list of surahs of the qayyúmu'l-asmá' of the...

Post on 30-Jul-2018






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List of Surahs of the Qayyúmu'l-Asmá' of the Báb

Extracted from Stephen N. Lambden’s provisional translation page

I الملك سورة Sūrat al-mulk Surah of the Dominion

II العلماء سورة Sūrat al-`ulama Surah of the Divines

III االیمان سورة Sūrat al-īmān Surah of Security

IV المدینھ سورة Sūrat al-madīna Surah of the City

V یوسف سورة Sūrat Yūsuf Surah of Joseph

VI الشھادة سورة Sūrat al-shahāda Surah of the Testimony

VII الزیارة سورة The Sūrat al-ziyāra

Surah of the Visitation

VIII التوحید سورة Surat al-Tawhid Surah of the Divine Unity

IX السر سورة Sūrat al-sirr Surah of the Mystery

X سورةالعماء Sūrat al-`amā' Surah of the Divine Cloud

XI السطر سورة Sūrat al-Satr Surah of the [Alphabetical] Script

XII العاشوراء سورة Sūrat al-Ashura Surah of Ashura'

XIII الفردوس سورة Sūrat al-Firdaws Surah of Paradise

XIV القدس سورة Sūrat al-Quds Surah of Holiness

XV المشیة سورة Sūrat al-Mashiyya

Surah of the Divine Will

XVI العرش سورة Sūrat al-`Arsh Surah of the Throne

XVII الباب سورة Sūrat al-Bab Surah of the Gate

XVIII الصراط سورة Sūrat al-sirat Surah of the Straight Path

XIX السیناء سورة Sūrat al-Sina' Surah of Sinai

XX النور سورة Sūrat al-Nur Surah of Light

XXI البحر سورة Sūrat al-Shajara [Bahr]

Surah of the Tree [Ocean]

XXII الماء سورة Sūrat al-Ma' Surah of the Watery Expanse

XXIII العصر سورة Sūrat al-`Asr Surah of the Forenoon

XXIV القدر سورة Sūrat al-Qadar Surah of the Destiny

XXV الخاتم سورة Sūrat al-Khatam Surah of the Seal

XXVI الحل سورة / Sūrat al-Hall [الحد] Hadd

Surah of the Lawful / Foreordained Limit

XXVII االبواب سورة Sūrat a-Abwab Surah of the Gates

XXVIII القرابة سورة Sūrat al-Qaraba Surah of the Kinsfolk

XXIX الحوریة سورة Sūrat al-ḥuriyya Surah of the Maiden

XXX التبلیغ سورة Sūrat al-Tabligh Surah of the Instruction

XXXI العز سورة Sūrat al-`Izz Surah of the Divine Grandeur

XXXII الحي سورة Sūrat al-hayy Surah of the Living One

XXXIII النصر سورة Sūrat al-Nasr Surah of Victory

XXXIV االشارة سورة Sūrat al-Ishara Surah of the Intimation

XXXV العبودیة سورة Sūrat al-`Ubudiyya

Surah of Servitude

XXXVI العدل سورة Sūrat al-`Adl Surah of the Divine Justice

XXXVII التعبیر سورة Sūrat al-Ta`bir Surah of the Interpretation

XXXVIII الفاطمة سورة Sūrat al-Fāṭima Surah al-Fāṭima [bint Khuwaylid]

XXXIX الشكر سورة Sūrat al-Shukr Surah of Thankfulness

XL االنسان سورة Sūrat al-Insan Surah of Humankind

XLI الكتاب سورة Sūrat al-Kitab Surah of the Book

XLII العھد سورة Sūrat al-`Ahd Surah of the Covenant

XLIII الوحدة سورة Sūrat al-Wahda Surah of Oneness

XLIV الرویاء سورة Sūrat al-Ruya' Surah of the Vision [I]

XLV الرویاء سورة Sūrat al-Ruya' Surah of the Vision [II]

XLVI الھو سورة Sūrat al-Huwa Surah of the Divine Ipseity

XLVII المرآت سورة Sūrat al-Mi'rat Surah of the Mirrors

XLVIII الحجة سورة Sūrat al-Hujjat Surah of the Proof

XLIX الندأ سورة Sūrat al-Nidā' Surah of the Eschatological Call

L االحكام سورة Sūrat al-aḥkām Surah of the Decrees [I]

LI االحكام سورة Sūrat al-aḥkām Surah of the Decrees [II]

LII الفضل سورة Sūrat al-Fadl Surah of the Divine Bounty

LIII الصبر سورة Sūrat al-Sabr Surah of Patience

LIV الغالم سورة Sūrat al-Ghulam Surah of the Youth

LV الركن سورة Sūrat al-Rukn Surah of Support [Pillar]

