makara mudra

Post on 10-Oct-2015






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Mudra . Arta nelept originea n China, mai mult de dou mii de ani n urm. , , , . Clerici de la momentul considerat c funciile vitale ale corpului este susinut nu numai alimente, dar energia pe care le primete de la Cosmos. -, "" . Aceasta energie circula prin canale speciale de meridiane, asigurnd "livrare" pentru toate organele i esuturile. , "" , . Dac unul sau mai multe dintre aceste meridiane este ntrerupt, de energie "combustibil" nu mai poate fluxul de la destinaie, precum i activitatea organelor interne este perturbat. : , , , : . Motivele pot fi diferite: condiiile externe adverse, ereditatea proasta, stres, i rezultatul este acelai: o persoan ncepe s doar.

, , , , , , , , .Cele ase canale energetice principale asociate cu inima, plamani, creier, ficat, splina, sistemul circulator, de mare i de intestine mici, trec prin minile i degetele de persoane. ! Acesta este motivul pentru care o parte are o mare putere de vindecare! , , "" . Combinnd degetele n anumite combinaii, pot activa meridiane i de energie direct prin corp, a restabili fluxul de energie i eliminarea "eec", la pacientii cu organismele. , . Sistematic efectuarea nelept, o sptmn mai trziu simt mbuntire. , . n boli acute, de relief vine in cateva zile sau chiar ore. ! Unele sunt nelepi, chiar secunde! . n bolile cronice efect de lung durat are loc dup cteva sptmni.

.Aflai cum s pun degetele ntr-o combinaie de vindecare uor-ne doar s ia o privire mai atent la fotografii. , .nelept s funcioneze mai bine ntr-un cadru linitit, cu faa spre est. , , . Dar dac este necesar, acestea se pot face oriunde, la o plimbare, n transport, la locul de munc n timpul pauzei de prnz. , , .n acest caz, nu conteaza, stai, n picioare sau merge. , .Minile dein n mod panic, fr efort. , , ( , ). Unele exercitii se poate face pe strad, minile n buzunare, precum i cu un deget (cu degetul mare va avea liber, dar un om nelept pune direct n interiorul mnuilor.) . Mnui nc mai bine. : , . n minile nu trebuie s fie bijuterii: inele, bratari. , .De mare importanta este atitudinea, care sunt efectuate nelept. , , . Noiuni de baz pentru ocuparea forei de munc, trebuie s fie absolut calm i ncreztor n faptul c gesturile terapeutice va aduce de relief. , , , , . Uita despre problemele i necazurile, cere mental pentru iertare de la cei care le-ai greit, i nu ncercai s ierte pe cineva care te-a rnit. , , , , . Dac suntei un credincios, nainte de a ncepe exercitarea spun o rugciune, pentru a cere o putere mai mare pentru a v ajuta, i dup coal, nu uitai s mulumesc persoanei care solicit ajutor.

, , , , . Dac sunt utilizai gesturi de energie normalizat fluxurile de tratament, nu numai n corpul care le efectueaz, dar, de asemenea, n zona nconjurtoare, acest lucru nseamn c mudre pot fi tratate la o distan. , . Principalul lucru este de a experimenta o dorinta sincera de a ajuta pe cei n nevoie. , , , , . n cazul n care persoana de lng tine n linite, ncercnd s nu atrag atenia, se apropie de el i ncepe s fac nelept, care este cea mai potrivit n aceast situaie. , , . Daca esti departe, imaginai-v primitor i meninei mental fa de imaginea lui n orice moment, n timp ce efectueaz exerciii fizice. , . nva s fie nelepi, nu numai adulti, dar, de asemenea, copii. , , : , . Copii, de regul, este posibil s se uor: au pus degetele n forme complicate, i jocul, i distractiv. , ( !) . Asigurai-v copiii pentru a efectua exerciii numai pe cont propriu (pentru a le face, n orice caz, nu!) i sub supravegherea unui adult. (" ", "") . Invata-ti copilul un nelept de baz ("salvarea de viei", "creterea"), ntr-o situaie dificil, el va fi ntotdeauna n msur de a ajuta pe sine i pe cei dragi. Nabhi BANDHA Mula BANDHA Dzhalyandhara BANDHA Uddiyana BANDHA Maha Mudra Maha BANDHA Maha Vedha Yoga Mudra Viparitakarani Mudra Khechari Mudra Vajroli Mudra Shakti Mudra Chalyan Yoni Mudra - BANDHA - Tri - Uddiyana - BANDHA Alegere neleapt , , , .Alegerea corect Mudra, amintii-v, v poate scuti de durere i disconfort, dar nu scapa de cauzele bolii. , , , - . De exemplu, capul poate rani nu numai prin faptul c ai srit de presiune, i din cauza unei boli degenerative de disc, sau digestie slab. , , . Pentru a face un impact asupra corpului a fost complex, efectua n timpul zilei, nu unul, ci mai multe nelept. , , , , " ", "", " ", " ".Pentru a spori imunitatea, oboseala i stresul urmai de via nelept, Pmnt, energie, "Cei trei piloni ai Cosmos", "Turtle", "Chandmana Bowl", "Scut de Shambala." - , " ", " ", " ", "", " ". n boli ale sistemului cardiovascular-nelept de cunotine, "Salvarea vietii", "Templul Dragonului", "Stairway a Bisericii Heaven", "Turtle", "Vajra Boom." " " , , , . n hipertensiunea arterial-Mudra "salvarea de viei", cunotine i nelepciune, apoi, alternativ, vnt i de via nelept. , ? "" "", . ? Poti suferi de boli ale sistemului digestiv? , " ", " ", " ". Efectuai Mudra de ap, i nelept "Chandmana Bowl", "scoica", "plutitoare Lotus". "", , , . Pentru dureri n articulaii-nelept "vaca", Vnt, energia vietii. , , " ", " ", " ", " -", " ". Atunci cnd nclcri ale sistemului nervos-nelept cunoatere a Pmntului, "fereastra de nelepciune", "Stairway a Templului Cerului", "Dragon de dinti", "Coroana de Shakya Muni", "Flautul de Maitreya." , , , " ". n boli de stomac, intestine, vezica urinara, uter, urmai-Mudra "plutitoare Lotus". ? Nu avei o problem auz? , . Deci, fr Cerul nelept nu va face. : . Vizibilitate redusa, nu o propoziie: pentru a face fa cu boala va Mudra de via. - 5-10 . Fiecare exercitiu este de a efectua de cinci sau ase ori pentru 5-10 minute. 45 , ( 10, 15 20 ). De timp optim pentru o sesiune de 45 de minute, dar se poate descompune n intervale mai scurte (10, 15 i 20 de minute). , . Dac bea medicament, este mai bine sa faci exercitii pentru o jumtate de or nainte sau o jumtate de or dup administrarea medicamentului. ! Atenie! , , - , , . Atunci cnd se efectueaz o anumit Mudra va simtiti orice disconfort, oprii exerciiul imediat, dar dup un timp, ncercai o alt Mudra, cu acelai efect. , ! Deschide o rezerv de putere care va va ajuta sa ramana sanatos si sa traiasca fericiti pana la!

Introducere n mudre , , , , . Timp de milenii, cunotin de practicile de yoga, precum i asana pranayama, a fost disponibil pentru cea mai mare parte din populaia Indiei, mai ales dac acestea au fost convini de cuttorilor de adevr. , , ( ) , , (). Cu toate acestea, cunoaterea practicilor mai mare, mai puternic a avut privilegiul de cteva selectai, deoarece acesta este fie transmis prin cuvntul de gura guru (maestru spiritual) a discipolilor si, sau extrase din textele scrise de Rishi sanscrite vechi (inteleptii). . n prezent, o mulime de oameni din ntreaga lume pregtii i doritori de a accelera dezvoltarea lor spiritual. , . Cuttor de azi este plin de ntrebri i cutnd calea spre mplinire. , , . Noul secol se caracterizeaz printr-o practic larg rspndit c, pn de curnd, au fost inute secrete n deplin ncredere. . Unele dintre cele mai importante dintre aceste practici - mudre de yoga. , , , -. Se crede c nelept - practica chiar mai important i puternic dect asanas si pranayama, deoarece acestea ajuta pentru a trezi omul doarme n vigoare - kundalini-SHAKTI. , ( ), - -, . Cea mai veche surs literar dedicat nelept (i ali practicani de yoga) este "Gheranda Samhita" - un tratat de Hatha Yoga, scris de Gheranda Rishi luate n considerare. ( ), , : n aceast carte, Shiva (zeul de yoghini), vorbind despre studentul yoga, i soia sa, Parvati a spus: , , (). "O, Devi, i-am spus de cunotine nelept, care v va oferi toate siddhis (puterile)." - , 25 , . n "Gheranda-Samhita", descrie i explic un total de 25 de nelept, dintre care multe pot fi efectuate numai sub ndrumarea unui guru. , . n orice caz, noi nu recomandm s efectueze practicile mai mari, fr o pregtire adecvat. , . Mai jos va vom explica cateva nelept ntr-o form simplificat, accesibil. , . "Mudra" - este un gest special sau poziie, exprim starea de spirit uman. , , . n sistemul indian de dans clasic, Mudra - o mn gesturi simbolice care transmit starea de spirit si anumite emotii. , - -. n yoga, multe dintre nelepi sunt, de asemenea, mulumii cu minile, ca i yoni mudra sau Mudra-Chin. , , . Ei urmresc acelai scop ca i n dans - apel n practic de starea de spirit contemplative. , , . Anumite mudre sunt, de asemenea, utilizate pentru a controla procesele fiziologice involuntare, de obicei, apar fr participarea a mintii constiente. () . nelept permite practicantului s dezvolte capacitatea de a simti fluxul de energie vitala (prana), n cadrul corpului subtil i exercit controlul contient al acestor fluxuri. , ( ) ( ). De exemplu, pentru a le trimite la orice parte a corpului su (de sine), i chiar dincolo de ea (pentru a trata alte persoane.) , , . Multe dintre mudre sunt un ansamblu de bandhas diferite, asane si pranayama, combinate ntr-o singur practic. , , , . Astfel, putei crea o combinatie foarte puternica, selectnd acele componente care sunt utile pentru a consolida impactul reciproc. , () (). nelept pregtete mintea pentru meditaie, fcndu-l capabil de a se concentra pe un punct (ekgrat) i distrage atenia de emoii pe obiecte (pratyahara). , , . Dei nelept practicat n primul rnd, n ordinea spiritual, multe dintre ele au un impact pozitiv att asupra mentale i planul fizic.

