marisa ngbemeneh

Post on 22-Jul-2016






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PIME 2015


Brazil Immersion 2015

The Adventure of a Lifetime

Marisa Ngbemeneh

I hardly knew.

The Cecoia students then performed a

beautiful dance in colorful plaid costumes

reminiscent of American “country western”

clothing. It was mesmerizing to see this

interweaving of cultures—of Brazilian dancers

performing a traditional dance to American

students from another hemisphere.

It wasn’t long afterwards that we met again

with the students from Notre Dame, whose energy

and linguistic skill proved extremely helpful in

interacting with the children. Because of them, we

were able to communicate with kids in basic

conversation and through such athletic excursions

as potato-spoon relays. Throughout each activity,

we connected more and more with the Cecoia kids,

laughing and dancing together, like two cultures in

perfect harmony.

After over three days of cancelled flights and

delayed departures, we finally arrived in São

Paulo. I, like the rest of my group, was tired,

hungry, and luggage-less. Yet all the misfortune

we had experienced could not even begin to

prepare me for the warm welcome we would be

met with in Brazil.

As we walked onto the Cecoia campus, we

were greeted by loud shouts and the buzz of

children’s conversations. Carol, a teacher at

Colegio Notre Dame, welcomed us with a smile

and embraced everyone in our group. Notre Dame

students followed suit, introducing themselves and

asking us questions about our fellow Holy Cross

school—Saint Francis High School—back home in

California. I’d never felt more connected to people

My CECOIA Experience

One of my favorite parts about the entire trip

would definitely include the food. Everything from

the traditional meal of beans and rice, to the

perfectly crispy pastel, to the sweet tapioca

desserts and guaraná soda was absolutely

delicious. On our visit to the parish of Santa Clara,

our hosts prepared a particularly remarkable meal

that ended with an incredible dessert of differently

flavored ice creams. I used to be content with

American food, but nothing in the United States

could come close to the rich flavor of Brazilian


Paroquia Santa Clara

After our meal at the parish, we visited homes of

the sick, accompanied by several guides and CND

students. It was really powerful to share in the

experience of people struggling through life’s

hardships. It was especially difficult because we

couldn’t do much to help them other than offering

our compassion by being completely present in

their suffering.

Festas Juninas

Festas Juninas was one of my mostenjoyable experiences in Brazil, as it

was filled with great food, fun games, bonding with CND and Saint Francis students, and watching spectacularfireworks at the end of the night.

The absolute best part, however, of my experience in Brazil was interacting with the

CND students. Although it initially seemed a little intimidating to engage in conversation

with students from another country, the CND students we met were so welcoming and kind

that it was hardly a challenge at all. Their musical taste and sense of humor especially

lined up with mine, and made it even easier to connect with them. Before long we even

exchanged nicknames—mine was “crazy girl”—and developed inside jokes in the midst of

all our activities. From playing pick-up soccer (futebol), to selling cards at Festas Juninas,

to laughing about my dance moves during body percussion classes, to sharing jokes over

delicious meals, I was always smiling around the CND students. My experience would

have been incomplete without them, and the memories we made together have made this

trip unforgettable.

CND Students

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