kriya 1.pdf


    Not 1: " $f#(tion "+out th "+o! *)($i+* '-$in(

    T#e "irst glim$se o" t#e s$iritual reality may mani"est as a series o" bliss

    8a!es rising t#roug# t#e s$ine and entering t#e brain% T#is e9$eriene

    usually lasts "rom "e8 instants to a ou$le o" minutes% Sometimes it is li/e#a!ing a !olano eru$ting inside> a ::ro/et:: s#ooting u$ t#roug# t#e s$ineH

    Ot#er times> it may a$$ear li/e an intense bliss in t#e #est region 5

    suddenly you are inside an immense Goy and 8a/e u$ 8it# tears in your

    eyes% T#is e9$eriene may be #eralded by an eletri 8ind on t#e sur"ae

    o" t#e body> $ro$agating "rom "eet u$ to #ead%

    =arely t#is e9$eriene lasts more t#an a ou$le o" seonds% On t#at

    oasion> t#e $oint in t#e enter o"  Kutastha  e9$ands into a tunnel% T#e

    a8areness is $ulled t#roug# it% It is li/e burning 8it# endless Goy "or

    se!eral seonds 5 you are "illed 8it# t#e eu$#oria obtained by t#is s#ort butun"orgettable $lunge into Eternity%

    'reAuently t#is e9$eriene is alled  Kundalini aa*ening %  Kundalini  is

    Sans/rit "or ?oiled?% It is onei!ed as a $artiular energy oiled li/e a

    ser$ent in t#e root 8ha*ra  Muladhara% T#e re$resentation o" being oiled

    li/e a s$ring on!eys t#e idea o" unta$$ed $otential energy #a!ing its seat

    at t#e base o" t#e s$ine%

    Some aut#ors "oster t#e idea t#at t#is great onentration o" energy

    #as its seat in our entire body> not only at t#e base o" t#e s$ine% It slee$s in

    our body> underneat# t#e layers o" our onsiousness> 8aiting to be aroused

     by s$iritual disi$line%

    T#e one$t o" Kundalini  is !ery use"ul sine it an be utilized to

    e9$ress 8#at generally #a$$ens along t#e s$iritual $a#% T#e one$t o"

    Samadhi or religious estasy is !ery a/in to ? Kundalini a8a/ening?%

    Yoga  tea#es to #arness t#is tremendous $o8er t#roug# s$ei"i

    te#niAues $artiular breat#ing $atterns> 6andhas, Mudras, 6ija Mantra%%%

    and guide its rising "rom t#e  Muladhara  u$ t#roug# t#e Sushumna>

    ati!ating ea# 8ha*ra% It #as been e9$lained t#at 8#en Kundalini arri!es

    at t#e Sahasrara 8ha*ra> it besto8s mystial illumination%

    Sometimes t#e e9$eriene omes be"ore any Yoga $ratie is done% It mig#t

    #a$$en 8#en you o$en "or t#e "irst time a s$iritual boo/ li/e t#e biogra$#y

    o" a Saint% It may s$ring "rom t#e !ibratory s#o/ $rodued 8#en t#e idea

    o" t#e !astness o" t#e s$iritual reality% )ou "eel t#at t#is idea is a$able o"

    s8ee$ing a8ay all your ertitudes%

    Some 8ere so elated by t#eir e9$eriene t#at t#ey 8rote about it 8it#

     $er#a$s too mu# grandeur> $laing too mu# em$#asis on it> diserning


  • 8/18/2019 Kriya 1.pdf


    im$liations it #as not%

    I remember an artile in a s$eialized magazine in 8#i# t#e 8oman 8#o

    #ad t#is e9$eriene attributed t#e e!ent to an imaginary indi!idual 8#o>

     $ur$ortedly> granted #er e!ery intimate detail% )ou understand t#at it is t#e

    lady #ersel" to 8rite sine it is #ig#ly im$robable t#at anot#er $erson #adommuniated #er su# $ro"usion o" details o" t#e e!ent% I studied PatanGali:s Yoga Sutrasannotated by I%(% Taimni and t#e  6hagavad 3ita  "rom di""erent

    translations@ "rom t#e most $oeti and unreliable by Ed8in ,rnold to

    Sar!e$alli =ada/ris#nan:s%

    PatanGali 8as a $ioneer in t#e art o" rationally #andling t#e mystial $at#>

    aiming at indi!idualizing a uni!ersal> $#ysiologial diretion o" inner

    e!ents t#at e9$lained 8#y a ertain $#enomenon> in#erent to t#e s$iritual

     $at#> s#ould be $reeded and neessarily "ollo8ed by ot#er ones% beause o" its tem$oral distane>

    may be #ard to understand #o8e!er> #is 8or/ is o" e9traordinary


    T#ere are di""erent 8ays o" translating t#e Sans/rit terms

    summarizing PatanGali:s eig#t ste$s o" Yoga@ Yama, Niyama, Asana,

     Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi%

    Yama@ sel"ontrol non!iolene> a!oid lies> a!oid stealing> a!oid

     being lust"ul and see/ nonatta#ment  Niyama@ religious obser!anes

    leanliness> ontentment> disi$line> study o" t#e Sel" and surrender to t#e

    Su$reme od% ,s "or Asana $osition o" t#e body> PatanGali e9$lains it

    must be stable and om"ortable% T#ere is no #int o" $reliminary e9erises o"onentration> mu# less o" meditation% T#e "irst interesting one$t o"

    PatanGali is Pranayama, de"ined as regulation o" t#e Prana by re$etition o"

     $artiular breat#ing $atterns%

    I 8as s$ellbound by Taimni:s annotations%

  • 8/18/2019 Kriya 1.pdf


     Pranayama but it is also t#e soure o" danger in t#e $ratie o" it% T#e

    moment one starts retaining t#e breat#> es$eially a"ter in#alation> in any

    abnormal manner t#e danger begins and one an ne!er /no8 8#at it 8ill

    lead to% %%%J Kum'ha*a unlo/s t#e doors o" une9$eted e9$erienes and

     $o8ers% I" it is ta/en u$ 8it#out t#e neessary $re$aration and guidane itis sure to lead to disaster%

    On t#e ontrary> I 8as not tou#ed by reading t#e boring omments u$on

    )ama and Niyama% In my o$inion t#e moral rules 8ere not to be $ut as

     $remises to be res$eted in order to begin Yoga> but 8ere t#e onseAuenes

    o" a orret Yoga $ratie% T#us a great $art o" t#is boo/ didn:t a""et my

    li"e% I as/ed to mysel"@ #o8 an a beginner understand 8#at ?Study o" t#e

    Sel"? meansB

    ,s "or t#e  6hagavad gita, I 8as sur$rised to "ind t#ere a soul stirring

    de"inition o"  Pranayama  and 3editation ou$led in a !ery natural 8ay%PatanGali 8as mysterious about Pranayama% and o""ering t#e

    outgoing breat# into t#e in#aling breat#> t#e yogi neutralizes bot# t#ese

     breat#s #e t#us releases t#e li"e "ore "rom t#e #eart and brings it under #is

    ontrol%:: I 8as guided by t#e "ootnotes to inter$ret t#is in t#e "ollo8ing

    8ay@ ? ;y in!iting Prana in#aling breat# to "lo8 into t#e region o" Apana

    outgoing breat# and !ie !ersa> t#e yogi neutralizes bot# t#ese breat#s%%%%?It 8as e9$lained t#at t#e nuleus o" Pranayama 8as to e9$eriene Prana

    rising u$8ards "rom t#e base o" t#e s$ine to t#e #est region during

    in#alation and Apana going do8n "rom t#e region o" t#e #est to t#e base

    o" t#e s$ine during e9#alation% ,ll t#is 8as $ossible by adding a s$ei"i

    !isualization 8#i# lead to t#e atual e9$eriene o" a old urrent oming

    u$ and a 8arm urrent going do8n during Pranayama% ,s it 8as e9$lained

    in t#e  6hagavad 3ita  t#is broug#t gradually to t#e stage o"  Kevala

     Kum'ha*a or om$lete restraint o" t#e breat#% 3y $ratie 8as dee$ly

    a""eted by t#is lari"iation% T#e meaning o" ?3editation? no8 beamelear@ to enGoy t#e a"ter Pranayama state 8it# a $ure #eart turned to8ards

    t#e re!ealing internal ;eauty%

    On t#e ontrary PatanGali 8rote t#at t#e yogi:s duty is to onentrate

    u$on a $#ysial or abstrat obGet% T#is 8as t#e  Dharana  state% 3editation  Dhyana ensues

