les objets communiquants et la société de la marchandise€¦ · 0. la liberté d'exécuter...

Post on 27-Jul-2020






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Vie des objetsLes objets communiquants et la société de la marchandise

Présentation de l'atelier « Vie des objets », animé parJérôme Abel, du 6 au 9 février 2012, à l'École Nationale Supérieure d'Art de Nancy.


(seconde partie)

6. Make

En regroupant des expériences artistiques, techniques, éthiques, humaines, on peut malgré tout garder une certaine forme d'optimisme. Il est possible d'améliorer le monde à notre échelle, proposer des voies alternatives, concrètes, refuser le court­termisme, la fatalité et l'impuissance. Le mouvement des logiciels libres influencent la société, l'enthousiasme aidant, les bidouilleurs de tous horizons fabriquent et partagent.

Licences libres logiciel et matériel

> Lien

> Lien

Un logiciel est libre selon la Free Software Foundation s'il confère à son utilisateur quatre libertés :

0. la liberté d'exécuter le programme, pour tous les usages,

1. la liberté d'étudier le fonctionnement du programme et de l'adapter à ses besoins,

2. la liberté de redistribuer des copies du programme (ce qui implique la possibilité aussi bien de donner que de vendre des copies),

3. la liberté d'améliorer le programme et de distribuer ces améliorations au public, pour en faire profiter toute la communauté.

0: The freedom to use the device for any purpose.

1: The freedom to study how the device works and change it to make it to do what you wish. Access to the complete design is precondition to this.

2: Redistribute the device and/or design (remanufacture).

3: The freedom to improve the device and/or design, and release your improvements (and modified versions in general) to the public, so that the whole community benefits. Access to the complete design is precondition to this.

> Lien 2

Arduino et Freeduino

> Liste de matériels open source

> Lien

Visite de l'atelier de fabrication des cartes Arduino.

> Flossmanuals Arduino

Outils DIY : Rotational Moulding

> Lien

The D.I.Y rotation moulding machine was built to replicate the industrial process to help further understand its possibilities. The machine was built at no cost from scrap materials and simply powered by a cordless drill. With the use of cold setting bio resins, Andrew and Craig are now able to create a fully sustainable range of hollow plastic products.

The Real Rotational Moulding process is an exceptionally flexible and cost effective method for creating thermoplastic products and components. The rotational moulding process is a high-temperature, low-pressure plastic-forming process that uses heat and biaxial rotation to produce hollow, one-piece parts. Rotational moulds are significantly cheaper than other types of mould. Very little material is wasted using this process, and excess material can often be re-used, making it a very economically and environmentally viable manufacturing process. »


Outils DIY : CNC

> Lien

The DIYLILCNC project is a free & open-source set of plans for an inexpensive, fully functional 3-axis CNC mill that can be built by an individual with basic shop skills and tool access.

CNC devices are used to fabricate physical objects with a high degree of precision. Some CNC devices, including the DIYLILCNC, feature a gantry-mounted cutting tool (like a router) that can move in two or more directions. The operation of the tool is controlled by a computer, which is tasked with translating a digital design into actual tool movement. »


Outils DIY : Laser cutter

> Lien

Step by step instructionon how to build a small DIY laser cutter from two CD or DVD drives and a laser diode extracted from a blue-ray player or as in this case a 445nm diode form a DLP projector. Such a laser can be found on ebay (1.5-2W 445nm Blue Diode in Module W/Leads & Aixiz Glass) for about 50$ including appropriate housing (Aixiz) and lens . The laser cutter is capable of cutting or graving thin material like paper or adhesive tape. The cutting area is about 45 mm x 45 mm. The drive is controled by two Pololu steper moter driver and an arduino with the teacup driver as described here. »


Outils DIY : Multimachine

> Lien

The MultiMachine, a humanitarian, open source machine tool project for developing countries. The MultiMachine all-purpose machine tool that can be built by a semi-skilled. The Multi Machine mechanic with just common hand tools. For machine construction, electricity can be replaced with “elbow grease” and the necessary material can come from discarded vehicle parts. What can the MultiMachine be used for in developing countries? »


Outils DIY : Global Village Construction Set

> Lien


« The Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) is an open technological platform that allows for the easy fabrication of the 50 different Industrial Machines that it takes to build a small civilization with modern comforts.

Key Features of the GVCS : Open Source - Low-Cost - Modular - User-Serviceable - DIY - Closed-Loop Manufacturing - High Performance - Heirloom Design - Flexible Fabrication

A modern, comfortable lifestyle relies on a variety of efficient Industrial Machines. If you eat bread, you rely on an Agricultural Combine. If you live in a wood house, you rely on a Sawmill. Each of these machines relies on other machines in order for it to exist.

