kulleġġ san nikola skola primarja, mġarr Ħarġa numru 5

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Kulleġġ San Nikola – Skola Primarja, Mġarr

Ħarġa Numru 5

April 2018

Website: http://snc.mgarr.skola.edu.mt


Kelmtejn mill-Kap tal-iskola Ms Antonella Ferrante

Xogħol kap ta’ skola huwa wieħed li jġorr ħafna

responsabbiltà. Nasal biex ngħid li huwa aktar vokazzjoni milli

xogħol. Il-ġurnata tibda bid-dħul tat-tfal fl-iskola li minnha nnifisha

hija sfida. Mhux faċli jidħlu tlett mitt student fosthom it-tfal żgħar

tal-kindergarten. L-isfida għal kap ta’ skola tkun is-sigurtà tat-tfal u

kultant jittieħdu deċiżjonijiet fl-interess tat-tfal li forsi mhux kulħadd


Kap ta’skola jkollha diversi diskussjonijiet mal-ġenituri li jvarjaw minn

inkwiet li jinqala’ fid-djar rispettivi sa problemi fuq l-edukazzjoni tat-

tfal. Jiġu wkoll ġenituri imweġġgħin minħabba diversi

sitwazzjonijiet. Tistgħu timmaġinaw kemm deċiżjonijiet diffiċli

jittieħdu f’dawn il-ħinijiet u kemm hu diffiċli biex tgħin lil kull min hu


Matul il-ġurnata tal-iskola jinqalgħu bosta problemi ta’

manutenzjoni. Kultant jinqalgħu kultant xi inċidenti fejn iweġġgħu

t-tfal. Ikun hemm mumenti fejn ikollna nwiddbu xi tfal, jew

nisimgħuhom. Ma’ dan kollu kap ta’ skola trid iddur il-klassijiet u

tara x’qed jiġri fl-iskola. Irid jingħata sapport lill-istaff kollu li wkoll

iġorr il-problemi tiegħu.

Nagħmlu enfasi fuq dan kollu biex nuru l-importanza tar-rispett lejn

l-għalliema biex jagħtu l-aħjar servizz possibbli lit-tfal. L-għalliema

għandhom xogħol delikat ħafna u mimli responsabbiltà u jeħtieġu

s-sapport kemm tal-Kap tal-Iskola kif ukoll tal-ġenituri biex il-vjaġġ

skolastika tal-istudenti tagħna jkun wieħed ta’ suċċess.

Grazzi ta’ kulma tagħmlu ma’ uliedkom u mal-għalliema



Ms Marija

Kinder 1.5


Ms Marija

Kinder 1.5


Ms Nag

Kinder 1.4


Ms Nag

Kinder 1.4


Ms Felicia

Kinder 2.3




Kinder 1.2



Arts and





Kinder 1.1


Ms Janice Vella

Kinder 2.2

Smack the





Ms Lucienne


Kinder 2.1


Arts and



Ms Joanne


Kinder 1.3

Preparing and

flying the




Year 1.2 – Ms Mathea Vassallo


and Bee




Year 1.1 – Ms Louise Cutajar










Year 2.1 – Ms Stephanie Azzopardi

Ġurnata bil-maltemp – Jake Spiteri

Fil-maltemp t-temp

ikun imsaħħab.

Tibda nieżla x-xita.

Fil-maltemp jien nilbes

ġakketta, qalziet u buz.

Jien inċaflas fl-għadajjar

bħal Imeldina.


Franka l-fekruna tmur l-iskola.- Nathan Muscat

Franka qamet kmieni.

Franka tmur l-iskola bil-mixi.

Hija tħobb l-iskola.

Franka u Ġanna ħadu gost l-iskola.

L-għalliema hija gustuża u kalma.

Franka u Ġanna għamlu x-xogħol tal-iskola.

Huma daħlu jorqdu kmieni.

Ġanna u Franka huma bravi.


