lendet e pergjithshme klasa 12

Post on 09-Oct-2015






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  • Ministria Arsimit, Shkencs dhe Teknologjis


    Arsimi profesional

    Prishtin, 2009

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    Ministria Arsimit, Shkencs dhe Teknologjis


    Klasa 12

    Prishtin, 2009

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    Redaktort prgjegjs:

    Enver Buqaj Nehat Mustafa Agim Berdyna Ramush Lekaj Rexhep Kastrati

    Lektura: LLA

    Korrektura: LLA

    Radhitja kompjuterike: LLA


    Shtypur n shtypshkronjn:


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    Kabineti i ministrit Kabinet ministra Cabinet of the minister

    UDHZIM ADMINISTRATIV Zbatimi i planit dhe i programit t rishikuar me plotsime pr lndt e prgjithshme t arsimit profesional pr klasat 10, 11 dhe 12

    NUMR: MASHT 4/ 2009 DAT: 20.02.2009

    N mbshtetje t neneve 93(4) dhe 97(4) t Kushtetuts s Republiks s Kosovs dhe nenit 25, paragrafit 7 t Rregullores s Puns t Qeveris s Kosovs nr. 1/2007, nenit 6.1, paragrafi (b), dhe nenit 7.1 t Ligjit pr Arsimin Fillor dhe t Mesm n Kosov, Ministria e Arsimit, e Shkencs dhe e teknologjis nxjerr kt Udhzim Administrativ.

    Neni 1 Qllimi

    Qllimi i ktij Udhzimi Administrativ sht Zbatimi i planit dhe i programit t rishikuar me plotsime pr lndt e prgjithshme t arsimit profesional pr klasat 10, 11 dhe 12

    Neni 2 Plani dhe programi

    Plani dhe programi i rishikuar me plotsime pr lndt e prgjithshme t arsimit profesional pr klasat 10, 11 dhe 12 i sht bashkangjitur ktij Udhzimi Administrativ.

    Neni 3 Zbatimi

    Ky plan dhe program i rishikuar me plotsime pr lndt e prgjithshme t arsimit profesional pr klasat 10, 11 dhe 12 zbatohet nga viti shkollor 2008/2009.

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    Neni 4 Hyrja n fuqi

    Ky Udhzim Administrativ hyn n fuqi me nnshkrimin e tij nga ministri. Me hyrjen n fuqi t ktij U.A. shfuqizohen dispozitat t cilat jan n kundrshtim me kt U.A.

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    UDHZIM ADMINISTRATIV ................................................................................ 4 HYRJE ....................................................................................................................... 7

    GJUHT DHE KOMUNIKIMI ............................................................................... 9 GJUH SHQIPE DHE LETRSI .........................................................................10 GJUH ANGLEZE ..............................................................................................17 GJUH GJERMANE - Viti i par i msimit .........................................................31 GJUH GJERMANE ...........................................................................................54 GJUH GJERMANE - Viti i dyt i msimit .........................................................80 GJUH FRNGE - Viti i tret i msimit (Asistent turistik) ................................ 105 GJUH FRNGE - Nxns fillestar ( Blegtori, Pemtari-Vreshtari, Veterinari, Hortikultur, Mbrojtja e bimve, Prpunimi i drurit, Teknologji ushqimore) ....... 116 GJUH FRNGE - Viti i dyt i msimit (Pylltari) .............................................. 128

    MATEMATIK .................................................................................................... 138 MATEMATIK ................................................................................................. 139 MATEMATIK (Gjeologji) ............................................................................... 150

    SHKENCAT E NATYRS ................................................................................... 160 FIZIK (Asistent i stomatologjis dhe Teknik i dhmbve) ................................ 161 KIMI (Asistent i stomatologjis dhe Teknik i dhmbve) ................................... 170 BIOLOGJI (Teknik i dhmbve dhe Asistent i stomatologjis) ........................... 180

    SHKENCAT SHOQRORE ................................................................................ 192 SOCIOLOGJI ..................................................................................................... 193 PSIKOLOGJI ..................................................................................................... 212 ART FIGURATIV (Gjellbrs, Pastiier dhe Asistent turistik) ......................... 225

    TEKNOLOGJI E INFORMACIONIT ................................................................ 230

    EKONOMI DHE NDRMARRSI ..................................................................... 231 EDUKAT FIZIKE DHE SPORTIVE ................................................................ 232

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    Shoqria njerzore nuk sht e prkryer, prandaj nevoja pr ndryshime ndihet gjithmon. Ktyre ndryshimeve nuk mund ti shmanget as arsimi. Profesionet ndryshojn pr shkak t zhvillimit ekonomik, shoqror, kulturor, si dhe zhvillimit t demokracis. sht i domosdoshm rifreskimi i planeve dhe programeve msimore n arsimin profesional pr tu dhn nxnsve njohuri dhe aftsi t nevojshme pr ekonomin e tregut dhe shoqrin demokratike. MASHT-i, n bashkpunim me GTZ-n, pr vitin shkollor 2008/2009 i ka rishikuar planet dhe programet e arsimit profesional pr klasat 10,11,12 t drejtimeve dhe profileve t ndryshme. Planet msimore t shumics s drejtimeve dhe t profileve psuan ndryshime n dobi t lndve profesionale dhe praktikave profesionale. Kto ndryshime t planeve msimore n arsimin profesional kan sjell ndryshime edhe n lndt e prgjithshme. N planin e ri msimor n t gjitha drejtimet dhe profilet e arsimit profesional t klasave 11 dhe 12 sht shtuar fondi i orve msimore nga 2 or n jav n 3 or n jav n: gjuh shqipe dhe letrsi, gjuh boshnjake dhe letrsi,gjuh turke dhe letrsi. N matematik sht shtuar fondi i orve nga 2 or n jav n 3 or n jav n klasn 10,11 dhe 12 n profilet: mekanik i makinave, operator i prodhimit, saldator, vegltar, energjetik, makina elektrike, informatik, arkitektur, gjeodezi, ndrtimtari, mekatronik, telekomunikacion dhe komunikim audio dhe video. N profilin e gjeologjis sht rritur fondi i orve n klasn 12 nga 2 or n jav n 3 or n jav n lndn e gjeologjis. Ka ndryshuar plani msimor i klass s 10, 11 dhe 12 n dy profilet e stomatologjis t lmit s shndetsis. Jan futur lndt msimore t shkencave t natyrs: fizik, kimi, biologji me nga 1 or msimore n jav. Plani i ri msimor n lmenjt dhe profile t ndryshme t arsimit profesional sht pasuruar me futjen e gjuhs gjermane dhe gjuhs frnge me 1 ose 2 or n jav. Plani i ri msimor n klasn 11 n profilet: hortikultura, pemtari- vreshtari, blegtori, prpunimi i drurit, teknologji ushqimore, dhe mbrojtja e bimve sht pasuruar me nga 1 or n jave nga lndt histori dhe gjeografi. Lnda msimore e artit figurativ n profilet: gjellbrs, pastieri dhe asistent turistik sht e prfshir me nga 1 or n jav. Edukata qytetare do t msohet pr t gjith lmenjt dhe profilet n klasn 10 me nga 1 or n jav. N lndn msimore ekonomi dhe ndrmarrsi zvoglohet fondi i orve n klasat 11 dhe 12 nga 2 or n jav n 1 or n jav. N shumicn e profileve zbatohet edhe lnda msimore menaxhimi i projekteve me nga 1 or n jav apo 2 or n jav sipas planit msimor ekzistues. N disa lnd msimore nuk sht ndryshuar plani msimor dhe nuk sht intervenuar n ndryshimet e planeve dhe programeve msimore. Kto lnd msimore jan: gjuh shqipe dhe letrsi klasa 10 me 3 or n jav, gjuh boshnjake dhe letrsi klasa 10 me 3 or n jav, gjuh turke dhe letrsi klasa 10 me 3 or n jav, gjuh angleze klasa 10, 11, 12 me nga 2 or n jav, edukata qytetare n klasn 10 me 1 or n jav, teknologjia e informimit dhe komunikimit (TIK) klasa 10, 11, 12 me 2 or n jav dhe edukata fizike dhe sportet klasa 10, 11, 12 me 2 or n jav.

    Ndryshimet n planet msimore kan kushtzuar edhe ndryshimet e programeve t lndve prkatse msimore. Pr kt qllim nga MASHT-i jan formuar ekipet pr rishikimin, plotsimin apo hartimin e planeve dhe programeve nga profesionist t

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    lndve msimore: puntor shkencor, profesor t Universitetit dhe msimdhns t lndve prkatse. Si rezultat i puns s ktyre ekipeve profesionale jan planet dhe programet e reja pr lndt e prgjithshme msimore pr profilet dhe lmenjt prkats n klasat 10, 11 dhe 12 t shkollave profesionale.

    do plan dhe program msimor prmban: Pjesn hyrse, qllimet, objektivat dhe kompetencat, prmbajtjet programore t planifikuara dhe rezultatet e pritshme. N kuadr t planit dhe programit t lndve msimore jan dhn edhe disa udhzime metodologjike pr zbatimin me sukses t msimdhnies dhe msimnxnies, metodat dhe teknikat m t reja t vlersimit dhe lidhja ndrprogramore dhe ndrlndore. sht identifikuar edhe literatura q duhet t prdoret nga msimdhnsit dhe nga nxnsit pr zbatimin me sukses t planprogramit pr lndn prkatse msimore.

    Zhvillimi i planeve dhe programeve msimore t lndve t prgjithshme pr shkollat profesionale mbshtetet mbi bazn e nj procedure t mirfillt shkencore, si nga forma, qasja metodologjike, organizimi dhe ndrtimi i prmbajtjes s lnds, ashtu edhe nga parashtrimi i rezultateve t t nxnit, mjetet msimore, metodat, teknikat dhe instrumentet e vlersimit.

    Vmendje e veant gjat zhvillimit t planeve dhe programeve msimore t lndve t prgjithshme t arsimit profesional n Kosov i sht kushtuar kultivimit t qndrimit pozitiv ndaj t nxnit, inkurajimit t nxnsve q t angazhohen n mnyr t arsyeshme n prmbushjen e krkesave shkollore, zhvillimit t shkathtsive n jetn e prditshme, vlerave, qndrimeve dhe sjelljeve. Kjo krijon parakushtet e nevojshme pr integrimin e individit dhe t shoqris kosovare n lvizjet politike, n zhvillimet ekonomike, intelektuale, shkencore e teknologjike, si dhe n zhvillimet social-kulturore t vendeve t prparuara evropiane dhe botrore.


    Plani dhe programi msimor pr lndt e prgjithshme t shkollave profesionale ka pr qllim:

    zhvillimin intelektual, estetik, fizik, shoqror, moral dhe shpirtror t nxnsve;

    orientim t drejt profesional t nxnsve dhe n prputhje me realizimin e interesave t tyre personale pr plotsimin e aspiratave prmes nxnies.

    konsolidimin e diturive, ngritjen, orientimin e prirjeve dhe t shkathtsive n ndrtimin e s ardhmes s tyre;

    zhvillimin e qasjeve kritike pr shfrytzimin e burimeve t shumta pr sigurimin dhe prpunimin e informacioneve dhe t fakteve q u ofrohen;

    q tu mundsoj nxnsve q n mnyr t pavarur t marrin iniciativ dhe veprim, gjithnj duke pasur parasysh rregullat themelore t sjelljes n grup, varsisht prej llojeve t ndryshme t veprimtarive q zhvillojn;

    q nxnsit me prirje dhe talent pr profesionin t prgatiten dhe t orientohen me kujdes prmes mnyrave t ndryshme t nxnies, duke prfillur interesimet dhe nevojat e tyre pr tregun e puns si dhe zhvillim akademik e profesional.

