live互動英語雜誌2010年3月號 - memory aids to remember 記憶力保鮮訣竅

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In this helpful article, you can learn how to improve your memory now and have it last well into your old age. 到底是哪些因素影響你的記憶力,改善良方是⋯⋯


Frank’s birthday ?

Forget things later in life


tofu 豆腐

MemoryAids1 to


MemoryAids1 to


—Sean McCormack

18 課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 14 /慢速 MP3 - 40課程講解》MP3 - 63

DON’T you hate it when something slips your

mind,† like that time you forgot your best

friend’s birthday? Maybe you’ve been in a test, and

you couldn’t recall2 something you had recently

been taught. Sometimes our memory lets us down

at the worst moments.

Doctors have identified some life factors3 that

can affect memory. Their studies show that you are

more likely to forget things later in life if your diet is

high in carbohydratesh or tofu and low in fish.

Smoking, thyroidh problems, and long-term pain

can also cause memory loss. Another surprising find

was that people who weren’t married scored lower

on memory tests than those who were. In other

words, what we eat, how we treat our body, and the

relationships4 we form all affect memory.

For those after a quick memory fix, help is at

hand—well, actually up your nose. Scientists have

created a nasal spray† that helps memory.

Researchers5 have discovered that a moleculeh

from the body’s immune systemh can aid recall

when delivered through the nose. Perhaps some

day we’ll be able to use the same method to give

people a whiff of† common sense. *中文翻譯請參閱第 70頁





記憶力 保鮮訣竅記憶力 保鮮訣竅



生活保健 ■

關鍵解析 Language Notes

1. For those after . . . 句意分析此句用到許多句型及片語,分析如下︰

For those after a quick memory fix, help is at hand . . .

此句為省略過的句子,完整句為 For those [who are after a quick memory fix], . . .

those who + V. 指「(那些)……的人」

• Those who want to go on the trip need to send an e-mail to Jill for details. 想要去旅行的人需要寄電子郵件給吉兒以取得詳細資訊。

sb be after + N. 指「某人尋求、尋找某事物」。

• If you are after some cheap shoes, I can show you a good shop. 如果你要找些便宜鞋子,我可以告訴你一家不錯的店。

a quick fix 指「暫時又快速簡易的解決方法」。而 fix 前加上 memory,表示「解決記憶問題的方法」。

• Janet taught Alice a quick fix for her computer problem. 珍妮特教愛麗絲一個簡易快速的方法,解決她的電腦問題。

at hand 此指「在手邊、伸手可得」 。

• Arnold didn’t have any paper clips at hand, so he used tape. 阿諾手邊沒有任何迴紋針,所以他用膠帶。

字彙 Vocabulary *為大考出現過的字彙

* 1. aid [ed] n., v. 輔助物;幫助

My grandfather wears a hearing aid, but you still need to speak loudly.

* 2. recall [r6`k7l] v., n. 回想;記憶

The three old friends talked together, recalling the time when they were young.

* 3. factor [`f1kt0] n. 因素;要素

There are many factors to the problem, so it won’t be easy to solve.

* 4. relationship [r6`le]4n%]6p] n. 關係

You must be honest with people to form close relationships.

* 5. researcher [ri`s-t]0] n. 研究員

Researchers at the company tried to find a way to make the glue stronger.

† 為補充說明

† sth slip one’s mind [sl6p] 指「某人忘記某事」。

† nasal spray [`nezy] [spre] 指「鼻噴霧劑」。

† a whiff of . . . [hw6f] 此指「一點點……」。

Give It a Try 請選出可與劃線部份代換的項目。

a. aids b. recall c. is after

____q Nathan wants a new job, so he is looking through online job sites.

____w Those books you gave me were great study helpers.

____e Doug couldn’t remember the name of the woman who was talking to him.

*答案請參閱第 70頁

關係子句修飾 those「那些人」


h carbohydrate [%k3rbo`ha6dret] n. 碳水化合物;醣類

h thyroid [`qa6r76d] n., adj. 甲狀腺;甲狀腺的

h molecule [`m3l4%kjul] n. 分子

h immune system [6`mjun] n. 免疫系統




a b c


Memory Aids to Remember • Health

19 課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 15 /慢速 MP3 - 41課程講解》MP3 - 64

The good news is that there is a lot you

can do to improve your memory. A great

trick to remember is to use as many senses

as possible when learning. Don’t just read

facts. Make a picture of them in your head,

say them aloud, and then write them down.