Year 2.2 – Ms Janice Vella Muscat

Our outing to Esplora

We were all waiting eagerly for the 7th February

as we were going on an outing to Esplora. As

soon as we arrived at school we took our outing

bags and left to Esplora Science centre at

Kalkara. It was a long way to go but we enjoyed this bus ride by admiring the


As we arrived at the centre we were taken to the engineering section where we

explored different settings:- trying to move heavy objects with a machine, trying to

block an intruder using a computer programme. The music room

was full of different sounds as we

roamed around it trying out the

different resources available. We

then proceeded to the illusion room

where we saw the different paintings

with illusion effects.

After that we enjoyed our lunches on the benches

outside overlooking the wonderful views. As break

was over we went into a room were a session about

different animals was carried out. We saw pictures of

different animals and learnt

about their habitats, what they eat and we heard their

sounds as well. After that we were given animal toys and we

had to find their habitats according to pictures given. When

this was finished we had to design an animal which we

ourselves would like to create.

When our session finished we proceeded to a room where

we played together and enjoyed our last few minutes there.

We really enjoyed our day together.


Year 3.1 – Ms Miranda Cauchi










Year 3.2 – Ms Sharon Calleja
















Year 4.1 – Ms Angelique Attard

On your way to school you met Harry Potter and he took you on an adventure.

Write a letter to your teacher to explain why you didn't go to school and what

happened on your adventure.


Chicken Road, Mġarr

MGR 4098, Malta

15th March 2030

Dear Ms Angelique,

I am sorry that I did not come to school yesterday. The reason is because I went on

a magical adventure with Harry Potter and his friends Magic chicken and Hannah the

owl. I was on my way to school when I saw Harry Potter on his flying broom with

them. First we flew to the enormous volcano, which was the house of the old, skinny,

hairy, grey wizard Voldemort. He had a long, bushy beard.

Next we followed him to the ancient temple and on the way we saw Voldemort at the

top of the temple. We flew to the top but Harry's cape got stuck on the corner of a

gargoyle. The magic chicken and Hannah pulled the cape out and it got torn.

Meanwhile, I helped Harry Potter by telling the dragon which was imprisoned in

Voldemort’s dungeons, to kill him. The dragon used the seven thousand goblins to

kill him and...

I am truly sorry but I had to because they really needed me.



Year 4.1

Year 4.2 – Ms Kylie Said

A Rainy Day

Cain Stivala Borg

Once on a rainy day, there was a man named Nick and he was in the living

room with his interesting book. Suddenly, a wild, messy dog came next to the

bush near his house and barked while hiding. The dog barked so loud that he

distracted Nick while reading his book. So he went up from the armchair and

went near the door.

The man decided to go outside and with a disappointing look he said, “No

dog is barking. What a waste of time!”

Nick couldn’t see the dog because he was hiding, ready to scare him. So

Nick decided to go out to look for the dog and starting running towards the

man. The man looked up and suddenly he spotted the dog. Oh no!

The dog ran as fast as he could and jumped

on Nick. There was a huge, old fountain full

of water. The dog pushed him and they both

fell in the fountain! He licked Nick’s face and

for sure it was not a crazy dream! They were

wet and muddy!

Nick went inside his house and took a warm

bath but he forgot something. The book out

in the rain! Oh what a rainy day!

Drawing by Benjamin Vella Year 4.2


Ġurnata fir-Razzett tan –Nannu.

Leah Camilleri

Jien u l familja tiegħi morna għand in-nannu Ġanni fl-20 ta’ Marzu.

In-nannu Ġanni għandu razzett mimli annimali differenti. Meta

wasalna tajna xi ħaġa bnina lin-nannu u morna ngħinuh ftit fix-

xogħol li kellu fir-razzett.

L-ewwel ħaġa li għamilt mort nara ftit l-annimali fir-razzett tan-

nannu għax kont ilni ma narahom. In- nannu qalli biex immorru

niġbru l-bajd tat-tiġieġ u nnadfulhom ftit. Wara għamilna froġa bil-

bajd tat-tiġieġ. Kemm ġiet tajba

u bnina! Jien mbagħad mort

nilgħab ftit u mort nitma ż-

żwiemel u n-nagħaġ. Xħin sar il-

ħin għidt lin-nannu grazzi talli

stedinni biex immur għandu. Jien

ħadt gost fir-razzett tan-nannu

għax rajt ftit l-annimali u għent

lin-nannu jieħu ħsieb l-annimali



Year 5.1 – Ms Melanie Sultana

The Legend of the six friends

A long time ago in a village far, far away, there lived six friends,

four men and two ladies. They had six beds in their big house. One

owned an Apple Juice Bar, another owned an Armoury, another

owned a Wizard’s shop. One owned a Summoning room, another

was a knight. The last one wrote books to read to his friends.