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    Gjuh shqipe dhe letrsi Gjuh angleze Gjuh gjermane Gjuh frnge

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    GJUH SHQIPE DHE LETRSI Klasa: 12 (3 or n jav, 105 or n vit)


    N kt klas, nxnsi duhet t zotroj njohurit kulturore, letrare dhe gramatikore t fituara n klasat e mparshme, t demonstroj shkathtsi morfosintaksore, drejtshkrimore e stilistike pr prdorimin korrekt t gjuhs, t detajeve dhe t strukturave t prgjithshme e komplekse, duke filluar nga fjalia e deri te teksti.

    N kt frym, duhet t zotrohen njohuri kulturore e letrare nga letrsia kombtare dhe botrore e fundshekullit XIX dhe shekullit XX. Prmes tyre do t zhvillohen edhe shkathtsit e komunikimit n fushat profesionale. Njkohsisht, duhet t zotrohen njohurit gjuhsore e gramatikore, t praktikohen shkathtsit morfosintaksore dhe drejtshkrimore, q pengojn prdorimin korrekt t gjuhs, t detajeve dhe t strukturave m t prgjithshme e komplekse, duke filluar nga fjalia e deri te teksti.

    Por, gjithashtu do t njihen edhe dukurit q nuk jan njohur dhe t zotrohen mir njohurit q nuk jan thelluar n shkolln e mesme t ult dhe n klasn e mparme. Po kshtu duhet t njihen dhe t prforcohen lidhjet ndrmjet njohjeve gjuhsore, gramatiks, analizs s teksteve, stilit, praktikave gojore dhe punve me shkrim t tipave t ndryshm; t prforcohen njohurit pr njsit themelore t gjuhs dhe lidhjet e tyre, nga fonema te fjala, nga fjala te fjalia, nga fjalia e thjesht te fjalia e prbr - ndryshe nga jan zhvilluar n shkolln e mesme t ult. Po kshtu, duhet t zhvillohet edhe puna me drejtshkrimin.

    N t njjtn koh, do t gjej vend edhe aplikimi i dijeve t prvetsuara nga letrsia, kultura e gjuha, nprmjet formave t ndryshme t krijimtaris; t eseve, punimeve t ndryshme shkollore, puns praktike etj. Kjo do t ndihmoj strukturimin e mendimeve, gjykimeve e t imagjinats s nxnsve, q t jen n gjendje t trajtojn me goj e me shkrim probleme t ndryshme nga kndvshtrime t ndryshme kulturore, letrare, gjuhsore e kritike. T gjitha kto do t ndikojn drejtprdrejt n formimin e mirfillt kulturor, letrar e gjuhsor t nxnsit.

    Rritja e shkalls s zotrimit t gjuhs amtare dhe formimi letrar e kulturor i nxnsit jan ndr synimet themelore pr kt klas. Kjo pritet t realizohet nprmjet shkathtsive t komunikimit, leximit, analizs e vlersimit t llojeve t ndryshme t teksteve, letrare e jo letrare.

    E tr kjo duhet t korrespondoj me qllimet e prgatitjes gjuhsore, letrare e kulturore q do t reflektoj edhe fushn e prgatitjes profesionale.

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    Qllimi i msimit t ksaj lnde n klasn e 12-t sht q nxnsi:

    t zotroj shkathtsi t larta komunikimi nga gjuha, letrsia dhe kultura; t rris kulturn e komunikimit n fushat profesionale; t rris aftsin pr analiz kritike t teksteve dhe t fenomeneve kulturore; t rris aftsin e komunikimit me modele e kultura t ndryshme.


    T njoh: kulturn dhe autort e letrsis s realizmit, asaj moderne dhe bashkkohore; letrsin kombtare dhe at t huaj, t fundshekullit XIX dhe shekullit XX.

    T kuptoj: rndsin e kulturave t ndryshme pr zhvillimin e kulturs dhe t letrsis shqipe; fenomenet kulturore, letrare e gjuhsore q ndikojn n zhvillimin e mendimit

    individual; kulturn, letrsin kombtare dhe at t huaj.

    T zbatoj: shkathtsit e fituara gjuhsore e letrare n projekte t caktuara; procedura pr ndrtimin e projekteve dhe pr planifikimin e realizimit t tyre; dijet gjuhsore e letrare n fusha profesionale.

    T analizoj: tekste t ndryshme pr nga qllimi, struktura, prmbajtja; tekste letrare dhe jo letrare, nga autor t letrsis moderne shqipe; shtje nga fushat profesionale duke reflektuar kultur gjuhsore dhe letrare.

    T vlersoj: tekste e modele kulturore e letrare; krijime t autorve t ndryshm, shqiptar dhe t huaj, kryesisht t letrsis

    moderne shqipe dhe asaj bashkkohore; strukturn e projekteve dhe t shkrimit administrativ. situatat dhe t zbatoj dije e prvoja prkatse.

    Realizimi i ktyre objektivave bhet n prmes t zhvillimit t shkathtsive t komunikimit:

    T dgjuarit dhe t folurit; T lexuarit; T shkruarit.

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    Fushat tematike, q lidhen me standardet e prmbajtjes pr kt klas, jan:

    Moderniteti dhe modelet kulturore Tekstet letrare dhe jo letrare Letrsia e realizmit Letrsia moderne Letrsia bashkkohore Kultur gjuhe dhe komunikimi

    Moderniteti dhe modelet kulturore

    Ktu hetohet konteksti i lvizjeve moderne, kulturore e letrare, q nga gjysma e dyt e shekullit XIX deri n fund t shekullit. XX dhe jepen tiparet e modeleve kulturore e t poetikave prkatse, teksteve dhe konteksteve.

    Tekstet letrare dhe jo letrare

    Jepen tekste letrare e jo letrare nga kultura dhe letrsia shqiptare dhe ajo e huaj, n funksion t dijeve kulturore e letrare, duke njohur edhe autor t caktuar, forma t shkrimeve e t komunikimeve kulturore.

    Letrsia e realizmit Jepen tiparet e ksaj letrsie, e ktij formacioni. Tiparet e tilla ilustrohen me autor dhe tekste t zgjedhura.

    Onore d Balzak O. d Balzaku dhe romani realist - poetika Xha Gorio - temat e personazhet Tekste t zgjedhura pr analiz dhe komente

    L. Tolstoji Ana Karenina tema dhe personazhi

    Letrsia moderne dhe bashkkohore

    Sharl Bodler Paraprijsi i modernes Format dhe idet/ shembuj

    Franc Kafka F. Kafka Tregimet Metamorfoza - struktura Tekste t zgjedhura pr analiz dhe komente

    Shembuj t tjer nga krijimtaria e Xh. Xhojsit, G. Apolinerit

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    Letrsia moderne shqipe

    Moderniteti shqiptar: Poetika / Format / Zhanret (Poezia, Proza poetike, Proza) Trajtat e liriks; Tregimi; Novela; Romani Temat dominante Kritika letrare, autort themelor

    Ndre Mjedja N. Mjedja - paramoderna e letrave shqipe Juvenilia - Andra e jets, strukturat; idet; koment letrar

    Gjergj Fishta Autor klasik me prirje moderne Lahuta e Malcs - epi nacional, struktura, kng pr komentim Satira - esencat strukturore, idet themelore Tekste t zgjedhura pr analiza e komente

    Faik Konica F. Konica - prozatori modern Tregimet e Faik Konics - strukturat dhe idet; Nj Ambasad e Zulluve n Paris - koment Eseistika

    Fan Stilian Noli Autori Poezia motivet biblike dhe personale Autobiografia

    Lasgush Poradeci Lasgush Poradeci dhe moderniteti Poezia - veorit themelore; strukturat dhe idet Vallja e yjeve Ylli i zemrs Poezi t zgjedhura pr analiz e komente

    Ernest Koliqi Autori Proza tregimtare - zhanri / tema / stili Tekste nga Hija e maleve pr analiza e interpretime

    Mitrush Kuteli Autori Rrfenjat, Tat Tanushi - koment Tekste t zgjedhura pr komente

    Millosh Gjergj Nikolla - Migjeni Vargjet e lira dhe Novelat e Qytetit t Veriut - strukturat dhe temat Tekste t zgjedhura pr analiza, komente e interpretime

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    Krahasimi i autorve shqiptar me ata evropian. Poetikat e tyre/ afrit dhe dallimet. Nprmjet t autorve ilustrohen edhe t gjitha fushat e tjera tematike, idet, heronjt e nocionet q dalin n prmbajtjen e tekstit t klass s dymbdhjet.

    Pr shtje t caktuara shihen edhe autor t tjer botror dhe shqiptar - me zgjedhje.

    Letrsia bashkkohore

    Jepen tiparet e ksaj letrsie, e ktij formacioni. Tiparet e tilla ilustrohen me autor dhe tekste t zgjedhura.

    Ernest Heminguej Plaku dhe deti, struktura dhe idet

    Letrsia bashkkohore shqipe

    Anton Pashku Tregimet/ moderna shqiptare e letrave shqipe/ stili

    Dritro Agolli Poezia dhe proza socrealiste, shembuj

    Ismail Kadare Tejkalimi i letrsis socrealiste Pallati i ndrrave, struktura/idet

    Ali Podrimja Lum Lumi, struktura, ndjeshmria

    Letrsia dhe kritika shqipe bashkkohore

    Kultur gjuhe dhe komunikimi

    Puna me gjuhn do t prqendrohet n aspektin kuptimor dhe ka si synime themelore:

    analizn leksiko-morfologjike dhe sintaksore t teksteve; prdorimin e gjuhs n funksione stilistike; njohjen e veorive gjuhsore q lidhen me paragrafin dhe tekstin si trsi; zbatimin e njohurive gjuhsore e kulturore n fushat profesionale; pasurimin e fjalorit, sidomos atij profesional; huazimet n raport me fjalorin profesional; marrdhniet sintaksore dhe efektet narrative; prdorimin e gjuhs n media t ndryshme; drejtshkrim, drejtshqiptim, prdorimin kreativ t gjuhs.

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    N fund t klass s 12-t, nxnsi duhet t:

    zotroj shkathtsi t veanta individuale, njohse dhe komunikative, pr pun individuale dhe n grupe;

    njoh formacionet e ndryshme kulturore e letrare t modernes dhe bashkkohores;

    identifikoj, njoh dhe praktikoj, nprmjet t shkrimit, format e ndryshme letrare dhe jo letrare;

    kuptoj format dhe idet themelore t kulturs dhe letrsis s gjysms s dyt t shek. XIX dhe t shek. XX;

    manifestoj kultur gjuhsore e letrare n fushat prkatse profesionale; zotroj shkathtsit argumentuese dhe vlersuese pr kulturn dhe pr

    letrsin; zotroj dijet gjuhsore, duke praktikuar lloje t ndryshme t analizave e t

    shkrimeve, n aspektin semantik dhe sintakso-stilistik.