Palmele ca i cheie

1. A. . De energie a mintii si a corpului. . Sunet RIN. , , . Degetele index sunt aliniate i drepte, altele indoite, si sunt cuplate ntre palme. 2. Doi. . Controlul de energie. . Sunet drepturilor de proprietate intelectual. , , , . Degetele index drepte i aliniate, combinate degete i degetele drepte de mijloc, de mijloc aplecat peste demonstrativ, iar vrfurile lor atinge vrfurile degetelor. 3. Trei. . Armonie cu natura. . Sunet Tox. , . Degetele mari extinse, degetele drepte si sa sune si degetele mici. , . Altele sunt ndoite, i sunt cuplate ntre palme. "". Inel cu degetele ating sfaturi pentru a forma un "shalashik". 4. 4. () . Crearea unui (tratament) de sine i de alii. . Kai sunet. , , , , . Degetele drepte, rsucite alt parte, ndoit, dar nu i ntre minile i ncheieturile de la capacul de sus. 5. Cinci. . Avertizare de pericol. . Sunet Jin. , . Toate degetele de la ambele mini ntinse i ndreptate, iar degetele mari si indicele sunt combinate cu fiecare alte sfaturi. 6. 6. . Cunoaterea gndurile altora. . Sunet Zai. , . Toate degetele interlaced, palmele, i a avut loc strns unul de altul. 7. 7. . Controlul asupra elementelor naturii. . Zvukk CSA. , . Degetul aratator de la mana stanga prins n pumnul, drept, degetele de la mna stng ntr-un pumn ncletat.

8. Opt. () . Mutarea (de putere), n timp i spaiu. . Sunet Rets. . Doar degetele mijlocii sunt indoite. , . Acestea includ degetele cu inele, care sunt drepte i sunt prins ntre index i degetul mijlociu. "", . La degetele acelai index de pliat "shalashikom" i degetele mici i degetele se ating reciproc pe tot parcursul. 9. 9. . Iluminarea. . Sunet ZEN. , . Fist de mna stng, mna lui confiscate de la sfritul de la mana dreapta. . Minile ndoite nainte de san - sunt poziia de pornire pentru toate paltsovok. - 22 . Fiecare gest, paltsovka efectuate pentru 22 de minute. , . Organismul trebuie s fie relaxat, respiraie ar trebui s fie burta. "", , . n timpul executrii paltsovki ochii spirituali s se obinuiasc cu lumina slab din interiorul "cmar", i numai atunci putei lua ceea ce ai nevoie. , ( ), 22 "", . Mai trziu, dup un an de formare periodic (i este, cel puin), nu mai avei nevoie pentru a petrece 22 de minute pe "dependen" i v putei imediat dup paltsovki intr n starea dorit psihofiziologice. . Fiecare gest este nsoit de un anumit sunet. . Acest lucru - gest de sunet interior. , . Acest sunet trebuie s fie auzit n abdomen, de la centrul de greutate.

How Are Mudras Practiced? Cum se practica mudra?

Mudras can be done while seated, lying down, standing, and walking. Mudre se poate face n timp ce aezat, culcat, n picioare, si mersul pe jos. Be sure that your body posture is symmetrical and centered, and that you are as relaxed and loose as possible. Asigurai-v c postura corpului este simetric i centrat, i c sunt la fel de relaxat i liber posibil. If you sit on a chair while doing them, your back should be straight and your feet should have good contact with the floor. Daca stai pe un scaun n timp ce le faci, spatele trebuie s fie drepte i picioarele trebuie s aib un bun contact cu podeaua. If you do them while lying down, resting on your back is naturally the most suitable position. Dac le faci in timp ce stati jos, odihnindu-se pe spate este n mod natural n poziia cea mai potrivit. If you stay in this position for a long period of time, put a small pillow beneath the back of your head to take the strain off the neck. Dac stai n aceast poziie pentru o perioad lung de timp, pune o perna mica sub partea din spate a capului pentru a lua tulpina de pe gt. To relieve your back, you can put a cushion under the hollow of the knee or thigh. Pentru a scuti de spate, putei pune o perna sub gol a genunchiului sau a coapsei. It is important to remain comfortable and relaxed, for any tension will also hinder the inner flow of energy and we want something new to flow with the mudras. Este important s rmn confortabil i relaxat, pentru orice tensiune va mpiedica, de asemenea, fluxul de energie interioar i vrem ceva nou sa curga cu mudre. If you do them while walking, make sure you move in an even, calm, and rhythmic way. Dac le faci in timp ce mersul pe jos, asigurai-v c v mutai ntr-un mod chiar, calm, i ritmic. If you stand while doing them, keep your legs shoulder distance apart. Dac stai n timp ce le faci, pstrai distana picioarele umerilor. The knees should be relaxed, and the tips of the toes must point forward. Genunchii ar trebui s fie relaxat, precum i sfaturi de degetele de la picioare trebuie s arate nainte. If you have a bit more time, you can also do the mudras in a seated meditation positionthis will turn them into a longer period of meditation. Dac avei un pic mai mult timp, putei face, de asemenea, mudre ntr-o meditaie eznd poziie-le acest lucru se va transforma ntr-o perioad mai lung de meditaie. When you do this, take into consideration the following basic principles of meditation technique: Cnd facei acest lucru, s ia n considerare urmtoarele principii de baz ale tehnicii de meditaie: Sit with an upright pelvis and a straight spinal column on a stable cushion. Stai cu un bazin n poziie vertical i o coloan vertebral dreapt pe o pern stabil. Both knees should be flat on the ground or at the same height (if necessary, support the lower knee with a cushion until it is at the same height as the other knee). Ambele genunchi ar trebui s fie plat pe sol sau de la aceeai nlime (dac este necesar, s sprijine genunchi inferior cu o pern pn cnd acesta este la aceeai nlime ca genunchi altele). Let the hands relax on the thighs. S se relaxeze minile pe coapse. Let the shoulders fall back and down in a relaxed way; your chest should be open and free. S cad umerii napoi i n jos ntr-un mod relaxat, piept, ar trebui s fie deschis i liber. Pull the chin back a bit, and let the neck be long and relaxed. Tragei brbie spate un pic, i s fie gtul lung i relaxat. Breathe in an even, slow, flowing, and gentle way. Respirati intr-un mod chiar, lent, curgtoare, i blnd. Never end the meditation suddenly. Niciodata nu se termina brusc meditaie. Always vigorously stretch your arms and legs. ntotdeauna ntinde energic mainile si picioarele. You can also form a mudra and think of something else at the same time. Putei, de asemenea, poate forma o mudra i cred c de altceva, n acelai timp. However, I have found that the effect is accelerated and intensified when you simultaneously assume a meditative position, focus on your hands, and observe your breathing. Cu toate acestea, am constatat c efectul este accelerat i intensificat atunci cnd i asum n acelai timp o postur meditativ, se concentreze pe mini, i s respecte respiratia. Observing the normal flow of the breath or influencing and directing the breath is a very important way of supporting the mudra. Observarea fluxul normal de respiratie sau influenarea i dirijarea respiratia este o modalitate foarte important de sprijinirea mudra. How to do this is explained for the individual mudras. Cum se face acest lucru este explicat pentru mudre individuale. Corresponding visualizations and affirmations can be used so that this never becomes just a routine matter. Vizualizri corespunztoare i afirmaii pot fi folosite, astfel c niciodat acest lucru devine doar o chestiune de rutin. These also intensify the effects of the mudras. Acestea se intensific, de asemenea, efectele mudre. For some exercises, I am no longer certain what has the greatest effectthe mudra, the breathing technique, the visualized image, or the spoken word. Pentru unele exerciii, eu nu mai sunt sigur ce are mai mare efect-. Mudra, tehnica de respiratie, imaginea vizualizate, sau cuvntul rostit

Where and When to Practice Mudras?Unde i cnd se practica mudra? You can actually practice the mudras at any time and in any place. Poti practica, de fapt, mudre n orice moment i n orice loc. Mudras can truly be practiced almost anywhere and at any time, but only when we can also withdraw within ourselves almost anywhere and at any time. Mudre poate fi cu adevrat practicat aproape oriunde i n orice moment, dar numai atunci cnd ne putem retrage, de asemenea, n noi nine, aproape oriunde i n orice moment. This really isn't all that difficult and can be learned, like every thing else. Acest fapt nu este att de dificil i poate fi invatat, ca orice altceva. It concerns our healthwe need a few silent minutes now and then every day. Este vorba de sntatea noastr, avem nevoie de cteva minute tacite acum i apoi n fiecare zi. These silent moments can be the most precious to us; and like the salt in the dough that gives the bread its good taste, silence adds the right spice to our lives. Aceste momente pot fi silenioase cel mai preios pentru noi, ca i sare n aluat care d pine gustul bun, tcere adaug condiment dreptul la viaa noastr. A good time to practice mudras is a few minutes before getting up and a few minutes before falling asleep, before or after meals, when you walk somewhere (we all need to walk a certain distance every day), while on public transportation, or during breaks at work. Un moment bun pentru a practica mudre este la cteva minute nainte de a obine n sus i n cteva minute nainte de a adormi, nainte sau dup mese, atunci cand mergi undeva (noi toi trebuie s mearg pe o anumit distan n fiecare zi), n timp ce n transportul public, sau n timpul pauzele de la locul de munc. How Long is a Mudra Held?Ct de lung este un Mudra Held? We recommend to hold one mudra per day for 45 minutes. V recomandm s dein o mudra pe zi pentru 45 de minute. If it isn't possible to do this, these 45 minutes can be divided into three time periods of 15 minutes each. Dac nu este posibil s fac acest lucru, aceste 45 de minute poate fi mprit n trei perioade de timp de 15 minute fiecare. Mudras that are used for acute complaintssuch as respiratory and circulation problems, flatulence, exhaustion, or inner restlessnessshould be discontinued when the appropriate effect is achieved. Mudre care sunt utilizate pentru a reclamaiilor, cum ar fi probleme respiratorii acute i de circulaie, flatulen, epuizare, nelinite sau interioare-ar trebui s fie ntrerupt atunci cnd efectul este realizat corespunztor. Other mudras can be practiced for 3 to 30 minutes, two to four times a day. Alte mudre poate fi practicat de la 3 la 30 de minute, de dou pn la patru ori pe zi. Using a stopwatch is the ideal way to time them. Folosind un cronometru este modul ideal de a-i timp. The time specifications that I have assigned to the individual mudras are meant to be an orientation aid, but not a dogma. Specificaiile de timp care le-am atribuite mudre individuale sunt menite s fie un ajutor de orientare, dar nu o dogm. You will also notice that your hands, especially the fingers, will become increasingly sensitive and respond to the mudras much more quickly after they have been given some training. Vei observa, de asemenea, c minile, n special degetele, vor deveni din ce n ce sensibil i s rspund la mudre mult mai repede dup ce au primit unele de formare. If you need 5 minutes at the start to feel the effect of a mudra, in time you will only need 10 breaths. Dac avei nevoie de cinci minute la nceput s se simt efectul unei Mudra, n timp, veti avea nevoie doar de 10 respiraii.

