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Ημερομηνία: 10/05/2019 Ώρα: 7:30

Διάρκεια: 2,5 ώρες

Ονοματεπώνυμο: ____________________________ Τμήμα: ____ Αρ: __

ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ: Να γράφετε μόνο με μπλε ή μαύρη πένα.

Δεν επιτρέπεται η χρήση διορθωτικού υλικού.

Το γραπτό αποτελείται από10 σελίδες.


ΒΑΘΜΟΣ: _____________

ΟΛΟΓΡΑΦΩΣ: __________



1. LISTENING ONE (1): Titanic II (10 marks)

You will hear a passage about Titanic II. For questions 1-5 choose the best answer a, b, or c. (5x2=10 marks)

1. The company building Titanic II is _______.

a) Blue Stars

b) Blue Star Line

c) Blue Star Ships

3. 4. The cabins are separated in __________.

a) first and second class cabins

b) second and third class cabins

c) first, second and third class cabins

3. Some of the facilities the ship will have are _________________ .

a) tennis court, a pool and a number of bars

b) a squash court, turkish baths and the grand staircase

c) three 5-star restaurants and 2 spas

4. What special feature will there be for the passengers?

a) 1912-inspired clothes to wear.

b) 1912-inspired lifeboats exhibition on the ship.

c) Some original parts of Titanic used for decoration.

5. What differences between Titanic and Titanic II can we note?

a) There are no differences; Titanic II is an exact replica of Titanic.

b) It has lifeboats for every passenger.


c) It is up-to-date with satellite controls and enough lifeboats.

LISTENING TWO (2): Gabe, a Ballet boy. (10 marks)

Listen to the text about Gabe, a Ballet boy and complete the gaps with ONE WORD ONLY. (10x1= 10 marks)

When I tell people I’m a dancer I get negative feedback. It’s (1)


My name is Gabe. I’m 11 years old and I’m a ballet (2)

________________. It’s not only a (3) _______________, it’s an art. It’s

someway to put your emotions into (4) ________________. It takes a lot of brainpower and memory to

remember all the (5) _______________ and perfect them.

When I walk into class and I see that I’m the only boy there it doesn’t affect me. Of course, I (6)

_______________ love for more boys to be encouraged to dance but most boys just think in one

(7)_______________. Dancing is for sissies. It’s (8) ___________. But it takes as much effort to be a football

player as it is for a dancer. It probably takes more effort to be a dancer than a football player.

I want to say to the boys out there who are (9) _____________ scared to express their passion for dance,

“It doesn’t matter what other people think. It matters what you want. What your inner passion is and you

should(10) _________________ for that”.



PASSAGE A: Read the text below and do the exercises that follow. (25marks)

Drinking Water Water is vital to life. All living things require water. This includes people, animals, trees and vegetation.

The human body is composed of roughly 70% water. The human brain is about 75% and the heart is 79% water. The blood that is pumped around the body is actually 83%. The liver and kidneys are each roughly 85%. You may be surprised to know that human bones are approximately 22% with muscles being made up of 75% of water.

Water is also required to hydrate and detoxify the body. It regulates the body's temperature and removes toxins and waste matter via organs like the skin (by sweating) and bladder (by urination) The kidneys filter waste from the body's entire volume of blood every 5 minutes. This is why it is a good idea to drink a little water regularly throughout the day so that toxins may be removed from the body, otherwise they will remain trapped in body tissue.

Lack of water may lead to dehydration which if it becomes extreme may be fatal. People cannot survive for more than a few days without water although they may survive up to 3 weeks without food. More than a litre of water could potentially be lost every hour from the body in extremely hot conditions.

So it is essential that human beings drink good quality clean water daily. Yet, we destroy this very necessary life giving fluid by contaminating it with many chemicals and toxins. This happens as a result of products from industrial waste, landfill, chemical spills and chemical dumps and the use of pesticides, insecticides and herbicides which eventually make their way into our rivers and lakes.

Tap water is considered by many to be unfit for general consumption due to its high content in inorganic mineral salts. Because they are insoluble the body cannot utilise them and they remain in the tissues causing problems such as calcium deposits and hardening of the arteries which may lead to health problems such as hypertension (high blood pressure) and heart disease.

Exercise 1: Match the headings in the box (A-F) with the paragraphs (1-5) There is an extra heading you do not need to use. (5x1=5marks)

1. Paragraph 1_______________2. Paragraph 2 _______________3. Paragraph 3 _______________4. Paragraph 4 _______________5. Paragraph 5 _______________







A. Problems caused by DehydrationB. The Human Body Water Composition C. How the Body removes Toxins D. Most of the water we drink is unusableE. The Effects of IndustrializationF. Health Problems from Insoluble Mineral Deposits

Exercise 2: Choose and circle the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the statement. (5x2=10 marks)

1. The human organ that consists the highest percentage of water is the _____________. a) heartb) liverc) musclesd) brain

2. Water is NOT required to_____________.a) hydrate the bodyb) regulate the body’s temperature c) filter waste from the bloodd) remove toxins

3. People may not survive if they don’t _____________.a) drink water for two weeksb) eat for two weeksc) drink more than a litre of water dailyd) drink water in hot conditions

4. Contamination of water occurs from _____________.a) fiberfillb) contaminated insectsc) water spillsd) factory waste

5. Inorganic mineral salts _____________.a) are harmless for general consumptionb) can be utilized by the bodyc) cause problems with the heartd) are soluble