    "rom ontem$lating t#e essential nature o" t#e #osen obGet as a steady>

    uninterru$ted "lo8 o" onsiousness% Samadhi ame by $rolonging t#is

    state% I 8ouldn:t e!en dream to $ratie in t#at 8ay% 3y e9$eriene

    mat#ed $er"etly t#e tea#ing o" t#e 3ita@


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    Stead"ast a lam$ burns s#eltered "rom t#e 8ind

    Su# is t#e li/eness o" t#e )gis mind

    S#ut "rom sensestorms and burning brig#t to soot#ed 8it# #oly 8ont

    7#en Sel" ontem$lates sel"> and in itsel" 

    re!ealed to soulM 

    Only to soulH and> /no8ing> 8a!ers not>

    True to t#e "art#er Trut# 8#en> #olding t#is>

    It deems no ot#er treasure om$arable>;ut> #arbored t#ere> annot be stirred or s#oo/ 

    ;y any gra!est grie"> all t#at state $eae>

    T#at #a$$y se!erane )ga> all t#at man

    T#e $er"et )ginH


  • 8/18/2019 Kriya 1.pdf


    C as

    i" t#ere 8ere no tomorro8% I 8ould start 8it# stret#ing e9erises 5 and

    some sim$le Asanas 8#en I #ad more time%



    On di""erent oasions I notied a #ange in my minds global "untioning

     5 memory> onentrationQ I ould es$eially obser!e t#is during my

    e9ams% ;e"ore t#e test began> a little bit o" Pranayama 8ould endo8 me

    8it# a sudden alm and sel"$ossession> no matter 8#at t#e e9aminers

    attitude 8as% I 8ould not "eel a bit ner!ous% I 8as able to maintain t#e

    neessary sel"ontrol to master my s$ee#> o"ten sueeding in e9$ressing

    learly not only 8#at I /ne8> but also somet#ing more> 8#i# Gust t#en

    seemed to beome e!ident "or t#e "irst time%

    T#e  Kundalini  e9$eriene #a$$ened se!eral times but ne!er beame

    onstant% It too/ $lae es$eially 8#en I de!oted mysel" to study late at

    nig#t and t#en lay e9#austed on my bed% 7#ene!er it a$$eared my #eart

     bubbled 8it# in"inite grate"ulness to somet#ing #ig#er> beyond my

    a$abilities o" understanding and !isualizing%

    .u$nin0 *)i$ to #"$n K$i%" Yo0"

    T#e immediate $roblem 8as to "ind ot#er te9ts> nay> all t#e e9isting te9tsabout  Pranayama% I "elt no immediate attration "or ,utobiogra$#y o" a

    )ogi by Parama#ansa )ogananda% ;ut later I diso!ered t#at t#e aut#or

    #ints at (riya )oga% In #is autobiogra$#y P%)% #ints at Kriya Yoga, a ty$e

    o"  Pranayama, 8#i# 8as "irst taug#t by La#iri 3a#asaya and #ad to be

    mastered t#roug# four levels% La#iri 3a#asaya #imsel" 8as de$ited as t#e

    embodiment o" Yoga ; surely t#ere must #a!e been somet#ing uniAue in #is

    ?8ay?H I lo!ed Pranayama> and t#e idea o" im$ro!ing it t#roug# di""erent


     T#is routine Nadi Sod#ana GGayi ;and#a and "inal onentration in (utast#a isdesribed in ,$$endi9 & in t#e last $art o" t#e boo/ 


  • 8/18/2019 Kriya 1.pdf


    ste$s sounded 8onder"ul% I" t#e breat#ing e9erises I #ad already $ratied

    #ad gi!en me su# inom$arable results> it 8as ob!ious t#at t#e Kriya "our

    stage system 8ould ma/e t#em greater and greaterH 3y imagination ran

    8ild and my "er!or gre8%

    I 8ent on reading boo/s by P%)% I 8as amazed by #is $ersonality> 8it#uneAualed 8ill and an une9$eted $ratial s$irit% but did 8#ene!er #e assumed a

    more te#nial one> ma/ing it $ossible "or me to "antasize about t#e glory

    o" Kriya% 7#at I ould surmise 8as t#at Kriya Yoga onsisted o" slo8 and

    dee$ breat#ing 8it# t#e a8areness "oused on t#e s$ine> ma/ing t#e inner

    energy rotate around t#e 8ha*ras% P%)% #ig#lig#ted t#e e!olutionary !alue

    o" Pranayama% as taug#t by $#ysis> t#en t#e ation o" Pranayama is a/in to t#is $roess

    o" magnetization% ;y uni"ormly redireting all t#e ?subtle? $arts o" our

    s$inal ord:s $#ysial and astral essene> t#e  Kriya Pranayama burns o""

    t#e soalled ?bad seeds? o" Karma% &

    During t#e Kriya  $roess> t#e internal energy 8as made to ::rotate::

    around t#e 8ha*ras% 7#at 8as t#e meaning o" t#isB 7#ate!er it meant> it

    8as a too beauti"ul ideaH

     No8 my Auestion 8as 8#et#er or not I #ad to go to India to loo/ "or

    a tea#er to guide me% I 8ould #a!e been !ery #a$$y i" one #onest tea#er

    #ad introdued me to t#is disi$lineH

    Sine I $lanned to get t#roug# my uni!ersity studies as Aui/ly as

     $ossible> I reGeted t#e idea o" a Gourney to India "or t#e near "uture% One

    day 8#ile again reading a te9t o" P%)%> I realized t#at #e #ad 8ritten a 8#ole

    set o" lessons on  Kriya> and t#at t#ese ould be reei!ed by

    orres$ondene% 7it# great Goy> I Aui/ly a$$lied "or t#e ourse%

    &   7e allude to Karma 8#ene!er 8e sti/ to t#e ommon belie" t#at a $erson in#erits

    a baggage o" latent tendenies "rom #is $re!ious li!es and t#at> sooner or later> t#ese

    tendenies 8ill ome out in atual li"e% O" ourse Kriya is a $ratie 8#i# one an

    e9$erimentally use 8it#out neessarily #a!ing to ae$t any reeds% sine

    t#e one$t o"  Karma  lies at t#e basis o" Indian t#oug#t> it is 8ort#8#ile to

    understand and s$ea/ "reely o" it% ,ording to t#is belie">  Pranayama burns out t#e

    e""ets o" t#e ?bad seeds? Gust be"ore t#ey mani"est in our li!es% It is "urt#er

    e9$lained t#at t#ose $eo$le 8#o are instinti!ely attrated by met#ods o" s$iritual

    de!elo$ment su# as Kriya> #a!e already $ratied somet#ing similar in a ?$reedent

    inarnation?% T#is is beause su# an ation is ne!er in !ain and in atual li"e t#ey

    get ba/ to it e9atly 8#ere> in a remote $ast> t#ey #ad Auit it%


  • 8/18/2019 Kriya 1.pdf


    3ean8#ile I deided to im$ro!e t#e e9erises I already $ratied> using all

    t#e boo/s I ould "ind% ,t least no8 I /ne8 8#at to sear# "or 5 no more

    t#e lassi e9erises  Kapala'hati, 6hastri*a%%% but a /ind o" Pranayama

    in 8#i# t#e energy #ad to be !isualized rotating> in some 8ay> around t#e8ha*ras. I" t#is is 5 as stated by P%)% 5 a uni!ersal $roess> I #ad a good

    #ane o" traing it t#roug# traditions%

    Ob!iously I tried to re"let u$on t#e meaning o" t#e e9$eriene I 8as going

    t#roug#% I #ad no doubts t#at t#e =eality to8ards 8#i# I 8as direting my

    li"e 8as t#e ::Sel":: as onei!ed by C%% 4ung% I belie!ed t#at  Pranayama

    8ould initiate a leansing o" t#e subonsious $art o" my $sy#e> guiding

    me along t#e ? 1ndividuation Pro!ess.? In my dreamers #eart> I "anied I

    8ould "ae t#e ar#ety$es o" t#e Colleti!e nonsious% I /ne8 t#at noman s#ould underta/e su# a $erilous !enture 8it#out t#e guide o" a

    trained $sy#ologist but I #ad no "ear as I relied u$on my o8n ent#usiasm>

    !igilane> and indomitable 8ill to $er"et my Pranayama. 