Text original n Rus:If it isn't possible to do this, these 45 minutes can be divided into three time periods of 15 minutes each.Sugerai o traducere mai bun

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Breath Respiraie The effect of a mudra can be immensely intensified with the breath. Efectul unei mudra poate fi extrem de intensificat cu respiratia. This is why it is very important to know what breathing does. Acesta este de ce este foarte important s tim ce face respiraie. When you understand the following principles, then you can influence the effect of a mudra according to your own needs. Cnd ai neles urmtoarele principii, atunci v pot influena efectul unei Mudra n funcie de nevoile tale. Pay attention to a symmetrical posture and hold your arms about one inch away from your body. Fii atent la o poziie simetric i inei braele aproximativ un centimetru distan de corpul dumneavoastr. Even this position alone brings a sense of inner equilibrium and harmony as it regulates the activity of the nervous system and hormonal glands. Chiar i aceast poziie aduce numai un sentiment de echilibru interior i armonie, deoarece reglementeaz activitatea sistemului nervos i glandele hormonale. In addition to carbon dioxide, we also discharge expended energy on the subtle level when we exhale deeply. n plus fa de dioxid de carbon, putem descrca, de asemenea, energia cheltuit la nivel subtil, atunci cnd expirai profund. This is why you should always exhale vigorously several times at the beginning of a mudra. Acesta este motivul pentru care ar trebui s expiri ntotdeauna de mai multe ori puternic de la nceputul unui mudra. Make room for what you want to achieve. A face loc pentru ceea ce doriti sa obtineti. Always lengthen the little pause after inhaling and after exhaling by several seconds. relungi ntotdeauna pauz puin dup inhalarea i dup expirand de cteva secunde. This is the most important aspect of the breathing process. Acesta este cel mai important aspect al procesului de respiraie. The inner powers are developed during the pauseson every level. Competenele interioare sunt dezvoltate n timpul pauzelor, pe fiecare nivel. When you practice a mudra to calm yourself, then slow your breathing. Atunci cnd practica o mudra pentru a te calma, apoi ncetini respiraia. When you practice a mudra to refresh yourself, then intensify your breathing. Atunci cnd practica o mudra pentru a v mprospta, apoi intensifica respiratia. The optimal quality of breathing is achieved when the breath is slow, deep, rhythmic, flowing, and fine. o calitate optim de respiraie este atins atunci cnd respiraia este lent, profund, ritmic, curgtoare, i amend. At the beginning of a mudra meditation, exhale vigorously several times and then let the breath become deeper and slower. La nceputul de o meditaie Mudra, expirati, de mai multe ori energic i apoi lsai respiraia devine mai profund i mai lent. You now have three possibilities: Acum avei trei posibiliti: First: Focus on your hands and fingers, perceive the gentle pressure where they touch each other; Prima: Concentrai-v pe mini i degete, percep uoar presiune n cazul n care se ating reciproc; Second: While inhaling, you can press the fingertips together a bit more and let go of the pressure when exhaling; n al doilea rnd: n timp ce inhalarea, avei posibilitatea s apsai pe vrful degetelor mpreun un pic mai mult i s mergem de presiune atunci cand expirati; Third: You can do it the other way around and apply a bit more pressure while exhaling and let go of the pressure when inhaling. n al treilea rnd: Putei face o alt cale n jurul valorii de presiune i se aplic un pic mai mult n timp ce expirati si drumul de presiune atunci cand inhalarea. Every variation has its special effect. Fiecare variatie are un efect special. The first variation centers, creates inner equilibrium, and builds up strength in general. Primele centre de variaie, creeaz echilibru interior, i se acumuleaz putere n general. The second variation strengthens the will and refreshes. Variaia dou ntrete voina i mprospteaz. The third variation calms and relaxes. Treia variaie calmeaza si relaxeaza. Try out these variations and feel the difference yourself! ncercai aceste variaii i simi diferena tine! It is possible that you won't immediately feel the effect, but it is still there. Este posibil ca nu va veti simti imediat efectul, dar este nc acolo.

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Colors Culori Colors influence our minds and our lives on every level. Culori influena minile i vieile noastre la fiecare nivel. In color therapy, various shades of color are specifically applied to regenerate the organs and glands, as well as to activate the processes of elimination, respiration, and circulation. n terapia de culoare, diferite nuante de culori sunt aplicate n mod specific de a regenera organe si glande, precum i pentru a activa procesele de eliminare, respiraie, i circulaia. Colors also influence our moods and every type of mental activity. Culori influena, de asemenea, starile noastre i fiecare tip de activitate mental. Red stimulates the circulation, makes us alert, warms and relaxes, but can also bring out aggression; rou stimuleaz circulaia, ne face de alert, se nclzete i relaxeaz, dar poate aduce, de asemenea, n agresiune; Orange improves the mood, promotes lightness, stimulates sexuality, but can also stimulate superficiality; Orange imbunatateste starea de spirit, luminozitate promoveaz, stimuleaz sexualitatea, dar poate stimula, de asemenea, superficialitate; Yellow stimulates digestion, makes us mentally alert, and lets life appear in a bright light, but it can also be obtrusive; galben stimuleaza digestia, ne face alert mental, si se mentine viata apar ntr-o lumin strlucitoare, dar poate fi, de asemenea, deranjante; Green is generally calming; it regenerates on every level, and gives us the desire to start something new; verde este, n general, calmant, se regenereaza la fiecare nivel, i ne d dorina de a ncepe ceva nou; Blue is also calming, but this calmness goes deeper and provides a sense of security; it conveys protection, and symbolizes the silent yearning for the incomprehensible; Albastru este, de asemenea, calmant, dar acest lucru calm merge mai adnc i ofer un sentiment de securitate, l transport de protecie, i simbolizeaz dor tcut de neneles; Violet is the color of transformation, change, and spirituality; Violetul este culoarea de transformare, schimbare, i spiritualitate; Brown is the color of stability and connection to the earth, but too much can lead to stagnation; Brown este culoarea de stabilitate i de conectare la pmnt, dar prea mult poate duce la stagnare; White bears the entire spectrum of the other colors within itself, containing birth as well as death; alb poart ntregul spectru de celelalte culori n sine, conine natere precum i moartea; Black is the color of protection, of gathering strength, of retreat, and of the emptiness that already bears abundance within itself. Negrul este culoarea de protecie, de puterea adunare, de retragere, i de goliciune care poart deja n sine abundenta. Many teenagers like to wear black because they stand at the gateway of a new period of their lives. Multi adolescenti place s poarte negru, deoarece ele stau la poarta de acces a unei noi perioade din viaa lor. However, too much black weakens the organism, puts us in a sad mood, and promotes pessimism. Cu toate acestea, prea mult negru slabeste organismul, ne pune ntr-o stare de spirit trist, si promoveaza pesimismul. There are basically no "bad" colors, but it is important to use the right proportions. Nu sunt, practic, nici un "rele", de culori, dar este important s se utilizeze proporii corecte. Every color can also be seen in our aura or energy body. Fiecare culoare poate fi, de asemenea, observate n aura noastr sau de organismul de energie. The following suggestions can help you have some good and beautiful experiences using color meditations. Sugestiile de mai jos v pot ajuta s avei unele experiene bune i frumoase, folosind meditatii de culoare. If you prefer a certain color, it may well be that you need the corresponding qualities. Dac preferai o anumita culoare, poate fi foarte bine ca ai nevoie de caliti corespunztoare. However, if you give too much preference to one color, this can develop into an addiction and the color may harm you. Cu toate acestea, dac v dau preferin prea mult la o singura culoare, acest lucru se poate dezvolta ntr-o dependen i de culoare v poate face ru. While holding a mudra, you can either visualize a color or concentrate on the color of an object. n timp ce deine o mudra, avei posibilitatea s vizualizai, fie o culoare sau se concentreze pe culoarea unui obiect. The first approach is better because the color will then come to life, which means you can imagine the color as dark or light, dull or bright, connected to forms, or flowing, etc. Prima abordare este mai bun, deoarece culoarea va veni apoi la via, ceea ce nseamn c v putei imagina ct de culoare nchis sau de lumina, mat sau stralucitor, conectat la forme, sau care curge, etc For example, you feel the need to go into the forest because you can best regenerate yourself there but don't have the time to do so. De exemplu, simti nevoia de a merge n pdure, deoarece se poate regenera cel mai bine tine acolo, dar nu au timp pentru a face acest lucru. You can imagine a very green forest, and in your thoughts, you can totally luxuriate in the green of the leaves. V putei imagina o padure foarte verde, i n gndurile voastre, v putei desfta n totalitate n verde a frunzelor. This will refresh you inwardly. Acest lucru v va mprospta n interior. Such visualizations have long been used successfully, and pictures of lush landscapes are specifically installed in many hospitals to support the healing process. Astfel de vizualizri au fost mult timp folosit cu succes, i de poze cu peisaje superbe sunt special instalate n mai multe spitale pentru a sprijini procesul de vindecare.

Chakras Chakrele

The classification of the chakras with the fingers is not the same in all schools of yoga. Clasificarea de chakre cu degetele, nu este acelai n toate colile de yoga. The most prevalent classification is shown on the hand illustrated here. Clasificarea cea mai raspandita este indicat pe de alt ilustrat aici. But there are also yoga masters who classify the little finger with the root chakra, the ring finger with the sacral chakra, the middle finger with the solar plexus chakra, the index finger with the heart chakra, and the thumb with the throat chakra. Dar exist, de asemenea, maetrii de yoga, care clasifica degetul mic cu chakra rdcin, deget inelul cu chakra sacral, degetul mijlociu cu chakra plexului solar, degetul aratator cu chakra inimii, i degetul mare cu chakra gatului. It should be noted that only the five chakras found along the spinal column are assigned to the individual fingers. Trebuie remarcat faptul c doar cinci chakre gsite de-a lungul coloanei vertebrale sunt atribuite la degetele individuale.

Acupressure Acupressure

Next to acupuncture, acupressure is the best-known Chinese healing method in the Western countries. Alturi de acupunctura, presopunctura este cea mai buna metoda de vindecare cunoscut-chinez n rile occidentale. Instead of using needles, the meridians are stimulated with the fingers. n loc de a folosi ace, meridianele sunt stimulate cu degetele. In the following two illustrations you can see the corresponding points. n urmtoarele dou imagini, se poate vedea punctele corespunztoare. The non expert can simply press them lightly with the thumb for several minutes to achieve a positive effect. Expertul nu poate pur i simplu apsai-le uor cu degetul mare pentru cteva minute pentru a obine un efect pozitiv.

