lesson 13 - activity 2 q.2,3

Post on 17-May-2015






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Activity 2 – One country, three levels of relief

Cross Section Exercise

Cross Section Exercise

2. Refer to Fig.2. Draw the cross section ( 橫切面 ) along 35°N of China.

2. Refer to Fig.2. Draw the cross section along 35°N of China.Answer:

3. How do you conclude the relief of China?

China is ____________.( flat / mountainous )

The highest regions are mostly found in its ____________ part.( western / eastern )

The average height of the land ____________ from the west to the east.( increases / decreases )

3. How do you conclude the relief of China?

China is mountainous ( 多山的 ).

The highest regions are mostly found in its western part ( 西面 ).

The average height ( 平均高度 ) of the land decreases from the west ( 西 ) to the east ( 東 ).

A three-level landscape ( 地形 ) of China

1. First level relief: High plateaus and mountain ranges in the west

e.g. Qingzang Gaoyuan, Kunlun Shan ( 崑崙山 )

2. Second level relief: Lower plateaus and basins in the central regione.g. Huangtu Gaoyuan ( 黃土高原 ), Sichuan Pendi

3. Third level relief: Plains and lowlands in the easte.g. Zhujiang Sanjiaozhou ( 珠江三角洲 )


In which direction ( 方向 ) do the major rivers of our country flow? How does this relate to ( 關係 ) the relief of China?


The major rivers flow from the west to the east.

They flow from the highlands in the west to the sea through large areas of lowland in the east.

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