The book writer went back to his house to read a book to his

friends but everything was gone except the chest and the stove.

Two other knights found the thief, Puppet. They chased after him

to a Portal. The portal lit by itself. A strange figure popped

through the portal and hypnotised the two knights and the thief.

The strange figure ordered the thief and the knights to burn the

entire village. The other five friends escaped on a carriage pulled

by a horse. They found the portal and went through it. They have

been taken to the strange figure’s castle. When they got in the

castle, the strange figure was sitting on the throne. Behind it, there

was a cage filled with TNT explosive. The mysterious figure

disappeared. The TNT was about to explode. The five friends

broke them out in time. Bolora took Puppet, the thief, back to his

secret house but his house was destroyed. He had to live with the

others who were actually his friends. Puppet took out a TNT mine

cart and put it on the red stone tracks.

Some monsters came out of the tunnel. The TNT exploded and

two of the friends, Freddie and Bombon disappeared. The other

friend, Baby, found a little hut with a witch inside, that had been

attacked by creepers. Baby, the one that has the Wizard shop,

defended the witch and the creepers exploded. The witch and

Baby disappeared. The last two, Bolora and Foxy teleported on a


ship. The strange creature had imprisoned the five friends. Foxy

had a stick of dynamite with him. The witch threw a potion of

blindness. Foxy took a pick axe and broke the five friends out.

The TNT blew up and the ship was sinking. Foxy gave them gliders

and found a life boat. He saved the day. The strange figure fell

into the water and was swallowed by a Grey White Shark. The six

friends burnt down the life boat. Foxy went to his friend, the Great

White Shark.

Foxy went into his mouth all there was, was a squid and a creeper

and a sign that says, “Huh Huh I’m back!” Foxy realised he has

escaped. Baby was going to her house but the strange figure

destroyed it. The strange figure took Baby. When Freddie and

Bolora came back to the house they found it destroyed. Foxy

came to tell them and he fell through a hole. He found an Ander

Portal and he put his Diamond Armour on. He went through the

portal and found himself with an Ander Dragon. He took out the

Ander Crystals and one of the pillars fell. He found Baby but she

was in a cage of TNT. The Ander Dragon started to attack. He

found a chest. It had a super bow. He shot the dragon’s head

off. Foxy freed Baby by a pick axe. They teleported to Bolora,

Freddie, Puppet and Bombon. They built a stone house and had

a celebration. They have been told that an evil small man had

been put to the dungeons. They told them his name. His name

was Entity 303. He was never to be seen again.


Luke Schembri



Year 5.2 – Ms Victoria Buhagiar

Iċ-Ċavetta misterjuża

Għodwa waħda kont fil-kantina tan-nanna nqalleb fost l-affarijiet

x’ħin minn taħt il-għajn ilmaħt xi ħaġa tleqq. Ersaqt viċin u rajt

ċavetta antika kollha disinji u lavur. Kienet ċavetta kbira kważi

daqs muftieħ.

Bdejt naħseb ta’ fejn tista’ tkun din iċ-ċavetta. Mort nistaqsi lin-

nanna ta’ fejn din tista’ tkun. In-nanna x’ħin ratha mill-ewwel

xegħel wiċċha! In-nanna ħatfitli jdejja u ħaditni għal ġol-ġnien.

Bqajna sejrin wara l-kamra tal-għodda.

Fetħet il-bieb u minn fuq mejda xegħlet lampa. Tagħtili f’idejja biex

inżommha u sa dan it-tant kien hemm bwejba tal-injam imwaħħla

mal-art. In-nanna daħlet iċ-ċavetta misterjuża fis-serratura u

fetħitha. Kien hemm taraġ jinżel l-isfel u jien u n-nanna nżilnieh bil-

lampa f’idejna biex żgur ma naqgħux.

