laporan pagi abdominal pain

Post on 21-Jul-2016






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7. Mrs. Risma/30 yo/August 25th 2013 at 22.30

• Chief Complain : Right lower abdominal pain• History :

Since 1 day before admission, patient complained about stomach pain in the right quadrant which appeared suddenly and intermitten. The chief complain wasn’t accompany with fever, nausea, vomitting, and decreasing of eat appetite. Patient had a same complain history since 1 month ago and hospitalized at Ansari Saleh Hospital for 5 days. The chief complain reappeared 2 days ago and patient gone to Poli Ginecology and Poli Surgery at Ulin General Hospital, the result wasn’t abnormality. Patient had known for having cyst history and she’s mestruating now.

General status

AlertVital sign :– BP : 110/80 mmHg - T : 36,6 0 C– RR : 20 x/minute - HR : 78


•Eye : anemic conjunctivae (-/-), icteric sclerae (-/-)•Mouth : wet mucous, •Neck : increase of JVP (-), enlargement of limph node (-)


•I : symmetric respiratory movement, retraction (-), laceration (-)

•P : symmetric VF•P : Sonor in all lung field•A : symmetric VBS, Rh (-/-), Wh (-/-)


•Anemic (-) edema (-), parese (-)


Secondary SurveyAbdomen :• I : Flat and soft• A : normal bowel sound• P : H/L/M not palpable, tenderness

(+) in RUQ, epigastrium, RMQ, RLQ.• P : tympanic in all quadrants

Rectal Tousse :• Tonus sphincter ani strong, clear mucose, skibala palpable, ampula recti isn’y colaps

Handscun : Faeses (+), blood (-)

Clinical Picture

Laboratory (RS Ulin 26th Agt 2013, 02:55)

Pemeriksaan Nilai RujukanHemoglobin 13,1 12,00-16,00 g/dlLeukosit 17,6 4,0-10,5 ribu/ulEritrosit 4,46 3,90-5,50 juta/ulHematokrit 38,6 37,00-47,00 Vol%Trombosit 442 150-450 Ribu/ul

RDW-CV 14,3 11,5-14,7 %

MCV 86,7 80,0-97,0 fl

MCH 29,3 27,0-32,0 pg

MCHC 33,9 32,0- 38,0 %

Gran % 72,3 50,0-70,0 %

Linfosit % 19,8 25,0-40,0 %

MID % 7,9 4,0-11,0 %

GDS 144 < 200 mg/dl

Laboratory (RS Ulin 26th Agt 2013, 02:55)

Pemeriksaan Nilai Rujukan

PT 9,9 9,9-13,5 detik

INR 0,88

APTT 25,3 22,2-37,0 detik

SGOT 28 0-46 U/I

SGPT 30 0-45 U/I

Ureum 17 10-50 mg/dl

Creatinin 0,5 0,7-1,4 mg/dl

Natrium 139,5 135-146 mmol/l

Kalium 3,6 3,4-5,4 mmol/l

Chlorida 110,4 95-100 mmol/l

Laboratory (RS Ulin 26th Agt 2013, 02:55)

Pemeriksaan Nilai RujukanURINALISAWarna – Kekeruhan Kuning - keruh Kuning-jernihBJ 1.030 1.005-1.030pH 6,0 5.0 -6.5Keton Negative NegativeProtein – Albumin Trace Negative

Glukosa Negative Negative

Bilirubin Negative NegativeDarah Samar + 3 NegativeNitrit Negative NegativeUrobilinogen 0,2 0,1-1,0Leukosit Negative Negative

Laboratory (RS Ulin 26th Agt 2013, 02:55)

Pemeriksaan Nilai RujukanURINALISA (Sedimen)Leukosit 1-23 0 – 3Eriythrosit Many 0 – 2 Selinder Negative NegativeEpithel 1 + 1 +Bakteri 1 + Negative

Kristal Negative Negative

Lain-lain Negative Negative

Rontgen (RS Ulin 26th Agt 2013)

Thorax AP

USG Appendix, adnexa, and uterus (RS Ulin 25th Agt 2013)

Impression:- Periappendicular mass ec. Inflamation-- Renal bilateral, VU, and uterus doesn’t have any abnormality.-- Ascites (-)

Working Diagnosis

• Obs. Stomach pain ec. periappendicular mass ec. inflamation

Management• Obs. TNRS• IVFD RL 20 gtt per minute• Fasting (+)• Pro exploration laparatomy cito

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