If you have high blood pressure, massage the middle finger from the root to the tip. Dac avei hipertensiune arterial, masaj degetul mijlociu de la rdcin la vrf. To counteract low blood pressure, massage the middle finger from the tip to the root. Pentru a contracara scderea tensiunii arteriale, masaj degetul mijlociu de la vrful la rdcin. Do the same with the index finger if you have diarrhea or constipation. Face acelai lucru cu degetul index, dac avei diaree sau constipaie.

Reflex Zones Zonelor reflexe

The hand reflex zones correspond to the foot reflex zones, the massage treatment of which is generally known today. Zonele de reflex mana corespund zonelor reflexe de picior, de tratament de masaj, care este, n general, cunoscut astzi. Both of the following illustrations show the reflex points or surfaces that are connected with the muscles and organs. Att din urmtoarele ilustraii arat punctele reflexe sau suprafee care sunt conectate cu muschi si organe. Since some of the organs are only found on one side of the body (such as the heart and liver), this is reflected in the hands. ntruct unele dintre organele sunt doar pe o parte a corpului (cum ar fi inima si ficat), acest lucru este reflectat n minile.

Since hands come in different sizes, you may not find the exact pressure point immediately. Deoarece minile vin n diferite dimensiuni, nu pot gsi punctul de presiune exact imediat. But with some practice, even the non expert can find the right spot. Dar, cu unele practici, chiar i expertul nu poate gsi locul potrivit.

When you have found the desired point, massage it with your thumb, using light pressure and slow, circular movements. Cnd ai gsit punctul dorit, masaj cu degetul mare, folosind o presiune uoar i micri lente, circulare. One to 3 minutes are enough. Unul pn la trei minute sunt suficiente.

Meridians and Deep Meridians Meridiane i meridianele de foraj

Meridians are the energy paths that run through the body and control its individual functions (circulation, respiration, digestion, and individual organs). Meridiane sunt cile de energie care circul prin corp i de a controla funciile sale individuale (circulatia, respiratia, digestia, i organe individuale). The beginning and ending points of the meridians are taken into particular consideration by the mudras. Punctele ncep i se ncheie de meridiane sunt luate n considerare n special de ctre mudre. In acupuncture, only the superficial meridians are considered and the system of deep meridians is often even rejected as being speculative. n acupunctura, doar meridianele superficiale sunt luate n considerare i sistemul de meridiane de adncime este de multe ori chiar a respins ca fiind speculative.

Try encircling your fingers around your little finger more often. ncercai inconjoara degetele n jurul valorii de degetul mic mai des. This is good for your heart! Acest lucru este bun pentru inima ta! If you tend to be chilled easily, or susceptible to illness, then encircle or massage your ring finger. Dac avei tendina de a fi refrigerate cu uurin, sau sensibile la boli, apoi ncercuiasc sau cu un masaj degetul inel.

Planetary Classification and Palmistry Clasificarea planetare i Chiromantia

Astrology and palmistry have always belonged together. Astrologie i chiromanie au apartinut ntotdeauna mpreun. If the practice of the mudras stimulates your interest in palmistry, you can find a large selection of literature on the topic. n cazul n care practica de mudre stimuleaza interesul dumneavoastr n chiromanie, putei gsi o selecie larg de literatura de specialitate pe aceast tem. The mudras can actually strengthen the hands and the individual fingers, even changing character traits in the process. Cele mudre poate consolida de fapt, minile i degetele individuale, modificarea chiar i trsturi de caracter n proces. In the little finger, we find creativity, a sense of beauty, and inner clarity; in the ring finger, there is sense of family, the ability to love, and a feeling of security; initiative, sobriety, and the love of order are found in the middle finger; intellectual faculty, individuality, and striving for power are in the index finger; the will, instinctiveness, and vitality in general are found in the thumb. n degetul mic, gasim creativitate, un sentiment de frumusete, claritate i de interior, n deget inelul, nu este sentimentul de familie, capacitatea de a iubi, i un sentiment de securitate, iniiativ, sobrietate, i dragostea de ordine sunt gsite n degetul mijlociu; facultate intelectual, individualitate, i lupta pentru putere sunt n degetul arttor, voina, instinctiveness, vitalitatea i, n general, se gsesc n degetul mare.

As you can see, you have "a great deal in your hands" with the mudras. Dup cum putei vedea, avei "o foarte mare n minile tale", cu mudre. You can take hold of your life with your own two hands and decide what is important to you. Putei lua de cal de viata cu propriile dou mini i s decid ceea ce este important pentru tine.

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How to create your own mudra Cum sa-ti creezi propria mudra Once you have studied this book and become thoroughly acquainted with the energies of your hands, you can also create your own mudra. Dup ce ai studiat aceast carte i s devin bine familiarizat cu energiile de maini, putei crea, de asemenea, mudra ta. When you develop a mudra, the proper frame of mind and respect are important preconditions for success. Atunci cnd avei o mudra, cadru adecvat de spirit i respectul sunt premise importante pentru succes. Study the qualities of the individual fingers and choose the respective posture. Studiul calitile individuale ale degetelor i alegei postura respectiv. In positive wording, formulate the result or goal that you want to achieve through the mudra. n formularea pozitiv, formula rezultat sau obiectiv pe care dorii s-l ating prin mudra. Use the present tense. Utilizai timpul prezent. Speak the sentence at least three times out loud, and slowly in the rhythm of your breath. Vorbii tez de cel puin trei ori cu voce tare, i ncet, n ritmul respiraiei tale. Visualize precisely how the result or goal will look. Vizualizati exact modul n care rezultatul sau obiectiv va arata. Try to already feel how it is when the result occurs. ncercai s v simii deja cum este atunci cnd se produce rezultatul. Place the mudra under the protection of the divine forces, a saint, or an angel whom you revere in particular. Aezai Mudra sub protecia forelor divine, un sfnt, sau un nger care te venereaz, n special. Wish for the result with great fervor, but remain completely patient and serene. doresc pentru rezultatul cu mare fervoare, dar rmn complet pacient i senin.


Meditation 1: Thumb Energy Meditaie 1: Thumb de energie (degetul mare)The fire element, the lung meridian, and Mars (the planet and/or ancient god of war) are associated with the thumb. Elementul foc, meridianul pulmonar, i Marte (planet i / sau anticul zeu al razboiului) sunt asociate cu degetul mare. The fire of the thumb nourishes the energy of the other fingers and absorbs excess energy. Foc de degetul mare hrnete energia de la alte degete i absoarbe un exces de energie. It thereby restores equilibrium. Se reface astfel de echilibru. When we think about the incineration of garbage, we sense that destruction through fire can also have a power that creates order. Cnd ne gndim la incinerarea de gunoi, simim c distrugerea prin foc poate avea, de asemenea, o putere care creeaz ordine. Even in nature, when during the course of the decades a monoculture of the strongest has been created, the forest fire once again creates the preconditions for a larger variety of new plants. Chiar i n natur, atunci cnd n cursul deceniilor o monocultur de puternic a fost creat, incendiilor de pdure din nou creeaz premisele pentru o mai mare varietate de plante noi. The overheating within our bodies, the fever, kills entire cultures of bacteria. Supranclzire n cadrul organismelor noastre, febr, ucide culturi ntregi de bacterii. Fire is dependent upon air since it dies without oxygen; the same also applies to our cell respiration. Focul este dependent de aer, deoarece acesta moare fr oxigen, la fel, de asemenea, se aplic la respiraia celulelor noastre. The metabolism in the individual cells can only properly function with adequate oxygen. Metabolismul n celule individuale, poate doar n mod corespunztor functiona cu oxigen suficient. We can actually strengthen every part of the body or every organ by visualizing and/or breathing light and warmth into it. Putem consolida de fapt, fiecare parte a corpului sau de fiecare organ de vizualizare i / sau respiraie lumin i cldur n ea. Either sit or lie down. Fie sta jos. Now encircle your right thumb with the four fingers of your left hand and place your left thumb along the inner edge of your right hand. nconjura Acum, degetul mare drept, cu cele patru degete de la mna stng i punei degetul mare stnga de-a lungul marginii interioare de la mana dreapta. Close your eyes. nchidei ochii.

Focus on apart of the body that is weak or ill. Concentrai-v pe afar din organism, care este slab sau bolnav. Now imagine that a light is burning in the lower center of your body (at the height of the navel). Acum imaginai-v c o lumina arde n centrul de jos a corpului (de la nlimea buricului). Every time you exhale, direct the rays of light toward the respective part of the body. De fiecare data cand expirati, dirija razele de lumin spre partea respectiv a corpului. First let large, dark clouds of smoke (things that make you ill, pain, etc.) escape from the illuminated body part. n primul rnd permitei-nori mari, negri de fum (lucruri care te fac sa bolnav, durere, etc) de evacuare din partea corpului luminos. Then concentrate solely on the light that slowly fills, illuminates, and heals this part of the body. Apoi, se concentreze exclusiv pe lumina care umple ncet, se aprinde, i vindec aceast parte a corpului.

Calmly keep holding onto your thumb for a while and feel the flowing warmth. Pstra calm deine pe degetul mare pentru un timp si sa se simta caldura curgere. Then encircle your left thumb and also hold this for a while. nconjura, apoi degetul mare stnga i, de asemenea, inei acest lucru pentru un timp.