LVI االمر سورة Sūrat al-Amr Surah of the Command

LVII الحسن سورة Sūrat al-Husn Surah of Excellence

LVIII االكسیر سورة Sūrat al-Iksir Surah of the Elixir

LIX االفئدة سورة Sūrat al-Af'ida Surah of the Inmost Hearts

LX الذكر سورة Sūrat al-Dhikr Surah of the Remembrance

LXI الحسین سورة Sūrat al-Husayn Surah of Husayn

LXII االولیاء سورة Sūrat al-Awliya' Surah of the Intimates

LXIII الرحمة سورة Sūrat al-Rahmat Surah of the Divine Mercy

LXIV الحمد سورة Sūrat al-Hamd Surah of the Laudation

LXV الغیب سورة Sūrat al-Ghayb Surah of the Occultation

LXVI االحدیة سورة Sūrat al-Ahadiyya

Surah of the Divine Oneness

LXVII االنشاء سورة Sūrat al-Insha' Surah of Origination

LXVIII الوعید سورة Sūrat al-Wa`id Surah of the Promises

LXIX التربیع سورة Sūrat al-Tarbi` Surah of Fourfold [Talisman]

LXX القسط سورة Sūrat al-Qist Surah of the Just Balance

LXXI القلم سورة Sūrat al-Qalam Surah of the Pen

LXXII البصیر سورة Sūrat al-Basir Surah of the Insightful One

LXXIII الكھف سورة Sūrat al-Kahf Surah of the Cave

LXXIV الخلیل سورة Sūrat al-Khalil Surah of the Friend [of God]

LXXV الشمس سورة Sūrat al-Shams Surah of the Sun

LXXVI الورقة سورة Sūrat al-Wara Surah of the Leaf

LXXVII السالم سورة Sūrat al-Salam Surah of Peacefulness

LXXVIII الظھور سورة Sūrat al-Zuhur Surah of the Manifestation

LXXIX الكلمة سورة Sūrat al-Kalimat Surah of the Word

LXXX الزوال سورة Sūrat al-Zawal Surah of the Declining Sun

LXXXI الكاف سورة Sūrat al-Kaf Surah of the [letter] K

LXXXII االعظم سورة Sūrat al-A`zam Surah of the Most Great

LXXXIII الباء سورة Sūrat al-Ba' Surah of the [Letter] B

LXXXIV االسم سورة Sūrat al-Ism Surah of the Name

LXXXV الحق سورة Sūrat al-Haqq Surah of the Ultimate Reality

LXXXVI السطر سورة or سورة الطیر

Sūrat al-Satr or Sūrat al-Tayr

Surah of the [Alphabetical] Line or Surah of the Bird

LXXXVII االنبیاء سورة Sūrat al-Anbiya' Surah of the Prophets

LXXXVIII االبداع سورة Sūrat al-Ibda' Surah of the Cosmic Genesis

LXXXIX االنسان سورة Sūrat al-Insan Surah of Humanity [II]

XC القتال سورة or سورة التثلیث

Sūrat al-Qital or Sūrat al-Tathlith

Surah of the Eschatological Fighting or Surah of the Triangular [Talisman]

XCI التربیع سورة Sūrat al-Tarbi` Surah of the Fourfold [Talisman]

XCII المجلل سورة or االشھادسورة

Sūrat al-Mujalla or Sūrat al-Irshad

Surah of the Glorified or Surah of the Testimonial

XCIII المجلل سورة or النحل سورة

Sūrat al-Mujallal or Sūrat al-Nahl

Surah of the Transfigured or Surah of the Bee[s]

XCIV التربیع سورة Sūrat al-Tarbi` Surah of the Fourfold [Talisman [II]

XCV التثلیث سورة Sūrat al-Tathlith Surah of the Threefold [Talisman]

XCVI القتال سورة Sūrat al-Qital Surah of the Fighting in Battle [II]

XCVII القتال سورة Sūrat al-Qital Surah of the Fighting in Battle [III]

XCVIII الجھاد سورة Sūrat al-Jihad Surah of the Jihad [I]

XCIX الجھاد سورة Sūrat al-Jihad Surah of the Jihad [II]

C الجھاد سورة Sūrat al-Jihad Surah of the Jihad [III]

CI الجھاد سورة Sūrat al-Jihad Surah of the Jihad [IV]

CII القتال سورة Sūrat al-Qital Surah of the Fighting in Battle [III]

CIII القتال سورة Sūrat al-Qital Surah of the Fighting in Battle [IV]

CIV االحكام سورة Sūrat al-Ahkam Surah of the Legal Judgements [III]

CV االحكام سورة Sūrat al-Ahkam Surah of the Legal Judgements [IV]

CVI الجمعة سورة Sūrat al-Jum`a Surah of the [Friday] Gathering

CVII النكاح سورة Sūrat al-Nikah Surah of Women

CVIII الذكر سورة Sūrat al-Dhikr Surah of the Remembrance

CIX العبد سورة Sūrat al-`Abd Surah of the Servant

CX السابقین سورة Sūrat al-Sabiqin Surah of the Forerunners

CXI المؤمنین سورة Sūrat al-Mu'minin Surah of the Believers

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