model un lecția 1_11.02

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 Model UN Lecia 1_11.02


    Modelul Naiunilor Unite:experiena diplomaiei globale

    Olga Bogdan,Coo rdonator Modelu l ONU n Mo ldova,

    Global UGRAD 2008-2009,

  • 8/13/2019 Model UN Lecia 1_11.02


    Global UGRAD, SUA: 2008-2009 (curs, club Modelul ONU)

    Conferine Modelul ONU:

    - Chicago, SUA: GA 3, Grecia;

    - St. Louis, SUA: GA 3, Polonia;

    - New York, SUA: GA 3, Kenya;

    - Kansas City, SUA: GA 3, facilitator

    - Milano, Italia: Consiliul UE, Frana;

    - Viena, Austria: Consiliul UE, Olanda;

    MUNMD/naional(2010): Consiliul de Securitate, coordonator, chair; MDIMUN/ internaional(2011): 4 comitete ONU, coordonator;

    MUN IRIM (2011): Consiliul de Securitate;

    2012: curs opional MUN IRIM, simulare Modelul ONU.

    Start/ MUN Moldova istorie
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    Curs Modelul ONU. Obiective

    Scop: Pregtire viitori lideri n RI

    1. Simulare autentic sistemulONU/ Modul de funcionareintern;

    2. Probleme globale/ agenda ONU/ contextul global;

    3. Role-play/ rol de ambasadori ai statelor membre ONU/

    politica extern;


    - Structura/istoria/rolul ONU;

    - Etapele procesului MUN/ adoptarea rezoluiilor/ Proceduri


    - Abiliti inter-disciplinare: cercetare, comunicare public, negocieri,


    - Tactici i strategii diplomatice, cod de conduit, politici de bloc.

    - Aplicarea cunotinelor la simularea final cu agenda pre-stabilit.

  • 8/13/2019 Model UN Lecia 1_11.02


    The Value of simulating the United Nations.

    Puncte de reper ONU.

    ONU se atribuie crui tip de organizaie internaional?1. Regional; 2. Universal

    State membre ONU

    1. 51 2. 192 3. 193

    Cnd a fost fondat ONU?

    1. 25 ianuarie 1919 2. 25 aprilie 1945 3. 1 ianuarie 1942

    5 membri permaneni ai Consiliului de Securitate

    Principalele organe ONU.

    Care sunt Obiectivele de Dezvoltare ale Mileniului?

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    Statut de membru ONU

    193 state membre GA

    (2011-Sudanul de Sud, 2006- Muntenegru)

    51 state- fondatoare, 1945

    (Polonia a semnat la 15 Oct.)

    SC recomand (9 din 15), GA voteaz (2/3 majoritate)

    Criterii pentru admiterea noilor membri (cap. II, art.4, Carta


    - Membership in the United Nations is open to all other peace-

    loving states which accept the obligations contained in the

    present Charter and, in the judgment of the Organization, are

    able and willing to carry out these obligations.

    - The admission of any such state to membership in the United

    Nations will be effected by a decision of the General

    Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.

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    Origini ONU. Liga Naiunilor- predecesor ONU.

    25 ianuarie 1919 Conferina de pace de la Paris aprob crearea

    Ligii Naiunilor, Pactul Ligii Naiunilor (31 state fondatoare); 28 iunie 1919 Liga este stabilit prin Partea I a Tratatului de la


    Scop: promovarea pcii, prevenirea rzboiului;

    Limbi oficiale: franceza, engleza, spaniola (din 1920);

    A soluionat pozitiv cca. 30 de conflicte ntre state

    Cauzele eecului:

    - situaia polituc din 1919-1939;

    - mecanismul juridic imperfect.

    - Pacifism i dezarmare lipsa forelor armate i dependena de

    Marile Puteri pentru aplicarea rezoluiilor;

    aprilie 1946 sfritul Ligii Naiunilor (formal), nceputul II R.Mond.


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    Fondare ONU.

    Naiunile Unite F.D. Roosevelt, puterile aliate;

    1 ianuarie 1942- Declaraia Naiunilor Unite, Carta Atlantic,semnat de 26 guverne;

    25 aprilie 1945 Conferina Naiunilor Unite privind Organizaia

    Internaional(San Francisco; 50 guverne; Carta ONU);

    24 octombrie 1945: Carta ONU intr n vigoare (ratificare5+46);

    10 ianuarie 1946: primele edine GA i SC(51 naiuni-WestminsterCentral Hall n Londra);

    Carta ONU

    - 19 capitole, 111 articole, statutul organizaiei + fundament pentrumeninerea securitii inernaionale

    - nu exist prevederi cu privire la retragerea voluntar;

    - We the peoples of the United Nations determined to save succeedinggenerations from the scourge of war

  • 8/13/2019 Model UN Lecia 1_11.02


    United Nations Structure

    Five principal organs (formerly six the Trusteeship

    Council suspended operations in 1994): General Assembly,Security Council, Economic and Social Council(ECOSOC),Secretariatand International Court of Justice

    Four are located at the main United Nations headquarters (New York City).

    The International Court of Justice - Hague

    UN offices at Geneva, Vienna, and Nairobi

    Six official languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French,

    Russian, and Spanish

    Secretariat - English and French.

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    General Assembly

    The main deliberative , policymaking and representative organ

    of the United Nations: 193 members Composed of all United Nations member states

    Regular yearly sessions under a president elected from amongthe member states

    Two-thirds majority of those present and voting is required

    for important issues: elections (SC, ECOSOC); admission,suspension, sanctions; and expulsion of members; budget andadministrative matters; Simple majority: on all other matters;

    Resolutions, declarations non-binding recommendations(codification of international law);

    One state, one vote / The search for consensus

    6 main Committees (Disarmament & Intl Security; Economicand Financial; Social, Humanitarian and Cultural; SpecialPolitical & Decolonization; Administrative & Budgetary; Legal


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    Security Council

    Maintaining peace and security among countries

    The Security Council has the power to make binding decisions(Article 25 of Charter)

    United Nations Security Council resolutions - binding

    15 member states: 5 permanent members China, France,

    Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States; 10 non-permanent members, currently Azerbaijan (2013), Colombia

    (2012), Germany (2012), Guatemala (2013), India (2012),

    Morocco (2013), Pakistan (2013), Portugal (2012), South

    Africa (2012), Togo (2013)

    Veto power/ Great power unanimity over substantive but

    not procedural matters (9)

    SC reform (1965 precedent) / UN reform and consolidation

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    The UN Secretariat - Secretary-General

    Franklin D. Roosevelt - "world moderator UN Charter -"chief administrative officer

    Dual role: administrator of the UN organization, and adiplomat and mediator addressing disputes between memberstates and finding consensus to global issues

    Appointed by the General Assembly, after being recommendedby the Security Council for a term of 5 years;

    The current Secretary-General is Ban Ki-moon of South Korea(2007-2016).

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