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Post on 30-Jun-2020






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· · · ·• m ~~ o·· Tll:t'l "E . .D . . ·. ·. , rn. c "~. o.. . ... ,111 ~ A~~ . . . VOL. l:J;t_, NO.•a.-· · · . . . · ... : . ·.· ·· .· · CAlmlZOZO,·LJN.COLN COUNrY. NlilW ·. . . .. JNUDAY, 4flUL ~· U~S.~ · .. ' .

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· • . · · · ·(Bv '•TEX. ·.'').· · · · R. A ·w lk · 0 • # \ .• .,.. . • er, .. wner -.,A "· ' • . lt:b.:. and Jrfrs. C~trl J'Qnea trld • . I . . ' s·. a' f·e· tb' F·l·r· at . . . . ·-M~. John:eo.rrentettained little

·:Mr. and· Mr•~ O~ O. G•rdaQ!) J.lf. and r.tra~ Fl~••i~ Zumwalt' .· . . ·· , • " · .· ·· ·. .. Frlday .. Satur4ay~'the 1\t:um· M.issea MayJ<lbniOn'and Yvok1ntt · motQred tp tbe C.rl1bad c.v.rn ot CottonwOO.d visited Mr. ~d · - · · · · · · · · · · · · ..,.. my,' with Horfa Karlotf, ZIJa Jo· Mel tori WetW.e11day evenfng~ar._

Sunday. . . . Mr.L .f\.. B. Zumwalt on Eaiter The Senior CJ.,a .of· tb• ~rrizozo lli.rh School wiU h.mn an<J DavJd Manners. A. 28; w.itb ~birthday party eom-M:n W•·C. aebdten of Fort Sunday. . . pre$~nt wnew and aparldlnl t•ee wbfcb baa a atory tale o.f ni,vaterfoua Egypt wltb pJimentlng M-.y•a"lOth bfrthd~y · St~nton entert1ine~ tJio Study ·Art BeJrns aud Mn. Anna Go-- ot •ll•tained intereat aboun~lng in mirth- provoldng all of ·the mystery. intriguing and Yvonne' a 7th birthday. The Club at her home.· Jaet weolc. aey came In from. Wfn~. Texas. aiti.Urtiom~. . · · • { . . · . beauty. aplepdor and spectacle ou(le was well decorated for Retreabmenta of pqnc~ a n d laat ·,week to do IQme work OD . . -CAST OF cli~RACTERS-:- '(); of the days of tile Egyptian eaater which made th.e ifff4ir


cake were t~erved, ·· their bomeatead.. ' · Pbaroaba. CQmedy and CartOQn nu)~e ~nter,eatinJ.r ~or the young-1. On . April 2. tb• B. on The Sunday School class had Jaek ~ontgomery .• "'A . . huablnd~ .. M,_l\flrvin Peek ham - ~--

Club · ·&'' r.--; .· . · .· . · . . . 1

. ..Th~ · Power and Glory,'' littlt friend• enjoyed an evening Jfght lunch wu aerved aft~r- llr. HeNuttM,...._ ...... _A detee.n••· detectfve_.__...;.yirgil Caat wltb SPitncer T r a c ~· Colleen of froJI~kfnR garnet. Aa the eve ..

and HoraJ d~~Qratfons were warda. · Elrrier li'Jannet,.. ___ A..,fully 'hrfnklnsrt..-M~~-M··-.. SaiJ1 Qrtiz Moore, }Jelea Vin10n an.d Ralph ofnsz: drew to a close each little L. H. Dow, · Deputy County ~: .:nd Mra. Marvin Peacock. · AboulHn Hoeha A Turk frqn TtJrkey_, ... Leonard Sanchfi J.l()rgan, Wo.uld you ~rive your gqeat Wal directed to a BPQOl o

A · · · d d' th t ·I · · huaban(\ t.o the woman he loved wft.h a atrmg attached. Aa tlt.,,Y . •ses,u~r, att.-n e. e · unera Frank Peacock and Edllaf" Mar- Mabel Montgomery_Jict'•· wlf.e, pity berl.- .. Francei CharJea ot his cou"ln, J. L. am at El tin~sited Marion Huet and fa- Vi 1 1 n· fd H . 1 t ... L 1 If you had tauflht bim how to each wound the 1trlllR on their ·

. · u · . ra n a . r ger ..... ., .. "_... er yoU.nRer ~ 8 er... · ,_ ... ar,J ew • read arad wrlte-ln•plred him to apoola they were Jed to ' lovely Paao Tueeday, ' .wr. HiJJ waa .a mlly in Oacura Sundaf,.. Mta. B. arr.fnrrto" Brfo~lll'er_Tball' mamma-Vena Louf1e Sno. w f d J I l'ttl f E I member ·of the llaaonlc order Jea•e Mar and wife made 1 • .. .... atta n power an ll ory-on y to 1 e nest o aeter esnra. t and wu 1· Pal!t Noble GraJJ.d. Jn ·buline·

11.t·r"J·p to HqJJywoo.~. von- ZuJeika_,_A tende·r Turkflb mai4en __ , __ Cecflia Vfd•urrJ ftnd bim en1nared by anoU.er- wu announced oruutrfnsr woula .

u ~~~.~. O'Fi A I : t... k 1 d •rd •• c · .. What woiJid you do? Comedy: iead ·to a Jarae bunny ao there . one of the l. 0. 0. F. lodg., Jn . ,,q, • . Mary Ann nnerty ... n r.IG,COO a y.:n. eene ""'c ammon·. , , .___. ' 'Eil'I!O~ The 'Odd Follow• con- . . . I

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. · · ~ Mn. .OoyJe l(ernfrow enter- dfepl~yed wonderfnr who would D....,ow::~~o returned home Wed- epont . PLACE-High School Auditorium talnetl the Wedneaday- Brfdsre get· the bunny. Tbe honorees

nesday. . · Mayor E~ Qomrey ft a.tartlna · . -sSe_ 20c . · • Club thfa week at the Carrizozo were eac~ presented wJtb a wllfte .. 1 Mr. an& lira Vernon Moafer to do aomefarmfng. He aa:v• he · • Eatlng B\Juae. 14ra. o. X. La- birthday cake alfRhted with pink and emalJ 100 Karvfn o'f Caplbm Intend• to plant both of hfe acre• • . • Vallee won the high acore. · candlea. The guests .also. Rave were viaitora in town the ftrat tbta year. ,~ Dtamond D·u·•·l Found Gu.lty by JurJ "Th Th. y , the honoree• many lovely little tbit week · - Mr. and lrlrl. Cha1. LeBaron ,.. eae arty eara glfta. Cake and coeoa wu ler-

. • · · made a buefne•• triP to El .Pa•o Captain Walter ~Fleur. The ~elebrated Hunnicutt rob? · · · · vetno .the following: Ptfary.Do· Mra. B. PrJ~~ 0~ _tE! .. Q_• m .P. week.· - · · . bft team out for ptactf1e bery and torture caae carne to a "ne• taJklnr picture produced rothy and Fred Yyera, Betty

MalpaTa & Service St.atf~n left . SundaY tor tbe ftrat time, and cloll Wednetdl&f nfgbt when tht by the Ford llotor Company, ~~ Lou,_ Lila and Jamea Sechrlat, Thureday evenlnt ·of 111~ week Tho Ladlea' Afc:l of White Oaka gave them a Rood work • out. ury~ after a ahort deliberation, to be ahoW'n at the Lytic Thea~ \Vaymon Mays, Rosemary Hand· for .a .. tlnga, Michigan, after - Clyde Smith of Whitf!faee, Tex •• returned a verdict of Ruiltr. tro Wednt~day. A~rilll, aCter ley. Tommy Knight. Denver reeelvinsr the ••d 01" 1 o(potbt glvinsr two ehort pJay1 at tht pltcbet. who helped the Carrizozo Yeettrday morning •" 10 .. o'clock, noon and nfaht. CompJfment~ry .flelmt, Viola F•n John1on and death of her fatber. lll'l. Prior on WedneldaY, AurU. 11, team win at Fort .Stanton Jut the tour. men were arraigned be· tfcketa art bein~ presented by Junlpr Melton. wJll return in about two weeki. 8 p.m. The ftrat, .,Our Min- 4tb ot·July, f• here •nd Jt tore Judge Frenger and the fol- tht Carrizozo Auto Company. ' Following a abort Eaater pro-H1;'. JDd llri.T.O.Key "'"c.... Brldi." The Ca•t-Ell- ployed at the. Carrizozo Auto lowfnrr tentence• fmpoaed before undf\1' who,. aul!pfcea tJ'a• local 11ram I•'riday afternoon the tea-

rfaoso .Wtora from C.pltan on zabetb ~uttoo, nee Gray. 1'he Co. He will b~ a valuable addi· a crowd w4fcb tilled the court •h,~~~n~a are bfeh!~T~eld. Thi t chers entertained the aghool ehil, . ~ }Vedneldal'. l d a CJerborb: llartba tlon to the tearD.. Clyde and Rtd room to ita capacity. Jaekaon y'" e.: boryf 0 oo "88 riy dren with an Easter eg~e hunt. ·

' ·~ T- "' • .. t • ...... d d d Lu ~ _, ,_ 13 eara eg ns Q years ago n "l\ot D&Ye B~ekltt wu ,hara .from +"'tt"'-'ar .. "41r .c ~lh ""'11 ; 1" An rea eraJ •avt~n .uvm to 14 yeara; tbl town of Brookfield D v A large crowd was out E~t!lll.'lr 1M! Va:Jghn one d&.J thli week. lira. Donata Qllttn; Samantha will officiate a t ·the vitcber'll ffampbre.r. 12 to 13 y e a r a: 8 ine• and hi• l"'ed m~tlter: e Sunday mornir:ur for Sunday ?f . Kartba'a aunt. Krt.. box and we expect to He 10mo Daut(herty 5 to 6 ,Jean· Van 1

a ee ·s h 1 d j Hr. and lira. lleyer Barnett Le•lfe: Jim••· Sneer 4 Pry. nlc~ work. . · Hdrn; con/ett~or and Jnfo~mer, thtlr farm and everythfnll they c oo an to en oy the foJiow-

ha~e m?ved back from Vau11bn viUaae goaaipe, llmea. WhltweiJ The liveJY,IZOod·•portlng eom- 8 to 4 year~. In each untenC!o own put on the auction blo~:lc to lnsr Easter program arranaed to Cam~ozo and we w e J o o m e md Barner Ward: Jln. PJacfd, a munity 0 1 Wblht Oaka held the cottl of th• ·pro•ecutlo.n aatllly a srreedy mortgare hold" &nd supervlud by Miss M•ary them .to their old horne. paaea-maker. Mra. L. Qu~; another benefit d•nce for t b 8 'fert attached. . er. Durlna the aucdo~ •• Dave Craw~ord and At~. B A. HlflJ,~

Max Taylor la'bere frotn Laa Mra. &~rJy, a terlousfad7,Hra b•sebatl team, which wu a ft- A~torney Nen, counsel for tho become• inspired by a hone· towEr. Song, The ~lctorf, Crueee m1tfng Hr. and lira. CleKhorn; Bally, Aha. Sutton'• n'nclaiiUCCt!lll, White 0 a k 8 defen•e. made a plea Cor an •n· ICJI ca~jasre :cen t;arlng do~n ~n~ir~A~u~d·~ sghool, .. n~ltn· Elmer. Eaker. mafd. llra. Jackaon. also had a practi~ game Jau veal to the Supreme Court whfcb brut~~ .coun J~:o;,.at 1f nee ~ i~':n' Highto~e~~ So~:n, .. Eaftr;

Pla1 No. 2-"Tbe Trlata of a S:mday. wu granted. The men will all rea .~ •pee m es per , · •, au · e Doultle. Ch.UtniDI " Cllt-Ml'l, Montgo. Manafler Reynolds Ia buiY fn be taken to tbe penltflntfaryand hour. He aeu a great futuro Day, Prlma~y Class: ~ecitat~n.

, merr. Hotttll of th• day and tr,lng to negotiate for the open· bond• placed at $8.000 each in automobiles and want• Jtd Alar~. M;ver,. Song. Fear ~., At the home of Hr. and .Hr•· Pre•. ot Club. Krt. Sipple; Hra. lng games whfch wJU be an- pendhia the action of the bfgb Ttlvers, .. foeal livery stable own Not., lntermediatl' Clan: Rtci­

Claud Br1num, Ea1ter Sundq DeVanltJt.J, a JOcfety woman, nounced aoon. The Corona team court. The convicted men wJll er, to go into bu1ine11. wJth him Ultfon, Mora Jean Sweet, Yvoape mornfnsr; a double cbrfatenrn~ llr&. Smith; Miu Votfnt, a apin· have their aeora card•. and are be unable to furnfab hlfl trorn J't!d witbold1 hf1 deca~lon unti! Melton, B~tty Lou~echrl~.t.llyr­took place, the prlnbipalt ~log ater and autfraJl..ette, lira. Flor• flettlnc ready. Corona alwaya tht fact that tbey could not Dave prqvet what bls carriasre Ue Uo~?•·· RecitatiOn. • Ea~ter C. A.. Branum, Jr., aged 8, and ence Ward; Mra. Joe Errfc. a hu' a •trong team. make bonda of $750 ll•fore the ca.n dt> iq a cro11 - c~ntrr race ~unny, Tommy K~!abt, Dqet, b~tby Veda Lou, ar!d 8 months. chatter box, Kra. Coole: Ki•• The ftrinr wiU aoon be,fn trfaJ. with t h • exception of Wflth • horae. . .. lt Wu For Me. lira. S, J: Tbe ceremony wu perturmed by AcribeJ, a doleful old maid, .ur.. alona tbtline. Help the bora to ltumpbre,J. . Succe ... ~avor'- Dave. He Pruett and Mi;!J MarJ CrawtQl'd. Rev.· Pattee of tho Eplacopal · Brfdret, lritb maid, Kn. have a wJnnlng team. We juat wlnf tht rac:o-allo the hand ot Seuonable Bable Verses. v,na Church. The Branum bomt wu Fulmer: Sec'y ol club,llrl. Walk- mutt have it-and tbat'a thatf , Fiah Tl'Uck Ffop~d. _ .. . Larcom Ia.- They- have- Donald HaD, Rqae. beautifully decor•ted .. In Euter .. Treat., ·J(n.. Cb'dt Cotner: aoo,. Bob, who bteomee a prob· lfandJey. Wallace H_atJ. colora tor the occufon. A. J lin. Nbrdfea Sbuman·Heinck• Muont and Famili" Ma..k• _ Wtdntada..J mornlllJ"• ·two Jim Jnlatet Jite,. .· for he. Myen, ~rrd lf.Ytrs,

. RoJ~and perform~d Jht_ tfiu Margie -aeNutt; Mert on Easter EYe ftab tr~cb came up tram t b pJayln1,to workfnr, and tpenda Viola Fay Johnson, Son~, *Th•nk Godfather a D d lba. Francel r 1, CbamJnade _ Beethoren- Y Sacl'lmento mountains where bit dad 'money gambling on the God for Euter D a y, Entrre Spenc~r, {lodmoth-er, with R~v. · · lfi••. u J r J am Brookl. t 11t Saturday eV@nlog in. thE! thir had been depolitfDJ' aome atock m•rket. Tht cruh of 1929 !unday School. . . Pattee. and ~·· Veda Raltan. Admittibn, 35c; under l2, 16c. b 1 n que t halt of the lla10nic rainbow trout in the moont.fn catcbet Bob. He lotee every~ Immediately alter_ the progtam the chddren • grandmother, •• . · Temple, Ma.on1; their w i v t '• atr .. tua. Juat 111 they were In thing - includhl1 bit girJ, Ann the youngsters wue off Cor an aponsorr. . . .. _ . . Ea t ... s. da p r aona and daugbtert, tpent IIY"' tro·nt of t.h• GoJdaton home, one Bailey. who hll~ been df1gu~t4!d erg hunt 4h•.t proved .a. lo~{)f ..

.. ,, .· .. ·' . . .· . . tt 1 •r un . J • 11 eral pleuant bo~ra of entertain ... or tbt &rackt turned our, and ,dfb hint tot •~me time. Jed. fun: The crowd ,t!Mn aprJ!ad

I Read_ em;. aad Weep 11 . R. R GIU tt. . .. . . · ment u one bil' family. Table• tortunltely for the dtfYir he the partner ot Dave, otlcke to Ulet)' dinner• and enJoyed vii1t4

V' . . · . -- . . . . ·.. r•· · • . • •arawe a . . wer. arnnaed tor t boa e who w b - t 1 tb _:b Bob. ancl uvea bfa life on cne lor until two.o'clock when ~v • . Read:r• will notfee twoblank :•htf&;t ~;lli~ P~rty ~t hb7J- wfabed to.piiYbtidge,wbUe oth- tn~ ~=:W'b:~ brufa:d":~ &: occalllon-and belpa hfm to wfn Sloan, who..,., fneharge .of,the pagea 1n thi1 )laper, wbf c h /me a;_ 6 : d•1 or i - 1 c .... era engaged. in dancror to thf wu abht to go on hf• Wl)' ' The tht band ot h}• girl and proa •ervJce gave a very fnapliinr mhstak_e w~ due to a . fault of rea. ae ~ eco.rat on• p~e . l'lltceUent mu1te of the 'Revetera' rtlr truck stand on U• ~btelt. perttr. _ . . . . . • t1lk. Spellfal muata tor tke ·at-the prmtet •. IUDplr. bo~ae; It h:!:e~ -::. a~~~rr: ~~m- w 1.* *nee orehHtra. .Before~· Both trucka Wert emptJ. The vm ••• Election ternoon Wll a mal&quartt~teQrn• waa meant for tome other . · . . Y. . . . . 8

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. •· .. . clote of the encertafnment; re· · · . · · · · · posed ot Me•er•. Bright, HobbtJ, . Ucation: But don't mind a . ~8•fx "'!:Sta J:reaent.8· n•mtt- fteahments ol 1 c e cream and AN APPRECIATION' . L )let V'Utage .toctlon 1Tueada1 Rn. Sloan lind Etde~ Hanhterdt

thing hke that, !olke~ lot! per- '· . 0~ .-. . eDn · · n ° "• eake wen awved bt!the enter- . . . · ·· ·· · paifed oft qufetf,t· yet actrvelt, of Clovfa. . " hapt once in. ~ .. hun~r.a , .. !8 Dorothy ~ald1;l~, Jeada~e tb .. · tafnmcuit· eornmittu · . · . We with to tbank 'the cf_tfzen• wfth rot:td· natured eftiuna Yot- T&e Woman•• Club wi~LotM•

.. C.orfeall) printer • auppJJ boUIN, RH GiU UA •r • . • tl · oro 1 of !l&~~n. Ro)' Shafer . _ . . . . . . ot. C1r~J()IO . for "tbt · . · fnr. tlHifr .. prefe~eucu. with n.o April 1. at the home ot lll'i. ,,};d make ml•.taku. • .. I • ew ,· . •.', .. En«Jflb, who weu rNI)On•lbJe me, ~re u• tn tht .. coattatl n?rdfeagreeq~entt. .· . · MilJ~r wlth 1m. Price Mlllef fa

Rebekaht .. HOif.,Ha . . .Ea.tel' Sirthda.•.·. Din.·· net .. _ · .. · t~~atenjoyabJeeYent •. Tbe,_, eltctlon ob. Tueada.J, .. We wm vott ••."• recefvtd .~t. wu ~ cbattte ~f th•llltucl:r hour.. i. .. • , ,._.. 'lbou~ 4ltt peoplt protent. end• rot to ••rve tiM PfOPl• of toUo"'·. Taxpayer•. Ticket ... I ,_..,.,_ . ..,.,_,..,,...,.., _ _..."0~---,""""" ·~

At Six 0.-clock Dina• .. . . . . .... ···.·• · .. · .·.· .... · .. . . .... · " . . . .. · ·· ·· ·.·. • . ~ . . ··... .. .. thfl eommunfiY to the &tat ro:~" Mayor:. Dr. JohtJiOn; .34&. fullr conttatufated the vic~ra ... ·. . _.. .. . ·.. Eutet ~~~ _ wu W!Jl• Glt~ . Geo Elmgren. and; Jack Y~un~r out abllit1 and will ho~ to . TrUtteH: 8fchatd, 362: Smith, like ;dod aport• and ev•r11Wn«

- ·Tburiday ·et'e.n.i~, .!)f l11t . · . btrtbday and on that df Fort St1nton were butfniis It thf' c::onftdenco placed .In ttr( · · . . Jlattfnu, 840~ Phlppt, 346. gofn.i 4ne, A! t•r •• thla ·oa~ Ooal,or• Ltldge filb. lti1 Order .· . . .lit• and~ L. P~ lit: .. riattort irt towtl tht Jatttr part lt~l~cttultt,· ' . Clt~kc Lor~laet, .$8. . . .. . l•.cofic.tttrted. it took no J11tt .



' • Rttbekab• t. O. o .. F., edtettata- CUntoek tntel'tllfted In hit bon- of Jut week. Jack Younz 11 .r. H. Jobnion, lfaror . Citlz!n•' Tfeke·t-.tor ·lfaYol'! tbt el~tfon and tbat. attitUde fit .. at ail exc~lhtot alx. · or with • birtb~l' df~tltr. . · · · · t r • p dramtnet • t>l t h · F* E. ttrchard Jlc~ufll•n• 136. Tl1llftet! . · · .,....· ---i dfnuer at OddFtlfo'ff HaiiJ. Af• w.-.:at* and ¥rw. Wm# ''Rh1thm Ktnajl'. Jack W.J..; .. Jutn Jlartfnn - -·--· · ltYI116t,Snow; 122f ·. -- . · patttn. We wel'tl· aU ..... .. •

.. tet tbl dinner, . • Piatreal Pto"' . . .. · · ·.~~· Bill, Jr.,. ~ lJ; ktt'• Uv•wfri oreheltN of_ F,. . Ob••· E, Smith tOO: Zfqlel'. 106~ ·Ofttkt Sa· and nelrtbbort and wo~ eontidl!!t--. il'lDl wu cl••~ lrbfcb .,.. fol- • . Jaqe:. lf!L ~·~~• Oaf.. Stanfo:n. 'l'bla, .orcbettra rfvH Sblrli1 P.bfppt · aer, 81 •.. IndtPtndtbt-..Oierk td It our POliti on to .11tand aald•.

, - r :Jcur.a b1 r • • • • arid ·.. · .·· .. aoa 1011 Barrr, ll.'r.. ll'id dd&tt etttY Sat~r uf.abt .. . • Trullt••• Bo•U•n, 82:. .Jtupltt ot t.bt tact · · trom u•tnr o·tJrfrdtu•~ee, ' .. · .. witiJ ·uo.lleucltnl»lJ at the.... L.P, rll'oCifll!oct lhd. bfle*, Rul~ . •t tn. Wiulfttld BtU. . J(oraratr Loyef~tel Clerk. thlt h• .. I® two op~>Qntntt~ . MuS··llt Wnt Rortrs ••~•· . (U ••

· no.. At t. tJHl¢iilfeatur. -ot . . Cltta McCfft~t®lt*· . Walker .. ,, .. ,.com. O:P ..S · . . .,.~ • ·•· •· ... • · . Lo1etaet l·dd tbt tfektt abd Ill· had an1) for ~t.t• parti or · •••n•'• •ntartthf•llft .. J. 11

"1' sn.. I·~. " . Ut ~etlm•/' • ...a ttm~l Jlt. atld J¥o. I. N. . . . chard tOil for 1'ta•t••· .w ,•_'f;!,. thtr, . 1ht .. . . . .··. Hekm rtalll!t* ltoPS*'tt taW~ .· ·· . l'ht· ttb.tth• Xful• . .. · .· . . . ... trcia. ltot®to · · Thl~Mtw.ft8"tt wiUtak• ·tMfr e.tecftdf "• otrtirH bUr · ·· · · Ott of btr II.,...,.. · . t:H- Tfrn:\ff. ltridp ... · . . tt'Otr(ia It tUb !tw t1111 tldi. *•• lltll . J>IJOit 00 May :l, ldd ~ .. · lltfOU an.d ·u Wt lt&'tt' ·

, ·-.·· -.n.d at the dlaw. If.. .11 ft...,.. ,:;l~ u dMit ••'*' oa •t tb~nrlt~Mtt h:t tiMt Bt~a• · ·· · . · ol tit• old ~u~l will pltdr•. *' _.,., a.rct ov JacJ:twt'MIWaotat ·. ·, .· .· · ·· lltM at tAIW._..J4 Bill fo<o allil&·tt~.tad iotttltto..,, b4Jt•~tlfola*'JJI«bt. April. t~ · 111111 lt~Jt~• ..... U. . \ . . •• bt aN .... l . . .. ; lorW JN .. StttiOI.. . . .:

. . '

- "':-- -_<' •

' 1 ., !it _.._._. :::>,.._, - A _,., ~- •' .. ~·-~" • - -· - -· -

•. ·y· _.;r 2 rrn- -a , us-~ zt- zazm·-'911' rw-rA -~·we 7 'snamsw- N ¥ )"; H' 5k '?;,n- a 47 'b·-n~ .. ~ h •t .. ""·~""""-" _.,._,.,<..>~ .u -



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1 ' '" ... ' . '

• • . . • ' . ' .. . ' • . A

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··Too P~r ·· t~. · · ~· ProP»~·.·· • · . ·

.... ~

. ~UCRIS IJFE .(·~Good Name for a.· . , - - ,' A ' . . . , . . . ,, •· . • .

... - . . ' ' . -

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· C.·lll Mc;Ol!I-M:l1rrpape.-m~o•~~~-1 · . .. . . . . . . nvl~•· .. .I .