Meditation 2: Index Finger Energy Meditaie 2: Index de energie deget The heart chakra, the large intestine, and the deep meridian of the stomach are associated with this finger. Chakra inimii, intestinul gros, i meridianul profund de stomac sunt asociate cu acest deget. Here we also find the "sure" instinct, having "a good nose," the ability to reflect, and inspiration. Aici gasim, de asemenea, "sigur" instinct, avnd "un nas bun," capacitatea de a reflecta, i de inspiraie. This energy goes to our innermost core and back to the cosmos from there. Aceasta energie se duce la miezul nostru luntric i napoi pentru a cosmosului de acolo. We can also draw on our innermost being (intuition) and receive from the cosmos (inspiration). Putem trage, de asemenea, pe fiina noastr cel mai intim (intuitia), i s primeasc de la cosmos (inspiratie). The air element represents the mindthe power of thought. Elementul de aer reprezinta mintea-putere de gndire. Thoughts are as invisible as the air and yet, as the yogis have discovered, they are the cause of all the actions that we take or refrain from taking, of everything that we reject and attract, for our health and for every mood, and for the entire design of our life. Gndurile sunt la fel de invizibil ca de aer i totui, ca yoghinii au descoperit, ei sunt cauza a tuturor aciunilor pe care le iau sau s se abin de la a lua, de tot ceea ce ne respinge i de a atrage, pentru sntatea noastr i pentru fiecare starea de spirit, i pentru ntregul design al vieii noastre. The planetary power of Jupiter is also associated with this finger, and indicates the eternal change of things accepting life with all its facets, working through (digesting), and letting go again. Puterea planetar al lui Jupiter este de asemenea asociat cu acest deget, i indic schimbarea etern a lucrurilor, accepta viata, cu toate faetele sale, de lucru prin (digestia), si lasa sa plece din nou. There is also a clear, purposeful look into the future in this finger. Exist, de asemenea, un aspect clar, cu o finalitate n viitor, n acest deget. Since our thoughts are so important, we should consider their quality more frequently. Deoarece gndurile noastre sunt atat de importante, ar trebui s ia n considerare calitatea lor mai frecvent. If we do the following meditation several days in a row, we will notice that there is a certain habit in our thoughts. Dac vom face n urmtoarele zile de meditatie de mai multe ntr-un rnd, vom observa c exist un anumit obicei n gndurile noastre. Habits can be changed as soon as we become aware of them, but changes always require a certain amount of time. Obiceiurile pot fi schimbate de ndat ce vom deveni contieni de ele, dar schimbrile necesit ntotdeauna o anumit perioad de timp. If we continuously replace harmful thoughts with useful ones, we can also change the circumstances of life accordingly. Dac am nlocui continuu ganduri nocive cu cele utile, ne putem schimba, de asemenea, condiiile de via n consecin. Sit or lie down. Stai sau culcat. Now encircle your right index finger with the four fingers of your left hand, letting the thumb extend to the middle of your right hand. nconjura acum degetul aratator drept, cu cele patru degete de la mna stng, permindu-degetul mare pentru a extinde mijlocul de mana dreapta. Close your eyes. nchidei ochii. You are sitting in front of a field and observe the swaying ears of grain. V aflai n faa unui cmp i s respecte urechile leagn de cereale. When you inhale, the ears of grain move toward you. Cnd inspiri, urechile de cereale muta spre tine. When you exhale, they move away from you. Atunci cnd expirai, se mut departe de tine. Sometimes you see the entire field, and sometimes you see the individual ears of grain. Uneori, vei vedea ntregul domeniu, i, uneori, vedei urechile individuale de cereale. You also see how the space gets smaller when you inhale, and larger when you exhale. Putei vedea, de asemenea, modul n care spaiul devine mai mic atunci cnd inspirai, i mai mare atunci cnd expirai. The yellow ears indicate transience, the great dying that is already contained in the seed of a new beginning. Urechile galben indic efemeritate, moarte mare, care este deja coninut n seminele de un nou nceput. After a while, look into the expanse of the blue clouded sky and then inwardly to the safety of your own heart. Dup un timp, uita-te n ntinderea cerului albastru ntunecat i apoi n interior la sigurana de inima ta. Now observe the thoughts that come and go, and think about your thoughts for a while. Acum, observa gndurile care vin i pleac, i cred c despre gndurile tale pentru un timp. How do you think most of the time? Cum credei c cea mai mare parte a timpului? In a positive, negative, confident, fearful, brooding {turning over worries), critical, memory-dominated, or future-oriented way? ntr-o pozitiv, negativ, ncreztor, fricos, meditnd {cotitur peste griji), critic, memorie-a dominat, sau orientat spre viitor, mod? Keep holding onto your finger for a while and feel the flowing warmth.Pstrai exploataie pe degetul pentru un timp si sa se simta caldura curgere. Then encircle your left index finger and also hold this for a while. nconjura, apoi degetul index stnga i, de asemenea, inei acest lucru pentru un timp.

Meditation 3: Middle Finger EnergyMeditaie 3: Energie degetul mijlociu

Hindus call this finger the heavenly finger and classify it with the throat chakra. Hinduii numesc aceast degetul degetul ceresc i clasificarea cu chakra gatului. Take a look at it. Aruncati o privire la ea. It is the longest finger, and towers over the others. Este cel mai lung deget, i turnuri de peste ceilali. Its energy radiates far into infinity. Energia radiaza de departe n infinit. It could also be considered the stairway to Heaven. Ar putea fi, de asemenea, luate n considerare Stairway to Heaven. Saturn, which is classified with it, is located toward the edge of our solar system and is also called the "keeper of the threshold." Saturn, care este clasificat cu ea, se afl spre marginea sistemului nostru solar i este, de asemenea, numit "deintor de prag." We are held accountable for our lives at the gates of Heaven. Suntem responsabili pentru vieile noastre, la porile cerului. We also find this symbolism in the throat chakra, the gateway of purity, which only happens when the student is pure in spirit and in heart. Gsim, de asemenea, acest simbolism, n chakra gtului, gateway-ul de puritate, care se ntmpl doar atunci cnd studentul este pur n spirit i n inim. However, in order to ogress on our spiritual path, we must first fulfill our duties on Earth. Cu toate acestea, n scopul de a ogress pe calea noastr spiritual, noi trebuie s ndeplineasc prima taxele noastre de pe Pamant. This is indicated by its inherent meridians: the circulation meridian and the deep meridian of the gallbladder. Acest lucru este indicat de ctre meridianele sale inerente: circulaia meridiane i meridianul profund a vezicii biliare. Both help us seize and master the challenges of life. Ambele ne ajuta sa profite si sa stapaneasca provocrile vieii. Drive, activity, risk, and the joy of taking action are their dualities. Drive, activitatea, de risc, i bucuria de a lua msuri sunt dualitati lor. The spectrum of the middle-finger energy ranges from an active life to spheres far into the world beyond. Spectrul de energie variaz de mijloc-deget de la o via activ n sfere mult n afara lumii. It could be briefly summarized with the following saying, "God helps those who help themselves." Aceasta ar putea fi rezumate cu urmtorul text spune, "Dumnezeu i ajut pe cei care se ajut singuri." Sit or lie down. Stai sau culcat. Now encircle your right middle finger with the four fingers of your left hand. nconjura Acum, degetul mijlociu drept, cu cele patru degete de la mna stng. The left thumb extends to the middle of your right hand. Degetul mare stnga se extinde la mijlocul de mana dreapta. Close your eyes. nchidei ochii.

Imagine yourself doing what you like to do most. Imagineaza-ti ca faci ceea ce iti place sa mai fac. Make full use of your inclinations and talents as you master all the obstacles placed in your path, and enjoy your activities. S utilizeze pe deplin de nclinaiile voastre i talentele ca va stpni toate obstacolele puse n calea ta, i bucurai-v activitile. You are successful at what you do and mentally envision what your success looks like. Suntei de succes in ceea ce faci i mental imagina ceea ce arata ca succesul tau. What you do enriches the world (your family, individual human beings, or the entire world). Ce faci mbogete lumea (familia ta, fiinele umane individuale, sau ntreaga lume). Extensively imagine the constant contact with the divine forces that help you and show you the way. Imagina larg contact permanent cu forele divine pe care le ajuta i a v arta calea.

If your occupation does not satisfy you and if you have no leisure activities or interests that suit you, then it is time to ask within, to press your inner wisdom until you receive an answer. n cazul n care ocupatia dumneavoastra nu v satisface i, dac nu avei activiti de agrement sau de interese care vi se potrivesc, atunci este timpul s cear n termen de, s apsai pe nelepciunea ta interioar pn cnd vei primi un rspuns. At the same time, also ask for the initiative, which the middle finger symbolizes, to actually tackle the matter at hand. n acelai timp, cere, de asemenea, pentru iniiativ, pe care degetul mijlociu, simbolizeaz, de fapt, pentru a aborda problema la mn. And, above all, request help from the divine powersenter into a close, trusting partnership with them. i, mai presus de toate, cere ajutor de la divin la putere intra ntr-un parteneriat strns, de ncredere cu ei.

Keep holding your finger in silence for a while and feel the warmth flowing into you. Pstrai exploataie degetul in liniste pentru un timp i simi cldura care curge in voi. Then encircle your left middle finger and hold it for a while. nconjura, apoi degetul mijlociu stnga i inei-l pentru un timp. These hand positions also have an excellent effect on tension in the neck. Aceste poziii de mn, de asemenea, au un efect excelent asupra tensiunii n gt.

Meditation 4: Ring Finger Energy Meditaie 4: deget inel de energie

The ring finger is associated with Apollo, the sun god, and the root chakra, which rules the pelvic floor. Degetul inelar este asociat cu Apollo, zeul soarelui, i chakra rdcin, care conduce planeului pelvin. This force gives stamina, staying power, and the power to be assertive. Aceast for d rezisten, puterea de edere, i puterea de a fi asertiv. The Chinese have classified this finger with the deep meridian of the liver. Chinezii au clasificat acest deget cu meridianul profund a ficatului. The power of the liver gives a person patience, serenity, hope, and vision for the future. Puterea de ficat d o persoan rabdare, liniste, speranta, si viziune pentru viitor. The "triple warmer" also begins in the tip of the ring finger. "Cald triple", de asemenea, ncepe n vrful degetului inelar. This meridian rules all protective functions in the body and is responsible for body temperature, which in turn regulates cell function. Acest meridianul de regulile toate funciile de protecie n organism i este responsabil de temperatura corpului, care, la rndul su, regleaz funcia celulelor. If it works in an optimal manner, it gives the ability to maintain our equilibrium in stressful situations, which is also the precondition for a well-functioning immune system. Dac funcioneaz ntr-o manier optim, se d capacitatea de a menine echilibrul nostru n situaii de stres, care este, de asemenea, precondiie pentru un sistem imunitar funcioneaz bine. The force that dominates this finger provides stability, is penetrating, and strives upward. Fora care domin acest deget ofer stabilitate, este penetrant, i se strduiete n sus. Sit or lie down. Stai sau culcat. Now encircle your left ring finger with the four fingers of your right hand, with the right thumb extending to the middle of your left hand. nconjura acum degetul inel stnga cu cele patru degete de la mana dreapta, cu degetul mare drept de extindere la mijlocul de mana stanga. Close your eyes. nchidei ochii.

