kulit buah manggis dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai zat warna alami karena mengandung antosianin

Post on 14-Oct-2015






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Dyes extraction of Mangosteen Peel and Application as Dyes For Metal Alumunium Anodizing Results


Kulit buah manggis dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai zat warna alami karena mengandung antosianin. Antosianin dapat dipisahkan melalui proses ekstraksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memisahkan zat warna dari kulit buah manggis untuk digunakan sebagai pewarna pada hasil proses anodiasi logam alumunium. Ekstraksi kulit manggis menggunakan pelarut etanol. Proses ekstrasi dilakukan dengan variasi perbandingan kulit manggis dengan pelarut 1:5, 1:10, 1:15, :20, dan 1: 25 dalam gram per volume selama 60 menit. Dari kondisi optimum perbandingan kulit manggis, dan pelarut, sekanjutnya dilakukan ekstraksi pada variasi waktu (30, 45, 90, 105, 120) menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kondisi optimum dengan perbandingan 1:10 dicapai pada waktu proses 60 menit, menghasilkan ekstrak sebesar 2,81 gram dengan yield 14,07 %. Ekstrak kulit manggis ini mempunyai kelarutan yang baik dalam air daripada dalam etanol dan aseton. Warna ekstrak kulit manggis dalam larutan dipengaruhi oleh pH larutan, dalam larutan asam berwarna kuning muda dan larutan basa berwarna cokelat tua. Ekstrak kulit manggis dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pewarna pada logam aluminium hasil anodiasi dengan konsentrasi 5 % menghasilkan warna kuning keemasan. Warna kuning keemasan di permukaan alumunium berubah menjadi cokelat akibat pemanasan pada suhu 50 oC.

Mangosteen peel can be used as a natural dye because it contains anthocyanin. Anthocyanins can be separated through the extraction process. The study aims to separate the dye from the peel of the mangosteen to be used as a dye on result of aluminium metal anodizing process. Mangosteen peel extraction using ethanol as solvent. Extraction process with mangosteen peel ratio variation with solvent 1:5, 1:10, 1:15, 1:20 and 1:25 in gram per volume for 60 minutes. From optimum condition of mangosteen peel and solvent ratio, then doing the extraction at a time variation (30, 45, 75, 90,105 and 120) minutes. The result showed that the optimum conditions in mangosteen peel and solvent ratio 1:10 achieved on 60 minutes processing time, produce extracts in the amount of 2,81 gram by yield 14,07 %. The mangosteen peel extract has good solubility on water than on ethanol and acetone. Mangosteen peel extract color in the solution is affected by the solution pH, on the acidic solution is light yellow and dark brown on base. Mangosteen peel extract can be used as a dye on aluminum metal anodizing result in a concentration of 5 % produces golden yellow color. Golden yellow color on aluminum surfaces turn brown due to heating at temperature of 50oC.

REVISI : The rind of Mangosteen can be used as a natural dye because it contains anthocyanin. Anthocyanin can be separated through the extraction process. This research aims to separate the dye from magosteen rind to be used as a dye on result of aluminium metal anodizing process. The Extraction process of mangosteen rind using ethanol as solvent. Ekstrasi process conducted variation ratio mangoteen rind with solvent 1: 5, 1: 10, 1: 15 : 20, and 1: 25 in grams per volume for 60 minutes. From optimum condition of mangosteen rind and solvent ratio, further the extraction the variation time (30, 45, 75, 90,105 and 120) minutes. The result indicate that the optimum conditions in mangosteen rind and solvent ratio 1:10 achieved on 60 minutes processing time, produce extracts in the amount of 2,81 gram by yield 14,07 %. The mangosteen rind extract has a good solubility in water than in ethanol and acetone. Mangosteen rind extract color in the solution is affected by the solution pH, in the acidic solution is light yellow and dark brown in base. The mangosteen rind extract can be used as dyes on aluminum metal anodizing results in concentration of 5 % produces golden yellow color. The color of golden yellow on the surface of aluminium turn brown as a result of heating at a temperature of 50oC.

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