    Gjuha shqipe sht mjet komunikimi pr t gjitha lndt. Krahas lidhjeve t drejtprdrejta q vihen me historin, gjeografin, edukatn qytetare, artet etj; gjuha shqipe dhe letrsia duhet t jet burim kryesor i leksikut dhe kulturs gjuhsore edhe n fushat profesionale. Disa tema nga kto lnd ndikojn n zhvillimin e shkathtsive t komunikimit, n formimin kulturor dhe n krijimin e individualitetit t pavarur.


    Msimdhnsi duhet ti zbatoj metodat m bashkkohore t msimdhnies, duke pasur parasysh formimin gjuhsor dhe profesional t nxnsve. Kjo hap rrug pr msimin aplikativ n fusha t ndryshme profesionale. Msimi duhet t organizohet n seanca q bashkojn t folurit, shkrimin dhe leximin n funksion t zhvillimit t gjuhs dhe praktiks profesionale. Seanca ndryshon varsisht nga synimet e msimdhnsit dhe t reagimeve t nxnsve.

    Lidhja ndrmjet leximit e shkrimit duhet t jet e prhershme, qoft edhe kur aplikohen shkrime kreative. Studimi aplikativ i gjuhs sht nj element i prbashkt i t gjitha aktiviteteve t parashtruara.


    Vlersimi n fund klass s dymbdhjet, lidhet me veprimtarin dhe mjetet me t cilat gjykohen puna dhe arritjet e nxnsve pr kt klas. Klasa e dymbdhjet prfshihet n nivelin e shkolls s mesme t lart. Parimet, kushtet, metodat, teknikat dhe mjetet e vlersimit, realizohen n prputhje me standardet ndrkombtare t vlersimit pr kt nivel. Kjo nnkupton forma t ndryshme t vlersimit, varsisht nga nevoja dhe situata, si jan: vlersimi prcaktues, formues, diagnostikues, prmbledhs, individual, n grup, i brendshm dhe i jashtm.

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    1. Tekstet q do t hartohen n mbshtetje t ktij plani dhe programi; 2. Tekste t mhershme q kan pr objekt kt materie; 3. Zejnullah Rrahmani: Teoria e letrsis (pr shkollat e mesme); 4. Tekste t tjera alternative.

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    GJUH ANGLEZE Klasa: 12 (2 or n jav, 70 or n vit)


    Learning is a complex process of discovery, collaboration, and inquiry facilitated by language. Composed of interrelated and rule governed symbol systems, language is a social and uniquely human way of representing, exploring, and communicating meaning. Language is an essential tool for forming interpersonal relationship, understanding social situations, extending experiences, and reflecting on thought and action. Language is the principal instrument of thought and the primary basis of all communication.


    The program for English language will emphasize the importance of experiencing language in context. Learners background knowledge, skills and attitudes will be used as means of developing communicative abilities: interpreting, expressing and negotiating meaning through oral and written texts. As the learners develop communicative skills, they also increase their linguistic awareness and develop language learning skills and strategies.

    In the English language program, students will acquire various kinds of knowledge, skills and attitudes about:

    1. Interpreting, expressing and negotiating meaning (communication); 2. Patterns of ideas, behaviours, manifestations, cultural artefacts and symbols

    (culture); 3. Sounds, written symbols, vocabulary, grammar and discourse (language); 4. Cognitive, socio-affective and meta-cognitive processes (general language


    Learners will learn to communicate in English through the processes of reception, comprehension, production and negotiation. Reception is receiving the information and decoding the message. Comprehension involves deriving meaning or significance from an oral or written text. Production is expressing meaning by creating oral and written texts to suit different participants, topics, purposes and reasons for communication. Negotiation is the interaction process: participants in the communication process must adjust to the needs and intentions of others. Integral to all three processes are the communicative intents or communicative functions, inquiring reporting, or describing and so on, which are developed in the experience / communication component. Students will also learn about the language and how to use it: the sound symbol system, vocabulary, structures and discourse elements that are needed to convey ideas and enhance communication in an oral or written context.

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    Following the long-term aims of the English Language Curriculum, in order to communicate effectively and increase their cultural understanding, in grade twelve learners should:

    Further develop and apply the four language skills; Deepen and broaden their linguistic knowledge; Use the target language for real-life purposes in order to integrate English with

    other learning areas; Develop respect and tolerance for cultures worldwide by increasing their

    awareness with regards to cultural similarities and differences; Become active participants in the learning process, taking greater

    responsibility for their own learning; Increase their capability to learn independently and monitor their own


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    The Scope of Grade Twelve English Language Curriculum

    I. COMMUNICATION Enable learners to deepen their language skills and gain ability and confidence for effective communication both with native and non-native speakers of English. 1. Listening General objective: Enable learners to listen to a spoken discourse, including teachers, peers, and electronic media, and gain a satisfactory level of comprehension of newly acquired language.

    Specific objectives Suggested language activities Attainment targets Learners should be able to: Listen for general meaning

    and respond orally or in writing;

    Listen for specific information and respond;

    Listen to normal speech; Follow more complex lines

    of arguments; Listen to most TV news; Listen to a live or taped

    lecture and take notes; Listen for information

    and/or pleasure.

    Following instructions; Filling in charts; Completing incomplete texts; Summarising in their own

    words the passage they listened about;

    Listening to radio/TV commercials;

    Viewing a film; Listening to oral presentation

    of a poem, short story or reports on cultural events;

    Identifying moods; Viewing a film.

    Learners can: Cope with language

    spoken at normal speed with little interference and hesitancy;

    Understand the main points of radio, or TV programmes in Standard English (news, films, various programs)on topics of personal and professional interest when the delivery is at near normal speed;

    Identify and note the main points;

    Understand specific details including viewpoints;

    Understand normal speech and follow less complex lines of argument provided when the topic is reasonably familiar.

    2. Reading General Objective: Enable learners to read a variety of texts for a wide range of purposes with fairly improved level of comprehension and apply their interpretation to everyday situations.

    Specific objectives Suggested language activities Attainment targets Learners should be able to: Make use of different

    reading strategies; Read both intensively and

    extensively; Read extracts from

    magazines and simplified

    Matching activities; Inferring (guessing meaning

    of words from the context); Answering multiple choice

    questions; Summarising the main points

    of the text;

    Learners can: Understand and

    respond to pieces of writing on subject matter containing some complex and unfamiliar language;

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    novels for pleasure; Read articles concerned

    with everyday life with an average level of confidence;

    Identify and note main points with the help of bilingual and monolingual dictionaries;

    Make attempts at reading for pleasure.

    Poems, short stories, simplified readers;

    Jigsaw reading; Completing texts with

    sentence gaps.

    Use vocabulary and structures found in reading to respond in speech and/or writing;

    Use reference material from magazines books and multi-media more confidently;

    Work out the meaning of language they do not know, using context and their knowledge of grammar with an increased confidence.

    3. Speaking General Objective: Enable learners to communicate orally with an improved degree of fluency and a fair degree of accuracy.

    Specific objectives Suggested language activities Attainment targets Learners should be able to: Produce language with an

    improved degree of pronunciation and intonation;

    Interact with some degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes interaction with native speakers quite possible;

    Engage in the exchange of views and experiences with other English speakers;

    Describe themselves and other peoples physical appearance and character;

    Discuss the content of an article.

    Dialogues/Role play; Conversation; Interviews; Retelling stories; Discussions; Giving opinions; Discussing photos; Problem solving activities.

    Learners can: Understand the views

    and experiences of others and express their own viewpoints in English;

    Make themselves better understood, when talking about their work in English, to peers and teachers, although there may be some hesitancy at times;

    Initiate, maintain and end conversations;

    Discuss matters of personal and/or topical interest;

    Produce fairly fluent language expressing opinions, likes and dislikes, and preferences and demonstrate appropriate level of competence in their delivery.

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    4. Writing General Objective: Enable learners to write with an increasing level of accuracy for specific purposes and different audiences.

    Specific objectives Suggested language activities Attainment targets Learners should be able to: Write clear texts on a range

    of subject-related and interest-related topics;

    Express and justify ideas; Use basic capitalization and

    punctuation almost correctly (proper nouns, comma, full stop, question mark);

    Write a summary of what they have read, seen or heard;

    Make attempts at creative writing (short essays on particular events on real and imaginary events, diaries);

    Make attempts at revising their own and their peers writing.

    Filling in forms and applications;

    Writing notes, messages and e-mails;

    Advertisements; Invitations and thank you

    letters; Formal and informal letters; Writing an ending of a story; Sentence and paragraph


    Learners can: Apply grammar in a new

    context. Although there may be some mistakes at times, the meaning they convey is almost clear;

    Fill in forms and applications, and make attempts at writing formal and informal letters;

    Understand and respond to short pieces of writing;

    Summarise ideas in their own words.

    II. UNDERSTANDING AND USING ENGLISH Increase learners language awareness and deepen their cognitive and meta-cognitive skills. 1. Vocabulary General objective: Enable learners to develop further their knowledge and skills related to areas such as vocabulary building and register in order to increase their capability to learn independently.

    Specific objectives Suggested language activities Attainment targets Learners should be able to: Use vocabulary found in

    reading to respond in speech and/or in writing with greater confidence;

    Understand and use most of the vocabulary found in context;

    Recognize and make use of synonyms, homonyms, and antonyms;

    Identify and make use of word families, multi-word verbs, and compound words.

    Use a range of strategies to identify and explore the meaning of unfamiliar words in a variety of texts.

    Word lists; Word families; Collocations; Multi-word verbs; Compounds words; Finding synonyms for words;

    or expressions; Matching questions with

    replies; Colloquial expressions.

    Learners can: Use mono and bilingual

    dictionaries and other reference materials with greater confidence;

    Store and recall some subject specific words;

    Explain some of the words and expressions in their own words;

    Respond bilingually.

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    2. Language Structures General objective: Enable learners to gain and apply knowledge of particular aspects of of the target language structure, deepening their linguistic and meta-linguistic knowledge.

    Specific objectives Suggested language activities Attainment targets Learners should be able to: Increase their knowledge

    related to similarities and differences in word order of English and the mother tongue;

    Recognize and understand the function of parts of speech;

    Explore independently rules and regularities; Demonstrate awareness of how words in the target language are constructed;

    Become increasingly aware of how words in the target language are constructed;

    Correct errors and mistakes more confidently.

    Getting your tenses right; Gap filling; Correcting errors and

    mistakes; Arranging jigsaw sentences; Classifying words into

    categories (e.g. people/objects, activities, qualities...);

    Completing texts.

    Learners can: Recognize and apply basic

    sentence patterns; Distinguish between

    statements, questions, commands, and responses;

    Use the language with increased self-confidence and independence;

    Understand that spelling of words follows certain patterns.

    3. Discourse General objective: Enable learners to increase their understanding of the majority of discourse concepts and elements including social context, coherence and cohesion, exposing them to a wide range of situations involving communication within and beyond classroom settings.

    Specific objectives Suggested language activities Attainment targets Learners should be able to: Recognize discourse features

    in more extended spoken texts (e.g. words, expressions signalling introduction, exemplification and conclusion;

    Demonstrate knowledge of different types of social relations;

    Use the information from the discourse to make predictions;

    Make attempts at discussing various issues.