Imagine bare earth and crushed rock in all its formsas deserts, mountains, and islands. Imaginai-v pmntul gol i piatra concasat n toate formele sale-ar fi deserturi, munti, si insule. What happens when masses of earth begin to move? Ce se ntmpl atunci cnd mase de pmnt ncep s se mite? When the earth dries out? Atunci cnd pmntul se usuca? When the earth is completely exposed to the sun? Atunci cnd pmntul este complet expus la soare? Now imagine fertile earth. Acum imaginati-pmnt fertil. Slowly let the vegetation be createdlittle plants, big plants, much green. ncet s vegetaie fi creat-mici plante, plante mari, mult verde. Now focus on one single seed resting deep within the earth. Acum, se concentreze pe un singur semine de odihn adnc n pmnt. With every breath, something moves inside until the seed bursts and a shoot stretches in the direction of the light. Cu fiecare respiratie, ceva se mic n interiorul pn la exploziile de semine i se ntinde o trage n direcia luminii. At the same time, it sprouts roots deep into the earth. n acelai timp, ea rdcini adnci n varza de pmnt. It becomes a tree that grows very slowly. Acesta devine un copac care creste foarte incet. You wait patiently and watch how the plant develops into its full size. Suntei ateptai cu rbdare i urmrii modul n care planta se dezvolt n dimensiunea ei complet. Time has no significance. Timpul nu are nici o semnificaie. Only the constant growth counts. Numai conteaz constante de cretere. The tree blooms anew every year, and bears fruit. Florile de arbori nc o dat n fiecare an, i poart de fructe. Like the tree, we also do not know why this is. Cum ar fi copac, de asemenea, noi nu tim de ce acest lucru este. Like the tree, we want to give ourselves completely to life, and know this has its purpose, even if we will probably never be able to completely fathom the great mystery. Cum ar fi copac, dorim s ne dea complet la via, i s tie acest lucru are scopul su, chiar dac nu vom fi probabil n msur s ptrund complet marele mister. As the tree changes every year, our inner development also continues. Ca copac se schimb n fiecare an, dezvoltarea noastr interioar, de asemenea, continu. We decisively influence whether it is joyful or sorrowful. Am influena n mod decisiv dac este vesel sau trist.

Keep holding your finger for a while and feel the flowing warmth. Pstrai exploataie degetul pentru un timp si sa se simta caldura curgere. Then encircle your right ring finger and hold it for the same amount of time. nconjura, apoi degetul inel dreapta si tineti-l pentru aceeai cantitate de timp.

Thumb Energy Thumb de energie Index Finger Energy Indicele de deget de energie Middle Finger Energy Orientul Mijlociu deget de energie Ring Finger Energy Inel de energie Little Finger Energy Deget mic de energie Basic MudrasMeditation 5: Little Finger Energy Meditaie 5: Energie degetul mic The second chakra, which is the energetic center of sexuality, is associated with the little finger. Chakra al doilea, care este centrul energetic al sexualitii, este asociat cu degetul mic. It deals with interpersonal relationships in general, as well as partnership in particular. Se ocup cu relaiile interpersonale, n general, precum i de parteneriat, n special. This classification of sexuality corresponds with Hatha Yoga. Aceast clasificare de sexualitate corespunde cu Hatha Yoga. (In Buddhism, sexuality is associated with the ring finger.) It also contains the ability to communicate. (n budism, sexualitatea este asociata cu degetul inelar.) Conine, de asemenea, capacitatea de a comunica. Since the Chinese healing practitioners found the heart meridian to be in this finger, this confirms the yogis' thesis relating the water element to it (water symbolizes the realm of the emotions). Deoarece medicii chinezi de vindecare a gsit inima meridianul de a fi n acest deget, acest lucru confirm teza yoghinii "privind elementul de ap s-l (apa simbolizeaz trmul emoiilor). Joyful, fulfilling relationships not only warm the heart, but also nourish and strengthen it. Vesel, care nu ndeplinesc relaiile nclzeasc numai inima, ci, de asemenea, hrnesc i consolidarea acesteia. And, in turn, strong heart energy gives us the ability to be happy. i, la rndul su, energia inimii puternic ne d capacitatea de a fi fericit. It gives us sublime feelings and improves our mood. Ea ne d sentimente sublime si imbunatateste starea de spirit. Our mood, which is always the sum of present feelings, can be compared with the waves on the surface of a lake. Starea de spirit, care este ntotdeauna suma de sentimente prezente, pot fi comparate cu undele pe suprafaa unui lac. They are rhythmically harmonious or vehement; the water is clear and clean, or shallow, heavy, dark and dirty. Ele sunt ritmic armonioase sau vehemente, apa este limpede i curat, sau superficial, grele, ntunecat i murdar. Sit or lie down. Stai sau culcat. Now encircle your left little finger with the four fingers of your right hand, with your right thumb extending to the middle of your left hand. nconjura Acum, degetul mic din stnga cu cele patru degete de la mna dreapt, cu degetul mare drept de prelungire la mijlocul de mana stanga. Close your eyes. nchidei ochii. In your mind's eye, you are sitting by the sea and observing the waves-they come toward you, and roll back out and disappear. Cu ochii minii dumneavoastr, v stau de mare i de respectarea unde-au venit spre tine, si se rostogolesc napoi i dispar. The same applies to your feelings, moods, and also to your relationships with others. Acelai lucru se aplic la sentimentele tale, starea de spirit, i, de asemenea, relaiile cu ceilali. Giving and receiving love is also subject to this law. Da i a primi dragostea este, de asemenea, obiectul prezentei legi. Be aware that you only receive as much love as you can unconditionally give. Fii contieni de faptul c vei primi doar dragoste de mult ca tine poate da necondiionat. This doesn't even have to mean great deeds. Acest lucru nu trebuie s nsemne chiar fapte mari. A friendly, warm heart for fellow human beings, animals, plants, water, air, and earth are entirely enough. O inim prietenos, cald pentru fiine umane, animale, plante, ap, aer, pmnt i sunt n ntregime de ajuns. Imagine someone (someone specific or in general) happy and encourage him or her, if necessary. Imaginai-v pe cineva (sau pe cineva anume, n general), fericit i s ncurajeze pe el sau ea, dac este necesar. Believe in this individual's abilities and good heart. Crede n acest abilitile individuale i inima bun. Imagine entire scenes in which this person is cheerful and smiling happily. Imaginai-v scene ntregi n care aceast persoan este vesel i zmbind fericit. If you have no one close to you, then do this little exercise-perhaps while riding the bus, train, or streetcar-in relation to a stranger. Dac nu avei aproape o pentru tine, apoi face acest mic exerciiu, poate n timp ce de echitatie cu autobuzul, trenul, tramvaiul sau, n legtur cu un strin. I guarantee that you will experience wonders if you keep this up for several days or weeks. V garantez c vei experimenta minuni, dac v pstrai acest lucru pentru mai multe zile sau sptmni. The time will come when your heart will overflow with joy. Va veni timpul cand inima ta vor fi inundate cu bucurie. But the most important thing is: don't expect anything at all for the time being. Dar cel mai important lucru este: nu te astepta nimic de la tot pentru moment. Radiate your goodwill and your love unconditionally. Radiaz bunvoina dumneavoastr i dragostea ta necondiionat. Just have some patience until the seeds sprout. Au doar puin rbdare pn cnd seminele ncolesc. Continue holding your little finger for a while and feel the flowing warmth. Continuai deine degetul mic pentru un timp si sa se simta caldura curgere. Then encircle your right little finger and hold it for the same amount of time. nconjura, apoi degetul mic drept i inei-l pentru aceeai cantitate de timp.

Basic Mudras Mudre de baz

Basic Mudras

Ganesha mudra Ganesha MudraThe elephant; Ganesha, the deity who overcomes all obstacles Elefant, Ganesha, zeitate care depete toate obstacolele din calea

Hold your left hand in front of your chest with the palm facing outward. inei mna stng n faa pieptului, cu palma ndreptat spre exterior. Bend the fingers. Indoiti degetele. Now grasp the left hand with the right hand, which has its back facing outward. Apucai acum mna stng cu mna dreapt, care are spatele spre exterior. Move the hands to the level of the heart, right in front of thechest. Mutare minile la nivelul inimii, chiar n faa thechest. While exhaling, vigorously pull the hands apart without releasing the grip. n timp ce expirati, tragei cu putere minile pe lng fr eliberarea prindere. This will tense the muscles of the upper arms and chest area. Acest lucru va incordati muschii din partea superioar a braelor i a zonei pieptului. While inhaling, let go of all the tension. n timp ce inhalarea, drumul de toate tensiune. Repeat 6 times and then lovingly place both hands on the sternum in this position. Repetai de ase ori i apoi pun dragoste, ambele mini pe stern, n aceast poziie. Focus on the feeling in this part of your body. Concentreaza-te pe sentimentul n aceast parte a corpului dumneavoastr. Then change the hand position: your right palm now faces outward. Apoi modificai poziia de mna: palma dreapta acum se confrunt exterior. Repeat the exercise 6 times in this position. Repeta exercitiul de ase ori n aceast poziie. Afterward, remain in silence for a while. Dup aceea, rmne n tcere pentru o vreme.

Once a day is enough. O dat pe zi este suficient. Variation Variaie Repeat the same exercise, but this time keep the lower arms diagonal instead of horizontal: one elbow points upward at a slant and the other elbow points downward at a slant. Repetai acelai exerciiu, dar de data aceasta ine mai mic de arme diagonal n loc de orizontal: unul puncte de cot n sus oblic i celelalte puncte de cot n jos, la o oblic. This mudra stimulates heart activity, strengthens heart muscles, opens the bronchial tubes, and releases any type of tension in this area. Aceast Mudra stimuleaza activitatea inimii, intareste muschii inimii, se deschide tuburile bronsice, si elibereaza orice tip de tensiune n acest domeniu. It opens the fourth chakra and gives us courage, confidence, and openness toward other human beings. Se deschide chakra a patra i ne d curaj, ncredere, deschidere i fa de alte fiine umane. Herbal remedy Remediu pe baz de plante Hawthorn {Crataegus oxyacantha L.) strengthens the heart. Pducel {Crataegus oxyacantha L.), ntrete inima. Vizualizare Vis ualisation Since the Ganesha Mudra activates the fire element, which reacts positively to the color red, the following visualizations support activity of the heart and circulation.Deoarece Mudra Ganesha activeaz elementul foc, care reacioneaz pozitiv la culoarea roie, cu urmtorul text vizualizri activitatea de sprijin a inimii si a circulatiei. It encourages us to encounter our fellow human beings with an open and friendly heart. Aceasta ne ncurajeaz s ne ntlnim noastre fiine umane, cu o inim deschis i prietenoas. Visualize the color reda mosaic, a mandala, or a carpet in various tones of red.Vizualizai culoarea roie-un mozaic, o mandala, sau un covor in nuante diferite de rosu. Now focus all of your senses on it for a while. S se concentreze acum toate simturile pe ea pentru o vreme. Red should strengthen, warm, and widen your heart, giving you the courage to be open and confident. Rou ar trebui s consolideze, cald, i s extind inima ta, oferindu-v curajul de a fi deschis i de ncredere. Affirmation Afirmare I meet other people with courage, openness, and confidence. M ntlnesc cu alte persoane, cu curaj, deschidere, i de ncredere.

