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Lietuvos atstovo COST I0702 Veiklos vadybos komitete (Management Committee)

prof. Raimundo Jasinevičiaus ATASKAITA apie dalyvavimą šios Veiklos vadybos

komiteto 7-tajame posėdyje ir trijų darbo grupių susirinkimuose 2011m. Kovo mėn.

28d. Roterdame (Olandijoje).

Š.m. Kovo mėn. 28d. dalyvavau COST I0702 Veiklos vadybos komiteto

(Management Committee) 7-tajame posėdyje ir WG – A, B ir C darbo grupių narių


Formalus Vadybos komiteto posėdis vyko pagal standartinę darbotvarkę (žr. 1.

priedą). Jame buvo:

1) pritarta darbo grupių narių pastangoms suformuluoti bent vieną bendrą Veiklos

narių pasiūlymą FW7 šaukimui (STREP, ar FET lygmeniu);

2) nutarta Veiklos darbo rezultatus apibendrinti specialiu leidiniu, kuriame

Veiklos darbo grupių (WG-A, B, C) dalyviai pateiktų savo tyrimų rezultatus

lanksčiosios kompiuterikos srityje;

3) sutarta kitą Vadybos komiteto posėdį organizuoti Spalio mėn.27-28 d.d.


4) atliktos visos reikalaujamos biurokratinės valdymo procedūros (biudžetas,

trumpalaikės mokslinės jaunųjų tyrėjų komandiruotės ir kt.).

Vadybos komitetas ir darbo grupių nariai nusprendė laiko sąnaudų ekonomijos ir

posėdžių rezultatyvumo vardan neaptarinėti darbo grupėse, o susikoncentruoti į

diskusijas trijų idėjų FW7 šaukimui aptarti.

Buvo nagrinėjamos trys sritys:

a) prof. A. Hrinewic (Lenkija) idėja – darbai didelių sistemų srityje,

orientuojantis į aplinkosaugos sritį. Paaiškėjo, kad ši kryptis, dalyvių nuomone,

neperspektyvi ir toliau nebenagrinėtina.

b) prof. R. Jasinevičiaus (Lietuva) idėja - apie lanksčiosios kompiuterikos

taikymus medicininės diagnostikos patarties įrankiams kurti ir diagnostikos

vadybai organizuoti (žr. 2 priedą – diskusijos parengimo dokumentą ir 3 priedą

– pateiktųjų slaidų kopijas. Sutarta konsultacijas tęsti ir rengtis partnerių

siūlymų aptarimui dar iki Lisabonos.

c) prof. Ch. Borgelto ir kt. bendra idėja – evoliucinės sistemos informacijos

stygiaus sąlygomis. Drabo grupės nariai apžvelgė pernelyg platų klausimų

spektrą ir nesusikoncentravo kol kas ties siauresniu klausimu (žr. 4 priedą).

Klausimų detalizacija palikta Lisabonos susitikimui.

2011.04.12 Porf. Raimundas Jasinevičius. 1 priedas DRAFT AGENDA

7th Management Committee Meeting

COST Action IC0702 - Combining Soft Computing Techniques and Statistical

Methods to Improve Data Analysis Solutions

ROTTERDAM (Netherlands), Monday 28/03/2011 16:30 - 18:30 hrs

1. Welcome to participants 2. Adoption of agenda 3. Approval of the minutes of the 6th Management Committee meeting 4. Report from the COST Office: · News from COST Office: people and budget.

5. Action planning: · Budget and activities of the last year (including meetings) · Long-term planning (including anticipated locations and dates of future meetings) 6. Progress report of working groups 7. STSM status, applications 8. Publications, dissemination and outreach activities 9. Request for new MC and WG members 10. Promotion of gender balance and of Early Stage Researchers (ESR) 11. Non-COST country participations 12. Web news 13. AOB 14. Closing

2 priedas

Topic: Development of soft computing models for health care

Uzay Kaymak, João Sousa, Fabio Crestani, Elif Coker, Susana Vieira, Raimundas Jasinevicius

This file summarizes the following topic that was discussed in Oviedo (October 2010) under the

scope of WG B.

Uzay Kaymak suggested that the project should include the following topics:

Clinical decision making

Modeling and decision in HC organizations

Governance design (?)

