like + vs like + to infinitive modal verbs: …...3. rugby players can / can't throw the...

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Modal Verbs: must, have to, can Like + VS Like + to infinitive

Word building & Suffixes Sport Venues & Equipment

/ŋ/ and Silent letters

คอ คำกรยาทนำมาเตม -ing ซงทำหนาทเปน คำนาม มก แปลวา การ- หรอ ความ-

หนาทของ Gerund

1. เราสามารถใช Gerund ( เปนประธาน (Subject) ของประโยค

Examples: Swimming is my favorite sport.

Eating a lot of food can cause diabetes.

Having a complicated relationship doesn’t really work.

2. ตามหลง Preposition (Preposition + Noun/

Examples: I am looking forward to hearing from you.

She keeps complaining about having a baby.

Do you like playing basketball?

3. เปนกรรมของกรยา (วางหลงคำกรยาบางคำ)

หากเจอคำกรยาตอไปนใหตามดวย Gerund

Gerund page 18 page 67

+ Verb

look forward to (v.) ตงตาคอย keep (v.) ดำเนนตอ

practice (v.) ฝกซอม enjoy (v.) เพลดเพลน

suggest (v.) แนะนำ recommend (v.) แนะนำ

feel like (v.) ตองการ like (v.) ชอบ

Examples: I don’t mind spending my time with you.

Please avoid smoking.

My friend wants to quit smoking.

Joseph practices swimming.

The students enjoy playing games.

Exercise Look at the grammar box. Then correct the conversation between

two friends. Change eight verbs into the -ing form.

A: The Tour de France is on TV tonight! I love watch it, watching

B: Oh no! Cycle is so boring.

A: I really enjoy see the cyclists on the mountains.

B: But it lasts for days! I hate wait for the end.

A: Today is the final day. It's exciting.

B: Sit in front of the TV is not exciting. I prefer do something. Hey! Are

you good at play tennis? We could play this afternoon

A: But I want to watch this.

B: I see. Are you afraid of lose against me or something? busy (v.) วนวายอยกบ quit (v.) เลก

stop (v.) หยด try (v.) ลอง

understand (v.) เขาใจ avoid (v.) หลกเลยง

V.have trouble (v.) มปญหา complete (v.) ทำใหเสรจ

consider (v.) พจารณา can’t stand (v.) อดไมได, ทนไมได

prefer (v.) ชอบมากกวา hate (v.) เกลยด

page 18

Exercise Work in pairs. Ask questions to complete the r sentences for both

of you with the names of any sports or leisure activities.

1. I love watching ______________ but my partner doesn't.

2. My partner likes ______________ but I prefer ______________ .

3. I think ______________ boring but my partner loves it!

4. We both enjoy ______________ but we can't stand ______________ .

5. I'm good at ______________ but my partner isn't.

Exercise Complete the sentences with the -ing form of these verbs.

cycle eat go shop sit

visit watch write

1. I’m listening to a radio programme about cycling.

2. Do you enjoy _________________ sport on TV?

3. ________________ at home all day is boring.

4. We don’t like _________________ this football stadium.

5. Jenny is very good at ___________ sports reports.

6. _______________ for new football boots is always difficult.

7. He hates _______________ to matches when his team loses.

8. _______________ a lot before a game is bad for you.

page 19

page 67

Grammar Note

Examples: I like playing the computer games.

She likes sleeping on the couch.

Grammar Note

Examples: I would like to be a flight attendant.

Would you like to help customers?

like + นสย ทชอบทำ

Negative Interrogative

S + like (s) + S + do/does not like + Do/Does + S + like +


Examples: Examples: Examples:

I like swimming.

He likes working out.

We like dancing.

You don’t like reading books.

She doesn’t like cheating.

They don’t like running.

Do you like playing kites?

Does he like drinking soda?

Do they like fishing?

ความแตกตางระหวาง like + กบ would like to + V.inf

would like to + V.inf (’d like to) อยากทำอะไร

Negative Interrogative

S + ’d like + to inf. S + would not like + to inf. Would + S + like + to inf?


Examples: Examples: Examples:

I would like to swim.

He’d like to sleep now.

We’d like to hang out.

You wouldn’t like to do it.

Peter wouldn’t like to go

shopping with me.