Ushas mudra Ushas Mudra

Clasp your fingers so your right thumb lies above the left. ncheietoare degetele astfel nct degetul mare drept se afl de mai sus stnga. The right thumb presses slightly on the left thumb. Presele dreapta degetul uor pe degetul mare stnga.

Important: Women should place the right thumb between the left thumb and index finger, pressing on it with the left thumb. Important: Femeile ar trebui s pun degetul mare drept ntre degetul mare i degetul index stnga, apsnd pe ea, cu degetul mare stnga. Do this every day for 5 to 15 minutes. Fa acest lucru in fiecare zi de la 5 la 15 minute. Hold this mudra until the desired effect occurs. inei acest Mudra pn cnd apare efectul dorit.

No matter how old we are, there are times of change: new beginnings come repeatedly in life. Nu conteaza cat de vechi suntem, exist momente de schimbare: noi nceputuri vin n mod repetat n via. The second chakra, our center of sexuality and creativity, always contains something new, a secret that wants to be aired. Chakra al doilea rnd, centrul nostru de sexualitate i de creativitate, conine ntotdeauna ceva nou, un secret care vrea s fie difuzat. This mudra concentrates the sexual energy of our second chakra and directs it into the energy centers above it. Aceast Mudra concentreaz energia sexuala a chakrei a doua noastr i-l direcioneaz n centre de energie de mai sus ea. It gives us mental alertness, pleasure, and new impulses. Ea ne d vigilenta mentala, plcere, i noi impulsuri. In addition, it harmonizes our hormonal system. n plus, se armonizeaza sistemul nostru hormonal. The Ushas Mudra helps us wake up in the morning. Mudra Ushas ne ajut s ne trezim n dimineaa. When you are still sleepy and lying in bed, place your clasped hands at the back of your head. Atunci cnd sunt nc somnoros i culcat n pat, punei minile mpreunate la spate a capului. Now inhale vigorously and deeply several times; open your eyes and mouth widely; press your elbows back into the pillow. Acum inhaleze puternic i profund de cateva ori; deschide ochii i gura larg; apsai coatele napoi n pern. While exhaling, let go of every tension. n timp ce expirati, s mearg de fiecare tensiune. Repeat 6 times. Se repet de ase ori. If this still doesn't make you feel alert and fresh, then rub your ankle bones together, as well as the palms of your hands, as if you were trying to ignite a flint stone. Dac aceasta nu se face sa te simti de alert i proaspt, apoi frecati oasele gleznei mpreun, precum i palme, ca i cum ai fost ncercarea de a aprinde o piatr de cremene.

Herbal remedy Remediu pe baz de plante

Green tea and rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) have a refreshing effect. Ceaiul verde si rozmarin (Rosmarinus officinalis L.), au un efect revigorant. Vis ualisation VizualizareIn your imagination, see yourself sitting in a good place where you can enjoy the sunrise. n imaginaia dumneavoastr, consultai-v stnd ntr-un loc bun unde v putei bucura de rsrit. The sun slowly rises, and you let the colors red, orange, and yellow have their effect on you for a long time. Soarele se ridica incet, si lasa culorile rou, portocaliu, galben i au efectul lor pe tine pentru o lung perioad de timp. These colors awaken and improve your mood. Aceste culori trezi i de a mbunti starea de spirit. Now imagine yourself as a per- son who is full of youthful strength and new impulses, as someone who enjoys life, a person who goes out into the world with love, and richly blesses it with a sincere smile, good deeds, and beautiful things. Acum, imaginai-v ca pe un fiu, care este plin de putere tineresc i noi impulsuri, ca cineva care se bucur de via, o persoan care iese n lume cu dragoste, i bogat-l binecuvnteaz cu un zmbet sincer, fapte bune, i lucruri frumoase . Affirmation Afirmare I am filled with pleasure and enthusiasm, which allow me to achieve great things. Am umplut cu plcere i entuziasm, care permitei-mi s realizeze lucruri mari. I enjoy life to the fullest. I se bucura de viata la maxim.

Pushan mudra Pushan MudraDedicated to the sun god, Pushan, also the god of nourishment Dedicat zeului soare, Pushan, de asemenea, zeul de hran

VERSION 1: Versiunea 1:

Right hand: The tips of the thumb, index finger, and middle finger are on top of each other; the other fingers are extended. Dreapta: sfaturi de degetul mare, degetul arttor i degetul mijlociu sunt pe partea de sus a reciproc; celelalte degete sunt extinse.

Left hand: The tips of the thumb, middle finger, and ring finger are on top of each other; the other fingers are extended. Mna stng: sfaturi de degetul mare, degetul mijlociu i inelarul sunt pe partea de sus a reciproc; celelalte degete sunt extinse.

This mudra symbolizes accepting and receiving with the gesture of one hand and letting things flow, giving, and letting go with the gesture of the other. Aceast Mudra simbolizeaz acceptarea i primirea, cu gest de o parte i de nchirierea fluxul de lucruri, da, si da drumul, cu gestul de alt parte. Both should be coordinated with each other in digestion. Ambele ar trebui s fie coordonate cu fiecare alte digestie. It influences the energy currents that are responsible for absorbing and utilizing food, as well as helping with elimination. Acesta influeneaz curenii de energie, care sunt responsabile pentru absorbia i utilizarea produselor alimentare, precum si ajuta cu eliminarea. It intensifies breathing and therefore the absorption of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide in the lungs. Se intensific respiraia i, prin urmare, absorbtia de oxigen si eliberarea de dioxid de carbon n plmni. It has a relaxing effect on the solar plexus (the area of the stomach, liver, spleen, and gallbladder), regulates energies in the autonomic nervous system, mobilizes energies of elimination, and detoxifies. Ea are un efect relaxant asupra plexului solar (zona stomacului, ficatului, splinei, vezicii biliare i), reglementeaz energiile n sistemul nervos autonom, mobilizeaz energiile de eliminare, si detoxifica. It has an excellent effect on general or acute nausea, seasickness, flatulence, and that sensation of fullness one feels after meals. Ea are un efect excelent asupra grea general sau acute, rul de mare, flatulen, i c o senzatie de satietate se simte dup mese.

VERSION 2: Versiunea 2:

Right hand: The tips of the thumb, ring finger, and little finger are on top of each other, the other fingers are extended. Dreapta: sfaturi de degetul mare, degetul inelar, i degetul mic sunt pe partea de sus a reciproc, celelalte degete sunt extinse. Left hand: Same as Version 1. Mna stng: aceleasi ca la versiunea 1. Connecting the energies of the thumb, ring finger, and little finger activates the lower digestive process and the elimination process. Conectarea energiile de degetul mare, degetul inelar, i degetul mic activeaza procesul digestiv inferior i procesul de eliminare. This mudra can be called the general energy pump. Acest Mudra poate fi numit pompa de energie n general. It stimulates the functions of the brain, a fact that has also been proved scientifically. Acesta stimuleaza functiile creierului, fapt care a fost, de asemenea, a fost dovedit stiintific. The finger position of the right hand activates energy in the pelvic floor, like a smoldering fire that has been stoked. Poziia degetul de la mana dreapta activeaza de energie n zona pelviana, ca un foc mocnit care a fost alimentata. With the finger position of the left hand, the kindled energy is directed upward. Cu poziia degetul de la mna stng, energia aprins este ndreptat n sus. Every organ, the general mood, and thinking (concentration, memory, logic, enthusiasm, etc.) are positively influenced as a result. Fiecare organ, starea de spirit general, i de gndire (de concentrare, de memorie, logica, entuziasm, etc) sunt influentate pozitiv ca un rezultat.

These two mudras can be used as immediate help or practiced four times a day for 5 minutes in the case of chronic complaints. Aceste dou mudre poate fi folosit ca ajutor imediat sau practicat de patru ori pe zi, timp de cinci minute, n cazul plngerilor cronice. Herbal remedy Remediu pe baz de plante

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), anise (Pimpinella ani-sum), and caraway (Carum carvi) support this mudra. Fenicul (Foeniculum vulgare), anason (Pimpinella ani-suma), i chimion (Carum carvi) susine aceast mudra. Vis ualisation VizualizareDuring inhalation, take in energy in the form of light. n timpul inhalrii, s ia n domeniul energiei, n form de lumin. During the pause in breathing, give it the time and space it needs to spread within you and become transformed. n timpul pauzei de respiraie, da timp i spaiu de care are nevoie s se rspndeasc n tine i s devin transformat. During exhalation, let the expended energy flow back out of you. n timpul expiraia, s fluxul de energie cheltuit napoi din tine. With every breath, there is more light and clarity in your physical and mental-emotional realms. Cu fiecare respiratie, este mai multa lumina si claritate in taramurile voastre fizice i mentale, emotionale. Affirmation Afirmare I thankfully accept everything that is good for me, let it have its effect within me, and release everything that is spent. Sunt de acord cu fericire tot ceea ce este bun pentru mine, s-l aib efect n mine, i tot de pres, care este cheltuit.

Asthma mudra Astmul Mudra

Both hands: Press together the fingernails of the middle fingers and keep other fingers extended. Ambele mini: Apsai mpreun unghiile degetelor mijlocii i s pstreze la alte degete extins. In case of an acute asthma attack, first do the Bronchial Mudra (Number 4) for 4 to 6 minutes. n cazul unui atac acut de astm, face primul Mudra bronic (numrul 4) de la 4 la 6 minute. Then use this Asthma Mudra until the breathing calms down. Apoi, utilizai acest Mudra de astm pn la calmeaza respiratorii jos. For long-term treatment, use these two mudras five times every day for 5 minutes. Pentru tratament de lung durat, utilizai aceste dou mudre de cinci ori n fiecare zi, timp de cinci minute.

Unfortunately, I am not one of those fortunate people who once had asthma but got rid of it through a radical cure with medication and never felt anything again. Din pcate, eu nu sunt unul dintre acei oameni norocoi, care au astm, dar o dat scpat de el printr-o cura radicala cu medicamente i nu simtit nimic nou. Many members of my family on my father's side had asthma, so it is a "dear" family heirloom. Muli membri ai familiei mele din partea tatlui meu a avut astm bronsic, astfel c este o "drag" bijuterie de familie. But despite this, I live without any medication because I follow certain rules of behavior. Dar, n ciuda acestui fapt, am tri fr nici o medicatie, deoarece am urmat anumite reguli de comportament. My tips are sure to help asthma patients, which is why I'm passing them on here: Sfaturi mele sunt sigur c pentru a ajuta pacientii cu astm bronsic, care este de ce eu le trec pe aici:

During cold weather, never breathe through your mouth because the bronchial tubes will become inflamed and congested. n timpul vreme rece, niciodat nu respira pe gura, deoarece tuburile bronice vor deveni inflamate si congestionate.

