ministros · 2018. 5. 27. · ministros de eucaristía: ricardo enigno soledad mendiola ristina...

Post on 26-Jan-2021






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  • Pastor/Padre: Fr. Joshua Stengel (After hours emergency—leave message at 501-280-0772) (Después de horas de oficina si tiene una

    Address/Dirección 1321 S. Van Buren Street Little Rock, AR 72204 Telephone/Teléfono: (501) 666-5073 Fax: (501) 664-1964 Email:

    Church Office Hours/ Horario de Oficina Monday - Thursday: 8:30 am- 4:00 pm Friday: 8:30 am - 3:00 pm The office is closed for lunch from 11:30- 12:30 pm. La oficina está cerrada para el almuerzo de 11:30-12:30 pm.

    Masses/Misas Saturday: 4:30 pm Vigil Sunday: 10:30 am Domingo: 2:00 pm Español Weekdays/Días de la semana: 8:00 am - Tues, Thurs, & Fri 6:00 pm - Wed / miércoles (Bilingual / bilingüe) Holy Days: To be announced Días Santos: Se anunciará

    Confession/Confesiones: Saturday/sábado: 3:00—4:00 pm Wednesday/miércoles: 5:00—5:45 pm (or anytime by appointment) (O en cualquier momento con cita previa)

    Adoration/Adoración 24 hours, 7 days a week 24 horas, 7 días a la semana

    Bulletin deadline/Fecha límite Para el boletín Monday 12 noon lunes al mediodía Email:

    M a y 2 7 , 2 0 1 8


    Parish Registration: Registration forms are located at all entrances to the church. Please fill one out and return it to the church office or drop it in the collection basket.

    Registro Parroquial: Los formularios de inscripción se encuentran en todas las entradas a la iglesia. Por favor, llenar un formulario y devuélvalo a la oficina de la iglesia o depositelo en la ca-nasta de la colecta.

  • Holy Father’s Prayer Intention for May Evangelization: The Mission of the Laity That the lay faithful may fulfil their specific mission, by responding with creativity to the challenges that face the world today. Oración por las intenciones del Santo Padre en mayo Por la evangelización: La misión de los laicos Para que los fieles laicos cumplan su misión específica poniendo su creatividad al servicio de los desafíos del mundo actual.

    Intenciones parroquiales

    By Ricarda Santos

    / S bado

    Mass Intentions The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the highest form of prayer and the most efficacious prayer we can offer for our loved ones, living/deceased. Call the Parish Office to schedule a Mass for your family and friends. Suggested donation for each Mass is $10. Dedicación de Misas o Intenciones Especiales Si usted quisiera ofrecer una Misa para una persona viva o difunta, por favor comuniquese a la oficina parroquial. La parroquia sugiere un costo de $10 por misa. La Misa es una oración de profunda gracia y lo mas efícaz que podemos ofrecer por nuestros difuntos.

    Liturgical Ministers / Ministros litúrgicos 6/2 & 6/3

    4:30 pm—Saturday / Sábado Lector: Melvina Macfoy EM: Paula Martin Dorothy Ware Nancy Craig

    10:30 am - Sunday / Domingo Lectors: Diane Hanley Margaret Zakrzewski EM: Lilian Felicitas Sheryl Banak Michael Smith Debbie Meiklejohn Siobhan Osborne Augusto Divino Mary Kay Scott Servers: Ambrenica Pelayo—Senior Server Isabella Seymore Mary Grace Pelayo Nancy Elebeke

    2:00 pm - Sunday / Domingo Monaguillos: Jesús López Cristian Villarruel Brandon Pérez Lizbeth Duran Proclamadores: Primera Lectura: Rigoberto Gómez Salmo: Gilberto Lucas Segunda Lectura: Ricardo Espinoza Ministros de Eucaristía: Ricardo Benigno Carmen Ramírez Soledad Mendiola Cristina Gómez Efraín Beza Adela Carrillo Minibus Schedule

    Jerry Garbett Pat Patterson

    Abba House No bus needed this month.