Kien hemm ħafna oġġetti u affarijiet tal-antik. In-nanna qalet li

kienu ta’ żmien il-gwerra. Hi u tqalleb ġol-affarijiet bdiet tispjegali


x’inhuma. Qatt ma kont nobsor x’teżor kien hemm moħbi taħt il-

ġardina tan-nanna!

Miktuba minn Cheryl Muscat

The Worst Day of My Life

One day my mum told me to go shopping to the super market. I

went and bought all the things my mum needed.

On my way home I noticed that a man was following me. I was

scared and I started to run because I was sure that the man was

chasing me.

While I was running I got trapped in a net. I shouted for help but

the man put me in a sack and took me in a field. Luckily, three

days later a man was passing by and saved me.

I was very happy to go back home but that was the worst day of

my life. I wish I had never decided to go out that morning!

By Kieran Azzopardi


Year 6.1 – Mr Matthew Cassar

Jiena kelb f’razzett

Nicole Muscat

Ġieli rajt kelb jirgħa n-nagħaġ? Jien wieħed minnhom! Jien jisimni

Rocky u noqgħod fir-razzett ta’ Joe il-Bżigor. Il-mara tiegħu jisimha

Marija u tħobb ħafna iżżiegħel bija. Għandhom żewġt itfal, Marju u


Ħa nibdew! Jien kelb tar-razza Springer. Noqgħod fir-razzett u

għandi ħafna ħbieb ta’ veru. L-aqwa ħabiba hija Jolly il-kelba u din ħa

jkollha l-frieħ. Il-familja tal-bidwi ħaduha għand il-veterinarju biex

jieħu ħsiebha hu. Il-ġurnata tas-soltu hija twila. L-ewwel tibda billi

x’ħin titla’ x-xemx s-serduq. Benny jidden u jqajjem lil kulħadd.

Imbagħad jiġi Joe u jagħtina l-għalf. Kulħadd jiekol għal qalbu u

jinżillu għasel.

Wara li nieklu, kulħadd jaqbad jagħmel xogħolu. Xogħoli huwa li ngħin

lil sidi jieħu ħsieb in-nagħaġ milli jaħarbu. Tgħidli; jaħarbu minn fejn?

Aħna noħorġuhom fl-għelieqi ta’ Joe biex jieklu l-ħaxix frisk. Meta

tkun xi ħalba xita qawwija, sidi jħallini ġewwa fir-razzett biex ma

nixxarrabx u ma nimradx. Meta x-xemx tkun qed tiżreġ jarmali l-

pixxina biex ma nħossx ħafna sħana. Naqta’ rasi barra li Joe jħobbni



It-tfal ta’ Joe jħobbu jagħtu titwila lejn ir-razzett u meta jiġu

noqgħodu nilagħbu mistoħbija. Tgħidx kemm nieħdu gost. Qiegħda

għal qalbi ħafna ngħix f’dan ir-razzett ma Joe u l-familja tiegħu.

Nisperaw li dejjem nibqa’ hekk.

Immaġina li int żiemel f’razzett

George Vella 6.1

Ara Blacky u Cutie! Idħlu! Kif intom? Kemm ilni ma narakom! Illum

trid ngħidilkom dwar żmieni? Issa se nibda. Forsi tafu li llum għandi

sitta u erbgħin sena! Fi żmieni kont ngħin lil Johnny tal-Laflafett.

Illum intom għandkom il- kumdita’ kollha.

Lil Johnny kont ngħinu jaħrat l-għalqa. Issa se nibda

nirrakkonta kif ħajti inqalbet għall-aħjar. Meta kont għadni kif

twilidt kont għand Vinċent taż-Żebbiegħ. Dan kien kattiv ħafna. Hu

kemm il-darba ma tanix x’niekol u sena wara ħrabtlu. Spiċċajt

minn ġot-taġen għal ġon-nar!

Jien sibt lil Johnny u dakinhar ħassejtha barka mis-sema.

Imnalla kien hu għax kieku illum jiena mejjet bil-ġuħ. Dakinhar

bnieli kamra żgħira bl-injam kemm niddobba biex norqod. L-

għada bnieli stalla kbira u l-ġmiel tagħha.