    Concept questions (WH- Questions);

    Dialogue practice; Listening to a conversation

    and modelling it into a role play;

    Discussing issues; Taking turns in group

    discussion; Reacting to suggestions.

    Learners can: Initiate, maintain and end

    conversation; Take turns at talking and

    listening; Interrupt and cope with the

    topic; Vary the language to suit

    context, audience and purpose;

    Make use of visual and non-verbal clues;

    Generate and ask questions to obtain information from professionals experts outside the school settings).

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    III. MAKING CONNECTIONS Enable learners to integrate learning areas and using English for real-life purposes and fulfilment of tasks. 1. Subject matter connections General objective: Enable learners to make and apply subject matter connections in order to transfer and reinforce content and skills of other areas such as science, fine arts, and sports.

    Specific objectives Suggested language activities Attainment targets Learners should be able to: Listen to, speak, read, and

    write about subject matter information;

    Use a variety of topics for conversation;

    Select relevant from irrelevant information;

    View short videos in the target language on topics being studied;

    Understand similarities and differences between English and the mother tongue by comparing texts in both languages;

    Compare a proverb, a quotation, an anecdote, or a fun activity from the English speaking world that may be similar in their mother tongue;

    Discuss, read, and write and debate about the theme and the setting of selected materials in the target language with assistance of glossaries, guided questions and outlines;

    Explore cross-curricular issues by listening to authentic recordings understanding key vocabulary items;

    Create a draft using a word processor;

    Consult various sources in the language to obtain information on topics of personal interest.

    Measuring and comparing; Listening and guessing; Listening and acting; Listening and writing; Doing quizzes; Solving problems and

    puzzles; Telling anecdotes and jokes; Reading two similar texts in

    both languages and locating similar and contrasting information;

    Discussing career options Filling incomplete dialogues.

    Learners can: Use English to broaden

    knowledge of other subject areas;

    Present facts more effectively orally and/or in writing;

    Produce extended texts on a range of subjects, explaining viewpoints on topical issues, arguing advantages and disadvantages of various(topics) options;

    Make attempts at discussing a range of issues;

    Relate proverbs, anecdotes or similar in the target language with those in the mother tongue;

    Summarize the main points of written and oral texts;

    Show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.

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    IV. ENGLISH IN THE WORLD Increase learners awareness of cultural similarities and differences in order to develop respect and tolerance for cultures other than their own. 1. Comparison of language and cultures General objective: Increase learners awareness with regards to cultural similarities and differences.

    Specific objectives Suggested language activities Attainment targets Learners should be able to: Listen to different varieties

    of English, using authentic recordings of the speech of people from various parts of the world and respond;

    Recognize customs and manners of other people;

    Gain background knowledge and increase their awareness concerning cultural events and celebrations and major national holidays;

    Demonstrate understanding of interpersonal relations within the family in the English speaking cultures;

    Identify a range of cultural values, nuances, attitudes and moods of the English speaking world;

    Change gradually their world view as they gain a better understanding of their own and the foreign language culture;

    Comprehend gestures and body language often used in everyday interaction in the target language;

    Use various media from the language and culture for entertainment or personal growth.

    Family relations; Greeting and leave taking; Eating and drinking habits; Filling in forms; Writing e-mails; Writing formal and informal

    letters; Writing anecdotes; Using advertisements,

    posters, brochures, web-sites and similar;

    Telling jokes; Teaching games of diverse

    cultural background and from the learners own culture;

    Using given words to complete a task;

    Matching descriptions to the right words;

    Matching captions with pictures;

    Writing a film review; Comparing cultures; Discussing customs related to

    birth, weddings and funerals. Viewing a TV program.

    Learners can: Discuss issues of cultural

    diversity and make comparisons;

    Demonstrate respect for ethnic, religious and cultural diversity by writing e-mails and greeting cards on special occasions (national and religious holidays).

    Demonstrate acceptance of the fact that people of different cultures may think and act differently, by discussing, debating, approving or disagreeing

    Interact with people with a greater confidence orally and in writing;

    Participate in debates and discussions;

    Use bilingual and monolingual dictionaries;

    Summarize the main points of selected materials;

    Discuss cultural events, celebrations and national and religious holidays;

    Demonstrate understanding and act accordingly with regard to customs and manners of others, other than their own.

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    1. Identity Who are you? Lifes ups and downs Autobiography

    2. Journeys Backpackers on the road Un unforgettable journey The experience of lifetime

    3. Life stories Brain power and unusual

    achievements Emotional intelligence Super athletes

    4. Big events Festivals or celebrations in your

    country Getting together Organizing an international


    5. Environmental Issues Unnatural disasters Hell and high water Natural disasters

    6. Parts of the body Modern medicine Illness/Disease Live a healthy life

    7. Media, money and power The beauty and the beast Planning an event Paparazzi

    8. Theres no place like home Migrations The great escape Home is where you make it


    The Communicative Approach and Task Based Learning

    The overall aim of the English Language Curriculum is to enable learners to communicate successfully. Successful communication means getting our message across to others effectively. The communicative approach to language learning aims at facilitating genuine interaction with others, regardless whether they live in the neighbourhood, in a distant place, or on another continent.

    In language learning, the attention of the learners may be focused on particular segments, or on the language as a whole. In cases when we want to focus learners attention on particular segments, then a segment may be a grammatical structure (a tense), a language function (expressing gratitude), a vocabulary area (food and drinks), or a phonological feature (stress or particular sounds).

    On the other hand, when attention is focused on the language as a whole, learners, through a wide range of language activities, use the language for practical and realistic purposes. In other words, they act as genuine users of the language. Participating actively in communicative language activities, they in fact play roles, simulate situations related to real life, and learn through personalisation. In the earlier stages of learning, learners should be allowed to use gestures, body language, facial expressions, mime, drawings and so on. When they learn by doing, they realise that language is a powerful means of communication and will use it as such.

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    Since communication basically means sending and receiving messages, learners should develop the four language skills, which are the core of communication. Development of receptive skills, that is, of listening and reading skills, will enable learners to receive messages and, depending on tasks they are expected to fulfil, select essential information. However, since language skills do not occur in isolation, but are normally integrated for communicative purposes, after having received a message, learners should be able to make decisions, and respond appropriately. In a situation that involves language, their response is a communicative function, which is performed by one of the productive skills either by speaking or by writing.

    The Learning - Centred Classroom

    The objective of learning centred teaching is to make teachers aware of the importance of learner autonomy in the classroom. The teacher is required to do more preparation before the lesson, and less stand up teaching in the classroom. But it doesnt mean that the teacher should sit back and relax. The teacher has a role, to support and help learners. The learners learn more actively and with enjoyment. The environment requires a learning centred approach that relies on participants share in the learning, and responsibility for furthering discussion. In all cases learners need clear guidelines and preparation for effective discussion participation.

    The major aims, or set of aims, will relate to the development of learning skills. Such aims may include the following:

    To provide learners with efficient learning strategies; To assist learners identify their own preferred ways of learning; To develop skills to negotiate the curriculum; To encourage learners to adopt realistic goals and a timetable to achieve these

    goals; To develop learners skills in self-evaluation.

    The Use of the Mother Tongue in the Classroom

    Contrary to the principles of the direct method and natural approach in language learning, which favour exclusive use of the target language, excluding the mother tongue completely from the classroom, most recent approaches today suggest that the use of the mother tongue at particular stages of foreign language learning may prove useful.

    While there is clearly a place for the mother tongue in the classroom, teachers should make efforts to keep the use of the mother tongue to a minimum. Instead of translating words and/or asking learners to translate, they should demonstrate, act, use simple drawings and/or pictures, explain, and give simple definitions. If teachers readily intervene with translation, as soon as learners are provided with an equivalent word or expression, as soon as their curiosity is satisfied, they may lose interest in that particular item. In consequence, the English word or expression is easily forgotten and cannot be easily recalled. This method is easiest for teacher and learner, but may be the least memorable.

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    The Role of Grammar

    If we see language as a building, the words as building blocks or bricks, and grammar as the architects plan, then we must admit that without a plan, even a million bricks do not make a building. Similarly, one may know a million English words, but if s/he does not know how to put them together, s/he cannot speak English (Sesnan, 1997).

    In the light of this statement, the question is not whether to teach grammar or not, but how to teach it. We should consider which approach to adopt in teaching grammar, whether to teach form before meaning, or meaning before form, and what strategies and techniques to use in order to enable learners to put their knowledge of grammar into use and communicate effectively. It is the teachers responsibility to estimate which approach would yield best effects at a particular stage of learning, or with a particular class.

    At this level of education, learners should be ready not only to notice the regularities in language, but also to make a conscious effort to work out the rules. They should be ready to deal with more complex sentences, including coordinated and subordinated clauses. Therefore, teachers should increase the learners awareness about their progress in learning, as well as to encourage them to work independently and keep record of their own learning. Teachers should constantly bear in mind the fact that grammar is knowledge in the mind, and not rules in a book.

    Assessment and Evaluation

    There are many reasons for assessing learners. Some of them are to: Compare learners with each other; Dee if learners have reached a particular standard; Help the learners learning; Check if the teaching programme is successful.

    Teaching means changing the learner. Teachers will always want to know how effective their teaching has been - that is, how much their pupils have changed. This change can be in the amount of English learners known, in the quality of the English they use, and in their ability to use English. The general word for measuring the change is assessment. Naturally, if we want to assess how much pupils have changed, we have to know exactly what they already know and what they can already do.

    There are different types of assessment (or evaluation):

    Self assessment (self - evaluation) relies on: The amount of effort spent in research; The amount of organization; The amount of effort spent on writing.

    Group assessment (group - evaluation) can be done by: Evaluating individual learner progress within the group; Awarding group and individual marks.

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    This fosters cooperation among the learners. They promote higher achievement, greater motivation, and a more positive attitude towards the subject area and greater social skills.

    Individual assessment (evaluation) is more readily accepted by learners, shows learners activity, his/her participation level in the group activity, willingness to respect the viewpoints of others.

    Combination of group and individual assessment - the group component may foster the spirit of cooperation, and the individual component may permit the recognition of individual contributions.

    The use of work samples, portfolios and projects. These folders or portfolios may be used to collect samples of a range of learners work over the course of a term or a year. All these may reflect the learners overall development and show learners progress.

    If teachers want to find out how effective their teaching has been, or if they want to evaluate the learners progress the tests are used. Tests are conducted in class by the teacher. They measure the results of learners performance. Teaching and testing always go hand-in-hand. Questions are often asked to check if the learners have understood what has been said. Equally, they may be asked to find out whether a particular point needs to be taught. We instinctively know why we ask a question: whether it is to teach or to test something.

    Evaluation is seen as wider than testing. Testing may be a successful tool in evaluation, but we also think there are other criteria for assessing someones performance. Evaluation is not limited to numbers or just giving learners marks. Instead of trying to count or measure learners ability to make useful contribution to the class, we can simply judge whether s/he makes a contribution or not, and sometimes we will have to justify, negotiate, and possibly modify our opinions. Evaluation looks for illumination: How did you learn that? Why did you learn that? This means that we are doing something with the learner, rather than to the learner. By asking these questions, we learn a lot of extra information, such as: What the learner thinks s/he is learning; what the learner thinks is easy / difficult; what the learner enjoys / hates doing in the class; where the teaching programme and the learner dont meet; where the teaching programme need re-designing.

