meditație beneficii și sfaturi utile (en)

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  • 8/10/2019 Meditaie Beneficii i sfaturi utile (EN)


    Meditation Benefits & TipsBy Elizabeth Harper

  • 8/10/2019 Meditaie Beneficii i sfaturi utile (EN)


    My a healer - Healer heal thyself!We are all on a path of healing. Any tool that can help us connect

    to a deeper aspect of ourselves is a valuable asset for self-healing,

    self-knowledge, and enlightenment. We all have our stuff, its part

    of being human. One of my favorite sayings is - We teach what

    we most need to learn! What I share with you in this eBook is

    very much based on my own experience and I am still learning!

    At the end of the book I speak about energy cords. These cordsappear in different colors, shapes and sizes. For as far back as I

    can remember I have seen these cords in addition to auras and

    soul rainbows. My mother, a yogini, encouraged and supported

    my ability, occasionally interpreting the colors I saw. She gave me

    a number of books on the subject, but I soon discovered that color

    symbolism is down to personal perception and each person had

    their own interpretation. So when you intuit the colors of your

    cords simply ask yourself what does that mean? And an answerwill come to you.

    Your whole life, past, present, and potential, is held within your

    auric field. Its as if you are wearing a coat of many colors filled

    with experiences. When those colors are out of balance this can

    impact the physical body eventually leading to dis-ease, essentially

    another term for being out of balance. Healing can bring your

    colors back into balance.

  • 8/10/2019 Meditaie Beneficii i sfaturi utile (EN)


    What is Meditation?Meditation means to go into the center

    Meditation is...

    ..single mindful attention or highly focused attention the practice of which changes brainwave patterns,

    releases serotonin into the bloodstream (a happy hormone) leading to a quieting of the ego and left-brain

    activity. Washing the dishes, walking, spending time alone in nature, and listening to music are all

    meditative. We can all have different ways of meditating. My father tinkered with the car every weekend,

    that was his way of meditating single-minded focused attention. Sportsmen and women, artistic and

    creative people have intense concentration putting them into an altered state of consciousness. Guided

    imagery is another form of meditation.

    Meditation is... the present moment helping you to take a holy moment. The poet Kabir called God The Guest.

    When you meditate you go into a sacred space, your guest room, to reconvene and be with yourself and

    that aspect of you which is God. During the quiet time many people hear intuitive wisdom, something that

    often happens on the edge of sleep or on waking. Gertrude Schmeider of the City College of New York

    asked students to try to guess the identity of ESP cards. The ESP results were poor. That test was followed

    by a brief yoga meditation exercise. When she retested the class with ESP cards the students were more

    than twice as accurate as before and showed a significant ESP effect. Her simple experiment showed that

    even a brief period of meditation improves psychic awareness.

  • 8/10/2019 Meditaie Beneficii i sfaturi utile (EN)


  • 8/10/2019 Meditaie Beneficii i sfaturi utile (EN)


    Meditation Benefits

    How can meditation help depression, boredom, rage, stress?

    Meditation promotes a deep sense of inner peace and relaxation. When you are relaxed your breathing and

    heart rate slows, blood pressure normalizes, and all the symptoms of stress such as rage and depression

    dissipate. Research shows that meditation can reduce stress hormones in the blood, while relaxation alone

    doesnt have this same effect.

    What are easy ways to get started?

    Take at least five minutes to meditate without distractions. Step One. - Meditate in the morning, sitting

    upright in a comfortable position. Step Two. Close your eyes. This will help you journey inward. Step Three.

    Breathe deeply. Deep breathing can help you relax and go deeper into meditation. Step Four. Focus on a

    sound or on your breath or on nothing at all. You will eventually find that your breath normalizes as you

    begin to feel a sense of peace.

    If you dont have much time, how can you fit it into a busy schedule?

    One complete breath is a meditation, provided your focus stays centered on your breath. Start by emptying

    your lungs, close your eyes and take a deep breath through your nose and into your belly. Hold this breath

    for a few seconds and then breath out through the mouth. This technique works toward relaxing the body,

    a major component of meditation.

    This is part of an interview with Elizabeth that appeared in eTrucker magazine

  • 8/10/2019 Meditaie Beneficii i sfaturi utile (EN)


    Do you have to have special training?

    Not at all! We all meditate, we just dont realize we are doing it. You probably meditate while you are

    ironing or driving. If you are in the present moment, relaxed, and focused on what you are doing, then youare on some level meditating. Training will just introduce you to more options and give you the space to

    practice regularly.

    Are there any health benefits to meditation?

    Yes, there are plenty of health benefits to regular meditation practice. Meditation calms the mind, stimulates

    the immune system, increases concentration, and makes you younger. Much research has been undertakenwith positive results, which is probably why meditation is gaining momentum in the medical world. Some of

    the benefits include:

    Lower blood pressure

    Lower cholesterol

    Increased concentration

    Reduced pain

    Improved sleep Relief for depression


    Enhances Immunity to infection

  • 8/10/2019 Meditaie Beneficii i sfaturi utile (EN)


    How can mediation help with rage?