    Bautismos Pláticas: Los jueves siguientes a las 7:00 pm en la oficina parroquial: 14 de junio / 19 de julio Celebración del Sacramento del Bautismo:

    Stewardship / Colecta seminal “The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if

    children then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ…” If we are heirs to the kingdom of God, shouldn’t we work to build up His kingdom? Shouldn’t we be good stewards of our inheritance, using our time in prayer, our talent in charitable works and our treasure to care for the Church that God has left to us? Our Church is a treasured heirloom from God. Do we treat it that way? "El Espíritu mismo da testimonio con nuestro espíritu de que somos hijos de Dios, y si somos hijos, entonces herederos, herederos de Dios y coherederos con Cristo..." - ROMANOS 8:16-17 Si somos herederos del reino de Dios, ¿no deberíamos trabajar para edificar su reino? ¿No deberíamos ser buenos mayordomos de nuestra herencia, utilizando nuestro tiempo en la oración, nuestro talento en obras de caridad y nuestro tesoro para cuidar de la Iglesia que Dios nos ha dejado? Nuestra Iglesia es un tesoro preci-ado de Dios. ¿Lo tratamos de esa manera?

    Regular Contributions / Las contribuciones regulares $3,799.53 Catholic Communications Campaign / Campaña Católica de Comunicaciones $1,017.59

    Readings for the Week 5/27

    Observances for the Week 5/27

    Las lecturas de la semana 5/27

    conmemoraciones de la semana 5/27

  • Encuentro Matrimonial ¡Vive siempre enamorado de tu esposa/o como cuando se conocieron! Juntos pueden ser y hacer la diferencia! “Ama sin condición y entrega todo” ¡Jesús Quiere entrar en tu vida dé jalo entrar no te arrepentirás! Vive un Encuentro Matrimonial el 20, 21 y 22 de julio de 2018. Para más información o para registrarse, llama a Adrián y Reyna Alvarez (773) 213-9593 o 870-642-2256. Favor de registrarse antes de julio 16, 2018. Encuentro Matrimonial is Marriage Encounter in Spanish and is a program of 44 hours in which couples can leave work, children, housework, and telephone in order to focus only on each other. If you are looking to grow in your relationship, to make it more profound and to enrich it, then you will like the difference that a weekend of Worldwide Marriage Encounter can make in your lives. For more information or registration, call 870-642-2256 or (773) 213-9593. Registration deadline July 16, 2018.

    The St. Joseph Farm Stand is buzzing with excitement on Saturday mornings. We've introduced some new products including pasture raised chicken, pork, beef, and buffalo, as well as Kombucha and more varieties of jams and pickles. The proceeds from the Farm Stand help support the mission of the St. Joseph Center of Arkansas. And the fun, foods and community feel of the Farm Stand help support healthy living and a sense of belonging. Be a part of the St. Joseph Farm Stand by volunteering to help on Saturday. Take a look at the sign-up for the month of May. Choose what role you'd like to play and sign up. It's a lot of fun. If you have visited in the past couple of weeks you'll know, if you haven't - it's time! You have been missing out! Here's a link to sign up - Hope to see you soon. "St. Joseph Catholic Church at Center Ridge wishes to invite you to join us for our 89th Annual Picnic on Saturday, June 16th. We serve Our Original Homemade Italian Sausage & Spaghetti Supper from 2:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. All you can eat! $18.00 Adults/ $6.00 Children/ Under 5 eat Free. Plates to go available @ 3:00 p.m. Kountry Korner Store, Games & Refreshments. Mass at 4:00 p.m. We appreciate your contin-ued support of this great event and look forward to seeing you there!

    Leaders for Life Youth Conference The first ever diocesan Leaders for Life youth conference will be held Friday July 13-14 at St. John Center in Little Rock. Through presentations, activities, and hands-on workshops, participants will engage in the pro-life work of the Church and discover how to boldly proclaim respect for the inherent dignity of all human life. In 24 hours, high school youth and their adult chaperones can be empowered as Leaders for Life! This conference is only $25 and includes meals & overnight lodging. Registration is due by July 1, 2018. For more information or to register, please visit or call the Respect Life Office 501-664-0340 ext 326 or email for this new and exciting pro-life event.