JF ocnu~ WlU'l'lll~d~:not ran:e~ ~,n •. · •.. b.l hJ!t . !4'lllll, · -nPb .WctumJ' WQ'Ql«l . never J:!al'e glv11,n her a11oUJ.er tbou.bi;. ·. . He ·wu clumvJni up tlJ~ l!l!lt .. ftlght

ot dllr~ . ollclotb · CQverfXI stali-, !ill~ · l!e liea,rc) !l.llttl~ p~~p. 11111d tben aplit~ . U~lng soft ~n4 tleldlll~ was 1lnnt .bend ·1 ~;z lh·.$1: ·tntt> his 11.rms. a'' 'ca1,1gbt·. h.' lll'l

• •

• .

. ; \ . _, '· '

. '

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,. . as •l!ll11 all Jie· JU\!1 ~aught tho blllt "'-'~ · . when he::- wile· ftel<ler, .~a 1tav1Dc se~ · ·

. .

r •

• 0

big voice with the 'trace of Jlutkllle!lll · ·· .. · .. . · .. · · · T. .. , • . . · L· · . . ·d· ·. . fll Jt, .,HQrt anyl'' ·· 1

. . . ·orm· · ·a , · · . w· . ·t··n. . or . s. · . She brelltb!!(J Qulck11, 1\l\d a~ered< · · . · ··. · · ·· · · · · · ·. ~ · . · · · · · · · · · . · ·· . · · ·· · · ' · . ~·x-I i1JCSS you· pved my llfe l'' :1'Jler!l · • \... · · . was just the sus~e.uon ot. laugh 1n o· .. . " ''S . . .B .b ,, · :~~~olce that went &trAlghtto Bob'l ' · . ver . up.· er.~ .• ·· .. · .. a 'Y.-

~lou. see, l must llt.ve e4ught m1 · • ·toe Jn the. oll~lotb," •he explalne(l.

!Job thought abe bad the ·10tteat. Child E"J)etl4 Emban'ZUied to 'clllllb 6-foot pellesblll, Be learned sweetest voice he had h~IU'd tor. a b. v Bl. ow .to Th.·. eo. rie .. I. :. ., to skate ~lmo•t as aoon. Auditoriums Jong t!Ine, · " . full .ot . psyt:hologtsta WA tcbecl lJls ex·

"I thlnk'o I'XJJ' 41nn,er 1$ toreve~; l()st I" plolts, !lpell·boun.a 'wben be was put on

-' < ~ '

.''MORE SPEED'? . .


I t

~notbcr contrlbutton to "Speed" has· b~n mnlle ~Y the Pullman company ot

C l1 t c n 8 0, Th~y huve buUt a train capuble of running a lnuidrcd · llnd ten miles an hour. The

l>orls llftld sadly, 1toon.Jn1 to 1'~1 about ·xorlC.·-:nie . most care!ull7 ex,hllllte(l, ·