    ,not#er t#ing #ad beome adamantly lear@ I 8ould #a!e to #oose a

     $ro"ession t#at 8ould not ou$y my entire day nor all my energy% I #ad to

    li!e a sim$le li"e t#at did not betray my inner Sel"H

    T#e ent#usiasm "or Pranayama 8as onstantly gro8ing@ I 8as on!ined

    t#at it ould #el$ anyone to li!e in a better 8ay% In my beginner:s zeal> I

    ould not re"rain "rom trying to on!ine ot#er $eo$le o" its bene"its% I

    delared t#at  Pranayama  8ould #arness t#eir energies to8ards a more

     balaned $sy#e% 3y "riends 8ere $olite 8#ile listening> but did not s#are

    my ent#usiasm% =at#er t#ey reated a""irming t#at mine 8as not at all a

    state o" emotional eAuilibrium@ losing mysel" in a room to $ratie Yoga,

    abstaining "rom many as$ets o" soial li"e> 8as a road to8ard alienation%

    I made a blunder by insisting on em$#asizing some as$ets o" t#eir

     be#a!ior 8#i# I deided needed im$ro!ement% In s#ort> I 8as telling t#emt#at t#eir soial li"e 8as a "are% T#is generated a !iolent reation% T#ey

    re$lied t#at my 8ords 8ere de$ri!ed o" a genuine sense o" res$et and lo!e

    and t#at I 8as unable to s#o8 sym$at#y to8ard ot#ers% T#e essene o"

    8#at I #ad "ound in Pranayama> 8#i# I 8ent on e9tolling un"lin#ingly>

    a$$eared to t#em as t#e $innale o" egoism and e!en a real mental ruelty%

    uiltridden> I sa8 I #ad $ro!o/ed only bitterness% I realized t#at> "or

     $ur$oses o" my disAuisition> I #ad ta/en ad!antage o" my "riend:s $ast

    on"idential admissions%


  • 8/18/2019 Kriya 1.pdf


    Only one "riend> a ? understood $er"etly 8#at I 8as saying and

    s#o8ed me some em$at#y to #im> t#e only real $roblem 8as my e9essi!e

    ent#usiasm about t#e automati bene"its o"  Pranayama%

     Pranayama 8as not an art bringing its o8n re8ard> but an ?am$li"ier? o"8#at you #a!e inside> en#aning 8#at you #a!e already a#ie!ed%

     Pranayama> #e said> ould not reate anyt#ing ne8%

    In my o$inion  Pranayama 8as an ation o" ::limbing:: to8ard a lo"ty state

    o" onsiousness 8#ereby you a#ie!ed somet#ing radially ne8% I "elt

    disoriented in listening t#at it 8as only an ?am$li"ier? o" 8#at you already

    are% I 8asn:t able to see t#at t#e t8o !isions ould oe9ist 5 I 8as young

    and I ategorized e!eryt#ing as bla/ or 8#ite%

    Co$$)-on*n( (ou$)

    7#en> a"ter "our mont#s "rom my a$$liation> I reei!ed t#e "irst lesson o"

    t#e orres$ondene ourse> I ame to /no8 t#at I 8ould #a!e #ad to 8ait

    "or at least one year be"ore a$$lying "or t#e  Kriya Yoga lessons% I "elt

    des$erate% T#e 8ritten material tra!eled by s#i$ and t#e delay times 8ere

    enormous% * 

    I ould not 8ait so long% Somet#ing dormant in t#e orner o" my memory

    a8a/ened% I !aguely remembered #a!ing seen some dra8ings in a boo/

    about oultism 8#i# s/et#ed out t#e di""erent iruits o" energy

    t#roug#out t#e #uman body% T#e idea ame to me to see/ t#e essential

    in"ormation in esoteri! boo/s rat#er t#an in t#e lassi boo/s on Yoga%

    I started going to a used boo/s store 8#i# 8as !ery 8ell sto/ed> $robably

     beause it #ad one been t#e T#eoso$#ial Soiety:s re"erene boo/store% I

    turned do8n t#ose te9ts 8#i# dealt only 8it# $#iloso$#ial to$is> 8#ile>

    in estasy and not onerned by time> I /e$t on s/imming t#roug# t#ose

    8#i# illustrated $ratial e9erises 8it# larity% ;e"ore $ur#asing a boo/

    I made sure it #inted at t#e $ossibility o" #anneling t#e energy alongertain internal $assages> t#us reating t#e $rereAuisite "or a8a/ening t#e

     Kundalini% 7#ile reading t#e inde9 o" a te9t 8#i# 8as in t#ree !olumes>

    introduing t#e esoteri t#oug#t o" t#e =osiruian ;rot#er#ood> I 8as

    attrated by t#e entry> :: 6reathing e:er!ise for the aa*ening of Kundalini%::

    It 8as a !ariation o" Nadi Sodhana. Some notes 8arned not to e9aggerate

    t#e e9erise beause o" t#e ris/ o" a $remature  Kundalini  a8a/ening>

    * I an still onsider mysel" as "ortunate% I li!ed in Nort# East Italy not "ar "rom t#e

     border 8it# t#e "ormer )ugosla!ia% T#ose $eo$le 8#o li!ed beyond t#e Iron Curtainould not reei!e su# material%


  • 8/18/2019 Kriya 1.pdf


    8#i# 8as to be a!oided by all means% T#is 8as de"initely not P%)%:s Kriya

     beause> aording to se!eral lues>  Kriya  8as not to be done 8it#

    alternatenostril breat#ing%

    So I 8ent on #aunting t#e boo/store% T#e o8ner 8as !ery nie and I

    almost "elt obliged> onsidering t#e #ea$ $rie and t#e $er"et onditions

    o" t#ose seond#and boo/s> to buy at least one boo/ $er ea# !isit% O"ten alot o" s$ae 8as dediated to t#eories alien to onrete li"e> 8#i# tried to

    desribe 8#at annot be seen or be e9$eriened 5 su# as t#e astral 8orlds

    and t#e subtle o!erings o" energy 8ra$$ing our body%

    One day> a"ter bro8sing t#roug# a tiresome seletion o" boo/s> I

    8ent to t#e store/ee$er 8it# a boo/ 8it# 8#i# #e must #a!e realized I

    8as not satis"ied% 7#ile deiding t#e $rie> #e t#oug#t o" somet#ing t#at

    mig#t interest me% I ame u$on a boo/let 8ritten in erman by a ertain (% S$iesberger