Would you like to come to

the party tonight?

Would you like to help me?

ความแตกตางระหวาง like + กบ would like to + V.inf

Exercise Complete the sentences with like + -ing or ‘d like to and the


1. Andy _________________ (like / play) football.

2. The boys _________________ (like / learn) how to swim next year.

3. _________________ Mike _________________ (like / drive) his new car?

4. I _________________ (not like / compete) in this competition every week!

5. _________________ you _________________ (like / sit) here, sir?

6. Jo _________________ (not like / travel) round the world next year.

7. My father _________________ (like / cook) lunch for all the family every


8. She _________________ (like / watch) the match with us next week.

page 67

Grammar Note

ทง must และ have to หากใชในสถานการณทตองทำอะไรนนสามารถใช

แทนกนได แตอยางไรกด หากเปนประโยคปฏเสธจะมความหมายตางกนออกไป

Examples: You must not sleep during my class. (หามหลบ)

The applicants mustn’t bring any food into

this room. (หามนำอาหารมาในหองน)

Sandy doesn’t have to get up early tomorrow

because it is Sunday. (ไมจำเปนตองตนเชา)

Don’t you have to attend the class?


page 21 Modal Verb

must have to

1. ใชเมอเราเชอวา มนตองเปนเรองจรง


• You’ve worked for 10 hours.

You must be tired.

• I must have the wrong number.


2. ใชกบเหตการณทตองทำจรงๆ

• You must wear the safety helmet.

• Bicyclists must not ride on the


1. ใชกบเหตการณทตองทำจรงๆ


• Come here. You have to see this.

• She has to get up at 6.00 am.

• Men have to do military service.

• You have to stop talking.

• John has to be here soon.

• You have to tell me the truth.

mustn’t ตองไม

ไมจำเปนตอง don't have to


1. เราใช can เมอเรารวาตองทำอยางไร หรอ มความเปนไปไดในการทำสงนน


• I can play the piano.

• Can you do me a favor?

• Joseph can speak more than 10 languages.

• I can’t imagine living without you.

• He can pick you up at the airport when you arrive.

• Can I talk to Mr. Murpheys, please?

2. เราใช cannot (can’t) เมอไมไดรบอนญาตใหทำอะไรบางอยาง หรอ เปนไปไมได


• You can’t go into the storage room.

• The plane can’t take off due to the bad weather condition.

2b Crazy competitions!

page 20

Crazy competitions!

Ross McDermott and Andrew Owen travel round the United States going to

different festivals and write about their experiences on the blog The American

Festivals Project. Many of these festivals are also competitions.

A The Idiotarod ----

The Idiotarod is an annual race in New York City. Each team must have five

people and a shopping cart. They can decorate their carts but they can't

change the wheels. All the teams have to start and finish at the same place

but they don't have to run on the same roads. The teams can choose their

route but the members of each team (must arrive at the finish line together.

And they mustn't finish without the cart!

B Mud Bowl Championship ----

Mud Bowl football is similar to normal American football. The match is shorter

but there

are two teams and a referee. The winner is the team with the most goals at

the end of sixty minutes. The only real difference is that the players have to

play in half a metre of mud!

C Combine Harvester Fight ----

Combine harvesters are normally on farms but, for one day every summer in

the small town of Hillsdale in Michigan, farmers compete against each other

for a prize of $1,500. For three hours, the giant machines have to fight until

only one combine harvester is still moving.

Exercise 3 Read the article again. Match the sentences (1-8) with the

competitions (A-C).

1. Competitors run from one place to another. ______

2. You can win money. ______

3. It's for individual competitors. ______

4. The competition is once a year. ______ , ______

5. You use a type of transport. ______

6. The rules are the same as another real sport. ______

7. It's for teams. ______ , ______

8. There is a time limit. ______

Exercise 7 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences about

different sports.

1. You have to/ don't have to play cricket with a bat and a ball.

2. Competitors don't have to / mustn't argue with the judge's decision.

3. Rugby players can / can't throw the ball forwards. It must always go


4. Competitors can't /must run 42 kilometres in a marathon.

5. A referee can/ mustn't send a player off the pitch.

6. The goalkeeper in football has to / doesn't have to stay in the penalty


7. A tennis player has to / doesn't have to hit the ball inside the white


8. The players mustn't / don't have to win every point to win a match.

Exercise Vocabulary competitions: Complete the pairs of sentences with

the correct words. Use a dictionary to help you.

