las vanguardias

Post on 02-Jul-2015






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El Vanguardismo es una corriente artística europea surgida a partir de 1910 que tiene diversas manifestaciones: futurismo, cubismo, surrealismo, dadaísmo etc... Se caracterizan por su ruptura con la tradición anterior y por el intento de crear nuevas formas artísticas y literarias. Se desarrolla en España y Europa.


-Futurismo: Fue el primer movimiento de vanguardia a partir de 1910 y tuvo su principal representante en el italiano

Marinetti. Los futuristas exaltaban los rasgos de la modernidad y mostraban la realidad en

pleno movimiento. -Cubismo: el origen de este movimiento es pictórico, rompe con la perspectiva única y

la introduce múltiple. Pretende reflejar la realidad a través de la simultaneidad de sus

formas geométricas más significativas.

-Dadaísmo: es un movimiento que se refleja en la publicación de manifiestos y en la

celebración de actos donde los dadaístas se exhibieron a sí mismos en actitudes

provocadoras mediante las cuales querían acabar con las convenciones.

-Surrealismo: nace en Francia tras la Primera Guerra Mundial. Propone la exploración en las

capas profundas de la consciencia y en el mundo de los sueños para conocer la totalidad

del individuo, liberarlo de los convencionalismos morales y sociales y convertir el contenido

subsconciente en materia artística.


Querido señor

Usted es un piojoso

Esta señora tiene la nariz como una lombriz

Luisa ha olvidado su abrigo de pieles

Yo sin abrigo y sin pasar frío

El danés fuma su cigarrillo consultando el horario

El gato negro atraviesa la cervecería.

-Autor: Apollinaire -Vanguardia: Cubismo

Virginia WoolfVirginia Woolf was an

English author, essayist, publisher, and writer of short stories, regarded as one of the foremost modernist literary figures of the twentieth century. During the interwar period, Woolf was a significant figure in London literary society and a member of the Bloomsbury Group.

HER LIFEVirginia Woolf (Adeline Virginia Stephen; London, United

Kingdom, 1882-Lewes, go., 1941) British Writer. Daughter of sir Leslie Stephen, distinguished critic and historian, grew in an environment frequented by writers, artists and intellectual.

After the death of her father, in 1905, it was established by her sister Vanessa - painter who would marry the critic Clive Bell - and her two brothers in Bloomsbury's London neighborhood,

which turned into center of meeting of former university companions of her major brother, between whom they were appearing intellectual of the height of the writer E. M. Forster,

the economist J. M. Keynes and the philosophers Bertrand Russell and Ludwig Wittgenstein, and that would be known as

the group of Bloomsbury.

Her main literary production

During the interwar period, Woolf was a significant figure in London literary society and a member of the Bloomsbury

Group. Her most famous works include the novels Mrs Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927) and Orlando

(1928), and the book-length essay A Room of One's Own (1929), with its famous dictum, "A woman must have money

and a room of her own if she is to write fiction."

Virginia was a special woman writer because The fifth woman chosen to commemorate the international month of the woman is Virginia Woolf, English writer who represents the best of the modernist current in his(her,your) language and

belonging to the group of artists known like " Those of Bloomsbury ".

“La Belle Époque”La Belle Époque est

apparue en France, après la Première Guerre Mondiale, sous ce terme on désigne les anées de paix comprises entre l`Exposition universelle de Paris de 1878 et le début de la Première Guerre Mondiale en 1914. Le régime est le républicain.


Le plus privilégies possèdent maitenant le téléphone, l´électricité , l´eau courante et même le

chauffage central. Le train révoluttione les comunications rurales et le premier métro

commence à circuler à Paris. La population française augmente, l´agriculture se

développe grâce aux nouvelles techniques, les villes sous l´eect d´une immagration paysanne

massive doublent, la masse d´ouvriers en cesse pas de s´accroître, les salaires augmentent, des partis

politiques établissent leurs bases sur le prolétariat, le syndicalisme se développe.

CLAUDE DEBUSSYIl a été un compositeur

français. c'était l'une des forme les plus proéminentes de la musique impressionnist. Debussy est l'un de compositeurs les plus importants français et une forme centrale dans la musique européenne de fins du XIXe siècle et les commencements du XXe siècle. Il a été nommé Chevalier de la Légion de Honor en 1903


The nationalism was born at the beginning of the 19th century as a feeling of belonging to the same

community or nation which members share a common past, a

language and a culture.

FIRST WORLD WAR The First War Mundia was a clash different from those

who had taken place till then. Characteristics:

-New armaments and defensive systems, new technical advances and other systems of fight.

-Incorporation to the labor world of the woman.-Armament production, it suffered rationings,

intervention of the State in the economy. - The propaganda It has a very important paper

Phases: -The war of movements

-The war of positions-Decisive events

- The end of the war

RUSSIAN REVOLUTION At the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of

the 20th century, a rapid process took place of industialización with the capital and technology

foreigners that it gave place to the formation of an urban proletariat. During this epoch Russia suffered a serious national crisis due to his military defeat in East

opposite to Japan, in 1905.Consequences:

- Revolution of 1905 and formation of a DumaIn February, 1917, there took place a revolution that overthrew the czar Nicolás II, the Duma yestableció

restored a provisional Government, formed for socialist and liberal. Later profujo the Revolution of October.



HECHO POR: Nerea Melero


Eva María Maldonado Nin De Cardona

Sara Yélamos Hoyo

Alejandro Romero Martín

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