Thef toQnd at last tho h~d of Jet·· lt. ~. ~~. ~. ~To~v~r~~o:~c,l~uc:~~.e;.-f;co~u~l~dn~';-t ~~~\v~I:m;,~H~e~c~<>~u~ld~!n~'t~a~k:a~~t:e.!'--~II~~e+ tuce, tbe two roll8 aUU In the.Jr bi!S · the super·chUd, can't .,ven claim to be yelled when they put,hlm oli hh;p plat­.nnd the lemon tbat wae to belp make "tQI}ll" ln l!ll own home-b~alUio .bla torma and wanted· him to try to crawl up tbe dlm~er, In thiJ pro(~ thef twln brother J• a llmiH"ter p)."Ornl)torl down, aa his 1Jl(t9d brottrer could, Jlm· ,Jald several thlng• t~ . each o~-er, al• ·. 'rl!B achJDUOcally rnlsetl bnl;ly '- my Ia undcrdovetopccl In compnrtson to1cther trlte and yo~ ~111ehow moit Jobnny Wopds, aou ot Mr. 11.nd )Ira. with hla brother, whoso systematic ex· utumlnatlnj:. . ~ Florence Woods or Manhattan. lie erclll!l under tl\e dh:cctlon.ot tbo aclen•

~~~ used In tl1e

alto)' ot al umlnum and copper,· and In

So It wa11 not atrtlDie that the second waa born April lS. 1032, with bls twin, tl.stll hna given blm a firm Infant bod.Y. tlme aob ran Jqto 'tho oce.upant of tho Jimmy. . and corded muactcs. ·. ball bedroom ho lltted his bat and Dr. Myrtle V • Afc<H·aw <tf•'tho Neu· Science was, Indeed, v.erlfied 1 Job!)· .atopped to. talk. rologlcal l.nautute's· Normal Child De- ny was the superman In tho milking 1

The·thlrd tlme they met, Bob asked veJopment· clinic took Johnny and, And Jimmy was. just a depressingly 41recUy, "Wout!l you take a wnlk wlth With a corpiJ ot t11e toremo•t aclenUata' norma] rbll!T, with A nice ·smile· ailcl n

· weight Ia only a little ·more tbnn

. bnlt that or the ateel trom whlch ronny ot the mod· ern Pullman ears arc built. .

Well- what ot It? The acblcvement doubtiCt!B mnrks nn tmportnnt. advnnco In. the fte.ld ot engineering, but who wnnta to travel

•• ' . ' . '


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"I 'I) ... .· ·.-

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~y ·.Charles~ Sugbi'~e. f ' .' ' ' '

I .

. ' '

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. . .


me thla ntternrion~" • and ot Columbia unlver.. t!lklng wny nbout hiJU.

------.~----.th~rormug~b~Dnonrt~s.~w~b~l~re~a~~n~a~n~d-s~hmo"m"nl~d~~~~w~ll~l~s~h~o,~v~'~t~b~lstbbillnb;y~wMIUlli.~u~n;t~ll~~:~rt~n~ln~ob~s~e~rv~n~n~t~f~ol~lt~s~be~ga~n~to~~~~~~ju~n~d~c;r~~~~~~~~f---~ -for-It wna Saturd~y ..... •'I'd love tb I" • 4.00 superior to 1118 brotllcr, or to nny notice thnt nnttlre, .In her sly. way, may bo or Importance,

They walked along Flttb avenue, oth.cr child, by giving hlm.trnlnlnR ftc- might have 11,.ured ollt somethln .. ,A when U surgeon Is hnstcn~ng to nn .,. tn b-# b '-~ "Orclln to th J · t t 1 tlfl " .. ""' opernUon or '\l l,leraon 111 cndcuvorln .. ~.opp g .,..ore t e auup wlndowa to " i e n es ac en e prj.)- . compens:vo "bacltwnrd" Jimmy tbnt "





peer In and."fcellng· a part ot all the C!i!flt& We wlll let tho other twin would mnko him boss over 1111 tnl· to reach tho deathbed ot a dear one. th}'lll and sUr ot an afternoon on the alone, to grow up a.11 m01t babies grow cnted twin. .nvcnue. up. And •. wllcn we flnlab our exvcrl· For Jimmy, nlthou~:h he can't do a

Dorlll' eye1 were shining and abe ment, Jobnnr wlll be a IU(Jer-chlld, tenth or tho thlnp that Jobnny epn, · was actually prettier each Ume- Dob and Jimmy ~ust an ol"cllnnry lntnnt..l;' ls " very shrewd youngster In Ilia un·

• . Blchnr.da looked dowa at her. - . '.l'he. W(lrld wnlled .for the outcome tralned way. and he has realized that 'l'bo next Saturday It ralnccl· and ot tlle unique expE!rlmcnt. ana bad to bo enn tnriJ all or Johnny's phy!tcal

Doria hesitated and tlii!Q.. knocked at admit tor a Jon~ Umo that eelenco nptltudPJt til his oiVn ends. no Is per· the door on the second tJoor that bore •~mcd to bo rlgbt. Johnny, "con· f<'cllr wllllns; to ltlt .lolmny work .tor 1ho earth. unobert Rlchard.L" dlUoncd" by aclentlftc means, waH him 1 .

"J thought you mlrht but tc. wlth amutngly prccoclon ln hla dovolopo mt, lt'l auclt a cold, dismal Jclnd ot ment. .afternoon." Doria otrcrro ab7l1· Learn• Q~lckly •

Experta Embarruaod,

Fathion Goes Colonial • '


At tho answerlnr cteam of pl~urtt .4t S&ren montha. thle wonder boy C<>uld awlm. At ono year. ho wu able

Child trrilnlng expcrtJJ nro consl4· crobly embarrassed orer tbo turn their experiment brut tnkcm, for Jtmmr ' . -

In bls cru Dorl!J burrlcd up the tlJiht <~t 1t11lrs. She knew It wouJCf mean 1hat abo must lunch m~1erl1 all the following: wtt>lc. but abe bou~~:ht ctUmp. • ~u-touted tbem over her gu burner -and a tiny jar of marmalade, and a 1Pl'll1 ()f' narcluus to put Jn tbe bowl b)' tho wlndow.

At bll loud rap abe opene4 her door 11nd 1mllcd up at blm.

Bob laid. down a box ot ~tlnilf u he uld, 111 bought It tor the partt." an4 iookcd about blm eurlouatr. • .

• For It wa1 tho oddest hll11 bedroom be bad ever tt!t>n. Be bad lmt~gltted a room with a bureau and an Iron bed. and tnou~ room Ju-' to lit oa the <>ne chair. What be .. w wu & room wltb two windows tnt! an atco-;e, a room that lookOO aun117 In spite ot th• tact that lt wu ralnlnt. beaiUH tb• wall• wMe 7~llo11' ltld dlarmlnr aun­CIJ' colortd cblnts bunr at the wlndon nntl covered the etl&hlou or the two brown tinted wicker c:halra.

Wed• a Prince

!JCCms to have nll the qununcutrona1:1f · tho lll~th·pQwcr~ cxccutlvc, and John·

ny all the abUity o.f U1e skilled 1ltlb­ordlnnte.

.,Jimm1 boiiS<'I Jobnpy all over tllo pln~," ttatd tho mother of tho twtrur. when nn lntl'nlower lmmected t11o babies In their bomo at Ono Dull!lred ·and Jo'ortr·.ftrth street and Amsterdam avenue. "llo ('tlo ~,:et just about what ho waotJJ trorn Johnn)', and bo baa lcarlied thnt bl1 orders iO over best when ho glvCJS them ,with a smile nnd a lllUo lnsUnrllvl'IY shN!Wd co:.tcblng."

Dr. Jolm D(lwey, Columbia's famous philosopher, and Dr. John Stewart Pn· ton, tho gl't'at neurologist, attY that" Johnny hta proved to their aatlsfnetlou

· tho exceptional lx!nNlts possible uncJ~r proper ctttc and feeding ot tlto s>oung. Dut the nelgbboNJ art> predlctlrlg that Jimmy wm bo iho boss when botb cow up, juat as be Is now.

Mother nature!. tht>y Insist. knows bow to rntlltt IJUcecssruJ aona.

Gteamlnt bru• eandle.tlckl were on . a table tn the c:orner, & brUUant color Invents New Auto Fuel, print M blue mountalrJ and an IC7 C T th mountain· bl'()()k hunr over the lfA)'• oat en of Gasoline ll!llnted tabt~ A coud) undu a tutn- nome.-Jteductton In the cost or ble ot c:usblnnt-«tld a black luter automoblle fuel to one-tenth the prJoo bowl held the hall narelnu Jn UMt - of £;aaollne by a new cbemlral proct>U window. - " wu clal!Jled In .an ilfllcJaJ gov~ment

fiods sUUng down at tbe tabl• PGut· _ Fraulein .trlca l'atzet, acttas and communique. tng tea toto dear J't'llow eupf. htr IUtt. ciaurhter ot & Oermtn merchant, who The govt>rnment. whfcb aupenlsed d 1 w · th lrJ. _,_ hb m.arrJecS l'rlnce Slgyatd, twenl.t• experlmentt wltb A Jill "'enemted

en 1 • u aM er c ·A ..-1 ""' atx. aeeond IKI11 or tlle- Swedish erow.n .. -moTed from hl•~wn bard:strunl• .... ttllce,_to Lon"'o·,.. ........ _ -ea.;<,. .tha-t .. ffl)m d!ueo~J.pronnnncro the .pmee,q. all lh& beautt or thll cbtrmtn

1 roollil. ,... u ... ........ .... ... aucctutul and Cflmmer't'lally workl\bte.

\Vb7• lhe- mtl.lt om taore Itt & week tlle prince tenonncet bfl ro.vat Uti~, 'I'M J.illl II cen(!rated bJ eht'mtcat than be did to baTe a ptacte like thla* but hrs &randt'Jther, the tltlr. wlll reaeUon when steam 11 torced IntO

• n ilb hllll a c1nlr. t>. • •m· ol"'e • h I F'or a month Ddtia tcal'Ctl7 •• ta u r.nc e arcoa • owner ot the room on the I«<nd ltoor. When she did meet IIlla b, cllltl(tl., be on·· :n T' ''BlNGS· AND NEW-By Lame Bode burrfed pUt htt wttb u abrupt .. Oood JJ . · .,.entnr l". .

nut once w&eu alae cltmbed the two 111&hta ot .taln aQd •• tlaat Bob._ door waa ~ lild • Mra11r• Jtrl wu atandltit b7· m• btaclc 1Qi'bll ~

Ono ()t the most talked of styles In •Pring aboea Ia tho high colonial at('poln model or black kid. Tbla 11 worn wltb a stunning t!Dtlomble tn black and white. Thenfa a nlc.e bar· mon7 to the wfde.rbuckled belt and the buckled shoe. The wbtte hata wltb the Jaunt7 feather are always amnrt lnd tb~se bJgb ruched conan are wont o1,1t oter the eoat. rn tbe ln110t f1 a ciOIJeUp t~ _at ~e 1!!U a, ~tter Idea or ffie new kid colonial atepoln, with ltl t'XIli&t'mted tonguo or patent leather. D~n't tl remind you of a dalnt7 .conception or George \Vublng.

· ton'• broJanst •

P'or an practical purpose., boweft'r, thl1 accelerated aJ!ffil In tt"avel a~tn.l not ont1 usefeta but a poaltlre d.etrl• l'Mnt.

"-f~~ Jk!r~hiiUt ~·loa. ~ ,_...., .• , . • . .. . . . ~-- fA • • ·-of leatt She coatd · ~ceb c1rq JairMlt ···~ ' .. Off, cfu )'oallnt oD .tiM lOOt abcrfe1" the ttnnge',trl uted ~cerlt. •·r.,• aeeD )'QIU' roo• aDd It li .o Pfttt1--"

Dorll answered,. wOfkltthtr !low ah• 4!0Utd co ota· talllar .~ .. tW bottQm

, ot bt!r little . world brl i:f.rowtd olit. "'lbtiupt the bailtfq:f a I!Xtll •••

• .nu.e at • ·iiillt"> an4· t~ caDdititleb 'Jn · Allen •tuet tor $1.25; )'chi et& b4 .o~ 8ee0Dd·hand tumlJuta au<! lMlbJt · tt ,,,..~t~ett: ~:~h.7H.I'118lK!w you bow.• Site iUaUed wllttult; and wect · ob tip

TON OS: Sf<IN. fue SKtH 'ALOHi


A. !.AM' lLE~ . ·ova· CHI TON. · . -

About three 7C4ra ago, we were •II tranllnr alonK at a mr;htt taat pace, .~ . o~ft rr. talhrllf and automobile

·. ' 'nan~pol'taUon, but In enrt oth~r con• CtfJ'•btt§ actt1it1. Speed ta ltke tht tiMtlcftJ' Ill .a rotJ~r bancf. You ran sftetc!b Jt ~ lttr and then lt lll:laJHI. · lfqnieUilnlf c11d ilnap {IJ out fndu•trftl a.,d eoelal t7aU~m. Ont ot ,Ita maJor ~ttm waiJ the speed with which ""' weta . bltllU(tctUrJnJ . (Qodll, i'Midnt rnonet ~J~d tr)'lnr to tiM the ultiinate · pletaute hi UtJIIt. tt. O. Weill al'&Uh that the itp~ent cltntutf®.toratau · ot children s)ta)'lnr lrt a llli~J' with

till! ·atatt~ .. ·.. · .. But tb bloOd tfu'1italibeif tD »* eara ll!l!llt when lh• ft¥l'd eltt_,lJll. ilt · · ·

'btblnct ·h~. .~· tttmid to ... ~ Rlcl\lltd• eomlnc .tcfiQ.~ be •ttl& a · · bewndered. da~ Jaa~Ja.. ,. .. · fSH. · . ' ·

AtR<.RAF'T' StGNALS• cist; .

:/N..CC ·UAS·

. polaott raw blades,*' . We boast ot (I'Uf ttl~tJfte achle'tt!~l'ntl but tol'• rtt tht linch achle1ebl~MJtl do not

· n~rnr mettn pr~se. On th• . cotl~.t •. thetma, mean thtt ~true-. tiM l)( &'IJUtatfon, . , .

tt tttv~llilr •t the- ..-te ot a hu11dred' · and tel} snue~ ali hQttt wtn alcJ In mak· · · 1»1 pthMnent the m«!NI ilnd Jll)lrltual ettliftt In our d't'Uttiitl!)tJI an· well

· •~t ht&t4 w"-t 1Citr illd.w lte ~- -~.--,,-__..:_BtltH<t eome Mtk.:--i~~thf~~;~.~ ..

~n~e· tfln e~teet'l · • awat ancJ· ttl' to .tc;rgft t(IIU-tot knew t touldD.'t · ••k .t ~·. wtdt att

•)'OU hlld to tnlrtT •. V06t ftllOW JJke me.. You tnars tt. nott-, tOtl bed •• .. thAt room ·out: or nothtna,.. . · ·. · · . u., <*ttlbt 'bet biJll!Jt lmf

. do••' toto ~ f):~ • ' "Il6~'.t tfJ• .fttroW · I to'f\t n-t• ' ..

c-~~;-.--~:L~~!!r*~=r · . --· ·· · Ill Wit lri*. r:- ·. .

• ..

• •

Nel'et ~-- U- lnfil'fl fmJ!OI'ttttlt ttutn at the p~lk!nt moment tJJilt tvfl t'.e. cOftrt' the f!OUI e>t 'OUt" (l(lttlltQ', Indeed

.... · M the wodd. lt ttYill1.atlt'111 18 to ~n·

•• dUtt-. '

Ob7 'Wutem He;tejiilflel' Ur~toff•


I '

Tw• Fine Enmples of Fumllur• of tlut Early Amcdcana Croup.

• ..

A MEIUCANA 11 a namo appllt!d to mer;et1 pur. it In a dollnlte clrutalllea• production• ot the United State& tlon nnd· vnlUiltlon without lnterrerlnl

So tar It bn1 aeemed to eon nne tta wllh tho tact thru. ·ar old and or Am~r­aoopo to tbla art?A' ot tho Amcrlc11n lenn make, It bc.>lon~:• to the .:roup or continents, although It C<>uld npvro11* l~arly Americana. some practlenl tea• ntel1 apply to both eontlnenta. now· aona fl'll' cherishing eucih Amerkuna are ever, the United State• htts a rlsht or -tli~J hl~h quttllty or Ita cabinet work • . priority, and t11o other countrlel soom Ita aturtJy eruftJnnllnahlp. when crud;, welt~nough content to lc.>t It remuJn to or Ita ln~enulty or construetton l• tho people ot these atatea. The word whlcb nnturnJ tormstlont ot wood are ,cllnp tenaciOU1111 . to furniture of tlllt tometlmes preavnL eart.r da)'l or tbll lntcreaUn~ cou11tr1 . Dlttavrrlna V•lu•bfe PJeret. wbleb baa developed •o raplill)' ln ao Perhapa In tho boqae there fa • abort a period that lt. trcaatsrea of cualnt thnlr whlrh ma1 have lost pres­cublnct work nre youtlltul In eomparl· Uge just btcauao It 11 old and not fa son with those ot. otlibr wuntrl~• or &.(!('ping wttb otller decotntlon& It t• . the world. .And Jet the7 atnnd eon• advlsablo to axnmlno It, and to ftnd out vpleuous for theft ex(ltll:!nl.'e, aa muc.b na you e110 or Ita age, how

· Colftdln& Fumhure. long It bn1 bl'(!n tt tnmlly pouenton. Tbe colle<rtlng or 1hla kind or Amar. and whether It justtllc!' ttlt!tt tn tmtlig

lcuna bll become a raslllon wt>Il worth tiiWicd lo the Americana category, tollowll'lr:. tt ta one lhilt i tarce num· You may dlscnv{>r you have a chair ber or tamllll'a can follow since many ot hl•torlc vah1o and cenulno merit l:ue pll.!«l from wbleh a C<>llectlon of craftamanahlp. woutd oa~urall1 develop. 'l'hoae who 'l'bere are chl!Jts, old sca-ehcata, and have helrtooma ot quaint, C!l'tlde, or . blanket ebeatJJ ucb wltb hloced Ud handaome furniture known to have coverlnr a deep tt>tUs, beneath which bef!n made In the Unltcll StateS. have Ia a drawer. Th!!ae dlatlnculahlna tea• In them tbe to.undatlil.n tor i!DU~Uona.. tum fmm~dlat!!11 proclaim tho .ehHJ ln many a home thert Ia an old table to be ror blanket& Tbem are blc~ wltb drop leave~ and awln1 Jep, now b()Y•. and lowbo1s. c.heata or draw• ..

. old It Ia no one hill taken tbe trou- l!ra, and chest. on cbt!lt._ NcretatiN. bte to flnd out. Vf!'rf Jlkel1 tt 11 a bureaus. and all eorta ot . fUrniture bible usQd lu the kltcbt!ll, and It ex· wfill'b It Ia welt for ownera to liltestl• amlnttlllt mat be found to bate splral·· rat~. A aptendld nncleu• for a col· turned lep. Whatt!Tel' the woOd, rita· tedloo of Earlr American turnlture boran1. apple wood maple pin.. etc ma1 he In tamllt llOIIIHtdoM.

; . ' '" ,. .... u.,.llle&t .. -WNU -.11 ... ~.



CWA Wedding

•. .

• m Military Style

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f; ' ' if ': '· • ' ,.

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.· .. ··~· !. ~·. I ! -' ' I ;

• · Jail ;'that. Couldn't· Hold · Dilliriger • . ' 'f •


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l . . in W·. . . .

' ' .. I FEEL 80 sorry r or a ~other ben-

Her chickens worry. he~. ~11 day and then The whole night long it'e

"Cheepee checpee cheep"-:- ·.

I hardly think they ever go to sleep.

Worth· While Contribution to Nutrition Problem.

87 f;Dfm M. BARBEll



• •



• . ' . ()' EW ()NE Wll . l'l\1 .

" . ,....;,...· _,. . . . . ' . . . . . .. · .· A, 111rge clt,f ·,tt~;m t~ve ll .aerJe• of lectures ~ter ofllce l!.oun~. (leJII@e4 to . help . e-~Dpioyces In B!l.lesm~blp. They were 'well attended, . ·. . ~a'%)- ,, :~n -, 1. '>~'

·over; and· thet ·nl.llitiJ mfu;le, !ol'PllnJ · • sa• which, 4CC:otdlns' to ~JcylaUo~ would !cUI tho noU!J7 wltbln ftv' 'Jee-. ond.l. Arme!l wtth gas maab, the V!lfr 'VIUI 10 enter, QUlUtt the J:lllf ll'lth ~· other cowpound, nnd place ·~ l(llllll ot · .pruBt!lc acid lo the dead mn.D'I hllnd, to stmulnto aulctde;. r

Pollee, however, 'Jmb l!cen warJle4 by Skema ot hllil P.romr>niUon, an.S caucbt · the would·bc murderer~ Ju•t .rt:er the,y · hftl1 11et tbelr trap, "' · •


..... ,.,. Says: • ·~ ·. -· • I '

W BEN at:eel klilYOIIand t()rka haVe


· Tbtl Ia the · ~~Pt-Pr®t'' jaJI,of Lake count,r, 1ndtana, a~ Crown Point fro!Q wllle.h. John ·ouuncer, bank robber and IJ.IJeced murderer, made bls eaeave.. Be bliltr«J. the Paraa and depuUea wJtb a toy pistol, took two mnchlno guUJJ ap!l th• •bodtrl~ automobile and "drove awa1 ac!!l>mp~YJICd ~1 a ne~;ro prisoner.

• . become tainted wJtb ~b the

IDlell . mar bt remoTed b7 rubb~~ them ··with 1 little tre.b oran1• or ·

· At tM e01f ot tl!~t"laJJt Jes:ture th' · ~ D;lanllge.r mri,d~ "' sveeeb.

"Gentleman," be aallf.. "1 hll,ve t~ commend you tor ~ttendlni thel!ft ex­cellent l~tures wben you lblgllt ha'" . been at some theater wlth your wlte, or at the cinema w1th. some other te.Uow'a wife." ·

'Moat Perpl.xi"• '•How'• your new co9Jcf' .asked

Jones• nelgbb~r. • . "Quite satlsf'actoey,'' ••ld :ronet.•

ab.out her."" · · · "And whnt Ia tliatt" bla ~fllcltbor lnqiJirecL

"It'• · moat anno:rhJr:• explained Jonc,, "We C!U1 never ~u whether

· abe 11 alnglnc becatue abe 11 bappJ at her work. or whetbe:: abe Jl ... , burnt here~lt and It In paln!'

lemon peel, • . ew York By . Araia the Spotlirlat ID num trulta mnlle a worthwhile rrensed b~klnc dllh. Pour aprlcot • • • L L STEVENSON uA.re you 11ure the countl'7 wtU 1 c1•ntrlbutton to' the nutrition prob· pulp oTer tbe ban.naa. Bake In an -Trr adlllni a tatleepooo or JtJpr come out all rl;htf'

'l'bcy ICOTU hl1;b on ltCCOOnt Ot oven 376 cJeire9· ftft~D mlnuteJ. to joap Wbcn 1011 mtJie' it. it W11J "AbsolutOJy," &lli:Welred Senator


t· '

1u•••r oconom1. TlJC rrulla 1vlltch l.end Servo hot or colcL )"or lt!ll(. ~n~ln:l~b~o~t,~~~!!lt.l!~;,;; ~f'l;f,;;:Y, plllflk.em!WilbJ:o.d~...lit~I)Lhm-s~:l!:"~:--_:.;._ ___ -:-_~~--""""""""'"'=-4bar;DKlu:<a.JJ!bdi~Jt~~r.full~m...at~i#~"-i-"~tMl~poe~~~~ :t1 east York on new a.hoca. • • • The "Tben wbf all thla arpmentr

'peachca, prunes, Ancl~:rapca. Aft· put on tbp ()f Ule rrult ,JUJt betoro Or.alam bi'Clld 211 wbotesom~, and a14t ot S'Uth avenue between Fort)'· 1hoe1 went Into the autoclave; • • • ..AI uauttl 11;1 evc17 .. aoomln.: erllll. I

' '

n ' ' ,, '

) \


. I

II " ·- ,~,

' II ,, I< :I . ' '


I i!




" " 'I


• IJQ'In~~:. tht>f rctuln 11 largo arnounr lll'rvln~:. t· ·· twoot and ought to be eaten trequent- 1(\Ven.tlland Fort)'-el*htb atreetl. • • • Came out about three lnchc• long. , • , there bill to be au IJF!ment about p1 their orlalnnl ronll'nt ·or mlncrala c. ·~.lf'fndleat .. -WNJJ,~cmC4oo 11 lo fJTet'J tnmllr, ilut.JcularJr b7 Co(llp)e~J7 bemmed IP 67 bualne.a. \VJth the lola about al:r: ltlchea thick. wbo'l golnr to ret the credit for liT• and probabl7 moat of tbo vltnmlna. . F 1_ · rounr people wbolt ltonet .. niJ teeth • • • Looka ile.tertecL ••• iet tbrou&b •• • • Waa told al1o that. at Prc.tby· lnr tt." , IWhllo not 1111 or tbcm aro hrav111 en· This AttorneY. oh. a •re tortnlD~ tht Wlnl D)OD,tla, ftowm rrow in terJao boJpJU) thcl'f)'l • lhower bath ,, dowed ""ltb vltnmlna. nl are ciiTUI Murder b, Premonition • • • • the Wlndow boxec. ••• Jt'l the botte rJJbt out fn the ~rrtaor. • • • The ,11111~ wo caD count on them tor When waaWClJ JJAndkeicblctr at1cl ot .Uelen Goula Shepherd. • , • Ina rtsc:arcb men don't bathe tbcre. • • , ,wortbwbllu amounla wword our dall1 KoYno, Llthuanta.-now ll premo- halt a tablelpooo or biCArbonate o~ Clalre, beck Ja ~-ew York after 10 Tbe1 duck under tho ahower when nppl7. Thc7 dttrer In tbo kind or niUon ot 1111 own approachllll mur. 10da to tht rtnatnl w.ater. TbJ1 wtU weeki ot troapln~ •••• Declaret that dlcmlcat• nt their elotblng on II~

E J• which Uu!7 provJdo, and t!!Ja der, coupted_ ~lth i,P.eed1 pallet work, ~-uvrme· aacl tiJJhUT .Utru th&Dl. · th• 101d llll't 484 anei' All. ; • • •• ·• Tllat bapi)Cnl not lntrequenttr. aaYed lbe Ute or a Kofno notn1 ••• ·~ ... th..... ,_ 1 1 • 1 another ~tood rc1uton. tor Tar7· rovAaJAA bero .-ltb the arnat of the . . e.t"' A,.~latlllt lf""PilPfrt .na ~<nbl -..Ymt!ll fJY dent 7 .,nd Ill • • '

lq •ur ehoiCtl. A• we b11 vo ott rn men "' ~ " ~ j WNllttnloe that true. ••• Latut word trom RIJ · Funnr about thoae CXJ)Iorort. • • • ~loDtd bororo In lllla column, a varied notarJ'I atc;peon a~d 1 tdeniJ credited HeniJcraon Ia that lh& won't be ]lade ~alked w1tb one a UtUe while liO· ••• 4ltt 11 tho broL with betnr lllt matter mind 0~ tht In• Younaer Student. Get unUl June. ~ • • SUclc looldnr 411PI nu .Juat quit an $8,000 job. ••• Uat

All or UJcle trull• mako a rurU10r ITI~t:::~ bu bad 1 tlourJihiDI prae-. n-ttfir Collc.17o Gradel ln bud4_1ea-at Fort,. .. ec:ond atreet and bopu ot o~antz;lnr an expootUoo to eontrfbuUou U1rougb their orl!oolc aclaa UQ • Droadwar. • • • 'l'bat apofa Jn:1own ... Ecuador. • • • :rrerera tho jun~:Jet ' tbrou11b tbt>lr nbar wllleb atlmu· nee tor 7CArJ. lie iflduallr built up Derkele1. Ctllt.-Studenta who eater tho eonrlt.ltnce men'• corner. , • • no •nc2 h~d·bQnUDJ tndJan• to the lld&o

t• tbe vau~c ot tood th.rouab the 1 tortunl', ana the sate lil bla ·•tnce coll~t"lt ar.a ase ot nndtt' atxtna ablt cJiltUr ot a pneumaUc drill blUn1 • walka ot New York. ••• Maybo he'• 41patho caonl. l'runea and Di• are wa· temptf.nclt tun. A lhort Ume aco a ball 1ear1 are more Uktl1 to r«dYt bote Into tbll •met. ••• Wonder bow rJ&bt. • , • A group of retsl utate

,. luaUro than tho oUlotL there Wtre 3,000,000 m .. So lt COD• better rradet tban PM'IOIUI entttlnr It the worker$ Jtand that7 • • • Wh7 brolcua whcu omcu are In their l'erllal)a 1ou bo,, uoUcc4 the ifCat signed b7 client. to !ikl:!fna'l e.trt!. nn otckr a1e, a 1urro1 b1 Prot. Noel dott thelfe~ouw opera bonae Joot bata , •• an~ their Ulk It In ti.J:

·~prorl'mcnt ID Into )'cars In tbo qual· 'l'he elahleeD·7l'lMld llttpiOn, VadJ• Kcrt, ot tbt Onlnnlt7 ot California. 11 It Jt were trownlnlf • • •• "'l'llt nsure& • • • Uorubadc rJaera crou-t7 ot Uut dried trull• oft'erccl UJ. TbOJ . Oatlorltscb, wu biN~ wJtb. • rood lhOWJ. . lmlUeat dectc or CUd& lll the worl4 tor nttb &YtDUt. • • • Oo Ulelr ,.., ,. parked cordull1 and ore acncrall1 allowance ltJd the beat of cJotbet, Uut Pro!eMOr Xet .. ot the ScbflOl ot JC4. lot & Jlleket.• to tho brldl• path• ot ()!ntrat park.

ldMncd ao that tbcy rto not need moro that " 111 not eoou&h. Alltledl1 at tbe ucaUon. found tblt from 180 to 280 · • • • , •• ne monnu awn to undcnt!JlniJ !U...a an aYoras;o woAhln~:o It you aoat lnJUiaUon ot AIJirda• PuJJaa, tweo· fMhmeo tmiJer ai.J:tCMt anct a ball J'uat mM a trle.nd who telt. 1lHl th the trttmc u,bt.s. • • • Woctter wbat

!th trulll. bo auro ro uno· the ll:lmo tJ·four, llo lK'pn to look lonaln&IJ &l 'car• ot are mter .the itnlnralt)' each Ntw York untweratt7 Ia 4<>lDI to tura wJII ta.Jct the vlace ot· all Ulose hid .. water tor rooking. For tllat rcuon tbe .. re. · 1ear. Of theM. trora teu to tweutr ou~ kitchen mecbanJca. • • • Pardoza awa1a ln the forlout FltUu! •• , Muat

not bo too liberal lu mddln.: water Tbe pollco ur the two planned Jona are 11ft~u Je&l'l old or JUl. mt, I mun. houtebold tecllntclant. • • • be a lo~ of bawnl'llt rpace tor rent I 1 lc and carttullr. '11107 rcJodcd a ldJeme • :file rurveJ re.uttett lo tbt con· AD1Wi17· the courae I• to •Jhe under- " ._ t 1 thtlll. t Jou bnve not t mo to aol to ale tb"m""i""l ...... 11 """t Ske""J •• • h t now, ••• ~~~~ Mcttc%)olltan c ub ••••

~·m. )'OU will and til at moat ot thew 0 ma A I •" t ""d .. l, ....... lvv 1 .... .; ~llliJOU that ,lbe unaer-are Jl'OtlP Ia Jl:l> btnr prlildplu ot Ul' m~lfl 1111 or wltb • (!~~It ot·l:iJ.435. • • • Wu ~~ cooll nlmo11t •• quit kiT tt 1ou un •s. aum n • ore n tome c.'tlnn nt 10" tereatM Ia more &ttlfiUu Ulan t. tha hoOHbotd apvllaoef:L • • • \Vhlt wltll toncttel1 ra l~l bT J. P. Morgan u!S 1 l'olflo1 wntcr. Drloo fruita tbould bo romantle. wa,, wu murb bctttr. :utnnet11 aronp. rotehactc.a!refdiC!flt!OD.tlectrJctlranrt P'CUP ot trlends. ••• Uu 004 memo ~t eo,.crt'd durlna U•o rookln1, anti ~ulpl)ed with all ne«'.uar1 para, , ~Oft wbo tnteretl at folUtun or Jut~n. radlo-. etc.. that lt!tltJI lJke a bt'Q llO'If. • • • to 1009, tbere 'llttte

1tbt •urnr ahould not bo adrJod until pb,rtllllla, tho two routha brolco Into Crtetn made enn a ~Uer record tJJan load tata. • • • :Now a witt wJth a MOO. ,.., aru tender. \'ou Will llod thai the notaey'a ornce on Suoaar ar,bt. f.-tbbte who enCcrttt at alxteca." Doetor valr or pl!tl'l lt a lll&!lliCt. • • • At • • • neet pruur. Dt'>t'd no arldiUooaJ sugar Two rtauu ot chem!e.'liJ were nt on Ke11 ultL to tba Jun~or and Mrt!or ~t. I've lle&rtl It so ald. • • • An. 'l'wtnty<tblrd all'cet al;a. "Lo:ltt!ltl lu tbe trult Ill allowoo to cool boruro II tllo deale: and nttotbed to Ule door ball> d!Wtea. tho attrtte numbu ot extra· ether bit ot lnrornatton juat acquired. C'bemttt• • • • Sure tnoogb, thlJ II ,. unt'O~t>rc.t. die wltb atriDJ, curricula acthiUtt ver atudent, will • .. • noat Carter•• home tOWJS ta tbe ol4 Qlt>lJec dlatrJct. • • • U14!<1 to

Tho Idea wa1 11mp!e. Slce!mA woultt on&-tbtrd ~tftttt' . tot the tituler.ap Dalru, Ituula. • • • Dut he 4oem't .,_ M~ fto!lt Jlirdl aU atont the 1'1'110• ruddlnJ. cr-oo tho door, tbe alusta wot~1d Up aroup. soatulllke tt oa tho raiUo, • • • Sputc. attttt. • • • With houal!l wUb O)l•

U pountl prun~>a ~=:_ _,._--: -=.-;::-c:-..:::::--~ - . 1 lne of radio. • • • 'l'be Wttle bttwem utt~JU. ••• nut now a hure atl!rtn!ent '2\~ eu11• eold wutc1r Attracllfe Vuea thtattlca:l product!ra and broadctstt!ra hmae t%Jti\WJI orer tto ttrdtorr •••• • rur aur;or FLAT TIRE eobllil!lc& ••• Prod!letl'l zatmt l'rH "The Nlgbt ndou Chr~ wu % tcacpooo ~::~It Some ol tM mOllctu commertlal bot• tfdcctt tG broattast& ••• Clalm tht wrlUttl Jc ()ld Cte!Ha. 'l'l:e basUt or 1-lneb pll>t'c atl• ll t'lno11mon • UOil a too usctl u 1'&1(>1 for ftowera. cc*lo!D ~fa down 1bow atttndan~ the CbdkA D'm ••• and a troup ot t tup bolllna wntcr Those wlth two hllutlla are t«<tn- • • • Droll!l~ttet'l aay that atotlileo a. ta. m. M on t!.:cro teavn awfugl"'• ..... ~. u. "U" ~rnnt"r~.. lilCil''ft"' Tbose wltb liD.- wUbOtlt bat»- ·· ""t · .... '- b................. .. .. ._...,,.., >;oo , •· • v R • • """"' " Ji:..,... 14!Ca.-=B 10 .uom •vaucaa • .,. West trtmt. .. ., • GtOI.t tfamt tr.JU• 1 tAbll'llfJOon lom•n Julc<!. dle~, one or two, Al'fl well tnlted to . w!lfcb at Ulo meat latt onlt an hour, to lc• ht~'l trt_ ,.;..• r_cs. d_d wltb b3!-

C50 u wntu ja- tnll!' alllt"e and l!ut · "o- • - ~ .,. . or lilt! bcttlcl ~Rfltl tbt!!t' UH. 'l'li4!l an nL •· • • . ·~~,X"" ... n from au 0\'U UJe Wl>rltL • • • The Plea& onor and woab pruncn, Bn:ltt .In

4f0ld WOIIlf 01111 bull UDIJI cnft In 10100 wat~. Utono prunr11, return pulp 10 ~nlrl. At1ll anaor, toll. donocnon. llolllca \'l'Oirr. nn.J nlmmor t<!n minutes. ~ll ~rnltllrdl wllb rold wntu. fiUr Jato pnmo mhttura nnd sUr ronatnntly onr hMt fl.-o mlm.JII:'A Ue>mowo elo 'MDWD, odd ll•mon Juke. mni\J. chill alii! a.-r,.,o 'L1'1tb ('r('Qhl.

RaW11 Stullloa ! c-ups brc.:~d erumb1 % rup tnoltl.'d buttr.?r

"I• •~• a 1:0011 boailcwlt&r' "N(), 10u mlallt call her a

~111'81:0 W(((!,"

boltk•. tUber h~tl~ ot tntttt'Stln& wh!!tle Gf a llt@r abtmt to t"31J ••• · t:Jn:lmMUtl!on ot unu~ttal bett!f7 ot C.amvnfgn apltat ud ftm;ertalb nt. l!ld the tn!l o! tt:tlU:u cbJ att:ctg tl:e l • ..~• .... A.~ Uf taUu~ • • • Wu told ot a wotnan Snen MIJUoo. ·

a J!IJ)(t, intlst rntt.t ..,~or: U~H:U ._....,,.. Jn a beatlt! partor Wbl() loolc:td at tbe e. n.uanl~l~-wm: .t«n:~ tlte.l7. • ~" ot • Spitz. • • • IJ.'Mttabt th.-

E8s Frottins · • · WIHlb c:tldnc aa en tr(}IUor. add

b:ltt an t;~tBhrill ot water 'ftlth it plndl ot aaU anil uta!Jl or tartar wllen Ule wbU~ bt<J~a to troth aM rou wntt eon· aMerab!1 lncrtue the quanUtJ ot troWt~r.

aeh:cat had. been lnJortd ltld waa b!ef!dtn.r. • • • Dot the poor bfuU:II