    8#i# ontained !arious esoteri te#niAues> among t#em  Kundalini<

    'reathing % I did not #a!e mu# "amiliarity 8it# t#e erman language> but I

    immediately realized t#e e9traordinary im$ortane o" t#at te#niAue% I

    8ould doubtlessly be able to dei$#er all o" it at #ome 8it# t#e #el$ o" a

    ditionary% +  T#e desri$tion o" t#is te#niAue still amazes me% During a

    dee$ breat#> t#e air 8as to be imagined "lo8ing inside t#e s$inal olumn%

    7#ile in#aling> t#e air 8as rising 8#en e9#aling> t#e air 8as "lo8ing

    do8n% T#ere 8as also t#e desri$tion o" t8o $artiular sounds reated by

    air originating in t#e t#roat%

    In anot#er boo/ 8ritten in Englis# t#ere 8as an e9#austi!e

    desri$tion o" t#e Magi! 'reath 5 8#i# onsisted o" !isualizing t#e energy

    "lo8ing around   t#e ba/bone> not inside  it% T#roug# t#e in#alation> t#e

    energy #ad to go u$ be#ind t#e s$inal olumn> to t#e enter o" t#e #ead

    e9#aling> it #ad to go do8n along t#e "ront $art o" t#e body% I

    om$letely "orgot about t#e ot#er material% T#e smir/ o" satis"ation I 8ore

     be"ore t#e store/ee$er #olding t#e t8o boo/s> as i" I #ad "ound a treasure

    o" un"at#omable !alue> de"initely aused an inrease in t#eir $rie% 7al/ing#ome> I ould not #el$ s/imming t#roug# t#e $ages% I 8as urious about

    some roug# dra8ings illustrating te#niAues 8#i# 8ere based on t#e

    mo!ement o" energy%

    +  I annot #el$ smiling 8#en some #al"#earted $eo$le insist t#at t#ey are "ond o"

     Kriya> yet t#ey 8ill not study some ruial te9ts in Englis# beause t#ey are a"raid to

    misinter$ret t#em% I am on!ined t#at t#eir interests are su$er"iial and rat#er

    emoti!e% Su# 8as my ent#usiasm t#at I 8ould #a!e studied Sans/rit or C#inese or

    any ot#er language> i" t#at #ad gi!en me t#e #ane to understand an essential te9t on



  • 8/18/2019 Kriya 1.pdf


    I read t#at t#e Magi! 'reath 8as one o" t#e most !aluable serets o" all

    times> and i" $ratied onstantly> aom$anied by t#e strengt# o"

    !isualization> it 8ould o$en t#e s$iritual eye% I on!ined mysel" t#at t#is

    te#niAue #ad to be La#iri 3a#asaya:s Kriya and inor$orated it into my

    daily routine> re$laing t#e $ratie o" jjayi Pranayama.

    I &t " -$)on ,ith &% o,n -"))ion

    , letter "rom t#e organization sending me t#e orres$ondene ourse

    in"ormed me about ot#er $eo$le li!ing not "ar "rom my area> 8#o 8ere also

     $ratiing  Kriya Yoga% T#ey #ad "ormed a grou$ in order to $ratie t#at

    disi$line toget#er% I 8as ent#usiasti and Aui!ered 8it# #eer"ul

    antii$ation to meet t#em% T#at nig#t I ould #ardly "all aslee$%

    ?Too brig#t 8ere our #ea!ens> too "ar a8ay> too "rail t#eir et#ereal

    stu""?> 8rote Sri Auro'indo% I 8ould ne!er #a!e t#oug#t t#at t#ose 8ordsould be a$$lied to my meeting t#ose $eo$leH 7it# a sort o" sour irony> I

    8ould dare say t#at t#at $#ase o" my li"e #araterized by e9treme

    ent#usiasm "or Pranayama #ad been too #a$$y "or it to last mu# longer% I

    no8 e9$eriened "irst#and t#e $roblems> limitations and distortions aused

     by t#e #uman mind 8#en it #as lost t#e #abit o" rational t#in/ing% 3any

    times in t#e "uture I 8ould #a!e to e9$eriene #o8 li"e is made o" s#ort

    moments o" ins$iration and serenity> alternating 8it# times 8#en all seems

    lost and t#e distortions o" t#e ego reign su$reme% 7#ile a$$roa#ing t#e

    man in #arge o" t#at grou$ 8it# total sinerity> I ould not #a!e imagined

    8#at /ind o" a #ard s#o/ I 8as about to reei!e%

    sinerely eager to meet a

     $erson 8it# 8#om #e ould s#are t#e "ire o" #is $assion% Sine t#e !ery

    "irst moment o" our meeting> standing on #is doorste$> I told #im #o8

    "asinated I 8as by t#e $ratie o" Kriya% ta/ing "or granted t#at I #ad reei!ed t#e

    tea#ing "rom t#e same organization #e 8as a member o"% 7#en #e "igured

    out t#at I #ad $i/ed out a breat#ing te#niAue in a boo/ and "ooled mysel"

    it 8as Kriya Pranayama> #e 8as #orri"ied and s#o8ed a bitter smile o"

    disa$$ointment% but #e didn:t 8ant to #ear any more and

    us#ered me to #is study% I #ad t#e o$$ortunity to

    #ear $lenty o" times 5 o" t#e Tibetan yogi 3ilare$a 8#o> getting no $ositi!e

    results "rom t#e $ainsta/ing $ratie o" #is "raudulently learned te#niAues>

    reei!ed t#e !ery same instrutions /neeling at t#e "eet o" and 8it# t#e

     benedition o" #is 3uru 5 so t#at t#is time t#e results ame out easily%


  • 8/18/2019 Kriya 1.pdf


    7e all /no8 #o8 t#e #uman mind is more onditioned by an anedote t#an

     by a logial re"ereneH ,n anedote> e!en i" it is totally "ani"ul 8it#

    "itional $ur$ose> is endo8ed 8it# a sort o" internal ?brig#tness? t#at

    onditions a $erson:s ommon sense% Stimulating emotions and "eelings> it

    is able to loud $eo$le:s Gudgment in order "or t#em to easily ae$tonlusions t#at are absurd% T#is story le"t me s$ee#less I Gust did not

    /no8 8#at to re$ly%

    T#ere 8as only one 8ay> aording to #im> to learn  Kriya@ be

    initiated by a ?3inister? aut#orized by P%)%:s organizationH 8#at amysterious "asination it e9erted u$on my beingH ntil t#en> I #ad al8ays

     belie!ed it did not matter at all #o8 a ertain tea#ing 8as reei!ed> or

    8#at boo/ #ad been read or studied in order to learn it% I t#oug#t t#at t#e

    only im$ortant t#ing 8as to $ratie it orretly> aom$anied by t#e desire

    to go dee$er and dee$er into it% T#e idea began to enter my mind t#at it 8as

    in "at o/ay to $rotet $reious lore "rom indisreet eyes% In t#at oasion I

    #ad not#ing to say against t#e !o8 o" serey%

    Later> o!er an s$an o" many years> I #anged my o$inion beause I

    8itnessed an innumerable series o" absurdities originating "rom t#is be#est

    dramatially> I #ad t#e e!idene t#at it broug#t miserable re$erussions

    into t#e li!es o" t#ousands o" $eo$le%

    Staring into my eyes> 8it# an enormous emotional im$at> #e 8ent on to

    say t#at a $ratie learned "rom any ot#er soure 8as ?8ort# not#ing> it

    8ill not be e""eti!e in matters o" s$iritual $ur$ose?> and a $ossible e""et>

    only a$$arently enouraging> mig#t be ?a dangerous illusion in 8#i# t#e

    ego remains tra$$ed "or a long time?%

    In"lamed by an absolute "ait#> #e laun#ed #imsel" into a 8ide

    disourse on t#e !alue o" t#e ?3uru? s$iritual Tea#er> a $uzzling one$tto me beause it 8as attributed to a $erson t#at #e #ad not /no8n diretly%

    and ::#is:: 3uru%

    T#e same t#ing 8as true "or t#e ot#er $eo$le belonging to t#at grou$% T#eir

    3uru 8as a s$eial aid sent by od stret#ed out in benedition%?