    Practiced regularly meditation can change the way you react in stressful situations. Rage stimulates

    adrenaline in the body fueling the fight or flight response. Meditation and meditative breathing calms the

    emotions, negates fear, and reduces the internal chatter that surfaces during a stressful event.

    How can forgiving grievances help increase happiness?

    When you forgive you let go of the stress and conflict that can contribute to disharmony and unhappiness.

    Imagine holding your breath. This is what you do when you hold onto your grievances. As soon as you let

    that breath go your body can relax and go back to its natural state.

    Can meditation help people be more content with life?

    Meditation can help you access a natural state of being, that of inner peace and happiness. It brings you

    into the present moment and links you with that part of yourself that is all knowing or as some mystics call

    it - Nirvana. This state of consciousness seeps into your everyday life and gives you a greater sense of

    meaning and purpose. When you have achieved you will feel at peace.

    Is meditation compatible with traditional religion?

    Meditation is compatible with all religions, it will not affect your beliefs, and it does not require faith. Some

    people think it is solely a religious practice as some cultures and religions use it as a means to attain higher


  • 8/10/2019 Meditaie Beneficii i sfaturi utile (EN)


    Meditation Tips

    Meditate at the same time each day

    Regular practice sets up a routine that conditions

    the mind to slow down. If your intention is to use

    meditation to develop psychically then it will

    help your spirit guides to prepare for your


    Create a meditation space

    Every time you meditate you generate a

    wonderful energy and vibration within and

    around you. By meditating in the same place

    you can take advantage of the energy that you

    built up previously. This can enhance your

    experience by taking you back to the place you

    attained previously with little effort.

  • 8/10/2019 Meditaie Beneficii i sfaturi utile (EN)


    Sit, Breathe, Stay Present

    If you meditate lying down you might tend to

    drift off, whereas sitting requires a level of

    consciousness to keep you upright. Focus on

    your breath if your mind wanders just allow

    the thoughts to drift away as you come back to

    the breath. Keep the breathing rhythmic, inhale

    for three seconds and exhale for three seconds.

    Regulation of breath also regulates the flow of

    Prana, or vital energy.- PRA=First, NA=Unit.

    Meditation means to go into the center, so make

    an intention to do just this and to stay in the

    present moment

    Using Mantras

    When I was very young I learnedTranscendental Meditation, which involves

    repeating a two syllable Mantra or phrase such

    as I AM. Repetition leads to pure thought or the

    source of thought and eventually to a state of


  • 8/10/2019 Meditaie Beneficii i sfaturi utile (EN)


    Focus on Your ChakrasYou can use a focal point such as one of the

    chakras. Try bringing your mind and attention to

    your heart chakra or third eye, or focus on the

    eighth chakra just above your head.

    Focus Beyond Your Physical

    One of the purposes of meditation is to reach a

    state of bliss and enlightenment that is beyond

    the conscious, a state of being known as

    Samadhi where there is no duality like our

    world of illusion. In Samadhi we know all there

    is and we become one with everything. And

    beyond this is Nirvana a state of mergence with

    the Divine.

  • 8/10/2019 Meditaie Beneficii i sfaturi utile (EN)


    Try to make it a daily practice to meditate each day. 10

    minutes a day, in the morning when you get up. Here is ameditation you can try each day. Change it to suit your


    Find yourself a comfortable position. Close your eyes and take a

    few deep cleansing breaths.

    Visualize a beautiful ball of sparkling white light in the center of

    the room. As you focus your attention on this light see it becomelarger and brighter, larger and brighter still, until it completely

    surrounds and embraces you. Feel the light cleansing your

    mind, body, spirit and emotions, filling each of your bodies with

    light. Give anything you have been holding onto, any negativity

    into the light. See it being transmuted and absorbed by the

    light. If there is excess energy see this as formless and harmless

    and taken back into the earth. Expand the light into everycorner of the room cleansing the room of any negativity. If you

    find an area of darkness fill it with light no darkness can live

    in the light. Expand the light until it becomes an enormous

    bubble embracing the space you are in within it. See the light

    cleansing the space above, below and the sides. (When you are

    satisfied that your space is clean, say a prayer).

    Daily Meditation

  • 8/10/2019 Meditaie Beneficii i sfaturi utile (EN)



    Great spirit. Surround me with your light, love, peace, and power. Help me to be at one with you. (Then you can

    say your part of the prayer whatever you are working with at the moment)

    Thank you!.

