mercuri urval workshop - beyond bric

Post on 30-May-2015






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Beyond BRIC

8. december 2010

• Kort om Mercuri Urval• Om mine forudsætninger• Konkrete cases• Ledelse• Opsamling• Q&A• Jeres erfaringer

Mercuri Urval

Etableret i Sverige i 1967

Etableret i Danmark i 1973

>80 konsulenter, der arbejder med omkring 800 kunder i den private og offentlige sektor

Globalt arbejder vi med mere end 3.000 kunder i over 50 lande hvert år

What we do






We help answer and address four key questions:What capabilities do you need?

What capabilities do you have today?

What capabilities can you develop?

What capabilities do you need to acquire?

Building key capabilities




Client & Company Analysis

Assessment & Audit Recruitment& Selection

Organisational ChangeBusiness Transformation

Individual CoachingBusiness Team Coaching

Mercuri Urval’s Integrated Approach


Today Future

Mercuri Urval’s Integrated Approach

Mercuri Urval’s Global Reach

We work across the globe – literally.

From our European heartland, we have expanded with our clients, opening new local offices around the world.

Wherever you need us you will find us across Asia, Central-Eastern Europe, Latin America, North America and Africa & the Middle-East.

Blue Countries = MU Solutions Delivered 2008-2010

Our Asian Solution

Mercuri Urval has been present in the Asia-Pacific region since 1990.

Mercuri Urval has established regional centres in China (Beijing and Shanghai), India, Singapore and Australia.

Our experience in the region covers all our core services.

Our team in Asia-Pacific continues to grow. Presently over 40 permanent employees are geared to support your company in this diverse and dynamic region.

Our Latin American Solution

From our regional centre in Brazil, we have worked with clients across the Latin American region since 2000.

Typical client engagements see us operating in Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Guatemala and of course Brazil.

Local presence and extensive experiences make us a strong partner for international companies looking to expand their operations in the attractive BRIC economy Brazil - as well as in many of the other commercially interesting countries in the Latin American region.

Our African & Middle-Eastern Solution

Mercuri Urval are constantly involved in recruitment & selection assignments, individual assessments and candidate management on a significant scale in the region.

Our African & Middle-Eastern solution includes track record in multiple countries, including significant experience in Turkey and South Africa.

Typical clients in the region have been in both the public and private sectors - from the worlds largest corporations to mid-sized companies taking their first steps into this market.

Min baggrund

• 21 år i Mercuri Urval• Adm. direktør i DK i 2008• Bestyrelsesformand for søsterselskaberne i bl.a.

• Indien• Kina• Singapore• Brasilien• USA

Konkrete cases

Svensk virksomhed

30 pers. i Shanghai ”kun kinesere”

Stagneret i vækstmarked

Høj medarbejderomsætning• Assessment af management team• Resultat:

• MD tilbudt coaching• Ny sales manager ansat• Underliggende organisation blomstret• Vækst

Greenfield projekt i Chennai

Industriel production

Ansættelse af senior management team

Lack of understanding of:

• Corporate culture in India

• Indians working with Europeans

• Salary and competency levels

Hiring of MD India

MD Austria(Responsible for India)

Global CEO (German)

Acc. Manager (Polish)

US company

• Global compensation (Mercer)

• India-China! And female

• Chinese products sold in India

• Prolonged process = Loose candidates

• Salary

Hiring of MD India


MD&HR ManagerChinaFemale

US Business UnitGlobal head


US Company

• Who are potential business unit heads in the future?• Identify and implement development plan

Solution:• GAP analysis• Finalize Leadership models• Assess• Development plan• Follow-up

US Company

Results:• Understanding Indian management culture• Open discussion regarding non-similarities• How can we adapt to each other?

South East Asia

• Recruitment of director Indonesia• Candidates from all over• 2 relevant are from the Philippines and Indonesia

• Organization review of the Philippines’ business

• For large French company• Larger projects for young high potentials in Vietnam• Recruitment of director in Vietnam• Recruitment of head of corporate affairs Thailand

Kapabilitet omfatter

•Personligheden – forholdsvis stabile træk ved personen, der beskriver det personen plejer at gøre, dispositioner og træk.

•Motivation – dét der driver personen; bevæggrunde for at udvise en bestemt adfærd eller udføre en opgave.

•Færdigheder – det personen kan i kraft af kognitive og motoriske færdigheder.

Ledelsesudvikling handler om

•At skabe sammenhæng mellem den man er, det man skal og det man gør.

•At skabe sammenhæng mellem lederprofilen, lederrollen og lederadfærden.

• Lav løn? – ikke altid• Jævnlige og kraftige lønstigninger• Talentknaphed• Brug lokalkendt rådgivning

• Respekter folks kultur• Bed dem ikke om at aflære alt

• Sæt dig ind i lovgivningen• Spørg, spørg og spørg• Talentknaphed

• Hvordan sikres rekrutteringen• Hvordan fastholdes lokalansatte• Strategiimplementering på tværs af grænser


• Jeres erfaringer• Problemstillinger ved opbygning af organisationer i fjerne

ukendte lande?• Hvilke ledelsesmæssige ”anderledesheder” er I stødt på,

som overraskede?

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