Qed taraw kif ħajja ta persuna (jew ta xi bhima bħali) tista’

tinbidel mill-lejl għan-nar b’persuna waħda BISS? Intom inzertajtu li

twilidtu fil-lussu (fil kamra jew stalla l-kbira). Jien barra f’xemx tiżreġ

twilidt. Dakinhar kienet xemx taqli l-ġrieden! Kelli ħafna ħbieb

(żwiemel, eċċ.) li kienu jgħixu mal-bidwi. Sfortunatament kollha

mietu u jien ix-xiħ! Naħseb dewwimtkom hawn hux? Saħħa!


Year 6.2 – Mr Kurt Pace

Your school magazine is organising a story writing competition. The theme chosen is A

Frightening Experience. You decide to take part in the competition.

Name: Aleandro Deguara Vella

Once upon a time, my family and I were going on a holiday at the Hilton hotel. When

we were halfway to the hotel, we reached a gloomy, pitch-black town. The road was full of

sharp rocks and we had bad luck because is started to rain and had a flat tyre.

After a while, thunder struck and flashes of lightning followed. We saw a house

nearby and decided to go there for shelter. When we saw the broken and dirty windows, we

knew it was an abandoned house. We were terrified because there was still a dim light on.

When we opened the door, we heard a screeching sound and a cloud of dust formed in

front of us. Outside of the house was small but the inside it was huge. When I was exploring

the house, I saw many old photos of a couple and their two kids. As we were going upstairs

to explore the second floor, we heard anguished cries. We stopped in our tracks; our heart

started to beat fast as we rushed down the stairs like freaks and didn’t stop until we were

safe out.

We climbed into the car and locked the doors. Luckily, someone came to help us. We

were saved from the terrifying house and could go safely home.


Il-kantina tad-dar tan-nanna

Isem: Martina Galea

Darba, is-Sibt wara nofsinhar kont qiegħda nilgħab noli ma’ oħti u

f’daqqa waħda rajt iċ-ċavetta tal-kantina. Jien m’għidt lil ħadd għax kienu

jgħidu lill-ġenituri tiegħi.

Jien inżilt fil-kantina imma ħadd ma kien jaf. Hemm taħt kien hemm

ħafna bard u dlam imma ftit wara sibt bozza u xgħeltha. Jien rajt ħafna brimb

ukoll. Hemm ġew kien hemm ħafna ġarar tal-inbid u wara waħda minnhom sibt

teżor. Dan it-teżor kien fih affarijiet li kellha n-nanna bħal deheb, ritratti ta’

meta n-nanna kienet żgħira u tan-nannu u n-nanna flimkien. Dak il-ħin tgħidx

kemm fraħt. Iżda f’daqqa waħda smajt lil xi ħadd nieżel u jien bdejt nibża’.

Wara ftit nara lin-nannu. Huwa staqsieni x’kont qed nagħmel u jien għedtlu li

kont sibt it-teżor u staqsejtu għala kien moħbi.

Jien nixtieq nerġa’ ninżel fil-kantina. Darb’oħra nara li ħadd ma jarani u

ħadd iżjed ma jkun jaf. Forsi nsib ukoll xi teżor ieħor jew xi ħaġa li tinteressani.


Ikteb nota lill-kuġin/a tiegħek biex tfakkru/tfakkarha biex iġib/iġġib dak li għandu/ha

bżonn għall-ħarġa rikreattiva fil-Park tal-Avventura, Ta’ Qali, li qed jorganizza l-Kunsill


Isem: Yasmine Schembri

Għażiż Noah,

Nixtieq infakkrek biex iġġib dvalja u ballun għall-ħarġa rikreattiva fil-Park tal-Avventura, Ta’

Qali. Tinsiex iġġib miegħek xi erba’ panini bit-tonn taż-żejt u xi ħames panini bil-perżut u

ġobon. Naraw li nġibu wkoll ir-roti ħalli ngħaddu l-ħin. Grazzi tal-għajnuna tiegħek u nispera

li ma ndumx ma narak hemm.

Dejjem tiegħek,


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