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Post on 31-May-2015






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  • 1. v1.0 Crifan Li Word VBA,Excel VBA,Python,C++,Javascript,C# HTML7zip1HTML8HTMLs 2HTMLs 9PDF3PDF10CHM4CHM11TXT5TXT12RTF6RTF13WEBHELP 7WEBHELP 14HTML summary.html bug 1.02012-08-09crl1. 2. WindowscmdPython 3. C++ 4. Javascript 5. Word VBA 6. Excel VBA 17. Python 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2

2. 8. C# 9. 10. C#crifanLib.cs 11. PythonBeautifulSoup 12. Pythonbook 13. C#book 3. : Crifan Liv1.0 2012-08-09 2012 Crifan, 15- 2.5 (CC BY-NC 2.5)15 4. 1. .............................................................................................................. 1 1.1. ................................................................................................... 1 2. .............................................................................................................................. 2 2.1. ............................................................................................................. 2 2.2. Python ........................................................................................................ 2 2.3. Word VBA ................................................................................................................ 2 2.3.1. word vbaVBA ................................................................... 2 2.3.2. Word VBA .............................................................................. 2 2.3.3. Word vba ......................................................................................... 3 2.3.4. ........................................................................................ 9 2.4. Excel VBA ............................................................................................................... 10 2.4.1. Excel VBA ....................................................................... 10 2.4.2. Excel VBA .......................................................................... 13 2.4.3. Excel VBA ............................................................................. 14 2.4.4. ...................................................................................... 15 2.5. Javascript ................................................................................................................ 16 2.5.1. javascript ........................................................................................ 16 2.6. PHP ........................................................................................................................ 19 2.6.1. PHP ................................................................................................ 19 2.6.2. crifanPHP .............................................................................................. 19 ......................................................................... 20 :addTailSlash .................................................... 20 :removeFirstSlash ............................................ 20 :strExistInArr ....................... 20 :genValidSuffix ...................... 21 ............................................................................ 22 :getFileSuffix ................................................ 22 ............................. 22 2.7. Linux Shell .............................................................................................................. 22 2.7.1. Linux Shell ...................................................................................... 22 2.7.2. Linux Shell ...................................................................................... 25 2.8. Windows Batch File ................................................................................................ 25 2.8.1. Windows Batch File .............................................................................. 25 2.8.2. Windows Batch File ........................................................................ 25 2.8.3. Windows Batch File ........................................................................ 25 3. ............................................................................................................................ 26 3.1. ........................................................................................................... 26 3.2. C# ............................................................................................................. 26 3.3. C++ ........................................................................................................................ 26 3.3.1. C++ ................................................................................................ 26 4. .................................................................................................................. 28 4.1. XML ........................................................................................................................ 28 4.1.1. XML ...................................................................................... 