Raimundas Jasinevicius proposed the following levels for the possible project: 1st level:

administrative procedures; 2nd

: database (divided into 2 branches); 3rd

: disease monitoring; 4th


clinical decision support tools.

Susana Vieira proposed the following areas for the project: modeling; decision support systems;

optimization of workflows/design dealing with uncertainity and imprecision.

Elif Coker proposed the use of multi-level (hierarchical) models.

João Miguel Sousa proposed changing clinical protocols to improve outcome, and using clinical

data (numerical or categorical)

Uzay Kaymak mentioned the importance of the interplay between clinical decisions and business


João Miguel Sousa proposed a possible title for the project: Using clinical data to discover

possible improvements in clinical pathways.

Uzay Kaymak wnet a little deeper in the clinical pathways: how to define the pathway (where the

patients should go). How to model interactions between clinical pathways.

João Miguel Sousa proposed a possible outcome for the project: recommend a set of “engineered”

processes from a department, such as ICU, to help (re)define clinical pathways based on actual

patient-data, and modeling interactions between clinical pathways. Deliver generic data models and

information systems for these models.


Starting from these guidelines, compose an idea (A4 page), see the possible call and the potential

partners. Identify theoretical backgrounds needed for the project. Look at possible calls (STREP?).

Propose title, acronym, short description and tasks.

3 priedas

4/11/2011 KTU_CLC 1

DIADEM_? PROPOSALRaimundas Jasinevičius (KTU)

Vytautas Petrauskas (KTU)

4/11/2011 KTU_CLC 24/11/2011 KTU_CLC 2

Challenge 5: ICT for Health, Ageing Well, Inclusion

and Governance

Objective ICT-2011.5.1

Personal Health Systems (PHS):

A) Personal Health Systems for (remote)management of diseases, treatment and rehabilitation

B) Intelligent systems for the analysis of multi-parametric data

4/11/2011 KTU_CLC 34/11/2011 KTU_CLC 3

A) Personal Health Systems for (remote) management of

diseases, treatment and rehabilitation (at the points of need)

innovations at system level;

analysis, interpretation and use of the multiparametric data;

establishing or creation of new medical knowledge;

patient-doctor decision support systems;

clinical workflows

4/11/2011 KTU_CLC 44/11/2011 KTU_CLC 4

B) Intelligent systems for the analysis of multi-parametric


analysis of multi-parametric data in the context of PHS used for (remote) management of clearly targeted diseases;

supporting healthcare professionals in their decision making;

projects may use patient data already available in


quantitative validation and demonstration of the

effectiveness and the medical and economic benefits.

4/11/2011 KTU_CLC 64/11/2011 KTU_CLC 6

The DIADEM strep idea is based on four main


1) medical personnel must have on each working place (the point of need) a dedicated clinical diagnostics decision advisory support tool (DDS);

2) DDS functionality is built on principles of intelligent processing of multi-parametric data;

3) DDS must be universal (unified training/retraining methodology suitable for each point of need);

4) systemic implementation of the universal DDS approach on each step of every clinical workflow over the whole hierarchy of PHS management.

4/11/2011 KTU_CLC 74/11/2011 KTU_CLC 7







CASE(quantitative, qualitative, fuzzy, verbal, multi-parametric data)


4/11/2011 KTU_CLC 9

Training and decision making

4/11/2011 KTU_CLC 9

Generalizedpatterns of classes

Recognitionand fuzzy evaluation



Pile of cases

Training criteria

Advisory decision

To be considered

Training procedure(ANN + FEM)

4/11/2011 KTU_CLC 10

Clinical workflow (example)

4/11/2011 KTU_CLC 10


1 2 45


4/11/2011 KTU_CLC 11

Questions to be unswered

PILE OF CASES: representativeness

FEATURES: informativity

DDST ADVISES: reliability

WORKFLOW: optimality

PILOT SYSTEM: efficiency

Theories to be developed Soft computing methods for intelligent processing of

multi-parametric personal medical data and fuzzy verbal information.

Unified methods (independent of targeted disease) for preprocessing of medical information.

Theory and procedures for the training of DDST.

Theory of graphical models that work with fuzzy random variables.