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    reei!ed t#roug# illegitimate #annels> ould not 5 beause o" a $artiular

    s$iritual la8 5 be anyt#ing but orru$ted% t#e energy ould be !isualized bot#

    "lo8ing inside t#e s$ine and around t#e s$ine% Sine P%)% 8rote t#at a

    *riya'an  ?mentally direts #is li"e energy to re!ol!e> u$8ard and

    do8n8ard> around t#e si9 s$inal enters?> I #ose t#e seond o" t#e t8o

     $ossibilities and t#is 8as t#e !ersion I e9$lained% using t#e ot#er !ariation 8it# no mental #anting o" "m%

    7#ile telling #im t#ese details> I sa8 an inner satis"ation s$reading

    o!er #is "ae% Clearly #e didn:t identi"y my $ratie 8it# t#e te#niAue o"

     Kriya Pranayama #e #ad learned% T#e ?seret? #e 8as bound to #ad not

     been bro/en by t#e aut#or o" my esoteri boo/H Pretending to "eel sorry "or

    my onseAuent disa$$ointment> #e in"ormed me in an o""iial tone t#at my

    te#niAue #ad ?not#ing to do 8it# Kriya Pranayama?H

    , really bizarre situation 8as ta/ing $lae@ I 8as desribing "or #im

    a te#niAue !ery similar to Kriya Pranayama taug#t by La#iri 3a#asaya

    8#ile t#is gentlemen 8as one #undred $er ent sure t#at I 8as tal/ing

    nonsenseH sine my $osition 8as totally inom$atible 8it# #is

     basi tenets> #e reommended t#at I send a 8ritten aount to t#e

    #eadAuarters o" P%)%:s organization> desribing t#e details o" my

    !iissitudes> #o$ing t#at t#ey 8ould ae$t me as a disi$le and> in due

    time> grant me t#e sared Initiation to Kriya Yoga%

    I 8as some8#at stunned by t#e tone in 8#i# our dialog 8as $rogressing%

    In order to reestablis# t#e initial agreeability o" our meeting> I tried to

    reassure #im about t#e $ositi!e e""ets I #ad gained "rom my $ratie% 3ystatement atually #ad t#e e""et o" 8orsening t#e 8#ole matter> gi!ing #im

    t#e #ane to sold me a seond time> 8#i# 8as not totally un"air but

    undoubtedly out o" $lae%

     beause in t#is 8ay I 8ould ?lose t#em%? T#at le!er guy #ad tal/ed

    #imsel" straig#t into an ob!ious ontradition 8it#out e!en realizing it #e

    8as saying t#at t#e results 8ere too im$ortant to ris/ losing t#em by telling

    ot#ers> 8#ile a "e8 seonds be"ore #e #ad stressed t#at t#ey 8ere o" no

    !alue 8#atsoe!er%


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    =ealizing #e #ad gi!en too mu# o" #is time to me> a strange

    metamor$#osis too/ $lae in #is demeanor% It 8as as i" all o" a sudden #e

    #ad been in!ested 8it# a sared role@ #e $romised #e 8ould $ray "or meH

    On t#at day> I #ad lost t#e ?"ig#t%? I told #im I 8ould "ollo8 #is ad!ie%

    ,s a matter o" "at> "rom t#at moment I abandoned  Pranayamaentirely and restrited my $ratie to sim$ly entering my attention

     bet8een t#e eyebro8s  Kutastha 5 Gust as #e #ad suggested to me%

    A &*it"tion 0$ou-

    T#e grou$ $ratiing  Kriya met t8ie a 8ee/ to $ratie t#e  te#niAues

    toget#er% T#e room de!oted to meditation 8as bare but $leasant% Ea#

    member $aid $art o" t#e rental> so t#at ontinuane 8ould not de$end on

    t#e o8ner:s 8#ims and ould be dediated to an e9lusi!ely s$iritual use% I

     began attending t#ese meetings and I remember it nostalgially 5 listeningto Indian songs translated and #armonized "or 8esterners and> abo!e all>

    meditating toget#er 8as a true GoyH E!eryt#ing seemed #ea!enly to me>

    e!en t#oug# little time 8as gi!en to t#e $ratie o" meditation 5 no more

    t#an 20 minutes> o"ten barely 1+ minutes% , $artiularly ins$iring session

    o" olleti!e $ratie too/ $lae on C#ristmas E!e> enri#ed by de!otional

    songs and lasting many #ours%

    ,t t#e end o" ea# meditation 8e 8ere reAuired to de$art in silene>

    t#us I began to /no8 my ne8 "riends more losely only during t#e mont#ly

    ?soial? lun#% It 8as a beauti"ul #ane to s$end some #ours tal/ing and

    enGoying ea# ot#er:s om$any%

    Sine many o" us did not #a!e t#eir "amilys a$$ro!al> mu# less

    su$$ort> in t#e $ratie o" Yoga> t#e only oasion 8e #ad to s$end time

    among $eo$le 8it# t#e same ideas and interests 8as an e9$eriene o"

    serenity and rela9ation% n"ortunately> t#e $leasantry o" our meetings 8as

     $artly s$oiled beause t#e diretors o" P%)%:s organization #ad reAuested us

    not to tal/ about ot#er s$iritual $at#s or deal 8it# s$ei"i details o" Kriya

    Yoga te#niAues. Only aut#orized $eo$le ould o!er su# a role no one in

    our grou$ ould% During our gat#erings> sine our on!ersations 8ere

    stritly /e$t on 8ellde"ined tra/s> 8e 8ere not able to "ind a to$i 8#i#8ould be interesting and at t#e same time res$eted t#e gi!en rules% It 8as

    not t#e rig#t $lae "or gossi$> unsuitable "or a s$iritual grou$ disussion% So

    only one to$i 8as le"t@ t#e beauty o" our s$iritual $at# and our great

    "ortune in #a!ing diso!ered itH No 8onder t#at> a"ter some meetings o"

    mutual ?e9altation?> an almost "rig#tening boredom started to reign% ,s a

    last resort> some ris/ed telling some Go/es% T#ey 8ere not mean or insulting

     Go/es> but a lig#t and innoent use o" #umor%

    n"ortunately t#is also #ad to li!e u$ to t#e de!otional attitude /e$t

     by many o" t#e members and e!entually suumbed to t#eir old attitude%


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    7#en you tried to be agreeable you got a loo/ and a #int o" a smile t#at le"t

    you "rozen "or t#e rest o" t#e day% T#ey seemed to be unable to s#o8 a

    single in# o" true Go!iality% T#in/ing o!er> $er#a$s t#ey 8ere naturally

    inlined to8ard de$ression% ,tually> t#eir ent#usiasm to8ards  Kriya 8as

    lu/e8arm> and t#ey ga!e t#e im$ression t#ey 8ere $ratiing t#e "e8

    te#niAues t#ey /ne8 as i" t#ey 8ere aom$lis#ing a sari"ie to atone "ort#eir ::sin:: o" e9isting%

    7#at stru/ me in an e9tremely un"a!orable 8ay in t#e be#a!ior o" some

    o" t#em 8as t#e belie" t#ey 8ere $roteted by t#eir uru and t#ere"ore

    don:t mind $utting t#emsel!es in dangerous situations> abdiating e!ery

     $rudene% ;e"ore t#e $ros$et o" doing a !ery dangerous ation in 8#i#

    t#ere are "ears "or t#eir sa"ety> t#eir mind 8as "illed 8it# a sort o" #ysterial

     Goyous antii$ation% I don:t /no8 i" t#ere ould e9ist a 8orse 8ay to belittle

    t#e s$iritual tea#ings% In my o$inion t#is attitude s#ould be a!oided li/et#e $lague> being atually a stu$id su$erstition%