    With evaluation we attempt to help the learner to learn, so it is not an assessment, in fact it is aid to learning. In other words, we can use assessment procedure to develop and improve not only the learner, but also the teaching programme and even the school.

    Note to the teachers: In order to achieve the targeted aims and objectives of grade 12 English language curriculum and to cover the topical content of grade twelve syllabus, teachers should select and use materials of low-upper-intermediate level from textbook(s) and other sources (magazines, TV, video, Internet). These materials should be primarily dedicated to teenagers and young adults.

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    Although it is estimated that within a school year, approximately 8 content areas should be covered, it is the teachers responsibility to plan the number of topical areas (units) and the composition of it, in accordance with the total amount of hours dedicated to English in different types of vocational schools. Apart from this, teachers may use supplementary materials to suit the learners needs, that is, their background knowledge (or lack of it), their interests, and motivation. Supplementary materials (video tapes, documentary films, drama activities, projects, contests and quizzes, and similar), may be used either within regular English classes, or within additional activities planned by the vocational school curriculum (choice subjects, extracurricular activities, and similar).

    On the other hand, for further methodological guidelines concerning the topics discussed above, as well as those related to how to teach language skills and vocabulary, how to manage the classroom, and similar topics, see A Comprehensive Handbook of ELT Methodology (A Handbook for English Language Teachers).

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    Band Descriptors for Assessing Language Skills

    Band Listening Speaking Reading Writing

    Fluency Accuracy 5 Can understand

    the entire message.

    Does task very well. Little or no hesitation.

    Good pronunciation, use of vocabulary and grammar.

    Can understand all the text.

    Work is well organised. Good punctuation. Few or no mistakes.

    4 Can understand most of the message.

    Does the task well. Some hesitation.

    Good pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. A few mistakes.

    Can understand most of the text.

    Work is mostly well organised Good punctuation. A few mistakes.

    3 Can understand some of the message.

    Does the task adequately. Quite a lot of hesitation.

    Pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar are adequate. Quite a lot of mistakes but it is possible to understand the learner.

    Can understand some of the text.

    Some problems with the message and/or punctuation and/or organisation, but it is possible to understand the message.

    2 Can understand a little bit of the message.

    Does not do the task adequately. A lot of hesitation.

    Pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar are limited. It is difficult to understand the learner.

    Can understand a little bit of the text.

    Problems with the message and/or punctuation and/or organisation. It is difficult to understand the message.

    1 Can understand very little of the message.

    Is not really able to do the task at all.

    Very hard or impossible to understand the learner.

    Can understand very little or none of the text.

    Significant problems with the message and/or punctuation and/or organisation. It is almost impossible to understand the message.

    The table above sets out bands which describe levels of achievement in the four skills. This band descriptors are intended to apply to specific tasks (e.g. listening to a story, talking about a picture, reading about an invention, writing a letter), as an aid to the teacher and learner in assessing performance. It is of course perfectly possible for a learner to perform to different bands of achievement for different task and different skills.

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    GJUH GJERMANE - Viti i par i msimit Klasa: 12 (1 or n jav, 35 or n vit)


    Njohja e gjuhve t huaja krijon hapsir dhe liri m t madhe t lvizjes e me kt edhe vetbesim dhe sht nj ndr kushtet kryesore t kualifikimit pr tregun botror t puns, njkohsisht sht edhe kusht paraprak pr njohjen me kulturat e tjera.

    Me situatn e re t krijuar n Kosov u krijuan edhe mundsit e kontaktit m t shpesht me Evropn e me kt u krijuan edhe mundsit pr msimin m t leht t gjuhve t huaja.

    Pr shkak t migrimeve t shumta n vendet gjermanofolse n nj mnyr jan krijuar edhe lidhjet me gjuhn dhe kulturn gjermane. Por, kohve t fundit jan t shpeshta edhe ardhjet e gjermanofolsve n Kosov, qoft si t punsuar n vendin ton, apo edhe si turist. Kjo ka krijuar nevojn edhe pr kualifikime t ndryshme t nxnsve t shkollave profesionale. Madje, pr kt lloj shkollimi edhe materialet e literatura m e re, sht kryesisht n gjuhn gjermane, duke qen se Gjermania prin n n Evrop pr zhvillimin e tekniks, shkencs, mjeksis, etj. Po ashtu, mundsia e prgatitjes profesionale e t rinjve tan n vendet gjermanofolse sht dukshm m e madhe se sa n vendet tjera. T gjitha kto jan arsye q msimdhnia moderne e gjuhve t huaja duhet tu ofroj t rinjve shkathtsit dhe njohurit e duhura pr nj bot shumgjuhshe, t cilat ua bjn t mundur atyre t jen t aft t veprojn edhe jasht kufijve t gjuhs s tyre amtare.


    Qllimet kryesore t msimdhnies s gjuhs gjermane n vitin e par t msimit jan:

    t zhvillohen katr shkathtsit gjuhsore; t aftsohen nxnsit pr tu marr vesh n situata t thjeshta gjuhsore,

    brenda shkolls; t aftsohen q ti zhvillojn njohurit e fituara n gjuhn gjermane pr ti

    aplikuar ato n profesionet e tyre t ardhshme.

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    OBJEKTIVAT E PRGJITHSHM OBJEKTIVAT SPECIFIK Nxnsi duhet t jet n gjendje: I. t krijoj kontakte t thjeshta gjuhsore; t emrtoj gjsende dhe veprime t lidhura me profesionin e tyre

    II. t lexoj dhe t kuptoj tekste t shkurtra dhe t thjeshta

    III. t dgjoj dhe kuptoj fjal/fjali t thjeshta kur flitet ngadal

    IV. t shkruaj shprehje dhe fjali t thjeshta

    V. t shqiptoj kuptueshm disa fjal dhe grupe fjalsh t msuara prmendsh

    VI. t disponoj me nj leksik elementar t fjalve dhe shprehjeve t veanta

    VII. t tregoj nj zotrim t kufizuar t disa strukturave t thjeshta gramatikore

    Nxnsi duhet t jet n gjendje: I.1. ti bj pyetje t thjeshta dikujt (p.sh. pr vendbanimin, pr t afrmit, pr gjrat q i ka, etj); I.2. t prgjigjet n pyetjet e thjeshta; I.3. t prezantohet dhe t tregoj pr shkolln dhe adresn e tij; I.5. t kuptoj udhzime shum t thjeshta; I.6. t orientohet n koh.

    II.1. t lexoj dhe t kuptoj tekste shum t shkurtra dhe t thjeshta; II.2. t lexoj dhe kuptoj porosit e thjeshta n nj kartolin; II.3. t dalloj dhe t krahasoj emrat dhe fjalt e njohura internacionale.

    III.1. t kuptoj udhzimet q i drejtohen atij ngadal dhe qart.

    IV.1. t shkruaj shprehje dhe fjali t thjeshta, t izoluara; IV.2. t shkruaj shprehje dhe fjali t thjeshta pr vetveten; IV.3. t shkruaj emrin, nacionalitetin, moshn, datlindjen, etj.

    V.1. t shqiptoj kuptueshm disa fjal dhe grupe fjalsh t msuara prmendsh; V.2. t shqiptoj emrin, nacionalitetin e tij dhe t dhna t tjera pr vetveten.

    VI.1. t disponoj me nj leksik elementar t fjalve dhe shprehjeve t veanta, q kan t bjn me situata konkrete; VI.2. t prdor leksikun (vokabularin) prej rreth 150 fjalve aktive i cili sht i domosdoshm pr prpunimin e detyrave q jan t lidhura ngusht me katr shkathtsit gjuhsore.

    VII.1. t lidh fjal ose grupe fjalsh me lidhza shum t thjeshta, si und ose dann; VII.2. t dij premrat vetor; VII.3. t dij kohn e tashme t foljeve ndihmse haben dhe sein.

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    Kategorit Nnkategorit I. Komunikimi 1. shkathtsit perceptuese:

    a) t dgjuarit; b) t lexuarit;

    2. shkathtsit produktive: c) t folurit; d) t shkruarit.

    II. Formimi gjuhsor 1. Dallimi dhe prdorimi i fonemave t gjuhs gjermane; 2. Kuptimi dhe prdorimi i vokabularit lidhur me temat e caktuara pr klasn prkatse; 3. Prdorimi i strukturave gjuhsore.

    III. Vetdijesimi kulturor 1. Njohja me kulturn e popujve gjermanofols dhe krahasimi me kulturn e vet.

    Kategorit Nnkategorit Prmbajtja programore Rezultatet e pritshme I. K O M U N I K I M I

    I.1. shkathtsi t receptuese

    a) t dgjuarit

    b) t lexuarit

    I.2. shkathtsi t produktive:

    a) t folurit

    b) t shkruarit

    I.1. Nxnsi mund: t dgjoj dhe kuptoj kur

    flitet ngadal pr gjrat elementare; t kuptoj udhzimet shum t

    thjeshta q i drejtohen atij ngadal dhe qart;

    t lexoj dhe t kuptoj tekste t shkurtra dhe t thjeshta;

    t lexoj dhe kuptoj porosit e thjeshta n nj kartolin;

    t dalloj emrat dhe fjalt e njohura si dhe shprehje elementare n porosi t thjeshta q kan t bjn m situatat e zakonshme jetsore;

    t kuptoj sqarimet e thjeshta dhe t shkurtra.

    I.2. Nxnsi mund ti bj pyetje t thjeshta

    dikujt (p.sh. pr vendbanimin, pr t afrmit, pr gjrat q i ka, etj);

    t prgjigjet n pyetjet e thjeshta;

    t prezantohet dhe t tregoj pr shkolln dhe adresn e tij;

    t kuptoj udhzime shum t thjeshta;

    t orientohet n koh; t shkruaj fjal dhe fjali t

    thjeshta, t izoluara;

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    t shkruaj shprehje dhe fjali t thjeshta pr vetveten dhe pr njerz fiktiv: ku jetojn dhe ka bjn;

    t shkruaj emrin, nacionalitetin, moshn, datlindjen, etj. P.sh. n nj formular t hotelit t shkruaj prve ktyre t dhnave edhe datn e ardhjes dhe shkuarjes, etj.

    II. F O R M I M I

    GJ U H S O R

    II.1. dallimi dhe prdorimi i fonemave t gjuhs gjermane

    II.2. kuptimi dhe prdorimi i vokabularit lidhur me temat e caktuara pr klasn e dhjet

    II.3. prdorimi i strukturave gjuhsore

    II.1. Nxnsi mund: t shqiptoj kuptueshm disa fjal dhe grupe fjalsh t msuara prmendsh; t shqiptoj emrin, nacionalitetin e tij dhe t dhna t tjera pr vetveten;

    II.2. Nxnsi mund: t disponoj me nj leksik elementar t fjalve dhe shprehjeve t veanta, q kan t bjn me situata t thjeshta t njohura; t prdor leksikun (vokabularin) prej rreth 150 fjalve aktive i cili sht i domosdoshm pr prpunimin e detyrave q jan t lidhura ngusht me katr shkathtsit gjuhsore.