1. (win / beat)

My woolly worm _______ yours!

Did you _______ the race?

2. (score / win)

How many matches did you _______ ?

How many goals did you _______ ?

3. (fans / spectators)

We're your biggest _______ ! We come to every match.

There were about 50,000 _______ the match.

4. (referee / judge)

The _______ sent the player off.

One _______ gave the ice skater 10/10.

5. (trophy / prize)

The President gave the winning team the silver _______ .

The _______ for the winner is $500.

2c Bolivian wrestlers

Exercise Find words in the first three paragraphs of the article to match

these definitions.

1. three words meaning a large group of people at a performance or

sporting event: a____________, s____________, c____________

2. two verbs meaning to speak loudly and make a lot of noise:

s____________, s____________ .

3. to clap your hands together: a____________ .

4. people who support someone famous: f____________ .

5. to get away from someone or something: e____________ .

6. three verbs to describe fast movements: j____________ , s____________ ,

t____________ .

7. the bad person (usually in a story, film or book): b _______

8. the good person (usually in a story, film or book): g____________

page 22

Exercise Look at the sentences from the article. Match like in each

sentence (1-4) with the uses (a-d).

1. Would they like to become wrestlers one day?

2. Yolanda and Claudina walk through the crowds like pop stars.

3. Esperanza explains why she likes watching the wrestling

4. She also has two daughters who both look like her.

a. enjoys in general

b. wants to do in the future

c. similar behaviour to

d. similar appearance to

2d Joining a club

Bolivian wrestlers

In El Alto in Bolivia, an audience is sitting around a huge wrestling ring. The spectators are getting impatient

and so they start to scream:'Bring them on! Bring them on!' Suddenly, an announcer speaks into the microphone:

‘Ladies and Gentlemen. It's time for Yolanda and Claudina!' The crowd shouts and applauds with excitement.

Two women enter. Yolanda and Claudina walk through the crowd like pop stars. They smile and greet their

fans until suddenly the music stops. Both women jump into the wrestling ring and within seconds, Claudina hits

Yolanda. Yolanda grabs Claudina. Claudina tries to escape, but Yolanda doesn't let her go. She spins Claudina round

and throws her down on the floor. The audience goes crazy!

As Claudina lies on the floor, Yolanda is smiling and waving to the crowd. She doesn't see Claudina get

up behind her. Then Claudina pushes Yolanda onto the ropes. The crowd shouts at her. Claudina is the baddie in this

competition so when Yolanda - the goodie gets up and throws Claudina out of the ring, the crowd cheers with

happiness. One minute Yolanda is winning. The next minute, Claudina is winning.

Wrestling in Bolivia is incredibly popular and after a hard day's work many people love watching this mixture

of sport, drama and entertainment. Usually, the wrestling matches are between men wearing masks and special

costumes. But in El Alto you can also see women wrestling where it's especially popular.

Yolanda is one of the top women wrestlers. Her father was also a wrestler so it's a family tradition. During the day she

makes clothes. She also has two daughters who both look like her. Would they like to become wrestlers one day?

Yolanda doesn't think so. 'My daughters ask me why I do this. It's dangerous and they complain that wrestling doesn't

bring any money into the house.' But Yolanda loves wrestling because of her fans, and she has lots of them!

One fan called Esperanza Kancina pays $1.50 (a large part of her salary) to sit near the ring. She explains

why she likes watching the wrestling: 'It's a distraction. The women wrestlers fight here and we laugh and forget our

problems for three or four hours. At home, we're sad.'

The women wrestlers fight here and we laugh

and forget our problems for three or four hours.

page 23

2d Joining a club

Exercise Look at the adverts (A-C). Which of the questions in Exercise 1 do

they each answer?

A : Would you like to get fit and make new friends?

Our (running group meets at 7 p.m. every Wednesday.

There are two groups:

• Beginner's group (for anyone)

• Experienced (you must be able to run twenty or more kilometers)

It's non-competitive and a fun way to get fit! Call Mike Burgess on 0776 58945.

