lexmark lft installation

Post on 01-Mar-2016






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lexmark lft


Lexmark LFT Installation Oracle 11g XE

Version 1: 20120305 - first releaseVersion 2: 20120312 add Java as prereq, fix page formatting.Version 2: 20120315 minor wording fixes.

Installation Preparation:The Java JRE (or equivalent) is an installation prerequisite.Create a \temp directory on your LFT target system, IE: c:\tempCopy these following files into the c:\temp directory: Oracle 11g XE installer package (unzipped and ready to install) prx_sys.sql (supplied Oracle script) LFT_Setup_11g_[version].exe (the main LFT installer)

Launch the Oracle 11g XE installer, by double-clicking the SETUP file:

When the installer welcome screen arrives, click Next:

At the next screen, Accept the license terms, and click Next:

Unless a good reason exists, use the Oracle installation defaults, and click Next:

Enter admin password manager366 in both password boxes, and click Next:

A summary page from the installer will be presented. Ensure all is ok, then click Install:

The database will now proceed to install, which will take a long time:

Finally, the installation will complete, click Finish to exit the Oracle installer:

Open a CMD window, and CD into the C:\temp directory.Enter this command: sqlplus system/manager366 @prx_sys.sqlIf successful, two database alterations should be displayed in the CMD window:


After rebooting the server, check the Services panel and ensure that the Oracle Service is running. Also ensure that the TNS listener is running (both shown as Started below):

Navigate to the C:\temp directory, and launch the LFT installer by double-clicking it:

On the first installer screen, click Next:

Read the NOTICE, then click Next:

Take the default offered. Click Next:

The progress bar should be observed:

When this dialog is shown, note the Oracle HOME directory, and click OK:

Various windows will open up, and you can observe the installation progress.This window shows the Oracle database being loaded:

This window shows the LFT services being started:

Click Finish to exit the LFT installer:

Open a web browser, and navigate to the IP address of the LFT server.The following page should be presented.Click the lower right hand button Proxy Settings:

Fill out the proxy settings correctly, so that the activation server can be contacted outside of your firewall. Enable the proxy server using the checkbox, and click Apply Changes:

The web page returns to the main Activation page. Fill out the required red fields with the appropriate information given to you, especially the: Partner Number Contract Number Analysis Duration Max. PrintersAfter all information is entered, click lower left hand button Activate PrinterRx License:

Click OK to proceed:

If the information was entered correctly, and the license was entitled for you, and the proxy server passthrough worked, the below screen should be presented:

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