    II.3. Nxnsi mund: t tregoj nj zotrim t kufizuar t disa strukturave t thjeshta gramatikore dhe modelet e fjalive t thjeshta; t lidh fjal ose grupe fjalsh me lidhza shum t thjeshta, si und ose dann; t dij premrat vetor t dij kohn e tashme t foljeve ndihmse haben dhe sein.


    III.1. t njohurit me kulturn e popujve gjermanofols dhe krahasimi me kulturn e vet

    III.1. Nxnsi mund: t njoh disa nga qytetet kryesore t vendeve gjermanofolse; t njoh festat kombtare dhe fetare, t njoh traditn dhe ushqimet tradicionale t popujve gjermanofols.

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    Lernziel 1


    Einfache sprachliche Kontakte herstellen


    Jemanden begren Guten Tag! Guten Morgen! Guten Abend! Hallo!

    Sich verabschieden Auf Wiedersehen! Gute Nacht!

    Reagieren Ja, bitte. Nein, danke.

    Sich vorstellen Ich heie ... Mein Vorname ist ... Mein Nachname ist ... Dein Vorname ist ... Dein Nachname ist ... Ich wohne in ... Ich bin Schler.

    Fragen wie heit du? wo wohnst du? was bist du?

    Grammatik Aussagestze Verben in der 1. und 2. Person Singular Personalpronomen in der 1. und 2. Person Singular im

    Nominativ Einfache Fragestze Sein als Vollverb in der 1. und 2. Person Singular

  • 36


    Lernziel 2


    Gegenstnde und Ttigkeiten benennen und beschreiben, nach Gegenstnden fragen


    Fragen Was ist das? Ist das ein/eine/ein ...? Ist das dein/deine/dein ...? Was machst du?

    Benennen Das ist der/die/das ... Das sind die ... Das ist ein/eine/ein ... Das sind ...

    Beschreiben Der/Die/Das ... ist ... Die ... sind ... Das ist mein/meine/mein/... Das ist dein/deine/dein ... Ich lerne ... Wir lernen ...

    Verneinen Nein. Das ist kein/keine/kein ... Das ist nicht mein/meine/mein ... Das ist nicht dein/deine/dein ...

    Grammatik Einfache Fragestze Bestimmter Artikel im Nominativ Singular und Plural Unbestimmter Artikel im Nominativ Singular und

    Plural Possessivpronomen in der 1. und 2. Person im

    Nominativ Singular Nomen im Nominativ Singular und Plural Adjektive in prdikativer Stellung Sein als Vollverb in der 3. Person Singular und Plural Verben in der 1. Person Singular und Plural Personalpronomen in der 1. Person Plural Negation mit nein Negation mit kein/keine/kein Negation mit nicht Kardinalzahlen von 1 - 10

  • 37


    Lernziel 3


    Anweisungen verstehen und Fragen beantworten


    Anweisungen verstehen und danach handeln Schreibe ab. Male aus. Sprich laut. Unterstreiche. ...

    Schreibt ab. Malt aus. Sprecht im Chor. Unterstreicht. ...

    Fragen beantworten Er/Sie schreibt. Er/Sie schreibt nicht. Er/Sie malt aus. Er/Sie malt nicht aus. Sie schreiben. Sie schreiben nicht. Sie malen aus. Sie malen nicht aus.

    Grammatik Imperativ mit nicht trennbaren und trennbaren Verben im

    Singular und Plural Personalpronomen in der 3. Person Singular und Plural,

    maskulin/feminin im Nominativ Verben in der 3. Person Singular und Plural Negation mit nicht

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    Lernziel 4 Lerninhalte

    Sich orientieren und verstndigen


    Rumliche Angaben erfragen und geben Wo ist/bist/sind/seid ...? Dort/hier/Oben/Unten. Er/Sie ist ... Wir sind ... Ihr seid ... Sie sind ...

    Zeitliche Angaben erfragen und geben Wann haben wir Deutschunterricht? Am ... Heute. Morgen.

    Grammatik Fragen mit wo Fragen mit wann sein als Vollverb in allen Personen Personalpronomen in allen Personen haben als Vollverb in der 1. Person Plural Adverbiale des Ortes und der Zeit Kardinalzahlen von 11 12

  • 39


    Lernziel 5


    Sprachliche Kontakte knpfen


    Auffordern und Aufforderungen beantworten

    Machst du mit?/Macht ihr mit? Ich kann/Wir knnen leider nicht. Tut mir/uns leid, ich muss/wir mssen die Hausaufgaben

    machen. Willst du/Wollt ihr mitkommen? Ja, gerne. Spielst du/Spielt ihr gern ...? Ja/Nein. Nicht so besonders. Eigentlich nicht. Ja, natrlich!

    Fragen stellen und Fragen beantworten Was machst du/Was macht ihr? Darf ich/Drfen wir mitkommen? Ich mchte/Wir mchten auch gerne mitkommen. Komm, wir gehen/Wir wollen gehen. Gehen wir? Kannst du/Knnt ihr schwimmen? Kannst du/Knnt ihr Fuball spielen? Na klar! Toll! Nein, zeigst du/zeigt ihr es mir?

    Erklren Jetzt musst/kannst/darfst du ... Jetzt msst/knnt/drft ihr ...

    Grammatik Frage- und Aussagestze mit Modalverben Modalverben mgen, knnen, drfen, wollen,

    mssen in der 1. und 2. Person Singular und Plural Adverbiale der Art und Weise

  • 40


    Lernziel 6


    Einfache Ausknfte einholen und erteilen


    Fragen nach dem Befinden stellen und beantworten

    Wie geht es dir/Ihnen? - Danke, gut. - Nicht gut/Schlecht/Es geht.

    Was fehlt dir/Ihnen? - Mein Hals tut weh/Ich habe Halsschmerzen.

    Bist du/Sind Sie krank? - Ja/Nein.

    Vorhaben angeben Ich mchte spielen/nicht spielen. Er/Sie besucht den/die/das ... Er/Sie braucht einen/eine/ein ... Er/Sie hat/mchte/braucht keinen/kein/kein ... Ich gehe in den Park/in die Schule/ins Geschft.

    Zeitangaben Wie spt ist es? Es ist ... (nur volle Stunden!)

    Grammatik Nomen im Akkusativ mit bestimmtem und unbestimmtem

    Artikel Fragestze mit wie Modalverben in allen Personen Prposition in mit Akkusativ Kardinalzahlen von 13 - 31

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    1. Forma komunikative e msimdhnies

    N nj msimdhnie bashkkohore komunikimit i kushtohet vmendje e posame, kjo do t thot: Cilat mjete gjuhsore u duhen nxnsve q n situata t caktuara gjuhsore t shprehen dhe t sillen n mnyr t duhur?

    Komunikimi sht mnyra m e pranueshme pr arritjen e objektivave t prcaktuara. Piknisja pr nj msimdhnie t till nuk do t jet nj rregull gramatikore, por situatat e ndryshme gjuhsore. Kjo do t thot se prej situatave gjuhsore nxirren rregullat dhe jo e kundrta

    2. Radhitje e qart e rrafsheve gjuhsore

    sht e nevojshme, posarisht n nivelin fillestar t msimdhnies, q tu jepet nj theks i veant rrafsheve t ndryshme gjuhsore, si:

    Prpunimit t vokabularit (fjalsit); Prpunimit t teksteve; Strukturat gjuhsore.

    e kjo do t thot: t caktohen prioritetet brenda nj njsie msimore.

    Nuk mundet p.sh. q t zhvillohet edhe vokabular i ri edhe strukturat t reja gjuhsore.

    Mnyra m e drejt do t ishte q s pari t prpunohet dhe trajnohet vokabulari, i cili paraqitet n leksionet e caktuara. Pastaj vokabulari i prpunuar do t futet n struktura t reja sintaktike.

    Msuesi, brenda msimdhnies komunikative, zgjedh situata t tilla gjuhsore, t cilat jan t afrta me prditshmrin, ashtu q strukturat e ushtruara t jen natyrale e jo artificiale.

    3. Realizimi i nj ore prmes objektivave

    Prcaktimi i qart i objektivave, sht lehtsim pr punn e msuesit dhe e ndihmon at vet n prcaktimin e objektivave m specifike. Kur t arrihet objektivi - kjo do t thot se nxnset/it e zotrojn materien e prpunuar - ather msimdhnsi do t duhej t jet i knaqur me kt. Nse, ende nuk ka prfunduar ora msimore nuk ka logjik q t futen edhe prmbajtje t reja n or. N kt rast, m e logjikshme do t ishte q t prforcohet ajo q sht msuar me an t ushtrimeve t llojllojshme, t prpunohet nj kng gjat ors s msimit ose t futet ndonj loj msimore m qllim t arritjes s objektivit.

    Gjithashtu sht e rndsishme q n fazn e njoftimit me temn e re" (Sprachbegegnung) t hyhet mundsisht shpejt n thelb t problemit me nj motivim me t cilin arrihet objektivi dhe jo t shkohet rrugve ansore, t cilat do ti

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    lejonin nxnses/sit t hamenden rreth asaj se ka n t vrtet mund t jet qllimi i ors msimore.

    4. Prcaktimi i sakt i objektivave

    Duke i njohur nxnsit dhe duke i pasur t qarta objektivat e prcaktuara m par msuesi nuk do t duhej t bj gabim e t prcaktoj shum objektiva pr nj or msimi e t habitet pastaj pse nuk sht arritur objektivi. Pr kt arsye msuesi duhet t caktoj nj objektiv specifik, t cilin tenton ta arrij brenda nj ore msimi. Prcaktimi i shum objektivave pr nj or ka pr pasoj kt:

    Mbetet pak koh pr ushtrime dhe zbatim, pr kt arsye nxnset/sit nuk mund ta bjn zotrimin e mjaftueshm t materies. N orn e ardhshme duhet t prsritet dhe sqarohet materia edhe nj her, sepse mund t ndodh q t jen prvjedhur gabime, t cilat pastaj me mund mund t korrigjohen, arsye kjo pr tu dshpruar arsimtari dhe nxnsi.

    Llogaria sht e thjesht: nj or e strngarkuar dhe nj or pr prsritje bjn dy. N kt rast do t ishte m e logjikshme q materia qysh nga fillimi t ndahet n dy or.

    Sipas hulumtimeve nxnset/sit mesatar jan n gjendje q pr nj or msimi t mbajn mend rreth dhjet shprehje t reja. Ky fakt nuk duhet t lihet anash.

    5. Radhitja: t dgjuarit/ t kuptuarit, t folurit, t lexuarit, t shkruarit

    Posarisht n msimin fillestar do t duhej t ruhet radha e katr shkathtsive, q d.m.th.:

    1. Nxnset/sit nuk do t duhej t flasin asgj q nuk e kan dgjuar m par; 2. Ata nuk do t duhej t lexojn asgj q nuk e kan dgjuar dhe folur m par; 3. Ata nuk do t duhej t shkruajn asgj q nuk e kan dgjuar, folur dhe lexuar

    m par.

    Pr t iu prmbajtur ksaj radhitjeje posarisht te fillestart, flasin kto arsye: - Nse flitet nj fjal e re, logjikisht ajo do t duhej t dgjohej m par. N

    ann tjetr leximi i nj fjale t re sht m i leht kur ajo m par sht dgjuar ose folur. Edhe t shkruarit do t duhej t ishte m i leht, kur ajo fjal sht dgjuar, folur apo lexuar m par.