4/11/2011 KTU_CLC 16

How DIADEM covers Objective ICT-2011.5.1 a)

innovations at system level;

analysis, interpretation and use of the multiparametric data;

establishing or creation of new medical knowledge;

patient-doctor decision support systems;

clinical workflows.

4/11/2011 KTU_CLC 19

Our strengths and novelties

Establishing of an adequate and close collaboration of ICT, medical and management experts (three teams working hand in hand).

Development of the theory of soft computing dedicatedfor processing of multi-parametric current personal, clinical, and public medical data and fuzzy verbal information.

Development of unified methods (independent of targeted disease) for preprocessing of medical information for the DDST.

Research and development of efficient procedures for the training of DDST which take into account fuzzy verbal information and medical experts’ knowledge.

Systemic research of different structures of possible clinical workflows over the whole hierarchy of PHS and development of optimal points of need of the DDSTs.

4 priedas

Evolving Systems with Imprecise Information

Topics/Problems to work on:

- time linkage (feedback etc.)

- feedback/closed loop systems versus open loop systems

- influences of the chosen solution on future data

- a solution that is chosen now cannot be changed immediately,

but has to be persistent

- how fast are things changing?

- which data to keep / which data to discard?

- what length of history should one look at?

- incomplete and uncertain information

- little observational data about economies

- updating hyperparameters / model evolution

- discovering structural change

- theoretical properties of heuristic approaches

- merging information (from different sources)

- presentation of results to decision makers

Possible contributions from/recent work of potential partners:

Branke: adaptation to a changing environment

Kruse: visual exploration of temporal data

Hryniewicz: inhomogeneous data, changing data sources

Georgieva: evolving clustering, assigning new data to clusters

Coppi: monitoring public investment

(phases: decision, planning, implementation, assessment)

Gilli: empirical finance, numerical solutions

Kocijan: (evolving) Gaussian process models for dynamic systems

Klawonn: mining business processes, biological time series

Borgelt: updating patterns found in steraming data,

pattern mining before a changing background

Points to consider for a proposal:

- possible focus: environmental issues (in order to fit EU FP7 call)

- focus on questions common to all problems

(change speed, history length, prediction reliability/possibility)

- possible contribution (esp. environmental problems)

- possible deliverable

- possible partners from outside

- industry partners (depends on the instrument used)

- socio-economic systems: sparse data, short time intervals

- two notions of time: individual versus historic time

- (strong) domain dependence (biological, technical, socio-economic)

and/or characteristics of the application

- general framework/"process" model:

procedure for handling/modeling evolving systems

- recognition of the environment

- weight/combine results of different models (ensembles)

- emphasize imprecision, both in data and model

- related areas: adaptive control, time series analysis,

evolving systems (heuristics)

Potential work packages and related issues:

(application focus: environmental issues)

- methodological problem:

develop a procedure how to handle evolving systems

- what kind of models are appropriate?

- what data should one use?

(too much data -> use aggregated data; relevance of data)

- change detection (speed of change, continuous/discrete change)

- change prediction

- decision support and visualization

- emphasis on imprecision and uncertainty

Lietuvos atstovo COST I0702 Veiklos vadybos komitete (Management Committee)

prof. Raimundo Jasinevičiaus ATASKAITA apie dalyvavimą šios Veiklos vadybos

komiteto 8-tajame posėdyje ir trijų darbo grupių susirinkimuose 2011m. Spalio mėn.

27- 28d.d. Lisabonoje (Portugalijoje).

Š.m. Spalio mėn. 27 ir 28 dienomis dalyvavau COST I0702 Veiklos vadybos

komiteto (Management Committee) 8-tajame posėdyje ir WG – A, B ir C darbo

grupių narių susirinkimuose.