B : Join us and WIN a new camera!

The Barton Photography Club welcomes new members. We are a busy club with

regular speakers at our club meetings. Join before 1st March and you can also enter

our summer photography competition. Three prizes including a brand new camera. The

entry fee is 15 euros) (including club membership for a year). Visit to download an entry form and for membership details.

C : Theatre group

A local theatre group is looking for actors and actresses to be in a on musical comedy

this summer. You must be available twice a week starting 2nd April. Enthusiasm is more

important than talent! Contact Mandy Giles on

Match the sentences in Exercise with the three categories in the box.


Asking about interests

Do you like taking photographs?

Talking about interests (and likes/dislikes)

I'd like/prefer to join a running club.

I'm good at acting.

I wouldn't like to do it.

I'm (not) interested in photography.

Recommending and encouraging

It looks interesting.

I think you'd enjoy it.

You should do it with me.

2e Advertising for members

Exercise Writing an advert or notice

1. Read the advice about how to write effective adverts and notices. Then

look back at the three adverts on page 24. Answer the questions.

1. Which advert follows most of the advice?

2. How could you improve the other adverts?


• Start with a good headline. You could ask a question or solve a problem.

• The advert should explain the benefits.

• If possible, offer something for free or a prize.

• Include any other important information (dates, times, location, etc.)

• Photos, pictures or images always help.

Exercise Writing skill checking your writing

a. it's always important to check your writing for mistakes, especially

when a lot of people will read it (e.g. in an advert). Read the sentences (1-8)

from different adverts and find the mistake in each. Match the sentences with

the types of mistake (a-h). Then correct the mistakes.

a. spelling e. grammar

b. missing word f. word order

c. punctuation g. capital letter

d. preposition h. wrong word

1. Would you like to learn a musical instrumento? C .

2. Enter our exciteingeompetition! _____

3. Are you geod at play tennis? _____

4. We meet at Tuesdays and Thursdays. _____

5. It's fun way to get fit. _____

6. Join this club new! _____

7. Get healthy and play yoga. _____

8. Call Peter on 077 237 5980. _____


Exercise Put the words in order to make sentences and questions.

1. than / losing / winning / is / fun / more

2. I'm / new / good / leathing / at / games

3. learning / languages? / you / do / like

4. like / a musical instrument? / learn / would / to / you

5. you / like / who / look / do / in your family?

Exercise Complete the description of a competition with these verbs.

can don't have to

have to mustn't

There's a competition in Alaska where you 1. __________ arrive without

facial hair! That's because it's the world's moustache and beard competition.

The judges 2. __________ choose the winners from the beards and moustaches

of over 300 contestants from all over the world. But you 3. __________ have the

longest moustache or biggest beard because there are many different

categories. For example, you 4. ___________ win the prize for 'Best English

moustache' and 'Best natural moustache'.


Exercise Choose the correct options.

1. My favourite football team scored / beat another goal!

2. In ice skating, the judges / spectators gives points to the competitors.

3. My grandmother won a trophy / prize of a thousand dollars in a


4. My team always loses. We never win / beat any matches.

5. Hit the tennis ball with your racquet / net!

6. During the fight, the two boxers must not leave the court /ring.

7. Wear these gloves / goggles over your eyes when you ski.

8. The track / pitch is 100 metres long. The fastest runners can complete

it in less than ten seconds.

Real life

Exercise Complete the conversation. Write one word in each gap.

A: Are you interested 1. __________ painting? There's a new evening

course at my college.

B: I'm afraid I'm not very good 2. _________ art.

A: I'm not either but I'd like 3. _________ learn. Go 4. _________ You

should do it with me.

B: Sorry.

A: 5. _________ you like taking photos? There's also a course for that.

B: Actually, it looks interesting.