The more senses you use, the more easily

you will recall the facts later.

Another way to boostu your memory is

to exercise. Physical1 exercise increases

oxygen2 to the brain. More oxygen means

better brain performance.3 Don’t forget

mental exercise. Learn a new skill or do daily

tasks with your other hand or with your eyes

closed. Activities4 like these create new

brain pathwaysu that lead to greater recall.

It’s also important to eat foods that are

high in Omega-3 fatty acids,h such as fish.

In addition, spinach5 is your memory’s

friend because it’s packed with vitamins

that help make red blood cells.h These cells

carry oxygen to the brain and protect nerve


When it comes to brain performance

and memory, you shouldn’t leave anything

to chance.† The things you do now will

make trips down memory lane† much more

pleasant in the future. *中文翻譯請參閱第 70頁








生活保健 ■

字彙 Vocabulary *為大考出現過的字彙

* 1. physical [`f6z6ky] adj. 身體的;需要體力的

Because Peter has a very physical job, he is often tired at the end of the day.

* 2. oxygen [`3ks4d.4n] n. 氧氣

Plants are nice to have around the house because they produce oxygen.

* 3. performance [p0`f7rm4ns] n. (此指)表現

Ted’s performance on the test pleased his teacher very much.

* 4. activity [1k`t6v4t6] n. 活動

I am trying to come up with some fun activities to do this weekend with my family.

5. spinach [`sp6n6t]] n. 菠菜

Karen likes to make salads with spinach, tomatoes, and carrots.

u 字彙小筆記:僅供參考 † 為補充說明

u boost [bust] v. 提高;增加

u pathway [`p1q%we] n. 路徑

† leave . . . to chance 指「讓……聽天由命、順其自然」。

† trips down memory lane 指「往事回憶;舊地重遊」。

Give It a Try 請根據句意圈選詞性或寫出最適合的答案。

q Janet ate her daily breakfast of peanut butter on toast and then went to work. (Adj. / Adv.)

w 我們還在設法找出導致停電的原因。

We’re still trying to figure out the problems that __________ the blackout.

e 你這次專案的表現將會顯示你是否準備好要升遷。

Your __________ during this project will show us if you are ready for a promotion.

*答案請參閱第 70頁

關鍵解析 Language Notes

1. daily的用法a 當形容詞,指「每日的、日常的」,如本文的 daily task(日常事務)。

• When my son became old enough, he started to help with the daily housework. 當我兒子夠大時,他就開始幫忙日常家事。

b 當副詞指「每日」。

• You will need to give water to this plant daily. 你需要每天給這株植物澆水。

2. lead to 導致要表示「某事物導致、造成某結果」,可用句型︰

sth + lead to + N./V-ing

• Doctors say that smoking can lead to heart disease and lung cancer. 醫生說抽煙可能會導致心臟病和肺癌。


cause sth + result in + N./V-ing contribute to

• Pepper can cause sneezing if you get some in your nose. 如果你的鼻子沾到胡椒粉會導致打噴嚏。

• The man’s quick decision resulted in twenty-four people being saved from the plane crash. 這人迅速的抉擇結果使二十四個人在空難中獲救。


h Omega-3 fatty acid [o`m5g4] [`1s6d] n. Omega-3 脂肪酸 (或稱做 n−3 脂肪酸 ,為利於腦部及神經系統發展的必需脂肪酸, 無法在 體內自行合成,需經由飲食攝取)

h red blood cell n. 紅血球

h nerve cell [n-v] n. 神經細胞;神經元

可用 every day 代換


Memory Aids to Remember • Health

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