·bad Joat tl!d a tnanlcu~ ••• iltard aboat a Chloi!M &o,. wl:o workt fetr i'NOrell rrrotM«ora at Med1e&t Center. .... Dad on a Mw pair ot alloet with ffl.'Pf tobbtt IOte&. • • • Sfu lab teet 1thUe (Jirr-'ln* Jar of deadJ.t &trmt.

·"Adam' a A.ppl•''

EVEJltnO.J)Y knows that ., .Acttm•• Apple'" It an anatomfcti rather

thaa ·a Mrttcottlltal tet~renefl: 1et. l ~P al'C'dt'll rnlaloa, eut In pi~· l rup allood apple• l tC:UJIO(Ib a.alt % teupono JWPJH!r % traspuon a.1~0

• Planning Another Stratosphere Flight · eta,r • moment. cimtd It not be both? Let WI~

· Anatomtealll' JpcUJnr. Adam'• AP. pt& 18, «JUoqutaJiy a~ktnr. the "lin&· cte~t~nle''-JD()te eclenUtl~:allJ' known •• tht illnol.t tlrttl&te ttstb~ lti the h~ma~ throat. IU14 tn illlllf peop1tr. 'tetf illtldt ·~tuated bel:attr~e fit ltl

lilt tn.:rr>dlcnta antl nae to atulr durlr or Jlllrk.

Aprlntt With Diaanta. " pound drlnd t'IJ.II'ICcltt llua•r , I banan•• Soak aprl('(lt• In Julll Mouall wntct

,_ eonr feu• stwl.!rtd bourl. <.'ook untn •ft7 trntlor. .J?orco Uti'OU&It ltl'i.lnet -.. •trr tn fiUtllr to tt•~ Cut' bt• ·. .... 11 balvtt and ~una•• lil t " t - . .

-=:: =---·--~-· .. . ... ·--~~ .. ------·· -~ ... ~ . ..._.._......~___.,.._ ' . ~~ ......... ~ . . . • UNPJ::R NEW· CODt: -. I

• •

. . •

elita~t. . · . Bortlc:ultotan, i!P~ikln$'. ho"Wner, Aa.••• AtJple J. ~Ued fro11t the n.P~Kattttou thilt t~ <lw'ea tti ut~t-< · esee to the tact tJ:tat ' ~· of ~ tor bidden fttllt atlidt Jn Adlm'a thtoat.

So, there tou tiel · • (';,Belt 8Jt41ta!. ....... WNU ~

WOOl:', WOOF. ... ~. '.

Clenr Lad Tcn"bcr-Wb7 wu Solomon tht

wlse!t mao Ia th• worl41 . nor-Be bad ao manr wlfH to att.

YlJe him. Teacher (a atroo~: mlode4 womaa)

-Well, that Ia not the auwer ltl tlaa book, but rou ma,_ro,.up to the head ot .lht ciMS.-Royll Arcanum DnU• tfn.

l'onr lOCA) aeater. 'tvrlel J'ent• Purl Dred Vttetable SeeaJ. Now ontr ts ~nts a paekare. Ad1'.

A WoN. •f A.-l•n *'Rept~bUet are Unlfltl'lul." 11&14

tbt real!ynade pbllllsopher. "\Vcll.'' replied S'attnM" Comto•l.

•au tlle eove:nlllcnta I nw rt~4 about cot lmpoted on 10 Otten that roo couldn't blame •em tor ~rowta• acrt o• ~71llcal an• amptcloU& "-\VaJblngton Star. ,

A w.~ .r a.,. He-t tb&U never lnll1'%7 u!lW I

meet a woma,n wbo 11 tnT direct opo pot!te.

She (wcou.mgl.ngl)')-Wtlt, KJ', Dntrtr. the~ are nutnbtta ot Intent• a~nt &lrtl ba W. n~l&hborbOO(L


· ''.Are -1c~ tlililr to tbe lhnc:er "'Ot <!Oil~ l Wolltdfi1t miu a ft!k

ball tor anythlt!g." ·

I .. . . F.UGnwa ·

She-t wl!h Ule;r+d . made me a lnlt), . • .

. He-ib~1 dt4. rm tbe m.tt. ••




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q~~r vehicle. · · At·lndependence Wyetb'a eompaU1' '

tell In with a party ot tl11ppel'Jled by WUUnm S:nblctte Jllld Robert Cfl,mpbell, ~"'ho nJiowed the eastern tendertool to . tr4vel w1tb them up into Wyomlnl: wbero the "down.enster~'1 received some unexpected thrllllJ In battlea wlth bo• tile Blnc:kteet. Some ot Wyeth's men

• d~Bertcd blm . but he puebed on and In October, 1832, rencbcd Fort Vo~;~­couver, only to tlnd thnt the expected" ehlp blld been wret.:kecl 'and be WM

J"obn McLougbUn, com· vany fnetor at Vnneouver, reeelved the de5Utute Amerleana ··hospitably and aave thtm food.

Uzullsmayed by . tllla expertenf,!e, Wyeth returned to Boston, organlted another expedition, ecnt out another lblp and ~et out apln across. the con· tJnent.

rn the summer ot 1634 bo bullt • tort - . . -· - ..

on tho S!Ulko rlver In Illaho to whlcb 'II'JS &lven tho nome ot For~ nan. LtavlDi: pnrt ot hit mt!n bert, \VJeth pn!lbecl on and built another, Oamt!d l'ort Wlllltuns. on an lslarlll at the mouth ot the wmamettc. Thbl time bls ablp 414 arrtYe sateJr and he Ita~ ed on bla tndln, enterprlst. nut llt bad not countccl on tho com~Utton ot the lludson'a Bny C1lmpany and tht. aoon !orcccl hlm out ot bualn~-. Ji"1· naUy, on tho owe ot tho pnutc of 1531, be ~re up hiS' duama or proDt In Ore­&on antt rdurned to bta Ice -bullne• Sn &don. nut hla labors bnd not betn lo fntn. To btm t"n the bonot ot rale!ng at Fort nan tho ftrat Amtt­Jcnn ~g O>'O' to fto3t over thnt part ot tile cotmtrr. Somo of tbe mtn he left behind In Ort'gon stn)·ro Ult!re to torw amt tormro U1o Ducteus Cit lbe .~Ulementl whlcb \f('ro bttr to Jni\ke tbnt country Amcrlron rtltber than 11riU1lh territory.

• • • • The- Bent. of Bent'• Fort

WllAT l~ort l4ramle wu to the Or~on tr(ltl, tknt.'a fort on the

Arlmns:1s wn11 to tbo E:!ontA Fo trall. It wnt a lruulmnrk for pUgrlml. to the Now lle.tlcon t1lpitn.l: It ls one ont• 1lt!!ntlllll nnmo In all tbtt lltW~ture denUtlg'fflth Umt blstodc hlgbwatlnto tho Wot; tbona;b tbo fort ltsclt hu Jon: alnc6 ~ nwar. ttl nam& lJ a pr.rpetual pc:morJat to foor brothm tlt\:1 recre «<Jt!clnUy to ono ot them, WUI!am llwt.

WIUUun, GGtlrge. nollttt ud ChArlet Eent wtt«t sclora ot Mas1:tcllta«ts l'urUna atm:.k. "D::tlr tc.t!ler. Sltaa t:ent. aclUeil In St. LonZs about an tu:d b\'ume tbo tk8t du.trta judge tn tbot clty. Ltvic;; fu t!lc "'tor capt tal" led ht!J "" mtornlnr ltl!o tbat btt.t1· l:ES& . ·~

to 1820 tte tour Bents end Cella nd Mart{!l!n St. V'rn!a. Erct:ch-Carul• dlora. built a trnd1ng po~ oti the tl'P" (l('t Ark::ms:l!l between the present dtlcs of Poeblo and Olnnn cur. Colo. lfindlnt; It tl~ to ba n~tr the best liunUtJg grotml!lt tll~1 1:l01'ed dotvn the tiver .. two 1EAI'IJ 1ater. tn1l began to erect the giant adobe struc­ture .wbfeb was to b!cotile M fa !lions.

-----' .

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tj ,· ' ..... ·'· -·-·-··- .• '.f·.. ~-.-' , .. ,, __ -

'WATCH· FOR THIS C-bSS . · : 1-= Mean~ ·th~. REAL· Al\TIOJ,i · , .




.. . '

ee •

..Of ]Jayer ·

Manufacture ' .

,, ' ,

' ' ~ ..

~member tltis for your P-rill • .prptec::tlon. Tell y<iur'friendf .. about it for their prot~ction. Demand and · 1 · ·· ..

. · •.-.fA t~ day1 of tteoYery ••• If I don't.. lotne­CIQO die wJll ha'o mr Job," HowP CCWdl, I lcJrned

~t worlc. , , wear- .00 tear •• , takea •ome­of DXD .nd women-pJrtlc:ulatlr tho~ who

Aau,.tu ••

' '

,.WJ:Iat antJqulUta ot ~pt PC'tollet! you most't" . - - -

"TTlt troller ears." WNU-ll




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• •

OUtri~It .. '



• e ; : .. . t '; -- e _. ;


The emergency 11dses-there. is Conoco Bionze in the tank. and you arc in possession of the insunt starting and li,sbt .. ning picJc.up thit saves the situation, if spe~ is required.

Conoco Bronze lw those outstanding ~ties but it also · - far longmil"ge, greater power, smoothness ofoperation and

high anti·lmock to aetv'C: you from day to day. ft is blended by science for p_nctial purposes and comes to you without premium price {ot s_uch ;etfonnaace. · , -

. .. ' . ••• . .

,,,;;;;;, ' - . . - ' .

.:,,, ' .. ,·

··The· ' ' . . · velertnary

A ' , . '

f(li/s'to '' •· '

consider the ' j

' ·and· •

pr;wer of .



• ~"' ___,___.... .. """"---.=- ..... - • }

... , . !. CONOCO

··~ ~//

~\ l \;



'~~:r .• I~M.S.T •

~ . .~. ~Get a'uec Tony Sarg book ofcbnc

dshteeo adverdsemcncs. GQ to any • Conoco atadon Clf dulcr. who

· ·· · · ~ -.;;.m the yoiu postpdd,. Ulf.a~ clteucd postcard, You wlllrccclvc thl1. latgc book of cotertainlos

:advettbin& Jlluamtiona by mail.


-, Jl'

'. ' <~ ' }


Wben It WM ~o!nptdi'.d 1n 1832: thl!1 tate lt tbe ruune or li'ort WIWam,' Jt1 Moot of WUUam lk>nt.. whO by this tlnle brtd· em~r_sed u the natutal lfad· fr ot tho company. nut Tl!ltors t() tt -ltnl)P.er!Jt traders, ~loren, arm)' of .. 1le~11td It llent'Jf fort . and tlutf name stttck. Expati5lon or tbelr bust• ness ~atted the two St Vtatns and the

• .,.othet' three nenbi el!cwhete much -ot Ute Unit!, but Wllilam nent ~matned. bt hts dtadel ot the tJTaln&

. T~wel~, L_inen Sparkling Whit~ Now-­lie matrletl • Chettnne Ifid:lan wom•

. u and when ~e died,. he married her" mter. nts JD11uence oyer .U the tribeS · rrew ltld treW'. · "ali lntt'ltttt •. bll · ttuthtufni!N on alt 'oceutons and his

· marnble coutare en~ Jdn:l to· Ute rea Gd whtte mii aliltil!, lli~ J'od WlWtii lito~ wnbdtttntb' uodet blj Q.re!nl anil jtl.lt manar~ntl' ·~ otle 1ii$1Ql'lln· 'trllo bew blm.

tn 1&J2 the War d~attment tttea to bn)' tludott. :FtnaU7• Urtd ot tllelt

· ha"ttn& mrt ~nt ·liet. Me to tlie tort ·

· tD4 th~ PnP<iri~ wlllch JH. . · s.· · · · ·· · ·· It b\e'W It up. "l''lenlie·naotea · ·· · •·+····--.. ·-~~•---,.~

clown tM .Arktnm td 1nc ~JmberJt and tMte b\lllt • stone tort · Jn wllJcb ~· tofiUnuea. ftiB' trading ~tiOna utll 18&0 wltta he 10td lt tb 11• ~m· mtnt. wlt<J. ~blt!d ltl •• to J'ort Wlllft 11Dii kf~ to 'fort L)'61L lk'lt d{ed c}Jl · thei -rueh of lilt llOfl.lJl.ll'ft • aNt fh ·. · · dtt tf LU ,\DlNf

:Jltt19, ... ad: u. ~· t.tU.·. eotlntt)' wlete tdJ :tort ude: lal,j 1Un.tf. · . ti:UD(Itlt ·~de-Wilt.

• nat..w..wlil JifciiNitt!t v.&-. .. )

' ' •


.Colored.~lothes Unf'!Jed-T:hank$.to Oxydol / ..

'rM& NlW ........... IMW»t.\OVIO·

. " .


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·OUTLOOK --·· :~ublll•b•~d Wet!ltly ,, the lnlere•t ot Knowledge i" truth,.· Nothlna ;~~!.!!.~~:.!·~-~~!1C?'!I ~:.~· __ is more convl~,Jclng. . . . · · .. · ·.··., ·

. · ;.1 ~. ·nunxE, Edl~r lind l'ubl · Our C?blig~Jtfon Pl'~ord de1deri ;;"'"' -----. ·-- -- .............. in this communft.Y.ia·not onlY to

. ,ll'l"t CirculaUoa Ja 'fhe Couat7 sell and ,!Jel'ViCe. Citli, Juat :' •• · .~ su nsoiUP'J'HJN "A 'rEB hnportan~ fa. out duty· to· .. criu•t·nt

i1' • • the public with uu..:t~ .. date fact• N:,;:::~~~~:d~d~v:::,"• ." !!:~ about atitomobilt ··v•lues. W•

}-- ~- .. ·-- --'"· . . . -- . . believe 'that only Jn thl• wn ~a,ter1d •• IICOPd·cla18 roaLt1Jr Jan• Cflrl JoteJilf{CDt · COmp•rJ&ODI be • ft'1 8, JSIU, aL tb• po11t ollie• •t made. n . . .· ..

. . lurlaoao, New lot••lc:o, under .. tba Act So thfa Invitation is ,;iven ·to · ·~ llarcb 8, 111'18. . ' .. _ ·. · ~ · . · . :· . --,--- ____ ... -~ .. everyone O'\\'nere .. of harae . · 1 .t\'dvn,l•lna turrn• clo•e W«~ducaday sm411 cars~ D)acldni•t• -· otht, . ~t poon. NIWUOIUUifll clOIIII 'fhura· automobi.le dealers. eome In and

••'J IJiibt• lf you do IIOL ruceiYtl ,YUill inspeCt th'e neV{ 1984 .Fotd v s. . •Ptr rtJUiarly, ph!ll•enullfy Lhu Pub· )J ' · · .. ·.tber. Adv.rthdlll r•tt:a Ull •pvlica• You wi find out why a Fnrd

uun. \>uylng .wave Ia going over tbt --------------·· country. · .

Olllce,l'honu No.z. 'It you 'would like to driYQ the new ~·ord that Is your. privilege,

EDI1'01UAL COLUMN New thrUls wUI deUgbt. you.

.. ====~-~ .. 7.=--=--~ .... ~.-... ~,~--------. ·: · The F oreotten Mrne~


rcqueste tQ buy-the car wiJI do that.

We are::lookJ~a for ~oul . -Carrizozo Auto Company,

• . Chleago, Ill. March 29-T h e ;hlosgo Tribune hns brought to a 1 • a d the differences between lecrttary of the Interior, Harold

· i ,J, Jekel and tho National Job '

· i Javlmr and Inveatment Protect· I

. rOD Bureau for the Coallndilstry with

'• vaat water projects certain to work R'teat per·

injury on the coal min­and many millions of Invest-

LODGES -· ··----------. '

-CAIUUZOZO LODGJ No, ·1-Carrlzow, New Mexico.

A. F'. &. A~ M.

1-'itat Saturda1 . . of Each

' llontb

' .

l ' .. ' ' $

· OAUUOIO OVfr..OOl· · . . · · !•,..., ... , '· '11Sj,;· -. .

Tr•• · . . ·. ·. .. ·. \ . ' . .. . . :;, II' • •

Th······· · ·w····· .... ·· .. ···ff· ·t····.·.·u····· ·.·····.· .. ·. · .·· · · e .. a ··e.< ·ouse. . . . -

' - • - <I'- • '


. : · urhe Place to "Eat'' . . · . · · Minera' Headq'uart~rt ·:· · · ·

-~ ' l . . - ...

· · ... ~Leave ·your ~~mples.bere ·· ,·-: ' ... ··.· · .. ·· •. ·.

. ' '

.. •

• • : .. _, ~ "' '

. ' • 0' ' ~ .

We ·fiatro~ize · • •

--. 4 •


Home."Induatriea. . . ' . •,


. ' " > I ..

• I , ,t ·"

J. E. Compton ••

.. . ,,

Carrizozo, ··New Mexico ·


• • • •

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p .

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. I


. . .

' ' . .

' •

. . ' •

' . . .

·. ,

, .... ··· & ~_.~PR~

~ .. o~·. ~ ~flw.a .

Larkwood's NEW HQqiery Colon

For SPRtNG 1 . . '

And it will be e 'Jot. o~ fun. For Lar.k·wood hu made it easy for you to get just the . ·

your· spring . eostumes No , • .fuss...-no bothe.r- just uk t~

8 e e Lark wood '8 S p r i n ~ Hosiery. There ate lovely ahadee from whiW!you may· .

cbooae. Above are listed ,four ae--­

h!Cted new ablde1 ·for early aprlng wear, Aak 'to aee theae

especially. •




. ed tapltal. . Wm.Gallacher, W. 11. • - COMING SOON -

"These Thirty· Years" ROMANCE """'" FUN ..,.. THRILLSt

Complimentary Tick eta will. be dl•trfbuted by the CARRIZOZO AUTO COMPANY.

-U. E. Lemon,Secy.' • ll ln an editorial, . the Tribune

1 forcefully pointe out that thl' i'taxvayerl, whn wJU foot the btllfl COMKT CllAPl'.&&. NO .. 29

· )ifor theae economic schemea, and OltDEU OF EASTERN STAR Jith• coal mlnera and producers, Carrizozo, New Mexico. j'bave received but acant consider• u~eaou• MIITIHQ

. I! a t I o n In hearings on proposed ViraL '1'bunda1 of eacb !I proj.Cta. T h e edl torlal deal• montla.

· J)tpeelftcaiJy wltb the Loup River All VfalUng Star• 'cordially In

~ - ..--


FIRST .NATIONAL BANK Carrizozo .. - .Ne-.r Mexico

. "Try Firat National Service" •

• • •

li hydro· electric p~oject near Cola ;; umbu1, Nebra1ka, and diaeueacs tlted. ~

• '

• Watch for the Date of the Showlnc!

·.·For .Sale j, p o I n t 1 mentioned by Mr Gu111ie I. Titsworth, W. K., • ' } '· )! Jekel II g r 0 u D d I Cor turnfna Maude L. Blaney~~c'r. : . . D Year in~r Hereford Bulla, at :! down a prqteat by tht bureau = = c D·epoaita Insured under. U .. S. Government Plan D Reasonable Pr·acele /laaaln•t thla project, which will CoAL~~Jt~IJUtt D . lUI~~~:·~~::::~:~!~: o~f p~~: NUMBICillS 1~. _, L~.i l -...... _!." __ !_ ___ tJl-.. ~ '--~-"E L. __ u The TITSWORTH Co., Inc.

• 11 er planta,trianlamfaslon Undc,s,etc., 1.0.0. F. Notice ofHeulnr of Final Capitan, N. M •. "~ to operate n l•u of alrcn " 011· d A t ••••••••"•"•••••••••• .. • 1 • " , Meet• 11c;nd and tourlb Report an ceo•a -


D g. a

/i tabUahed privately and munlcl- WcuJnutf•v• of eac:bmontb. M W A k ;1 pally owned Iteam llencratlng Kathleen Mendenhall. N. Grand lD tbt Pro bat• Court of Llneoln .. ay e I ... Nottee of Foreeloeure Salt Notice of Htarln g of Final

· i! planta, which n o w consume Clcata M. Prior, Secretary county. State of New lfexlco. • • Report and Account ll bQ t 200 000 t t 1 th b Et r J Whereu. on tbt 11th da7 of NoY- ,, .,. . 1 1 u • on• 0 coa an" Carritoto • New lbsfeo In • li•U•r ott • tat• 0 amta D() you enjoy k••ptnr In ·~btr,liS3. ln Cau .. No • .cogz pend· In th• P.robatt Court ot Ltn~o1n Ji n~!~ickea polnta out that the CARKIZOZO LoncneNo.BO,J,O.O.F ~~ ~~:.· &~·~~~~ Capl~:: ':.w cioal touch with friendl7 ' inc- Jn tb• Dt.atrlet Co\trt of Lincoln Coun~y. State of New Muteo. lJ I N J1 lfexleo, •Dd s. z. o,eiMn• Admtt)ll"' . CQ!I.liJty, New Medco, •h•reht . Foater In the Matttr of the Partnerablp :£... : Droject wu Pllled upon favora~ Carr zoto, '". exteo. A t'el•phone In JOU• home A ODHJ, a eo--partntnhln enmpoied tatter Wallaee llerehan. • Dt"tued. H G T u Q 111 trator, C•pltan, New Jlexic:o, and to "" .. .. ._ ..

II bit by the Nebraaka advisory : • tiiiC u . en, alhtiknownlatlra Qt tbli ulddeefd•nt, makK it l&lilt for tbtm to ot aeott• F~t·t and 2. n. Omer .No. &47. 1: board, the Public Works Ad Noble Grand and aU uakaown ptttcm• tlatmlni an) reaeh 100, were plaJnUff•~•ncl Cecil Pott, Joye.. To Hattie Merebab~ Lon D~ llerch-11 mlnlatratlon and the Mlsalulppl .1, LanlltOI Ilea upon; oulabt, title, or lntereat, Pnattt ComPlnr. • Corporat!oa. and ant, J. Laroylhrehant ot Capitan, N. ); Valier Committee Stta'y-Treu, . In or to, th• ettat. ot tbt aald dttt• If one of JOUr famllt Ia Pl. R. . Xfnr. Wtttt deCtnda:nu, t h • M., and EllfelJla~eh Spenear ot ATte-,: 8 t th N. b k d I UellUiar mt!ttlnga eteey TUM• dent, &lUI t• whom It ... , eOilceraa: auddenly taken m would Joti ~lalntffl• rer.ote~ • judpent and ala. N. II •• and to all unknown heh·• ot l\ • • • u e eras I a v daynf,.ht. You.atld•atho.two~Jarelltrtb'/DO- appreci.ateate··Je"hOhl t"' eall . ereeupontwoprotnlllaot)'Dotetincl th• aifcl deet4ent. ancl all unknown i) earr bOifd CtlUid hardly be ft ·~ .# t' V' ft1ort,•~· deeda In tH. tot.alaurn ot &art. 1)111 clalmln• anr Hen "pon, or L tllt.S, aQi Mtlee .a Mreby llvtrt . .tllat th• doetorin t. bu--f · · Elcht Hu d ad 'l'hl tr II U..lOO ("- "' .. ,_, expected to oppuao tbe expend Ia 8. E. Otelklli Ad•tntatr.tor of the • •" . n r · . r . . an . .. .. rlglat, title. or lnter.,t., in or to, tbe Jl ture ·of othu people's muncy. Eatat-olJaJiiu A. Hlpp, deeeued. It cOtta but aft" ctnll.J (f830.IC) Dollar., and Utt foreclosure uta~ ot th6 aafd dteeden~. ~d to j! In Nebraaka. The Pubhe \Vorke hal ftlt41n tb. abo•• •nUtled Court da) to haVt o1lt. ot okt mortr•r• deeda btlnrupon . whom b may cqne.rn: ;i Admlnlatratlon•1 jub Ia to find ·Birthday Carda ht. dnal report ancheeou•t. auueh ThiSOutlaHaltof SetUonlk1en- You, anduebot,ouarebarebynO<t

. !( 11rojeeta upon which to spend Jihlhh• CGw_t hill ap- . . .. teen and tha North Halt of See- t.ltled, •!!~ notl~• ia hereby .&JtttJ,.. th.at d -FOR- polatM Monday, \bt 'ith day of May, tlon Twenty tn To'frntbtp Thm . . Mercllut. Adndnittratrix of :i $3.000,000.000. tfU, tt tht hour of J o'efoek p.m •• ai AnJ er.nploJH wilt 8outb of Ran&eBlxttea ~t N ~· Partnerablp ~tate of Walface ! 'The lllaalaaippi Valley com~ .father, Mothlt*, Slattt>, the hour and dat lor beadnr of o~ taka. your order. . . . . · . • • •ncbant, deeeued, bat filed 111 tbtt

1i mittet mlaht 1how ·a delicate Brother, Son.Daughw, j~tfon1, tt ~1 there b•~ to the ap.. ~ · 11• P •. 11·• Lincoln Countr, N•" abon entitled Court her final report 1! rtl4td for tbt rights of the coal Huaband, ww. •·nd l)ronl and Mttlement ot aald final r.. llexieo; • and account .. aueh ·Administratrix, 11 11.\IDtrl and federal tupayen port an4 _account. and the dlacharce ot ft.t Mo.. taU. State.- and in aaid decree plainlJlfa• aaid and Uut Court hat appointed Tueadayr· 11 • Swetth•art. · tht •aiel 8. :E. Grel•ea, u •ucb Admlft" 'rfitpholi:lei A Tele&ratlt Co. were "\JecJartll ftrtt tha 8th, day oflla;r, 1984, at the. bour !I but tbt probability is that it lilra.tor. and at the !Kiur on the day ~ and prior and IGpedor to an, mort- of 10 o clock A, M,, . u lbe hour and J1 would not. In abort. the pro... Outlook Art ~ Glft Shp narM<I. tht Probate Court wilt proe•fd ••!!•;.!)!+:.:P!ff£!++!! .. c•«•• rlab~ dUe or c1aJm ot the de!- d&J f()r hearing of obje~Uont, (J an'f 1! ject wu not _at an)' time pasaed · to d-lterm1nt tb• htirabtp of .-tcS deee- _ , •ndantt, JoJtt•PrltlLt Company . thu• be, to the approyaJ ~nd Httle--1i .. upon br men primarily Interest· . 4t'!t. theownatahlp othlt~tWutatt LiacoiD Co\JDI)' S. R. Klag; aDcl ba .. r4 Caus•tbe m.ntofa~dAnal_'rtportand aeeount. :.:J' td ln preventlnli the waate aud In The· Ptobltf Co'111rt lM th• lntornt. ot ear It r.eaptetlte A r ..... D cotutappolatt<lt .. Uti~raiptd. John aad tile da•ebarg• of th. aald Hatti• ,, .1 f .. elal•aat thtr•to and thertln and th-e c IY1•.:r a} z. Hall. apeelal maater. atld clir.cted Merchant, •• luch Adminfatratrix, tnd · H ro auae o money • - . · · ·- . . ~non ••Uttttd· to the dlattlbutlo'! , • · hfm to act•.•rtlH aiM ..at Nld at tb• hour on U.a daJ named. the Pro-,1 Tbt ateond point commented State of New Jlexleo) ••· , tlMrtot. Oa J Frldat A 6 1984 ., ~eqlltmt byl•w tor tht purpoN bat. Court •lit procu4 to ~ttrmrne

• , · u.,6n In the editorial Ia .l!r.Ickea' County of Lincoln .. ) . · ifh• •••• ani pottcft'l~ addt••• of rr 1010• .. • .. pr. • .. trit1tar t~ above n•llitd t~bted-- helrahlp ol aald decedent.. the

· 1tattment that the coal indua~r.Y In thl' Matter .of the ) . . Ui• atto-rtttJ f« tM A••fnl•tratot Ia · "'='*PROG~AII- nHC of tH aatd Ceeil Polf• toptber . ot his ••ld .. tJa.t• ana the ... l.Dt 0 n Itt riahta. u Thll Ethate of o. T.- N.n ) No.aeo. ~~ li&Jl, Carrii!OIO. N•" ..... ,~. : . Hich School J)lvl•ion . : 'fr(tll an tottl of_ ault a.nct i«rttlna ~!: :!s •::! ... h:pecUYI clafltlabt pbr .. e the Tribune polntl out al•o known •• Orville) · Wll•••• u.t hot~t~J.i Mu~a.t Coro- · g.1··~t 'Bo " '1'.... L. .......... c»ataohale. tntlt!R" t tJit ..:tr-t_. ...... liM! the p.raon•

• . ' T"'N' l> · td ) na JudJ• tf u.. "'d Coutt, at\d the . • ~- 11 1. .. a ca. •~n: ... That u.. amo•· tot • ret jud t .. o w• nvuUor:a t1:i«taof. i!·f!'~&nlnalell, IIYlniU . . ~ ye, eeeal • . ..!t Uati'tOf, tfll• tlh eta)'. of March, Scti(M)llr<mndi. 10-Gi~lt' Vol• j.jKf dQn, at it.: date ot MJ. .!:~!- . n. ti.UW and poatoftke addre•• of

. 1bt phra\e Ia meanlnaten . Notlee of ~ppolntmtnt of ltll. · - . Itt satt Tourntll\ent. arounda. ur ,..cUofttcl wlll bf ·tlM •• ot the taUotn•Y for the Admlnt•ti·•ttix t• .. uale•att Ia ataumtd that mine AuclUary Admtnlltfitot . (fkt1) lntHt C•1• Clerk... 1 ~ m.-Currfcolar . ecmtMtl In ltaiMl_rtcl PtttJ-~ at ~~W~taBar~ Catri~, N•w11ureo.

t.od mint ownera h~d betn tlo• Notte• I• h•reby ;Inn tlaat •nJ.AI BJ rranotJ a_. Api,Yo, Alrtbt• aad Atntriean ltrltor;t. . l:HUat~t, ~ eoettlot J..;:ot ~~~~=~ .:;:o:_ "::i . tlfttcl that tbelr l)ropertJ • n d th• under~ianed, at t.M ttPT~ . .. . .. . Vt»>tJ. R.I. Bldl, I-Pnllmlrilt111Ua ... ·~ ucmaiDr eotw ot.HJt. , . th·.reot~ tlat. Utb da7 of liareta.-1$14. Ja:bl .... In Jtol)lrd,. 0 I Novembt-t'.. ~938. tum of _to ' ' . • ' . . : ·· ale and otatotfcal ~~tutt. B. 8. ~·~lot'•, I'UtiQait t6 ~lclJ•clr· · .i:rnntXer, Clttk • . couttt. rto auch nollet, tormal Pro batt . Coyrt, w~ tP~Dttd _Lta.n rout otdera tor Parker Aucllwtlum. 1:80-F i u •1 1 in ••~..a ~~tiM pown . .. ~~ J'r•nc:n n. Altl•'fo, , or I•!~Ma1, 'fW'I't!tb. ·. . . . .. .. . admlnlatrator of tM tttaw of o. Hou•• Rotlt, Mt. Pa1tr7 • n d mu•tc aDd ontode.I _,11tata. ~~l!.mtb. ~u.~ :~~ • .:-;::·1 Deputy •

. 'like •• l~duatrr vtu tearc~ 1\ ;,~.!t~o:. ':.~r::~:u; BftM•- Tbt Cartlsoso ~ey. ~Qdlt()rtum. . . UHt....., •t tO •'cttock /l~ M. at u. .. . ... . I . . . ·.. .



. . '

..... (It u. J•n•tdr untn . . "' .11. . . ...... . c-'-.1 a......... . .. ·a-d· e ......... 1 ..,1, ... f-r ..... 11..... . . treat a..r .t .ta. eoar~• lJi u.. n:....... T·· .. m· p· _ . _..,.. .. IIIUCtl. a . PltiO:P • .,...nl\1 .. ., . .,..... ~,.- · . . . . . · - · ul. • A1RMI' . u •av - . · · · Of ~. u.o.ht· . . . · .• Our .· · f& . . fl. ·. · · .. Jl ·u.tttd tfi . ·.· tht dam. tfht .· .. ·. ...• · · ·. .. ··. . ... u1'8ESI1'8lR1'Y YlARS••--· -IO:Jli.-~..._l'Jofi~ ..S .·.·•··.. · ••z~•-.~ars;OIIl.ct.tlftt.tOl' .·~.-· ·i~l»"bft)t;, ·ba!lna·O · --

. ,ttl~ to l'lcbt• ale~t JJI)Ort b•r•bY notitl~ .to tile tilt .__. . Ro~Noot ...... 1\ta """"Tbdlla r-tat:k M e ~- t. ~-; ~ . . . . •""'7.;::;::~ tct ~ . . --No~ OPF!N- .. a ·\tHf\ll"mfa<l•r to eitinn• · th• tim~ 1H l• tbt *"* · . · .· · · ··. · . tfokttl wiU bt. 11 ..... lbt~~ .. . . .. **.a .. .,-. .. w $Jtliall••t .c'': · .T~bioto Qd Candlu .....UI tut In ~n• dati. of oro1ldtcl bJJ••~ ..... · .......... ·.. . t.t Ut• CattliOIO. 11-BU:k~Uuta.&at .· · ....... ~.r-~.a ._.._ -.ta . · _ wnt Btl'" S.Uad ttaae · · · . ' • br 10:U1idtH ~~ ~ & . A411.f•t.tratot. · ·· ·.· .. ·· Wtt* ltir618Utt . lp .... ~.U · .. · .· ...U. jllftTW•i lMllt'Jttr • .._Ua · AhoNot&tJ hbi.Jc .a . .· .~·· tMIIHlVtJ •• toll.. Potto~e.. . . ... cutli•to. tlaowfU. . . . . ·bJI-GtoiP ., .. . ~,. .-q --~-.l •••• ... . Cat u.c.~- PJ.a-.' I

.· taltOtfct·~tbfearN~t Jllf.-.At' . Ntwllnloot . ·~· .··· . a.·~ . . tt-.kW<.atW•• . . • . .if.- -~U.u. 0 · .... ·· . ·. · · . ·. .. . . . ,..... . . . . ..Jiibo.d • · tr .... ......_,_ -~ · . .Wrtahtw.te MiM'fe · .,., u. ...,.,.,.IAI~ " JObtpulltcl Cr«4tbiOtl' . p~~~,,~··· •·.~ I .,, . . . .. ·.. . . • q~--~ ~-·- ......,"_"* M;tWJU(Utift-.uc!Wiw••tM . ... . . iil\:'•v•• .,r •• ,q,,, . Lod•aodPI&Ottlllalll .. ·· · . a.km A"lM:daa-. 1:10- , · .... Ulilltllli.W"••••t. .. . . . . ,...M,.,.,.. !''''"" 1

.... *""' .,.,,,, .... uon·. ·. ·· · · ·.· Pttot.ofLa.bM ·.·· llfM~IllttL ~. n.t~amt.tS..,..Cutr ... rM· · ........ -;.;•._. tw.thtltll,_, POl U.tl-&pw . ., ·rocx~

.. 6~.C...·ww. ao. .·kJ· · J:tM&EWi. Wotk lftbltlt Ul4l two rn.tlt ~· ~ ...... ·


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.• '; . . . ftesi(hm~e Pbon~ a~ · ·. · . . · , •,; ,;~r IZO:IIil) · ·~ · ~O'.f f.t!ll~f\1(/ =~=

d''. ·..,.·--:---!!""'"'~'------ . .::,......,.._~~·:r=· -~·=·~'i=:::· ·~· ========:::====~1"·~·=· ~· ==========::r~===========·~··==::":· ::·;: ·:· ·:· :· :·:~=-====::.:.· H DR. RJ ~."BhAN~Y. l>e. .. tlst ·1 .• i!:.,._,_:..' .... ·~·~',.,!'~· -·~··· ___ • __ : __ _,...;....,""""':'C'"""~:=:: ·~ .. ...-----:-.. '"A'·~"':'·:""'·-~ ~, ·:: ·· "' ' · · ;;;·; ~· ·' 1 .I • .I

'r carrlzbzo -_Lut~BulldiJlKtie'w Jle,l!i!lo . ··CARRJZ .. OZO BAi~·. ·~~t"...-- NQ Trick Gadaete .. , -:...-.·----.---.-· ·--- .. On Ford V·8 Car

A. L. B u·R n: E &. Supplj Compan:r·~ · Notary Public · · · G · F · · · ·

at Carrizozo OutloQk Office -Ask Y e>ur re>cer e>r.... ;t ·· .. Carrizozo, New Mexico -GOLDEN KRUST BREAD Entrie~ made of all Legal · 'rransaction11.

. '

' ' . I I

No matter' what thil · po!lalblUtle• EXCITEMENT · • ' • · ROMANCE' • • . THRILLS J9j. aone.,UQn~ publicit;r ford lla• . never reaorted to ·~Utlt feature• to Be sure t 0 see . • . ; aoU bit can. Fnaki•b bod)' de-•lgna on at~ automobile are juat aa "Th Th• y · · ,,, lpiiCUlatlVO aafreakltb d .. IIPI ·On . .~J· .. ese 1rty ea(.,: houaee. · • · ..

Million• of dollara· were apt~nt to An .All~Stpr Talkinll Pict\lre sts Thrillinll as it

.. ..

HBig:IJer and Better"

Fresh Every Sunrise • •. • , Try it!

. . • •

• • '

1 aell Arnerl~;an Motorlata on fno fa Romantic. Presented by li'ord Motor Company. :::::::~~~~~~~;;~;;N~.~M~ .• ~IIIii-liilil-;pi.!·H~w~]h~ee~ll~n~~·~· ~F~or=d=d=oc~ll~ne~d~t;~o=:·~,~j~-~- _ -----~-. --:--~~~·:~~~S~H~O~~~~N~G:-_ __ ,_· ~..-----~;-+ -;--·---

Tbo Ford pu~h•••r getl a pro~- 1 . . Lyric . eatre . ' 'J " •


Public Accountant. ·'

·. I t


Cotton Exchange Buildin(t Las Cl'uces, New Mexico.

Enrolled to practise be£ore ' Treasury' Dept.

. 1 •

Carrizozo Cleaners

Dry Cleantn& That Will Please You

· TaUorin& and Altera~lona

-Satisfaction or No Pay-

L. A. Jolly


111 car both In ltyla aifd operatwn. W d d · A •1 11 There are no trick "adaet- to catch . e Q~S .· ay, prl · tbolfa11cy and later on pro\'e .to bo S:OO p, .M. and 7:30 in 'the E.venlllK mlatakea,

Tbe · Ford policy or contlnuoua Improvement Ia well •hown .In lbl11 year'• c~tr. It Ia. tlae beat car the Ford Motor Company b.'t e\ln

· CompJimentary Ti~kets at

Carrizozo Auto ·Company • • "-- ' '

built. ' .

• Roy.Shafer. Mgr. •

I'Btate of New Mexico ) County of Lincoln ) ••· • In t.be Matter of the ) •

~~ • · • Laet WJII and Teata~ > ::;;t::.]k.::.::l~!. 1----..... ----------_.. .................. :::::::::::~ ment of Dalay A.Dar-) · · No. 861J


Novelties nlagnzines;

Candies ..

Cieara of All Kinda '- '

Pre!crlptlons Carefully Compounded.

Malfjtlc Radl01

::::::.~-;...=======j:===========~ fnett, Dec:Uied. · J •· • - NOTICE •

Malpai$ Dairy •

Whole Milk - Cream Butter _: Cotta(U! Cheesl;'

Buttermilk '

Mrs. Marcie Espy, Prop.

..,.. _____ ,. To~ ·W.·Y, · Barnett, and Hrt; A1 1),

Camp Malpaia Store-Filliat Statio•

C•bias •

·-Best of Service~

O,ea Day ad N~t: ft01c.'

' B. Prior, Prop.

Palmer. and To .wbomlt May Con earn:

Notlcela hereby alven that an In­strument purporttn~r to be the Laat. WUI and Teatament of Dalay A. Bar­nett, Deeea1ad, baa bl8n ftled for pro~ bate In the Probate Court of Lh1c<!ln cOunty, New .Moxlco, and by orlltJr. tht 'lth day of lfay, A. D, 1934, at tb11 hour of 10 A. M., at. th• (!ourt. room or aatd court. In the village ot Carrl, tozo. New llezlco, i• the day, time and plaee for hearing proot of .. ld La•t Will and 'I'utament.

Therefore any peraon or penon•

• Rolland's Drug

· Store

L A. t t . wiahlng lo enterobjectlona w the pro-arge ISOr men The Lovelace Re,.Sale S tort batl11g ot .. ld Laat Will and Tett.. "

Of Real J.ndian wUl buy and Bell anythlnsr you ment are hereby notifled to 91e tbolr have for sale or sell anyllling objeati•n• in the office ot the County

" Carrizozo, N. M.

Jewelr·y· • h ·t ""uy Le"· do Clerk of Lincoln County. on or before · • you may WJB 0 " • " " the tlme ,.t tor hearing.

Outlook Art& Girt Strop. rome tradln2-Wiult havft you? Dated •t CarrW!ao, New Mtdeo,

----------:::_=-·-.~-··c·~;.;;.;-:...;;-=-=;. ;;_;"'~;;;.;_;_;;;;;;;;;:_~ .. ~ .. ;,;;:-a ~~~J~e'lt~~:~.~f K~;~~;ot~t~c1:~: ' HIQ-AO By Francea lt Aguayo,

' Deputy. •

lo tho United States District ·· Court for the District of

·New Mexico

United Stat .. •f Amerlea en tht Relatton and Cor th• Uae of G. A B. Equipment. C41mpany, a Corporation.



Show an atual profit on n·ext · . American EinoJnen'ln!'J~nc• Compau.r, a Corporation,

Defendant. yo·r•s reading! ••• Your !'om•. new.•· · . .· ::: ·paper and the pick of thts chot·ce hst o.f magaztnes

· ••• All for the amazing, low price gwen .below. NOTICE

Notfee it hereby arl~en thtt 11111 abon enUUed eaua• wa1 filed fn the aboye named eourt on the 13th day ot Warcb,1~34. punuant to the provi•lona · o! See don 270, Title 40 U. S. C. A., upou .t tontraet •ntered Into between tb• Unlted !Ita tea· o! America and 01211 1. J. ltitone.t tot the eondructlon and

• 'For· Sale· •

Some Ueed COAL STOVES at ~OW PRICES. 'The 1'ITSWORTll CO., Inc ••

.6Capitan. N. M .

.,.,. eta! . •


For every type of akin-dry, oily ot normaL-for ~very compluion

ifavu Fact 'PowJ~,. giYv tlu'! ~nal, fin ..

i;LillS toucL to make-up wl,iclt ia tlu! .

lt11'V)' of enr.r wom•n· Deligbtfully .coft. truly invitibft •

e') ahine, it auya on for h~un. TLere u'! be no 1•urer

llDwJer. Of courae it

lau tLe thrill:~s Mavi• fra$rance.

PRlCE so;


POWDER N aturelie- Dfantlu'l•ltacLel

1j J?Cllil' J~al#r .r4~tnot "'11~ !loti, •mJ w Ai• Juam• ...

• ••

V. VlVAUDOU, Inc .... ~80 Fif1h Avenue ••• Naw Yorlc

Improvement of Project at A-t. B•J -----------------------... tba Cuiltoso--lto•well National Foret~ ______________________ _....,... ·.

Cl H~HM~ & Gatdtfts;1Yr. 0 Dtlil)eator .. "'""'" ....... ''"1 Yr. [j ~·Movie Mav ... t Yr. tllkeaWs Mig4me ........ 1 Yr. ClMon. ~ .,;.,. .. - ... 1 Yr. 0 Patfafindtr. tWttldy) .... t Yt. 0 rt~:tort.al Rm.w ....... , ...... t Yr~ t10pt~t ·Ro,d (loys).,_. .. .2YrS", l:lSctHn ,~ ...... ~ .......... ~~.t Yr. D!:Crajtn tlay .. _ ................ t Yt. OTtitf COnfasfoU ......... .1 Yt. -O.a.qto~.a·nd .. ~ .•• ,_ •• _ .... n.:~·~· .... ~l Vt.

... 0 A*riun foulfrJ' JmL.2 Yrt. Q,Tllf Countty Home .... ..2 Ytt. 0111• Fann l011mal. .......... 1 Yr. OC:..a;pir's Fam:cr ........ ~ .. 1 Yr. OGtnt~n ~ziH t tJGoocf Stwi.s ._. ............. 1 Yt. 0 Hom• Citeft ................... 1 Yr. OH~hottl ~ine .... J tJ lllwtrat.d. Mtdtanid "-'•I 0 M6tht1's Hona Lif~; .. ~·•· t · . ONttdttcrak ..................... 1 Yt. CIStt<c~M Farming ....... J Yt • t:lWoma~t's Wc>i'Jd ... : ........ 1 Yr, . Cbet1t!IJ!•~s{~!# lhfll 00

ltllilwar Route located wl~hln o - ... -~ ____ .., ______________ .__..."'-:"-r-partlt within th• Llncoln Natronal JUI' jn... .. • F01'•1t; County ot Lincoln, Stat• of New ll•xfC(J, and a bond beeuted by E. I, ltaloney and the- dtfend14nt fl'l lllllld C:aUN for the faithful. perform• ance or nfd eontraet covnlng t b e · eontttuctlon. ot ••ld project a n d turtber eondmontd tor the paJment · ot all elatma for· m•tedat •ntS 1abor &oint Into the ••fd conltructlob. All . • eredltor• .having or claiming to ha1e elarm• a«alo•t t b e laid Ametle•n

· tm})loyera• Inaur•nee ~tnpany, d. .. lendani tn aald eauu lot mattrtat labtldutnl•bed in &~nnecUoii witb

· golns tnto the 1ald eon•haetl'!li work · are hareb7 Mtlfted of thelt right to • 1ttl4Jttene in uld cittJ•e and to pr,.;. · . '- -- ..l.tnt tbtit e}tfl'rll. t .Q z adjudf .. ·~ ·~· .... •t

· iindtt th• ptovblon• c;t taliJ S.ctlon z'lO.tltt. 40 u. e. o. A. · . .


Spring Dresses. •

• •


Eng Jiah 'Print•· . Block ·Print•·


FJo·rat· . . . . . Dc!IJ8D•

. . t~otJc• ftt tlllrtliu· titen tbae ••14 Alencon. ..La·ce

Dres•e• ..

-"MA,U-~.-...._~,.,y+f·,...,~··.__.c~ ••·~·,·#";,.,.. :-6" ._,;,-. e•M ,-~ .. ~~ •Mt·.-··t:r..,.,., ~ • •, n ~ '

' . . . .-.. ......... Aow :• -- ,L..._,.,.'"''"-'$;t'jh d 1 ·~'('kdj ,: '$ ., ... ~ .. ~--,! ---'-" ·•.l~f . .., .. ~ ~· ............... ., - a .., ........ . . - ' .

•• 't '~ -;~- ~ . ....,,...:J'!:~

. eofittraetton work -••• . compt•~td a lid · • flllial.ptt1ebM11t tbtreot iUdt on th• . >tw&l • .Ia• lit Vatth tm ' - ~~ . ~ ~ . • e . .

· DADdat lanta't.t,N•w Matico~ tbr• · t•t~t cJayotVaroh,.. ta.. ·

· wu.n •. . (hal) . · CJ.tk of Uw

·· .·. Btato l>Jttilet

- ---\.--- -·

for th• Oititkt ·. d · ·lfw Mexico-.


And Otb•r OtQ••• f()t Strtet an-ct·Hom• Wt•t • •

. ~ ' : ' ' ' ' - ' " _-, ,_·_ ·- .-'!'- .. ,, .. :. ___ ' ___ ,,..,, ........... ·.,_ ....• _._.~---~- ...... , -' ,,- ..• -


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CODE ·of the.

NORTH· .. . " " ._, ·HAROLD T:ITUS

• OtprriJht a,, Harol4 Tltu

WNU ltnlet


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• . . ' . I I I I I I . I II I . . II . 3 . I . t.J . I I t . • I . !

tJr:qe, 'ffi/Yf ~~~ JOt ~· .tanf1 f:lebfud · b~re ll lo~J' tfml', 1® bo~ tJte ~trQ. i hll~if!ll'· · . . .... 1 · So.. .ut. hwast~ .. m· ·u'r·.·.l.• .ef.s. . Dad apr,'l pUab' ~lm out 'Of *'•. ~wflll ti7 better· thaa anY ot p~ X wJP . · · · · · · · · · . 1;1 .

hoJe, You and 1 eouJd . atancl coJnr Joll•d tel,l me 1utt "-•t toln'' •JJnt oJ:J . UNIFORM ONAl,. : , · . . . : . · · bn>Jce b11t ~ CAn't because be'J. ti)o thla Job It -~~~ ten It from .tile ~~~~· . ! · . · ·.. · • . ·· ·· ·

lA ·- l .... "Att '-· bir f lit all It ., e-'b rl tb suNDAY ,Appro;d~atel;y ·JM(IO ~I'JOXII Jiave o "' t~ •-...rt .. ~. Jt ·4#• "" ow ...... ,. Q . , "I! . . . . ·!> wm- · .. e11 t;IJ' • · · · .. · If . a_, , . ""r"""' lt tlie boo'~ re~chei out. act~ )'O.u, yrb6Jt thlfl&' Cor theAJnt thnt,.11 . · • · ·· .· .·.. • · ·· n· regil!t~e4 1ltl~el.' ~.u2;0J?!I.II J18~ ,..~ ..,..,..

Julit reriu:nn~r that tlle old l>ad JB.ttat TJ!e older .m~n ·JCratc.ht«t bt. b.ea4 . · · CHOQL . · llfi!nt reglltlJ.'ation .Ja.w, -.ceotillng to oD hll bac!( IQ a hoapi(4J b~dt Wltb and' bitch(!(! hll eb~r 'I!Je(Ortl & 'WIIU . . .. . · J'~til! )l, .K~rbf, l!ellretaty ot Jtate,

(B7IIti!V. J". a.- Vl.'f~WA'l'~U. J). 0,. · · · • month• more ot It ahead ot blm. rm JJII!p, Jof11111btf of Facul~.! ll:ooar Blbl• • nenreee!\thiv wt 0~ the J,IJI,rcl!P eill~ . .. A • J rr· ak . .. I . . . • .. Jasutut. of .Cbl~••o,). : .. _ .. ,.,blnc2 1ou D eYetJ f: or~ 1ou II! .. e. Well, I keJ7 JOU knolt .mor. •a I 4'- itU, w .. t•m "•"·"~"" P'!lloa. Jeeti9M, $29,89UJ9 ha.rr b.e!n tum"" l'm onJr batt Cl helper.now,.ot'c!ourse, do about the bank end ot'lt. 'l'bat'• over to the treasurer'li"oftice ,bY the beiDI al bllnd •• the cctebhl~d I;Jat. bad enOUIJl. I' JU(!I!t;- ',Q~,Jt, lle~lnl .. . . . . . . . . . .. Ath~QAA lltat~ ~OrpOI'If.tJon C9mmlsalom Tbe doctor IJ!JIIIr. thqt J k;eep #l«f\!Jht JOU.'re. nevu.. been h.-;re ~t~ • • .• . LeiJOri. {9; ':April 8 l ' . . ... m". nument <:«!Tnmetn<l.~tb:t!. tf:l,e from 1n1 e1e• tor week• :Yet. i~ 1111e ••Now, ·he~ WI' art: Sere'• ~· . · · . . . · · ..... "" " ... d , aobblnr. Grin I'' · . · · . folilrht 1tulnpllre, fn•l!f~ tbl~:· retl·lhut. TJ:fJt CHJ~D ~~P Tt'f~ KIN~DOM !IUrrender ottlle A]l~cb.e In!llaus.un. er·

~teve Joo~e\1 up at the pbQto;rnph. Thll block. •<>utb ot, · 1, c;uttln' ac........ ... . ·.. • ·. • . .· · .· Oe~cnfmP to Gen. 1 Ne~on A; Nil ell, I t 1 I 'l' .. • ... ·• • ""'"' · ... v · wJll h• dedicated . eas.t ot Apache on t 18 man e aga n, oug,., 1I'Ml~u, tlle river below our .11 •• ~cDt>il- · !-''tSfJQN T~c ... rw~~t!le.., U:l .. H; 'A Jl .;", . ·

to tblnk ot tha~ face. masked by a· ald'l timber. It ~Jtk tn went7 Jcflle u.t.#•ll1• · · . . . . ·. ~ Pr · ""' · . · bandage; or tllole. e.relf, •o ?VIde and' ra..,ld vou ·ue · '" the w.o..t · i'lt ·1• GO'l.rOEN. 'l'ltt'.l'~uf1fllr·_ ,UtU" ehU•. x-realdente of A.rh:ona's co).fege~ llDd . ·

. •'' • "' . • ·.r. . . ... . ..... ., dr•IJ• . An<! rurbJd them n.ot io com• · · · · 1 d t • brlcht and "rln11ome In the photofP'ap}J, col)ntJ7 . f.lreall• ~ . .lnto Pille bam~ ~Jnt.q m•; tor o(. au ell 111 tho kin~.. fu.nlor eoll~,;e!l .. were ~al e . to a eon er ber~tt ot •r~ht. · · · . , and that'• wh0r• we asm~a Jl) ¢o~•· dam· or beaveq, J.!J~.t~. JJI;H, · • . . e~ce Ill J'hoenb; by· Herman E. ~ell•,

"I morec2 th.e otnce yeeter<lay and Je~ with the rr•iJe. J'rtr ·1ot tt ftttetn PlU1>fA~Y TQ:Pic-.-.Te11u~ ~·--••!' th• drfx, itate sun~rlntenden~ ot: public In· tbe l!rt. to. 'l'bat wu hq.rd to do bllt mJtef! out from till! m•lll Une; rJc,ht· Ill) Cllj{t~~~R 'l'OPI~uu• ~na J'.it111 atructlon,, The conference wlll be held we must •are evetJ penn:r now. Prnlse to be.re. T,bat'• wbero we w~mt 9D lhuallut FrJon\111, . . · · · · 1 at the atate bouae April G: . · be, J can t;rpe bllndtolded •nd bn a ·three dnr• aro ani\ tqUnd· No 'I'retpaQ· 1 lNT~JU>tEDlA'l'Pl AND Sl!:NJOR. op.. A. total ot .,711 08 waa collected by h 'Itt). I I t ad t m"' Tbe 1 " · · c-;;.Enterlna ana Growlne In tbo • " ' · f • 4 c eap I r 0 re o "' · • gna up. · · Klnc4om. · canvasaere In the drive C'Onducted or

' '

• •

1 ~ i I . ~ :, ·' : •.• , •• il ' •


. ACID STOMACH . . . .

Nat mornlnr Bt~Ye rose, a blt atltr minute '01~ are on the ~b write me "JUocJced, ebr TOU:NG Pl!:OPLlt AND ADULT tM-St. M~ry's Hoapltal in G~tllup reo · trom bla encounter wltb Fran&. and tuiiJ, It McNally onl7 were • bigger- ·. ~'l'Jchter. than a drum r. 1 tllon~t '.l'QPJc-Tho F.lln of Neclec:Unc .ailil ce11u~ with cqtiectlons from the If you have Aeid Stomach, doll


........ ~ •lowiJ. map he mlsht carf'J tbe load bot Dad ('Yhen I mentlonl!d It at ·brealct_.t rou MlllcuhJin,: Children. . Round HousQ. ~:rpected to swell the worry about it. Follow the simp e

... _...,.., Jnaleta and 1, too, know tba't be ean't took It awtut dan"'ed calm!" tu d o I d b ·direcfions giyen above. This lilllall . Bt lntentorled . the room a• he. command. I aban't feel 84~1 aJ long " • . ,. . . . ,. , t. Th• Greatllt In the Kingdom of n to $10 • t watJ announe!l Y cloaage of Phillips' ~ ofMQgnesia c:lothed blmaelt. A d11k •tood In one 1 a heard nJmors ,._. tbe "a7 Sa. H••v•n (vv t-4) ~llo"e In clt~rse. • ,_cts at once to neutiame the ac.lds •

aa F~ r .. In the counttJ, aiJ 'l'bQl'Pt "\Veil, tbla 11 a bodJ blow I" the o14 · '1' d • ·, . · · tb h d h t h aJ eomer, map• bunr on the wall. A Aid In hi• rut Jetter that h• was. mnn declared rrlml7 •. ''That atulr Juat l. be . llf:Jple • ~ueltlo.g (v. 1). Sc.bool budg~t· hearings wlll start 111 an~t ~iJ:!: Ji:tr~s.e•.;!m~ lou, rlr•pl•ce wa• In one end with, a bonr· · .. Keep McNaiiJ 'drh1Pi tile rill I· ·ahead ot our grade, 'Franz c:Jalml, 11 -Tlle promln~nce Jfven to Peter In con. De ~aca county, New ?deJ;,Ico, on April feel like

11 newrwJ~~~~o~ • .,

am before It: here and t-here wu a ,road throUib. It teems to be our Jaat bl., Well, I know clam• wen be ~on't necUIJ~ with the announcement of 30, und will co~tlnue until June 27 with But-be Cl



.. t~botorr•••b or a rtTL- chnnce. And remember: now l• tb~ owQ an. acre anJwbere. He'a Jut Olu.111ta purpo•e to bu114 ~he church the final hearing In Rio Arr~IXa~:co~~un:t~y+ im~il~k~o~f~~~~~~~~~~ The llrbt w-., lttn faint and he tlmo tor all rood men to come to tllQ actin' for the Bentonl. Could . thet aQcl tlle paJment ot tribute with the on thl't date, accor<Jin~ to an '' _ . wondered 1t 11 c(ml!2 ho • ttlc~ ot ~-t-Jitd-m'-P,Dfamr-~~~~-:;---'-'ill7j1l~W'Ul'OIJr Pl#b-----:------

d~ftelenr1 whlrh made lhl• photOkgraphb brn·n letler 1 fie l~olced trolri th' barikl, tbt-y•4 baTt tbll whole 3ea1

ll~l,lll7 on the pllrt ot other dl&-. ltrtke blrn breatbleu. He too t e again at the photoJrapl! and• experl· country except thfl Lalrll'l stuff. c P "•· Seeing thqt the kln~;llom Wll prtnt trom llJ pln<'e on the mantel and el)ce" anothe• thrill, 'Ot .. ,. D 'to CQttle to r-euU:r.ntJon deeplte the

tl .. 11 ldlll It t "' • • course, _!Uac onald won't 1elL t " t h b walked to 10 wtn .. ow. o ll o •rtlt oe_. -ns more aub"'ueA, Pro"· . nage..,1 o t e c:rpu, t e (]lsc:lplea I U h .... ·• " .. "' We can't build to· tbe· e .. t of him ~ tb ht 1 " the llabt • little tin~ o ron •rou~~t lem•, corupllentcd ond rrave, were be- c:nus8 abe'• so rough that • rrade OUJ t b~ar.: to •• ,..,e settled their

Ill• body, lore them. To keep pulp rolng· down wopld bu•t na. Bo we picked out thll place ot rnnk In tlle klngdorn. Instead Sb• wore hiKh pa<'ll and riding the rlrer In aumclont quantities tor the cheap afld easT route. An old feller ot entl:lrln~; Into eympnthy Wltb JeiSUB

bree<'bt't: • ablrt wa• open at • •len· reiulnr c:nll ot the barl(o which c:nmo down below Sbot~trlnr owned these fn tho dnrk hour ·or bls PW!!Jlon. they dn throat. J.lght. •hort blllr rrownod up l..ake Superior. to 1oad ,.81 'Of nrat three uctlon• and htJ'f'e Thorpe 1111 were 11upretnel7 concerned wlth the • taC"O thut l•e thougbt wu ~flo moot Importance. It thnt •topped, • con· word we could Ct0$8. Where Tborpt dignities to be c:onrerred. lo,.oiJ ho bad ever looked upon. She trnct would be b•·oken l with the break· made bls'mletake w•• not gcttln' u 2. Jesus• ftoswer (vv. 2-4), 'l'wo vltal ~a• all)lllnt. abo wing •mnll, nven twth. tnt or tbnt c:ontruct. crcdltora ,vould enllflmont from .bUn; tomebodT foutJcS tnl!b" stand out .IP hls r.eply: 'ft. pulae• 1pcedod up a trill!!' and he abut down, lmmcdlntcly, Money wa• b .. 1 """ a. C<lndltlon or cntrnnoo Into the

ALsO IN TAIL!I' fORM haw tiny tablet ls the equivalent of a ttaSPQOI!M ot OCiluine PhlUips' Milk ot Mqnes1a. ..

MEMaER N.ft.Ao

PLillip•' .:M.il1c. of .M.ago~aia . .


• . '

turned llllarpiJ, almo•t ruiiUIJ; a11 the out· 1 out tuat. let Ul ret t I wo~~ klnrdom (v, 8). He showed them ~~~~~·~~~~~~~~

"l.fornlo'l" h., rrlMt. •'rond7?" crew• con•tru<'llon of land up 11nd Ut UJbt. Frans -cern tJ1cm wae as to wbctbcr tbc7

was cool 11 a cucumber about 1!- aal4 were ret,tll1 In the kingdom. Their he had aomethln' we wanted bad anel btbavlor ~vealed the fact that tbc7 that be wu t'e$dJ to let the ~ourt. needed convcmon before thc1 could

'taJ lai tbl ,, ha

· ',!a I upr •


11 'b

b ft v

·j r :I I r

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"l!omlnr," n>pllod stcn·c, •wnllow• tor. It• wna ralriJ caught. now. Me· !faJIJ bad IHII.

"Oh, 700 found Kat7'1 plnure, eh 7 Our nlore took that two Jc&l'l aeo .. wh•n abo wu up with rour dnd. Ycru ftrt rot a flnll lookln' .titer •. Younr lim f'" . "f•J'f'tl, • • , fe .. JDU'rt rlght. lbe'• not bad looklns." lie awallowed qaln, cortl!Jp thnt bll rontul1on would Mtr11 blm and he did not know how tar McNaUJ mlibt be tru1ted with the Mcret that t10 WBI ODIJ I prt>tt!Ddor.

'1 l't!ro hOtJi bllr 11M art (OlD' tO

tum eDt all rlihC I". fJlne rc:enllc.d, th•n, what Younr

lim'• culdo bnd tqld btm Jeflterday. ''\Ve'm 1111 boplnr that I" be replied

tenenliJ. • Act1 lAIFene rot ln after rou went

te bod. no brounbt th• mall. 'l'bl!n'a a lottvr from Ka t1 to mo. tellln' me to oJlMl ttuJ l~>llor• that'• piled up here tot JOU If roo don't lhOW tlJl liGOn. IJh•'• worrl"d not ba Ylnu board from 1011 IIDI"' .JOU J(lft Cblrlll%0."

Now hf'rf', thOUibl §II>U. WQI IIOIDOo Ullnr elco Oillln. To alt down dl'llb­aratc>lT nod orwn and re1nd mall nd dl't!UI'll to enothfl1' brou~thl up a point th•t fur a rnom11n1 b:~mr.l1 him. t.fr· NaiiJ, bm•rrcr, b11l1..,d t.'fltb tl•c 1t0IU•

tton. .. I'd flavJrto-d tr roo 111dn't !'Cf hflro In

• dllJ or '" n I'd OJI('D that Clllfk of lettcra "''""It· oo rny ut1'n hook. With U'l• Job tn IMrh a bad WBJ and thlnp romln' ov for a abot? down, with our rtallt-or var blnrk~ ami th• wood amp rt>!ld)' to gu oo atrlkl'. dnhil't1 If I wouhln'l 'vo OIJf>hf'd l{aty'l loltc>N, 11m. to '"' It I ronldn't do tom(lthln~;: for your ti:Ht.lr fou know." ho 01htt'd, ~mPwl1at t>mllnrtna&Nt, "tbpro'to b(lt>D ltorln. A

"About fo Abnut ml',fOU mr.nn?" "f!]p No ceo hl'atln' around th'

•o•b Sobmlr op h(ll'l!'l o~re>n ~-till you acd Uk~>ly tt:nat ot lhP rumors al'l! tlo.t. Dut It'• li:'al around that the o!d man'a


bad to tll'flp :rnu t'!IJ.IIo lim! for a loll!: Ur.:::o lll't'Gal>l or onl! UJIIilR or onnthrr. Bo whee yoo tiJdn'l allow op wo all pt to I bllll:lo' I bnt mt'bbJ , •. , WOll • . . T ou tr.o~:~ how It I&'"

''l'M. I ondr-mtnnd flnt It ahouh1n't be whttt'o ~mid about a mnn thnt «mota. ahvu!t1 ll t It'• what th<> mno c!oe-1. Uull ahould bo !oobd O'l't>r. Aro r rnttbU"

lfc:Nanlll IJtfn.t and while bo tnlkN. St'r~e. bdnr M• pnr., t'61lR.ldCJN'd the

. prob~llCI or tho troo Younr 31m Flytlfl't prox!mltJ. Soppor.a ~t~mo dnmlco!l •blc 1boold .en11 blm 'In btlN! today or comt~rrow1 Wbat wouta men Ute tbnse lle ta1kN2 with ln•t n!rtbt think ef the whl•kY4nddtn wreck bit bad •en tettf1'<21lJY 0ou1c1 Tounr. :nro, In Ida ('Oot1U!on, ponu1t1e ttlt'U to wotlc ont And It tbe one wltb truo authot> 111 ahouUJ atJPMr and taktt ~barre • • • B• akruncd that eonUacen<'1 orr and went out to bmaktut. ,

Utt learnt\\ tblnca at tbe litta1: that the McNallya ha4 bttn htN at Good· B1• tor C•e '""· atmplt' wateb1ar tiae prcpertJ: Uat a anao who walked alont tbt beadi, • • balt ~n nttert p.ta,lnc about ht"" waa Ld'ao~ IM atll tt.rrl&r. • • • Alld tllt WAf N'~ JCaliJ JP(Ikt ot JAI'IIJ* marked llt~a •I •t flutletthtJ' i11t~t. ·

J•tnttllUti.r afttr the m(••l fita%t teturntd c. bll room, thtlt ldttU~el( to aa4 btpD rlpllfnt ~>Pen th• tetten. tcMmaed to Jamu n,n..._. Jt.-at fJMe-tctla,f. 'l'6~1 were . n. *"'~td tto• the · wu

U Yltt •t it 1''f001.m. CJ;.,. .

f1yaawu Mtttlatt ud trMa•t« al'\<l ~~~~ , .. pt .. tdPt tt Ull'

kttt""""M ·.k. lh'PC't4. •.• . . . . . -td tl ttpt. Wdt\8 ;tH lli\Jlt ...

... ~ n.tttt.• it ..... "M6W / ,...,. ... , ..... ~ ......... tt M Mlltl r• btt.U~J R J'ft· t*

'" ...

.. ~ •

"All Right: We' If Qlve •1m ·What Thay Want," He laid Abruptly,

bulldlnJ of that, It dcrtllopt4. was a rnr~ arnlnat Ume. A flnnl rrant ot t'rlnllt had ~-i!n oxtt>nded Ill tbe b:mka arudalnal7; to II 'Itt tbla tt'mnnnt ot l'olarla boldlng1, and on .which sr.mnc1 asp:ul.lllon mli(bt bo bucd, a rom muat h• up, rcrot'lllf nnd ilt\Wlll• Jetg• b7 Notomber.

Stote trowtled. ltadn't lle:-lallr 11M Str.okr, tho KUhht, both 1llld the r%gbt· ot·wa.r batt bHn bloeke<17

lQ lntfr lflttora 1 note ot pltndlng ap. (IC!at(ld. ltate wu dttt.eratel1 worried at not be:trana trom Jim at Gon.HSrtt

.. ,.11\.'lllt, pleue wrU• to tnfl,'• ..,.abe bt>g;:w. "E1er7 ila7 I hnve to Ue to tho old O:ut and uy )'il<t aro tb•re. It IJCJ kn~ •hat f know. St mtrtbt kill bll.n, nutrer I"

Arlt>r to tad trote thrCUib nR tta~ mnll lle ar:~rdlc~ for o::e pnrtknhtr tetter al'ld ,.f<'>lt1 a paro~ra~h:

"11 only we could ~ot a Mn!llltll: c~ tlon iln th& l!aeDnnalll tn« th~ .Old Nr.Uonal wcmld c·m:ne aet~Q WUb enoo;b to tl1t ta Ornw a d<'£1) breath. Not cnly would t!;ey tinnca that PUr· <'ho~ tmt thl',y "ou!()n't drlve o• 110 hnrd to torumcllro cp(!raUr...: thn OcmUl,;o a1ulf. rt tbe lAtta wert-n't SU<'Il 11 t>..u.-.J boUC!tl oU w;;nJ ! mm. tbero'a alwata a clln~ You•ro at b:~t : b~p your esp on Urn ball I"

llo lltlU'tll! thtOUi!b .U:o Wll'lt'!O'if which «ave • tlew or thtt l~tkf. trhe tniut. fA~I<'ane, waa altttn~: In tho dtld be­tore t aman tor hoU*e. ttbrte dlU• dren ptajod about ttl~ an!! ht Will toulnc the amalte«t hllilh Jn .hla anus.

&f~Nally tame out ()f tile atore •M Ste\"t\ throu1b tbt opco wllldow. htlltd hltn.

..N(IW llae, l'•• bt~n throuali the man:• h•· btil.ll. ·"*btl the altn&tl(lll; wttb au· tb•t'a bappen~ ta (Jbtea&:• atace t'o-oll~ J Sttt. dte••t ittem 10 toM. ·· sun, ,..,..,, au,.~. and whUe tiler.,•• llt•1Mtt'l k(){l(!. Toa''t• bMD


dcelde the Yalue. That mean.~, ot enter Into the kingdom. " c:our~e, that w~re cookM. Xf It'• Ben: b. Tb01e poueulnr ~blldllke humlJ· lfOn behind Fran1 the;r'll hold ut up u1 are tile ~JUtea.t (T. ,.,, It Ia bl&h• Ju•t u lonr u the lAird would.,. f7lmportant that we understand child·

De At baelc al)d lllhtd. · ' h.ood. Tbe cllUd It dependent. lo\tl7, "'Xbu.e. ~~ la7., .nmm)!! J'.roJa." .n. and -docll~ Doctor lforpn •ea forth

J eaQ JUe~ adde4 to what '11lorpe tbe folfowJnr c:hart'lelcrlatJct or clllld· told me, ll'• tht ·pntp wood contract hood:

County Gnme Protective AssoclatiQn. . sutrtcicnt mosquito netting to pro- \ teet Arizona'• Na.Uonal Guardemcn trom atta.cl;ts by Colorado ruver mos· qultO'es ba.t been sent CQ Fort lllocur. AdJ. Gen. Otcar TcmpJe ot the N&• tlonal O'uard ·announccl( enough net• tlng to cover the cuarda' beda had been purcbMed. .. --- - -

Arizona _pcaco ottlcere mado 120 Cower arruu during Februaey than tu:Januart, J. F. McDonald, atate crlm· 1notoglat, reeenUr reported, 1111 Febo ruaey report showed a's persona tin· gcrprlntcd b7 clt7 and count1 otncors and titly·nlno by the 'Unl~ed Statu lmmlgratfon ae"lee. ·

that't keepln• the job *U" uaUl taU.; (1) lrnpcrtoctfon. 'l'be rblld · Ia not and It we don't ba'f'l atHl to Itt ·OQt oniJ tbe emblem ot JrnperteetloJl but loJI ont on and a JDIU runnln' b7 ~ Sa aubeon~elousi.J aware ot lt. n .. tlmt IDOW 111M Wt

1l'l aU ID, · An4 C&UH ot th11 It a"afC. fllltruCtlOD and

tbem lada lo t'lll:lP.'·•• rot to batt~ .aD correction In order tor development. anawtr to tbtlr tiiftlloti tn '~"rt ~· (!!) Blmplldt7. .All tlfe l~Qw&nl .of der." • . tbe child'• bQin' exprea tbernulrH AprU 9 baa been 1cl by Governor

8tere Plctd tht room. Uar4, apeniS- fretiJ, rcadll1, and J11tura117. A. w. Hockenhull u tho date tor eon· Inc another man•; moof1, lndttd; bllt (3) RubmlaalYeilea Wblle tbt ~llfJd venlnJ the twelfth tculon, a Jpeclal It bt dtlt)'td ar;aln be well kne" that haJ lnhcrJte4 tin 111t It JltldJ to aualon, of tho New Mateo lt~glalature. tho pro4ucUon or pulp bolt. would tlle toueb or the aJcllltuJ band. Tho governor bad planned ap culler: C:tl'l .. au4 be had the aerlouane. ot II. JMU., ldtntlftcation With HI• Ume, but tlrat fot111d lloly W~ek Intel" that eonUDJmr, not OUIJ from lee~o ltfltvlng OnN (Y'. G.{)), ferJnr, then dltc:ovcrcd munlelpal ~Jee-NallT but ttom Kate'a lettera. 'l'lle 1. neeelvlnr the bellenr In Cl1rat'1 Uona woulcl como durltJg tho at>ulon. lnertand coat ot prot1ueUon mlrbt bt · f\1\me Is rc<"clvlog ("brlst (Y. G). • tcrloua but tbe complete ahuMowa 'l'hrou&b ralth In Cbrllt we become The curlew lw aoundcd a dcatb wo~Jc2 lpell·dltMtcr. ne waa here to. God'a clllhlrcn, and lo comvtcttl1 1• knell on lllto drlnldnz;, In Atb:ona. btlp Old Jim. our JJfe ln~ntovcn ~JUt bls that bo Liquor stort:!lllJld other e•tabllabmcnt•

w)Jcro beer and wfnc are aold bJ the 11

AIJ r11bt; wo'll elM 'em what tb~ rcgtsrda trcahr:t~nt of 01 111 trt!ltment drJnk must closo their doors at mid· want/' he .aiel abrnpU1. ' of ltlmeclt. .

"'Good I" Mr:-lniiJ tr1nnet1 bro:ldl•, 2. '.l'he awful porn of ea.UAlot a· b&o night under an £41et Issued by Stato "' Entorcl'Zllent Otlict!r John Duncan. "' waa bopln' 1ou'd •~ lt atralaht. llevcr to atumbte en. G-0). To uu•• Tho tlmporlums 1111.. rco .. C'n tn. the

Jc;nog Jim!" to atuwb!• mC'liDJ to &lie occailon tor " .. Adroltl1, covcrlog b!a own utttir IJ• a mornt tAU. 'l'ht. parUeuJarl1 retertt morning •

ll011lllC'e or 1!tuaJ1om and men, Steve to Unt et\11Jiltlt1 and llelfilhncu wblcb Governor Jtl()(;at wna aalted by !tamed t~tber Ullnp~ . wrre «>xt~rHslnr tllem1clYM Ia tb6 dla:. nvcrat Gila county school bauds

'nat Frans had como Into tho eountrJ tlplC!fJ' eontctlUon tot pre-erntnto«l. to call & 1pctlal aeuJoo Of lbt) ltgfata• thrtt ,...,.,. btforo, po1tps: aa a mturr 'l'hclr 'behatlor wu Mt onl7 u ln- ltl,Nl to cJil!.ngo llwl pavlnt: the w•r t,t.at fle bad met Kat• a14d Old 31m at Ju,. but a irtumbJins block to othua. tot euhlng of warrants. Tho chJet Gor~tt,D,re: that Kate had been cbaf&1t4 EY(!rt Chrfitlan ahonld 10lemnl1 In· cxecuUvo reQueattd Herman' E. lten· ll7 blm tor a tlml', th•t suaplel011 bad qttlre as to Whclbn hlf ttre would betp drJ%, aupctintendtnt o! pubUc l11JtruC* been bom In llcr, that evldcne• tlnllliT or llrrultr IIIII tdfow belle~ent.. Stu· Uou, to to to Globo and tonft't wUh bttd been uneartlll'd that Freta wu n11ilt agntnat CJlrfJt'a own wJU sneet a thl' otllcl!lla and report to hfm, 0011 an l!l~;ent. for Deman ltlteretJ~ aura aml awful tate. Thu New Mcxlco Stato Uoard ot apylv!1 on rotnrla and wotkltll uattltt 111. The H .. verlly Father'e lptclal Nurao Examtnora wlll hold thc.lt' tt· to pot hltll.lf>lt Into tbe rood JTICH Cal'f for I•Uave,. (n. 10.14). amlnallona at St. .Totcpb'• ltOtipltal, or lhmenn MocDllMld, wbnlle propett.J 1. ney are nnllct ttllcllc pardlan• AJtnlqUttflUet AprU lt, :o. Tho board wo:Jl€1 llaro IK'ncd as a key blltc!lllJ ablp (Y. 10), $G prtcloua fs tbe be.Uewo, wiD mett Aprlt 27, lil 2&nta Fe, N. Jl,, to tUh~r ot t!lo tarter ~nUltJL cr tn God's ~abt tbat an:;eUe tthi!en· to ap~m'o &IlP!kaUona. ,.All &t&duate

MaeDilt:.'l!d, or tbe J.atrd, aa be wu · &ers ar. Pro•lded (UW. 1 :10). nunes wbG lave not tet;L!lettl'J fn the known IO<'lUr, wa• • wulUl1 ncluN 2. Tb~t Son ot man came ~ •tate lilUst b&ve their paptJra Jn before whOlM!I ono vanton waa tront fthlnl'o to aue tM tost (rf'. lt•l•U. The lleaW'• thla date, M!ss E. J', Bartlett, aecr& tltt b~<t -a1e:ldtnaUt rdultit ~-.ell tu ~nl,. Fathe&L-d~ -ttot wtll that •!'ltronttl iar)",· aafd. Umber or to araot a rJ,ht-ot·WI)' tor l!lould tterla.'l. All are the obJects ot n~turnlcg from an cxtenatvo attn'ey FJ.vnn'• rallrcad throuah It tbt Fathtt'a •mlfl# !oTt. ot tho NavaS() reservauon, ~urlttr . taFanl'. • • • '"What lt:lltlt fA. lV. Je•u• R~Mng L..tttr• Chllclrtft 'Wblcb bo attooded several cmincn. Fat.lcl" StQrii wed. (Mntt. 10:13-tfi). · ot Navajo headmen, Walter Lind·

Wrqar Nw~alMrt, T .. Inqulrln:: Reporter-noe. the tele­

phone C(lmp<tD7 iiVe 700 aD)"lmpert1• JMDC<l7

Subscriber-No, the>1 ch~e mt for lt.

LIFE LONG"FRIEND.., Keeps Them Fit at 10

~ T,?" • ~l~~T .,. = ~~

".IJc•a llt:Otber Queer on~: tt-.PM The tetUn, nf th£1 text •hound be bloom, told mcmbenr of tbe Rotart wood~! IKctn to ~ toll of •em I Ue'a most eart!tuU.r no!ed. letJUJ !sad been Jn Wtnalow, Arb .. tbit the town wen In lletto. aqoattlo' cu 10:11' p~ •put.;tnr ot the .iliru~Ut:t ot t'Mrdare ot GtMdo m .Apaebo. cotmty will lll1~ trtJ, alnco before l come. Old Jira. whlch Ia the bulwark ot the bom~. dcttbtedlT be aeleet~4 u the tlte tO!" d:dn't rnolen bUn; aort ot Uke4 tha Jato tbe uaed ~clotUre ot tlie botne eatabUabmatt of a Navaro ~enfral · • man, t •nt.~ LltFAile •• tbe best to~ms ~bthlhood to tompl!te and en· a&ency. wotldatnati ·l'l'e eT~l' teen but hf won•t uobte lt.. The Ad.zon& attorney gencrat•• of· · work at lt. lie bffitkt bird dop tor l. Ctttldren bt'(lllaht to :fesus (Y. iiee bu rutf;d the alate taM tomrol• JPot.,, traPt • llttlt ant!, ~tnt, '• 13). ll'oit Ukt!t1 th~y 1fere. brouabt aton bu M power or.attlbOHtt to del)o been t'ArtJfn' the tnatl. b1 thelr t~AUnta. Pa~ta nlltural)J uU.ze •tate ~e watd4JiUJ u deputy