Formalus Vadybos komiteto posėdis vyko pagal standartinę darbotvarkę (žr. 1.

priedą). Be to jame buvo nuspręsta laiko sąnaudų ekonomijos ir posėdžių

rezultatyvumo vardan neaptarinėti visų klausimų darbo grupėse atskirai, o

susikoncentruoti į diskusijas trijų idėjų FW7 šaukimui aptarti. Apibendrinant

nuveiktą darbą, galima pasakyti, kad Vadybos komiteto ir visų darbo grupių nariai

nuveikė tokį darbą:

1) ilgai svarstytos galimybės dalyvauti ICT-2011.4.4 (Intelligent Information

Management) ir ICT-20119.7 (Dynamics of Multi-Level Complex Systems)

tiksluose, tačiau buvo visuotinai pritarta darbo grupių narių pastangoms

suformuluoti vieną bendrą Veiklos narių pasiūlymą FW7 šaukimui ICT-2011

9.10 (Fundamentals of Collective Adaptive Systems) FET Proactive lygmeniu

ir pateikti strep projektą;

2) apžvelgta veikla ir medžiaga, susijusi su Veiklos darbo rezultatų apibendrinimu

specialiame leidinyje, planuojamame išleisti Špringerio leidykloje, kuriame

Veiklos darbo grupių (WG-A, B, C) dalyviai pateiktų savo tyrimų rezultatus

lanksčiosios kompiuterikos srityje; pareikštas pageidavimas neapsiriboti

smulkiais straipsniais, bet darbo grupių vadovų pastangomis (pagal galimybes)

publikuoti leidinyje ir solidžias apžvalgas pagal kiekvieną darbo grupę;

3) sutarta kitą Vadybos komiteto posėdį organizuoti 3-jų dienų susitikimą 2012m.

Kovo mėn.19-23d.d. Romoje;

4) atliktos visos darbotavrkėje numatytos reikalaujamos biurokratinės vadybos ir

valdymo procedūros (biudžetas, trumpalaikės mokslinės jaunųjų tyrėjų

komandiruotės ir kt.);

5) Lietuva jos koordinatoriaus pastangomis partnerio teisėmis įtraukta į pirmosios

pateikimo stadijos projektą SmartGuide (pirminio aprašo santrauka 2 priede);

6) sutarta dėl naujai parengsimo ir teiksimo projekto pavadinimo ir akronimo:

“Reducing uncertainty in collective evolving systems” (REDUCE) ir terminų

preliminariams mokslinių tyrimų ir pilotinių bandymų darbų sąrašams pateikti

(2012 Sausio 15d.).

Pastabos ir išvados:

a) ši COST Veikla davė didžiulės naudos Kauno technologijos universiteto

Informatikos fakultetui ir apskritai Lietuvos mokslui. Šio fakulteto Kompiuterinio

raštingumo centre sukurta lanksčiosios kompiuterikos laboratorija KTU ir kitų

universitetų magistrantams ir doktorantams, dirbantiems miglotosios logikos ir

sprendimų parengimo kompiuterizavimo srityje. Miglotosios logikos ir lanksčiosios

kompiuterikos tematika įtraukta į atitinkamus KTU ir VGTU studijų modulius.

Pasiūlyta nauja šiuolaikinė magistrantūros studijų KTU specialybė. Pagal Veiklos

STSMs programą KTU 10 dienų dirbo žymus Italijos (CNR) mokslininkas dr. Mario


b) pažymėtina, kad neprotingas šios srities mokslinių tyrimų tegul ir šykštaus

finansavimo sustabdymas Lietuvoje labai pakenkė ne tik tolesnei šios perspektyvios

kompiuterikos mokslo krypties raidai, bet ir pačios Veiklos rezultatų skalidai. Tatai

eilinį kartą demonstruoja lėšas administruojančių vadybininkų trumparegiškumą.

2011.11.04 Prof. Raimundas Jasinevičius.

1 priedas

2 priedas

Proposal full title: Smart Guideline Adherence and Benchmarking

Proposal acronym: SMARTGUIDE

Type of funding scheme: Collaborative Project, Small or Medium-Scale Focused Research Project (CP-FP)

Work programme topics addressed: HEALTH.2012.3.2-1: Improving the organisation of health service delivery

Name of the coordinating person: Uzay Kaymak

Project objectives This project aims at improving the healthcare delivery to European citizens by developing a framework for assessing organizational and national adherence to medical guidelines by using process information stored in the information systems of healthcare organizations. Process mining is used for eliciting process information based from actual data, so that different guidelines can be compared in a systematic way, and that organizational performance as well as national practices can be benchmarked in a comparable and objective manner based on actual data from healthcare information systems. The proposed system will simplify benchmarking best practices in care processes – both national and cross-border –, identify systematic variations in health care practice and will be instrumental in relating care pathways designed based on medical guidelines to medical outcomes and process efficiency, leading the pathway to sustainable healthcare. Consequently, the project aims to contribute to the design of more patient-centric care by providing essential benchmarking information to healthcare professionals and decision makers. A proof-ofconcept will be developed and evaluated in different healthcare settings involving two specializations, benchmarking of different organizations and a cross-border comparison of medical guideline adherence. Through dissemination and training activities, the project also aims at dissemination of managed medicine and guideline adoption.