    ,s a matter o" ourse> t#e grou$ under8ent a great reyling $roess many

    members 8#o #ad Goined 8it# ent#usiasm Auit a"ter a "e8 mont#s and

    t#en> oddly and 8it#out dee$ reasons> sra$ed t#e 8#ole e9$eriene o""

    t#eir onsiousness%

    3y o$en tem$erament allo8ed me to beome lose to one $erson

    and establis# a bond 8#i# later beame true "riends#i$% It 8as not so easy

    to "ind 8#at ould be alled a "ree s$iritual see/er% 3any made a dis$lay o"

    emotionally#arged de!otion> ot#ers> $er#a$s en!isaging t#e $ros$et o"

    e9$anding our grou$> seemed to #a!e t#e sole aim o" raising enoug# "unds

    to $ro!ide our rented room 8it# im$ressi!e signs o" its sared

    onseration ot#ers seemed only soial mis"its%

    7it# a barely onealed im$atiene> I tried on di""erent oasions to

    reei!e some eluidation on t#e te#niAue o" Kriya by disussing 8#at #ad

     been my boo/learned $ratie o" it% I #o$ed t#at someone> ma/ing some

    obliAue remar/ about it> 8ould #el$ me diso!er t#e e9at  Kriya

     Pranayama  te#niAue% No ?ourting? ould e9trat e!en a rumb o"in"ormation "rom t#em% Ea# one re$eated t#at #e 8as ?not aut#orized to

    gi!e out any e9$lanations?> and t#is rule 8as stritly res$eted%

    7#ile I 8as ontinuously reei!ing unas/ed"or lessons o" de!otion>

    #umility> and loyalty> my interest "or  Kriya  beame a real ra!ing> a

     burning "e!er% , *riya'an, ma/ing "un o" me 8it# unonealed ruelty> told

    me@ ?T#ey 8on:t gi!e you t#e Kriya at all a de!otee s#ould not desire a

    te#niAue 8it# su# intensity% od is to be mostly "ound t#roug# de!otion

    and surrender%? I tried to be#a!e li/e a $ious disi$le but dee$ do8n I

    a8aited my initiation 8it# unimagined eagerness% E!en 8#ile doing my


  • 8/18/2019 Kriya 1.pdf


     best to on!ine mysel" t#at I 8as among indi!iduals 8it# t#e same

     $assions> I #ad to a/no8ledge t#at t#e reality o" it 8as altoget#er


    Hon0 So "n* O& t(hni3u)

    I reei!ed t#e t8o $reliminary to Kriya te#niAues@ Hong so and "m% T#e"irst one  slo8s do8n t#e breat# and t#e mind t#e seond one onerns

    itsel" 8it# listening to internal astral sounds melting into t#e "m sound% I

    didn:t reei!e t#ese instrutions at t#e same time but 8it# an inter!al o" t8o

    mont#s bet8een% T#is ga!e me t#e s$lendid o$$ortunity to onentrate on

    t#e "irst te#niAue "or many 8ee/s only t#en I ould enGoy t#e

    ombination o" t#e t8o te#niAues% T#us> I ould e9$eriment 8it# t#e

    meaning and beauty o" ea#%

    Our grou$ reei!ed t#e !isit o" an elderly lady 8#o #ad $ersonally

    orres$onded 8it# P%)% T#an/s to #er earnestness> sinerity> and longtimeloyal disi$les#i$ s#e #ad been aut#orized to #el$ us 8it# meditation% s#e onluded@ ?T#e te#niAue

    ontains all you need to ome into ontat 8it# t#e Di!ine Essene?%

    T#en s#e d8elt on t#e Om te#niAue% 6  S#e e9$lained t#at P%)% #ad

    tried to e9$lain t#e tea#ing o" t#e Trinity in a ne8 8ay% Om is t#e ?,men?

    o" t#e ;ible 5 t#e ?Ho#% Gho)t?> t#e ?8itness?> a sound a $roo" o" t#e

    !ibration o" energy sustaining t#e uni!erse% T#e Om te#niAue> diso!ered

     by t#e mystis long ago> ma/es it $ossible to detet t#is !ibration% T#an/s

    to t#is te#niAue it is also $ossible to be guided to8ard t#e e9$eriene o"

    t#e ?Son? 5 t#e Di!ine a8areness t#at is $resent inside t#e abo!e

    mentioned energeti !ibration% ,t t#e end o" one:s s$iritual Gourney> onean rea# t#e #ig#est reality> t#e ?F"th$? 5 t#e Di!ine a8areness beyond

    e!ery e9isting t#ing in t#e uni!erse%

    6  T#is te#niAue does not belong to t#ose inluded in t#e original  Kriya Yoga> 8#erein

    t#e internal sound $ere$tion #a$$ens 8it#out losing t#e ears% It is not an in!ention

     by P%)% It #ad been $lainly desribed in t#e boo/s o" lassial Yoga> alled Nada

    Yoga 5 ?t#e Yoga o" t#e sound%? It is a good $re$aration "or Kriya sine instead o"

     $utting t#e aent on ?doing?> it tea#es t#e attitude o" ?$erei!ing%?


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    T#e lady:s e9$lanation 8as #araterized by su# a sared "la!or t#at it

    stayed 8it# me "or se!eral mont#s> #el$ing me to o!erome t#e beginning

     $#ase o" t#e $ratie> 8#en it seems unli/ely t#at t#e sounds 8ill mani"est%

    T#e results obtained t#roug# t#e intensi!e $ratie o" t#e "m  te#niAue

    8ere !ery onrete% I remember no8 t#e time s$ent in t#at slig#tlyilluminated room 8#ere I led a loistered e9istene% T#e rainy days and

    earlyonset e!enings o" 7inter #el$ed my selusion and strengt#ened my

    determination to turn on> t#roug# meditation> an internal sun% Some 8ee/s

    o" zealous $ratie $assed 8it#out any result> but one day I beame a8are

    o" a lear inner sound% It #a$$ened a"ter ten minutes o" alm e""ort> Gust

    u$on returning to my state o" "ull a8areness> a"ter #a!ing been lost in some

    s8eet re!erie% T#is sound ontinued during my mental roaming but no8

    only 8as I realizing its nature% It 8as li/e t#e #umming o" a mosAuito% ;y

    listening intently to it> it beame t#e "eeble sound o" a musial instrument $laying "ar a8ay% 7#en my breat# almost disa$$eared> it seemed li/e t#e

    tolling o" a bell e#oing at dus/ "rom t#e dee$ green o" 8oody #ills%

    Lig#t> so"t as "alling $etals> it /no/ed gently on t#e doors o" my

    #eart> gi!ing total ontentment and ease> as i" t#e s$iritual $at# #ad ome to

    its "ul"illment% =eolletions o" my in"any 8ere !ibrating at t#e $eri$#ery

    o" my a8areness 8it#out disturbing my intro!erted mood% In times o"

    mis"ortune> t#ere 8as al8ays a "eeling o" $rotetion li/e a !ast> om"orting

    smile surrounding me% T#e sound I 8as listening to> en#anted and t#rilled>

     broug#t me no8 t#e same s8eet "eeling o" relie"% It #ad in itsel"   all t#e

    ;eauty e!er e9$eriened% It 8as t#e gilded t#read around 8#i# t#e

    e9$erienes o" lo!e> t#e most in!ol!ing> t#e most e9alted ones gre8 li/e

    s$lendid rystals% T#e #ealing o" old 8ounds 8as attained by real

    understanding.  ,n  azure> limitless immobility s8eetly las$ed my #eart

    8it# "ingers o" bliss% 7#at I t#oug#t im$ossible to aom$lis#> 8#ose

    absene 8as so ruel to ae$t> materialized real and true be"ore me%

    n"ortunately> I learned the hard ay t#at you s#ould ne!er deta# yoursel"

    !oluntarily "rom t#at state o" grae%

    Some mont#s later> during a moment in my li"e 8#en I 8anted torela9 and enGoy li"e> and I deided to interru$t t#is ontat> as i" it 8ere a

    dra8ba/ to being "ully soiable% I didn:t realize t#at t#is seemingly

    innouous and instinti!e ?betrayal? 8ould ma/e me unable to tune 8it#

    t#e "m*ar   reality "or a !ery long time% Inredibly> in a "e8 days I "elt

    #o$elessly ut o"" "rom t#at s8eet reality% ,mong $eo$le> I "elt li/e one

    8#o #ad landed in anot#er ontinent and #ad to li!e in surroundings t#at

    mean not#ing to #im% I struggled to retrie!e t#e lost dee$ emotions

    originating "rom listening to internal sounds% T#is 8ent on "or mont#s until

    my soul 8as again reminded o" t#e moti!ations t#at #ad led me to t#e


  • 8/18/2019 Kriya 1.pdf


    s$iritual $at#@ #ange my li"e "ore!er% No8 I sa8 learly t#at my stu$id

    deision o" deta#ing "rom t#e ontat 8it# t#e "m !ibration> #ad been a

    monumental mista*e%

    Initi"tion into K$i%" Yo0"