-1 ~A thlnkln~ abollt blm • lot. cSestre · tbit bl.-tnr (Jt tbe Lord tor land commlulone~ .Aa•latant Attor-­tbttre Jut da,rJ, rrtn_., bt!etr t1'Jln• t4t their thlldren. )ltt17 parent. who are net Ge11etal ;totut l'rinclll Counor Ill thum up 'lb hhill atuJ f had a uotloa Wetea u to ihemtt'ltH. desire to the otJ(1Uon to State l..al1d Comtnla­Ditl\lb1 b .. d llktto ret bo14 or 116m• ot brlnt thclr dtltclren Into touell wUb aloner l!o'trl.tc\ J. $mtth llld thete "WU Ottr lelted. f don't Odak Lal'ane'd ,.tHUs Cbrlat. · 1 , · ao protl•lou Ua fh111 attte cOde tot tell •ut. but Wa • ~ueer on.. I'Ve al• . !. ltebtlked b)' Ute. dltdplel' (t. 131• .neb u enrttae of wwer. . WtJ• ftruttd ht'4 M • wonder at 111t~t l'tJtrdM dllldren l1l too Jnslt-'"."" ... dlt•• ......... at .,_ ........ t~ b .. t be'ct .~.~A·'. nt to_es~Jat.• tlltt il.i!ttl't atten~.· 'rbe 4UOO,ot»'uleuea bt tbe ted· UIUJ .. ~ ~n~ ., ..... ... " ~- ~ eraln~u. tellei c~tt.Uon fort t1tt tttbft> work wiUi dot~&. .t•a:t Mw be•• •. 'l'h" dllcl"'l . tt~l)\llc'"" h Chrt t purebulilt of 'WhMt cOfif ud oatl tO' «ot a wnd tblnr otet thert ud thtnb co. ~ . ., et . 'lU . 1 a .... Jb , 1 , ·

~·• color to detdop a tttatn or tl~ (Y. 14). ~~ words. uttered bl tht - dlett ute4 Uioni n~ t«rmm bs ....._ lArd haTe plttt<l' a PI!Cullat 61.tnltY drotath artu k Ql 'P&rllc'IUar Value to ....,j!j., <t • ·. 01!1)11 c:blldiuo · . · 16Velt Nelt lle:rlco eowtUet. lllU :Mar-... ''l'et, •tr. LU''alt~·· a t\lftt' ftlli t · 4. tbrlrt •Jatlf lit• llu~ u"ll 1ha Ptet ltMYd~ state dtrec:tor ot 'i~eril 'n4J te$Uett. DIIU Wltb <:htlli'8 10U',. cltlldr~ti (f. 15). , Thll adfOii .M &Ubt teilel, _. ·~ •uthothM to t~d :1:. ·~~ ;~~c~~ •:u':t.ta~ fedfdltM' llit prOftoUncdletat ot blt• up to $'lUoo tor llVri~ft t•~ tit the -.nkM t\Uilbe~u.ek: •Mt l))t be t~.11pt;n UaerJ nd bf.- teiiltmtet~ t6t" ..,. .. ·to:llUUH: Cu~, lta:tdlnr, tel. ~' ;~14 • c1oc • .,;; 1oc.•1 t~ak Uaer. thf!l!. · nnt&t, ltQOH1'ett, Qliar ana C~lru. · .. wa.n't • kll<l batr Ia kla ltMI!, thto. · · · · ~ JIM ~ fo flt oa OM 1\il.f· ll• lloD't bftt 'em up. a~ · . Olir htt &It M4• ~~ • tatlllqa dOllat" u. tf. ttOOd C»>itrol proJ. 3'uat l nat\lhU.·bOf• hl~. Ant To inctlr .toraitt t. a 11~ Plrt eet ht N'cisattt. Ar!J-; whtetl' J_, liAd~r uwn ~. 1Mtft hihl l.t lll U• ute.ot J~m.rltt.. th · .. _o( t~

. WaJ:••~t if. .. .,~.ttpt. • ,.....,. Of ... ,.IM.IQIL .

oa. Cootl Poiat . 'l'htte'• no 'tax on the tQet ktfP!t a Ia~ bone •ofug.


k14:11. IH .btt ~Jot~." . . ll .Wtlt M · U4 iQelllk* 1t. awU!lt4 to tk .l. A.UID . ·. · .- ...

~!>.~~,.~~~~, · !:& '; ~u.. ~~::;~:r,; .(&lljj lot tll·=~ ~ ~-= · .. R ........... E .... I_II._E ..... v·• ... E ................................... ._ .... M-...k··n.t c,.,,... ~· llitftf ltOIHt r;tbf-.1J'*Ih~ ~ W· ~· ~-~~ t12h ttoal tile .b:ttro

~ 11 w .,.. tta .,- •.rr." · .-. ~- ~M•XtxSob ~ u.a~ .. tiarouP Ui• ... m .. . • .Oat•••w~:r . . . . 1

• ,.,,,.._,., .... ;01,,, • .,.. • w. « u.: t:ltT, u 'tbt· dtt·-n.n ••• ...,.... . ... ·. Utt·- .. ' ~· ww-. ht 6flaft of aktt. idl• ....... ~ uc-.t tt ••• •U.it ~- o.. • .fM· •• Mt .,. .tAW .u . -~u.. ~ k·~JrOtttt t._ t>ttr ~e

••k hill . •••• ... qt w~ ti 1'lallt •• tttt NI!Ml• . ._. .· ~~ t~ · .... ~,.,. · • tt " ..-.. ~ •t~. ...... , . ·: " •••• ..... un.-Clllloecl' ....-. • •




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· F ollo~iDJ Old Custcnn, . • .. QCE:AN J>lR~UPTS. next ob~en~d Wbllles t~ the ea•t. . ' v· • ·c· J P' ' d ' '. Wllrd, but f:i.OOil ~.Ct~r, llhQ was algbt-' ~\ ' .,n.etaau. ' ' tr I ' . N'll. e Wllere ll Vll$SCl wlU dtltt, Qn(lQ Mr . e() n~ar th& liPOt )Vlt~ her Ct0\'1 1~« .. . 'l'welr~ W~~"ht,gl) Will be. thQ result crew Jtns· l,lbllt!dQMd hel.'t a,nd ltOW Mr, . Still 'l~Jt.<* sbl was· $Qen n~

ot • llcor<l ot S"h:la, bent qn · . ·. long !!lle will sblt t\lloat, •re. prob· the eonst ot lUndelrn, "Wltlt the. wintt. · · · · ·. · h\Uibllbdll, r.hUng flu~ cllnlll~ ot Yen;, lllmntknl. · She mar •hi I( In 1\ tew tide nnd currl;ltit to h!llp ll~ she .hlld

MILK .POWPER FEED . · ·lc~ In h~a.vlly betlowered gondQlfUI, dnys al)d sl1e may lt~t !or )'e~rs. <!rOS$Od t.ha Atlllnth: at lenst tli~ P .. ~OV':ElS •· EFFICIENT 1.'6\:lvll!,,'# trMitlonal Venotla,n ~~"" . l'he Amer1cnn achoon!ll' )Jyel' u, times bet ore lilie <Jltmppeul,'ed torevel', . . • r .: . · · · . • • NatioQ.a{ Topics·lilt~~ted · 1.'11!$~ cu!!h>w. · . · · · . · S11rgent nl!Pe!tl'l to bold tbo lQl!J dis· AU througl~ her wnnderlngs. she Wll .. '

.· . . . . , . " . . . . . It\. aays of. ole), tbe ·4oge• Qt· tlte t~:~nce ..-ecQtd tor ilo.ttni; •• a dere- ot course, . a potentlnl me~nce to .. 'Ad · · t ·v·· •ta · • · G' · R t• · ==7==::;:==~~~~~~~~~~~==~=~~~~ c;ltt ·believed · ill n1J:ltrlmon;r anti llct.. Aban~Qn® for' ~Ill• J:"eAson by f:ver;r ah1p tllat nelll'(!d he~ waverlnc :0.. eqUa e ·1 nun > a lOil . .. . "~ol.'!! !JIIblea,'' • ~US~ ,. :Mu~sollut her crew. ott'<Jap& ltatt~l'l\JI flbe Willi COUI'I!e. . . . " . "Ne·eded :by PoUltrY. · ' w~slllngton,.,....lt begins to app~tu• ~·t . ·~l,lo' .NRA Pl'Qvl,!ilo'rlis .qn lllbQrc call . do-:e11 ~oday, 'l:o encou~asl) marJ>lll!:l.l!l..' ,. · . • ·

. the Principles of :t-.'RJ\, upon wl!lc;h . tor . ~ntoulz~ng ·. all . ~mpJ~y()et, !J:U~i tbe .<lose• ll~d t~,> ll.ll.f!IS,n • dowr,y to 1lucb oMhe #ldvance ln the science NRA 1" Presldept . ;RQo!icr~lt An:u~rlcaq Fc!leratlon ~r ~b.or. PYIII 12 .glrlll cho!ien ff.'on1 aun(ln&' tn!Any

of -~Jmal t~d~s .tlil't hll!J tJLk~ place .. . . near• hJLII ~taked 1110 ~nucb tMt m~n!J J.IIUiatl()n wltb thelr lwstr· · cnndlda.te$, 'Xh~ ·.fortunate ·Young ·

----~·~...,•·---~--' =·"'"'- ~ ~• ----r ,. ____ ·-----•~u _____ ..., ---··-·--·-~--~-··•••-• . ' ..

' ' ~

. ' ~Jfne~t 1000. E· s first pr!>ve. d on .. ~ prac· · . . . Ttt.t are anpl'Qa~llln"' ·a· ttttlon and· Jt l1il. ... u ht btt~ ... ... wome~ were then parrulcllln 1\ rl®ly ~- o · · · · . · ·· 8 .. o .1: · · • · ~e~··;r .. or delv.ratn. d bn"t. throu.g·n· ~h••: c'tt." ~leal ba~t~ lQ tb~ poultr7 yarf)~ ot . . · · t~s~ · , Del!pita . the that; relllllt. · x .. t.Iustrle~ ani;l.eiX1ployer• ..... " "" 1- " "

. A,merlca. .Ji!! l.iltr;r mn11hea usu:auy c:.on· .Jtool!!lvelt a.sl!ertion that NllA J,lr bel'f) genera.n1 4Jsligr~ "with thllt ide&. . c:anlil!J to attr11ct the attention c)t all · : Wb·o.· ···s·· e.··Faulto·· . '

· tai.Q a J.al:'~er •vtti'lety ot feeds selected to stay, Jt seems. that tbere lite General JQbnson · hn" tided wlth llll)ol:'. eligible roung men. '''l'be eeremon;r esll~lallY. tor th~lr value JlS to miner· ·· quite a tew who are not l!lltlst;!ed Hll has Dol'!alt~ :Rlchbem. a JQng·UJne unfalltngly· occurrffi on tbo feast of al· content l~Jltlvll illrl!ct <?r. vltainla wl~h ~hem. They~ Jup·e r{lvolted; 11t- attorn(ly tor labor unto~ •. ns hiS right the Purlf\¢at!Qn of tho vtl'gln, vplue tban do .othe,r nnlmal, rations: . ~nst .. The Fhallenge appears. to llilve. l!anll man in N:R.\, and ~r •. RlCbbere 'l'l!e marriage bun~t \Vtllf cornmQmo-

?.JUk hM be.en a stal'idby of the sue- 11een given; and lt ts up to the admlJh · llQr:.e)y bas· backed up the gcnernl'e rated · ~ery . Ye,nr uninterruptedly •celili!Ul ·pQultrymen tor a number ot lstratlon to tight lt . out now. It· IS plans, It, lndf*ld, he dld not !orml!~llt• • frQm 0<14 A, D. untll the Fon~tce.ntb ;veara. ·As 'i>oultr;y raising became more. DQt too m11ch to say that it the a,dtnln· . them. century, ,when Venetian girls bccatne ot a bualnesa and the birds were taken .lltratlon Is vlctorlou~ NRA prlnelplea • • • aelf·conllcloua and 2by a,nd refused

· otr · of the range am;J crowded into 1ll the '!lltlon's economic structuro are ~ a counter Irritant In the sltua· · to 11ubinlt to the "lnunlllntlng'' public . hQuses It was found ,tbnt eer.tnin types ·here to stay. It ~t falls, the story wUI tl.on, 11ome of the employera bnve con· searc:l1 tor a husbund. It was then

of dlseiU!.ell could more easily Jbe regu. be dltrcrf)nt and no one can llllY wbnt . tended that .tt em· thoQgllt tQ' replace the t;lrls by dum· ·~ate(! by the)' a9a1t1on ot mllk.

1 the course the'n will b~ . . . Counter plo)•eea In th~lr re- mles, but th~ attempt proved a tau •

. When bQlk Jftllk becamQ. too trOll• . Disquieting CQn()ltlons resulting frQm Irritant JipectJve' . plants . or. . ure. I .

· blesome and too valuable, t>Owdered labor provisions o.t the codes, pnrtlcu· · ! go,nlzed tbem!lelve• · mille waa found to bo more ·emctent. larly the automobile Industry code, the Into I' union ot tbelr own, there wu

ot the threats, rumbles, tbe dissension <'Ompllance wlth·. law. · baYe

. . . . . . . . . . ...., • •

. . .. use · proauct am on~; pQttltey teedeJs. At the a circumstance ,that must be examined fUsing to deal on ware queatlon.- with · · · same time dry. mille. powder alded tQgether ln order to recognize the serl· an,. deleptes exceptlil&' thole trom ~athot Fralll .... Rad(oll 'Tbe. Boy or 1Girl ~Lo ReFuses t~ E ... •

, ,,. ~at}7 In ~alntalnlnc the health ~nd ou! nature 'ot the test that confronts their own Jllants. A be&otlator al!lU.t.. "Jlla tathel' riut.de hla money aell· I( ~ ~Igor ot birds durlnr tbe laying sea- · NitA. And when I l.'efer to dlsaens,loh cd wlth tho Amerlc:an Fe4erat!on -pt. lbg'\::aoup... "'Wbat havo I evel.'done to det:erv't aon . as well as giving· tile chicks a amon, politicians, l lncludo not. only Labor ,-aa welcomed in thoae plan til ""Well. well, a boulllonlllre."-Kan· a child who refuse~ to eat. better start In lito. With tbo dlscov- ·the dltre~nces ot opltllQn on NRA;' juat IllS wnrmly as moat ot ua welcome saa City Tlme1. Just akin amd bonea'l''''Tho ~rlea ot vitamins milk gQt another the dlsaireement runa much tartJJ.er a rattle anake, . :'~r:? t~b~u~~~~m0 ~~;,. boost. · and cml1race. manr points of party A• a turtber bit or JllstQrr, It ahQulc! l1'er17'• Seeda are aold only In fresh to blaml'. Sha know. a

• • 'l'lle !Uost recent ot tbe:se vitamins policy. Indeed, on the basis ot ~e Un· bt recalled that Mr. Rooacvelt earl7 dated packace" When J'OU 1Ju7 Fer· appetite Is tho a!Jrn . that Is lloldlng the ftttentloq or poul· dercurrent ot tal~ In congr.ei!, llr. smelled t.be trouble thftt could eom• ey'a Seed• JOU are aure or the ftnut ayatem, does~fhe trrmen 18 vitamin o, the vitamin that n~eve~t ba1 audcicnly touoa bi,msetr onder the lobQr provisions, 10 he nt quaUty available. Adr. -to condition.

atrecta Sl'OWth "ftnd the hatchnblllty or face~d~b;r~a~b~re;n~ch~w~l;tht;,h;e~l~eg~ls~la~t~lv~ll~~up~th~e;n;at~lo~n~a~l ;,la~b~o~r ~b~oa~t~d~, ~ot~w~h~lc~h+~,~~;~~=~~~'-"""""+~~~g~~· ~ the ., errs. 'Lack or vitamin G hns reduced body that Ia not .r;olnll to be healed Senator Robert Warner, or New York, Betw .. a Girl• a IIH!U

and sometimes aa low ns 2 per· cent The seen b;r thtn; ot au appeals bonn'!, a o:bod;r tor speech ~~;~~~ In carett1111 controlled experiments at ere here In ~:~tror~ ·to pleee the review. o( complalota. But aomebow,. "lrcll.,. tbe Qhlo experiment 11tnt1on and thi)IJe picture together demQnetrate also the that bQd7 alsQ CQDJitrued the law •• ''Bow waa abe drcasedr~ . results bavo been confirmed by11lmll.Ar thlnr 10 man7 people loJig have ~c- against companr unto111 and the em·. ~:rperlmenta carried on by other Jo· llned. namelr, that · thcorlstJJ CtNJnot plo)'cl'l were balked qaln. ·

• • • •

Teitl~atioJIIJ, Ql'Qwtb of cblcklt fed riL· ~et alon'g . together lndcfinlteli. Mr. So no~ there la a detlntte •nd COlloO tions del1clcnt ln Yltsmln o baa been llOOJJCTclt'e brain trust,· u lt lll IWPU• certed etrort tQ break down the .l)ro-

', atrectt!d adverael7 almost to an ex· larl1 called, baa dlsaenalon' In U• t:ram thtit an orgftnlutlQn ot emplOJfH tent equlll to the reduction In hatch· ranD. NQ two of the proreuora ap. mtat be atl'lllated with the Amerlean

· -,ug:~~O:;tf!~~ o •• present·· · ·- fi:::~,~·a~~~:~ ~r'!~n;a'lh~Jllrai ~::ti~~9'io91it~;.,:~a~ t!_.~ ·FOR BETTER,GARDENS ·FERRY'S

In the water1 portJon or milk tt a• to the obJective lou~rht. Tlle.r are \Vaahhl£ton. It 11 a row that la io-preent lo aklm· milk and to ot ell® other and lome ot l~~g to CQntlnue tor tome weeki. '.l'here whlc:h 1lJ · tho w~tcrT pnrt left atter tllem actual17 have become backyard wUl be •trllcel or 1\'t&ter or leu ~ tba maktng ot American Qr .swJu ~W~Jlpa about others. Wblcb, to 11M aeqtteoce :- t)t.ere mar be aQme rlotll cheese.· 'I'llls dried clu)Me whc7 Ia deJo ~li.old expre!!Slon, 11 • ·tine kettle_!f and tome bJOQdalJed, and aunll1 there ltnatcd b;r .:ovcrnmen~, teed cqntrol wUI be much oratot'7, verr little ot: otl'lcl•t• •• milk sugar teed. I~ t. lilt- 'l'o advert again to the test or NRA whtch wlll be ftom ,people whG •~ ed u aucb In the Uat ot lnrrtdlent1 prlnelples, the !l)tuatfon aa we ace It. convcranot with all pl!UN or ~· tlmt tho lnw rcqulrea to be printed In Waahln~rton 1.1 .almvlr thll: a vast prc,bJcm.

·In., ...... . ••okett at ,., ... ltoll ttlre




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on the QUtnldo ot the ba~. 8ermcnt or lndustrJ baa bftd a <!raw · AI a part and parcel ot the BOOQ- '

mcn~lmmlllepllJdrledap~~ Mldpro~lo~~rl~ ltbal Y~tat~~orcoun~m~~~~ ~-------------------------------~------xutel.r tO to 11 poool!s of liquid are found •that code.~ cost industry monc7, acataat oppon!llll ot tht NRA. lt ta


required to mnko one pound of pow. reduce cban~ ot proftt and destro1 aenerallr believed ln Wuhlfllt!)ll that d•r When wbe7 I• dried It .....,ulr"• ai:O-Qld trade pracUces. It la tlgbtln;t the Presldent used hLI "'Owe- to .. -..

" • · " ...... """ bac" and It le not Jmno ... ·"'t to tb'• "' •• ........ about lG to 10 pouqda or liquid to ... ,.. • ..... .. Tent an, covernment purcha~ trom make one pound ot powder. phue of the dtseuuton that tnduatr7 manuCaeturel'l other than thoa . com-

But tho vl~mln G clement so nlu· hat &etud -on the compan1 union aa P11tnr 1tlth NRA. provillona. It wu able aiu1 eo esscntlal to poultry health dlltlnrutshed from NJCOilllzed Amerl· a week or more a&;o tbat he t.uued 'tb• and poultry prollts Ia present equalf7 can Fedcrat!Qn ot Labor chapters u executive order thAt preclude~ th• I "h f U ld b tb lt •· the Iuue In the opentor bntUt!. award of coverhment con•·&,.!- to anT n e-1... oune0 ° qu w e er "' ''l'he a"-'n'·•-uon ha"a atarted to .. ~ .. 1klm mtlk or wbe7. Th~~fore, the uWl ..... bidder not a tnembu or NRA. Somt

more llquld represented ln one pound fenc! ott llldustrf'a challenge b7 reo · obseners btte are &&71D&' that thll - ot powder tho higher will be tbe vita· sortln~ to a counter attack In the order la rotor: to eo.t the JOTernment

mtn o potenr.r. form of a demand that hours or labor a conaldcrable wm or mone7• It hu Cornell untverllll1 nt [thnea, New be shortened. It hu acct>ptcd the the etrect ot llmiUnt the numbt!t ot

, York, Js tnmed for Ill resrorch In ani· chAllenro ot lndmlr)" to the extent bidder& Altbotllh one m&1 ••1 that mat feeding. For aevernl yct~rs Dr, L. that It haJJ eallcd upon lndnstrJ to n~rl1 enrt tlrm of t()ntcquence 11 C. NorrllJ nnd his assodnte, . Vlctor uae Ita much llrulted .. organb:ed ll;lrtl· ftylnr th• Blue Eagle, there ~~ YtrT nclmtin, b11ve been working on· the to manqe Ill own atralr& few that hue not ln .omt 1r11 or f!Ottrcea from which poultry tnlgbt (:(lt .And 1t not amlU to point out just other vJol!kd lll proYlltora. I do not 'tlta~~;~ln G milj!t economlcaliJ. 'l'hll here that the .IUC«SS Jnaustry has charge that ther have done to lntea­Nport on tho work of mUk augur feed, wtth lt.l ftrst venturt! on thla Une wlU Uona.llt; the fllcll ladltate the con­dried cltce!lo wher. ~Its reff'ntly been be meneured by the atnount ot alack Jn tratT, bat there have been thouuud.l publlsbi!d. . unemplorment wlllch It can take up. ot vlolaUons whoUr becattte lt .eeme

Accordlnr to tho f'.ornell nutborltles, • • • tmpoulblo to n:eet ever)' r~ulrement TltamJn o la found In sel'ctttl well· It llJ. well to ttmember, In this con· aU of tbe Ume. known products. Beet or pork tlver DecUon, that llr.· Roosevelt and bts • • • •- ,......., l"llv t 1 ... ,_ nnt. . advlserJJ have the The atr UlllU C:QDtl'QTtra• contln"'•s t"' """' .,.,.,"'c " " 1 rong 0 ......, resp.,.. Problem ol p· roblem of. -ll"f on· " "" ., Dried )'Mst Js also a carrler. nut. •" " rise tlP to plagne the Roosevelt admtn. tbo outstanding sources tuJ fllr 1111 the Rclicl their bands. .U I A• •• il Jstra.Uon. 1 · jncl;e. farmer and poultryman is concerned reported !!lOme weeks rr mra rrom tho c:prrent con-are tnllk products. ago. the CWA form of tnklnl: care of Controver•Y veruUon Jn Wash•

Olm _appa~ntly hllS absolutely none * part of the Wleml)loyed ls to oo dl• lngton, that auodf7 ot lt. wbllo wbent and wheat producte carded bee:mse. fraDkly, It has been ndmln!strnUon omctale would wUUn111

.... . ·have onl7 a trace. Fiili -lcrap mar t -ilop. f!bat leu~ i>nlJ' ttlln • roup!& 'Of t:ood rnut. H 1bt7r hate It In small nmonn~ or may bave clple. of NRA b7 whlch. jobs can be could retract l!.tld eaUM peo;~te to tor­none at all. whlfe meat strnp hu a supJ)lied 1t ther are to be provided. r~ the Jibe made at CoL C!lartea A. relat1'Yet1 amtill amount. Of course. the admlnlstratlon bu the Lindbergh because lllli aYlaUon co•

'l'he!te studies sbow thnt baby chicles re!!ponalbiUty ot aupptylnl work now. psnJ relcUed hllJ protest about can-whose ratloll5 contalnec! an adequ11te It started out with nanr blgb'·IOUnd• ct>UaUon ot the alr mall· cQntracta be­amount ot vltrunlll 0 grew tbree or lns· phn..~H about aoclal JWIUce, and fore It wu deUvert!d lo-the l're.ldent. :tour tun~ 45 tast u those whose feed the· unemployed are now wanunr to That White Uouse atatement u:rlnr: was deficient or lacktnr to this vita· Jm01r when .oclal Jn.Uce ti' ~olnr to tliat the ttall!atlanUe ft1et wu dr.. niln. While the number ot e;,:r;S pro- be worth .o~tbln&' Ill th• form ot courteou• to ldr. ItooaoYelt me. uonntl dtt~ cludbr the experimental p&IOd ·i>Uilj tot the belly. ltke a 117 In tlia toom whe"n 1011 want dh.t not fOt'm to be atrected. the hatch· Thus. It becomes plain bow bltter to ateep tate. tb!Ult ot the ens fl'Qm tlu~ hens which thla atruule 'Ji to be. The adtnlnis- 'lhe White ltou~e anc! the War de­did not tecelte tills vlttunln varied traUon'e poUtlal Ute appeau to be partmim~ lJUllJt that their attempt tc>­. trom 8.3 to 31".4 per cent anii . ueJ'I- on the apot. It cannot, ·dare not. ad· get Colon~l Ltfid~!'lh on the atmr .. _d." J ,.1"' "'"fit ..... · d' lth mlt deft'at. lt probably wllJ not be aTJatlon 11l1'estJgatJn• eomrnl·t~-- -u 4"" ufi 1"' '"'per .. ., co..,l)are W det~ 1 t-_. in 1._ ""COUrlt·er· -lth.. llidtt"· ._ ._ " About 10 li(lr cent tor eggs from bent ea "" ... ""' " ...- made ~cause o! the C()Jonel'• *ttl)tlrfor

r .. """'l"lt!Jt ... · u· t lt 1 a· · u·· try. but one Should not make the tnl:ie knowledge of ulatlon.. Ye• all d. ·n· ra· le "'"" • . aueQ: a e v am n l,ft on. ta"~ of ........ 1'-. '"'"' ·that ............. ""1.11"" e· ,.. .., ____ _ •v ""'"''"'"6 ·~._..., • ., " ... ., fo contrlll')' and Alt Inatstenee of ala-. - eur•·. :the c:onclnato~ I heat m. oat 1 h · ' No ... d·. "t1..esh· Air and Sun r·w.n""u·en., ..... ,....,~--.-... ! .. dlca· t• t;. -e· ctr tr a 'rei not dinmed a wt4upread u 1i: li A~-. ..., ....... ~ .. " "' .... belle! that ltpl)o1ntment ot the colonel

Afi U111J(Jrtant feature- . of ndslnr tbat the ad~lnirtrt\t!Qii and Ita' NitA wu hoped to aerte as Jut anUdofe' a thl~k* IJ tlit'l abllltr.ot the p()ultr,tnali ldtala wUl win . e;entttaliT .because . ilceptnr poUon, to ofttet ht. fdUcttm 'fcJ ~8 that thet are rln!n ~ourb there m 10 · tnant mote emvtoytcs of .the contra« cancen4tton. · fn!flh ttl' flri!l fun. TbllJ belP5 to avotd than emplo7eta'. • Mr. ltl>i)setelt. ~an · I'olttleal obse"era he.._ . ue J:K>tnt­tdUIC~Utllt, and botl1ouse ~ndttroos. ~Wit ·'UpQii a maJorJtr of the people Inc out tbtt adailnlatratJon made ail

· . IIi C)fd@l' to tA'ke- lldTatltace ot wblt~ b~ ·be' btohtnd him, ~eretore; becau!Mt ru. ·ad.mett men:. e.· ... tn . .u.· ·tdq to ... p·...., ..... · t •ntt llUft tht-r& flJ as welt !Is tresb air, tbe htt ma.JOi'Itt are to.lkl wlio ..Work Llndber~ wlthout tlr~t lltty~0':: .. . • j)ltUJorM lit built the length of thto for thdi- bre~d and butt~. aett-pu&o through a _quiet mo1'& to f1ll;:U!'' .. "'"'1·1 . ltoot of tfle boul6 .afid aUMllt 9 to 10 trtaUon cobUnues. to be tfle Drat taw rneUon tn ail Wormaf way. 1i'at 1@tt Wlc!ft', · 'Uilriiwate · l:totti, one-h•lt ut ultttt. dtw!te tht'J()rt.. UJnaU:f. . }.( doJJt . with •nruo.tn•'""e ... ... jrl.,.... t"'· .......... , .. t.,•..~L , .. f ..... tn.-'- ........ ... . . 1· * tha -nt .attui.Uon,. the l!JIU* ...... "'l ..,yv ....., .. ... "" ... "'~"'., UHJ " ..... <,;J.I ~ ..,......,... .... . ..... e · t,.,. are to bal'e· etnluad• p ·

· m~ay bft \lll4!d. tor the Jloor. '.rhe rt1ll bn ~n jolned ddtdt on· the coll1Jitlh7 •round and ask the- ~o.loDtl wlitther . ~~~~ bit @O~l08ed WJtb wtt@. · · -unloil quei~ott. lt.l• an outttowtb ot · he. W'Ott14 Ilene on the 111YesUrattnl

..,.,~>~,.. . .,, · x , , ,. . · th• ovtrtttehtbC wbtch .l beUih'e Wd . (Oiiimtttee leU hl~n hi a.· "btl. tUo'"' to._._ don. l>T w~te.r:s ot the .A.tni!dcan .... .. ""

. Drrwdlnlf Losses Fettatt(li ~ ~ ta Utdl' ·· ::'.e~·::.~n!~t~~ ~~;=~eel, ot . - ----- .. ,~; tJrOOdllll-lONM til .tht ·haWS. ot tba , __ · th· uttout. In• ··· · · · · ·


. ih'etAit J)6~ltl'JtliU ·U. 1i.bli0m:l&lll · •rltt~ l. 4lo aot bl.i- . • . . "'-k llld ont lltoi>Oft4 ~tUwcS .ot r.. . ..__.. ·. ~. JU:e .trtett if.e, m .· n lr'outd. hne f>Hn tinp~ rot bltn,

. .

i .

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.~... ... " ... it.fa ·'r•l"'. ..... "·.·. """"· ultt"' fA.... . . .. .., ....., # 1 .... ,.... .. . . ...,11. ... . u . i!kimftbln.t or a jadre, w toJiykt 'lllll:h•AII' \D Ill " u "" UIJ! rv >~ tlJ """ _,_ 'Q(' ._.,- JM 01 . btf(jte flf!: ~. t!J tht e'fldeJt,_.. ·,. WiLo ... -.~ .

. luatlt JJ (0' Jutv• th~ dtl¢"-. . · · · .. ··~ a._ 14\tt ·tHit ~ tdr .... ...uv.w ~~r·1 .... t ............... ·tb. r·;;...;. .... ........... . . .-..J .. · .......... ' .. •."' .--.... ·· .. ;o ... ..-. ~ ..... to.,.... · wbt know the ~Monet tnttma~lt .. ,. · VIii .... ll'lr ........ - v~ .~ .... ~ r-onc- ~-........ ..,...... . be would. h••• bl>li!,u .... · M. ...... -l.ii.-'•• , ••b ttl »J>~tftlltkl bi'OO&DI' · ··· · UR· ...a .• ._ ·td~ wlllclf ·tMl' . &• COlonet TJbdbet""' a; .. ~..! .... -. 'ItkiN "HI lk*fb~· lf't~~ eaa : •Wi•il • O"lifil J'&llia.aoQ •war.. ..;,dim &tn·etult!d(; ._~';... ~-: . .;~~ · .h ·~·· Itt Utr way ot tnttlifttatt, · •ttt •. -..111rfti. ftollllSI' po(At, wtnt ·~ttto t. """"'.ttoa ot.•u-. ··- .·tt t..·· ...:. .. - .. "':

np~·~·tfldiot. dtAU... a·JitUt.·~.·fllM.ct•t.. kttW'~ •*"s.;;:"tt..·· •eould ... ...=-.. :!.. ·.· .• .:;.;::: ...... • • · ·~·._tHmttil~·JMuectk*'*"' ,fly·watt~~~UMC•.lll t'Hlrtoall.a:S *••m~.~ ""'. i.t.· k ,:;;_ ..... --14 --..!':......."'.-.. ~ ,.._ ~( .a4 ~·xatat•w • ttit tltr et.tliii'IC \A' ·~ t. .~· ....,..ud"w •. rt .CU4· ~ ...... ~-·· '~•• •••J~«tht elf~ ·. ~ ~~· ~-· .. .......,. .-;,.w:;~.,..., .. .,:,o:.-

• • ' • ,· ·'


·· CoFF.EE---NERV Es ·

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MWXI~WM ON tot, COR. )'0(1 Sll.Vr' ~ W.OA1 11M.:='Nmwu !COlO HIM Pot uo M"AtoH Ar AU.I .· · ·


'llGE )(lU GO -~U'·· fORHIK.&.AHl lTML.Off •~st


... -is expelled

~ ~ -" ' ·' , . (, ( i . '( -.• - . -. - i 4 1 - -, ;-. i t . ' r . - 1 - ,· •. -' ~- .··

•Strwlt ·'······ .

Cl/7.- '( ( [',.I"), .... i';· ri t ' ! •, d).,..,. : .. 'O i O ! ;O " ''_- ; .•

rtll Iii ~ltWf-pdat.r••Jillilf ilkflj 1 lr ~t~·· n..· ~· At ,.,_ · ...... ·· .• 1 Jlliili v ' . . . ~

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l!ly ELMO GCOTT WAT60N l'l'UJ N Uto laat year two morJt ataln lin vo joined tho rank It or U10::o wltlrb hovo 11n ''official eroto btrll." Uy tormnl acuon_.ot

~ tho l~t~{IAiaturc U1o f'nrollnn ehldC· adco waa ntloplthl In North CarGo '' lloa, and In lndlunc. U111t bonor roll to tho roslern ctlrdlnnl, al• thuush tho roaa.llrcaatcd ifO .. llMII wuu •tro'ni11 Uried tor lt. Ndw only roor JltOtt'!Jt-Connccll• ·

c:ut. rna. Now Jorct>y nnd 'l'rnnc~are \!Jlh· out 'IOCb tuntlii'Tiill h•JtflliKllllnUvcll, but artcrro~ ' Ia oruJc>r way to IJ\Yihi thcrn lntll lint>.

' . . ' . ' 'I . ' I •I

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' . ':. : . . ' ; DOG . GIVJS FIRST· . ·· ·. . . . . REAfl' . ALARMt lN B . . ·~· .

. · AT STATE PRISON l\ • •

~p~edr Sipata Th~•·• Some­. thlua Wron• •• Se-,~n

' · · · ' M.~ri Fie~.. ·



• \ \ . ' . . . \


.KilnS~ 0lt71 :traa.~o • dog ll'ltll.• . out . k~own ~n~ltt7, . but 11. ret~~~ ;pt other prl$0n breaks, roea .t4e l!Ono.r oi JJaJlnr (IJl'DIBh!!d the tlrat. tlp that another prliJOn break Wf!S under WllJ' at Lansing recentl7.

' . . GIRt DJE$; FAMILY .. ·· · ..


· spee'dy t,i a tunny looking specJ~t~en. Georce Fulton; who served· tour yearll , ~ ll prllpn jptl!.rd,_anll who w~ ou~ed when the pres.ent ~naaa admln.lstra· tlon went ln. plclced ~peed1 np ~ -•

Three 'En~ Liye•; Fourth I• · . Saved by ~ccident, -.. - .... '

• • . . puppy an,d took hlm home. . Do~a Are not auppo~d to be allowed . l!'cirt Wa71le. Ind.-Atreed 'ln a fam­

,nthtn the prison walls, but Speedy · 117 couterence t~a~ the death of .nlne­eom~ and iOetl abou~ at will. Jio ;yeal"''ld Flo.tei!CO LnrwlU loft them tldes ·ln arid out on trucks, alwa11 110thlng to Uve tor, b,ei.' parents and endltir up. at the dlnlnr halL Ltked · elder alster ended .thelr 1lve1 with ru · ·b1 both pards and prilJonen, hl'l ll · In a welrd and dramatic aulclde pact. more or leJJI a PrlvJlezed character. The only~ remalnJni Ill ember ot -the When Fulton- · wu employed at tbe tamn1, 11notber daur;hter, Loulte, twen· prison be went to work earl7 lD the ty·aavim, had entered the, pact but Jbe mornlpr. Sp(!ed1 WAf alway• at bla. will aaYed when abe tell trom ller

' •


~· ,.

heels and eoDdlic:ted each cuard • to chair Ill the gaa.tllled roo!D, • · b~ post Ill the shift w~u~~ch:a~n~g~cd.~· _,~1·~~~4,~~~~'f!l~~~~~t-~~---

On Tuesday$ and Tbut:sdays, vial· enougll a1t to austaln ,lle.r untlt pollee tora• days, lla 1 met each street car .. t Urokll ·Into the !louse. ~lSID'I' And conducted each part1 of The vletlma wer•. Ken»C!Ul Law Lar- ~

c---1-- _-J-______:1--i.t.t.tc•r• .to- the- prlaon ptea. As -aoon will, ftftr-four, •ttorne)' and treasurer- . •• tho TJalfon wero taken Jn band ot' au abstrae& compan:r ~ Ml'J. MalT. b1 tho ruard at the ~ate he raUoped LarwUl, Otl)'·two, and l!IJI Uar114.r-

~n~ll~:K ~&crop the road to meet the next wUl, twenty-el1ht rears old. . In' the eTeniDg, when "the cuarll .A. note written by the father and

ablft wa1 changed again, SpetdJ was ali~Jed b1· the otbera told the ator1. on band to conduct each man to hla U read: · ~ poat. He worked harder thii.D the war. "»¥ reuon.of the death ot our Uttle .den. All ~ -asrccd that be abould glr)o wtt-alt declde!l th11t we tan uuth• be on the paJ roU. but there wu noth· lnr to live for, so we all .. went to-