    - Grafemat e gjermanishtes dhe t shqipes nuk prputhen n do rast. Pasi q nxnset/sit jan msuar me alfabetin e gjuhs shqipe, mund t paraqitet prgjithsimi ose interferenca, nse fillohet hert me shkrimin n gjuhn gjermane. E mu kjo mund t shmanget nse msimi fillon me t dgjuarit dhe pastaj lviz mbi stacionet e t folurit dhe t lexuarit n drejtim t t shkruarit.

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    6. Puna aktive dhe konkrete Nj dallim n mes t msimit t gjuhs gjermane n Gjermani - pa marr parasysh a bhet fjal pr gjermanishten si gjuh amtare ose pr gjermanishten si gjuh e dyt ose e huaj - dhe n Kosov sht ndr tjera se mjedisi-kosovar mund t jap pak ose aspak informacione pr RFGJ-n, dhe prve ors s msimit, pothuajse nuk ekziston ndonj mundsi pr tu zbatuar ajo q sht msuar. Kshtu q, bie mundsia q ajo q sht msuar n shkoll t thellohet jasht orve t msimit si prmes ekskursioneve, zhvillimit t intervistave etj. N kt kontekst nuk duhet mbimuar apo nnmuar televizionin. Prodhimi (krijimi) i pllakateve, mozaikve dhe posterve, prodhimi i pundoreve t vogla jan gjithashtu t rndsishme.

    Nj arsye tjetr pr aktivitete t ktilla, jan njohurit nga psikologjia e t msuarit: sipas saj rezultati (arritja) sht m i madh, sa m shum q t mbshteten veprimet gjuhsore nga veprimet konkrete.

    7. Koh e mjaftueshme pr ushtrime dhe zbatim Pr nxnien dhe zotrimin e sigurt t nj gjuh nevojiten n prgjithsi tri gjra: koh, koh dhe prap koh.

    Njohim 3 tipa t ndryshm t nxnsve:

    1. Tipat akustik (ata e nxn-msojn gjuhn m shpejt prmes dgjimit-veshit);

    2. Tipat vizual (pamor) (ata e nxn gjuhn n radh t par prmes syrit); 3. Tipat motorik (ata nxn gjuhn m s shpejti prmes t shkruarit).

    Pr kt arsye sht e rndsishme, q ushtrimi t zgjidhet gjithashtu edhe prmes ktij kndvshtrimi; q gjuha t msohet njkohsisht prmes kanaleve t shumta, pasi q te shumica e atyre q msojn gjuhn bhet fjal pr tipa t ashtuquajtur t przier.

    8. Llojllojshmria n fazat e ushtrimeve

    Secili msues dhe msuese e di saktsisht se n orn e gjuhs, t ushtruarit monoton t strukturs s fjalis ka m shum ndikim negativ sesa q e arrin at sht synuar.

    Nxnsit dhe nxnset do ta humbin interesimin pr msim dhe nuk do t marrin pjes aktivisht n t. N ann tjetr ne e dim se motivimi i synuar dhe dhnia e detyrave interesante mund ta ngritin dshirn pr msim dhe gatishmrin pr pun (rezultate).

    Ndrrimi i formave t puns (puna e veant, puna n ifte ose n grupe) sht shum m frytdhnse, por edhe lojrat n msim, kngt dhe poezit si dhe tregimet duhet t bhen pjes prbrse t msimit.

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    9. Korrigjimi i shprehjeve t nxnsve

    Pothuajse asnj shtje nuk diskutohet aq shpesh dhe n mnyr kundrthnse n rrethin e msimdhnsve sesa mnyra e korrigjimit. Derisa korrigjimin disa e vshtrojn si penges t rrjedhjes gjuhsore, t tjert mbshteten n at se gabimet duhet t korrigjohen menjher q t mos prvidhen. Ndoshta mund t bhet nj kompromis i arsyeshm gjat korrigjimit dhe ai do t dukej kshtu:

    - N fazn e kontaktit t par me temn e re, si pr shembull prmes nj fotografie, msueset dhe msuesit presin nj t shprehur t lir t nxnsve t tyre.

    Po t bjn korrigjimin masiv gjat ksaj faze t msimit, nxnsit ndoshta do t trhiqeshin menjher dhe n fund do t heshtnin plotsisht. N kt faz sht e drejt q korrigjimet, ndr t tjera t parashtrohen n at mnyr, pr shembull, nj fjal e thn gabimisht t prsritet nga msuesi edhe nj her, por natyrisht n mnyr t drejt.

    - Situata n fazn e zbatimit dhe t ushtrimit sht tjetr. Ktu bhet fjal pr trajnimin e vokabularit dhe t strukturave, dhe ktu korrigjimi natyrisht sht i pakushtzueshm.

    Nuk ka diskutim se, nxnset/sit nuk bn t'i turprojm para klass, por t tregojm takt pedagogjik.

    10. Diferencimi

    Ndodh shpesh q rezultatet e ndryshme gjuhsore t nxnsve n msim t paraqesin pjesrisht vshtirsi t mdha.

    Derisa nj nxns ta ket kryer tanim detyrn e tij, t mrzitet n msim apo t pengoj t tjert duke kryer detyrat, tjetri nuk sht ende gati edhe pse ka mjaft koh n dispozicion.

    Pr msueset dhe msuesit ekzistojn ktu dy mundsi: t bjn kinse nuk ka dallime n rezultate, por ather do t duhej q t merrej parasysh edhe ajo q hert apo von do t paraqiten vshtirsit nga ngarkesat (krkesat tona) e vogla gjegjsisht t mdha. Mundsia tjetr mbshtetet n praktikimin e masave t diferencimit t brendshm e kjo pa dyshim pr nxnsen/sin do t thot t punoj.

    Dallohen forma t ndryshme t diferencimit, t cilat nuk do t diskutohen ktu sepse ato tanim jan t njohura.

    Vetm dy forma duhet t shikohen m pr s afrmi:

    Diferencimi kuantitativ dhe kualitativ

    -Diferencimi kuantitativ do t thot, se detyrat dallohen n kuantitetin e tyre, pra n sasin e tyre. Kjo sdo t thot asgj tjetr, vese nxnsit e shpejt marrin detyra

  • 45

    plotsuese. Masa zbatohet leht, sepse msueset dhe msuesit duhet vetm q t mendojn detyra shtes, t cilat pastaj nse sht nevoja ia japin disa nxnsve. Ky lloj i diferencimit, megjithat, i ka edhe t metat e tij, sepse me an t detyrave shtes, prej nxnsve krkohet edhe m shum, e n kt mnyr bhen gjithnj e m t mir. Me fjal tjera: dallimi n mes t mirve dhe m pak t mirve bhet gjithnj m i madh. Gjithashtu shtrohet pyetja, mos ndoshta nxnsit m t vjetr i shohin kto detyra shtes si nj lloj dnimi pr at q kan punuar m shpejt.

    -Diferencimi kualitativ shtron m shum krkesa. Me kt rast jepen detyra me shkall t ndryshme vshtirsie, pa e ln anash temn e prbashkt. T nisemi prej asaj, q brenda nj klase kemi t bjm me tri grupe t ndryshme t rezultateve A, B, dhe C, ku me grupin A nnkuptojm grupin me arritje m t larta, me grupin B grupin me arritje t mesme dhe me grupin C grupin me arritje m t dobta. Skema e rrjedhs s nj ore msimore do t mund t dukej kshtu:

    Sprachbegegnung - Kontakti i par me temn e re (Evokimi)

    e prbashkt pr t gjith nxnsit Spracherarbeitung - Prpunimi i tems (Realizimi)

    e prbashkt pr t gjith nxnsit Sprachbung - Ushtrimet rreth tems (Reflektimi)

    diferencimi i grupeve sipas shkalls s arritshmris, p.sh.

    Grupi A Prpunimi i tr tekstit; Detyra kreative shtes.

    Grupi B Prpunimi i tr tekstit me ndihmes, psh. Artikelhilfe.

    Grupi C Prpunimi i nj pjese t tekstit me ndihmes, p.sh. Artikelhilfe.

    Shpesh dgjohet edhe nj argument q flet kundr ksaj forme t diferencimit e q sht:

    Tek kjo mnyr e zhvillimit t msimit nuk msojn t gjith nxnsit t njjtn gj, sepse profili i krkesave sht i ndryshm, n kt rast treshkallsh.

    - Nj analiz e ktij argumenti tregon megjithat shum shpejt, se kjo nuk mund t vlej gjithmon, sepse: nxnsit nuk e arrijn parimisht kurr njsoj shpejt dhe mir objektivin e ors msimore.

    - Ajo ka arrihet me an t ktij procesi, sht shmangia nga krkesa e teprt apo e pakt, sepse aftsit e nxnsve pr t nxn jan t ndryshme pavarsisht nga ajo se a praktikohen masat e diferencimit.

  • 46

    11. Ndarja e nj ore msimore

    Rrjedha e nj ore msimore do t mund t dukej kshtu:


    Methodische Absichten

    1. Sprachbegegnung

    Begegnung mit der neuen Sprachsituation, z.B. durch Bild, Tonaufnahme, Filmausschnitt, Lehrer- oder Schlervortrag.

    2. Spracherarbeitung

    Bereitstellen und Erarbeiten von neuem Wortschatz oder neuen Strukturen.

    3. Sprachbung

    bungsbeispiele, mglichst in Form von realen Sprech- handlungen. Aufgreifen und Wiederholen von bekanntem Wortschatz mit neuen Strukturen und umgekehrt. Differenzierungsmanahmen Sprachlernspiele

    4. Sprachanwendung

    bertragen des Gelernten auf neue Situationen: Im Klassenzimmer Im auerschulischen Bereich

    Kshillohet q temat t zgjidhen nga fushat q propozohen nga Korniza programore pr gjuhn gjermane si gjuh e huaj e Konferencs s Ministris Gjermane t Kulturs, e cila prsri orientohet n Kornizn e Rekomanduar Evropiane:

    - Grundlegende Existenzerfahrungen - Die persnliche Identitt - Partnerbeziehungen - Alltag und Familie - Individuum und Gesellschaft - Wohnen - Erziehung - Arbeit - Versorgung - Gesundheitsfrsorge

    - Freizeitgestaltung - Sport - Mensch und Natur - Mobilitt und Verkehr - Kommunikation - Wissenschaft und Technik - Kunst und Kreativitt - Norm-und Wertorientierung - Zeitlich-historische Erfahrungen - Geistige und seelische Dimensionen

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    1. Mundsit praktike

    Msuesi i ka t lira disa mundsi pr vlersim. Msuesi para se t bj vlersimin duhet t mendoj se far forme t vlersimit do t zbatoj, sepse nuk sht secila mnyr e vlersimit njsoj e prshtatshme pr verifikimin e njohurive t nxnsit.

    N prgjithsi jan tri fusha t mdha veprimesh (aftsish), t cilat vlersohen:

    1. Riprodhimi (reprodukimi) - nnkupton riprodhimin nga nxnsi e asaj q sht msuar m par.

    2. Riorganizimi - nnkupton bartjen e t msuars n situata t ngjashme (p.sh. nse nxnsit i msohet vendi i foljes n fjali t varur, duhet t jet i aft t aplikoj foljen n fjali tjera t varura).