    Baby Bottle Campaign During the month of May, Good Counsel will hold a Baby Bottle Campaign to benefit the Arkansas Pregnancy Resource Center, also known as St. Joseph's Helpers. As we honor all of our mothers, in addition to the Blessed Virgin Mary, we begin this program to assist those mothers who find themselves with unexpected pregnancies. Parishioners will be asked to take home an empty baby bottle, offer prayers, and fill the bottle with change, cash, or check made out to the APRC. The bottles should be returned to the church at one of the June 2-3 masses. What a wonderful way to help this Catholic ministry help women find alternatives to abortion!

    Campaña biberón Durante el mes de mayo, Nuestra Señora del Buen Consejo será anfitriona de la campaña de biberones para el centro de recursos para embarazadas de Arkansas, también conocida como Ayudantes de San José (St. Joseph’s Helpers). De la misma manera que honramos a nuestras madrecitas, al igual que la Beata Virgen Maria, empezamos este programa para apoyar a las mamás que se encuentran inesperadamente embarazadas. Se les pide a los parroquianos que lleven a su casa un biberón vacío, que recen y que llenen el biberón con cambio, efectivo, o cheque para Arkansas Pregnancy Resource Center. Los biberones se regresan a la iglesia el 2 o 3 de junio durante misa. ¡Que maravillosa manera de ayudar este ministerio católico a ayudar a las mujeres a encontrar una alternativa al aborto!

    Our Lady of Good Counsel Church Annual Jubilus Musical Dinner Theater Presents VIA AIR ERR MAIL

    In Our Parish / En Nuestra Parroquia In Our Diocese / En nuestra diócesis

    Prayer List for the Sick / Lista de Oración por los Enfermos

  • Parish Calendar / Calendario de la parroquia

    Contact Information / Información del contacto

    Pastor: Fr. Joshua Stengel After hours emergency—leave message at 501-280-0772

    Ministerio Hispano:

    Parish Secretary: Carol Miller

    Director of Religious Education: Maria Luna

    Bookkeeper: Mary Murry Maintenance Engineer: Frank Zakrzewski

    Office Assistant: Hannia Bejarano

    Youth Ministry Coordinator: Charlotte Self

    Parish Pastoral Council President: Siobhan Osborne Organizations & Ministries: Contact the Parish Office at 501-666-5073

    Sacraments / Sacramentos: Infant Baptism / Bautismo de los niños: Call the Church office to register Llame a la oficina de la Iglesia para registrar


    Sat 5/26 Jubilus Rehearsal 9:00 am—4:15 pm / Gym Confessions / confesiones 3:00-4:00 pm

    Vigil Mass 4:30 pm

    Sun 5/27 ¡Adiós, Sor. Lupita y Sor. Rosie! “¡Nos vemos en Agosto!” Goodbye, Sr. Lupita & Sr. Rosie! “We’ll see you again in August!” *Mass 10:30 am Multicultural Committee Meeting after 10:30 am Mass *Misa

    Mon 5/28 Memorial Day Parish Office Closed Jubilus Technical 6:00 pm / Gym

    Tues 5/29 Mass 8:00 am Jubilus Set 6:00 pm / Gym Finance Council 6:30 pm Comunidad Vicentina 7:00 pm Wed 5/30 Confessions / confesiones 5:00-5:45 pm Mass / Misa 6:00 pm (Bilingual)(Bilingüe) Jubilus Rehearsal 6:30 pm—9:30 pm Youth Group 6:30 pm Grupo de Oración 7:00 pm Thur 5/31 Mass 8:00 am Jubilus Rehearsal 6:00 pm / Gym Fri 6/1 Mass 8:00 am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament /Adoration 8:30 am—9:00 pm / Chapel Patriotic Rosary 3:00 pm Jubilus Dinner Theater 6:00 pm Sat 6/2 Confessions / confesiones 3:00-4:00 pm

    Vigil Mass 4:30 pm Jubilus Dinner Theater 6:00 pm Sun 6/3 *Mass 10:30 am *Misa Jubilus Dinner Theater Matinee 4:00 pm *Jubilus Ticket Sales after Mass / *Venta de entradas Jubilus después de la misa

    With Father Noah Flood

    Día de los caídos—27 de mayo

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