28 4.2. HTML ..................................................................................................................... 28 4.2.1. HTMl .............................................................................................. 28 4.2.2. HTML .................................................................................... 28 ................................................................................................................................ 30iv 5. 3.1. protectedpublicprivate ............................................................................ 26v 6. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4.addTailSlash ...................................................................................................... strExistInArr ....................................................................................................... genValidSuffix ................................................................................................... getFileSuffix ......................................................................................................20 21 22 22vi 7. 1 1.1. 1 8. 2 2.1. 2.2. Python PythonPython12.3. Word VBA 2.3.1. word vbaVBA VBAVisual Basic For Application VBApplicationApplicationExcelword wordVBWord VBA Excel "Excel" wordexcel word xml [2]"VBAVBA VBAVBA "2.3.2. Word VBA Word VBAstory, character,table,cell,row, columnsection,paragrah,line,SelectionSelection.XXX XXX 1. Story word 1 9. 2. Text 3. Sections wordstory 4. Paragraphs 5. Sentences 6. Words 7. Characters 8. TablesCellsRowsColumns cellcell Range Print Selection.Tables(2).Cell(3, 4) Cell(2,3)1 CExcel0 9. End Start Selection.StartSelection.End Selection.StartSelection.End slection_len = Selection.End - Selection.Start Word vba 1. range Selection.Text Selection.Range.Text3 10. 2. VBA""C"!=" 3. wdMovewdExtend Range Selection.MoveDown Unit:=wdLine , Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend wdLineUnit UnitwdParagraphwdWindowwdScreen WdExtendwdMode VBA wdMove wdExtend wdMove mdMove wdExtend 4. / Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToHeading , Which:=wdGoToAbsolute , Count:=5 Goto wdGoToHeadingheading wdGoToAbsolute wdGoToFirst, wdGoToRelativewdGoToLast,wdGoToNext,wdGoToPrevious,[3] / Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory , Extend:=wdMove wdStorywdUnits wdColumnwdLinewdRow 5. 4 11. 2.1 PAPRBY / RubyVerifoneDefaults 2.1 2.1 Selection.Bookmarks("headinglevel ").Range.ListFormat.ListString headinglevelVBA [5] 6. VBAHelp Function [Public | Private | Friend] [Static] Function name [(arglist)] [As type] [statements] [name = expression ] [Exit Function] [statements] [name = expression] End Function name expression name 0 ("")Variant Empty Function name Set Nothing BinarySearch False Function BinarySearch(......) As Boolean ...... ' False If lower > upper Then BinarySearch = False Exit Function 5 12. End If ...... End FunctionVBAHelpgoogle [name = expression] 7. VBAoffice 2010 VBAhelp StrCompStrConvFormat, LCase, UCaseSpace, StringLenFormatLSet, RSetInStr, Left, LTrim, Mid, Right, RTrim, TrimOption Compare ASCII ANSI Asc, Chr C a.Space, String Space10" space"Space(10) 10 String(number,characterToRepeate) string Space(10)=String(10, 32) 32=0x20spaceASCIIString 0x0~0x1F b. InStr, InStrRev InStrCstrstr InStr([start, ]string1, string2[, compare])6 13. " Variant (Long)" InStrRevInStr"" posOfPoint = InStr("abc.def", ".") "abc.def"".",4 c.Asc, Chr AscASCIIChrASCII MyNumber = Asc("A") ' 65 MyChar = Chr(97) ' ad. VBAlog. i.1 Function createFileTest() ' the name of the file to be output, including full path Dim FileName As String FileName = "D:create_file.txt" ' open the file ouput text stream output, overwritng is necessary Dim fs As Object Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim file As Object Set file = fs.CreateTextFile(FileName, True) file.WriteLine "test string..." file.Close End Functionii.2 Public gFileNum As Integer Function createOutputFile() Dim outputFileNameWithPath As String Dim gDestFile As String Dim outputFileNameWithPath As String Dim openFileOK As Boolean openFileOK = True ' 1. create an XML file outputFileNameWithPath = "D:test_output.txt" gDestFile = outputFileNameWithPath ' Obtain next free file handle number. gFileNum = FreeFile() ' Turn error checking off. On Error Resume Next ' Attempt to open destination file for output. 7 14. Open gDestFile For Output As #gFileNum ' If an error occurs report it and end. If Err 0 Then openFileOK = False MsgBox "Cannot create file: " & gDestFile End If ' Turn error checking on. On Error GoTo 0 createOutputFile = openFileOK End Function Sub createFileTest() Print #gFileNum, "Test output string to this file..." Print #gFileNum, "Test done." Close #gFileNum End Sub e. i.ActiveDocument.Path ""ii.ActiveDocument.Nameiii. ActiveDocument.FullName f.VB office 2010help Visual Basic Visual Basic for Applications Calendar CallType Color Compiler Date DirGetAttr SetAttr IMEStatus InstrStrComp Keycode Miscellaneous MsgBox QueryClose QueryClose Shell 8 15. StrConv VarType Visual Basic Miscellaneous Visual Basic for Applications vbCrLfChr(13) Chr(10)+ vbCrChr(13)vbLfChr(10)vbNewLineChr(13) + Chr(10) or, on the Macintosh, Chr(13)vbNullCharChr(0) 0 vbNullString 0 ("") vbObjectError-2147221504 Err.Raise Number = vbObjectError + 1000vbTabChr(9)Tab vbBackChr(8)vbFormFeedChr(12) Microsoft Windows or on the Macintosh vbVerticalTabChr(11) Microsoft or on the Macintosh Windows 2.3.4. 