~~~J=:t~lll~r~th~n~t~.eo~.;~~d~biT~~~~~~IL~T.rt;ft ~i#1~: ~llru~-------~ rcqttcst 1mnt our ,, Wilbur Uaderblll l<id an epoch male· ptar,ed and thnt we aU be burled tGo

I b k ... ""'•1 1 ld through Jtther with Florence." · ' ng rea • ... ra. ,.. u ton, oo ng ""'orcnc" the Idol ot tbo CamllJ, • window ot ller bome, near the walls "'• ,.. n dJcd at a L m. trcnn 1earlet rever. or the prlton, aaw Speedy. uaua 1 a Col'()ner na~on!l J. Berrhotr said the dellbtrate traTcl~. loping toward tbe .famii"' then OO"In btbuJnc Itt'. anrelJ, . hbUR, bta undulatlnr. rnlt .uggeltlng " • the death apaamt or a dinosaur. ue •Jec:Unr tbe pbJalclan and nurse when aclimpered up to the door, whlnlnr pit- ibe1 pronouneed the rlrl· dead. ttuiiJ, aad •crat¢led !or admittance. RelatheJ, whO: later w-ere unable Let lnllde, he ercvt Into tbe bu!lment, to enter tbe home, 1ummoned poUc:t. a par& ot the bouae he taJthtullt WearJnr b.eavy "ralllo , tbe parentl lhunntd ordlnarUy, and bid behlnd the and l1ar1 were tounll dead, aeated on turanee. .A. few mlnutet later the prJ• c:halrl arranred cloao around a 1U