Open Structures

> Lien

Fablab house

> Lien

The Fab Lab House is a self-sufficient dwelling produced to take part in the Solar Decathlon Europe 2010 competition by a consortium of organizations and companies led by the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, The Center for Bits and Atoms at MIT and the Global Fab Lab Network. The objective is to design an integral solar house with the technologies of our time, which will generate maximum resources with minimum investment. A house built for people, committed to creating the city, and connected with the whole world. Welcome to the Fab Lab House. »


Imprimantes 3D : printr bot

> Lien

A desktop 3D printer you can build in a couple hours. Print plastic parts you design or download - even parts for another printer


Imprimantes 3D : makerbot residency

> Lien

Imprimantes 3D : Thingiverse

> Lien

Objets DIY : Boombox

> Lien

This is a boombox made with the tools and techniques common to fab labs. It plays music off of a standard SD card, runs on a single 9V battery, and can be fabricated for under $100. »«

Objets DIY : Tacit

> Lien

Tacit is a wearable system that translates the distance to anything you aim your hand toward into pressure on your wrist. The closer the object, the greater the pressure. Sweep your hand around, and the device conveys to you a tactile image of your surroundings. I designed Tacit to help vision-impaired people navigate their environments, but it’s also a fun and effective sensory enhancement for fully sighted people — especially in the dark. »


Objets DIY : Uzebox

> Lien


« The Uzebox is a retro-minimalist open source video game console design. It is based on an AVR 8-bit general-purpose microcontroller made by Atmel. The particularity of the system is that it uses an interrupt-driven kernel and has no frame buffer. Functions such as video sync generation, tile rendering, and music mixing is done realtime by a background task so games can easily be developed in C. The design goal was to be as simple as possible yet have good enough sound and graphics while leaving enough resources to implement interesting games. Emphasis was put on making it easy and fun to assemble and program for any hobbyists. The final design contains only two chips: an ATmega644 and an AD725 RGB-to-NTSC/PAL encoder.

DIY ressources : A Kit-of-No-Parts

> Lien»

« A Kit-of-No-Parts demonstrates a new approach to building electronics that emphasizes the expressive qualities of diverse materials as well as the skill and creativity of the builder. I believe that a more insightful and skilled process is also capable of producing more intelligible and personal results. Conventionally electronics that are built from a kit-of-parts have been optimized for speed, efficiency and repeatability of assembly. While this approach demonstrates the power of modular systems that have made many of the technologies we rely on possible, it also constrains us to particular styles of building, influencing what we build as well as impacting how we come to think about electronics.

> Lien 2

The Eyewriter

> Lien


« Members of Free Art and Technology (FAT), OpenFrameworks, the Graffiti Research Lab, and The Ebeling Group communities have teamed-up with a legendary LA graffiti writer, publisher and activist, named Tony Quan, aka TEMPTONE. Tony was diagnosed with ALS in 2003, a disease which has left him almost completely physically paralyzed… except for his eyes. This international team is working together to create a low-cost, open source eye-tracking system that will allow ALS patients to draw using just their eyes. The long-term goal is to create a professional/social network of software developers, hardware hackers, urban projection artists and ALS patients from around the world who are using local materials and open source research to creatively connect and make eye art.

> Lien Instructables

> Lien vidéo


> Lien

Current oil spill skimming technology could only collect 3% of the DeepWater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The health of workers was exposed to cancerous toxicant, the boats were expensive and pollutive to operate, they could not operate in bad weather (hurricane seaon) they could not operate at night or far away.

Protei is a technology currently in development that will provide- Unmanned, no human exposed to toxicant.- Green and cheap, sailing upwind, capturing oil downwind.- Self-righting, rugged, can operate in hurricane time.- Semi-autonomous : can swarm continuously and far away. »


Open Source Robotic

> Lien

An open-source robot is a robot whose blueprints, schematics or source code are released under an open-source model. »«

Full robot projects

LH001, Open Hardware Medical-Research liquid handling robot

Sparky Jr., Mobile Telepresence Research Project, Est. 1994

Open Automaton Project (oap.sourceforge.net)

Leaf Project (www.leafproject.org/)

RobotCub, including iCub



e-puck mobile robot, an open-hardware, education oriented, mobile robot.

Open-source Micro-robotic Project, an open-source space swarm robot project

Qwerkbot[1], simple open source robot from Carnegie Mellon University

Orb swarm[2]

Open Pilot

> Lien

OpenPilot is a next-generation Open Source UAV autopilot, it is a highly capable platform for multi-rotor craft, helicopters as well as fixed wing aircraft. It has been designed from the ground up by a community of passionate developers from around the globe, its core design principals are of quality and ease of use. Simplicity does not come with any compromises either: with no hard-coded settings, a complete flight plan scripting language and other powerful features, OpenPilot is an extremely capable UAV autopilot platform. »


Open Source Car : C,mm,n

> Lien


« C,mm,n (pronounced ‘common’) is an open source community for sustainable personal mobility. You might think c,mm,n is about a new type of vehicle, and it's true that we are developing a new type of electric car. But c,mm,n is more than that: it is a total mobility concept for the future. Our c,mm,nity is open to anyone with a creative, intelligent and enterprising perspective on mobility issues, and who wants to help create a better world. C,mm,n follows the open source model: as with open source software, we focus our services around the product. Anyone can use it to offer mobility services, just as long as any derived work produced is released back to the community under an open source licence.