    3. Transferi - nnkupton bartjen e t msuarit n situata plotsisht t reja.

    Kryesisht i njohim tri sfera t mdha tek vlersimi:

    1. Mnyra e t vlersuarit me shkrim: prej nxnsit pritet nj prgjigje me shkrim;

    2. Mnyra e t vlersuarit oral: prej nxnsit pritet nj prgjigje me goj; 3. Mnyra e t vlersuarit t veprimeve: prej nxnsit pritet nj veprim aktiv,

    p.sh. tek ushtrimet ku krkohet radhitja.

    N vijim do t paraqiten vetm mnyrat e t vlersuarit me shkrim. Ato jan mnyra m objektive dhe zbatohen m s shpeshti n shkoll.

    1.1. Prgjigjet seleksionuese

    Si tregon edhe vet emri, nxnsi gjat prgjigjes n nj pyetjeje ka mundsin e zgjedhjes, t dalloj ose t zgjedh, tek prgjigjt e shumta t dhna, n mes t t sakts dhe t pasakts. Edhe ktu ka mundsi t ndryshme.

    Prgjigjet alternative

    Nxnsit i jepen dy mundsi t prgjigjes. Ai duhet t identifikoj nj prgjigje si t sakt dhe shnoj at.

    Shembull: rrethoje prgjigjen e sakt.

    richtig falsch

    Fjalia e dhn sht e formuluar qart.

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    Duke supozuar, se nxnsi i kupton t gjitha nocionet, fjalia do t rrethohet si e sakt. Prparsia e prgjigjeve alternative sht e qart: Ato formulohen, zbatohen dhe vlersohen shpejt dhe leht.

    T metat jan t dukshme:

    Mundsia, q t qllohet zgjidhja e drejt, sht sakt 50%, sepse vetm njra nga zgjidhjet sht e sakt.

    Prgjigjet me mundsi t shumta t zgjedhjes

    Prkundr prgjigjeve alternative, prgjigjet me mundsi t shumta t zgjedhjes i japin nxnsit m shum mundsi pr zgjedhje, prej t cilave ai duhet t gjej t saktn.

    Shembull: rrethoje prgjigjen sakt.

    unter der Strae. ber der Strae. in der Strae. auf der Strae.

    Nxnsi, q t mund ta rrethoj zgjidhjen e sakt, duhet ti njoh parafjalt e prdorura n shembull. Ai duhet ti dalloj dhe krahasoj ato. N krahasim me prgjigjet alternative, mundsia q t qllohet prgjigja e sakt bie: tek ky shembull sht 25%.

    Tek prgjigjet me mundsi t shumta t zgjedhjes, duhet t kihen parasysh disa pik: shtruarja e pyetjeve dhe prgjigjet duhet t ken nj lidhje logjike.

    Shembull: rrethoje prgjigjen sakt

    fliegt auf den Kopf

    landet auf dem Kopf schwebt auf den Kopf befindet sich auf dem Kopf

    N kt rast, nxnsi mund t ket probleme gjat t rrethuarit t zgjidhjes s sakt. Ndoshta edhe ndonj gjermanofols nuk do t mund t dinte se cila zgjidhje do t ishte m e mira, sepse tek mundsit e dhna bhet fjal para s gjithash pr nj shtje stili gjuhsor.

    Prgjigjet jo t sakta q jan dhn afr prgjigjeve t sakta duhet t ken nj lidhje t arsyeshme m pyetjen. Nse nuk sht ashtu, ather detyra me me mundsi t shumta t zgjedhjes nn kto rrethana do t shndrrohet n detyr me prgjigje alternative. Kjo ndodh ather, nse nxnsit, n shikim t par, zgjidhjet e pasakta i duken si prgjigje alternative.

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    Shembull: rrethoje prgjigjen sakt

    unter dem Wasser. ber der Mauer. in der Blume. auf der Strae.

    N kt rast nxnsi tri zgjidhjet e para do ti eliminoj menjher si t pasakta. Nga prgjigja me mundsi t shumta t zgjedhjes nuk do t mbetet asgj. Ndrtimi dhe formulimi nuk guxon tia lehtsoj nxnsit zgjidhjen.

    stehst unter der Straen. stehen ber der Straen. steht auf der Strae.

    N kt rast nxnsi do t mund t zgjedh mundsin e tret shum shpejt si t vetmen t sakt, sepse vetm tek kjo mundsi kallzuesi n njjs prputhet me kundrinn e cila gjithashtu qndron n njjs.

    1.2. Prgjigjet rregulluese

    Karakteristik e prgjigjeve rregulluese sht se nxnsi duhet t rregulloj nj sistem t dhn. Ktu ekzistojn dy mundsi: - Klasifikim - Radhitje

    Prgjigjet klasifikuese

    Nxnsit i jepen dy grupe fjalsh apo fjalish. Ata kan pr detyr q nj pjese t grupit t par ti shtohet pjesa prkatse e grupit t dyt.

    Shembull: Klasifiko.

    1. Peter 2. Armend 3. Giuseppe

    a) Griechenland b) Deutschland c) Spanien d) Kosova e) Trkei f) Italien

    Shembull: ka prshtatet? Klasifiko.

    1. die Schule 2. der Spielplatz 3. die Fabrik

    a) der Lehrer b) die Arbeit c) die Rutsche

    d) das Geld e) die Maschine f) das Tor

    g) der Sandkasten h) der Schler i) der Meister

    Prgjigjet klasifikuese kan prparsin, sepse msuesi mundet shum mir t vrtetoj, se a e ka kuptuar nxnsi logjikisht nj problem.

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    Prgjigjet radhitse

    Detyr e nxnsve sht q ti vej n radh t duhur fjalit, shkronjat dhe fjalt.

    Shembull: Vri fjalit n radhn e duhur.

    1. Es ist acht Uhr. 2. Liridon geht bei Rot ber die Kreuzung. 3. Der Wecker klingelt. 4. Liridon kommt zu spt zur Schule. 5. Liridon hat verschlafen. 6. Der Autofahrer bremst scharf. 7. Er springt aus dem Bett. 8. Der Fahrer schimpft Liridon. 9. Er luft schnell weiter.

    Zgjidhjen e drejt t ksaj detyre mund ta lehtsoj nj radh fotografish.

    Shembull: Radhiti shkronjat.

    schueRt hrreeL Seluch mbsret

    Edhe tek ky shembull mund t paraqiten fotografi pr lehtsimin e gjetjes s zgjidhjes.

    Shembull: Radhiti shkronjat drejt.

    Der bremst Autofahrer scharf a B c d

    Shembull: Radhiti shkronjat drejt n kutit e rendit t par. Shkruaj shkronjn e fjals joadekuate n kuti. a) Der b) bremst c) Autofahrer d) gro e) scharf

    N kt shembull shihet problematika. Si t bhet vlersimi nse dy nxns vijn me kto zgjidhje: Nxnsi 1: Der Autofahrer scharf bremst. Nxnsi 2: Der Autofahrer bremst gro. Asnjra nga dy zgjidhjet nuk sht e sakt. Prderisa tek nxnsi 1. renditja e fjalve sht gabim nxnsi 2. ka zgjedhur ndajfoljen e gabuar. A nuk merr asnjri nxns pik? Apo, a mund t thuhet se njra nga t dy zgjidhjet sht m e sakt kurse tjetra m pak e pasakt? Nse msuesi dshiron te testoj renditjen e drejt t fjalve n fjali: A mundet ather nxnsi 2 ta marr njrn nga dy pikt e mundshme?

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    1.3. Prgjigjet e lira

    Prgjigjja e lir karakterizohet prmes asaj, qe nxnsi duhet t reagoj n detyrn e dhn t msuesit, pa pasur mundsi zgjedhjeje.

    Prgjigjet plotsuese

    Prgjigjet plotsuese, t ashtuquajtura gjithashtu prgjigje shkurtra, praktikohen shpesh n shkoll.

    Shembuj: Viele Dinge sind schneller, schner usw. als andere. Setze die richtige Form ein.

    (langsam) (schwer) (teuer)

    Ein Fahrrad ist ... als ein Auto. Fnf Kilo sind ... als ein Kilo. Fleisch ist ... als Brot.

    Trage das Gegenteil in die Lcke ein.

    Dieses Buch ist spannend. Es ist nicht ... Elona ist gro. Sie ist nicht ... Latra ist ein Mdchen. Sie ist kein ...

    Setze die richtige Zeit in die Lcke ein.

    Heute Nachmittag ... (gehen) ich auf den Spielplatz. Morgen ... (spielen) ich Tennis. Gestern ... (sein) ich im Kino.

    Prgjigjet e shkurtra hartuese

    Ky nocion mund t sjell keqkuptime. M kt jan menduar prgjigjet e nxnsve sipas udhzimit t msuesit, t cilat paraprakisht nuk mund t vlersohen qart si t sakta apo t pasakta.

    Shembull: Formo nj fjali prej ktyre dy fjalive.

    Elira weint. Eine Wespe hat sie gestochen. _________________________________________

    Te ky shembull nuk shfaqen probleme t mdha gjat vlersimit. M vshtir sht te tregimet me fotografi, t cilat gjithashtu numrohen si prgjigje t shkurtra hartuese. Pr t gjith nxnsit detyra sht e njjt, sepse t gjith i kan n dispozicion fotografit e njjta. Megjithat nuk mund t vlersohet vetm numri i informacioneve, sepse kriteret tjera luajn nj rol t rndsishm, psh. radhitja, zgjedhja e fjalve, lidhjet, etj. Kto e vshtirsojn nj vlersim objektiv.

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    Para se ti hyjm puns pr planin e detajizuar pr klas, ne kemi punuar nj lloj plani t prafrt global pr katr vite, n mnyr q t kemi sadopak t qart se ku duam t arrijm pas prfundimit t katr klasave (nj niveli) d.m.th. klasat gjasht - nnt ose dhjet dymbdhjet (trembdhjet).

    Arsyeja tjetr sht q planet e punuara pr klas t ken nj ndrlidhje programore dhe t vazhdojn prafrsisht aty ku jan ndrprer vitin paraprak, t mos ket prsritje t objektivave t prgjithshm ose kthim drastik prapa.

    Ky plan sht punuar sipas taksonomis s Blumit dhe sht i konceptuar ashtu q t mund t lexohet vertikalisht (prparimi sipas taksonomis pr nj vit shkollor) dhe horizontalisht q dmth. prcjellja e nj objektivi prej vitit n vit n nj shkall m t lart.

    Pr t pasur m t qart, ja tabela n vijim:

    1. Lernjahr 2. Lernjahr 3. Lernjahr 4. Lernjahr Lernziel 1 Einfache

    sprachliche Kontakte herstellen

    Miteinander sprechen

    In mndlichen und schriftlichen Kontakten persnliche Mitteilungen machen

    ber Ereignisse berichten

    Lernziel 2 Gegenstnde und Ttigkeiten benennen und beschreiben, nach Gegen- stnden fragen

    ber Gegenstnde und Ttigkeiten Aussagen machen

    Sachinformationen einholen und weitergeben

    Gegenstnde und Vorgnge beschreiben

    Lernziel 3 Anweisungen verstehen und Fragen beantworten

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