    E!entually> t#e moment ame to "ile t#e a$$liation "orm to reei!e t#e Kriya instrutions by mail% ,bout "our mont#s $assed as e!ery day I #o$ed

    to reei!e t#e o!eted material% 'inally> an en!elo$e arri!ed% I o$ened it

    8it# #eig#tened e9$etation> but 8as dee$ly disa$$ointed beause it

    ontained not#ing but more introdutory material% 'rom reading t#e inde9

     $age I understood t#at t#e atual te#niAue 8ould be sent a"ter "our 8ee/s%

    So "or anot#er mont# I 8ould #a!e to study Gust t#e usual nursery r#ymes I

    already /ne8 by #eart%

    In t#e meantime> a 3inister o" P%)%:s organization !isited our ountry

    and I too/ $art in t#e initiation eremony% ,"ter 8aiting "or mont#s> it 8as#ig# time ?to ma/e an eternal $at 8it# t#e 3uru  and to be taug#t t#e

     Kriya te#niAues in t#e only legitimate 8ay> and reei!e #is benedition%?

    T#ere 8ere about 100 o" us 8#o 8ere to be initiated% , beauti"ul room #ad

     been rented "or t#e eremony at a !ery #ig# $rie and embellis#ed "or t#e

    oasion 8it# lots o" "lo8ers> su# as I #a!e ne!er seen e!en at t#e most

    e9tra!agant 8eddingsH T#e introdution to t#e eremony 8as magni"ient%

    ,bout &0 $eo$le 8earing somber uni"orms entered t#e room> and lined u$

    8it# a solemn attitude and Goined t#eir #ands in $rayer% It 8as e9$lained to

    me t#at t#ese $eo$le belonged to t#e loal grou$ 8#ose leader 8as a

    "as#ion designer and #ad #oreogra$#ed t#at trium$#ant entrane% T#e t8o

    3inisters 8#o #ad Gust arri!ed "rom abroad 8al/ed mee/ly and be8ildered

     be#ind t#em% T#en t#e eremony began% I ae$ted 8it#out obGetions t#eir

    demand t#at I s8ear e!erlasting de!otion not only to t#e 3uru P%)% but also

    to a si9master #ain o" 8#om La#iri 3a#asaya 8as an intermediary lin/%

    P%)% 8as t#e soalled 3uru namely t#e one 8#o 8ould $artially

     bear t#e burden o" our Karma%

    It 8ould #a!e been strange i" no one #ad #ad doubts about t#is% I

    remember a lady 8ondering i" P%)% 5 de"initely unable to gi!e anyon"irmation> no8 being a longtime resident in t#e astral 8orld 5 #ad

    really ae$ted #er as a ?disi$le? and> onseAuently> to be laden 8it# #er

     Karma% In order to a!oid t#at 8it# su# t#oug#ts s#e 8ea/ened t#e

    enGoyment o" t#e entiing eremony> I reassured #er t#at s#e 8as ae$ted

    8it#out "ail%

    T#ey e9$lained us t#at C#rist 8as also $art o" t#is #ain beause

  • 8/18/2019 Kriya 1.pdf


    mission o"  Kriya  di""usion as originating "rom C#rist 8#i# e9lusi!ely $ossessed an inner

     body 8it# se!en 8ha*ras% T#e mysti se!enste$ ladder o" t#e 8ha*ras8as t#e real #ig#8ay to sal!ation> t#e "astest and sa"est% 3y mind 8as in

    great e9$etation "or somet#ing I #ad so strongly desired and "or 8#i# I

    #ad seriously been $re$aring "or mont#s% It 8as not 8#at mig#t be alled a

    ?sarament? t#at I 8as submitting to in order to sa"eguard a "amily

    tradition it 8as t#e ro8ning o" a de"initi!e #oieH 3y #eart 8as

    immensely #a$$y at t#e t#oug#t o" t#e inner Goy t#at I 8ould gain t#roug#

    t#e $ratie o" Kriya%

    'inally> a"ter being taug#t t#e Kriya Pranayama> I realized I already

    /ne8 itH It 8as t#e same Kundalini

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    sim$ler te#niAue o" jjayi Pranayama% - 

    7#en I began 8it# P):s tea#ings I did it belie!ing in t#e t#eoretial

    !ision t#at I #ad absorbed "rom t#e reading o" aoy% I 8as ent#usisti at t#e

    idea to e!ol!e mysel" o" one year $er breat#> I 8as burning 8it# t#e desire

    to do as many (riyas as $ossibile% I 8as $er$le9ed to obser!e t#at by $ratiing /riya $ro$er my e9$eriene o" energy rising in t#e s$ine

    desribed in t#e $re!ious #a$ter disa$$eared totally 5 it returned a ou$le

    o" years be"ore a"ter reei!ing and $ratiing t#e te#niAue t#at my

    organization alled im$ro$erly ::Se!ond Kriya.::

    I #ad some $roblems 8#i# I 8ill no8 disuss% I #a!e no doubt t#at t#ese

     $roblems ould #a!e been easily resol!ed i" I #ad used ommon sense%

    T#e "irst e9erise to be $ratied 8as t#e Hong setting ba/ in a still

    and sti"" $osition to restore t#e "eeling o" saredness> t#e  Kriya Pranayama

     began 8it# rigorous res$et to all t#e instrutions% ,"ter  &yoti Mudra, t#e

     Kriya routine 8ould be onluded 8it# a "ull tenminute onentration on

    t#e Kutastha> to absorb t#e results o" t#e 8#ole endea!or%

    In my e9$eriene t#e t8o $reliminary te#niAues did not reei!e t#e

    attention t#ey deser!ed> and t#e time de!oted to t#e "inal onentration 8as

    too s#ort% During t#e  Hong t#e t#oug#t t#at I s#ould

    interru$t it to start t#e "m te#niAue broug#t about a disturbing "eeling>

    #am$ering my 8#ole surrender to its beauty% T#e same #a$$ened 8it# t#e

     $roedure o" t#e "m te#niAue> interru$ting it in order to $ratie  Maha


    T#e te#niAue o" listening to "m 8as a om$lete ?uni!erse? in itsel" and

    led to t#e mysti e9$eriene> 8#i# is 8#y its interru$tion 8as somet#ing8orse t#an a sim$le disturbane% It 8as illogial> as i"> reognizing a "riend

    8it# Goyous sur$rise among a ro8d one begins tal/ing 8it# #im> t#en

    -   ,"ter mu# e9$erimenting 8#i# #a$$ened in t#e "ollo8ing years and onsidering

    also t#e re$orts o" some sinere "riends 8#o tried out di""erent "orms o"  Kriya

     Pranayama, I am sure t#at i" I #ad $ratied Kriya in t#e 8ay P%)% taug#t during t#e

    t#irties I 8ould #a!e obtained better results% T#at te#niAue 8asRis indeed a

    master$iee> "ar more beauti"ul t#an 8#at ertain s#ools no8 o""er as ?original

     Kriya.? I" I #ad reei!ed it instead o" t#e sim$li"ied !ersion> I ould #a!e tou#ed t#e

    s/y 8it# one "inger% Sometimes I bitterly as/ mysel"@ ?7#y did P%)% yield to t#etem$tation o" sim$li"ying it?B


  • 8/18/2019 Kriya 1.pdf


    suddenly goes a8ay #o$ing to meet> Auite by #ane> t#at same "riend

    again and get ba/ to 8#ere t#e on!ersation #ad $re!iously ended%

    T#e sound o"  "m 8as t#e mysti e9$eriene itsel"> t#e oal I soug#t%

    7#y s#ould I interru$t t#at sublime attunement to regain it t#roug# anot#er

    te#niAueB Per#a$s beause  Kriya Pranayama 8as a #ig#er $roedureB

     Higher B 7#at on eart# does t#at meanBI "ored mysel" into su# absurdity "or an e9tremely long $eriod% I