Open-Source Photographic : OpenMoCo

> Lien

Motion control is quickly becoming the must have tool for professionals and enthusiasts capturing video, time-lapse, panoramic photography and image based lighting. Typically accurate motion control comes with a hefty price tag and little flexibility. The OpenMoCo.org mission is to provide a community for open-source software and hardware that enables photographers and videographers on a budget access to motion control tools. Here you'll find articles, hardware designs, software, and experiments in motion control. »


Open Mobile : Open Moko

> Lien


« Openmoko™ is a project dedicated to delivering mobile phones with an open source software stack. Openmoko was earlier more directly associated with Openmoko Inc, but is nowadays a gathering of people with the shared goal of "Free The Phone". Distributors are currently selling updated versions of the Openmoko Inc's phone released in 2008, Neo FreeRunner, to advanced users, while the software stack for FreeRunner and future free phones is being developed by the community.

Open EEG

> Lien


« Many people are interested in what is called neurofeedback or EEG biofeedback training, a generic mental training method which makes the trainee consciously aware of the general activity in the brain. This method shows great potential for improving many mental capabilities and exploring consciousness. Other people want to do experiments with brain-computer interfaces or just want to have a look at their brain at work.

Unfortunately, commercial EEG devices are generally too expensive to become a hobbyist tool or toy.

The OpenEEG project is about making plans and software for do-it-yourself EEG devices available for free (as in GPL). It is aimed toward amateurs who would like to experiment with EEG. However, if you are a pro in any of the fields of electronics, neurofeedback, software development etc., you are of course welcome to join the mailing-list and share your wisdom.

Open Source Neural Activity Monitors

> Lien


« Yesterday we linked to an OCZ Neural Acutator Interface teardown. Several in the comments wanted to know more about the sensor electrodes. Check out the OpenEEG project and OpenEEG mailing list for information on sensing, amplifying, and recording brain activity (EEG). The OpenEEG project maintains an open source Simple ModularEEG design. Two other open source variants of the ModularEEG are the MonolithEEG and [Joshua Wojnas'] Programmable Chip EEG BCI. All three projects use Atmel microcontrollers, with designs in Cadsoft Eagle.

Brain activity is measured using passive or active electrodes. Passive electrodes require a conductive paste to make proper contact with the skin (examples: 1, 2). Active EEG sensors don’t need conductive goop because they have an amplifier directly on the electrode (examples: 1, 2, 3).

Pink Army Cooperative

> Lien


« Pink army isn’t like anything you’ve seen before. A new approach to developing breast cancer treatments. Pink Army is a community-driven, member owned Cooperative operating by open source principles. Using synthetic biology and virotherapy to bring individualized treatments tailored to each patient’s DNA and cancer, faster and cheaper than ever before.

Breast Cancer R&D is Sick.While the traditional approaches to breast cancer have helped in understanding cancer, little progress has been made in the area of treatment. For mid and late stage cancer, the best options are still radiation and chemotherapy. Right now, it takes 15-20 years from the time a new drug is identified before it comes to market. The last big “breakthrough” drug was in 1998, and there are no others on the horizon. We need a change.

Semences libres

> Lien


« La semence, c’est le début de la chaîne alimentaire. Celui qui contrôle la semence, contrôle la chaîne alimentaire et donc contrôle les peuples

Pendant 12 000 ans, au moins, les paysans et les paysannes du monde entier ont produit leurs propres semences, ont amélioré, sélectionné et créé de nouvelles variétés de céréales, de légumes, de fruits et de plantes à fibres. Qui plus est, les agricultures paysannes étaient des agricultures respectueuses de la Terre Mère. Dans les temps anciens, on ne parlait pas de “protection de ressources génétiques” et “d’agriculture durable” : on savait intimement qu’une civilisation qui perd ses semences et qui détruit ses sols est une civilisation qui est en train de mourir.

Open Data

> Lien


« Une donnée ouverte (en anglais open data) est une information publique brute, qui a vocation à être librement accessible. La philosophie pratique de l'open data préconise une libre disponibilité pour tous et chacun, sans restriction de copyright, brevets ou d'autres mécanismes de contrôle.

En informatique, l’open data est une information structurée publique ou privée et généralement non utilisable par un humain mais interprétable par une machine.

> Lien 2

> Lien 3

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