List of participants: 1 (Coordinator) Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TUE) NL University TUE coordinates the project and has significant expertise on datadriven modelling, process mining and model transformation methods. Research will be embedded within the Healthcare Cluster of the Department of Information Systems. The cluster has 10 fulltime members who contribute to research into clinical pathways, process oriented medicine, process mining and decision support. Scientific person in charge is U. Kaymak. 2 Technical University of Lisbon – Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) PT University IST is the largest school of ngineering in Portugal, with long tradition in teaching, and excellence in research, innovation and training activities. Research will be embedded within the Center of Intelligent Systems, a research unit of IDMEC/IST, in the area of data analysis using a combination of soft computing and statistical methods (model selection and validation, bio-inspired meta-heuristics and statistics with imperfect and incomplete data). The scientific person in charge is Prof. João M. C. Sousa. 3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division (MIT) USA University MIT Engineering Systems Division recognizes that many of today’s most complex and pressing challenges require innovative and interdisciplinary approaches. Challenges such as making healthcare affordable and accessible, managing global manufacturing and supply chains, rebuilding crumbling infrastructures, and working toward energy security don’t have purely technical solutions. They involve technology, processes, and policies. MIT brings in expertise to address such challenges using interdisciplinary approaches rooted in engineering, healthcare management, and social sciences. The scientific person in charge is Dr. Stan Finkelstein. 4 Catharina Ziekenhuis Eindhoven (CZE) NL Hospital CZE is one of the largest hospitals in the region of Eindhoven, the Netherlands. It is active for many years in research into clinical decision support systems (CDSS) and their added value for medical practice. One of these projects is the CDSS Gaston, a guideline driven intelligent agent functioning as a CDSS. In this project, CZE will provide critical data for medical

guidelines and processes, as well as contribute to the case studies of the project. The scientific person in charge is prof. dr. H.H.M. Korsten. 5 Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) USA Hospital Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center is a major teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School renowned for excellence in patient care, biomedical research, teaching, and community service. The Medical Center is known for its clinical expertise in surgical, interventional procedural care, transplantation, cardiovascular and critical care. The Division of Clinical nformatics (DCI) is a division of the Department of Medicine at BIDMC. DCI was among the first academic divisions in the world to concentrate on the use of computers for patient care, teaching, and medical research. The goals of the Division have been to improve the quality and reduce the cost of medical care, to enhance the quality of medical education, to improve the relationship between doctor and patient, and to explore innovative approaches to research through computing. BIDMC will provide essential data and medical expertise for the project. The scientific person in charge is dr. Shane Reti. 6 Teradata (TD) NL Industry Teradata is the world's leader in data warehousing through its database software, enterprise data warehousing, data warehouse appliances, and enterprise analytics. TD will provide enabling technology (HW/SW), Logical Data Model, training and deployment knowledge and expertise, all supportive to the research. The scientific person in charge is Ton Bekkers. 7 University of Technology (KTU) LT Lithuania. KTU is the largest technical university in the Baltic States and is one of the most dynamic schools of higher education in Lithuania. Department of Computer Science concentrates on innovative applications of information technology for societal problems. In this project, KTU provides expertise about knowledge Kaunas based modelling and advanced information systems. The scientific person in charge is prof. dr. Raimundas Jasinevicius. 8 Hospital da Luz PT Hospital Hospital da Luz is the largest private hospital in Portugal, offering a complete and integrated range of health care facilities and services. Its unique architecture among hospital buildings privileges safety and functionality, allied to comfort and privacy of patients and their families. For inpatient care, the hospital has 140 beds for acute and 100 for post-acute and palliative care. The hospital is upported by medical equipment and information systems that allow the integral digitalization of the clinical information. Hospital da Luz will provide data and expertise for the case studies of the project. The scientific person in charge is dr. Carlos Palos

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