U btatcr lD tbt aealed bathroom. Ou on alren ll.alled tbo d<!parture or D• waa atreamlni frQm the burner. pa derhlll anll bit pnla. the lloor bJ the door 117 LouiJJe, un-

On a prcvloua occn•lon SpettJJ, ~nseJoua but atlll breathlnr. Sbo ma7 tbf()UJb ~· UDCIDn_.f lXlW(.'f Ul.&t J(!tl him apart from ·other dop, and whleh tecOTU.


l 1'ho ruby·l'ro\'l'hlld ldn~lct boa boon auuacatcd -

aa on attproJtrlolv avlun umlllf'm ror Connoctleut; HouieWren

hu made bins • ••attr btJ&'o"· leJlled tbe eaea~Ht ot a lona eon·flc:t wbo wu worldne to the brickyard. 'l'hll m.an. alone and uncuar4.M, aimplJ' walked

Tcxu·Bo)', Aeed 10, Wins Fame u Lion Trainer.

DrownnWe, Tesu.-Jrtn llolll, a bor. and a dor crowlnr up torether on a tarm near here wlU pertorm aome d11111.nder tht "biJ. tot>t" tt tht bo1'1


" J I , I I '

' !'I



j i

! l

i I , I \ '

i l ' i '

I . '

U I1U buPn auugl'!lltc:tJ that tf1o 1Jciwkc1e atato would bo an, "'"'' 111uro npproprJato nlcklllurlo tor Iowa It II ndnJth;d tllo llJ:u"row lanwk tor lt1 omr!nl llrllo bird.; tho boboll.nk ("Robut Of r.Jnrolo .. J 11 a BU!rtl~'J~tlou U1nt Ia mGDUnr with rnor Cor Now Je>rl':fly: nnd 'rf'llllCllllllC It being urgod to ehoo110 tho painted buntlnr or nonpuell.

11ae bird• lllll• 110normJ by tllt atnltl J1aYe br-c•n aCJitu:tcd tor a vnrl€'11 ot rcatont=bceause of trndJUonol ouortaUona, tor Umlr b~utr. tholr piC3alnr ~Unit or tllolr (lronomlc YAJun. In tome cnJ~C?a tbt~ (llmpalin to bnvo a a!.tlto bird namoa wu condaetrd by tho •lnte AudubtJn lt<lcloty but In mosl .lnrtonroa tho IU'loetlata wa• Uto dlrcet rl':lull or U1o <'ITorta ot tho Stnto Fcdcralloo of Woman'• cluba.

An outatandlng lcad('r Ill tblt ,movometJt ba1 bct1a lira. ftotbt'rlno JJ. 'l'IP1Jflt.._ ebllh'm:ul ot tlle dlvflllon ot rontt~"ntlon ot tho Ooneral F<td• •rntlon ot Womona• club1. ,

Homo lime aao tho Atncrleao Noturo auocta. tlon publlabod • boo.k lot called "Ill rda of tbe Btate~=ltow, \'(fum aM Wb1 'l'hot WMo Ctloten •• omrtnl l~mbtema" liM In thla booklllt, !1,.._ 'l'IIJP(!Ua rovlowa the rcatnpllgnl wblrh brought almut tllo aoteetlooa of tho rartoua oiDI"fnt atate blrdt aa followa: •

"lo JIY.iT, at tbo tt'QU~at ot tl:e. l.adllll !f&morlal aaiOt'latlon, tho lrgta~ture ot Alllballl3 adopted the FllckCJr, or 'JOUOW h!lmmt!r.' u tbt ome:al etate btrd. Tho mtlmbtora ot tllta ot~ll!.llntlon ara-4 tba c!lolro beautd tile Atabama. IOidlera 01 the C'.onrl't!eratt annt were known 11 'l'eUPW ll&ro~»UJ;' an<J til• 7t1UOW itnln~ ot-,UHr ttfiff · · wlna• and tall ffi'all Ult uniform colora of tbe Alabama eutltf.

urn Arttona lin. 0, I. Ctalt, cbalrmaa or (OD• Mrntlon ror tbe atate. lauadled a catnPIIIJD for a atate bird aad ballot& •en cat& tor vatiOIJI canilldatea. IJUt wbto theM wera COtlOted tht aetua wl't'n wu out· 111 front lu a rua,iWI1 rontt-lt. . .

*to AtilniU tlle lt.te FedtriUon ot Wolllft"a ciiiN fPOIIIOI'fd Ute ~a«kiiCWN f(Jf tiklat Jtoaon. A t'al'llpafl• waa rondltdtd IJidtt th lllrect!Otl er lln. \V, A. trtltt. tllla hll'fl beinw til• OYerwbeltaln& d1otat.

''The C.Jitorula A11duboa toelt'tl lbd kindred lfOUJ)I lP!>Jlto~ tilt t'libiPI(tft fltt • ltltl bird tor the Oollklft atate. ne ftllll IHtlklUIIJ nttealed Ute nU•1 quail tn the leilt, anit CID .1untt 12, . 1P31. Uae JOfemor math the cMlce ~clat.

"lo Colot'llllo t1Jt Nlfc,lon ot tile lark bunUat can1e •t lhll tllmllt ot l tll!l'll*lll't lflbkb ••• ~nduded b7 trdt}ut ~tUon-. ·

.. ,n l>ela'watt tt1• blQiktn,blrll attdt an ua• IN«eelfol rull for •taUi bt>no.-. liPinJt tht e~rdlnal. wlalc- wu ~~~Ce4 bJ alitJt- ~naJOf'ltt (If th$ -vo«n• to tfle timpiiP oraulft\1 bt M,.. t.. V. AUdttl., · "BptMOt..S br Ut' ~U4llboll ftOtt(lt, if . St• P~rr;thf;vot• t.., rlttl<tt'•*t••W4 wu 111:\lYit Jtti4 lnttrtttlnl altht>itJlt OUi'W ... I!JIQll fot to tllO'Ck'tqbfr-¢ .. , . . . . ,~:f~~=~~r ~feb' ah~d ot· thew ttc:Uatdl!ll wOW• , ..... ~·pltr'l'lt•nttn,th_tlt~w• thtu~

1bt t<!hool dtUilrett ot (l~rtll ·· ••• lntv.-fltM t11 Ult

tate lo'fdi&.-.llttm, ·M \\"Qnt-

• "In llllnola tho atnto bltd cnwpotgn llovctopcd

tllt me:ulowtnrlc, IIOili tpnrroi'V, wren anll the bobwblte u favorlt<!J, togotbcr with tbo catbird. Mra. 3. D. ~lcKrnn•y ot the atato tMcrntlon IP<Intol'(ld a bill tor the CAtbird, .whfcb, tor aowe reaaon, emerged as a IIIII for the cardinal, which wa• Jcant11 tpprovcd o!J .runt~ 4, 1~.

"l~clc In lOZf. uMcr tbe lea<Icrahlp ot Mlu HadeJe!lne Aaron, IC~I'(lllft or the I Audubon Soeletr ot Kaoau, a «:ampatgn wu launched tor ttlt!cllon or a at~to blriL Whlupreztd pubtlclt1 waa alvcn aflll a lure Yote wae s:otttn out. chlnJ tbe wc.tcm D:lcadowlatk a ptnrallty ot aome 121,000 tot'* ovtt tbe oU1er c:andldat&

"Jainu t.ane Altell mad& tho ~rdfnal tbe tavorcrl) bird ot Ktntuck7 In blt tamoulr book or that nam~, and It waa both natural and In· evltabte Ulilt It be ett.bUabed u thfl omctal alate bll'tt 'l'llo llr.!(J aeN!on ot the leglitatute pa1t10d such a tetolutlcm, which waa apprOYcd 'robroaf7 11. 1fr.t0,

*'The pelkan wu ~•fabllaht:d .. tonlthlna'• atato blrd throurb thq medium ott!ut ttato ~eat, wbldl wu tomaUt <!Qiaoatcd In 100'..1 bt tbe thea C:ovemor lre.ttL .

"Malne'l le,lalatora otftclallt .approyl!iJ tbe daSekadco u thO •taU!I bird In 1021 •tter a t:am· palau conduct~ b1 tile Slatofedel"aUon ot\Vont• C!n'a dubs wltb the lraderaillp of ll~ C'arl •~. XeUeJ, Ciubt, «:boola Ud tbe ltate lflllliO jo!n&d . .lnthe.-haUottr.._ .. . · · - · ·

"'It mat be said tbat ltaQlartd ••• pre.tnttd wUb a 1tate bltd neari.Y a ~ntul.'J' and • halt ~tore It ~Me • ttaf~. Jt Ia r.!lated tbat <teora• c~llrert eeltcled ... tbe colof* tot hll ((lftt or arnit t~ orana~ and black or a ~utltnt

· btrd \Qt he toon4 (!OidiiiOn t*lll' tb• treH. A· ('fnturr liit~r- Catttbt, l• the leeount ot bls tti!IOUt uu~t•. ia Vlralnt. aoi'J c.rouu, ~liM

· thfl Ut• Ba1ti!J!ON blrct, aad f~lli lltt Mlctl~. tloa Utt r*t •turaJIK J.lanaeut hlrMIUt ~

· " 11Ctl~d U.. lttn1 IIi 1~ ltfft ~~~ tltt! tUM t"- lialtl~~Wt oriole hit bHD ltartfAnd'tl itatt blttL .

..... rotu Qdobn, l~. {(l Jlar.- UYS, tlut State AUdUbon ~lett 6t llli!hftU tOIIdlldftd I ~· teMiUte caMPIIJ6 wftlt U.t ~rattan of the prete. Ubi'l.rleJ. idtOCJI •ll<l -.nJ troUI)I. .· A

o tGtll ot 18-J.~ votet wfr• rut. t~ robin 1~d· fnr wnh l yott -.t ~541. The cbolce waa lto~al• Ued bn Ailfll 8, 1~1. .

••lltnn~IM.lbl w••l•eed wltb an dabarra.t~~ment pt il.X~lle!t'lt e&lldl<hltN to ltJ lllltt Writ \lute . arraril.ed bt )lnf. \VJ1larlllh1Jll-. Utt~D' J>rt!ildl"nt " at the1ttate vwerattoli or Women•• dub!J. · A.tt~r biiJt:h publti!lft allll « aubstanthil vo-. tot tht •ottlftQr)l. n •••· ltt!le<:tt<J. . . . .

"lHblitH ht tht Jehoota-. ·~1•1 elubJII'J)lt'ltn• *M Nblleltl ltttndetl. ~~-l .. l{lpl'• lttt41 bird t: .. lca.-~t!tl bt·ktt. 0.. H.lt&"tr", ch•tr­mltt. wtaldt wu -~ ~~~ ®~*faud!qj.'!fPr~ or . ta -NftMtVIttlot dhlillc;a or u,, .• ,,u. f~radon ta n••· '11tt 1\\~ldncbltd. tm>T~ 1() .bt tM ~1114t~~ . . . . . . · ~~ •t tht water» llleldowt!U'k ai the

*'•tt Wli tt llMtall• tA~ •• lH tttutt or • lllilC IMtf tiUIIfi&~t\ ~ b1 · I. t>.

--"--~-~~~~~~~fi.~m~~~P*'~·~·.--! ... ~--~~-.--~·· ~--~-~-~ta--iutti. I •

••t.nferttt hJ· tf1~ :call)patan tn tdilt.<~ !tal\ hfrll. "'l''lfftlf'*,.._ ull4t1k•: ~tatH ta N'" · a the ... te tcdetlitlon (iln•crr•tloll d"1rMl-.. b'rllll t• tlt ~IIIP~Ittt jijblll<ltt.a t4 iM ~~~

. · Ita. U.lt .Dl'lrtoA N~~tntM tbfi WMttr~ :t.lh*IW . ~Jt Mrt. Klt .. \itth lt~. lttt• tHlt_.. tl ~'" j.M "'*'lilt\U.'t bt th~ .-<~~Utn'i dll~~tllle ltatt .. · ·MUUfllili. •tttt 1M tbl.tt ltMt&ttl hf .• ,...

· /lWt lll~,tlU~'Ilterrutt\t.htUl\d fl ik l!lllQUq Pl'ilffl4 -- • !blf._ 'J.'1Hi Milhttll.rit ftl *" 1-. -tt. •t• 'JtJ!l!b'il'\1. • lll8il<r .. wlirlc a11d. t<M• · e•r.J Qt WQ oltdllll- NiC!i\JW u l(jffil .';'ti:"'fi'\'frltM.. 'l'k ftJtllltt M -~ . .lell lM ~ ~- . · . . ·· · w•• t'f.lktU.r ~. w. Vt~ ft«ttt~Cl t~~tt...., ·· ~·tt•• 4lt.ilt!M ... •••.t .w.MM· aflntlt:

· t ... t · .. a.... "* t-t~tlll'f &R tkll h- ~~ ti ~· -t A. oli.ob ~ • Jitilt't Witt.· =-~~{1\t.~liti:· : ~ . . . . . . tM ..... ,. ~ llll«*( tt.t .......... • ' . ..


All drawlnae (txeept Lo~lalana Ptlfcan) by R, Bruet Hor1feJ1, Court.,.y Naturt Magulne.

' .


ott tb& Job. Spect1t, however. knew of It beforehand and l&lloped home, whlnlnt, ant! IOUiht fd'up. lfn. l'Ul• ton rot In touc:h wltb prlaon omclala ani! the 1!eeln1 tnan wu c.aueht ~ft>re be bad eYeD a ~bane. to cet a 1004 IW't. ,.

laek to Hit ftttrtaL On the momJnc of the reeent ~P•

when ae.eli duperadoea 11ecl, lin. Ful· to1:1 hetrd a whlmperlnl and a aerateh·· lni at the door. Sbt knew the eulJ momln& 'llltor and &Ueued tht callH. She openell Ult door and St>ted.r bopped In and made- tor tbe buement.

Bometbtnt wl.l atoot. Spec!dr• put p.ertonnancts &tlltJl'ed aomethlnJ llOt ... ~u, tnjo.Jed bt persoD.l ~nnect­td -wlth penlttntl.Ute&. Kra. Fulton went to a window o'erlooJctnr the aoutb walt of tbe prl:10n. Ant! u abe lookecl, Speed)''• whlm)l4erl eanse 1lp to her from b!a bed betJlnd the tu~ A ft&Ure appt;.red <!• the top of the waU. -Another rott~rt;·ed. notb droppe4 trom atrllt. on the Bul*lde. 'l'bet we~ followed b7 m~ t!ruJU. who allppe4 OTir andt! a haU Gt buUett trom cum ataUonea on the wall. 'I'hen Ute sireD ~eamed lt. warntn,, thAt de.perate a1eD_ lad llroli:tn bounds ud .. IDID bUilt WU ~·-

• •

dream eomet~ tiu~ · llanntl Klnr. tea. IOD Of W. A.

(~WI) KlnJ, 11 ODI ot tht world'J )'Dttnf1!8t animal tnlnera. • Be aDd hiJI pollea doc roUed uli romped with tbt ten Uon. u euk. Now l;le lt workln1 them lnto<tn att •lllth. be hoi,M!ll. wlU tntertaln Ctfllt crowds or ci«UJ-Jolnl American' ~~ boy wu taken wttb the Uoo

tamlnr Idea wheD 1. 0. GlllltoJle, a 'ftteran trtlner, wu hlrtd 012 the elder Ktnl'a makt anli wU<I anlmal fum.

Jlanutl leuaed hlt ftrtt lmon trom Gull!O)"le-nner to toot awa1 wb~ worldnr: wlUa Uona. Tbt 70Uth flu a dl•entlontr)' f .. r ot the 11ont wbteh hll hlltnletor comtlltnda. AJthoU&h be hu I>ltnll' ot courar~ Wa:nuel taket no toollih ehtnttt.

'l11tte wu a l)erlOd •hen tbtlatrahp JtOIIJI or l!ont, bet. ud dQ~ Were ftP' arated. The bo)''a father, teartu1 1~t .,.. tbe Jl'O'WIIll' cuba woulc! 1111111 the ,.ouU.. erd~ hba outat4t the taa•

};yen theu llauuaJ would rt'Sclt throup the bua to Jeratcll tht ears .ot th• l)la,hl UoD&.· . .. . - - -

l'laalb' Jlla tathtt uw Kanuel'a de­. atr. to bteoiDI a Uoa ta.,tt wu t1at cere. U4 ·uata t&t.youtla.. wtat lato th• e~P~.. IUI4er G•UtoJit*a tutela~ t. bella Ute ltdloga tratntnc Yot' h.tl career.

..... _ .......... _ ...... . -a.dt .Q.l~ Att•r 200 y..,. MQ<lltJetlL-A:lter .tlekiDJ 1 • .., th• ·

A<im tot .~ t.hn 200 tf«rJ,c tbf t~ •t tb• top W Notrt t>a.m• ~f· Ht1 llQ ·~ 'ab4 blur ~ Uit .WCI'ltt .t dodt!Uk~ tv itt It i®;c · .plti. • . •

.. ·

< •


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Fancy and Staple Groceries • -" • • Bread and other Baked Gooda - . Freeh Milk .. ·

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TO ·LOS ANGELES ·· · ··· otii WI. i' · · aeiUHOrtlll

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lr.ttt. fJMI

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And . Ne.w Spring -Color11. . You .;. will lind it w~rth your while to .,

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Auto Batteries F.laablight Batterie., Radio Batteries · Pipe Fittinrs Axes Picks Handlea, etc.

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Mail orders, sm~ll or large, re· ceive our prompt and

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L. E. HUNT County Surv•yor Civil Englnttrlng

White Oakt. ~.w Mtxlco •

PacUic • Huopert%, Agt., Phone 57

SandoYal-Baca ~~ J . ... 11.., T. J. Stmet and BIUt Sevier Jlonday afternoon at Santa

wert bert from ,. Cilpltan Ja•t Rita Catholic Church with Fa· SAturday on tl)mi bualne~t. thlsr Salv1tore r>etlormln.rr the

. · ceremony. Otl~atino Sandoval Jrfr. attd 1{..,, B. A. Cren•h•w. aud Wu ti'rance• B•c• were .

d&UKbtet' 9P•l~ Nt. and ll r •· united tn ma,ritgfl'. Tbt bride Count• .nd Mr. and Mra. Robt. 11 a 'b,d&UA"hter ot Hn. Uenignil P•U~tiOD Jpent Sunday It th~ SedUlo. The aroom ...... born White Sand•. and , .. red in Carrizo2:o and I•

T. G. Grtft()n ';t the AnRu• ••U tee~gniled in mualc ·~~id·· countrY w•• a Cartlto,;o vlaltor trn, be.ng a member of Lot tht• Wedn~tday. Ranebetoa" d * n c e orcbeak'a.

· ...., * •• Ftlenda ot thl$ young eour>le of-Harry Ryberg. atockman of let eobaratulationll.

Corona loc•Jfty. wu a buai.. . . . .. nlllr"Vflitorin 10WD tllll Wtd- 1'he c~untrY Cfub wilt site •

d 61""' and vu~ attr•cUve dance- at · nn ay. ~ Communitl' Hall on Sa.tutday

. Roy'• C•fe and Waffle Houile, · . April 14. . ____________________

1u.a lJome·BakedGoodtEXCLU.... tored bt tbl Golf Club. SlV.f.U~Y- t.f -Committee.

Quality Service

. I

Comt to •

.. . . ·. ·~·

Cash Grocery & M~rket .. · • To a~t Your V~etablet...attd Met~ • •

We.H•Yea Complete tine ofFattc:vv.,.. . tabt··• Ua•tl .. f'., -~ .. J

· tl · • Oytt•t. c • •rul

. '

• •

""'"'."·'"eWe tell Lu~key' •. Milk, Butter•. · · · · · · attd. Cheeae. ·

. . Freala Dailr at .our Grocer:r. • '

,r n;zr a/aa .II 0 ' I I - 5

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... ~tl•hld •t tT•oo. •••JII'i'"' fl!l-' u"i' t'P,

. NOflCk . AppUoatloft IIMkt f.t1t y.,.,.. .. r•••••ctr...t.ara·_.._ . • n~u.

• -' to

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<!Ittrri!~zn iuttug JjtUJ.Gt i'

MRS; E. H. SWEET, Mar •

Very Best of Accommodations

• J •

Dinner Parties Our Specialty

American Legion. t>ANctr Every Saturday Night

At Wingfield~• Ballroom · · · -" -Ruidoa~. N. M. ..

Muaic by th• ·

RHYTHM KINGS · Jack Watk•r• Director ,.

Everybody Welcome!.



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[ . . '



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