Exercise 3: Choose and circle the best answer a,b,c, or d to complete the passage below. (10x1=10 marks)

Collecting Water : Getting Ideas for New Technologies from Nature

Scientists may have found one answer to the problem of water shortages. It is a new material that collects water from the air. They got their (1) ______________ from a small beetle that lives in the desert in Africa. The deserts of the Skeleton Coast in Namibia are very dry, but the Namib desert beetle is an expert at surviving in hot and dry (2) ______________. That’s because its shell is covered in small bumps that collect (3) ____________ water droplets from the air. The water is enough to keep the beetle (4) _____________. Scientists studied the shape and material of the beetle's bumps. They want to use what they found out about the beetle to make their own materials that can collect water from the air. This will help people (5) ___________ live in very dry areas.

The scientists believe this new technology could help in many (6) ______________ of our life. They said it could be very useful for power plants and for the heating and air conditioning in airplanes, cars and trains. One of the scientists, Philseok Kim, said: "Thermal power plants, for example, rely (7) _______________ condensers to quickly convert steam to liquid water. Our design could help speed up that (8) _____________________ and even allow for operation at a higher temperature, significantly improving the (9) _______________ energy efficiency." Another scientist, Joanna Aizenberg, said she was (10) __________________ forward to the future of getting ideas for new technologies from nature. She said: "Everybody is excited about bio-inspired materials research."

1 a) concept b) idea c) method d) plan2 a)conditions b)settings c) scenes d)situations3 a)massive b)little c)tiny d)vast4 a)living b)alive c)still d) energetic5 a)which b)what c)whose d) who6 a)areas b)locations c)zones d)topics7 a)in b) on c)onto d)into8 a)development b)programme c)progress d)process9 a)large b)overall c) global d)partial10 a)seeing b)moving c)looking d) walking


Namib desert beetle

PASSAGE B: Read the text below and do the exercises that follow. (20 marks)

What if we couldn’t see the colours in the world?

If we couldn’t perceive different colours, would we see in black and white or in shades of grey? I can’t imagine there not being any colours to name. If we couldn’t see in colour, it is likely that one of our other senses would be more highly developed. If we could feel the textures of things in a more enhanced way, this might compensate for our loss of colours.

There would be none of the wonderful paintings by Van Gogh, Monet, Kandinsky and others whose primary concern was colour. It would also be difficult to see where one shape ended and another began, especially in nature. Even now, we sometimes have problems distinguishing where the sky meets the sea on the horizon. And we would certainly not be able to take pleasure in watching a sunset.

Our languages would not be as rich, as there would be no need for descriptions. Imagine “The day dawned as grey as always, the only difference being that a black sun was beating down ferociously.” To us that is a contradiction in terms. We wouldn’t use colour words to express ourselves. For example, we wouldn’t turn blue with cold, red with anger or embarrassment, or green with envy.

Just think what it would be like if you didn’t know that blood was red. How would you know that someone has been seriously injured? All liquids would appear to be the same colour. We wouldn’t use red as a warning signal on road signs, traffic lights and so on. We would, naturally, have found an alternative. But what would it be? A sharp warning sound, perhaps?

On the other hand, however, manufacturers would not have to worry about what colours consumers would like most. Presumably everything would appear to be the same colour. We would all wear the same colour clothes, although we could choose what style we would wear. We wouldn’t be able to change our hair colour, or in any case it wouldn’t matter to anyone. We wouldn’t even be able to see differences in people’s eye colour.

Moreover, if we all appeared to be the same colour, there could be no racism based on the colour of our skin; this would be a positive aspect of not having the ability to see different colours!

Exercise 1: Decide if the following statements are True (T) or False (F) .or Not Mentioned (NM) accordingto the text.(5 marks)

1. If colours didn’t exist, none of our senses would be affected.2. People’s perception of nature is affected by colour.3. Colour is fundamental in some painters’ work.


4. Most countries already use a sharp warning sound to indicate traffic regulations. 5. If there weren’t any colours, people would care more if their hair turned white.

Exercise 2: Answer the following questions according to the text.(5marks)

1. In what two (2) ways would the absence of colour affect language ?(2 marks)

2. Which are the effects mentioned in the passage, in case the red colour didn’t exist? (3 marks)

Exercise 3: Write a summary of the consequences of not having colour in our lives as they are mentioned in the text. Use 80-100 words. (10marks)



Writing 1 (15 marks)

You have recently won a contest on the topic :

“What improvements I would like to see in my school”

Write an email to a friend telling him about it.

Give details about your proposal as well as the reasons for your suggestions .

Use about 100 -120 words


Writing 2 (20 marks)

Your English teacher has asked you to write an article for the English section of the school magazine on the following topic:

“Problems Young people face today”

Use about 150 words


Η Διευθύντρια


Χριστούλα Συρίμη


Writing 2 (20 marks)

Your English teacher has asked you to write an article for the English section of the school magazine on the following topic:

“Problems Young people face today”

Use about 150 words


Oι Eισηγήτριες Η Συντονίστρια (ΒΔ) Η Διευθύντρια


Ευδοκία ΑναστασίουΜαρίλια Κωνσταντινίδου

Λουκία Κκουσιή Χριστούλα Συρίμη



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