Word building

คำศพทภาษองกฤษมกมรป Verb, Adjective, Adverb, และ Noun เปนของตนเอง



beauty beautify beautiful beautifully

benefit benefit beneficial beneficially

creation creator create creative Creatively

decision decide decisive decisively

difference differentiate different differently

distraction distract


justification justify justifiable justifiably


protection protect protective protectively

reliability rely reliable reliably

sadness sadden sad sadly

significance signify significant significantly

strength strengthen strong strongly

success succeed successful successfully

understanding understand understandable understandably

Suffixes ทมกใชลงทายคำ


Suffixes Examples

-or, -er, -ist, -ian politician, doctor, physicist, adviser

-ment improvement, advancement

-ism realism, skepticism

-ion vision, confusion

-ness darkness, happiness

-ship relationship, leadership

-ence, -ance difference, importance

-acy lunacy, efficacy

-age marriage

-ity, -y, -cy productivity, annuity, fluency

ลงทายแลวเปน Verb

Suffixes Examples

-ify identify, petrify, nullify

-ize, -ise criticize, chastise

-en whiten, soften

-ate hesitate, appreciate

ลงทายแลวเปน Adverb

Suffixes Examples

-ify significantly, abruptly

ลงทายแลวเปน Adjective

Suffixes Examples

-ic terrific, fantastic

-ful successful, doubtful

-able, -ible comfortable, tangible

-proof bulletproof, waterproof

-less hopeless, harmless

-ous, -ious poisonous, curious

Sport Venues and Equipment

Sport Venues

Court Tennis, badminton

Course Golf

Pitch Cricket

Pool Swimming, diving

Ring Boxing

Track Running

Sport Equipment

Tennis Bowling Swimming Cycling



tennis ball



bowling ball



swimming suit


swimming pool

bicycle (bike)


Football Soccer Basketball Golf



soccer ball







golf ball

golf clubs



golf course

Skiing Volleyball Weight lifting Running


ski poles








running shoes


Skating Hockey Hiking

skates skates



ice rink

hiking boots


คำศพทเพมเตมนาสนใจ (Additional Interesting Vocabulary)

Vocabulary Examples

• win (v.) ชนะ Johnny won the competition.

• accident (n.) อบตเหต These was an accident during the game.

• beat (v.) เอาชนะ She beats her opponents in 3 seconds.

• balance (n.) การทรงตว Balance is the ability to stay upright or

stay in control of body movement.

• score (n.) คะแนน How many scores do you get?

• fans (n.) แฟนคลบ A lot of fans are waiting for their singer.

• competitor (n.) ผแขงขน Many competitors drink a lot of water.

• spectators (n.) ผชม The spectators always scream so hard.

• crash barrier (n.) กนชน We can supply crash barriers in stock.

• referee (n.) ผตดสน The referees gave the player 3 yellow cards.

• crowd (n.) ฝงชน The crowd began to cheer.

• judge (v.) ตดสน Don’t judge the book by its cover.

• fail (v.) ลมเหลว We failed to win this game.

• trophy (n.) ถวยรางวล France will get the trophy this year.

• injured (a.) บาดเจบ Andy got injured from swimming.

• prize (n.) รางวล We claim the prize from our coach.

• race (n.) การแขงขน My brothers will join this race.

• steep (adj.) ลาดชน The slopes are so steep.

• wheel (n.) ลอรถ The cars have 4 wheels.

Grammar Note

“Like” เปนหนงในคำทใชมากทสดในภาษาองกฤษ ซงมวธการใชทแตกตาง

กน และหลากหลายรปแบบ ดงน

1. Like – to enjoy

like นมกใชเปนกรยา ซงใชแสดงความรสกวา ชอบทำบางสง

Example: I like walking to work, but she liked to drive instead.

2. Would like – to request something

would like มกใชเปนคำกรยาเพอแสดงความตองการ

Example: She would like to place her order now.

3. Be like – to describe the characteristics of something like มกใชกบการบรรยายลกษณะนสยและมกใชรวมกนกบ be

Example: What was he really like?

4. Like – as a simile

like ในทนมกใชเปนการยกตวอยาง หลง like มกเปนคำนาม

Example: She was nervous and shaky, like a mouse.

5. Look like – describing appearances

Like ในทนมกเอาไวใชบอกลกษณะทางกายภาพ เรามกใชกบ look like

Example: I look like a really messy person, while she looks like a


1. การออกเสยง /ŋ/

เสยง /ŋ/ เปรยบไดเสมอนเสยง /ง/ ในภาษไทย


Watching Losing Language


English Waiting Singing

2. Silent letters



autumn column should talk calm

knife knock heir honest debt

muscle receipt island listen ballet

top related