    #o$ed "or "uture lari"iation o" su# an unlear situation% ,t t#at time> t#e

    idea o" using my brain and radially #anging t#e routine seemed to me an

    at o" stu$id arrogane% Su# 8as t#e $o8er o" t#at insanity 8#i# in our

    grou$ 8as alled ?loyalty?H I must a/no8ledge t#at un"ortunately I #ad

     beome li/e one o" t#ose animals t#at> "ed by man> tend to "orget #o8 to be


    7#en I tried to disuss t#is $roblem 8it# ot#er *riya'ans> I notied anenormous and unreasonable resistane% T#ere 8ere t#ose 8#o 8ere not

    satis"ied 8it# t#eir $ratie but $lanned to try it again in t#e "uture> 8#ile

    ot#ers 8ere not able to e!en understand 8#at I 8as saying%

    Tal/ing 8it# a lady 8#o 8as a longtime "riend o" our "amily> s#e

     $retended to listen attenti!ely> but in t#e end bluntly delared s#e already

    #ad a 3uru and did not need anot#er% 8#at sort o" "riends#i$ an e9ist bet8een t8o $eo$le

    8#en one is so urtB

    To enounter su# e$isodes one a"ter t#e ot#er on"irmed my idea

    t#at> not being enouraged to trust t#e !alidity o" sel"obser!ation> many

    "riends 8ent on me#anially $er"orming 8#at #ad o"ten beome an em$ty

    ritual sim$ly to a$$ease t#eir onsiene% 7it# t#e e9e$tion o" one $erson

    8#o #arbored really strange ideas about t#e s$iritual $at# 8#i# made me

    entertain t#e t#oug#t t#at #e mig#t be mentally unstable> t#ese ne8

    *riya'an "riends seemed to ensor my Auestioning o" te#niAues> laiming

    t#at de!otion 8as mu# more im$ortant% O"ten t#ey re"erred to one$ts I

    ould #ardly lin/ to t#e $ratie o" Yoga, i%e% t#e $aramount im$ortane 8as

    loyalty to8ard P%)% and #is organization%7#ile t#eir e""ort in $ratiing t#e meditation te#niAues in a dee$

    8ay 8as not remar/able> t#ey tried by e9ternal means readings> de!otional

    #anting> on!oations%%% to e9trat "rom t#e de$t#s o" t#eir $sy#e any

    trae o" religious attitude> any sra$ o" s$iritual as$iration% T#ey

    im$regnated it 8it# t#e natural #eart:s a""etion "or t#eir 3uru ; e!en i"

    t#ey #ad /no8n #im only "rom $#otos 5 t#us obtaining t#e resolution o" a

    li"elong ommitment% Loo/ing ba/ at t#ose times> I 8onder 8#at t#eir

    o$inion 8as about my im$atient attitude in ontrast to t#eir $assi!eness% In

    my reasoning> I ould not onei!e o" t#e idea o" leaning $assi!ely under


  • 8/18/2019 Kriya 1.pdf


    t#e $rotetion o" a saint 8#o sol!ed all our $roblems% T#is one$t>

    toget#er 8it# ot#ers I #ad e9$eriened in t#at s#ool> 8as a ause o" real

    on"lit% 3y a$$roa# to t#e s$iritual $at# 8as so di""erent "rom t#eirs t#at

    t#ere 8as no #o$e o" rea#ing a $oint o" ontat or ommon ground%

    Diffi(u#t% in un*$)t"n*in0 th hi0h$ #!#) of K$i%"n"ortunately> t#e 8ritten lessons ontained some ambiguous $arts% 4ust to

    gi!e an e9am$le> P%)% 8rote t#at in order to a8a/en  Kundalini it 8as

    im$ortant to regularly $ratie Ke!hari Mudra, but t#e instrution on #o8

    to $er"orm it 8ere no8#ere to be "ound%

    I ontated t#e elderly lady 8#o 8as o""iially in!ested as a

    ?3editation Counselor? in order to disuss 8it# #er t#e te#nial details

    ontained in t#e Se!ond Kriya lessons% S#e ould not #el$ me% 4ust li/e

    e!eryone else> s#e #ad learned all t#e Higher Kriyas only in 8ritten "orm

     beause> un"ortunately> a"ter P%)%:s Mahasamadhi no diret initiations 8eree!er gi!en% ,/no8ledging #er unertainties about t#eir orret e9eution>

    s#e admitted t#at s#e regretted not #a!ing #ad #er  Higher Kriyas #e/ed

     by 3inisters 8#o 8ere diret disi$les o" P%)%> des$ite #a!ing #ad $lenty o"

    o$$ortunities to do so%

    ,mong t#e *riya'ans in t#e meditation grou$> t#ere 8as a 8oman

    8#o #ad reei!ed Kriya initiation years ago and #ad one li!ed near our

    s#ool:s general o""ies% I as/ed i" s#e #ad reei!ed t#e Se!ond Kriya% S#e

    didn:t seem to understand t#e Auestion% So> 8it# astonis#ment> I reminded

    #er t#at La#iri 3a#asaya:s disi$le> S8ami Pranabananda> #ad

    aom$anied t#e moment o" #is deat# 8it# t#e $ratie o" t#e Se!ond

     Kriya% S#e beame !isibly ner!ous> saying t#at t#e Auotation learly

    re"erred to t#e te#niAue o"  Kriya Pranayama@ one breat#> t#en a seond

    one% T#is #ad to be> in #er o$inion> t#e ?Se!ond KriyaH? I loo/ed at #er

    8it# a mee/ but $iering loo/ I "elt my legs gi!e 8ay% I #ad t#e

    im$ression t#at t#e idea o" a "urt#er te#niAue to be added to t#e too many

    already reei!ed and $ratied daily u$set #er% It 8as as i" s#e "elt s#e #ad

    made so great an e""ort to "orm t#e #abit o" daily $ratie o" t#e /irst   Kriya

    t#at s#e ould not muster u$ e!en more dediation% I belie!e t#at> u$ to t#is

    day> s#e #as remained "i9ed in #er on!ition%

    I #ad still not reo!ered "rom t#is s#o/ 8#en an aristoratiloo/ing lady

    dislosed to me s#e #ad reei!ed initiation in t#e soalled Higher Kriyas

    years be"ore% 'ull o" ent#usiasm> my eyes o$ened 8ide% S#e said s#e #ad

    "elt so un8ort#y t#at s#e #ad $ut t#em aside and> a"ter some time> s#e #ad

    "orgotten t#em entirely% ::'orgottenH: I ouldn:t belie!e my ears% T#is last

    abomination 8as inonei!able to me% $assed

    o"" as #umility and 8#o /no8s 8#at /ind o" o!erabundant de!otion>

    rossed t#e bounds o" deeny% 7#en I e9$ressed my obGetion t#at #er


  • 8/18/2019 Kriya 1.pdf


     be#a!ior seemed an e9#ibition o" indi""erene to8ard t#e #ig#er tea#ings

    taug#t by #er 3uru> s#e loo/ed at me in be8ilderment as i" my

    im$ertinene #ad !iolated an im$liit la8@ do not im$udently enter t#e

    intimate arena o" #er Sadhana% S#e re$lied t#at 8#at s#e #ad 8as enoug#>

    and t#en bris/ly ut o"" any "urt#er disussion%

     ,"ter anot#er year> I reei!ed t#e lessons on t#e 5hird and /ourth Kriya% I

    8as startled reading t#at t#ese te#niAues lead to t#e e9$eriene o" Astral

    Samadhi% I attenti!ely studied t#e instrutions and> still> t#ere remained

    some doubts 8#i# I didn:t /no8 #o8 to "ind an ans8er "or% , "urt#er

    di""iulty 8as to understand 8#i# 8ere t#e most o$$ortune moments to

    introdue t#is instrutions in t#e routine% my ent#usiasm 8as

    strong% ,"ter an attenti!e onsideration o" 8#at 8as 8ritten> I assumed t#at

     $ratiing t#e 5hird and /ourth Kriya at t#e

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