1. VBAHelp wordVBAvba //F1 VBAFunction Help Function funcName() 'XXXXXX9 16. End Function FunctionF1HelpFunction 2. office 2010VBAhelp variant 3. Excel VBA VBAword VBA 2.3 Word VBA2.4.1. Excel VBA ExcelExcel Excel Excelsheet sheet ExcelWorkbook Worksheet Column, Row Cell Excel VBA WorkbooksExcel10 17. 1. Workbook workbookworkbooksworkbooksworkbook workbook Workbooks.Item(N) Workbooks(N) Workbooks("excel_file_name.xlsx") Workbook Workbook.Open Workbook.Add Workbook.Save Workbook.SaveAs 2. Worksheet worksheetExcelsheet worksheetworksheets ExcelExcel3sheetworkbook worksheets3worksheet worksheet Workbooks.Item(1).Sheets.Item(N) Workbooks.Item(1).Sheets.Item("sheet_name") 3. Column "C" Columns(3) Columns("C") 35 Columns("C:E") Range("C:E") 1, 578911 18. Range("A:A, E:E, G:G, H:H,I:I").Select Columns("C").ColumnWidth = 4.5 Selection.Columns.AutoFit Columns("C").hidden=True 4. Row 26 Rows("2:6").Select Rows(1).Select 578 Range("5:5, 7:7,8:8").Select Rows(6).RowHeight = 2.5 6 Rows("6:6").Select Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = TrueRowColumn ,"C" "Name Box" "Col3" Columns("C") Columns("Col3") Columns("XXX")XXX 5. Cell12 19. cell Range("D6") Range("B3).Font.Name = "Cambria" Range("B3).Font.Bold = True D2H6 Range("B2:H6") Range("D4:D4") Range("B2:C5,EC4:G8").Select Range("B2:C5, C4:G8").Select ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False2.4.2. Excel VBA 1. VBA"'" REMRem REM this is a excel maro ' this is a excel maro 2. a.Msgbox Msgbox :13 20. MsgBox "Currently opening Excel file is: " & ActiveWorkbook.Name /& b. log loglog VBAlog 3. Excel Word VBAActiveDocumentExcelActiveWorkbook Excel ActiveWorkbook.Path ActiveWorkbook.FullName = ActiveWorkbook.Path + '' + ActiveWorkbook.Name MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.Name MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.FullName MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.FullNameURLEncoded MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.Path 4. workbooksheet.Select Sheets("sheet_name").Select .Name Sheets("sheet_name").Name move workbooksheetAdd2.4.3. Excel VBA 1. VBA for Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Excel VBA 2 VBA for Microsoft Office Excel 2007 2. Excel 2007 VBA Excel VBA 2 21. Excel 2007 VBA [PDF]3 ed2k:// |file|%5BExcel.2007.VBA%E5%8F%82%E8%80%83%E5%A4%A7%E5%85%A8%5D.%EF%BC %88%E7%BE%8E%EF%BC%89%E6%A0%BC%E6%9E%97.%E6%89%AB%E6%8F%8F %E7%89%88.pdf|253406092|3cf57fc49d0fa875826ecc462cd9976c| h=eed6g2e25uuzc4c52obch2txlm7w65fx|/2.4.4. 2.3 Word VBA VBA VBA 1. VBAObject Browser VBA workbookworkbookObject Browser,Object Browser 2. Help F1VBAHelp workbookExcelworkbook F1Helpworkbook 4Workbook Object Members Article Represents a Microsoft Excel workbook. Methods Name Description AcceptAllChanges Accepts all changes in the specified shared workbook. Activate Activates the fi... "Workbook MethodsPropertiesEventsObjectMembers" Excel.Name.FullName Msgbox MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.Name MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.FullName 3. 3 4 %2EDEV&Version=12&respos=0&CTT=1&queryid=cc5dd30b%2D82da%2D4044%2Db28e%2D3ee83e8fcfe815 22. VBAVBA VBA ExcelExcel ExcelCtrl+VCtrl+S Sub Macro3() Macro3 Macro ' Range("B3).Select Selection.Copy Windows("EWR_tracking_list_enabledMacro.xlsm").Activate Range("O152).Select ActiveSheet.Paste Application.CutCopyMode = False ActiveWorkbook.Save Windows("ROSH1.xlsx").Activate End Sub ExcelViewMacroRecord Macro ViewMacroStop Macro ViewMacroView MacroVBA VBA baidugoogle Object BrowserF1 Help 2.5. Javascript 2.5.1. javascript 1. htmlscripttype 1.content"text/tcl", "text/javascript", "text/vbscript". JavaScriptJavaScript html 17 24. javascript 2. format return "{2} a>".format(portraitId, cmturl, cmtname);{0},{1}.{2}format 3. propertykeyvalue for(var name in someObject){ document.write(name + "=" + someObject[name]) } someObjectfor"[]" b. keyvalue IE9 var arrayData = { a : "11", b : "22", c : "33", d : "44" } for (__key in arrayData) { document.write( __key + "=" + arrayData[__key]) }18 25. arrayData"[]" 4. javascript WordPress Google XML Sitemap 5 HTML htmlphp jsTODO js htmlphpjavascript 5. javascript WordPress Google XML Sitemap 6 HTML javascriptsitemap.js HTML js jsHTMljs 2.6. PHP 2.6.1. PHP 1. crifanPHP phpcrifanLib.php 5 6 26. :addTailSlash //add the tail slash if not exist //eg: from files/doc/docbook to files/doc/docbook/ function addTailSlash($str) { if(substr($str, -1) != "/") { $str = $str."/"; } return $str; } 2.1. addTailSlash //add tail slash $homePath = $this->addTailSlash($homePath); //echo "homePath=".$homePath."