Try not to be in a hurry because every incidence of stress activates the adrenal glands. ncercai s nu fie ntr-o grab, deoarece fiecare incidena stres activeaza glandele suprarenale.

Adrenaline promotes the congestion and constriction of the bronchial tubes. Adrenalina promoveaz congestiei i strngere a tuburilor bronice. Eat a light diet with little meat; meat once a week is enough. Mnnc o diet uoar, cu puin carne, carne o dat pe sptmn este suficient.

No milk products, tomatoes, hot peppers, or kiwi. Nu exista produse din lapte, rosii, ardei iute, sau kiwi. No smoking should be obvious. Fumatul ar trebui s fie evident.

Don't take medications that weaken the immune system, such as antibiotics. Nu luai medicamente care slabesc sistemul imunitar, cum ar fi antibiotice.

Get enough fresh air by taking long walks. Ia suficient de aer proaspt de plimbri lungi. Do yoga or gymnastics every week and get enough rest. Fac yoga sau gimnastic n fiecare sptmn i de a obine suficient de odihn.

Most people who suffer from breathing difficulties are familiar with inner loneliness (too much detachment from the surrounding world) and/or cannot set boundaries. Cei mai muli oameni care sufer de dificulti de respiraie sunt familiarizai cu singurtatea interioar (detaare prea mult din lumea nconjurtoare) i / sau nu pot seta limite. Consequently, they feel themselves plagued by other people's duties and problems (too little detachment). Prin urmare, ei se simt afectate de drepturi altor oameni i probleme (detaare prea puin).

Herbal remedy Remediu pe baz de plante Horehound (Marrubium vulgare L.) and black cumin (Nigella sativa) help against asthma complaints. Horehound (Marrubium vulgare L.) i de chimen negru (Nigella sativa) ajutor mpotriva plngeri astm. Vis ualisation Vis ualisation Visualize pictures of a wide expanse-the ocean, the sky with clouds, and mountains (you stand on the peak). Vizualiza poze cu o larg ntindere-ocean, cerul cu nori, i muni (va sta pe vrf). Take this expansiveness into your heart and lung area. Luai aceast expansiune n inima ta i zona pulmonar. While exhaling, let the distances become greater; while inhaling, let them become smaller again-a proportion that is right for you. n timp ce expirati, s distanele de a deveni mai mare, n timp ce inhalarea, lasa-le s devin mai mici, din nou, o proporie care este potrivit pentru tine. Now do the same with the people or duties that you find oppressive. Face acum acelai lucru cu oamenii sau obligaiile pe care le gsii opresiv. Affirmation Afirmare I detach myself from everything that constricts me and fully enjoy my new freedom. Eu m detaez de tot ceea ce mi-constricts i bucura pe deplin de libertatea mea nou. I feel safe and secure in the divine light, which gives me support. M simt n siguran i securitate n lumina divin, care ofer s m sprijine.

Bronchial mudra Bronic Mudra

Both hands: Place the little finger at the base of the thumb, the ring finger on the upper thumb joint, and the middle finger on the pad of the thumb. Ambele mini: Punei degetul mic de la baza degetului mare, degetul inelul pe degetul mare n comun de sus, i degetul mijlociu pe pad de degetul mare. Extend the index finger. Extinderea degetul index.

For an acute attack of asthma, first use this mudra from 4 to 6 minutes and then practice the Asthma Mudra until breathing has become normal again. Pentru un atac acut de astm, utilizai pentru prima dat acest Mudra de la 4 la 6 minute i apoi practica Mudra astmului pn la respiraia a devenit normal din nou. For a long-term treatment, hold both mudras for 5 minutes, five times a day. Pentru un tratament pe termen lung, inei ambele mudre timp de 5 minute, de cinci ori pe zi.

People with respiratory problems often also suffer from inner loneliness, isolation, sexual problems, and sadness. Oamenii cu probleme respiratorii, de multe ori, de asemenea, sufer de singurtate interioar, de izolare, probleme sexuale, i de tristee. To the outside world, these feelings are often successfully played down with humor. Pentru lumea din afara, aceste sentimente sunt de multe ori a jucat cu succes n jos, cu umor. Or these individuals bind themselves to others by taking on their duties and concerns. Sau aceste persoane se leaga de altele, prin preluarea atribuiilor i preocuprile lor. This naturally causes a great deal of stress so that these individuals are pressed for time and out of breath. Acest lucru determin mod natural o mare de stres, astfel nct aceste persoane sunt presat de timp i n afara de respiraie. Since I am all too familiar with such problems, I can perhaps advise you how to get out of this dilemma. Din moment ce eu sunt prea familiarizat cu astfel de probleme, pot sftui probabil v cum s ias din aceast dilem. It is important to admit your negative feelings and moods for once and take a good look at them. Este important s recunoatem sentimentele tale negative si starea de spirit pentru o dat i s ia o privire la ei. Be aware that even these feelings are like waves on the surface of the water-they arise and then pass on. Fii contieni de faptul c chiar i aceste sentimente sunt ca niste valuri pe suprafaa apei, care apar i apoi trece mai departe. The reason for such feelings is often a general weakness that is caused by shallow breathing since improper respiration doesn't build up the inner reservoir of strength. Motivul pentru astfel de sentimente este adesea o slbiciune general, care este cauzata de respiraie superficial, deoarece respiraia necorespunztoare nu se construi rezervorul de putere interioar. When it is reduced, weakness occurs not only on the physical level but also in the mental-emotional area. Cnd este redus, slbiciune are loc nu numai la nivel fizic, ci, de asemenea, n zona mental-emoional. Fear, sadness, discontentment, exaggerated sensitivity, etc., are the consequences. Frica, tristete, nemulumiri, sensibilitate exagerata, etc, sunt consecinele.

In yoga, every breathing exercise and physical exercise builds up this inner strength and keeps up the energy level (practice for at least 30 minutes every day). n yoga, fiecare exercitiu de respiratie si exercitii fizice se acumuleaz aceast for interioar i ine de nivelul de energie (practic de cel puin 30 de minute in fiecare zi). The following mudra meditation is also effective. Urmtoarea meditaie Mudra este de asemenea, eficiente. Sit upright and hold your hands about 4 inches away from your body. Stai n poziie vertical i inei-v pe mini de aproximativ 4 cm distan fa de corpul tu. When your arms get tired, place the hands on your thighs. Cnd bratele obosesc, pune minile pe coapse. Herbal remedy Remediu pe baz de plante Thyme (Thymus serpyllum L.), primrose (Primula peris L.), and elder (Sambucus nigra L.) are the most important herbs for the bronchial tubes. Cimbru (Thymus serpyllum L.), ciubotica-cucului (Primula Peris L.), i mai mare (Sambucus nigra L.) sunt cele mai importante plante pentru tuburile bronice. Vis ualisation Vis ualisation Direct your consciousness to the pelvic floor and sense the surface you are sitting on. Direct constiinta voastra pentru a planeului pelvin i sens, suprafata pe care sta pe. Inhalation: Now direct your consciousness into your abdomen, stomach, chest, throat, forehead, and top of the head. Inhalare: direct Acum, constiinta voastra in abdomen, stomac, piept, gat, frunte, i partea de sus a capului. Count from 1 to 7 while you do so. Contorizarea 1 la 7 n timp ce facei acest lucru. Now hold your breath for about 5 seconds. Acum, inei-v respiraia pentru aproximativ 5 secunde. Exhalation: Direct your consciousness from top to bottom and count backward from 7 to 1. Expiraia: Direct constiinta voastra de sus n jos i s numere napoi de la 7 la 1. Wait patiently until the impulse to inhale comes, and then direct the consciousness back to the top again while inhaling. Ateptai cu rbdare pn cnd impulsul de a inhala vine, i conduce apoi constiinta inapoi la partea de sus din nou, n timp ce inhalarea. The pauses after inhaling and exhaling are very important here. Pauze i dup inhalarea expirand sunt foarte importante aici. Affirmation Afirmare Every breath gives me strength. Fiecare respiraie mi d putere. It strengthens my body, mind, and soul. Acesta intareste corpul meu, mintea, si sufletul.

Pran mudra Pran Mudra

Life Mudra Mudra de via

With each hand: Place the tips of the thumb, ring finger, and little finger together. Cu fiecare mn: Punei sfaturi de degetul mare, degetul inelar, i degetul mic, mpreun. The other fingers remain extended. Celelalte degete rmn prelungit. As needed, use for 5 to 30 minutes. Dup cum este necesar, utilizarea de la 5 la 30 de minute. Or, as a course of treatment, do three times a day for 15 minutes. Sau, ca un curs de tratament, fac de trei ori pe zi, timp de 15 minute.

The Pran Mudra activates the root chakra, in which the elemental force of a human being is found. Mudra Pran activeaza chakra rdcin, n care fora elementar a unui om este gsit. I like to compare this place with a fire that is either ablaze or just glows quietly. mi place pentru a compara acest loc cu un foc, care este fie aprins sau doar straluceste in liniste. How brightly the fire burns depends on how well we tend it. Ct de puternic focul arde depinde de ct de bine am tendina. This finger position stimulates the nourishing energy in the pelvic floor. Aceast poziie degetul stimuleaz energia hrnitoare n planeului pelvin.

The Pran Mudra generally increases vitality, reduces fatigue and nervousness, and improves vision. Mudra Pran, n general, crete vitalitatea, reduce oboseala si nervozitate, si imbunatateste vederea. It is also used against eye diseases. Acesta este, de asemenea, folosit impotriva bolilor de ochi. On the mental-emotional level, it increases our staying power and assertiveness, healthy self-confidence, gives us the courage to start something new, and the strength to see things through. La nivel mental-emoional, se mrete puterea noastr de edere i de sine, ncrederea n sine sntoas, ne d curajul de a ncepe ceva nou, i puterea de a vedea lucrurile prin. Clear eyes are also a sign of a mental outlook emphasizing clarity and a clear mind, which means clearly structured thoughts and ideas. Ochii sunt clare, de asemenea, un semn de o claritate mental perspective subliniind i o minte limpede, ceea ce nseamn n mod clar structurate gnduri i ide

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