    Ground yourself by imagining roots going from your feet and the base of your spine down, down, down, into the

    center of the earth. Ask Gaia (the earth goddess) to share her energy with you and bring this energy up through

    your roots into your root chakra and up into your body. Feel the magnetic energy of the earth energizing your


    Visualize a ball of golden light above your head. This is the light of the divine, Great Spirit, God. Feel this energyflood your crown chakra and your body with wonderful golden light. Focus on this light for 10 minutes, soaking up

    this energy. Remember to breath. If it makes it easier to stay in the present moment focus on your breath.

    Say a prayer of thanks acknowledging those in spirit who work with you - your guides, guardian angels, higher

    self, friends, family and guardians.

    To close down from the meditation visualize a shower of white light above your head showering and cleansing

    your bodies. Then wrap yourself in a cloak of protection - whatever color feels right for you. Make sure your cloakcovers your head and touches the floor, covering your feet. Now put yourself into a bubble of light that only

    allows positive energy to enter. If you need extra protection visualize mirrors on the outside of your field facing


  • 8/10/2019 Meditaie Beneficii i sfaturi utile (EN)


    Meditation GiftsBy Elizabeth Harper

  • 8/10/2019 Meditaie Beneficii i sfaturi utile (EN)



    This unique blend of three relaxing meditations to open and develop psychic ability, cleanse, heal, and empower

    the chakra system, and link with guides and guardians to receive answers to all of your questions is are an

    evolving practice shaped to increase the flow of energy through the subtle blueprint of individual consciousness.

    Regular use of the meditations will unleash the dynamic psychic and healing potential contained within your

    chakra system, enhance your connection with your guides, guardians, and angels, and open you to the realization

    of your true divine essence.

    CHAKRA INITIATION:gently guides you to intensify your psychic sensitivity, link with and identify your spiritual

    helpers and guides, and receive the wisdom of their guidance.

    CHAKRA EMPOWERMENT:a powerful healing meditation to release stored up energy that has prevented you

    from fully realizing your potential, raise your vibrational frequency through the eighth chakra, meet and

    strengthen your connection with your higher self.

    CHAKRA BALANCING:with the assistance of your guides you harmonize and balance the flow of energy

    within each chakra, and journey to another dimension of being to receive answers to your most profound



    I adore this CD. I listen to it before bed.It is magical and mystical and Elizabethsvoice takes you to another realm. Irecommend it highly!!!


    Buy NOW!
  • 8/10/2019 Meditaie Beneficii i sfaturi utile (EN)



    W!"#BLISS $%J&%'O#"M"($')'$*#Aw)+

    Meditation is a proven technique that has helped thousands of people worldwide to transform and improve theirlifestyles. A MADE FOR YOU MEDITATION can do more, because it zones in on your specific needs.

    Meditation can be used for any number of reasons. Here are some of the most popular:

    Enhance intuition & Psychic Sensitivity

    Connect with Personal Guides and Angels

    Good Health & Healing

    Inspiration & Creativity Activate Abundance

    Open Your Heart to Soulmates

    Develop a Talent

    Increase Fertility

    Improve Family Relationships

    Have you tried meditation CDs that left you dissatisfied with the end result?

    If you cannot find what you need in a meditation CD then a MADE FOR YOU MEDITATIONcan energeticallyand vibrationally fulfill your every desire. You can choose words that resonate with your soul and eliminate those

    you dislike. Words are vibration, when carefully chosen they infuse your life and soul with the results your heart

    desires.LOVE NOTE:

    I want to tell you how much I love my personal meditation that you madefor me. I find deeper and more healing messages and images every time Ilisten to it. It is truly healing for me.

    Jayne B.
  • 8/10/2019 Meditaie Beneficii i sfaturi utile (EN)


    I live in the country with my husband Win, in a house situated ona sacred hill overlooking upstate New Yorks Canandaigua Lake. Iwas fortunate that my mother, also a psychic and one of the

    pioneers of yoga in Britain during its advent, understood andnurtured my sensitivity to energy. I was exposed from an earlyage to spiritual, alternative, and metaphysical worlds. On myeleventh birthday I received my first deck of Tarot cards and formy twelfth I was given a crystal ball. This set the tone for myfuture career as a psychic medium and color seer. My ability tosee auras and interpret their energy led to training in various colorrelated modalities and over the years I have pursued furthereducation in a kaleidoscope of psychic, healing, and intuitive arts.

    My approach is colorisciously playful. I embrace all aspects of themetaphysical with joy, humor, and profound respect. I work closelywith my main guide, Alim, a name that means Teacher. I hopeyouve enjoyed this small meditation book. I look forward to sharingmore with you.

    Love & Blessings

  • 8/10/2019 Meditaie Beneficii i sfaturi utile (EN)


    For more information on Elizabeths work go to her website

    Copyright Elizabeth Harper Sealed With Love LLCUnless otherwise stated all content on the Sealed With Love LLC website

    including this book is the property of Elizabeth Harper and is protected bythe United States and international copyright, trademark, and other

    proprietary rights laws.

    Sealed With Love LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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