"; :removeFirstSlash //remove the first slash if exist //eg: from /files/doc/docbook to files/doc/docbook function removeFirstSlash($str) { if(substr($str, 0, 1) == "/") { $str = substr($str, 1); } return $str; } :strExistInArr //eg: check txt is in array("txt", "html", "pdf") function strExistInArr($str, $arr) { if($arr[0] == "*") { $found = True; } else { $found = False; $arrLen = count($arr); for($i=0; $istrExistInArr($fileSuf, $validSuf); :genValidSuffix//eg: from "*.html;*.txt;" to array("html", "txt") function genValidSuffix($fileType) { $validSuf = array(); $splitedArr = explode(";", $fileType); $arrSize = count($splitedArr); //echo "splited arrary size=".$arrSize."
"; for($i=0; $igenValidSuffix($fileType); :getFileSuffix //eg: from abc.txt got txt function getFileSuffix($fileName) { $gotInfo = pathinfo($fileName); // dirname, basename, extension $suffix = strtolower($gotInfo["extension"]); return $suffix; } 2.4. getFileSuffix $fileSuf = $this->getFileSuffix($filename); $dirHandler = opendir($fullPath); while(($filename = readdir($dirHandler)) !== false) { if(($filename == ".") || ($filename == "..") ) { //echo "omit filename=$filename"; continue; } echo "filename=". $filename"; } closedir($dirHandler);2.7. Linux Shell 2.7.1. Linux Shell 1. Linux shell 22 29. local Linux Shell 7 2. ./ line xx: [: too many arguments if [ -d $item_full_path ]; then item_full_path arm_vs_mips.xml - Copy_bak too many argumentsshell-d arm_vs_mips.xml - Copy_bak arm_vs_mips.xml Copy_bak 3. shell 8Linux shell trls CLi@PC-CLI-1 ~/develop/docbook/books/arm_vs_mips/src $ ls arm_vs_mips.xml arm_vs_mips_____xml - Copy_bak glossary.xml Makefile arm_vs_mips.xml.bak ch01_reduced_instruction_set.xml images reference.xml CLi@PC-CLI-1 ~/develop/docbook/books/arm_vs_mips/src $ ls | tr " " "?" arm_vs_mips.xml arm_vs_mips.xml.bak arm_vs_mips_____xml?-?Copy_bak ch01_reduced_instruction_set.xml7 8 30. glossary.xml images Makefile reference.xml -> cygwin ls | tr " " "?" shell local sub_folders=`ls $input_folder | tr "32" "?"`; echo '444 sub_folders='$sub_folders; tr Cygwintr CLi@PC-CLI-1 ~/develop/docbook/books/arm_vs_mips/src $ tr --version tr (GNU coreutils) 8.15 Packaged by Cygwin (8.15-1) Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Written by Jim Meyering. local sub_folders=`ls $input_folder | tr "32" ""`; each_item=`echo $each_item | tr "" " "`;24 31. for each_item in $sub_folders; do item arm_vs_mips.xml - Copy_bak arm_vs_mips.xml Copy_bak arm_vs_mips.xml - Copy_bak Cygwin echo bug2.7.2. Linux Shell 1. Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial - A Beginner's handbook9Linux Shell"",^_^ test command or [ expr ]102.8. Windows Batch File 2.8.1. Windows Batch File 2.8.2. Windows Batch File 2.8.3. Windows Batch File 1.9 32. 3 3.1. 3.2. C# 1C#C#3.3. C++ 3.3.1. C++ C++ CC++C++C 1. protectedpublicprivate 3.1. protectedpublicprivate Private Protected Public 2. 3. C 4. new newdelete stack 1 33. C newheap delete new delete 5. Overload 6. inherit Bfunc1B BAApublicfunc1Bfunc127 34. 4 HTMLXML4.1. XML XML4.1.1. XML 1. XML XML XML : 1 1b. XML : 4 2a.4.2. HTML HTML4.2.1. HTMl 1. HTMLHTML WordPress Google XML Sitemap 3 HTML phpjavascriptHTML HTMLjavascriptHTML HTMLHTML . HTML 1. HTML 1 2 3 35. HTML4 HTML Special Characters5 2. HTML HTML Color Chart with 140 Color Names6HTML HTML Color Names7 3. Unicode Unicode Table8Unicode Unicode Lookup9UnicodeHTMLentity 4. BIG5 a.BIG5 10 Big5 (Traditional Chinese) character code table Big 5 Code Table11 b. 12 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 529 36. Word VBA 1[1] word vba[2] VBA2[3] Word VBA Microsoft Word Visual Basic 3[4] Word VBAHelp [5] word VBA,//heading level/heading number4 5[6] BlogsToWordPress 1 3 2 4 resolved_word_vba_the_title_to_get_the_current_selection_number__title_number__heading_level__heading_number/ 5

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